'(' * r* 'ùt .'• * * - < -• • # ' W - — - * * * * # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * K * >K Î * - * * * * * .'¿i. w £ ' ‘ s h . * *O- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * O r r a t R rito lo a t W a r . r j i / p a rtly dofecaive strength y e t * upon an assumed usvs, kupr» mocy snfll- ’lie n l «0 »w eepall euemits from »be at»»« — to meh an extoul at a ll event* aa to inaure u* against the possibility of be­ in g starved into subiuiraion, although utbeiw iae on beaten. Thia necessarily tneana that tbe navy must he in a po»i- f leu net only to guard home w ater*, but also to tin d trleke extensive operations, f tfenatve as w e ll as defensive, upon ev- ,«y tea. Any serious interrupt ion of oor trade w ould'ntilai) constqueDCes almost «* disastrous as the complete stoppage of M ir food supply. Whether the B ritish navy is or is not sufficiently strong not •u ly to guarantee the U n ite d Kingdom against actual invasion, but also to pre- »rot adequately oor immeaee volume of foreign trade, to a m atter of opiaiou. Be« w e b asannnng that the desired con- ditiona can 1« accepted as actually ex­ isting it w ill scarcely be denied that ev­ ery ship set free from the task of guard­ ing e ur own shores must add an addi­ tion al guarantee to the safety of our uiurvbant ships abroad. I t follows there­ fore that if the arm y were in a position to prevent the p o w ib ility of a success­ fu l landing w ith ou t the aid of the na­ val forces the la tte r yrotiM enjoy a free­ dom of action which they cannot have w h ile hampered by tbe millstone of pos­ sible invasion hanging about th e ir necks, i t needs to be ever home in mind that, however inccessfnliy and by whatever means we secure ourselves against being invaded, w a r upoe such tcrm srould not uotfOwrie • indefinitely w ith o u t at last lo a th in g the point at w hich we ahnnld he obliged tp choose between peace at any price and m in?— Broad Arrow. BLOOD WON. I STEERING A STEAMSHIP. -------------- _ T h r e e ★ A D a u g h te r S a v î i VOeKRHN. UUVUT U II» OTTI DK. D e s ira b le * SB. MMMtFM-THM “ K g S g g .j g g g S ta rs irx ?Voa* Iks AAawua, Ahaco, It. Z. "Another bad symptom waa a cough, which Mira Haiti« Kiac, of M Humboldt Straot, Ilhaca. N. Y ., »bo was eeeeutly so ill that • * aa aara m iM ta g th a t it w * the general s y la io a a f w r fftaada akm akaw as consump­ tiv e . S haleM grab aayidly. Sometimes .h e would ha coadaed to dh* had for two or three waaka. l b * ba araitad again, but o n ly cbm*'^. Ban^t^wrobeaatad irr^rat ok _ F a ir A a u a W r a • ■ M a m s ’» Stan«, h u t 8tra SMduywM Bane. to aadhr a r e l a y * . > , "Bhe aas ass ealy a ykytooal wrack, but the uothsr, la speaking to a reportor of iho her ^w d » * adhetad, said «1 tiiaes she had ZtAucun. no raaliaati* af what she w * doing. W t (sored, in toct, a compute m M lal ovurthrow and conaaquaat removal to an asylum , for although we had two o f tke beat physicians in the city, and had tried several proprietary medicines, none bvnvdtad her. Gustav Kobbe has aa article entitled One of these men who rain« ip from the country end baa climbed from “ Steering W ithout a Compass’ ’ in St. the bottom of tbe ladder to tbe top Nioholas. M r. Kobbe says: The degree of A. B. is not confined to " W a had read eoaoiderable about D r. likes to tell a story on bis w ife, whose W illia m s ’ P in k P ills for Pale People, and seooud beauty is crowned by a mass of college graduates. Aboard ship it meant had also heard o f some uaaes where they "able bodied” eeaman. silken hair as white aa cotton. had done good and we derided to give them Every nautical “ A. B .” knows how “ We both lived on a farm th e n ," he a tria l. W e purchased some at the drug •ays. ” Auua was au orphan and brought to 1 ‘ box tbe comp ae” end bow Io steer store of W h ite ft B u rd ic k , o f this c ity . ’’ H a ttie began to ta ke the p ills in th e I up hy a strict old uncle, who was a dew- by It, bnt yon w ill be surprised to learn early part o f J an u a ry o f thia year. 1m - con. She was pretty and bright, but so that no good helmsman w ill Beer by a ovement waa noticsaolr after the first box prim and straitlaced that she would compass unless a ll other things fail d been taken. T h e first hopeful aign th a t him. Among thews “ other things” eta I notitod was th a t ahe did not com plain o f | sanction nothing to which tbe dtranto headache. Th e attacks o f d iu in ea a alto be­ the horiaon, tbe wind, tbe wake of the himself objected, and no old Covenanter gan to shale in frequency, and she erased to ever drew the linee more closely thw i he ship, tbe Bara, tbe soundings anfi the eough. One after another, the distressing line of the surf when rusaiug along the did. symptoms le ft hsr. She to o k, in s ii, nine h o is t o f the pills. A t the present tim e shc Next to Auua m y affections were ctB at And so tbe ablehodlcd sc email, is in perfect health. T h e alteration in her ; ’ Bitereil on a colt that was good to loo t when a aieewbom tak e hie trick at tba BISS HSTTIB » m o . m iuil and body is almost past belief. developed a wonderful speed and wheel, nanda over the helm to him _________ __________ _ “ I cannot say enough in praise o f D r. W ii- " H a ttie is now sevaataau years old "ffee p yoar bead out w ith thia gumeness that spoke of aristocratic do­ st she e g * to rotn, com plaia ■ liam s* P in k P ills , for they saved the life o f year ago last August th» b began ‘ " our d a u g h te r." uf the Mm o f dlinn ess. which became g radually worie. elm ” se* nt. I told thia to uo one hut Annas (Signed) C hori -SS M. B frsett . Bhe »uflereo eiossaive nausea and attacks of teg of eatllrg vessels I am and it was w ith great difficulty that I Subscribed and »worn to before me M ay vom iting. There were days when ahe could ligluced her to ride one Sunday “ f t h ma Steaaseett ag-vclally those that travel on keep little or nothing on h e r stomach. Shs 8th, 1897. C R . W olcott , ntary I'u U ir, to a camp meeting behind a le a l trottau. regntoe nasua. * ♦ * by compass. They also waa troubled w ith kidn ey diteaae. H e r In and fo rT o m p k iu a C ounty, N . Y . D r. W illia m s ’ P in k I ’illa for Pale People “ Going to the meeting I raffulatol “ run tkaiecouiw »” from point to point blond waa so th in that tha drop or two drawn . s " w " s w w SB* v '"**"» m bs ww a * w ammaam tbe c o lt’s pace to auit the (toy and tba — from llghtboaee to lighthouse, lig h t­ by the p ric k o f a needle was almost as color­ are sold by a ll dealers, pr w ill be sent pmt paid less as water. She had trouble w ith her on receipt o f price, 50 cents a box. or aia beam ’ I i T ! IH b Ä ’ T ’ « «xicasion. and he was aa sedate er tka j ship, day mark, haoy, bel or fog whis­ heart and often fainted from the slightest far «B..« (they ara n te e r sold in b u lk er by - S T » . Jt g X X deacon him self. The only g irl of tkW tle. In thick weather they ¿now, tak- exertion, * upon r ilin g from bad, or iron. tke 1 * ) by addrm aiag D r. W illiw a e ' T " C m ., ächaaectady. « . Y . neighborhood who pretended to riwM | ing w iad »ad tide iaso counoeration, • ehair. how I o m H a y should stand on eaoh Anus in lieanty « as there w ith a As t a Cbtia«WB * c o a t * and try M v t r io pass tbe "s ig ­ fellow who prided him self an When they have the fastest horse* in the county. Vovaasd n a l" at tbe end of i t Washington Irv in g has often boon M - oe bsard th a t signal, they start on oused of saying that little dogs and sundown she told Anna that ter start hoase early. They woald ac­ tbe neat ’ ‘ tub " or centre. This is called children warn influential mouthers of quire much less tim e Bid woald gwob- “ tw a a lrg tbe tim e and distance." I French society. I t is quite true that in ably pass us on tbe way. T h a t saw*» ma have gone lake H a lifa x on a steamer the U n ited States I never noticed that mad and I (Bought I deteakad aw >»- that mat w ith thick foa from Gape God close and sentimental intim acy between wonted fire in her eyes. We Baas F w dowa. (Asa m atniag tba captain said to hnniau beings and quadrupeds so fre ­ gm g homeward a * decoroosdy * f f a bad me: quently seen in France. American life " I t o oqgbt ho pick a y b a a b a a in h alf is bo active, so desperately crowded, gone, ta lk in g solem nly w we Sboald, when them was a msh past tas a oleaad au b o a r." cither usefully or socially, that perhaps “Halting" Hnldfer«. fforaly enough, about h a lf an hour it does Dot p erm it the loss of tim e in- of duet and a mocking Iwngii that laSsr wa beard, tbao» gh tbs fog, a eau- tvita b ly brought about by friend ly in- Is courage to be tanght in peace? A ns ‘ aoodby. ’ M y onlt l Hessian general once proposed to ' ‘sa lt” p u llin g lik e a tugboat. I wan krwad ka I > mb Biot, tbe disting «taking fog signal te m o u r* w ith a dag. As for children, i cd tka Bambao ligb * »wtiosi oa tba Move his soldiery by loading one rifle in ten please ray g irl, grinding aa Ik wad. I believe th a t th e ir importance is equal­ T H K C HROKICI.B raots wttla b * sad I ffemiaa coa*. “ ‘L et ’e r g o ! ’ c a tn e tm ig ts a i bee w ith ball cartridges during maneuvers. ly great in all countries, but i t asserts aawsiaaera la Sfa UaBetl Statm. lip * amri w h ite set teeth JwB aa a g ir l of tosast * tto s e tba J a .t tars tba* man T H K CHBONICbK Hai as Sfusi on T his ghastly preparative was ton re­ itself in a more nol*y manner in A m er­ sailtog vi gB to B i t a i l y piator, as I ica than anywhere else. E verything is Cussi. IflaaS» all lu abili tp. ealecptlaaaad aawa volting tp iiivilixed minds, and it has the period would say 'L e t ’er gs, T H K c m o s i e u r ? Vaaw w bfc KapMW aie have said, to Starr 1.» signs rather than sacrificed to them, for they represent tue imam sud musa fellema, lu beasi Jfewa tae never been carried not, hut, I f adopted, lag her. • ' ‘That, was enough. Femes» aeU by o q * p a * and tb»aa asa l i s a * when the future, which is a ll that counts in u m urai and aplrlaat, and Ita KSileaiala Bua Ute It would make the arm y trained under None who ate engaged in atty of the mechanical abli-it pene In thè ovunlry. tbe atom nr j k k * baaa to. such circumstances invincible, and so flew th o other way. Blood Sold, country wboee past is vary short and T H K ch RomiCLK laaaulwara bea», a o i aiwaes in tbe end tend to shorten w a r and Save colt seemed on w ing*. Whan wa whose present is a period of high pres­ wlU be, tbu fri»■* »ad obamplaa tt tae paapti aa purauits can succeed without reading and life , ( t wpuld accustom tke soldier to pose and lioae, Anua w a s * aaoitm THE ORIN BOAT. sure development. Yet no one mnet ataiust nMSMaatloui, cllqura. oorpuratlnaa ae opprcarinna ef sur klad. I l wUl ba th e sights and scene* rtf*th e haftleft-ld she wanted to take the re in * tor t o * I suppose that, before presenting on apol­ la arseruuac uautral la aotang, «tudying this standard Magazine of Science« and ervernome bis dread of the unknown. couldn't w in the flnnday race. M at kka A * fias B a r , / a f M a m» ogy for French ohlldren, I intend to g allan t coll shot us through stood. M and mechanical Art*. It is illustrated with Jt w o u ld , enable him to control his m align American child) p i. rs certain Iu the lu M n tix w U»o oiler rowed, and travelers have taken the ■ n i beety of doing nerves in the tu m u lt o f tbe actual en- w asn't long t ill Anna wore a IM !a jora- all modern cuts of latest inventions in all enuntt.r. Such a j mranit ns clim bing elry and to le *a e d cards to the »aB nt ef then the correspondent rowed, and then very thoughtlessly, although they had playing ’ old m a id .1 ’ ’— fit. I suns Iks tbo o iler rowed. U ray faced and bowed met them only on steamships, cars or at has the same moral effect. the branelte« of nierhsnisin, and its fund of forward, they ineviinuicaUy, turn by hotels, enjoying a holiday w ith that Kndnranor, uiutunl trust, seif control, public. turn, plied tho towlen u a * Tha tosm buoyancy which is the characteristic may be learned on the high A l j * . or, knowledge is inseparably connected with in- W IN D F A L L S F O R i of the lighthoum kw l essdsked from tke m ark of the whole race. I have known for tke m atter of that, in W astdale, southern horizon, but fiaatiJy a pale B a r w here a slip on the face of tbe m ountain some who were very wwll brought np, venture and mechanics. bold with T bm T w e Iravtsfc »MBs appeared, just lift n g fmav B e ma. Tha even from our point of view, and among means destruction. The volley of stoges B v * « it B a * . streaked saffron ia the wras i am»J Lw those who wero not 1 have admired pre­ down some precipitous g alley is not lees W est at clubbing Giles. Quito msaiutly the p ia tty w ife o f a | fore tbe a ll m e h p ig d w rk n a * and tha daadly than the h a il o f shells and b a l­ p ro s p e ro u s r a a n n to o tB r e r Ms lvaobrir< sea to the east w * black. The land bad cocious sense, vivacity of mind, qaiet lot» on the battlefield. A n d, in a less into a ooutonMoner's w indow when a vanished and w m a s - i n i j o ti.f by the determ ination and capacity for self gov­ degree, hen tin g and the m a n lie r forms ernment— qualities which I should wish barefooted lad o f abont in coolly aatlia- j low and drear th a n * » of tha * r f . - f athletics give tb o fau ie re s u lt Sports for a ll ours.— Th. Beataon in Century. ed up to her mid placed h i* ragged a t * i “ I f I am going to 1« d ro w ied — i f I in vo lvin g risk to life are thus of su­ through her*. am grfiagt to ha dsowead— if 1 am going a »«»«el BaaSth. preme value from the national point of “ Exooosn this lib e rty , m a m ,” ba to be drosmed, Wkgs ia tke ranee cf the lie w , and this should be rcmemtiered The forests of Oonoda have supplied said, w ith comical ceremony, “ beg I aevun mad gpd* who t. • a*«, was more or less tbe wants of Enropo for when the ignorant and degenerate assail a in ’t got a mother o' nay own, s b 1 toaia 1 allowed to cob * tucg to an« l e i t i B - th e m .— F o rtn ig h tly Boview centuries. From tho earliest deyu of its lonely. W ill ye kiss me?" plate awxl sad B tta f • « 1 kaengbt occupation by the French tho forest For a moment the lady waa too aw- hero inarely m ba-a m y n o * dsat god C u llla g by M vana. w ealth of the country washed by the St. I t is H<’t getturiflly renogntsed that the toniebed to speak, but the e *^ it o f tbe away * I W * khoat to aibbto tbe sacred Lawrence engaged the attention of the d irty face turned to audm tnasiy ap cheese of lMsT* frictio n betwern a ir and other gases and government of France, who m w there­ T he p stm al a * * n , d re o p d over tbe in vast rosouroea available for its solids nr liquids is very great. I t is on to her* drove aw ay her t Mnoh to the uainisonmut o f tbe ucrvinnt of this frictio n th a t w e have w ator j * . w * aumetimes obliged to uaval yards. I t drew from th e » tor- apeak to tke oaatosdn. .j aneb enormous -wave* at sea during by . . she kissed the lad soundly, est« largo numlwra of masts and a p w gales of wind. The film of o il which w b " fl he ln ,* d • nd AtmnWasd 1 “ Keep h * hBMt a p l K a -p her head and issued stringent regulations for ths i th * w * u pl” reduce* the breaking of the m>a seems to preservation of the standing oak. Wheo the end of the litt le incident, tor sot not <*»ily by its cohesion and deaden “ Keep her band wp.’ sto,» Tbe the country w * A n t ceded to Groat Ibis monthly magazine ia one of the very weeks after tbe boy waa hunkai a y kff voices warn wrnwy and low. ing action upon the w ater, but hy hav­ B rita in , but little attention was paid at the la d y ’* husband and preaeatad With ing a less amount of frictio n w ith the j Thia was manly a q a le k w e a l ng. A ll first to its v u t tim ber oagply, owing to best printed in this country, and ¡asoli air. Be that as it may, h ow evir, a ir, X I 00— “ paym ent lo r th * kies * b a n tg mvo the u s m m b lay heavily and l i t ! the fact that a lm o * the whole of the fro n t o f th« ountoctiaaor's w indow , leealy in the boot’s kettem. Aa for him , Baltic trade was oasried on in British steam and tnnn| gases havo a great deal Hall« lag. to all subscribers at rates within tb of frtotinfi w ith solids When under the lady said. bis e y * w em j u * capabls of noting the bottoms, and that the tim ber uf north­ A good nalurod gentlem an who to pressure, this frictio n is increased, and ta ll black w a s * that swept forw ard in ern Europe proviged an unfailing and ability of all to pay. It is linelj illa» i f the gat is escaping through a small eery etont, and on that acouant dame a most Baloser «leave, save fi r au oo convenient retarli freight for tha ship­ Br m i fine tbe law of fric tio n in regard to not care to stoop, ouce drogpod kto kotos casioDal anMand m-owl of a crest. (rated and presents the names of/umoia Fot», ping thus engaged. Whsn, howavur, ths speed, w h ile pleasure and aurface re­ pipe in tbe m iddle o f a km ff BkeeA. T h« ceato’a ksod was cn a khv art, and troubles c i tne Xapoleaaio era com­ authors as contributors. T i . e AV m m ain equal, a till hold* true. I t i t a fact T he pipe was a groat faeoriaa of kto, he looked w lakoa* iL ta n a t at the w ater menced, and rspeoially when the coa. known of long observation that the hut be dared uot run tbe risk o f kamtotow' under h i» a c * . B a w ra deep in other tiuental block ad* w *e a fo a o ed , the tim ­ and the Cosmopolitan are sold ali* small valves of certain kind of steam down, and aftwr gaaing rogrotWslIg * acetacs. Ftomily ba speke. “ B illto .” he ber supplies of tbe B altic becoming un­ drips ont w ith great ra p id ity i f allowed h i* fallen troaaare bn deehtod to » t o * murm ured draam fBii», “ w hat kind of certain and ia n A c t m t , attention w * duced rates at this oflice. 'a very ensall rise or opening. T h a t don it. Before he eoald do so, kwwwsm, pie do yoa liha U a t r ’— "T h e Open directed to the N orth American colonies, a little atrrn't arah saw his PtoffA«. awd, Boat, ” by •tophaa Gaona, in Ucvtbner's. »team nut* an» ants lik e a knife, uape w ith the result c f iaortaBng the quan runnlug forw ard, picked up »•« pigs «tally when the pressure )■ ht| • 1* high and tity of tim ber which reached Groat B rit and restored it to hint. I n u tlet sm all, is a fact trdeeahly II sin from 3, «00 tons In the year 1800 to The gentlem an stared at t lx bog imtahliahed and known Io most old en Tlw M ly « tha C««iry, M an y belteva says 1 -< ujam in I. 136,800 tons in 1810, and to 808,000 i w ithout apoakiDg tor aw hile, and then g tsarra.— P h iladelph ia Keoord. Wheeler in Tba A tla n tic , that Constan­ tons in 1830. Iu 1888 the amount s i- ' pulled a h andful of gold oat iff kto tinople has bees e y .t. m atlcally fo rti- ported to the United Kingdom showai pocket. A B «ara«er a« Ib a P e rlM t. fled against tbe Ecg .iah to tho w est, but a total of 1,810,888 t o * — Morthwest “ Take thia, kiddie, and be ismeful W alter Kennedy wrote to (be man­ not, a t least by land, ag- lest Ikuaai» to cru Luiu barman (ts c ljitln j soaaag«) to Onr por, 0, CnM ager of a prom inent tlie a trr in Gouncot- how yon spend M ,” he m id. ” * i a d a l­ tbe oam A Maaaiaai army can ar.ter •»at«. vs. C«n«da vonad* and ood Meiluu. Me.I.«. so that w hatever yon do w ith it pan ass icut, asking for his open tim e for a THTC WIKKLY CHRoNlL'kK, Ui« brlrhtwt i^natantto np le Wltc rut great difficulty. ••«I no«t coxnpttt» Weekly Ut=> week in the follow ing repertory : '*Hatu- not to spend it est butter scotch, tog Whan the quesatoa 11 f il ing the D ar­ . A new , ot «»Mtrocttog a solid W 1*r“*- T 1“ ’ ra»ot*rtr *M m o n n a, o» «valva that's the «tuff that uuade mu tot. ” son,” " O th e lk x ” " V ir g in iu * " and foundation for a tall b u ild u p ha« tnen danelles w ith * K aw 1st fleet was agt LlWeturff tad Gffitgmi I a foro** H e then w alked away, leaMing Mw ' Ekaum and Pythias, “ and this wa* tated last w iato r, tha .lib naval au­ tried w ith snccera in Berlin. I t wm «on ; tlffo a MWnuieanl Agricultural l x pert ruffa L 0 Ü F IE S 9 C N T F B 1 E" the answsr I ’ V a lts r Kennedy— bear a«touMbed u rah in in pim rgffuq o f • t h o r * * eetiaraSad U n I of t i e 1» ships neceraary to ffnd a solid hoar ¡mfflciently S A M PLE A ir: 1 most say th a t 1 have nawrr heard W in d fa ll amounting to over gSO. ------------- Eyiug at Ha l i m tha s must 1« ewnfleed »troug to carry a bulldiira weighing of hat tw o of the aelors you m ention in don Telegraph IX > Y O U W A N T TTT E to da it. The coeiia :< tva been »tacked more than 10,000 tmts. The plo, "We do not take possession of onr ideas but are possessed by tt» a . y ovr company Damson waa at the dim e to» Huaeta I t look« today aa If the nl- gonunl npoo whleh the building was to mnarmn here not long ago, broakiug stand was adjoined on both Bdea by high tinm te notmpeihiij of Gcnatunllnople They master us and force ns into the arena, The g ir l waa fake chains, and O thello played here buildings, which rendered unsafe m e i, w h ile the g tri who by * t f l t o Beau a to r-,o n e oonrh sion. Where like gladiators, we must fight for them.” last w in te r at the opposition Ibealet digging to any depth for . foundation. W het has K aglaa.i to any? The m at­ sraa given to old t o * They say he it a good actor, hot 1 don't W' Z ™ ‘ oi ,ho d‘ « ™ ltv w M buch i„ the exalted motto of the Arena, and the ter oaaraexM be». I t weined for a tim e I ion«! romaBticawu care about playing colored star* at aaay the dtSDOuny of tha soata i.y the tbe sinking of * caiaron in the router of “ T e ll aae a ll about i«.*' oanl theg firl hoase, aa I cater to tbe eery N a t lady entire contents of this monthly m a g a z in e bL plOt' "J’0" tt’P top of which of Good Mop- would provide an who waa ant «MMgad. S H O W IN G » . audiences, and then I d on't thin k 1 »vaafioq uf the seat vn qu, etina and free a hollow form of nement wo* built. Into “ Ob, t h e * ¡ * ” 1 mwrb to to il. ” * - would lik e a show w ith a ll men in ik are u|«»n a plane ami in keeping with its from tbe uraemoy of worrying about thia form molten Iron w w poured fill- The United States, Dominion of swerrd the ■•u«a*ud g irl. “ I I w an t shows w ith plenty of singing “ ~ A the opeateg of tba ing up tbe apace, and upon tb ta < *z m « the met boil of pruondpiu ia Canada and Iforthern Mexigo motto. The Arena's gallery of eminent and dancing, aoubmttes and comedian*, ‘ he nnd * " ’ reBura of heeokaog 'O tb h .g « a n d , aa ib” n, same in a ll rosea '' | O N O 1V E S I D E , w ith funny gaga T hat's the B u ff for “ I peeauniv, ” m id the g ir l who w * hF loaurp. w itlou of geogvnpb- the bulldlqg now rerta. while ths side 'w- A s « th s •* thinkers i* a group of interesting men and m e .“ — BI. Louts Globe Democrat. w a ll, am -mpporved by . <*«toever not engagml dream ily, “ th a t ‘' ’ » ’• • ^ k * t taoue bock to tbe old ■rooad la lb« v u ta m M editer aonlfully into your eyes * The fatollffr; 4 b . women, aud their thoughts are worthy th e U «be rate tra il In d ia aad Aue- the cast iron foundation it «alm ssM i f you loved htnaf" I t is a common m yin g that the ' g«l OS» THK OTHKR SIT.K. m oie thaujtO.OOO to n a — > * w Idea*. J«nd mast couirol the Sues consid ration of all people. “ N o t a bit of i t , " returned the an- lery gods" are the beat rnticn. sad The Attua 18 J te a d M a n d q « , th „ M<1 ta approach-« many people believe it to be true, I t gagud girt quickly. " H e waa altogether W e e k ly < h ra a tc le to r O ne Y a a r, «old with T h e W » . t , too wise to ask ouy such queasiest * ■night have heru year» and y e a * T !”' has caused Id on M a p a a d T a p * / bnt s ' prwient the reverse la true. Tbe that. He me roly soksd me if I'd m arry considerable research oa ths on bract ” Asenana ------------- him . ” — ChioBgo Poet. ■aetMlcticv of" f a r t* comedy, vaudeville remarked the clratrful lffrat to h i. ,— Y o rn w o . and exaggerated melodrama haa not le saura» by tarpi« Itvvr. e k trh pra.aais digra- ■ ta (' beep n p liftia g . Tbe “ gallery goda“ of U«n an» permits food I» tarmvni and puirify in nurd, that you have made a study of -----------------* * * »ftenctaon, oax , A d Insbm au iu F r a n .* waa chal­ tbe present day know nothing of tbe U»v aloeuK-b. Then follow dlitlnes«. headache, the moneys of the Bible?” lenged hy a Froucbtuau hi fight a duel, le g itim a te d re a m They have degenerai A ji A g e » T rick. »n vrMi-h he read ily craeeuted, and sag ad bccaaae t beaIrle a l offerings have not •..J • w ,w Ä « ¡B * ” * •» ” gentcil .h i Hal aha 1n any way o ri rad to educala them •» ’’ T h a t w nn’ l d o ," said tbe second. ’• w L L • « ? ' u h i" " « * * L A ltra » ’ Journal " A * the challenged party yoa bave the rig h t to cbonae (he arms, bat c hivalry Insemino, nervouanea. r o d . ____ “ • " ^ I r d around him » a a to l a B a ta rw l 8 M « n . ^ t ’ h ^ n < ,0 ' # P h * <* ‘ 0 « demand* that yoa aboalAJecide upea a It «•>! relieved, tniiouv lev,- T b a P h iladelph ia Kevoni rays that wespnn w ith w hich Fronebmco aro fa- or blood ,«laenlng Hood v I M altese ra t» d rin k h e r . Now we J r a k X ^ . ta ,h i,C W ,n - , rill» aumnlote Ik e stomach. ■ ln “ J noddle."— -Indianapolis I ■ lit* ." k n o w w hy i b < * oaU that B a y «a» lata­ rues* tka iva», «UT» hemUcbe. d l iit n e . . voo- " I * that so?" raturued Use Irishm an a druxyt.ta. at e ig h t carry * * — d e v . load I — riar. ^Jpottoe. ato IB v es t. si h by j all 01 Wbw> th* deve " T h * brgorra, w s'U foigh» wMI g ull- a ealy ra n ts lake «OS Uro» a berrapwilia. b rc M h i1' . ^ K ’Wtobo ie tbe L ^ h‘ ,h* r r o n hack to Boari ’— Loudoa T it Bite It ig ra id tba« tbe p tlg n m to Atroce. lot i is *. * « "b eef Mcbora W A N n a to T K Ü S T V O R T H Y A M » Waohingtcn T im i*. »Bloh form , 4 founh starti! X i from Washington, w aul« have ( * v a f the I t la raid hy abthtiagiata th a t there ’ ’ active gentlemen or ladies to ,h* M “ Ub* 0,688 m i l « in u id v t to n-ra h ire 13 ig lg ia a to tri Mira Jessie Abay of ‘ U r n , x w ro, « • B of arato la d ,» ol l fearopran laugaagea— travel for rraponeii-'e. eatahlialied lx o u * to be deau»rad*Hof « 'c ie i .T d 7 ^ " first pianiB to pbg H ra b ro w * the Greek. L atin, Qerui.iu, Blavuiue, iuGnuron M onihlv »06 l)0*n .l ewpeiues who ratto » b o ra ,to »»tori V ■ noT’ ' ^ A Arab, r .h ,„ , tab Faotaste" in Prattn gbe m * w •"•m aelve* oa vhe coast In « II B atea o f toe T n to a , excepting Welsh. Btarwyan. Iriab , Albanian, T a r ­ F w itio n Bloody. Reference ftn -b a r . . . h a . « « , womeo rs ltfo rn ifo a butoel o f rya Is M poanda tarian, Illy ria n . Jaapgtan, Cbaactu aad sad-addreaaed Btamord e n.el. ne The aa extremely bind e s ro p tt* fto ^ m Gsrmsti r n ttr a whn baawara ba F u in p . W» e f t o ^ * “ •» •« « *» ' ^s «bat atoto M la H Dominion Company, Dopi. Y Chicago be, n noi. J fr< thru- gvuil-nera And The K Ä; A R T S and S O IE IS T O K S ^ ••Id W ith T A / aftaUl^9 Kl Jia we bad bet­ a»» Ô â iia ilü n 1COKF CHRONICLE S c iR n lific Ä m E r ic a n . a WIM, nto THE THE D A IL Y OnljS6.70aYear. The Weekly Chronicle G m W $ 1 .5 0 a feat THE AHERA C H R O N IC L E Reversible Map? be» ha lootosd Map of the World B ilio u s n e s s Hood’s ’ ll S SII • • • W look over this croup . mark your THE WEST. selection . FLOREBEE.