«H E W E S ^ IfPl.lSIIEII ISVKRV FRIDAY - - - BY - • • ,H. WEATIIERSON and » hulaaaaa aa J doluto««. M O R SlN li— P uente , L ane (■<> stv , O regon .— I |E d ito r PERSONALS. B a y a i a a k a s th e food pura, fi®, SOV4 Proprietor. ' T hem » : $1.50 a year in advance!*— I Entered at the pout-office at Florence, Lane, county, Oregon, as second-class , mail matter. POWDER Absolutely Pur» ADVERTISING KATES MADE KNOWN ON A P­ PLICATION. Local a«tic«« 8 eehts per line, each Insertion « ovai B akum «owor» co., Mwvomì. Florence, Or. January 21, 1898, ff. C. T. 0. DEPARTMENT, «o* to find out . Mis. Knotts went ty Point Terrace Tuesday. OUR MOTTO. Wm. Goodpasture was in Florence For God and Home ami Native Land. Wednesday. Miss Kate Erhardt was quite ill a OUR BADGE few day« ago. A Knot of W hite Ribbon. Louis Bean was In. town Saturday on business as deputy sheriff. W. <2. T. V. meeting» «se lii-M every alternate Miss Vanderhnrg visited on North Thursday afternoon fnnn XodtiSrlnrit. The dale anil place of meeting will he announced the Fork Saturday amt Sunday. previous week. Mrs. Knnoff is celebrating birthdays The National W. C. T. V. has over forty de­ with relatives on Nortii Fork. partments or line a of work, under the four gen­ Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Neely of Seaton , eral head« of Preventive, Educational, Evan­ gelistic and Social. are expected in Florence today. P. L. Tucker was in town Wednesday M ED AL CONTEST W ORK. on Ids way home from Gardiner. Mr. Stevens the well-known drummer The first tiling is to select a class for Schilling A Co. was in town Satur­ choosing those of ns near the same age day. and ability as possibly. Procure books L. G. Johnson expects to start for for them, help them in selecting their Seattle next week in search of em­ pieces if nacessary. A class usually ployment. consists of from six to eight contestants 8. J. Seymour and W. L. Fisk held and their ages must range from ten to an interview with the Odd Fellows' twenty-five years. But there are special conlests and medals for persons over goat Wednesday evening. Will Bay and Elmer Johnson started twenty-live; one is a matrons contest for Monday on their way to Grays Harbor those from twenty-live to forty years of where they expect to find employment. age, and thoee above that age areclassed Wm. Ifardell was on the sick list with the “silver gray” contestants; several days this week. John Morris these have lieen most successful finan­ took liia place on the Roharts for the cially. The novelty has aroused inter­ est and brought out good audiences. time. At one held recently a white haired old Mr. Tower returned from Portland lady of seventy-four won the medal and Friday. A new bicycle came in witli a lady of eighty won a second prize. Of him. course there is occasionally dissatisfac­ Mr. and Mrs. Leach of Smith river tion in awarding the medal but not the parents of Mrs. James Bay and Mrs. often and we try to impress upon tlieir Frank Hartley are visiting tlieir daugh­ minds that tiiey are speaking for a ters here. cause and wliLe they should make every Dr. Evans father of our city marshal honest efiort to win the medal, the Evans arrived here from Michigan prune motive is to educate themselves Tuesday. He is nccompiiied by his and the audience in the principles of total abstinence and the prohibition of grandson Maurice Livingston. Clarence Ackerley a brother of our the liquor tariff. L.yC. Ackerly arrived from Pennsylva­ STATE TAX LEVY FOR 1897. nia and intends to make his home here. His mother who left some years ago Salem, Or., Jan. 14.—Governor Wil- returned from California with him und ! liaiu P. Lord, State Treasurer Phil will remain on the Siuslaw. ' Melschan and Secretary H. R. Kincaid, An arrangement has lieen made by , sitting as a state board of tax levy today which I. P. Fuliy and Mr. Stitt, second fixed the state levy upon valuations of assistant keepers of the light houses at 1897 at 3$a mills, one half mill lower ifeeeta and Cape Blanco are to exchange j than tlie levy of 1896. places. Mr. Faliy going to Cape Blanco This levy is made upoii the basis of while Mr. Stilt takes his place at tlie tax rolls for 1A97, which show total i Ileceta. I taxable property valued at $134,917,104. Fill a liottle or common glass w itli i urine and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an un­ healthy conditio»«* the kidneys. When I urine «tains linen it is evidence of kid- i ney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also con-1 vincing proof that. the kidneys an d , bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is coinfort in the knowledge so ' often exp-essed, that Dr. Kilmer’s swamp-root, the great kidney remedy ■ fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the hack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in puesing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, aud over­ comes that unpleasant necessity of be­ ing compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and extraordinary effect of swamp-root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of tlie most dis­ tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have Hie best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and otie dol­ lar. Yon may have a sample hottie and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention The W est and send your ad­ dress to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees the genuineness of tiiis offer. A Siuslaw Company Organized, CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 J. Wheeler lias been appointed port- master at Pleasant Hill, Or., vice Wil­ liam L. Bristow, resigned. W E S T L IN G S . Win. Bernhardt had the misfortune Try 8ch lliug’9 Beat tea and baking powdor. to sprain his left foot Wetlnesnay even­ Bring vonr job work to the W est ing causing him considerable pain. A post office has been estahlised at office. Good work done at reasonable Samaria, Lane county, Oregon, and Dol- prices. The San Francisco Examiner and the lie Lanham commissioned as postmaster. Capt. Hansen lias been getting some W est (or one year $2.50 paid in ad­ brush cut and clearing done to give vance. Hood’s pills are the only pills to take more room for working in his new sltip wftli Iff noil's Sarsaparilla. Cure all yard. The senate committee by a vote of 4 liver ills. to Why torture yourself with ill-fitting j 3 decided to make an adverse report TO THE C ITIZE N S OF SIUSLA W- -shoes when Meyer & Kyle have such an | on the claim of If. W. Corbett to a scat in the senate from Oregon. elegant line to select from. There a few men and wtfinen who are The city council of Eugene has voted j The Ladies Aid Society of the First always looking for the slightest circum­ to levy a four mill tax for the general Christian church of Eugene have filed stance in a ciiain of their own imagin­ purposes and two mills for sewer pur- articles of incorporation with Mesdames ings whereby to connect an innocent | II. J. Harris, Iva Farrow and Catharine poses. « person with evil. I have been informed An adjourned term of the circuit court McPherson as trustees. that some of these people have associ­ The members of the Bible class met convened in Eugene yesterday. Judge ated my name witli a scandalous affair Fullerton will hand down a decision in for the first lesson Monday evening at which happened recently in Florence. the residence of Pastor Knolts. About That I was in town a few days during the court house Bqtiare case. 30 were present and a very pleasant and this time is true hut that I was in any Captain Fisk of the U. S. engineers way implicated with the affair in ques­ in liis report, favors improving the Long profitable hour was passed. An entertainment consisting of songs, tion is most absurdly and undeniably Tom, and opposes the revettment of tlie recitations etc., followed by a lunch false. 1 had not even the slightest Willamette opposite Salem. knowledge that my plain nnd as I Weak nerves indicate deficient blood. is to be given at Acme this evening. The proceeds will he used lo purchase a supposed straightforward conduct in Nervous people find relief by purifying hell for the new school house. Florence was arousing suspicion of any and enriching their blood with Hood’s kind, much less the outrageous charges The jury in the case of Julian E. Sarsaparilla, the great nerve tonic. which lias been brought to my ear« Epping and George Watson charged The silver medal congest will bo held since my departure from there. My with conspiracy to rob the Portland in Florence on Ftiday evening Jan. 28th. motive in leaving was far other than post office returned a verdict convicting Adults will be charged 10 cents, all any thought or apprehension of guilt Epping and acquitting Watson. school children free. The medal lias or ignominy from any source whatever. A meeting of the McKinley & Hobart already come and it is a beauty. This will produce revenue at mills But if through some malicioni falsefier, SUNDAY SERVICES. club will be held at Hurd’s hall Satur­ Linn county has a new officer, a ! of $472,209.98. a story of tiiis kind is given without day Jan. 22, 1898 at 11 t, . to elect c mnty phisician who will nttend to all j Last year the state levy was 4 mills contradiction to the ears of innocent Preaching as usual in the Presbyterian delegates to Republican League held at ttie poor for $100 a year, including all and the valuation $143,176,971, or $9,259,- people they can do no other than form­ Portland Feb. 1st. E. E. Benedict, church in Florence on Sunday Jan. 23rd surgieal work. This will save the coun­ 867 more than this year, and at 4 mills ally accept it. Allow me -therefore to at 11 a. in, and at 7 p. m. president. ty several hundred dollars a year. produced a revenue $572,707.88. Thus state to the people of tlie Siuslaw coun­ I. G. K notts , pastor. it will he seen the reduced levy on the try generally, that of the charge of Chairman Hirscli lias called a meet- , The building erected by O. W. Hurd reduced valuation will save the taxpay­ tieing connected in any manner witli ingof the republican state central com­ for a tenement house several years ago A- O-U- W E N TE R TA IN M E N T- ers of Oregon the neat sum of $100,498.02. tiio late “ Mansfield-Martin” scandal 1 mittee to be held in Portland on is to be divided into two parts and am totally innocent, which fact upon Wednesday Feb. 2nd, to fix the time moved out to the street opposite Hurd’s Perpetua Lodge, A. O. U. W. will COUNTY C LER K ’S RECEIPTS- proper inquiry can be easily proved. and place of holding the next state eon- store. John I. Butterfield has charge j give an entertainment and hanqnet in of the work. W illiam M artin . > ontion. their hall Feb. 8th, 1898. We are in­ The total receipts of the county clerk’s Guard : It is stated that O. T. Potter i The preliminary examination of Win. formed by some of the member« that TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY. end John M. Romers will, this week, McClaren on charge of robbery of D. ! this entertainment will surpass any- office for the year 1897 amounted to Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Simtnonds nt Junction resulted in his lortion of the ear. Bronze Monuments. years. in question. coal. F. A. T ozier , Agent, , i There is only one wav to cure deafness, Governor Lord lias appointed John Mrs Fra,nk. _ ^ ltl . W I «'ld »bat « by constitutional remedies. Eugene, Orc. I G. Goble, and old veteran who was Cleland of Portland judge of the fourth teach school next season, while Frank Deafness is caused by an inflamed con­ formeily a member of tlie soldiers’ Judicial district of Oregon in place of will bore wooden water pipes and in L. B. Stearns resigned. At the same home, lias brought suit against Com- other ways coax the shekels, and the dition of tlie mucous lining of the The Funk & Wagnalls madant W. 11. Byars of that institution Eustachian Tube. When tins tube is time C. S. Wrigllt of Astoria was ap­ house on Nelson creek probably re­ inflamed you have a rumbling sound or pointed pilot commissioner in place of for $6000 damages. Tlie causes oi action main unfinished. recited in the complaint are three, viz: imperfect hearing, and alien it is en­ John Fox resigned. For malicious discharge from the home, When Mrs. Pope married Thomas tirely closed, deafness is the result, and iANTED-TRUST WORTHY AND for a dishonorable discharge, which Tabor a contract was made whereby in unless the inflammation can be taken Of The active gentlemen or ladies to would prevent plaintiff from securing case of tlie death of one of the parties out and tiiis tube restored to its normal kvel for responsible, established house ENGLISH LANGUAGE admission to any other home, and Tabor's property should go to the condition, hearing will he distroyed )regon. Monthly $65.09 and expenses, straight libel. E. D. Stratford is at­ inrvitor. Therefor the property is all forever; nine cases out of ten are caused lition steady. Reference. Enclose C O M PLE TE torney for the plaintiff. by catarrh, which is nothing but an his again since her death. fitf-nddressed stamped envelope. The inflamed condition of tlie mucous 8 U C C IE N T Persons Daalrlnj to Subiarlbj fj? S b j'* C n d ) S) toy There are half dozen hand i.iilM for union Company, Dept. Y Chicago, SOME WHYS. surfaces. grinding grain in tiiis vicinity. Con­ Yaquina Bay News: Yaquina I.ay is ( We will give One Hundred Dollars for A U T H O R IT A T IV E siderable corn and some wheat is grown now in a fair way to add her quota to < ^ ^ te__Leaving Their Name* Why don't we hear more from Mrs. hereabouts, and more wheat is brought any case of deafness (unused by catarrh) the large numbers of vessels which will ttiat cannot be cured by Hail's Catarrh Grumble and Gail Maker? in from tlie valley and ground into go to ? Isska during the coming spring jol.M f Vw«b«tary r,r«i, Cure. Send for circulars free. Why isn’t the W. C. T. If and better graham flour than is usually sold ' and summer, ns parties at Yaquina S (7 Editor« «ad S pccl«ll,t« F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. at the mills. John Pope proposes to j have al>ont completed aJrangements for Household column kept filled? S j j Readers for Q u otation * Sold tiy all druggists. run ono of these mills by water power the building of a steamer for the above jo o o lllu ,tra tlo n « Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Why don’t tlie good cooks send A. E . next summer. purpose. Co«* over * 9 6 0 .0 0 0 i tlieir choice receipts and so let others Mrs. Joe Whisman and daughter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Appendix ol , 7 . ( 6 8 E n t r le , The W est has for sale one year’s ! try them? Lulu and sons John, Edward nnd tuition in the Holmes Business College Why can't tlie staff he fixed and have Walter left last Thursday for Banta , Portland. This is one of the leading I.aneen 2nd assistant our health? P. Knowles. Frank Knowles, and II. B. Gray AC K NTS W A N T E D . FURNITURE FOR SALE. *ke per at tlie Cape Blaneo light house Why don’t we all help alter and of Mapleton, Oregon. , I lor the past u years, lias t«-en trans­ R. M. V batcii , pair our church? Don't we ¿now A« I am preparing to leave Florence ferred t<> tlie liifM- Ratio» at ifeeeta Register. I offer for «nle at reasonable prices all Head«, aiat lie a n d f-tr.iflv were on tlieir 1 uncomfortable those little wings E. D. BR O N SO N A CO, lo t my Itonschold furniture including «tores, way to the latter place. They started especially Christmas Ere when D U S E BLOOD «• the foundation Pactflc C o û t Agents on tlieir J.airviey again vesterdav can't qnite see Santa Claus? Why carpets, chairs, table«, bedroom set. ■ of itcalUi. iiuud’a Sarsaparilla make* SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. j ABSOLUTELT 6DÄHA1ITEBD î dishes, etc. the blood puro, rich and nonrieliingsnd piorntas» and will mpke. Jltt-jr tti|L »•> j don’t tye do it? rie«nd hoatlet fra ,, id . STURM V » RR VIERT < « . . f «U M rs . J as F airweatiieh . 934 Market S t. A F mvenceite , gives and maintains good H E A L T H . their baiKy, ' [ No. of Shares 10,000, at $10 EACH. Everybody’s Opportunity Who De­ sires to Visit the New Eldorado. This is a Home!Companv. Every Citizen of the Siuslaw Valley Should Own at Least one Share. ITS AIMS ARB PURELY CO-OPBRAWE.^ Work Being Pushed Vigorously. Standard Dictionary DON’T HISS THE OPPOBTDNITÏ OF A LIFE TIME. Alaska Gold Minine* & Navigation Co. FLORENCE, OREGON. ^>ANDY CATHARTIC CURECOnSTIMnON as* sot ______