X XXJ2J L i l e n i i ’v . Fl CLJfcJICD fcVkUf rUIIMV MiiRNINO,— Sunday Welcnigi*; d. F Chroui. lg T H E ! i «OM OI H BEOt'LAil C»llK£SI-< INDENT. The Brititih M|HA«||*on in the east to ■ 9> l • * '** f c H ö -E oih J 1 >n J i nies œ ssim is« — IT— was not ordered to the KM erma, -, - , pe^UUla- — — ini w|lich y iq iN .ll. A X B8IÍI Kl T FP.j WFtumvd th , piratical exploit oí the ‘ C *niï “cart‘t',y intelligent in its I- O s i o n s * i u* ’*«d Ugi Jurai irai exploit ot ¡F iobixcb , L a « €or*r» i " abb ., I). 0 ., Jan. 10th, 1898. naval German emperor, bat suddenly ap­ viewg ol the Am erican •Memory is wbat makes us Old or i Speaker Heed, when it su it, bis pllr. - BV young. peared at Fort Hamilton inland, oft P,n Krani ‘■The desire for a IKwe to do so, can play the role of the AV. H . W E A T H E R S O N 7 cK ur’‘1‘" OOMt- « •'-» p -fo e d hy . strong navy,” it says, “ finds its sphinx in a manner that has never • Eyery ’ laxly drags its shadow and every detachment of the Japanese Meet. This I v“ ‘ J 'P"n'-8e neet. Tins! excuse in Cuba and H aw aii aii, but been surpassed by any man in public ‘‘‘"‘d “ * d0UU- E dito r a n d Proprietor. ¡wax primarily due t„ the dismissal of the more serious advocates of the hfe. He has been playing it during the Ihe difficulties lie where we to/McLeavy Hrow„, „„ Eng tollman “ «votares ot the turmoil in Ihe house over the question UrC "Ot 'or them. the sutolitntion M. Alexieft, ley m ake no secret th a t it F lorence. Or. J a n u a ry o , !Mi,H f and "nJ tl,eM t* ‘i"»ion of of M. Alexleff, a a MeW of modifying or repealing the civil Good manners a, ,| good morals are ___ ’ ' ‘ , Kussian, as financial adviser of the is against England, and not Spain service law, and up to this time all | sworn friends ami firm allies, Korean government. Brown was bring or Ja p a n , th at the main effort is to RESTRICT THE IMMIGRATION. I . •' attempts to ascertain where he stands Mercy mo.-e Mercy m o e becomes becomes a a mag magistrate ____ ’"g financial order out of cliaoa in lie directed." ve failed. During tiie warm debate, 1 (*,an d v vindictive wrath winch T scn m t Ledger: j Korea, hut this was not t0 Russia’s u e ueg to fliffer. The naval men W e tog to differ. The naval » ich began die day congress rcas- j ea" justice, •» w o liu tl- ' Preliminary meet,ng. are being held 1,‘‘inK H*r policy i . to work for plan now being worked out nri«,i sembled ¡.„.I a-i>;„. , semhled and wide., still continues, J,e tt ,s admirable to ,1, It is admirable to .lie the victim of hi mum eastern cities to perfect ''‘‘cadence of neighbor- lt ued gall" I immigra- . organ- ‘"8 egrat,°" and B“ - i , opposition to the --vri Lodge ‘ this c,‘«nge wa> f C handler’s has not said or done anything to in,II- ones faith ; it is sad to Kcd opposition to the Lodge im m igra-I "lß StUte’ Bl,t this ''••« « “ wa die the «lupe to control o f the navy tion bill, it j. a nutieeMble , «ceompanlcd by one still more ¡mpor ent, . . . * 1 ‘ 1 81 «, if either, he aympa- ones ambition, - — iiiijM fr * • st - departm — thixes with. The statement that the n f ,n W ith N ew Y e a r G reetings, an d a a l . ..4 fa tti »VW __ . • " h<‘n ths-re w ere uu. Mie opposition, so far as names of or- ‘ant, an agreement between the Korean ! 1,1 uo dif- antis were only making a rumpus on the • ° o i ,l,e mind a.,,] the w ith E n glan d , and y ea rs P rosperous Y e a r to all o u r E rie,,,Is, W e ganiaation or individuals are given, is minister of foreign affairs ............. »■*» " u g id iiii, anu y ears subject for use among their constituents ' Z T r e t that 7 ^ “ ““ <,O"ri'",f'8 v u n s u iu e n t 8 lu to ■ ••n n 1 I M t A a o f s re l» .. o l i 1. . . . . a ». 1 - — almost entirely composed of men of “ issian envoy, whereby Russia was either Cuba or Haw aii had has made them ______ ... . .. than the tl,at d “’s - A gain Offer O ur G oods a t E x cep tio n ally Has made them more determined s r x s r ^ ¡ r r : r - ........ - foreign birth or origin; many of the r They have I " ® *"“ e * >me 1,Cr8OnH Becausu we do Low P rices. Som ebody ouco said, ft„ d it ever to do something. They have German societie. in this country toin» know document, the e tr U “ nited Staten* Both openly told their republican n colleagues "Ot know tl:eu* a"'l "e will d o e ,,,......... ! ‘° th lted States. in the forefront. The only reason given 1 many r“ !,,,y details "c,ails in this ll'is preci,ms precious document, has been R epeated. “ Well B ou g h t H a lf them because we hate them. substance of all is as above aboveJ 1 n ,o t,v e al,<1 excuse mentioned that if they would not help them to for the opposition i. that the bill, if ¡, | hut bu‘ 7 the * *“!* ’*"“ Oi 9 H avo a Clean D esirab le Among the attributes of God, although Sold. pass a bill modifying the civil service become« a law, will shut out from this stated. This bold stroke of Russia for ! by the u,c Tim l,,u c os s were lacking. I t law they would unite with the demo­ •Hey are all equal, mercy shines with -------—Stock of--------- owmtry immigrants who might become •upremacy at Seoul was well-timed. ! « “ » decided, as a measure of peace crats for the purpose of passing a hill even more brilliancy than justice. good citizens, and that it also reflects , . T X ' " X ' Z w a '1'1 “ lK,u‘ m “ ’»™ • i" i » for the repeal of the law. .More than They areas heaven made them, hand­ upon tlm people of foreign birth now in ■s. L„gland was Uken b y 'to the old fleet then rotting w ith - P r i s e . All Europe was w a tc h in g ,h i C ; a t X n e e t. tlleU Wilh one hundred republicans are said to some enough if they be good enough- u » s country. There to more sentiment Europe was watcldne it,_________ Wlth ‘ ‘ 3 cum bering the have promised to vote for the bill modi­ tor handsome is that handsome does. than reason in the latter statement, for sntics of the German em,«ror. N„t, g J long «go Under-Secretary Curxon dc- P° rt‘ S ° l countries. Since fying the civil service law that is to to those foreigners in thia country who A toy was once asked what meekness have become good citizens or indu.tri- ' la r d in the house oi commons th a t, **' rtt t" ue ^ e program has been reported to the house from the com­ •«- He thought for a moment and ’ that Korea clo8<‘b ’ a litercd to. I t is a notable mittee on civil service. out, law abiding people, have all the Great Britain should Saul. “ Meekness gives smooth a n - ' privileges of the native born American, • to introduced last week, which confines »«ve that of being eligible ,0 lho preg. ’ trahvely absorbed by Russia, ani, tbat O b serv e th a t It ■« With diseases of the mind a8 ' want to sell It, | know a "M im bto S ickle Is better t h „ , ’ HUC Yet thia is actually faltered. — twain • w »»»in is In h is last the question of the annexation of H a- mmd by which it recalls a known truth ju»t what ^j m u n ityor country.and . iiutit m anvof whom P" at Russia, R‘,ssi“’ by a .ingle, t hold v yi wnotti annual report the secretary of the «8 some km,Is of creatures do their food were either deported by the authorities j ,'o,,,p‘‘ll,ng 8tr«k«>, hag done. All „f wan will have the right of way until , which indicates that if there is to he a navy recommended an appropria­ settled. The treaty was taken up today to be ruminated upon till all vicious or their coming aided. ANNOUNCEMENT ÖENEBAL ★ American labor ha. cheapened ------- been V IICH by tt,e horde, of ignorant men that have been imported iron, foreign conn — euun- tries, to replace workmen in mines and other large work., at lower rate of -Kreat conflict in the east, Korea and its surrounding waters will be the storm. ‘enter. Russia on one side and Kng- '‘J ’ • " P f’vtod by Japan, on the other wi.l he the great contending tion for but one battle-ship, his >>y the senate, and daily executive ses'- parts he extracted. The man that is never happy for th , |cre wl"«h we protect under th e Mon- z o ,; ; n<" " read to t,ie (ill I'll it to offered thee. Gon. than b y a n y other measure Jct RH n )v ,o c tH n e iu a ^ h e id ^ Then it dawned upon many Undoubtedly the goal fame of every ( 7 ^ ' ^ tb- * ho a ^ ' ^ i e ^ ' 7 ; propoMJ. With the rapid growth of - - ought to he under the p ^ Z , ................ " t .. o X luxuries. 7 ri7 S<> SU,’h ite r a n c e s m du.tr.es and the spread of agricultural HUks and velvets are bewildering i„ . 1 r««i, , nt and propriety, that the rcso l,lc *“'*», as well as his i f ; ! “ I P " W ,r . ,,« .1 exjiensive. But cotton stuff« are from •vs those ol tho A „stria ., Prilno “ ™ pursuit, m this country, tfc.re will as well as h i, fifo, liberty i D fV G o o d s '*rs of the cabinet t o “"" proPer'y. Good fame i, „„ > « .n p lo y m e n t for ovary ' „.an who America, and «re extravagances. They M .ntstcr m ay not crystallize into „ „ „ . , " 7 ‘m'llHe.r opinions to tl*esenate the senate of som ........ e-, Jook „ 0,,t- „ , ooo s, ‘ 7 0Pln,° n8 t0 lo° k that ‘».at defend. defends them all «»^tw. to work. T hocoag^tfon in ’■■«ke th„n up into .costum e,., and overt acts. T his is a „ . O u,. •n g that the president had full au. ' the,n «" valuable The I ' 7 renders 7 ” —---------------- ---- n ' - t y to regulate without Had full valuable. . . Thn ” h z '•r f wilf to relfoved, an,, (|le Mm them with velvet ribbon. Never mivy is n police force; n o t a fleet 1 ‘ ‘Z is d o n reg"late With° Ut a.td.H..“ “dfiilional . T°U you (orevenue• lo avenge ; 7 when it tics' u forbid8 > people of the nation will to benefited •yim y chance could y„u bo .u pposed hands Uf ‘“• c o r s a ir bent upon intrusion ‘ k-sJ«t.on, wa, „ violat¡<)n ' N o i s of o some, m e ,i t it o n g l n to Z r Z “ H lb s » hsrtitofure enormous innuxf influx . - -••«•S..OUII Cni * ° ltOI> ^r ( H e p r e s u f o n t ^ in many «tele» thcupion the ed u ca -1 '' !UBtS ” unk,“” m . llH. eUllca. useless com- s v f W. to t » . ! _ _ . . .......... «oar .. F tion ®i.'*I,<,ren ** ‘ »»mpulsory; if eduea‘ . “ I never «hall overcome the e c ta s ie , ---------- .«»«Huppose the building would ; . '°ng. 7 ; and Senator .„id ^ y H o a -« ,¡,1 I f o L t l ' l H t „ on „ ; i g ^ ......... "c ,lau better “ Jav " n* ’« - r y for the Amer.cs,, 7 Wldeh aHK“' ‘ ",e whe" I »‘‘c j M° P a t 8cv«(“ y or eig h ty ...... 7 - . - v o w el« , ordinary proceeiling yo»(h. Wm liv s. i„ t h . country tw .ntv- for the 7 7 " “ ou 1 k w ’ ,n d poor jproceeihngfoc tllc ......... 0„eS too. , .« ’ th° * on« v ..r s to to r.h u exercise the direct the bead of departments f o ^ 0 « m w g 7 ,e m tt‘ w to '* " ” * * ,ÌUIe - P exnl.li» - d e t o c a l a t e ^ - 91 Z ; ^ ; ^ ’’ ^ v ’’HOUK! f U,‘l h a v e fiffy ir o p i „ ~ 7 T t T ‘ . / . « h t . o f c.tu .n .h ip , w liy' not nwre ^ 0» we fitly ^ (Heir opinions as to the wisdom of _____ ’ here« >g»ora„ce will , more Y o u r s V e r y T r u ly , 0. w . HURD. C A R M A I\rs CHEAP CASH STOKE! ★ C r/ko • C ro c e n e s * a n d * A ” N o v tio ns u u (i S. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Just Opened. no.w«,r5 for ,h . 'V1,h a ,'d P ^ ’ ident’i order That i. ° l 1 "* ake ,n m<* ' o f the great f immigrant w|,o cun « ‘ Iltb ey m a y resjaictit, f o r i t i . really ' in n m t h . preliminary steps ‘ fw a rils - y much cheaper to frc.se to death ’ ^ ° ° 0 ««an th e en tire -d v e fte n t'ly n„ dotffi, «'.e kingdom. ‘ ‘ ihxenship almost almo, t soon as b“y ‘.’0«l "“ 7 > « •» N would a do „ „ v for ? ““ n ***" drawn it I sho” d 7 , ' C | Htorty If spark he h n Iwtrhm tho »hip? t ,a" ' “ » ........ “ ,B in C“ Paris. y '«« The 0« reason every I »«“ « v o r ,,li“g w ar le.su w ith ”O en,i° VCd t0 ^ ’¡nd the to order"- to ‘rue kindfo i of religfo nd ............. u,e c» y l«x on every “ ’ ",,,‘"s 'v e w ar w ith n « ... . ved t0 rescind the „ y « » * w « tt« m p to d to keep out ,he c m ken. every carrot, every egg brou.hi lHWer th e a t r e . i „»1. . al1 °f the cabinet d i d _________' ' ‘"’e _______ , U will burn. Hu-1 'guorsnt O h in .m .n. why not tbc ' ifn ^ .« n t and criminal froh, other nations. .......... ... - 7 2 ” “ : . . r Like * take T«MrAT¿Tia. » M u ' an' “ **■ '• Why . « of lynching fo the *° cleun ; it is whv th« -------- U n ito , «tate, indie«,«. t.,at tins J J .m oot., --------- J. . 7 , 1 7 7 , streets are '« « ! ___ s™ „.„ A^OOClS m ROH C A M + «rJ ^ “ “ SentGCll * ^ ^ '-n van ni'iv -------- " ocean • ----- - »«V vMivrn «taten .................. ' ' " X 7 : . 7 ' z ; ' n: ..........;.................. - i The » * <,e"‘«"d m eren«». , 7 " W',C" l '*‘' ‘“" „er. « '».««. --,2 , X U«» last year 14« were in the Homi » i - t h e n o r t h « - , , „ m es — ______ - i on full pm-after a re‘ir‘> ......U,er’ ln ^ . e place f rWO E N T E R A S ,NG WASH., fc.RLS - ¡" case of p | , 2 a| 7 ? ' 7 “"° wi" break out ,w o W ,S H - 2 2 ' ................... ........... -------- f aImo ' ; "•« U,e " methods " “ '«’d ' of sclectin E lecting - 2 ; * ’ ; - Ven- NüWn’b« ««». say. the K1¡el¡¡ut h e b « offered a joint r e 7 ’ ** victime being negroes :» „ h , Indians. (la me p 7 ’ ' ’“ *l ,mv” to como ’» the ' ‘ *r,tuU,,r,"t- * * °g irls in the lower p’* in* an »mendment to' ,i " Pr°* a"d «5 f -.» w Northwest fur ,h e ,r hark. ..... ° f Klickitat county i „ 2 7 « »• -n . proviJin„ , 7 “ 7 ‘‘æ — com "» — — o a rs, m im-ested ,on' P r i d i n g for the e|Bi,(jon .......... . U,e '-«H erm ,en en should — “ ............ - ’H« meantime the lu,„torn .hould ; « ’7 . ^ ° i n in a a h ,» . n " d d o oli f s sheep, l , e e f. . tol.ey,, w l ,.vlngtlli„ ■ng that 1 ’ ” Jl,J8cs by the IWop|e „ . .. . . «„ ^ ‘ K ,n le y . elec-tmn p r e s a n |ligh w| « M . tfo n ia o , fo hanniñg „« aa , , endeavor to in,r,a,uc-e the wool - — .•»Mg — h - « m l " '.ir term. ,o eight - ‘«(erior « n i.,,. The gran, i. bcailtlfll| ‘ « • l e n d M erit M .i n i .m - comlhlate for ,h e democratic nomination 7 '* * 'ÌnÌ,h- Th ------ — >><•■« i nailon a« I il ------ ---- "’’"’•‘"Hi ‘ ralgood markets. That they ................. noaiin.tod *nd — " t«kc. " k e . an exceedingly fi„,. is proven by the result o( H« considered. for governor. If n o m in a c i ,t o gener., ______ 1,nd "o'*' Conservative n>ed,cll,e cor*s yon when i i 1*™ 1*’ 1,8 would make a etul.horn elnhto.,.. flg,„. « .. . .. Noverai rt,"*H. In ,n fact, ‘hc ||,e ^ pacific *- iHtring woul.1 ‘Uo Northwest \'" ,r p*,rcl'" si-eU » J «ase. Huring Is«, , ,* r*°n’ ’rOnd#rfolcuW« e v * ^ " ’lcki«r‘t m rte» au . ® ^nniinpr Hnvenodeeire ,ose^ u 1 • ‘ • lo d g e s w a d e 4 lll’ up«‘ lon th at in e d ic T n T * ’ ' ^ " he-v o ,ld »e ewo mile, >" „»wool «< the new«|«pera of í,|, “p,.raua, ion„ in the est,mallo,, of ,„anv. is Hæymm ’ ................. wo, ami sheep. »•ronfi, the mire Of . o f» Partisan .... .. — lne Possesses mp-¡. •re ^Ivm ating l,i. e..nd„la<-v. P en o.»- '* 'ine” » ‘•‘»I on the cims , _ anoik. Fvvrmn* on one »UrtD “«'I ,ln . '’““ P*1*"- The present — occasion ------ - **,m.ind.r of the . ^ " b ^ g t o ' ? : ! 7 U* l’ « -to , th. , fiat . republie«, congre.‘s i o Z ^ X n t t o ’ • ---------- convention T. T. Geer w ill b« • eanum candidats at. for ior T in. for , t (r late f.u- .1... This for, nomm ât fon for governor. K W U w i|| •h ‘1 » . .foe.ed , he ,o | c o n g ^ o ,,,,,' »'» yonn« to ile . cold cs.h » 5 . » . m“" ' ° Wluch h- * . « « rule, J e * ^ . ' A . L T will m n . ,h . . be 1*..""“'’’ ,he e - A Profit. ,,,e respect Of ^.«K h -w b ich ,.n t ‘- » • ' - « d o f t h o e e o 'f t h e ; , , ^ ..,J * , 7 ,7 ,‘ ""n''* r , , , ,,,* nd* ,n .»'••• ° " r * U P ' - a l i t , des ato! that Thon M. 7 “ ° n**Z W 1 '•O’t bail t ¡»*d world. r# C,r'- H To„g,m. n-publiean. ,,„ | s l*rH »l* n n „ ev e« „ v r t^ a . , f . o m m . , m l . - / f o « 01(r^ í(l|.M. ¡ v . , , ^ . . hw ¿dd «h o. by Y LX„ - ---- -------------------- ' " • ' ìr’ " ‘0,,',r”MÌ“'’«l district UOregon - » . »- - X ’ thev are w L ’ ; ....... ............... i V* Coro «iMatiiHMto, b i r e ? ! - * * - " 1 .* ’ ,C 1„. a, ■ » ---------------------------------------- V. a. Mil IOSUIX Srussiata avfsau » mv ----------- llit « "" f o r " r Í Í ¿ ,S 7 e" °r ........... “ * ¡ s r - '»• - w . . . -, • b~ » » « w s w a k S y l s s » y ’r FOR saleor exchange . “S ■ c - e . •A » • w • repeat <" drpwcd .»am ic ... a m p o,.,/ ..,i . V"'e,' . . . . «___ I-'ulose Ifo'"’Hloi. l o i , . ' l’’ - The ’ • • » « « . a .,. A house and bouse i» j« hv H S iîD j ’’ « * ( * « - u r . - — , Ä S * ■H no 8 » p u is °n premise, a s s i « » - - .: J5 Citta . « « h l. T® Ou* P*TWON» foi v „ X in Glenada The 1 Me Mve T’ Ade • 'rangement» hr we "¡H furofoi, thw WeHtly fum isi, fh ’ "od-hed Orr. ’ ■"‘» S ' « '»• ” «•’ tn ««., i , , njr n