HAMPTON BrtOl. STATE OFFICERS L IN E . H .H . Barrett, Prop’r, On the 1st, 10th and 20th of each month. : g j n g i e t r i p $3.00. Round trip >5.00 L eav es F lo re n ce M o n d a y s. W ed n e s- d a y s a n d F rid a y s . _j A rriv e s a t F lo re n ce T u e s d a y s , T liu rs- d a v s a n d S a tu rd a y s . C o n n e c ts w ith S te a m e r a n d S c o tts­ b u rg S tage L in e (o r D ra in . A lso w ith P>ay. C h a rg e S tage U n e .f o r C oos Florence to Yaquina. ; For Passenger and Freight Rates -APPLY TO- Meyer A Kyi®, re a so n a b le . WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Florence, Or. hl» ami bow .baniel«—ly »P»“ ' • ’ bo , ’ T ’lo u , tune I t W M O O M id w d to eyatomatic corruption. i be quite haruilasa - • * 0 :^ ^ and destitute of «_» any The governor of Kiang*®u province, weapon of offense, although tbs hUta I T I AM KR who was un intimate friend of Prinoe legs of the males were s ^ ta d W,1*» » Kung, thttaght to take advantage of bis powerful spur, apparently otiiinenng U — - W ill m ak e;------- o CO UNTY OFFICERS great influence by coming into the city w ith a gland. Then the optahtawas ad­ without bribing, the gatekeeper. When R E G U L A R d a il y tr ips vanced that thia m ight he a w^* * B ,/ * * r he called upon his royal friend. Prince — — Between Kung exclaimed: “ When did you oome? lied to the poisonous anaocy « t a t a t a C- B a n s « , P r o p r ie to r . scorpions and bees, a ll of which :K . l>. P o tte r. I .cannot possibly recognme your pres­ ence, for I have not s*en your name in a sort of hypodermic W . T . B ailey S t a g e l e a v e n Eugene Mondays liiiia a to n e ra J . T . C alliso n the chuug-wen-men report, ” and he Though cne set of :. ' anil Thursday» at 6 a in. and ar- had to return and pay double the usual that this was the c u _ , — nled it, and to Dr.' Stuart d fta rta lta * h» . A. C . J e n n in g s j bribe to the gatekeeper before Prince 111. tlie solve this question, i f possible. H a re­ A . J . J o h n s o n r i v e » i n Florence at 4 Kung would receive him. Even mors ceived two independent aooounta wWaa Men s Suite for «4.50. Good Value». Wool Sweater« «1.00. A. 8 . P a tte rs o n day following. remarkable is the case of Tso-Tchung- coincided perfectly, and from tham t a s u r e r .......................... D P . B u rto n Tong, one of the greatest of our gener­ concludes that, at certain ueaeona et a ll J ¿lilies’ Wool Hose 20 eta. per pair. «sor ............. .. • • • «tage leaves Flor- G 8. H unt i Returning als, who, having suppressed the Moham­ events, the seejetion to vtruietaly pol- ool S u p e r in te n d e n t Latiiea Flannel Vest» 25 ct». Outing Flannel 20 yd», for «1. medan rebellion in Turkestan, had ao C. M C o llie r I e n c e Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 eonous. The mod» of a»taok i * BO* AT yey o r ..................... quirud for the Celestial empire territory scratching, but by lateral Inw ard more- J ' W 'w u io n «• " ,,d a rriv e s 1,1 E u Sen,! a t ” aner ................. ■ about h alf ta large «»China i t a l f - Th® meuts of the hind legs. Tw o canes are ¡tice oi P e a c e ............. . .F . B emperor, who held him in high esteem, repented iu One SM dogs — wv— dog V ~ waa , • J u h li I 'f a n n e r p. in. the day following. wished to sec him and sent a special ■stable ..................... three times, the symptoms m tah wsem- V summons calling him to an audieuoa at bling those of bee or hornet poison. The * «5.00 PCKI Il^a dog was *n waa evidently te in gresl g rts i ta *“ Single fare N When on his coming to the city the ; drowsy, but there w e » go t»m ees, e t a - . «9.00 CITY OFFICERS. chuug-won-men, or gatekeeper, de- ( vuisions or staggering. I t le worthy or Round trip - - - S manded 80,000 tael, he refused to pay note that a certain Im m unity seems < •- Ticket» for »ale at E Bangs’s nnythiug. But even he was not officially tainsble, for thedogmtffhred torn t a » • reported and after he had remained F. B. Wilson livery baril Ellgeue, and at Hurd P u ll m a n second occasion end » till , lean t a t e * hi d e n t several months in Pekin, w aiting f °^J*** S le e p in g C a r s LA0Y AT TME W|Npow . third. Two case» of men being wounded «. !•««• Hta »«stataml Egga. °W m Kyïè & Davenport’» office in Florence. audience, the e m rta ’r itaued auotaw are reported, in both of which the ahi- There ia nothing in an egg to prevent E l e g a n t edict, inking W iy he had never c o t a L d of T ru s te e s M a rlo n M o rris _____ | frwthne»» being maintained. I t is there­ T so -T ch n n g -T o iM re sp o n d ed by to ilin g male were irritated, one by being 11 A bi« hotel stane» «,*•» U» * * r , D in in g C a rs C. C. Behnke And o * y ararata« th»rs fore a question of treatment, and the the whole story, adding that, hâviiffi and handled, the other by being f * i A , « * ta«h>w J o * « o r o « from m tas domestio treatment of eggs has not pro- spent all ills owvi and his fam ily smou- only. Tbe symptoms were t he i——- - 1 sm « 1ml? fair. T o u r is t Drew Severy gmssed or cheapened iu 100 year», and ey on tho support of soldiers during tho iu the dog. No deaths a » repotted In t u » y «ssm oBta, w h its s o d m A , b order.. C a rs S le e p in g . ..J. A. P o n d ! human beings, but four in dogn. * la ta s loes - practically poultry keepers are only as H alf hlfiOaw hl,---------------------- »HHiirer war, he hud no means w ith which to That fu n m ta» oartaln. 1 m ay am . . J. 0 . F L I N T , P ro p rieto r 3 T . PAU L far advanced today as in 1788, when pay such a bribe. He appealed to the E . A. Evans H er n o » . «trllsh tv». Ir s b a l FIRST SUNDAY SCHOOL. ' the Dutch process of limo pickling F io r e tto « » , O r e g o n . MINNEAPOLIS emperor graciously to relieve him of the first introdneeti into England, and theta imposition. In reply the emperor saiu: O tatty f»tv. D ta ly fair, O U L U T M _______ I often w otalar why who do not know what bus transpired “ This (the feeing of the gatekeeper] ie Jobs ' It l . ta ta J «hy ' In recounting the ministrations o f There is ample evidence to prove, viceroy aud generalisaimo must submit i Y on tarai to l« ta scrota «ba w ay. C R A N O FO R KS T O accommodation» at reasonable John Wesley in G r t egi though the facts are not generally «*>. ' “ “ M I f lhi.4 be true, tom otaow morn. Never Drink oa «he ar labors, which ware indeed and bttaf could oorapett) w ith home 1 p v y t a - e . c o m e «qy» t and I w . W . N E E L Y , P ro p ’r. “ I t is a curioqs fact, easily verified, Wesley, toon after, his arrival » Meta- A nd w av* jo u r grown, or that ststau could dUplaoc that domestionted aquatic fowls do n t* gia, in 17#6, began Will unawer with P W Y M eto rten TO i li G e n e ra l L eon» Punt. No. 58. Tables furnished with all the CHICACO labor, or th at »•■« «»uld be ptoductad «A drink w hile they are swimming,* « - , Bunday school instruction df tho dhH- . Itud .O lirti, S a tu rd a y s aUiVai- a cheaper rate than iron t a d supersede marked M . A. Fulton of Arkansas. ; dren of the parish. Htotavo»*« to uWi- delicacies of the season. Wild WASHINGTON Ala«, ala«, and w,a ** ta*1 ■ each m o n th a t 1 ’-30 P» Hi. iron- » „ A*oUwh tolte, in Adhta»»" called my attention tn this i fatuation. Children ______ game. fish and fruit in season. Best PH ILADELPHIA were „ likewise .equal­ eqnm- J . L. F n r s H tf , A d ju ta n t. vent freshness being maintained i t is H alf iildAen In the tata! a short time ago, and I have **nce been ly attached to him, re Shown in tlM h Phe w ares her handkeaSNef at inel NEW YORK aeeoiuodations for the traveling 1 therefore a question of scientific tta to Oh. for som e friendly tanflel closely observing the habits of ducks, intercourse w ith ______ _— t a ’ _ him- Both ment, and opjwsltlon coihes only frtma ■OSTON AND A LL I'v e Just «wind ,,u *> abnta, »hat ali» geese and swans in this repaid to see I f , a BuJ ^ b ta J h a he g a y * » • ,u t** 1 public. Charges reasonable. those who fear old established iu t a « t a 1» a Iroekled rbm abramtafll POINTS EAST «OBTH ■ n U W . P e i n o tn a ix w lg c , N o. 131, there wss any variation from the rule tentiou to edutatlonal work. As g p » - eletoAtod 1 «Mule* ' being exKingoifihcd. However» thin ■ " ... ,„i a i S a tu rd a y s Ittfo down by my friend. I Irnve thus Hlniniuy i.b o ro n tbe Kabtoath before tee For Infor,n ailon , tim e cards, map» »nd liehet« isfactory phase of th cip g problem seem» ■ » m ee ts e t , > M‘e tllb er„ an(l v isitin g evening rervica ha reQ^itad W S t h r t U it. g'no V aU n d iu g a re Now Nhe lxJM BM*** e ie ., c a li un or « lit e one that m ight be agtwntitaxraaly taken far failed to find the leiwt exception. “ Tw o weeks m e I wntohed a floe* of ouuveuo vene in the church, at which tim e I “ >•-« V— ------ r “ Fare, plo»»e,” «tld the conduct«» ■ I iu develop*“ _ “ tame geme neerTy a il day to see U o n e ' up by those interested S i t a t o a tte n d . J . ->• A k v k s o n , M .W . ’ R. he catechised them • thoroughly and « * fu • - t- to the yonsg woman who tat iu tho itaf poultry and «ta» »a a domestic iudta- ## of them would not dip his beak down nished them w ith „additional teaobtag W m . K vi . e , B « * o fd er. i General Agent. Kooma 2 and 4, « l i c i t o l i Block, a picture of woe. ___ try. — London ta ta d m d • in the water w hile paddling along it» from the Bible itself- KUOF.SE, OREGON. . r. .. ~ < “ I e»n’t pay ytto thi»t»ip, atawerod t v . O. Z E IG L E R , P r o p rie to r. : surface aud take a drink. One shrewd B i ) O F. Ilneeta l.udgcNo 111, meet** Iu the present Weatoyta M arto ria i TK» ■>»• W tll t a ta ta e S Awey. tho young woman faintly. A. O. C H A R L T O N , in L odge old gander twice startled me by sw im ­ church in Havanna!» there to • t a h d iy B e v e r v Wednesday evening Tbe Alp», N t a a geological poto»i «* “ Why can’t you, ma’am î” in a *»»- or on A w istant General Pasaonger Agent. B rolheiH in buqbnb ming astfore and s a tis fy * * his tfcirtt, school re o « into which hutasadc of it Florence, r it'ivii» ' i Grenon « view, are vtaF mreut. Our W etoli hilRk 25’> M orriwii Ht. Cor. Sd. pinion» tone. d 'g ta n d .n g in v ite d f o u U ^ . N G after reaching terra firms, by guasling children crowd for Bunday instreotita-- though II in f S t o v r i y »puaklng i n ^ P o r tle tn c ì O r . “ I — I have l « t my c»r tore. ................. * ila n u » h » r , “ Did you have it mhtai ytat Im r S S nificant, ate t a more aument. I w y MM copiously and w ith manifest relish Tbe original school was leas A s n u iw B rvm ), Sec. ta d agcsbuRuu from tbe water along the bank and but it waa unquestionably tea Bret w ut- this car?” “ Yea, but I h svtait I t nota. i been __________ift»r4_ mountoSta t o r « * » •*d th e couduotor róquoats ^ G h a s t i w u to » '* k , K M O B r tutto? apon Raikcs* plan which waa aotete anspiriourly. “ I f you * « * **< » « « » *hi" j some 10,000 or 1S.000 feta of taMta to the fact that wheu yousag these a u l- , B ìent frtaL I r Ip M R M W y » l tfSSh‘°S«iSrA throaeh Munn * ^ v®. i S N r e t h e ti i a* lvl, k „ o « b ( . K x w s > 1 W o r . pattonM hoat c a lo jjje v e . , m reaM U w h y y o u It boat in the has been already rvuaoved. DanudaOtw mala are taught to drink from trough» liahed in the city of New Ytah. ! can’t find it again. How did you lose began as soon as tbe land roee above thu and pans, and they haven’t intelUgence ______jfiC ................... when they get g e t, U u a i* ___ sea ta d the mull) river valley» ware ex­ enuugh to shake i t off wheu Lwireetjrtr- it?” grown. I cannot account for it iu any A fter his retaru fr o « abroud tretart e t h o d s i e p is c o v a l .'erma. I* • " I — I swallowed it ! ” shrieked the cavated.— Pearson’» Weekly. Tei CWiMVlW« neta®d«aler*- other way. ” — St. boni» R ip u tilo . hod a little Japanese servant, w t a ton* se rv ic e . F rc.M bm g a t G le iia u s jeer; four jpoy . . young wouiuu. driven to dMgwration. M o n e y ta x e d a n d Acm e tw o S u n d a y s oi e a c h m o n th : una«»« charge u* of him as though — = ------_ ~ T « w »tMwrlM. and the conductor weut out on the rear _____anewtrars. w«re a b it of machi UMy and * • w«»u thu rton, D. < •y sa b b a tl.-8 c t.o o . e v e ry t'u n d a jr at Fond Mother (in passenger car. w ith end of the car aud cuffed • small hoy s Tfhnra- system has been , engineer. Boms of the newspgpar te ta h»r children)— I t just scared mo when . a A u u l improved l x l ----- . adopt- - 1,) .i.n i. Frave.r in ee tin g h e . v ery R a t r e n i i i n g it. ear».- Ubieago Time»-Herald. «u --------------- notiate that in tha oourss of «mu ta p h itrc F.verybotly Cod IL.-iiii» Rltnd. I read— Johnny, stop pulling fl.nvore i ed in respect to the new elevators lor d a v e v e n in g a t th e I G . F . B ounds , j U rsn t bud on six different hats, aate. Several large cod are kept in one of the lady’s bonnet!— wbun I rood in * » the library of congress. They are b u ilt c o rd ia lly in v ite d . What Was •»» lh«ra tt»rt F a r t >r. i ihe tanks of the Am iterdam aquarium, p a ^ ra — Richard, you jute keep ytrnr w Hh „ apeoial view to aafoty, • “ »" they luughiagly asked b i « w h u tto ta “ Mr. Speaker.” the new member Prop. nocasaorily near the surface, ta d there­ head in i— the Hgter tho other day t * t a I addition to i» safety catch are provided the «lguifiuauce of the changa. Ovan I Geo. H a le said: "W h y , I do not know. 1 supposed fore exposed to a strong light from quaveied, “ i should like to rise to a —George, if you put your sticky hrtsta -with what is termed tbe air coteiuu on that lady’s dr«»« agsin, I ' l l tharth the latter not u real cushion, inasmuoh I had on die same bat a ll thu tia rt.” above. Now. the cod, though not a quesDou of p n v ileg *•” attorneys ‘• The geutleuisu from Kan«»» has the Investigation brought u Otte s—w thu faM ——- deep sea fish, is not a surface »Wim­ voul— the other day lbs* a woman went i „„ n to not soft, w it is it made and put JUTUBUtfaMtaH mer and lives at depths " t a r e the sun­ floor. ” crws. _Riohmnl, «lon’t you dare stog ' in p o sitio n , b e in g fo rm ed o u ly w h e n th e the little Jap, through tte suggestion o( “ I want to know i f I get a right to BU8INESS CARDS light ninat be very much modified by that little g ir li— W hta I read th at * | elevator is ,lropi*d to t*» bottom of the some of the ladies of tte party or sorno A. C. WOODCOCK, mention th»t 1 got a lot of pure Jersey .«aaage through the water. I t » ’ ’ ■J“ womsu went crasy jute from tbe fito- „haft, awl thus tel wear and « t a on the of tho oommittoo, hod received ldcao au lieifer» tc rell iu the speech I a.a going ------------------------------------- ----------------what to us would ha seroldarknoto comforts of the— Johnny, stop punching „nteioii Is avotasl. The pnuolple is to what kind oi a bat tte general ought A tto rn e y a t L a w , to have put in The Record far circula- . arvr Every one of these ood exposed to the that gentleman!—of tho journey in a , very temple. A t tho bottom of the to wear at certain town» I f i t was a my district?"— Cinatanutt Eu- railroad train. I wonder if »ho h te chil­ shuft is a w ell te*>ut 18 feet in depth, uoUego town, just before t e arrived t t e r lU S T R A T IO N A L B A N K «trong light is suffering from an en- tion in O i’e g ° n __ _______ ___ S t a r f in L y hypertrophy of tim e ,a . The qairer. the »ides of whleh are ao arrangiai as to little Jap would tiptoo to t t e general, B ugana, dren w ith her? awre r t l l A f f i t a t o whole organ has become oversow n, as TAa Cirai» •< Oratal Araras. Lady (q uietly)— Purbapa aonoe otbar uomo at the top Within the »ixtetuitl* of remove the slouch hat, place u e ll* tee O F lUOtorew« jf j,, the effort to adjust itself to the use an taste of tte aite» of the elevator, tbto ; carefully on the geueral'a bead ta d “ Bo you and your bashsud have sep- «om an M ? — New York Weekly. space gtafiuutly g r u * 1”« l«MFr u,,*il out, the general uever losing ■ word or T o »«a •- • «*«"• J" C*“r " I of more light rays it had become over- ,, ----------- equipped and Jhen useless. The cod, in anted?” there is te d is « « *» e< t a in d it e d a h alf any couversatlou. A t tte next atop, I f “ Ye», i t a oontiuuul fight. Itegscai t t e utatator ta il t t e «heft. it was explained to l t e little Jap the# ttie question, I ___ w r l ill purdon eso.ooo ’ faot, aro blind. . .. . 'You “ D e a r , d e a l !” it was a soldier town, off would uf Ugh* t o l l » air, «ad, d ro ite«« 1"*° , gfiked tteough t t e ___ With tbs advance of civilisation, h u ­ rays ha» overdeveloped tbe organ far man reisiluu* grow loor* compfok, •"'* ,...;«vs log vury penerai never to appear at but why do pou air te eompseaaod «od. ta u te jloootjnts S K O L i X O I T B I D its use. I t has token place. »“* t a ^oW the social atoms elate more flarcoly «me g, oteemen tale essi in the same ' bat. * and ■* **■ jo te of U waa sloteta, u U ta ta tte s . OREGON ' that Grunt himself did not know a ry - degrees from individual to individual, against anctber.— Detroit Journal. CUGENC, Uutors ly. thing uf t t e -«'líeme. ” — Philadelphia but in a ooureo of time to be meuanred g g y you. t “ Well 1 d t a ’t m ind rtlllu Inquirer. by mouths and in every Individuta lu lit, "seeing thut I Th» a ita i th Recent advcig t a ' i iita ts iu the dally the tank. H this example is a “ Maud he« bail the front handle hurt itetay to be out of the bus!neta for a NO TARIE8. A»»« ■■<— «» K nepers «TO agtlcwleted to make dime uiu- i of the rapidity w ith which such changrt raised on the tawteoi. ” " I brpe you appreciate fte y ta r or t w « W e do thut to g»t ahead take place among fish, tbe adaptatim ita pirates. ” — Pittsburg snuro firtUta ffita * * Uh ,u v y- Tlw Ui«t in »« rrytn g « y daughter yoa rtur- of tb» di “ Wh»t tor?” , ,A , “ bearded tody” would be uu or«inury of those creature» which have migrated -■Hhe wss afraid she conlili) • Chronic)» ry » large hearted, «teecus girt. mortal beside the curiosity quoted here from tbe shallow waters tho dsep hack r enough “ I do. sir (w ith («motion), and I ta te A R. BUTTOLPH, “ c f i Ä Ä for Jack Io his* her. "Dost, a dark gear» ledlter lady’» pock t — ' Dealer. she Inherit« those qaolfltoe fro « « * ettxwk." T h in k of a dark green leather John Bntta, fir.— 1 w ant to leave my lady I In another advertisement ws fatte r. " — Harlem Ltfis. propFiiy to two •Ofl* onr-tenth to I„ a b o m e fM ta « .d w » te ta -f.ü I tali«««. ,byss, maT may have bi^n been ba as rapid bb as it Ara ralel ttF v W S a w il Au old librarian, unable to find his uiy youi»rst arm. John Butts, and nine- le .rn that "girto ore wanted to sew button» on the second story of the Smith marvelous. — London Spectator. enthral 1» on- evening when it was tlmo tenth« to my sldeut atm. Royal Gh.-stcr , , , fib Jones building,” and w hile we »re Jon there »r« « O re g o n to rinse, returned end Poked anxiously field Gltaamisy de Peyster Butts. väreily graduo«»« tad W lo r ta r tO ta , woudrtlog what the second story is go for it in tte card catahwue ander tha « Scotchman who eta througn Fam ily Lawyer— H ’« l Do you think ing to do w ith lt e buttons after thev A N T E D -T R V S T W O R T H Y A S D letter U .— Figaro. In tores years. , ihta s quite fair? are ' ’sewed on” we see that Brown A active gentlemen or ladies to John Butts, fir .- Y e a . 1 w ant to Co. want “ a satoalady iu corsets and n. FRANK B. WILSON- roar« >eau I travel lor responsible, established house p ^ ^ c re d toni« la ’ m ute aoine k iw i of reparation to Royal uudrrfiaunels." and ws are so shocked i you Mrs. Oabbta— D» one « amu have beta I in Oreron. Monthly »65 00 andexpen-es. for allow t a ha« mrUter to give him ttw t we urv -r re ad ta y «o re ’ ’ wants. Po-ition steady. Reference. Enclose talk in yewr 0*»cn fiara.»•? inch a t a r t j«w “» » • .>«>dora Tit- sia tkeV. — Boston Geoette. 1 to M r. G ebtei— Do I? kk . self-addressed stamped envelope. The join in .— Duminion Company, D*P<- Y Chicago. EUGENE-FLORENCE W e b u y c iir e o t 11 c i o s , ” f r o m tlx e f a o t o r y *********** STAGE LINE. K Australia certainly holds the palm for P iio r to each promotion the official queer and uncouth animals, says J t S has to bo received in audience by the Literary Digest. Chief among the*« to emperor. But this is a very costly al- the duckbill or crnitborhynchrns, which fair. for no one’i presence in the cap­ Sydney Smith described as *’a hjnd od ita l city is recognised until be has mole w ith webbed feet and the M U o f a bribed the gatekeeper to register bis duck, which agitated Sir Joseph name as having pained into the city and rendered him miserable ftom hie and duly report bis advent. That ht otter inability to decide whether it wee Hung Chang bail to pay an enormous i a bird or a beast.” I t waa only «uni in tips and bribe»—over £1,OOO.COO that i t was proved beyond a doubt tte» —on his last visit to Peking is n this curious animal lays -egg» ** ** * matter of common knowledge, but tue bird, though this had long been reported narration of two instances that have narration o i t w o . u . r a m ~ - -------- -- - b , , " Now oomee the news tbn» come directly under my r I J / , ^ in g on lte hind leg. capable od G A R D IN E R S T A G E f to v e r n o r ............................W illia m P- ix>i> • g a c re ia rv of > « t e ............... H . «• K iucai-l. T re -H ire r .............................P h ilip M etch en S u p t. P u b lic I n s tr u c tio n , ..G . M . Irw in . State P rin ter..................... . ,\V . I I . Leeila. A tto rn e y G e n e ra l • < C. M . Idleinan- . R . S. B ean F. A. M oore Supreme Court I C É? W o lv e rto n udge Second D istric t J . C . F u lle rto n U to rn e y se c o n d D istric t W . E . Y ates P r o m o tio n » O o D « d l a W ith B a o r m o o » B rib e*. Sk H a v e Txo o lo - O o o d s m s to o K . o n rsssb Florence aii t e l of TWB.j m GBflDS GLomGi o t ' FORSISHWG. ORTHSRN Pacific, Ry- Uff................ HAMPTON E u g e n e , **» HOIR, w rs s, srk Head of Tide H»tel, gaudhjtata. - THROUGH TICKETS bi ^* N 9TKL IU C IIII- H cim P H IY , * a , E l k P r a i r i e H o t e l. • N IU O K N C A N D » • Ä I» E N C E FL OR S TA C K ROUTE. ÄBBTWB» M F1K?A ■----- m Ite Notary F d b lifjS u n ejor PATINISI -- .-'Haw toOlz g fe s s M • B-* a W notary public . n nnP M O E . - - - OREGON