> -î» -K .t 'f; * $ * ¿6 * * - - , . f M i & * * * * ¡ _________ ---------------------------------------- ■4? i £ & * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * % * * % * * * * * * * % MANAGING HORSES. A cdYfelCIAN’S VIEWS ON THIS VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION. HOW YOU SHOULD AND HOW YOU SHOULD NOT TREAT THEM. XxU’c n e » M une« fcrr F toui P»iu or T hey » t « t O» (o n v to « a d H i o f R eproM ed A c tiv ity <»u tl,« s a c 43 I« 1 —1— 1 I '«a Mba W h ip and N«v«r B ir k th a Aatnaol- * * * * * ■ « Held the M iitnleg Ifwtd. EXERCISE FOR BABY. •iro trtb Mud U c v clu p iu r u t o f lo fa n t* . T iilt A u th o r ity O e c la r .» Fualtlvoly f o r 'F rcodoui o f M ovem en t. * * * % They were having the usual game of cards io the smoking apartment.. The traveling men swapped jokes, nailed lis« i-.tal told trigger vnc«. The stronger who just sat in to fill not the game contrib­ uted nothing Iso smiles and on oeox sionttl general laugh to the social ft* tore« of the occasion. Evert on<«. in a while « jovial drum nter would smnoutice Halt he hod some ptAer in his hand, and an oecsmonal side bet was made uuder the rules cl the g n a t Ante: can game. Finally one of the*« challengi« elicit­ ed fnsu the straiger on aduumiou that poker was about the only game of essre. of which lie did not poa*«« someknowl- but ho ha.1 sash.-r a ¡«oulior hand, •n.l because of ttw value it would hgve in otlwr garni« he wogld just take a chance. Be*« were rapidly made until tfare was ®I5O in the pot, t g l m ac«U » ac made, and tho Mratgyir awkwardly a nd how ijsxny point« his exponent 1» “ V e don't count point«,’’ was th niwarer, “ bat I hare fourcigfi.ta I t » 1 er ttb-;ik t)«t w ill take the plunder.” “ Well, 1 declare I” gosp«d the stw gcr, ns he learned tw. k and mopped hi. brow. "Here I am with h-gii, jgr.-k, gBine, I B caaino, mi see, a run of five and a flash.” as lx. threw down tiw ace, klagt queen, jack uud ten of dia­ monds. “ 1 really Ihoi^ot I hail yon lx»t, “ and he shoved the money towar.. the paralysed drummer. In tlie midst of th e n a r tlsat, follow »’ "A royal flash!” was shouted by sc« it one, unit tin. rtnujger was hilurio* • nssured that h«. ltmt won. His surpi a» ; two never gave owav so lunch us < cbmfcle until lie waa alone that ugi,I. — New York World. O ï c r S t u d ie d . T h re e LADY’S HEALTH RüfREB PREPARING FOR GRADUATItN. m 4 •w w w kW m Wait Bayairi Rtr Sfrtftgtt.. Fail and Hilary—Kir Critical Ccaiitiaa. S t a r s ir . From th« Democrat, SlMlbgviUr, Jnd. helped l.er, and T11 one of the main streets of Shelbyville, the pills. The fir«t Tiidiina, reside» Mrs. Enuly Edwards and tabo- alie waa her seventeen year old daugliterj Cora. The s d'S’eroet girl. Sue eoatiuutd vith (his y.iunif lady is one of the iTiarminx misses ot intdicine and when she had tsSeu the city, she Iwing known ior her beauty, h o lts a complete cure had been «fiseted. sad prrlect health. Hhe is now stronger, can eat more, sleeps "Although enjoying good health now,” better, and weighs more than «he did betor« said her mother to a reporter ?r*>i________ recently, ______ "«he ____ ■he waa taken siek. I a 11 sure too much has not always be«n bo fortunate. 1 suppose cannot be said about Dr. Williurns' Pink <’oru, until two years a^-o last March, was as ■ Pills for Pal« People iu her « as*, as they healthy and strong iw any girl of ner ' undoubtedly saved her life. W* have re- She wiw attending and was studying I coniinendeil them to a number of s u ffe rs .' ‘K school i . w commended hard. Perho iop« she was too studious, for we The young lady, said a word of epproval, noticed that the healthy color iu her cheek was and that «he felt very grateful for the bene­ ranidly disapfxaring, disappearing, an and she was becoiuiug fit received through Dr. W illiams1 Pink pale and sallow. P ark , swollen circle« be’ Pills f«»r Pal« People. “ I ogre a with n?y pan to appear under her eyes, und she rarndly mother.” said «he, “ that 1 would not be liv­ became came worse. We were living in Fran F ranaliu, ing to-day had I not used these pills.” Indiana, at the time, and Cora would have To leave no doubt as to the ttuthfhlnCM pr.uduated that Spring. She «topped attend- ; of her story Mrs. Edwards cheerfully mad« ing school and endeavored to get a rest, b u t ' the following affidavit: har health kept failing. H«r Wood was color­ S helbyville , I xd ., May 13,1S§7. less and impure. She would also have sick Thi« is to certify that the above story con* headache, could scarcely eat or sleep, anil cerning the illne«a and ruh&egueut recovery was almost continually in pain. Nothing of my daughter, Cora, iu an etact and truth* which wc did for her seemed to do any good. ful representation of the fhet« in her case. • Different phvsieians treated and pro­ M bs . E mily E dwards . scribed for her, but she kept getting worse. S helbyville , I nd .. Maj 13. 1K97. Khc had formerly weighed 109 pounds, but Rubgcribed ami sworn to befo» • ine this during her illnoes her weight had dwindled 13th day of May, 1897. down to 79 pounds. We began to think 1». C. M ay , N otary Puhtic. there was nothing we could do for her bene­ Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pah? People fit, when 1 happened to notice an artich contain all the element« necessary to give h paper regarding the merits of Dr. W illiams’ n» w life and richness to the blood and re­ Pink Pills for Pa* ale People. I thought that store shattered nerves. They are sold in if there was ever a pale person it was cer­ Boxes fnever in loose form, by tho dozen or tainly Cora, so I decided to buy a box of huudred) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for the pilJg and let her try them. It was the $2.50. und may be Jia«l of nil druggists or first of la*t May when she began, and near directly by mail from Dr. Williams’ MeuU- the middle of June when «he stopped using cine Company, Schenectady, N . Y. L IT E R A T U R ‘Infantile A thletics” wus tlio subject Horses are ««sentially creatures of 1. a paper read at a meeting of the sec- habit; of gentle, coulidiiqg dispositions, fa ”» < ib pediatrics of the New York botoxcessively nervous; timid, at times Academy of Medicine by Dr. Ileuty irtitubie, uud prone tn m is t sfeeuuoas- J .ini, Taylor. 1/ anything that frightens them. If, for “ Wlifu 0110 considers the important example, you put a rope halter on an phyaiulogical effects of muscular activ­ unbroken oolt and tie him to « port, the ity, ’ said Dr. Taylor, “ it is apparent more the rope cats into his tender «M11 that the human organism is imperfectly the greater w ill lie bis stru «0 «, wtni* nUaptsd to a sluggish or sedeutuiy ex­ he w ill soon yield to a hrtfar that in ­ istence. Medical practice, at leapt in flicts no puin. Throqgb nervous f r ^ t bora« s w e - the cities, is largely made up of disor­ ders which ure distinctly traceable to times become jm iie stricken and *!•)- S « ld W it h the neglect, cf proper exercise. Prim i­ ltitely thiccntrolJsble. They snOkr »Mo tive man, being obliged to hunt and occasionally from what, fbr want of a tlvht in order to exist, wus of necessity better uume, may bo c a ll« ] “ nsrvesw ; hlctlc, and now that the strugglo has puralysis,” when tbpy sassu to 1» |h»»- -i-i n measnro been shifted from brawn ioally incapable of motion. Tala con­ to brain, men still find it advantageous dition is aliw gt invar MVsly the rvsolt of to train their mueclc» in sports and brutal treatment, uud the only r s* m - H tiuei When tbo important relation of ablo explanation of it is t lr t th* •«■ niMcolar activity to nutrition, respira­ emotion u reward hi tbe h m , by i«i>:at>- THE CITY. tion, circulation and elimination is re. ! ment is four; that when he flu tlret « called, this wholesome instinct easily lie cannot escape arrer anger said a ggrit of Farewell to tho mounti iu side, finds its vindication. TSvery muscular resistance are mingled with his frigf.l, For the city is calling mo. inaso is in ca important sense a supple­ and that th*»' iruaMinsd ««gaon s i«o- Tho chinqnopin’s scattered with lavish hand mentary heart and a supplementary duce this morbid state. F- " roiiis to lac gayly appareled land. kidney. The lungs are never thorough­ The horse is quick to take ad » » ,’« * ' BFTBE Thero’a un opaline tinge to the freshening air, ly ventilated, except through vigorous of Ihe igrsiraoce nr tbe fear of th Tlic hocll of autumn is everywhere. atre him. As ««»jrered w ih exercise. Moreover, the nervous uud who confrol Put how ca I longer bide, Fair though the mountain be? rnusculur elements are so intiuiutuly the dog, he is somewhat slow of a w - For th e city lias lifn-d her dyes again, related as to form practically but one prehension, but ho diOrr* from the dr® She's «lulling and lxiekonlng over the plain. system. Education and progress come in this also— that ho saldoni bwxaisw A s th e le a v es d r ift d o w n , through motor anil sensory experience_ “ too old to learn new trims, ” sw,] « • A s th e w in d s g ro w c h ili, Her warm blood bounds and her pulses thrill. •hat is, largely through muscular activ­ memory is so retentive that lie 1» « ! ity. Growth itself is influenced by exer­ forgets what he has onto thosoi^sly ' O il, tho mountain’s aglow with tho frosty Wo flrel as marked diti.rwieos 111 liab- cise, learned. breath, TH E CHRONICUB ranks w ith U x greap-st its, taste, and characteiu among spid»« A fever flush, ere tho rigor of death ‘‘Dr. H. G. Beyer of the United States It may also bo set down as a ml«, ! newspapers in t t « DnM«d »taro«. That grisly winter'll bring. as among hnntan bein®». Some kind» TH E CHRONICLE non na aqijal on the Psctflo N aval academy lias show n that not only with lait few exceptions, that he in* t, » Bnt (he euy—the oity’g awake, n-start, f oaet. It (•ode all In ability, enterprise and n eas. do those cadets who take systematic to do jnst rigfxt If he err, it is fwsn i prefer ahvav» liv i’< in honses or cel­ The d< s llieat winter but warms her heart— IH E CHRONICLE'S Tahagaaplifc Reports are gytuiutstic training largely exceed those ignorance, pain or frimiit, rarely frrws lar«. not »»tui.«| to caro for anv ft're: Bile call.« to me over the H.uiiii plain. the latest and m ost reliable, lie Lawetl N ew s Uie ftillent and >pJr!«at. and 'ta Editorials from the who do not in average gain in weight, stuhbornness or vice. This resins to 1« ■ Mr or out of daor exarefcx. Mr. Jt a> And my spirit awakens and lives again. ablest pens ta the country. None win, are engaged in any of the mechanical lung capacity and strengtli, bat that, generally unknown or at least dire« 1 irelis ttt two <)i4«re that lived for If Farewell to the crimson and gohl, TH E CHRONIC Lb baa at ways bear a n dalw eys their uverugo gain in height during the garded, for of all animals tho horse h ‘ y»trs in opiMRite eornere of a draw».-, To tho mountain's billowy l ine, w ill be, the friend and champlen of the people as pursuits can succeed without reading and aval net com binations, cllquae. corporations, or four years is greater by over an inch. the leust understood, the uw a Ire«-.!» which was treed far wrep and candla.. Bur sing, my heart—with rapture ding— The city breathes anew ! oppressions of any ktad. It w ill b i 'iadepetidsut Others .lc]«i,t in making burrows In The Cadets range fa ugfl from 10 to 21 judged and unjustly ti««r«d, and Aw tha In everything neutral In noUUu^» studying this standard Magazine o f S i,■„<•«■* —Ne.v Orleans Timea-Deniocrat. yeurs, and it is probable that appropri- 1 least infraction of discipline he is to« (be <«B'tb. iu dwelling under stones or ate exercise would have similur if not often brutally punished. If men who behind the loose bark on tre.», and oth- and mechanical Arts. It ¡„ il|„drntc,l win, TROUT AND PICKEREL. greater effect in cbililreu. train horses would control their tam­ ure live unflor wuBar. Maay never leave ' “ It is even more trno of the infant pers and endeavor to ascertain the cause lltt'ir wab., but patiently wait, bopinff nil modern cuts of latest inventions in all hom etiitnc About T heir Mc-thnda of Feed­ than of the udult that the kind and de­ of the anim al’s misbehavior, they would some insect w ill bocomo entangled is ing, »» Observed nt tho Aquarium, the branches of in,•ehanisni, ami its iund ,,f gree of liubitual muscular activity w ill find that there is often a good excuse fo: tbe snare: they have Mt. Other* d » h I t )» easy to observe at the aquarium alsiut, and seize upon every luokles« in­ largely determine the structure of tbe his actions. tbo habit* of fish in feeding. Some are knowledge is inseparably ennnecied W ill body uud the tone of tho mind mid char The eye is tho best index to tbe rei- sect that erotacs their path. The nitre ucter. It is more truo because the in­ mal's feelings. Tho ears are very »x 1 uAventunaix of all are those tliut Mil sjuBb’'»b, some are fierce and some are veutors and m e c h a n ifs. S „ |,| w ¡ ||, | 1JE fant is more incomplete und more plus- pressive, bat they do not reveal m out iato the world on one of (heir o«u aly. Tbo trout are fed on live Lillies. The Lillies when thrown into tbe tank tic. The newborn bubo is, as it were, plainly the emotions that are dom inat-; little thread«. AV e s t at club hing rates. In the bright autumn weather, if we scatter iu all directions, with the trout but half made. Its organs ure Imma­ ing him as the eye does. Thersfi.ru ture, its activities restricted, mid they study tho eye with its varying expres­ olreervo cltaely, we may e imetinicK sec after then, Jiko chain lightning, twist w ill never nttuiu full und harmonious sions, and when you ewn read its iihwj some of onr own small spiders aseem. ing and t irulng wit!, marvelous eeleri development except under tho stimulus ing you liold the hey fo one of the chW to the top« of tre«re, fauces and oth»i ty. The L:11 j , s double, the trout dart h«fii oMeets. rtro on thalr toes, turn tire after them. Hising to a bunch.ef kil- of use. it ii not w ithout significance secrets of successful iiorm ts«inln> that exercise is begun five months or The horse should he convinced that spfairers upward, throw out a quantity lieg at th.) top, the trout fairly make more before birth, uud that the infant riwistuuce is uselass, but do not he im­ ot Xiik and .a il aware They grasp the the water fly. They jump almost, if uot appears upon tho scene with u kick and patient or harsh. Meniendre thaA sas silkwi thread with their fret and seen quite, clear out of it, „» if Otey were « cry. Though among tho most helpless cess is the rewurd of unweuiind pa­ to ).• enjoying thenreelves us much a turning somersault«, and down they go of nature's children, the infant comes tience. I t you fail nt first, keep tryu< tho Irird. .m l batt»rfl!«a. — Margaret > . in again and on after tbe Lillies. It is a dashing, sla&hing, crashing pursuit, bs^kiton in Fi^ular ftoiwiee Monthly. •with court do ruble train!ug mid some re- 1 until you sueeesd. Do not tw dire.re and iu about half u minute tho k ilii.s markable muscular endowments, ns, for aged if yon do not seam to msbe much are all gene. Dr. > tc»|l « «rererMre Vcwapap«^. iustaiioe, tho well known ability to sup­ progress. Your task may take weeks or Tbo pickerel—bow different! How Dr. Mleoll, who came to this country port itself by gruspiug a horizontal rod. even months, but if you persevere you ' | w ith Br. Barria, read th- American silent, and yet bow sudden! Tho killio In waking hours the sm all limbs prae- w ill triumph. here arid a - dropped in above darts downward While it is truo that w ith moiuo horses newajrepoii« while he tb e constant and vigorous movements, superficially aimed, but important in the whip must lie occasionally tired, it ta io trely admit« that he liked them through tho water. Not pursued, it produuiug tissue rliunges fundamental should be the very last resort, and re­ B« Ire« eonft re»d to The Wosttniuwrr slow down and halts iu tho middle of to nutrition, us w ell us in furnishing member alw ays that one. or at mra» i* ! ,> t tlret in hi» opinion no Araeritrei the tank to rest and to recover its equa­ Tl • '* monlhh ly magazine is one t,f tl V sensory uud motor experience mx-oraury two, cuts and a few sternly sptban: iiretirutkiu wmorernilumlenitood abroad nim ity after its recent disturbing expe­ rience of being removed from its homo to mental und bodily growth, develop , words ure morn efficacious than mi than the pnrei He think, our new best printed in this country, anti b sc w ent und power. hour’s punishmeiit. There Is no n«a para !are acireatlonal than they se. tu ta in tho live food tank, carried about in a galvanised iron tray, and finally ?"ul v*rr trnlT’ '•’'»t you m . T h » C h r o a lr l« B u ild in g . ‘‘A t 8 month» of ago the baby finds vicious or falsoidcn than that a horse is to all subscrilwrs at rates within th in them for anch matter » dropped into another tank as food for its burnt» and begins to reach out for hem filed by u “ sound tlirreh ii« " On lo w iu und hold objects; ut 8 or U mouths it I the contrary, it is tho very wow» thing t h. ffi vorce report« which the ncjit prop ether fishes. ability of a || to pay. ft is iiii.d, illi. At a littla distance is observed the creeps; at 12 or 14 it walks, mid so you can do, because the horse’s recollao re Ei^liah pajicrtt publiah. Undoubtxi 1» wc Areeaieana like the pickerel. If has come up silently, like a B j Marl, Foata»t lu u*iw w ihe pickerel's interior, and prob­ : Fletcher says: ‘It is a mistaken notion had humor, for if he does uot do jewt r aiued »wti!», Canada and Mexico _ tetiou — H*n«r s Weekly. ably with only a very hazy notion if * ™ o . T X ^ V w X ,CS re ,h“ br'Cht'', ♦hat the child is kept up all the right you w ill prohubly vont some of it time. Every dny the baby is bathed 011 him. any at all. of how it got there. Z i l ' ' i ^ w . r7 w " 'V M ’■'•l" ' T P?rr twoi,"» The metho«!« of the tront and pirker- When whipping is used only us a last '*'*• fa r . rt « lutkl^. sud placed on a robe or blanket to kick el and crow to its heart's content, hut resort, (he necessity for it seldinu arlsre “ Always shake, br,,,), and fold vour ar. very different; their results, how­ when the family care» call the mother As the horse makes progress in his o«tu cloth«, at night.” i. W aj,,r ^ r o t i in . ever, are much the same —N Hew York sample copies SENT FFUE. away he is put into tlio cradle, with his cation he understands better what is re­ elyhx* to men fa The Led;.«’ Home Jour- Sun. anus free to play with tho many bright quired of him and transgresses less frs n .l. DO you Never hmw coat»— fold fllrni ant t h e On»« Woman*« Trial«. " e do not take possession of our ideas but are possoxnoti heads that hung from the hook which quently, and nearly always a sound rat T rouaars should he folded bv putting the tiu n . A resident of Stuten Island bn, lr.telv C H R O N IC L E encircles th« head of this little portable ing when he knows that ba is misba two w a i.t buttoua together am! prererr- They master us and force us into the «rena, bad.’ I having is sufficient Hinetimes when ing thecrerere. Fold lengthwise and been very much annoveri hv Where like gladiators, we must light for thorn, “ What a refreshing contrast to tho this is disregarded a slap with tlio open tlwu double. Coa . are folded length urohius of the neighborhood. She insipid experiences of onr overdraped, hand w ill cause instant obedience. -- nature ...vxu*v uiiu DilX OU lier oíd ha* •nch is the exalted motto of the Arena, h J half flrst’ ,hen ‘‘«“•h great lover of and tl* Wh'i h T v “ I ,n,Q,i" r ° f POt,Pd overcoddled youngsters. M ill, rough ex- There ure tw o forms of punishment, Half Of the coat fa the sleeve H,,,, „ orcises are not required for civilized ha- or rather brutality, that are inexcusw the two remaining halves, the lining fa U “ L' u w inter. entire contents of this >s monthly ma: S IIO W IX Q il? I IIP hies. They w ill attend hi their own ble under any elreum stsnws— tie -sc xr» Ing on the outaide Wa.sfaw,« fa,d. At night, when everything i» quiet, the come and ........ ig c " o rte .l o„e7 Î The United States, Dominion of are upon « planv and gymiiMtica, if not prevented. It is evi­ striking a bowe over the head, no mat ed iu half, lengthwtao. Never lounge in keeping witi dent that tbe movements of the trunk ter how light the blow, xml kicking nlreut your room in your clothe*_mvtfa two plant» with,mt discovery. One by Canada and Northern Mexiao motto. The A h ind limbs should not be impeded with him— aud aside front their iuhamaiitty fag de.tn.ya them so much. When v„„ one her choice flowers have disttune i r > t i-ena's gall rv ot eminent ON ONR HlUld, wrappings Baby's activity shoo Id have there is great danger of permanently in ‘owe in .luring the afternoon or' at nud although »he has watched fw the think A na th» tors is free play Af the start we ure confreut- ju n u g him. Whenever durii^ a lesaou i n ^ l r T r e ? “ 7<>Ur a group of interest) ng men and wa‘” ' W l « l thtoves they have never beeu caught , r h .X v for the haM" th ere ur» few prevalent sure him, uud he w ill face imminent The •■srxrot B r i ll,h r « | nt,, ’ c»- ■>og. raped, but tlx re btw been no among us that *is«m ralonluted to help peril if only you are near. Tho Lr Aft pi, fay 1 more trou- ever painted by a bio with flowvr thieve«. In conclusion never forget that the -him Monotonous jarring, shaking ami British u i t I» i»«..,,, »..id fa, be 8i|>Jn u!lTk ^ I" O,n.'U, *’ V, ry ,nnd <* I>’»» of Thornhil trottiug are undesirable. If not harmful. triumph of the :«ainer's art is in w ill­ gvuloo, tu,i reate, r«ut,d . V ’ " ‘» ‘‘ «'i' ’ he i !ihn< of , klu'b «id has a number about the When the Idea is uaoe grasped that a i n g sud clmerful obedience from a de tong,,». Ock h.rehwhe. to- th* »t h ill x< Gro-nwict hospital, reo h-’oro. t f a e daj.. wW1# niarkMii7 ‘ * gissl, hearty cry is un admirable chest sire to plense, and ls>o«um’ long custom somma, ete. Ilood'j rill« ! f a c n e r , . Wú1Í4W l u Mli. Ic iuuir». WUligm wxpauder. there is Jens temptation to has made it a habit, uot because the eure convolution and all I«. •ct : »«n th is form of parental mdnlgeuee, fur it horse (eats to disobey through dread of reMilta.»a»,lv»ndthoroughly jsc . Alldruggi-ta C ' H'X"' « « - - ¡ L Msa^' ’• ity. u Hie li mean- w ill usually ba found that tbe baby is punt.hmcnt —Our Animal Frteuds. v.r d 1 H f , , The only e ,iu to take wtth Hood» a a rre p a ,;lx T te lar«»« < . trotted for the sake of the trotter rather painted an ] Many of tiw «treats of Paris are lined W A .N T K D -T K I STWOKTHY and tre«» nnd wi than for its own Peevishness is of ex.iiblie,, *is.),L rtepped off «***«» •T * Hrttnh xrifat it conn«’ undaei ruble. If due to in d ica tio n w ith treva If a troc die», another of the ” avtiw one tiv John ve gentleuieu or Isdie» to diM ar -N a w " Yoik t "* “ , or “ J ‘ Hn. tfa m’.jrcf faing nr 01 far |4>ysicsl ai.'uieifts, the baby same kind, age aud »ire, ,» hrouglit from tr x w i lor respet,„ble. ret«blis|,„| honro I ime«. » Cor n-«m.h.gth...stu, fa y,.,^5 e . whoultl bo treated, if 01 tap I tested by j Ihe abate furwta a,fa put It, its piws h tit« h » < * • lh a w u l!, of th,, n.rtrvgoo. M onU ,l»m O B sudex,»,ree. Senatore sud presule»!» b„Tg rlimfari », » ovcriudulgeu'w, tbe tresfm snl sboold Tbe coat 1. something treimmfau». hut la I s is I’cuim u steady. Keicrvt *■ f , - M ,» « ' .« p .„ , ............. the m e t Ix uuttful cf be tempered w ith discipline which ' Pari« •elt-»d-lr,««.*i ttsmprcl •life«. ■ V . rod the r b r e . c , , . » . ^ ■bool« not stop w ith the child. " !• » « t ♦ i , L f P>< fare. D o utttfan LV* tiuen-jr.’ ” ever «m if ni mimad in ! • a. r»»'.r», ~iuvrsuu. cir»ti,l ■urin, ••kg , a A n il T h e .Î R .T S a n d S O IE T T O E g l ST- w 2s2S#rancoar CHRONICLE MUEntifiG AmBrican. THE EDSMDPDLITAN, w m the “ daily S6.70ata Î The M y Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 THE ARENA W £ Reversible M ap? M ap o f th e W o rld C s n s tip a tis n H o o d i 1 P ills look over this croup . u A ........... a* make your selectio n , the west . FLORENCE. OR.