MW TI FMD OUT. Fill it bottle or eominen glass w itli, urine and let it stand hours OUR MOTTO. FUI H Vi — a sediment oi settling indicates a»t un­ G uard 7th. the For G ol and Home and Native Land healthy condition of Mie kidneys. " hen A little light is being spread on urine stains linen it is evidence of kid L amí C«>i xtv , O h Inrge numlier of robberies that in the OUR BADGE- nny trouble. Too frequent desire t. past few years have been made irom . urinate or pain in the hack, is also con -----UT - • • A K n o t o f W h ite K il'bon. die stores of honey Bros, at Goshen | vinciug proof th a t the kidneys and and Wheeler Bros. at. Pleasant H ii-.j W. <*. T. <'. lueetinvs are hol t every allernai* bladder are out of order. Several times the tracks of Horses have Tinif.iday afietnooU fr«n I U>4 ®'4ip«+- The date W HAT TO HO. ìó ito r « tu l P ro p r ie to r. t n t and nlaee of meeting will I - tnndhrteed the lieen traced toward Eugene, There is comfort in the knowledge so w as ' previous week. , lost before any definite place The Ne'lnusl W. C. T. V. has over forty d<- often expressed, th a t Hr. Ku uer's L is : »1.50 a year in advance.----- troeiiM or line' of work, under m e four y ii- swamp-root, tiie great kidney lei.tee.i reached. heart' of Preventive, icliiriitloiial, Evan- ()no box containing dress goods, rib­ iiiltils every wish in relieving pain m the red at th e p sd-offico ftt l ì ■ re nee, bons, etc., was found yesterday after­ gelhtic sud Social. back, kidneys, liver, blad-te: and every uunty, Oregon, aa Second-class noon bv Mr. Rut an of the Eugene feed part of the urinary passage. It cot rev I* B atter. M E D A L C O N T E S T W O R K vard and Harley Furm an, under some inability to hold urine and scalding par hay in the barn of Mr. Judkins, one -------- , in passing it, or bad effioyts following griAlXU HATE» MADE KSOWX ON Al» and one-half miles east Of Eugene, and department has been so known nse ,|( , j(luori wine or beer, and over rl.ICATlON. . ' brought to town by them. They had but one year, but during tins ti ne ’ l(“ ! c0lnes Lti,.,.« 8 te i« » p er ■'»<», i’’Mrtl01’ „„pleasant n o eJ‘ By he K -A) pawn r^vOTR purchased some hay at th at place and interest has been growing in favor and ; 011ipenea to get nP many time* tll(J lllgilt t0 urinate. Tim mild The residents of Fiddle creek have while transferring it from the bain to usefulness, Me now have thirty-one (J W E S T B IN G S . been doing some work at opening the the wagon uncovered the box. Mr. superintendents state and te n .to n a l; ftnd estraowlinBr, effort oi swamp-root Wheeler lias identified part of the and every reason to believe lha! Ulu ■ js HlX>n leM',ize,i. n stands Hie highest l u f e i x f . O r . J a n u a r y 1 4 . 1 8 9 S . road up the ereek this winter. Portland merchants were successful goods as belonging, to him, and A. L number will be increased W forty when for its wonderful eurea of tiie most dis in obtaining the contracts to furnish Konev, who was down from Goshen we hear from the state conventions | tr w in g ease.. If yon need a medi' in" , gtli lEua’a Brat tva and baking powrtar. supplies for distressed miners mi the today also identified a portion of the recently held. At the beginning oi tbe you should have tbe best. Bold 1- HiBd'a pills »r,! purely vegetable anil work I urged tiie superintendent to in­ ' druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ guodrt. ... not purge, pain or gripe. All drug- Yukon. No onft tins lived in the vicinity of sist on charging an admission fee and lar. You may nave a sample bottle and Two rafts of logs from Knowles creek tiie barn for some time and this knowl­ combine tlm financial with the educa­ . pamphlet both sent free by mail. , ils. were delivered at the Cushman mill edge lias lead tiie thieves to eache tiie tional interests; this has been done Mention Tiie W est and send your ad­ linai'L Hie slate board of equnllzft- last Friday and Saturday. The first by in |p ia e tic a llv left I.nno county's A. P. and Frank Knowles and the other goods there, thinking they would be raising tiie average per contest of net dress to Ur. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. perfectly safe. It is more than likely receipts to double the amount of last X. Y. The proprietor of this papei sesument alone. bv Cecil Sweet anil Frank Hartley. too that otliei goods will yet be found year, tliis has been a great heltJ to local guarantees Hie genuineness of this olL" William Martin sends us l>is address The shipm ent of lumber from the unions. Special inciials for depart­ tliere. un Wort land where he has located to Siuslaw to San Francisco to begin Developments may yet he made t ments is a new feature and lias met irsuu his law studies. T H E R E P O R T M A D E P U B LIC . again immediately. I B. Cushman ; will lead to tlm conviction ol the of­ with success. Uitakl A. M. Taylor has been ap- informs us that he has ordered two fenders, and the m atter is now in the Missouri lias held tbe most contests in n p p o iiit- G o v rin n r l ord G tv es O ut Hie Ite p o r t of < voinfcd deputy sheriff, tt 1 vessels to be sent hero alter cargoes. proportion to membership; holding one hands of ttie officers. ent to ceasu duly 1, lbfifi. tbe S ecreta ry « f Rt»ie. Letters from neighboring states in­ ior every twentieth member, this en­ T O RESUM E W O R K AT O NCE- A silver modal contest wilt, be held m dicating a probility that tlio Alaska titles tier to the banner. Washington lorence under the auspices oi the W . I Mining ii Navigation Co., will be Salem Jan . «.—Governor Lord has state supeiinteiident who is also nation­ . T. V. sometime near the 20tli of .1 in. The Alaska OoW Mining & Navigation al associate writes th a t she lias had made public the report ol the sei'Hts v able to raise the necessary funds to he exact date will bo given Intel. finish tlieir vessel, were shown to us Company, of Florence, O re., are now orders for medals and supplies from of state, on tiie examination of Hie -I ’ prepared’ to push the Klondike vessel to New Zealand and Alaska, so you eee tiie treasury January 1st, 189«. Tim repo, t While at work in the siuslaw River this week. umbei)Co.’s mill last Saturday, Oscar J . J. Anderson, Fet Fisk, Mm. completion at once. The necessary work is growing! A number of contests , sbow8 (here was in tlm Oregon state utea^net with a slight accident, lie Hardell and Chas. Hubbard are now funds are now available for that purpose. have been livid m Ontario and Manito­ treasury on th a t date Hie sum of *8ti7,- G f . o . H. C olter , Mgr. as turning over a stick of lumber when at work making repairs to tiie boiler of ba, Canada. Tiie tempemuee cause lias ! 703. Newspapermen have been trying ( ’. IL H oloks , Sec. caught his loot injuring it some. no greater ally than the contest work, for months to get th is statem ent, amt the P.obarts. Another crew of men are Dwfc’t inn any risks about health. preparing the waj'B on which Io haul S T E A M B O A T N iE E T IN C AT EU G EN E the drilling of so many speakers means publication will satisfy their dem and- growth in the art of expressing tru th ; Tbe secretary is required to make ex . add coughs, colds, fevers, pneumonia, tlie vessel up for calking. which if rightly done means growth in amimitions semi-annually and repoli t 1 ,d J l other similar ailments by keep- ' General Lyons Post G. A. 11. at tlieir Guard 4 tb : A steamboat > meeting tiie art oi living trutli. nB L .r blood rich and pure with meeting last Saturday elected the fol­ the governor. was held at tiie court house last even­ M ur . A. E. C armam , lood’< Sarsaparilla'. lowing officers fur the present term : ing. C. S. AVilliams acted as chairman OURRANT ha ng ed . National Superintendent W ill our correspondents please do us Chas. Sherbondy, commander; Samuel of Contest W otk. I he ffvoi' to send tlieir articles so they 1 .owe, senior vice; S. B. Colvin, junior and F. M. Wilkins as secretary. Gaptain Gray gave an estimate of W. H. T. D urrant was executed at villJe'tcliu» ns early in the week as viep; l;. B Mills quarterm aster; .1. L. SUNDAY SER VIC E S. the cost of a 100 ton boat, as requested San Quentin last Friday for tlm murder inesday’-’ Two good artieies were re* t urulsh, adjutant. at a previous meeting. His figures of Blanche Lamont. Earlier in the cived lust week alter we went to preM. Tiie W est has lor sale one year s were »1,500. It was thought there Preaching as usual on Sunday, Jan. day he had been baptized in tlm Gatho- j The Eugene school board has elected tuition in the Holmes Business to i lege fore th at a safe estimate would be 16th at 11 a. ami nt p. m.,«..-------— lie faith. On the scaffold tie declared class A V illa Hanna to tlm position of oj p o ltia „ j . This is one of the loading The first meeting of the Bible »5,000. ; 17 tl» himsc'.E innocent of the murder. ¡stint teacher under Miss Chase. A , bug;ne3S colleges on the coast, having It was thought best not to organize a. will be held Meuday evening the eliiug of ,..... tae ........a voteis . of .i it,« tiie tl¡strict district will K„„)igb Commercial, Shorthand and joint stock company, but to have indi­ at i o’clock. R E P U B L IC A N M E E T IN C . I. G. K sottb , pastor. h«ld the 28th inst., to levy a tax to Telegraphic departments and wo oiler viduals subscribe the money and employ K c u r re u t expenses of the district. this tuition on easy terms. COAL MINE NEAR EUGENE- capable men to run it. Republicans of tiie vicinity are invited & i s t e r : It is rumored th a t Harry Captain Gray offered to head Hie lis’ ANTED-TR FSTWGKTH Y A ND to meet Ht Florence on Saturday Jan. irttm, secretary of the executive com- active gentlemen or ladies to with a subscription of »590, and to give A coal mine of some promise lias just 16th, 18P8, to organize a repubii-'in H e »J tho “ union” party, is slated travel for responsible, established house his advice freely -------- - . „„,h n r ! been opened upon If. C. Owen’s farm, B |u I unc county fusionists for the in Oregon. Monthly »G5.00andexpci.res. i On motion Captain Gray was antnoi wMt nf Fl]1,ene Tiie mine is not a new club. . I The Rtate league of republican clubs imEiation of prosecuting attorney oi i Position steady. Reference. Enclose ¡zed to make a canvass of the city ami | discovered 14 years discovered 14 will meet in Portland about Feb. 1st, c - fecund r e « .. - judicial j --- ---------------- district self-addressed stamped envelope. The see what encouragement would be onc' ago. The discoverer failed to make a "¿‘(j p'o rtant. , hat tb h part Hie ottered tlm project. Evans and So- p orajnion Company, Dept. f Chicago. business deal to his satisfaction nt ie . . p oscntett in some way. that H « .lie i n e suit u a u of i Edgar .............— K a . Benedict against Kobe a- A IIH1 llill superintendent H. A. Paine, of the lime, and filled the mouth of tlio tunn* „ 1'epfJt, al|,j wiulta ¡„ the m attm oi O LD L A N D M A R K D E S T R O Y E D - ; lei hearing before Justice Wilson insane asylunf lias died his régulai and kept Hie location a secret. Recent- practical legislation be brought, beim i ie0l:.y, as no one a; peured foi tiie monthly report with tiie board of ly tiie location of Lt*e vein was made feXlants, judgement was awarded to trustees of that institution. The fol­ Register: The old brick building one known to Mr. Ownob. and lie opened the public. S tif f s for the amOJnt claimed. lowing statistics are taken from the door south Of tho Hotel Eugene and . tiie tunnel and tested the coal, which is report: Number oi patients November owned by J. H. McClung, is being re­ ( ; found to he a very lino quality of soft I Nw-To-I'»*1 f°r S'tfty Cent** t m e V I M I L n o w in process of c o n s t r u c t io n ■drenteefl tobucco haM tourc juakes w e « 30th, 1113. Received during December modeled and modernized. This old coal. The veiu is from one and one- ■ Wlroiun blood pure. 60e.»t. o il diugu.sts- IS: returned escapes 1. Total 112.2. landmark was erected by Bell Jennings, half to three feet thick. W IL L BE O W N E D BY T H E C O M P A N Y ; l’b, hardest frost of the season ....... occur- Diecl’ar-cd recovered 2; discharged in 1872, who for several years was en­ Monday morning. 1 rov.ous to Hint a E |o p rJ E Total gaged in »be drug business. Afterwards , y o CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. ■ the weather was so mild t.iat a Xuinber remaining December he sold the stock of drugs to Dr. Gill, Take I.uxative BromodluinmeTablets, Ï lily which had been growing m I . Numbei who u n til’«885 occupied the south side, | A). druggists refund money if it fails to L ard nil winter without any pro- • otst, n - i . while A. B. Patterson used the north care> pr,et He, from the cold till that night is Take T Casen-ets . f u r . C»udy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. £ « S X ; C O N v S .T ib M S C A U .e O . IdeB to blossom. An ordinary white If C. C. C. fall to cure, àruegista refund money. Miing rose in Mrs. Howe’s yard has. j Report lias it that there was a slight in in blootn all winter. re:, 01- bitch in Hie proceedings of the Masonic L t 1'iidny Alexander Wheeler ot mM!ling Saturday evening, Air. L. N. Koney is now engaged »n Estate committee was held in I urt .in «ell put bis gun-barrel -n ttm «»e- worki„B a roonl 0U patting in ft new floor and a new plate the 8th, 19 of the 82 counties of the ,ce to heat it and so bum out the tbe (injt 1)ool. 0[ the building in which Mass front, the contract price Tor the «tale being represented. Tiie basis of »dcr it contained. His 3-yvnr-offi the MaHOnie baU „ )ocated, i.earing an same being |C00. As soon as completed representation to the state conveu ion wiis fixed at two delegates nt largo and fcctkod into the barrel to sec if i unusual disturbance glanced out of lier it will be occupied by the Eugene Real ! one for every 703 votes or major fraction fed ,d shiny when the powder exp explom odet i ' wi))“ow :. dow anJ anj wag waa niuch much surprised to see Estate & Investing Company. i thereof cast for the Bryan electors in Ipleteiy destroying the siglit ol the i£urd, G. B: Morgan and I. G. ilSOd. This will give 131 delegates in F R E E T O OUR R E A D E R S . p ej’0. 1 Knotts clad in their regalia in hot pur- Ptono can’t compete with «¡inc fm I all, Lane county beinff entitled to 5. I i r \NTF.D-TKl’fT\Vf»i: i’ll Y AND suit of a strange goat. After a tune lie durability in this climate. Many yesrs The date for holding tiie state con- Our readers will be i.lensed to learn .......... - active gentlemen or lad., s to was captured and taken up to the ha . : of hard work erecting thousands upon L for responsible, established house It was afterwards learned th a t as the tliat the sm inuut physician and scientist,! vention was fixed March .3rd. of zine Monuments, under S T O C K S U B S C R IP T IO N B O O K SIC A N B E 8 E E N 1 A T .T H E in- Kilmer after years of research Tiie democratic state cential com thousands ..............................- hiegiin Monthlv»C5.Wand expenses. Masons had three candidates to l i n t . and atudv has discovered and given to miltee also held a meeting tiie 8th. scientific efforts have broug i O F F IC E O F C . H . H O L D E N .. Ltmn 'ste a d y . Reference. Enclose that evening the goathad received sx- £ 3 . “ o .t remarkable remedy, ot the counties being represented. W,„ tk Baoxz,: Moxt-wavr L d.lressed stamped envelope. The tra rations for a few days that he might •r for known as swamp-root, for tbe cure of, The total num ber of delegates to H.e T() a pigh state ol perfectirm. K : : Company: Uept. Y GUicago. be able to stand the grea of 2,009 or more years th an any granite i kidney uud bladder troubles; tlm gener- j state convention was fixed at labor required, conseqmntl} he was, ous offer to send a bottle free th a t all , which Lane county is entitled to 40 years. . Miss Daisy Hillard of Eugene while iccling very frisky, and ( scaping from for Be not (leceivod longer Buy B i . i [tim home ot her parents attem pted to the person# having him in charge, he may test its wonderful merits w ith o u t. The state convention is called Bronze Monuments. expense, is in itself sufficient to give the ’ March nmil sucide by shooting while suffer- ran out of the hall. I A. Toztt.n, Agent, public confidence and a desire to obtain ! e from despondency, and intlicted a DEA FN ESS C A N N O T BE C U R ED . Engani.-, ( ', c. iali wound in her arm last week. She PERSO NALS. it. » Kwamp-Koot ....... ............ has an established, reputation ns tiie most Huccesaful remedy it alone in Hie house at the time and By local applications as they cannot first said some one shot her from out- ' T h e F u n k & W a g n a lls Cox returned from Eugene and is receiving tbe hearty endorsement reach the diseased portion of the ear. of all up-to-date physicians, hospitals Tliere is only one way to cure deafness. o ,i window, but after tiie police had i . ’ and homes. If our men and women i ked ot, Hie case a day or two, she n (|.i liM T lO U H rV ir M. Rath and fatnily i.,.,T“d into town readers are in need ot a medicine of this and that is by constitutional remedies. mitteil th a t she did the shooting Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- < a few days ago. kind no tim e should be lost in sending irtelt. Of The r . W . Vanderburg and wife of M in­ their name and address to Ur. Kilmer & dition of tbe mucous lining of tbe T o < nre i ’o n xtip ation F orever. Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Pakc Cssearcts Csody Cathartic. Wc or 2Sc. erva were in town Monday. Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., and receive a inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or ENGLISH LANGUAGE n sen* <' C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund mouey 1 red Bean and John Stecar paid ft sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent regular ' imperleet bearing, and when it is en- Junction City Times: J. 15. Butler visit to Eugene a few days ago. absolutely free by mail. The , closed, ' I deafness L...f,.r,ua 1 is IT » tiie I 1C 1 result, *1-1 tirely and C O M PLE TE ,s disposed of his stock of geneial , Ivy Morris of Smith river was visiting sizes may Int obtained at the drugstores. Persons Desiring to «nbs'jrJbe for Stook C n <1 j so by rinless tlm inflammation can be taken S U C C IE N T erehandise to W. L- Houston and relatives in Florence a few days ago. When writing please say you say you and this tube restored to its normal out «session was given Monday. Hie Mrs. W. VV. Neely returned from her read this liberal offer in the W est . Leaving Their Names A U T H O R I T ATT V E co:. dition, hearing will be diatroyed one of the new firm will be AV. L. visit on tbe McKinzie last Friday. nine cases out of ton are caused I forever : f u r n itu r e for s a l e . mi-ton A Co., tbe company bcinit his by catarrh, which is nothing but an Mrs. iAthftni been visiting with ¡fe, Mrs. Maggie Houston, who is an Mrs. Uavid at Point Terrace for a few As I am preparing to leave Florence inflamed conditi .n of tlm mucous joi .Ufi, Vocabulary ferm . ual partner in l"he firm »47 LJItoix .o d SprtlallvU I offer fcr sale at reasonable prices all surfaces. tn editor in. a neighboring county days. gj,( gender* tor Ouiit.llon» We will give One Hundred Dollars for Hu unmarried and dwells in single, Philip Berkshire came down Tuesday my household furniture including stoves, case of deafness (caused by cntarrl ¿«roo IHuvlraSloe* any issecines», made a proposition to send to spend a few days improving i.s carpets, chairs, tables, bedroom set, ttiat cannot be cured by H all's Catan!» Cost <>»«r »«be.«** llislies, etc. i paper free of charge tor ot:e yeftr to ranch. end for circulars free Appendi» ol 47.4*8 Entries C hic . >'•’ Mas. J rs FAnrw-KVTHM. cry maiden who would send Her p,. g . Johnson was initiated into the , J Cheney A Go., Toledo, I dress, photecrifeb ami a lock of Iter j mj.,teries of tbe cbftin gang Wednesday Sold by all druggists. BEAUTY, UTILITY AND VALUE. Tlio fuit nnmhe» of word, sud tvrwv in ,ir before Jau. 1st, 1» •■->■ H ; now has , ^cu;ng. Hall's Family Fills ere the b«-t. fjfferont dlvlirtnarte» for »hv ra ttle vlphshrt t* e largest collection i \ the neighbor- j. |»cuej i ct returned to Florence a . foUoew: eeoaw oxrn, SWW. W ou cw w m a Arc happily combined in Hood's Sar­ «oii, mpphev ft mattrere ' ‘ory with j.'ri(j 4y u[te, spending tbe holidays with a s y lu m c o n t r a c t s . loe.oao; WassTr.ft (inloriiationat). ltS.W ; Cr«, ^ Q c i p r e i b » .'»ciory with pie- j (#jni,y |n Eugelia. saparilla coupon calendar lor 18®8. 1 he ti v v , (vlx volume-», co»|>l«t»d 2ÏX.OOO deriving a good income for us . f,andis left this week for Ta­ lovely CldU'ft bead in an embossed for fornishing 0 . 8 . Journal: Bid» STAND VKb, «ver .sw.ouur re,mft where he expects to work till gold frame, surrounded by sprays of supplies for tho state inenne asylum were opened at Salem Tuesday after­ 4urate Toor BoWBls Wii»» C*»«sr«t». I spring thOU gr* to Alaska. flowers in mosaic, harmonious pad In ifar hCA'Uf*iLr<5nifc'tfi’ti»*f‘jnJ ta°oeT. John Vox La« beeu appointed collector noon. Mo»t of the contracts were .S a m p le P age« F re e . blue with clear figures, and the coupons secorcl by Salem men, though there stard: This is the iong term of the of cu-toros at Astoria to succeed C. IL ■i by means of which many valuable books ■ were ft number of bidders from the out- -------- M-xireiers c c r t now in « » i o n . , Fox is estd to be a Mitchell and other article«’ may K- obtained, side. E. 11. Ingham, of Eugene, was j ides the m nrtne work, man. rks «if election m ist he appointed Gecru'o Griffith, W. L. arren, 1. J make up the most dex il.le calendar lowest on tobacco. Tlio Eugene mill SCENTS W A N TE D -------- Ilion precincts and rond supervisor paby, W. N. Fields and E. W. Cobh we have ever seen. Tlio first coupon was lowest on white flour, E. II. lo g - , bam was second on coffee and beans. AU itiicts and new ones c:ú z,e„8 x of Heccta ,f 1V4R changed uvnv ---- eetah- vivu.tu'i w. --- ----- wer« in I iorcuce 1 article is Hood’s Practical Look's Book, Yoran «k Son, of Eugene, were »econd E. D. BR O N SO N & CO, DRltceiSB led, tiie lax levy made, th e jury list Ha'nrday and Sunday. aTiftndsoroc, useful volume of 850 pages. | on boots and shoes. Fleischner, Meyer Pacific Coast Agents ,ted ami re]fcrts of road sopnrrl.ors . . --------------------- \sk your druggist for Hood's Coupon A Co., of Portland, were lowest ou dry ABSOLUTELY SAN FRANCISCO, C A L. I ¡»v.«IS»«M , r e iin d n e w supervisors appoint- m | ( B , T i> w bat has given Hood’s IP*. »4. STIMI I'«» TVH,V < q . fl.tvro». ««H tm L r » g * » V » . » » , V V V VV V W V . ------------- 1» will probably '»k •>••• greater A a m ju u lll* tbe largest sales in Calender, Oi send 6 cents in stamps for goods. Haiei.i men had their oft it W»y 933 M arket S t. on the other things. qf next week to complete tbe j vrorhl and enuMe. it t» ■ acn innli-h oce to C. I Hood & C | , Lowell, Mas«. ■ '■ ttioasnad»of w ouderfbj SSRSS* f e wltolCbOBie SO 4 delle Urns- y,,,,,,,I ou 'Ile jM.lklu« Pia«»», II.W IiATIIEUSON A aw Company Organized, CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 No, of Shares 10,000, at $10 EACH. E verybody’s Opportunity W ho De­ sires to Visit th e New Eldorado. This is a HemeCompanv. Every Citizen sfthe Siuslaw Valley Should Own at Least one Share. W ITS AIIS ARE PÖBELT CJ-ÛPERATITE; K _ Work Being Pushed Vigorously. ■V ¡DON’T II8S THE 0PP3BTJNITÏ OF A LIFE THE. Alaska C o ld M in in * A Navigation C o . OREGON. FLORENCE, ___ iNDY MllABIIC «■aU_____ CMICOnSHPATION BI