rT H È ' —Pl’BI.lMHKn tVKHÏ XKHM - • A«fc> ’ • t ■ ..• ■ -1 LIBCYC», I /N ,< ., lady is always a 11 .-*, - 1 «ia WASHINGTON LETTER. ìiU C fT S AüVJCt. Literarv. LADY. ironxiNG.-—: Oszun.v S. F. < hrotikU: ¡•' i ' om n ie era n sl'iiU B o eA ie-Y T . (Olile, i n Scuiitor fu lle r, in ¡in in te rv ie » •T*« Truc K-ynate of the Grand« Derne w ith th e W im liiuginn corrcttjiond- i» Gerittenes» a,id Simplicity. W ash ., D. Jan. linl, 18»K. ‘‘•it o f a Xew V ork p a p e r, express- ... , • i ■ -i Congress will reitssemble on Wednes- ■ BY - X " il" ‘ ; * ” • * - .....• ......... ........ .. - - AV IT U ' l ' t T l f p n s - i . v i-Hcity of th* Grande Duine/’ in th e « * ' l e A i l l L I i . , ./¿s -Ialiti:,r v Ladies' H mue Journal, a-sert» , >itt s o u g h t to jo in G re a t Ll’ituin , what will be ¡icvoiuphslied this your as i s notifying G erm a n y a w l R ussia exi.stcl on the first day of the cession, that “ a lady may stand behind the E d ito r a n d P r o p r it,or. tli.il Ihe disinenilieriiieiit o f C hina near'-' 11 ,,ll,l>lh ago. Instead of bring- cannier, lie mistress in her own borne, t representatives or busy »11 day at atteste, hut no matter i " *^ •“ *. I*' p e rm itte d . It is hat'll- ¡"8 * tlm senators si nan rs and i I b,retie,-, O r. J a n iin n 14. lW if. abut her position in life is. she — , - l i.. , i i;i,..t............... i i . i_____ , . closer d '^ ’r together, (I (lie k , holiday recess has never lv likely unless lo> r a n give b e tte r , swerv. s, and unconsciously she always p,,. ........« » '« ’ '<» •’« « ‘tuate served in sss,..,o,„»„ tl»eir (JlfforcnclMI .... i , W - 1 f AT WHITE STOffi vH»)-¡PV’» TED.) \ o one is a hero Io his valet. ... Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right use of strength. I I'nless the habit leads to happiness, . 1 1 Cl,,,tr.tct none Habits are soon assumed; hut when we strive to atrip them off, tis being (laved alive. O N O liN C EM E H Mciolts habits are so odious and de­ .. . ' even tll0»c «ho longest miss the ,, Id W ith New Vêtir f¡reel tlifts. an d a is m.-.y this ii we will take ‘ h c luor« ih-„, ■ .. "'itch they have a majorttv, th a t will i Archer’s arrow, perhaps the enrlv grave r>, r . . . •« j learn tins lh j„ p r o , , „ „ . . ¡ „ „ H , . „ . . d . „ , „ T O p „ , „ pm , v t a " « ’ » . r '- '. l K - n . U . V « , , !« „1, I V ,.,,.,, im: tim » » drawing near when school , \V , . • , . . good mudo! und c„pv Xn lady is district« wishing,.., vote a tax to be col- J,A pr..ss,o„s l.k e those -nun,I a , the gold standard; the republican silver save. ’ A g ain O d e r O u r G o o d s nt E re e p tio n n lh . . . . . . irce-iuid-easv her intimer». She lecteit »Ins spring must attend to the , 1 not, however, go to the otlu-i trilli! h y sterical. W hen we b ear *cnators nro talking of the certainty of Refuse to be ill. Never tell peonie : L ow P rices. Some!«>ily o n ce said, m id it m atter that th - levy may be reported to in d ‘I* tju- fact ih e county clerk before tax mils and b~ «‘dted, but she 1 in 11 m "»¡»‘I <'a-t th a t a t pi.eae n t ; « l*n.v defection if this advice fe j you are ill: never own it m yourself h a s t to yourself. h as b een R e p ea ted . ‘ W ell P o u y lit H a lf leads rather to quietnera and to a slight o u r tra d e w ith C hina o nly »m ount« ? ll0Hcd' and the conservative repub-! Illness is one of those things whicl ■N»mj,l*lnd, ------------w reserve, since, when s i-ta k e s a friend, to about « Ul.OOO.Ootl aii.iu n jlv we ,icans a r c '« « « the consent of i men sb ",id resist „„ principle -n -bei L o H a t e a t lean | >, -ir.lldv ,, . ’»•* proposes to keep her Sheiloe« n,,t . . . • ' their radical cell*«»"»« *-- - — ----- , ‘‘agues to a program ; outset. fitc C anada i,i-MB>-KWAN notes win, , 1 ' 1101 tin irresistib ly forced to eonclm lt ---- —— S tock o f— Hiinissurtirise «lie i,„ , ii , become intimato with yoa after twenty- ,, , . '. ' J , " 1“ 111' 1' that wiil either let finance alone en- en t parts of Canada a Luge . L f o , r 7 ? n e a rly »4 so tirely - or only jiivjuMv include b some measure I t J r “ u:,'n nov be supported bv all members' . . 1 ! ’ *i>- R' e ' 10t ,MS it to 1„, T h ere is .................. -I - - ' of -r>-- _____________ The more -n u suspicion ,Jl ,,ie I’aHy- The democrats and ponu- ,i„„. i of rpnJtruction, and this -1 the face of in a week’s tune tire of you. The ta;l , * u „,_ 1 • , , ‘ u,eJ nave (lie nior» they know their Urn partial closing of tlm „ nited states * ’ y° “ fin'’ « hiclt may never cornv as showing tout tb - capitalists have ' ° n yoi’> s,ie permits you to . ... . , In d e e d .. watching their opponents and waiting at all ur yon may never live to Pl'»* it? .......................... ... ,b , 11». .« J 1«. l or every substantial grief has tv on tv tween you may grow up a friendship ' ln g persons ¡ire m o r e ! *'< •r »' them to try to do something. bon jinion. I want to sell it. I know a “ Nimble Nickle is better than ¡, H'r.t may lust through life, even u n to i,l,a n e"»>vineed th a t i f th e sem i : shadows, and most of them are shadow« Tlio opponents of vAAnviug existing vivii civil service service ¿7.' ........... .. 4 < — Lazy Dollar.” And I shall make the nickle nimble by offerino 111 ■ 1 1 f ! It u 1 have , ...... so _ A * ... only I a been able . . to * o u r o w n m a k in g . T ub Htvn ai . of the lumber trad,, is •lentil. i vilized <’hinese were w esternized c,,,‘Jitio»s far It roars os several business enter- 'mpreca, s those v.lio are around her f prises see in urculation here, that if will» tbs fact of her gentleness and her they mater,iz* (and we ho,* they w d lj simplicity. The lady gains her strength ii GENERAL * making itself felt to the business in - • t,‘rests here. Nearly all the logs now _ it, tide water have been bought up and Tscoma i..-,i- -r the money obtained from this source President McKinley, whose first together with that paid up for mbor in , thought is for tin i-.o»,»-.,,,. anu -d ..................... prosperity and th e mills and the p ro tectiv e demand i vanccme.it of the people oi this co u ,^ y for more logs make tin,ig« iUGk jniicli i will at mi cariy dav send a Bp, , ’ brighter for me I....... than they ‘nessage to congress ' r,commenting til- i, a year ago.__ M EKCHÀNM ,sj o th e r agr*>e uE°n one diiitg—that they want a j A ught supper, a good night’s sleep, Sure, Square, Good Bargains. ot and a tine morning have often made a’ intliienee o u r ex p o rts w ould be , ebang. Tfie committee appointed nt heroof the same man who, by indiges­ the caucus of republicans to prepare a im ineiibely iur-l'euscil bill is divided in sentiment, and likely tion, a restless night, and a rainy B u t S e n a to r Tell, seem s lo to H 1 ,1 , r ----- - ----- l two ' ' u e bills, -“ «, o one n e to to modify " ol,l‘l l,avu proved a coward. report modify the the ’ ‘ ’W ‘,a ".v ’">d KA=wl:i « w and one lo repeal it outright, and ! 11,0 >»* "f U'° harvest is to reap I Sesire to sell ae much and ' l,v ,d e "P T'l’iin» th e j onult will be , il neither can command "loro tl,an -vou s°'v- an act and p titlb le within the greiltlv H lim .tlate th e p „ „ b „ - ,hu R0,id vo‘e t h o s e who attended the ’ y“ “ uUl n ‘“P a •: -ow a habit and , th ro u g h G erm a n y o r a a n n y y of my present stack a« next sixty S ty ., in order to make room fur Spring Roods to arrive. "»tabliwient of a department, of .... . 'L ity (,f th e em pire, an d th a t as a cau< "*' TI“-‘ democrats have in caucus 1 you " ‘;1 ,e,1P n character; soW a «mnsetptetme th e L n ite d l5lilt(l , 7 ^ “ ° V° lU ior a biH fyr rep eal! chu,'ac,er I ni , k atiovs rot.NT to a Imrd struggle '\ an'* ," d,*'"ry. 1 bi is .. tardy «mn»ei|neiu-p th e l n ited H t-ite -' \ W ‘ 1C reP‘‘a l ' J re"'* 1 (loode.1 w ill k ‘,f tlie luw, but against any bill m o d i-! “ “ 'W ow der is is the the emblem and would be lh,od...i Oi.t" P lu"'’ but ««»¡net any bill modi-1 'wpotvder emblem of of poiitie in tl.e Ohio legislature ov-r tb - election of l,‘” ™*tcommercial and would be flood» Wtth ch eap fy,ng it, and the populists lmVe to vote 'evenge, for it biteth fir»t. and bmketl ofascn aio r. Tl.e tegislatur, is repa’.. it-mils. <•' says: “ In- against any bill proposing a change. ' aiterward s: the bullet being at the •lican by a email majority but the anti and it is due from President McKinley, ' -spired by tht e n te rp rise an d after that republican caucus was J'«ark la»iore tl.e report is beard so th«» llanna republicans voted with th, ' wiic in a measure owes bis election u IF .....I T * . belli it 1. o.rl.^,1 held it wn« was flfntnJ stated thnf that I>-..... President Mc­ it itm aketh a noise, not by way of warn­ democrats in organizing and deieated j . the support of the business men ot the en erg y of G erm a n y nud R ussin, Kinley bad decided to forestall legis- Come and obtain pri Ibe C hinese xvotild country, that be should do this much ing, but of triumph. i,eeom<, th e the Hanna slate. Appearances a r e ' . .m l h av e a ¡.-,1 (.|,.-,| if p m d u eem ’o f th e glolm an d wmtld ' “‘I0“ ° n ,he M’1,-iect by Dtatoriaiiy tliat Hanna lacks a few votes of having >r * ' F buhe,it’ Wt h av e a good se at ¡„,d ¡, w arm fir.! for a ll w ho e n t e r ......- d , ' «irnvity must be natural and simple < I itio n . I In- In« mind emeu he ascertained tli ■! everythin,,. against him. wiio formalizes I lions, demands recognition from the S“’,a ,,'r ' " 1,0 w,,s » K‘« h I protec- ,Iivi'le' 1 Condition of the opponents of everything is a fool md -, , on o v erlo o k ed th e tbc law' ! Perhaps more i n i , ¿ ‘>m " ^.xt, no « it transpires tluit Eugene 1 government. The new derailm ent " <,n’S'- h,H “us than light wilt likely furnish two candidates for WO,,I,“ ,HVU »«»i«t the «am« function« eflicn ey o i'« h ig h O|. Senator Teller will seldom e x p r e s s '1^ 1 r - — -etreuit judge uf t l , w ond national board oi trade t : »».: •*»: im agine» agines i Hint w hen »Jm U(|M. Ilis ° l'inio" <>'• " b a t congress will or | Those liv^hondri-r,«. «.i i •oml judicial ' !ls tlie Enghsh «Htmnal |, ;l( wli.-n .. tr"* ' bal X n " l 18diCti° n ° V,r ° Ur ,Or- il "‘ a 'lJ ' S,i,“ S il“ d ............. let. r , ' T 11,°’ bOt lh0 «‘v ' up the ‘ho 't ', : 'district. If (lie report rce and „.I matters per- in eo n v e rtb ,« d i m , in to -, ‘"«'8la— ’ said : “ There will be m, thoughts to H e e r a c lion. A. < , \\i»,deovk will accept the k “ « n ‘a t c<>"ency legislation missel i„- ,, ‘C" bcakl • republican nomination, lie will , be taming to our manufacturing interest «»•I the removal of foreign trade ' ’l,f" ,U,!" h " " ,K '»»‘¡«m. (hey »'’" " ‘« “I ‘hi» Session and I predict IliuB of liv in g -T tr L -in V ^ " ’ W" r'“rp° “e i »um ber one, w Idle rmuur has it iliat f - e .,a to receiv e tn e ir p roduct« Hm forcing of Mr. G agei f i n a n j ^ f e v e ^ h f 7 V ‘,d ? obstacles ami expansion of our com­ Attfirm-y Geo. A .D orris would not rub «chôme will result in a split between after, tbev eontimm to „„te " “ 1 9«t bi» name were it written down ,,n merce. The consular service of this ott th e ir own U-rma. country, which is more Tin the fusion slate for lb.- name oflice. A " ' u,,,r-v’ ,v,"c»' >« more eoimncicial m e r e is on», ¡m portnnf , ' •’-•Preside,,,a,idthebiinetallicsenat.,,,. repair their moulderin- mmt ■but time in 11,«old town „ext J u n e . - ; “ 1"" diP '°m«ti Parly to do s o ’’ u,;. 1, ? n r, / U ,l, -r,,., ld " C° M'nerW- ..... ............. »». nil.' senate on on that they do not want it published '• u“ ............... “ ‘ pieiii v 1,1 .mm,» m ie b an in d a , j,. Mr‘ ls go,n>! ,o Put the senate lunicfì- but ‘ < .»tnblisbm entof the department |,o f|, rntord’ hesays, by offer,ng a resolution th u tlh ey arc afraid they won , , --¡F L O R E N C E MEAT M ARKET. ’ 1 ,n‘" ' K n - l a . an d o. igi,.ally offered bv Senator “ 7 ’ tv, nor lower h s price: flI1(| n e a rli" " ' putting thetneelvea forward. This . is a .».agriculture, which was intend,,, t„ tl(>, „ , - ------ x KllliVV the l,“’‘ic,,l‘«ral __ interests _________ wimi th '' ™ l‘' ’- ot thnae c o u n trie s .......... “' " loV vrongiilen. From stand for ior ,be will in 1878and adopted by the ^ t t h m g that men can genernliv do tl. ........ ... a • répertoriai mana ....... usu, mi ...... Matthews, ..... *0*0 «Hu aoo .s - to set themselves not to a t,ain. 1»»,i,I the man who will slop „ ne'v ‘‘»T’artm cnt will aceomplud, ,„r n° l ™ v e,'.v M t<> n » > rt to a poUey ’“‘»ate, declaring that all I bonds • ment but to the «»»a» . CnlritnilV,,i.U .. . «•»« S la ■ * per reporter on die street and inform commercial mterests. bas proved a ealen lab -d t„ m ak e th e co n d itio n 1 are,wyab,e in " » 'e r dollars ... . . . . . " e ‘h“covery of thiK. “I ‘b<' e -n .n g to know gold, when we a«e i, him that lie bus been in Portland or imititi ing success and lias been o, in- ». th e masees h a rd e r Ih an it js of the government. _ , ir<»in iron^iftnnor* ur>zi i* «•.me other e.tv, that Io« wife enter­ .'--.limable benefitto thè farmem, «,„eU p r e s e , . Gn th è «Nmlrarv it •t ha« been suggested by those who fa- flint-sand, being 'for ,1 « " ’ 7 tained friends from a distune«, is the tnakinir nnhlis* ti.xx____ - .. 'z l benio«t - - - r ............................. .............. of .. l)8 ;1 , Iwst man a.ive. May bia likeness In­ crease earth. If you have doue own « ............ ......... ... anything mean or disrepnh'hle „ isn’t » . 1- » t a b , , , . uM fttatetaary to tell it. t„r , |lere Rrc pU.Ilt). »nnch for the expans o on u u un n i 1 improve ìfsiawwawwss ( » « T in a n a m i i»»sxi.x. • aiww..t Ann.* zMut T h n (»rcekfl a d p r e j ti i.a.re i».. Riwsiai, about *2ot),OOa_,|,.u it wouli m " comi - .eir goods bv t|,e ........ product.« m ay I» ..Red hy lh e - a n d would place the names b i X r ^ ’ X OI people who will do that for vou. h m e t ot tb« commère« of this evt,,,1,-y. aTd'tl e l - ★ * * * Yours Very Truly, 0. W , H T O D . C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STOL’E! ®rv Cood«, * Groceries * and * Motion,. ^ u* t Opened. Goods as R ep resen ted . >«til«goo,i thing id,out yourself and neighbor that the newspaper .................. .....................¿ r z z ~ Bs,,'»T0«.Fre8„|,„Bj a 1, n M f w |.re w. l-hiim se. n>(>| many more people if the list n, •'•• d - d , z ' ' s itu a tio n tli< ’ an*4 the Romans w 'ere tn „ted ! -io , » ’t perform act 'Vheth- tempie. This c u t i e | tered a , btxly Raganism;but w,,» continued o p w a tittg in " » “M hardly have the nerve to ,„ k r,i 1 i . ■ „ d . e l u d e . , Hy * HU11 "• .p re s s of -----•' to h « l - sucb n... i 7 ..........« ™ m s ph I u ‘ l.tm the country vac to nerve perform ii... - » .. " . e .— .'»-«„-ictioaH w hich th e pat-.i- — • Wkhollt ^ ’■ . ^ U o n / I m • w u<-ii ^ . aw I n a 7 token k,''‘ of ° ’‘‘ein among friends. .'» » in « « n n atio atio n n m „m ini|H««e. If I f " 'UCb in'ilvi' 1,1*‘ cottgrewn,,.,, ,„«« im. of „ ¿ ¿ T " 1 '• ‘’»¡y " " 1’, ‘"-'l,ceu ! us a mark practiced '"•"»> ay v imixjne. lH»eu,M»n the generosity o( o i',bedi”»<*‘">»1 the snlpeet " » ‘ < h it— bad g one ¡„ for im . to t he ! Pnblishers.bu, ,bero can 7 " 7 7 WVereii“’ and by lovers, wb.i are i UI - I« Ju p m i l,:w '»“>»' »" being ,be best way 'g,.t ”r— this ancient m» ” ' ‘ » -v m ig h t h a v e m ad e it it v ery I »"t before the public. E v rv ,ts f"» power. " a ",U ......................... H uropeim - » the n e w s p ^ . T h Ï 7 ....... «“»m petitora, |«u , w jth I armors » ................ ' interest Mre »•oii.iw'to-,.- n u aa i* only those who - .....» ««'me particular lint M irre, of wtablishitig a National I a.ver»,,V ,tu b e city ,,f WasbingUm, A growing problem . •hm g the line suggested by . resident George WuBhi„gt,,n bis often lw«n ,ak.-„ up for cons,deration T h e . , , " '" '', . <»y onr people, but it „ m,w taking a p o l i L , ^ more deUnito form than ever before. Last ,| ,’t A num ber of re; r«, -ntativi. - American women liave taken bold of the " .tb a d - te r m in a tio n to ,.,» ,, ’ t this plan would be ’» -“ ‘T ‘.idattU , as congress ,"#' • «»■•«•ai.iul conclusion, if possible Tl,«v " ,at their nave tartet out in .. "•'"'«<*» bv city represent “ '««fore would take ti:P troub| nt .lives »tive« in “ u<, “ »’n n n n y in control the .level- nave s S ta rle t out in a -, .............. prue,it al ...... manner. zxv.a..a _ . t<* ¿VP!) trias«/.»« congress and in state iogislatures. l’| 1 » p m /« , o f ................... b UO1 ;» «tm .« lume ' by «Mbitig to raise the first »2X».OOl» , ii — , --------- ........... u m w ih not ,be ‘•“‘■tents of mtvcasaiy for the erection of an admin- .........» ............................. ............ - ¡ration l anding to form the nucleus e x p e r ts ibà' ”, , 7 ...................................... - "•> ....................” «»•“ ......... •» them would be easy. ...a ,......... . «P-ns.s that tix p a i,,» I,.,«, • ^ e t a r y Sherman has *"’••«* '■ • that his retinol ohildrcn in the n «rk. ts s first' ,n ,, ' , ' nnsliei, . , Utt " sshington, Jan. fi._R tprv beal.h is - ss good * .......... ' . . U b a . been * ................. , “7 ? nT " • ............ r-« “ ' . sentati ve hss inüoduced tbs following “ nwduring the las, flTO years, and 1 -be «d by a bacteriologist, to M, notbmg o f bill: i'I that midvrtaking, they will " * « b f o in compcfhng | | IC former to observe all the onl" * h .g e t, worse be «iti r > " « » til remain X ' X ' ........... ... * « • t , doeid,- on ways and moans for sums Ing public sentirne« . Mrs. Ellen A. — --»....s nini Hiulmrdson is chief organine of t.,c tb and Increase ttieir p u r v h ^ u i c c s n s la n d lo c k ,., Or^ n movement.—Oregon reneAsed* ifoulhlf. h**' “ "’•plillcsti n and economy in t tty and open tlwm to (he use of the — ------------------ goverum ent-lo, al. c o u rt,, , u t * , nd Public ; a bill to establish a hfe satina n» nl ,,,o«xT»i of Tillamook bav Will, r«se«r*ifc ¡national—is the urgent need the < ae Vt '•Tii*! Î.U;? co';»'lp«lt«n r,.,«,•!-. • n ,l a b i l l t o * .,a b l i ,b .n i, . . ar O- C,iai., draggaisrWuaa u>co«f. - times. t PkiR'aud. •»■» lUa.li JS ps Ì ing this sduiinistrardc,-, of "tate venta. propri thf |,J ejante ill Q Q r I •»<» corner of J tu S t^ X p f - P«««.. G o o S ' ^ “; " o'-very Urg .nde" «ood digr.,(on, robus? ’’¿ . T ü '”' blood nwa... ,cro, uI d y **"»*• tbm .Z ^ u Impurs tbnj,catarrh ,,r /• I * i’'ts,rheum s- r Tn« » “ --U o fe G ood UV,, A VKcrb-fc**—I ~ ■‘ / ’ i • r . UU,ra-"nd enrh he, ,*7 ?,ne PUnfle’- T|- • good - - - Lf pnjari5hip, V ^ 'J ' ‘h a ttire d fwli ; ^ - ^ A bous* and . ïîî ttwd's 414 ^ y a m ÿ li ór FOR 8ALE OR exchange . <•' fut n, d t » i ,|.s, , l i . T Ï v ‘? ’ “ * earns,» “”*« won am -u m-etcai ,. « '> w LlA , et ,,10"8v.|, the .. .. •-,," •»- ‘ ¡•Q»ai.rit <>„ t î »«»te.art i gentiv ' • ,,v , ■ , d u ^ ùowelL bowels. » Ä < X giurautecd W. CARMAN. TO °UR RATROMa* Jot in n i . lot ,n Hlenada. T h e 1 hoo.«t< '*» IS 1« hy 21 feet „„ i av niado a b >»Hn belgi,,. X n e , t o r , *n d i : ’ IT p «.¿Il > . . ns. “ S'1'»’! woodshed ,VH We ftimfsh tba Waeklv onprem ise,. For f , . . . T . | ^ » n i n o wit. s i - t b e W « 'T ‘or one year Particular« ' to a rv Pitts u ; ’»nto.'pc,»“ "• ^ ’ ,n'1U feat bfiiee. ; C i ^ r ,o r U ie ,° * * " o W W « b l« c a .b io F ra n c e ,