’- '• » T T THE — „ W EST \ YOU» n o n e PAPER ► * SUPPORT IT • I i i VOL. ■' I J . . ► ► 1 J STATE OFFICERS T SIUSLAW’S ONLY PAPSE. OPPORTUNITY ? -ia. TR AV-LERS’ GUIDE T R A V E L E R S ’ G U ID E. S team er a -J L R 3 D I3 S T E P < C ebarte HAMPTON BROS. new •j A NO 38. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY. .Ian. II. 18'.» V ili. ' t 4 advertisers > . ! . ■ -■- ■ü' GENERAL DIRECTORY fc r 4 — * A PSALM O F LIFE. FOREST MONSTERS. T hrough th e w ild bab el of on » fe v e r ’d tlnw Hum« o f th s U ia u t T re e s T h a t A n F o u a d T ub sung .4 U ouier l uDii th, grave unit »tern. I n L a U lfo rn ln . With tiillu g s from tho w orld 's fresh , health y Iu the uatiouul park« and forest pre* pritut— T i ling» w h ich c u r w orn , w earied' agw <»«-• serves of California the big trees are by cvpn. far the most interesting aud greatest natural features. There are two vari­ On th e list, Dull anti 2 0 th o f each eties—namely, Sequoia semperviruus, B eerei a w 1 > a te m onth. ordinarily known as the redwood, . Philip Metelien freaaurer............... Leaves Florence Mondays. M > dues- S in gle , r ip 8 3 ,0O. R om itl trip 83.00 the tree which lias furnished most of Sup*. Publie Instruction. ..G. M. Irwin. The buttle in tho plain is raging y e t; days and Fridays. tbo redwood lumber of commerce, aud Tho w atch fires blaze; th e b eak’d ships lin e P r in t e r ............... M H. Leeds. Arrives ai Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ the Sequoia gigautea, from wbieh a tho shore. General. .0 . M. Iillemnn. days and Saturdays. Fur us th e foo In grim array is rat. comparatively small amount of similar R. S. Bean Ah, but do wo ligh t as th ey fou ght o f yore? I ......... lumber lias also been made. The for­ Connects v. ith Steamer and Scot' I'er Pnsseiiger am i F reig h t Tintes F. A. Moore Supreme Court mer is the smaller variety and grows For w e, too, lik e th e heroes long ago. Also with E. Wolveiton burg stage Line for Drain. M ust w age slow w ars anil sail th e b itter sea. on the foothills along the coast. The ------ APPLY To------- Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge J. C. Fullerton Fierce is tho oonlllut, loud tho tem p ests blow, J u d g e S eco n d D is tric t. . latter attains a considerably larger A nd tho w aves ro a r aud rage un ceasingly. . W. E. Yates reasonable. A ttorn«*» S e c o n d D is tr ic t growth, is, more strictly speaking, tbo Meyer 1 Kyle. Florence. Or. S till m u st w e w ander o ’er tho storm y m ain, “ big tree” of California, and is seldom T w tx t rooks and w h irlp ools a droad passage found ut a lower altitude thau 5,009 m ake. S till m u st tho sire n s sin g to uh in vain, feet C A M E R , C IO I,’ E V G E X K -F U H IK M 'E tftill from tho to ils of C u e * m u st w e break. Scattered aloug the extent of the Sier­ COUNTY OFFICERS o — w i n make*>— ra Nevadus from north to south are T arn, th en , to H om er’s p s a ln o f life and neo H ow th ey endured w hoso p ilgrim age is done muny distinct aud separate groups or ST A U E L IS E . k bo u i . uk D da y tr ips RJ&GUIeAR A il IL Y Am i hear them«*ssago th ey huvo le ft for th ee— groves of Sequoia gigautea. These are G a b by patien ce is the victory won. •« n g » , Rraprietar. generally known by names significant —M n cn d lten ’s M agaaine. E. O. Potter. fudge of locality, us, for instance, “ Oalaver- « v : .- S tag e le a v es E ugene M ondays H O fJIlC B ÜDÛ 1163(1 OÍ llÜß. W T. Bailey us," "Tuolumne,” “ Mariposa” and Mond in c a n d e s c e n t l a m p s . Commissioitets .J. T, Callison “ Fresno,” names of tbe couuties in and T h u rsd a y s at ti a. io. timi H o w t h e It u r u e d O u t F U a u ic o t M fty Ho which the grove* so called are situate^. ..C lerk » ,..-..................... A. C. Jennings H e «1 a n d lle n v w c d . The Tuolumne grove is in the Yosemite th A. J. Johnson rives in F lo ren ce nt I P Silenti' ......... It has been generally supposed to be a park, and the Mariposa near by. This .A. S. Patterson Treasurer fruitions task to attempt the renewal of latter is the one most frequently visited day fo llo w in g . . . D. P. Barton Assessot burnt out iut audesetut t'loctric lamp, by tourist* und contain* the “ Wawona” Flot K»‘tu r n in g stage . C. S. Hunt L u d i-s' W o©1 H o«e c ts .p e r pair. although there appears to be some eco­ — a tree with a hole burned in it* base, fichool Superini«oi. ti n t . ,C. M. Collier en ee T u esd a y s and F rid a y nomic fallacy involved in the dcstruc- i through which the stage road runs aud Surveyor L ad ies' F la n n el V ests 2 » i ts. O u ting F la n n e l 20 y d s. for 81. tion of what is except in one small if four bor6e stages are driven without j . W. Harris Vorotier ................. E u g en e a. in. am t a rriv es in important particular a perfect piece of difficulty—aud the “ Qrizxly G iant,” , .F. B. Wilson oi Peace apparatus. It is not intended, as u rule, oue of the largest trees iu tbo world. Constable .................John Tanner p. in, th e d ay fo llo w in g . Tho stately grandeur of these enor­ to give in this column descriptions of Amerieau devices or achievements mous and lofty trees is so impressive * drawn from foreigu publications. This that it seems quite fit and natnral that Singh" fare Kubject has, however, been taken np by some of the larger ones should have been ^ _ ^ J C I T Y OFFICERS. - - 8a. n o R ound trip tin, English journal, Industries aud individualized aud honored with distin­ Iron, and, idthongh it states that an guished titles. Nearly every state in ( successors I to determine just which of the big trees BM&let- . • Drew Severy laitor dot s rfnver a little more of the is worth. T»uri»t ,T. A. Pond . It states that a commercial success is the largest, but these two aud tho head. Spangled wings with an oigret Treasure «• •lee p in g Car» Drags, Msiiciiss, mid small eaplike Dutch Ismn« Ls stud­ has been made of a piw ess for renewing “ Grizzly Giant” —the gnarly base of E. A. Evans ........ . J. C. FLIN FLINT, T, Proprietor Marshal ST PAUI ded with rhine. tones and with one nod­ burned out lamps which renders possible any oue of which w ill exceed 80 feet in F ’o r e n e e . O v o g O iv . M IN N E A P O L IS ding plume rising from a soft cockade the use of the old bulb at a very slight diameter—are probably tho biggest trees ...........AND . . of while 1 us' are included in Is unets. expense. By the new method the collar, yet discovered. D U L U T H \ SEC R ET SO CIETIES. A Complete Line of Drug but tho ornaments of tulle which have or barcWnd, of the lamp is not disturb- Tbo trees often grow in *uch inacces­ O F R A IM -To furnish th e Lest FARCO a feather are only a trifle smaller Pale .'<1, the old filament being removed and sible mountain retreats that some of the Sundries and Toilet Articles. aeeom n iod ation s at rensonai'ii TO C R A N D FO RKS blue, pale pink, black aud white, all are the new one placed through a small hole territory covered by them has never yet used, while in the differwit shades of in the lamp bulb made by removing tlie been thoroughly and systematically ex­ F.ik V. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. CRO OKSTON "R eifiiliii' ■iim m iiiii 'iitim i o n second prices. velvet there arc curiously tied bows I ip. The small hole is subsequently clos­ plored. Outside the lands reserved by 9th & W illa m e tte Sts. Corner W IN N IP K C which quite cover the bonnet frame, arc ed exactly in the same manner as iu the the government a California lumber m J fourth Saturdays in each month. | ----- 2 .. . — - H E L E N A ’ "'1 II. W . l i t !!I>, >V. M . : : Ore. very liecoining and, best of all, do not ease of tho new lamp, leaving nothing company own* several, thousand acres Eugene, interfere with the rango of vision of the , to indicate in the finished, repaired of these trees—enough to last 40 year*, I. G. K rotts , Secretary. 5 JTTE cutting many millions of feet per year. person in the aeat behind, which an lamp that it had ever been opened. T E R M S S T R IC T L Y CASH. uigret or feather s*nietlni«s does. When It is stated that some 400,000 lamps —Harper’s Weekly W. W. NEELY. Prop r. T I I I U U ( .1 1 T I ( K E T S the ,s>iui*ts are worn br«wi, they must have been repaired by this method, tlie Lsuial lt*lMz«in. A. K. General Lyons Post, Xo. 58. ( T a b les furn ish ed w ith a ll th e tit closely to tin- I «wet to bo in «KgJe this filament bting inserted through the A THRILLING EXPERIENCE. TO meets second amt fourth Saturdays C H IC A C O Certain wild animals can be trained winter, » 1 the h*fir genarally *xteuds small hole referred toby a skillful twist »It month at 1:30 p. m. i d elic a cies o f th e season. M ild W A S H IN G T O N to net very intelligently its servants of beyond them. Wh*u the sharp, bal’d of the hand and secured iu position by a ShowlRfi What a Hhatson Caa D* la a L o ad o f Hay. J I B ri tkiifiei . d . Commander. man. and even to exce*d the dog in lilies of velv*t or Jet are unlwtnning, a I special carbon paste. The black deposit gam e, f a ll am i fruit in season. HeM P H IL A D E L P H IA .1 L. I rrstKit. Adjutant. “ What was the most exciting experi­ power of thought and aetiou. L e V a il-| ruche of tulle or !»■«■ is ,«*rnii*sible and on tli«' inside of the bulb is removed by fitting tbe lamp to the holder aud re­ ence I ever had?” repeated Clarence lant, the African traveler, says that he w ill often work wonder* iu the I'ffbct. accom o d a tio n s for th e tra v elin g N E W Y O R K The little Normandy bonnets a r t , moving it iu a gas furnace, while im ­ Haight at the Olympic Gun club. had a tame babtxm which was not only BOSTO N AND A L L p ub lic. C harges reasonable. sentinel, but hunter and Yurveyor of p . i i i i u r the now d**i*ns, Th*y were ‘ mediately following this operation a think it occurred last summer, when £ ■ () ll W Perpetua Lodge. Xo. 13), P O IN T S E A S T i SOUTH food and water. This moukey, by shew ■tiowu early in tho winter, but did not small glass tube is fus«l to the opening was hunting doves np in Sonoma coun­ m'oets every 1st and 31 Saturdays made in the bulb, through which the ty. Now. shooting doves is not par­ „ru»». inapt and tick ets force of brains, took coinmmnl of the meet with much favor. Lately they , Wli"",no'ntb. 'Member, and visiting > t ¡i form« dogs which protected the camp and u»B«l have keen revived, with some nis«dMI lamp is exhausted. When this has been ticularly exciting or perilous, but , culi un o: » » S lie n in good «.landing are eordiallv done and the last trace of air and gas this was oue of the hottest experience« I aud directed them just us the older lnuAifioutiilos. itn .t.’ It., intend. J. J. A m . kiison , M.W s b any of these little absorbed, a blowpipe flame is directed ever bad. tiahoons command and dix«'t the rast of i With a hjph w M c M u h f h i y , Wjgi K vlk , Recorder. #♦# «** b o n n e t s i* 'Oiail *uiMfi>Je for the ; upon the throat of the tube, which is "I had been traveling all day with a Hr-URJ» 3 «cri I. e h -l'c ti Block, the tribe. ■ral Ag< By his eries, mys 1.« VaalAmt, huni- opera iu fcka urekaitra ■nils, hut this , melted into the point exactly in every ! (,ig hag, and win pretty w ell tired out K I .F N 1 oreuox . XV. O . ZEÎ ¡LED, Proprietor. I ll .meets ’ | r O . i O . F . H e e e lii L o d g eX t|,8 country road and tvays warm'd us of the apiaismh cf an ; yaaa it iiafftd, ami a -•<«■ ■msibln one. respect a eonnterport of the original , wl]en j A. D. C H A R L T O N . SvBrV W '- d n e s d a y c v e n h ng in Lodge enemy before even the difip dincovansl to arrai^e tin, («ail' W"U «ud nut wear lamp.— Provideiico Journal. started for home. It waa a good four Brother, in M a l l , F loren«-.-, O re g o n , RUQCNR, - - - •RRO3N A»»ca o '»encrai Bassouger Agent. it.. They wereso*o*nst*iae re u e < l A la n . that they used to to sl*ep, and at ly to the brlllt«it «»ket of tho house ! pleased to see a big wagon load of hay .1. J.-A nukbson , X G. P o r t i run ci O r . first I was vened with them for dmert- liavn « th* «opasii with uwiovprcdheads | There is a certain professor in a cer- upproachiug. Tbe rancher gave me per­ A.MiKEw Bavxn, See. ing their duties, but wJmi ho had once aud in di Riitualet wliaai not in full ball . «•in university of tbe United Stute* who mission to ride, so I scrambled up on once, ut the beginning of one of bis lec­ top, lay down on the sweet, new mown given the alarm they «oitfil all snip to d rass. — fl* a |a < r ’s 9 0 YEANS* tures on fine arts, gut ou the subject of hay aud went swaying and «winging watch for hia s^o«f. mul on the ,i'*gt EXPERIENCE a t . CHU3CH DIRECTORY tbe kind of pins worn in the necktie« of down _____________ motion of his eyo, or she ^Rfi^ag of his the road. I was just dosing off head, 1 have soeu them n a * towm< the , D en is, ■ ail tvilora—tlaat col Lon ma­ yonug college men. He was a g«sid lec- , w|,eu httUg! wcut my shotgun, I had Twentv-three terial wftb’ti baa huen iu su« li favor for 1 turer and wa* was alway* interesting, but forgotten to take the cartridues out of it, quarter w hen his lotfiti w*ie fftrnRed. |fe s BYTE I! IA X CHPRCH, Florence. daapeiuas Mid onaiiiuui;—has lost its I this lecture was the most interesting of and something had pressed the trigger. I often c*sri*sl him on tuy hunting Mile» W r i t Sahhatii service. Habbatli- do you irupts se has his course to tho 300 boys who biard The horses gave a jump, aud the driver expeditions, duriiig which he woohl | («chat. A»«l il,~td o’clock a. in. Preaching 11 • f Kug«n«. ■kau ila plana? him, and (lie whole hour was spent ou rolled off into tbe ditch. amuse hiuiself by elliuliiigp trees iu or- , . k i. m. aud 7 p. in. Sacrament T ra d e M a r * » I o l«as giaabar a fabric Ilian tick- necktie pins, their u..e und misuse and der to aid us in the parmift ^*ue. “ Then I discovered that my gnu bad Lor'ff »upi*‘r on I®1 Sabbath D e s ig n * When h* was thirsty, lie *n»d ro hunt la« —ordiuafy linking :w to weave, l«it Whitt they suggested. Tbo gist of what act fire to tho h.ny, und I thought it waa a.„,v Aunt. July and October. C o p y r ig h t * S c . about and dboover *ooe snccnlaut tuber eboine «til »olid lues I as to colorings. j he said was that there was no more about time for me to escape. Tbe horses Ancore «endlnn a .ketch P1?J c n lc k t r « « .ce rta in o u r e|«*nion true whether an » requests Christians to m»»» which was as effcctoal under the e»r- | Old pink, gsann, blue, u«*w yellow aisl reason why a boy sbonld wear a horse- ! were tearing aloug tbe road as hard a« fiironiicn c Prohnhly rnl”n'able. p,rial noli", without ehiirae. In the truffle dog; but, tlwAtfh the . C. Oar or KW*linr «tf tl»» colorings would . other things and that senseless decora- j “ The fire was crackling and burning teeth to the best wl'*s»'sgp Patronizing it. He laid hold of tho t t g f of '*ov. s lighten tiat btdroam, tbo ciiniug room, iiolis, like horseshoes on neckties or fiercely, and alreudy 1 con ll feel the with his teeth, pmaasi Ids four |* v s tin or diuten the «'.raRriug room, as might neckties ou horseshoes, are silly und un- ! flames. Still tbe horses ran, and still L o n e ly L ig h t k e e p e r» I n W i n t e r . beoomiug to a self respecting person. , my coat held me fast to that seething earth, on all si«ia« of it, and then be «. siiad. : Prop. Fogu, trying 1*8 thpy are to visitor«, the Cbavinhfi| porti«s « tire made from This particular example was only oue ' muss of flames. My trousers commenced drew his head slowly bicW. The root fire little mlndod by the lightkeepura. lengths of it wifis-ut the lean onia- ; to illustrate a principle, which is that j getting hot, and tlgm 1 found my coat One of them, in fact, reported, with generally followed. If this plan did notsr.reced, lie seized i mentation. Bat flat la ■ » tae «ds. pillow. Veil»»-, p*iha>s. Is the favcrlb' OP CUQENK. you realize in an Indefinite way, is well i but cut straight across that field for islands becomes well nigh n ti- Francis Darwin, a «Hi tloi,iM-l«ol«l Kconoinlc*. PAID UP 0A 8H CAPII AL, • 6 0 0 0 0 Kirk Munroe in Scribner’s. S w in d le *!. them animal food. H fir b i of tin -o was, and white wls re the teeth should “ 1 don’t see, Ella, how yon manage SU R PL U 8 AND PROF1TB. carnivorouii plants anA r similar condi­ show. It win immensely eff« etlvc, hut with your bouse money. If I give you a First Street Loafer—It’s a shame. A i M I bb I n . u l t to Iu J u r j . tions. Otic plant of th«’ lot he * <1 with liMJe sugMstiv« of « liv e life tlinii lot, you spend a lot, but if 1 don’t givo Bill, to think that any one would sw in­ Tho Messagerie* Maritime* mail S O 1 -.I C J I T K U roast meat, on •»ftnafi' ■’ a gratn Is ing Mlninber. However, too natch must not yen ho much you seem to get ulong with dle a poor hurd working man iu thai r Btemier Himalaya lies in the harbor OREGON placed on the «ecre.tli« S «*ds of tho b • nsk'sl .of a « nnti mporary sofa pillow. way. gorgeous in white paii.t aud gold. plant w h lionr. while from all the If it is mi « t mul w ell made, it bus ful­ “ Why, that’s perfectly siuipb", lln- Second Street Loafer— Why, What Hcruping by it comes it eoal barge, help­ others ull such ford was carefully ex- fil tad its uiis*mu.—New York Press. j ilolph. When you give lue a lot, 1 use yoor trouble? ing itself along by bolding on to the cluded. The pc».’Its of this experiment it to pay tbo debts I get into when yon First Stieet Loafer—Hero I worked NOTARIES. White hull. were very iiiarh.’d In sweral particulars, The Philadolphin Hetord mggesta 1 don’t givo mu so much. l’Tiegonde bard for half a day paiuting up a spar­ Voice I'roiu tlie Himalaya—Got out the greatest beiug in the number, weight tl«t w pi Mi la that waas fimUMwd with aalatal ordinary way with wut< r, ft is usefu! to Iho cast wind, 13 of them being of a iKjneonformists. Tbe chnroh of A XT ED-TF VBT \V< »RT11Y A S D food. Th«« iw r a a d ftsavinaa* <»f the know that they can be mt>tx”l o w with lispurugi.ig character. lninl accommodate» 24,4411 aud ibo 8 IliCn iH-eds is «M»l«*r ilsia to la Miteri. a« it a little )a>ra*lii oil ou a clcUi WILSON. little eoutorwists 81,850 prraon* in MUw Tlie lzrgcal Atimriean fly is travel lor responsible, established house certainly Itnplna lu«waa»,< » W -ty > ’ polished without «k sa »«y fv isa i | Ptolemy, king cf Macedon, waa the Never do«» a it I * nr«iic of musi«. Lu y inovew' ii’.s. a n of vortrarluc ' (y —8t. !>»*«• Afi^t,<»ih:. - OREGON Djmiprçn Çcnxipad)', Dept. Y L'hF.igo. -------- 8 A I L 8 3 T A O E L IN E B j j o v o r i i . ’r .W i l l i a m I’ . I,or ears, . T he vole»’ of H om er .sings the rang divine, Which to lls o f godlike tails, o i h ero es’ t«>ars A nd o f the punishm ent of P r ia m ’s Hue. Florence to \ aqiiiua. W E C A N SAVE YOU M O N E Y NAT© T o ix y c L i r o o t *<^^^*<* • fro m tlie fa c to ry H a v e n o o lc i G o o d s m s to c k .. IT E ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. Iastice HAMPTON BROS., E u g en e, ■ : CORNER DRUG STORE. Ml.V.lt HOTEL. S iS, Head of Tide H»tel, L “I A. I1 3 T E L CUCIMI. R H I. E lk P r a i r i e H o tel. what EUCENE ANS FLSRCNCE STACE RSUTE. IdtKflfk j|M (rkM. lUH t Ci.3S,,M,,dw,v hw Tirl I flKST NATIONAL |ANk .*« i« \< »tar vr.tblic. Survey or w PUBLIC. y