.■¿i-ré ■ In a O nb M M S«*tel €an»n *l«u. * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * asy t * T a k e asy to Operate "D id Colonel Roarer get his title iu service, or is it buuuiaryf” " Service.” “ Ah, what branch?’’ “ dappers umi miners. He command­ Are features peculiar to Hood's PUb. Small in size, tasteless, effleient, thorough. As one mau ed tbe detachment that worked ou tbe reputation of the unsuccessful caudi date. Detroit News. Hood’s -w»«- ★ T h re e =® A U nnrlvxx T h e o r y . Weary William—They say houses re fleck the kerrickter of those liviu in sa itl: '• You n ever know you _ have taken s pill till it is all ’em. . I ' I H ' nk IA C o .. Hungry Howard— Shucks! I've »tnd :* ä )(* ^ i)f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Proprietors, L ow ell, M ass. ■ ■ ■ ■ WM ied houses goiu ou 8V year, au 1 can't T he only pills to ta k e w ith Rood’s Sarsaparilla- tell yit, till I go in, whether a place is S u n S p o t* a n d Ih u W e n t h e r . good tor a baud unt ar a kick out.— A d u l t .r a t i o n o f R u b b u r . A NTED-Tbl’STWORTHY and it was suspected a full century age Truth. la spite of the constant tulk of a sub­ active gentlemen or ladies to stitute huviug been found for it, robber by Herschel that tbe variation« in the travel for responsible, established house the former in h a b it a n t s of ells - seems likely to be for some time to uunibe.r of sun spots hud a direct effect "What a tongue Mrs. Coinusdowu conic the Hl and by of tbo eleetricisu for upon terrestrial weather, aud ho at­ in Oregon. .M o n llily ftiS.OO mill expenses. ,W O R T H A N O H A Y S C IT Y . has! Did you ever see her when she had tempted to demonstrate it by using the Position sieady. Reference. Enclose insulating purposes. The manufacturers stood her poor little husband up in a prepare the rubber for the clectxical price of Wheat as a criteriou of climatic self-addressed stamped envelope. The corner anil was delivering oue of hei d t h u N tetlu a T h e s e T ow ux W are who aud otliejr markets complain of the in­ conditions, meantime making careful Dominion Company, Dept. Y' Chicago. philippics?” . S o Q a l c t m T h e y A r e N o w - M ow creasing adulterution of the raw ma­ observation of the suu spots. Nothing “ That isn’t w hat h« calls them. H e *• off t h e C J tlsen a S e t t l e d U o w a — W ild T h e G r o w th o f I n n g iiH g e . terial, especially of that terniug from very definite came ul his efforts iu this calls them Xautippics. "—Chicago Trib­ m l J im C arry. Assum and Burma. According to H. direction, the subject being far too No committee can tell whether a N. Thompson, the Chinese have a prac­ complex to be determined witliout long word is a good word or a bad word, or une. ^«worthl” «hooted a brute man co tical monopoly of the trade. The forests periods of observation. Latterly, bow whether it is wanted or not. Old fash­ ShMtnc Tknlv Trwhtan. uiou Pacific railway, Kansas divi- at the head o f the upper N uiukoug basin ever, meteorologists, particularly in th< ioned people w ill always tell yon that a Willie dliwsou— I put a pin in tbe as the train swept through u uro rich iu rubber, aud the tri es attaiu tropics, are disposed to think they fii i new word is not wanted and that there teacher’s chair this morning, and he prairie valley and slowed up at u sleepy, a height of 200 feet, with enormous evidence of sonic such connection be­ are plenty of exact equivalents for it al­ was wild. • ottos wood shaded, prairie euciroled girth. The great tribe of rubber collect­ tween suu spots and tbo weather ns ready iu the language. This seems con­ Bobby Srnitem— Well, hs won't sit •»eateru Kansas town. To the left could ors is the Nuuu Kuchins, who go vast Herschel suspected. Indeed, Mr. M 1- clusive, yet experience ofteu proves that dowu iu such a hurry again. drurn declares that there is a posit r.< distil nets for their rubber hurvest iu the be seen n large and peculiar bnildiug, they were wroug aud that there was a Willie dlinrauu—No; nstth erw ili I .— dry scan u. The chiefs levy toU on the coincidence between periods of uum r- shade of meaning which they did not Tit-Bits. located on the calhkirta of the Tillage. oas suu spots und seasons of excesaiv “ What is that bnildiug?” I inked of produce us it passes down the river. perceive, hut which wus nevertheless A lhsfs Lit«)« rtuwuatrr. the gray bearded man who had «har’d The Chinese, who control the trade, pay rain in India. pressing eagerly for expression. Thou­ That some sucli connection does ex' t tile Kuchins for it in provisions and my sea« for tire last lit) miles sands of worils which we now consider Ethel— When did you h i s t meet him? "That la the Unuid Army ground» cloth, und as they uru adepts ir. tbe art seems intrinsically probable, imt tbe absolutely essential to the language May—He came np and offered me ) and buildin;,,” be «aid. ‘‘It belong« to of concealing stones in it, by the timo modern meteorologist, learning wisrirm were, wlieu they were first, introduced, the use of his umbrella when 1 was of the pust, is extremely cautious alu ' it reaches Rangnu its w eight and bulk i he eld «oldlere, a n t i they hold a reuuion described as quite nnneceaHury and (he caught out in a storm. are largely augmented by foreign sub­ ascribing casual effects to astionomi< ..1 mere surplusage of pedantry or affecta There every summer, ’’ Ethel—Then he wan your rain bean? phcuoiucuu. He finds it hard to forg “ They have picked on a very quiet stances. tion. Let any one turn to that, most , —New York Journal that uutil recently ail maimer of cli­ Tbe Assam supply is fed mainly by town in which to rendezvous. ” humorous of Elizabethan plays, "The ^-•‘*Vcs, thia is a quiet town now, but 1 the Nugas, who, having got in their matic conditions weru associated with Poetaster,’’ nud read the scene iu which A B u tter ■ n t a p h o r . can remember, 80 y ea n ugo, when Kiln- crops in December, set o f f for tho rub­ phases of the moon; that not so very the poet (Marston is the subject of the Soxey—I see they are fitting up a g i­ worth bell's half acre. Ye«, worse ber forests within the drainage area of long ago showers of falling stars were satire) is given an enwtio and made to ant phonograph to warn v e s s e l s o f f t h e than that, for all the cusscdness going the Tareu river, where they kuow every considered “ prognostic” of certain bring up all the newfangled words coast, and it w ill be ten hor* power Ota in thia town in tho sixtic« couldn't tree, the knowledge being in mauy kinds of weatbi r, snd that the “ equi­ which ho has used in his works. The Kuoxey—No, you mean teu woman h are been crowded on to less than hell'» cases pussi d on from father to son. The noctial »bam had been accepted as a character who is watching tbe results power.—Pittsburg News. verity by every one uutil thu nufeeite Motion. Time« w m mighty dull iu robber in this district is said to he keeps on culling out that such and such orth them days when there wasn’t growing so scarce I hut it often takes » hand of statistics banished it from the , monstrosity “ has newly come up.” ■*r l'k for the coroner six day« in tho man it) days to collect a cooly load. Iu earth. Tiiis w it: thought a brilliant piece of Bertha—What is the height of y o u r Week, and ho generally hail to work ■pite of this, the Singnho villages levy 1 Yet, on tho other hand, it is easily Hatire at tho time, and yet now half the ambitiou, dear? overtime on Bunday«. It wan the tough­ a tax ou each collector. When first col­ within the possibilities that (he scienc condemned words are admitted by all Marie i blushing)— Oh, something be­ est place on tbo plain» uutil the rail­ lected, tho rubber is very pure, but tho of the future may reveul aSMs iatious readi nt und writers. In truth, there can tween five and a half and six feet.— between tbe wcuther uud sun spots, an Nngas have acquired tho trick of adul­ road moved ou wo«t, uud the kil lers, be no censorship in literature. The only Fun. toughs, gambler« and their female com- terating it with earth and stones, und rcras uud terrestrial magnetism that ns possible plun is to give every word its yet arc hardly dreamed of.—Hen y punionri followed on to Hay«City. Then the Assum rubber is not regardt-d with chance mid allow the fittest to survive, tho caruival of crime aud the contract favor in the Calcutta murket. It is a Smith Williams, M. D ., iu Uurpei s it was in this sense that Dryden de- i "Julia, you did not accept Mr. Fitz- for fillin g the graveyard whs transferred sore point with the Chiucse merchants Magazine. dared that he proposed new words, Jouesl” to Hay». Bnt today both towns are as that the Nugus so exhaust tho capacity " I was afraid to. He proposed to u s T n r n ln « a M ventlvn I n i s n r u n lllv e. mid if thu pahlio approved "tha bill quiet uud orderly u» u New England of the rubber to receive udulterutiou Chicago Record passed” mill the word became law. In­ on bargain day. A short time ago a developed plate village. Koine of tbe had men of those that there is uo opening left for the ex­ stead of a writer being on the lookout I was sent to the editor by one of th-' A R u r t h e H n ll. day« settled here iu Kllsworth perma­ ercise of their owu ingenuity iu the members of the (iamcru club on which to throttlo aud destroy any and every | ttlie lab o red h a rd to iiu U k * hlm «ee nently and became quiet citizen»— after same direction.—at. Louis G lobe - Bern- tho image was partly reversed—that is, new word or phrase that may be sug­ T h e e rro r of hi» way. they beeatno r« aidcuts o f the gruveyurd ocrut. 'T w m vain. Ha c o u ld n 't m* a »hing ins tend of lieiug a negutive it was a l­ gested, it ought tube his business toeu- on the h ill yonder« T ill n«u-ly noo-’ n- S t T h * A JfifllshiXBn*» W it . most u positive. Tbe cause of this is courage ail true and fitting develop- I None who are engaged in any of the mechanical "Apache B ill, scout and tough, took There wus uu Englishman hailing what is termed solurizatiou— in other incuts of his native tongue. Dryden. In up a permanent residence out yonder pursuits can succeed without reading and words, tho plate was very much over tho admirable pu-sage from which we because a bartender got thndropon him from Hull on (his side the water re­ exposed, aud on development came out have quoted already, uses tho memo- cently looking at America, und, of one night und added about two ounce« studying this standard Magazine of Sciences ruble phrase, “ I trade both with the liv­ to B ill’s w eight iu the shajio of lead course, he came to Washington. Ho was a positive instead of a negative. If u ing and tho dead for the enrichment of a large muu, weighing not less than plate coated with silver salts is err e d placed where it would do the nio«t gixsl. and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with our tongue.”—London Spectator. Comstock Charley, a half breed Chey­ 250 pounds und rising to a height of at iu tho camera or under s negative be­ yond a certain time, a rhange taken least 0 feet H inches. Ho was, for an all modern cuts of latest ¡m entions in '1 enne scoot, tough and general all round Lite) r y K voluttoaa off A a u e r k * . Dad roan, also became a quiet citizen of Englishman not yet Americuuiaod, quite place iu the silver salts, which results chatty and ulfahlo, after I ho Ice was in a positive instead of anegutive. This We are passing through tho same the branches of meehunism. and its fund o j tbe place where they planted 'em iu those day» on account of a puncture put hrokeu, albeit just a wee bit slow of wit. 1» tins reason why objects which reflect stage of literary evolution us the French, "I'm uH ull shipbuilder," lie wus say­ light strongly show cleur gla-s in the only that w ith them the liabit of liter­ knowledge is inseparably connected with into hitu by Henry Wbituoy, sheriff. " B ill Hickok (Wild B ill) gained hi« ing to u Yankee newspaper man iu a negative. They are overt xpesed, and ary criticism uud self criticism makes ventors and mccbaiuct M il the tendency noro marked and more V. Ill .fame at Haya City, west of hero, aa ■mall party of journalists who were tho image produced is u |«sitive. There are several processes by which easily studied. Here, un thore, it might «Is- ’id Jim Cftrry, who later ou shot blowing him off to a few rations, wet \ \ e s t a t d u b b i n g r a te s . «no itllied Hen Porter, un actor, at Mar­ uud dry, at a fouudrv where such things a uegatiVe may lie tam ed into u p -i- seem that for the time the minds of five during the process of development. men had ovcrleuped themselves, as TH IS C H K O N IC U t r u t . w in , U u shall, Tex. 1 knew Jim Curry when he ! are manufactured. "O f course you arc, ” responded the One of the simplest is as follows: Ex­ .hough in this strange fln du siecle we newspupur« lo tbe U n it« ] statM. w as au engineer ou thia road. He be- T H & C'U K O N IC LK ii*e ••e q u a l on the P*e:fl<3 camo euuninre il o f it Woman, married Yankee us lie measured hi« huge pro­ pose tho plate us for au ordinary ut i- wen pausing iu our letters uud art, un­ Coaet. Jt leadi all la ability, enterpriee an ounces of water. Let it reuisin i self too often iu a studied eccentricity la avecyuilag neutral la They cume uround to clean out tlis hroud aud houest face. " R ea lly ,” bo pleaded, " I beg your this solution trout three to five miiiu' : i, nnd wastes its energy in a search for I place. Jim w ent to sbootiug, and when l he novel aiul bizarre— a search that i« he qnit Uncle Nam’s army wus dccl- pardon.1' And then before international wash well iu riuiuiug water, und t' complications eoubl arise somebody call­ redevelop tho plate with fresh dev, . most futile when most successful. •muted to some extent. But aa ouo reviews the field of Amer­ “ Wild B ill was a nervy inuu und did ed ou the Englishman for u speech or er, continuing the operation till tho |«owo k illin g iu bi« day, and ho might something and the Yankee joker got negutive image has turned to a positive. ican letters one may take heart of brace ! Rinse the plate, fix and wasii iu the to say that our development in uo way •havo lived longer if he had not grown away. — Washington Star. same way as lur au ordinary negative. lugs behind that of England, that it •uatelcM. You see, B ill, like all men of T e x N u t X u H n .t r . Byro or ferrous lixalatu give« the heat has in it tho promise of an evolution as : 1« clam, was always expecting trouble ï h ' monthly magazine in one of tbo I have uo heart to finish these verses result«, hut any developer may lie used. brilliant, us vuried aud perhaps more very • -mud w asalw u ysou guard. B ill for years or to think of you nuy more. They »sy A plute tlius treated may be used ss critically sound. Above «11, It Is Inde- hail never allowed him self to get iulo a best printed in this < ouiiliy, and i> »old position where Ids keep eye uud ready tliut I loved you, und I did love you— u transparency.—Harper’s Round Ta­ peudent, mid so is contributing an im­ ble. portant, perJiajm an essential, part to .revolver weru not master of the sitna for five minutes it wus, perhaps, but I io all m i I k u t í I n u ' s i rates within the the growth of a distinctly national lit- i •tlon, but ho did allow tb« drop to be did lovu you— aud now love lius faded A Taigas Msatnehv Mugls. eraturo.— Professor B. W. Wells in Fo­ ability ofa ll to pay. got on him twieo to my knowledge. Thu out of it all, like tin) sunset from the Ii is tin,’|\ illu« It i« a bugle made of two slab» of ce­ Hirst time 1 was present, and the next suows we used Io wutch togotber, aud I dar about thrce-sixteeiitlis of an inch iu rum. h a w uo heart to tliink of you any more. 1 ra I 1 and presents tbe mimes o f fam ous time— w ell, BUI was was gone himself tbickneas uud bent into a funnel »hapeo II* Kna « C h ic k e n * . when the second time camo to a climax. So take these verses, like a basket ef horn. The bell or mouth is 18 inch«« n h l i t . i s jxf Mr. Suburb— What ou earth ferns deft out over night through au are you contributors. T he \y,.sl " I Will tell yuu the story of the time In circumference. It is hooped with 1 w as present Now, I t«Vcr knew Bill early frost, with bright green leaves aud cowhorn rings und iron bauds The trying to do. neighbor? JU K I M r . Nexdoor— Merely taking down a tb f Cosmopolitan ¡ ‘ sold at re- to p oll hi« gun to kill unless it was iu bright white rime, but dead, quite dead bugle is the property of Mrs Annie M I M •elf defense or them was no other way For I do not wish to think ill of you. I May hall, granddaughter of tb« late Can- little of this fence, so that I can mova ducett rates ut this oft.ee. my chicken house over into your yard. 'to secure tiro peace and quiet B ill a l­ do not wish to think of yuu at Mil, tain Roliert Collins, who was a soldier "Eli? My yard?” •'M s M i x et s l a t m i.lid A txtn (Ihi. ” w ays hankered for und would bars— iu the war of 1812-16. It wm in the ii»t y e u n e l f w ith o v e r m u c h r e ln w n b r r iu s “ Yes, 1 like to tie neighborly aud con peaceably if he could, fonubly if he V ex I .lte is tu o -h urt Iu w u t . 1 <*u vrlthei e.1 fl.,wsn campaign of Colonel Richard M. John­ must. Jim Ctirry wus u coward, hut be T ltn s lo v e d u s on.*., b u t duw h . w aih x f t b . Iixiipr liuiu-s. as h bail man, and, as B ill Hickok held regiment, und thin is the identical in ­ “ Yes, y in shan’t have any mere the rhunipiuiisliip of tbe world nt that Why d io u ld you exru If lt|w tb st Loved y o n uu«s strument he used during tlie war aud cause to complain about my chicksn« yuut tuuo us a killer, Curry thought hu which ordered tho famous charge of scratching tip your yard.“ T o u rs w o e tb » v r s o e x a d Ibolrx th e b u .lla . m ight safely run u bluff ou Wild Bill. debt. ( ’oloiicl Johnson. Cn|Aaiu Uoiiin» was a ' lint you are moving your whole “ Bo he sent B ill word lie woufii kill L e v a 's h o u r Is dune. T h ey u v v sr m o re uun XU. mechanical gonias aud with Ins own bouse over ou to iuy property!” yo n . Jilnr on sight, not (hut hu had anything bauds made the iusiruiuenl. Every H o w . s o th e y eb b b i y o u , th ru , t lle l y o u fur That s the idea. As soon as tbs agaim t B ill, hut Curry bail goue into T h u C h r u n lr lu B n l i a i n g . . moruiug ut sunrise he waken the ueq. , chicki ns find their house in your yard, gwtf the k illiu g bus I ni's«, aud lie proponed to borbood for miles around with hia — From “ The Cross Uuneath the tbi'.y’ll ix.hcludo that you own them, hold tbo center of the slags aud show reveille call from hi» bugle until hit nnd w ill up. nd the rest of their natural R ing,'' liy F. M. Banrcke. that ho was displaying etiTigy and apt death in 1804.— Frankfort Uall. lives scratching in my y aid. you know. “ ■r Bnil. P . ►Mtodo iu his b u «1 ihs *. B ill paid no at- Paid. A W * r u lii< t o M u s b e a d * . — Pearson's Weekly. tontiou to Curry's talk, not considering T h u Kuulnlvu Hnnnun. A story 1« going the rouuds of the ' w . do not U k . possession of our ideas but are possessed i,, v e "hint in his class. First Bwectthiug—Bo you are going Kugltaii uew«ps|s rs shout a gwitleuiun A T ig e r W it h • G la u s K m . "Cue day I met Carry on the street They master us and force us into the arena who, finding a smoking cuncvi t wean to marry Lord Oldtioy, my duMt? This isn't a “ «tuffed“ tiger, but a n Hay». Wo went Into u saloon kept ib'i'oml Bwvcttbiug— Yen; if » i i a a |1(, T he G im I-,4 WtMly ig (¡if fyiufy Tl) 'lie table, stuudiug directly behind in keeping with itR struck agaiuat the edge of the lux front lauded estates?“ eye. As the public didn't appreciate a B ill l>fore any one suspi ulod what be and dropped into the nptvi »op pocket of ‘ ‘No-(k ’’ motto. Tlie Aren«•„ ouo eyed tiger, the tsast was put under wou.d di) he hud bis gun agutnsT Rill's gnilei'v of eminent ' Ah, I know. It was when you Iward the gentleman's overcoat. The guileless cocaine aud the useless optic removed. bead »nd >aid, ‘Now, jon long haired thinker« i„ a group of interesting men ami man went liotue, when his wife, always he Ii ml $100,000 a year Inccuue. ” I his was a ticklish operation, several — — . I've got you, sod yon're going itecladinxipsutneui -« p ,n oT tN uC xlw s "Noj it was uot then. ’’ ear.tully Inclined, tmuod out his coat strong keeper« holding (he teast dowu to di. ' Hill U fvit butted an eye uur • t e i - » o w » « . x n d Maxi™. "Tbou, pray/w han did you deride to while the eyo wus taken out. women, and their tliongbtH an re worthy pickets The sequel to this pretty story T H T W E K K I.T C llR O «frci,y. tb« brlxht^u moved »u in tcle. bnt said, 't o n would the is not told, though Its ulerul 1« obvious. ninrry the old rurinudff’» ■?” *R>i n ir*( Cv*iala>iA W a n k i. »» He was measured for a new aye, W oria *» » » » O U T In t b . not «b< t a man down without glviu eonaideration of all jreople When 1 heard hi' hail t h e la iu s u m p - which hail to he made with It is unwise, n« it is mean unit ungul I be A rena * «Nunn», or t .„ „ him a «how to dcfcuii his life, would a special Nuw York Joorual. lunt, to go to llie opeia without yuur tion. »«»Id with T „ k uon xie, x mnxsiftet Afr, d e g r e e of ferocity. For the first woek he yogi' ' Wouldn't I? Wbst show did yon Wifi». triad hard to rub it out. but he new SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. e ’ er give uny d ie , you — -* » ? ' Bow »hu > m n n l. Au A w fu l I.U ul testa contented as die only wild animal , ’ “ The Dntehinau was danciug around BtniiUiiug whixxud by—a miugln- like mad, imploring Jim iu put up his “ Of all the flails I ever beutduf, Jim- uienl id «»eel s|»ike» and red bluNuerA with a glass eyo. r > o you ant th e gnn and for bun and B ill to shake la -r stm is th» chief.*’ "What is that there?" nuked VlM'ka Nut Us. NSManh-u rouit. Baud». If they would, he weald stand "What of JiuiticiiKu, pray?" C H R O N IC L E Uiraua, withdrawing hla gxxr from the Doctor,’’ said the patient, “ 1 be- treat for the house, w i d t h |4 o p o » l l l i s i "Ui cause Ids wife iusisled that he high but tiling to look after the vixion lieye there is suuictbuig wrong with b it Was finally aCpeptvd. Wild Bill uud should not stay around home w hile »ho “ I'hat is the new w ow au." »nxw. red Jim Carry »book hand», after wbwli Was cleuuing house la th in k s'h er love his uephi'M. "The uew woman- fsxiks stomach. ” Not a bit, replied the medical man ■Bill said: ‘Now, Jim, 1 got outbiu for him has w a * e d .lu d t a n a p u lis like the old boy. Kahuuuxoo Tele ag'iu you. and I don't waut to kill yuu, Journal. very promptly. "Uod mud- your stem graph. r e n o w i.v u nch. and he kuow« bow Io ,betn But if yon arn bound to get a teputatiun 1 here's m lneibing « tang wltll fhe , , nff The United B u t« , Dominion of The luryux of man is tw ice fhu «1», th ere's a town fall of i t udi rivel here W nA* It r « M » . hutl lot* of akssy nigger soldiers Uo ou au uvvragc. ol the sain* organ in i “ I liulM I see anything fanny ia the you pot m t,. maybe, and something Canada and Northern Meziao firaotice ou them Yon'll h a w to git woman, allltoagh this di'pTopgfTioit is «(nay that fellow jusi told What mad« wrong IB the way you stuff it in and I 014 u m f m id k . knits of 'em to g^ve von a n pataliou, equalised by the tact >hat ivumaa un s yoa Isngb m > over it?” ► tamp 1» down, but yeor slumach itself 1 is all right " laud It w ill take ib^re ttair to g ii thnr hei larynx a little m u t e 'than tw ice ns "D o you knew who he ia?" And than the patent immediately Than If yon hold a dlangvsii.u with me. Much aa Mall. "No. Who is be?" it 1 Hunk yolt w ill live lunger to mi "H e's the hoad of oor tian Li'ii- went to t to find a physician who under o x T „ K o t h e r ■ B ID 1C . Tin* Tnrkish inuguag« ia nard by •lutr Fan. istood bis buaincaa. — New Drleaus aud A e I tim es Democrat. «'bular« to he the nufUat and «oosi mu **••« »2 Bed Oet t h e M x p » n d u with W ecaty < n v o n l , l e t e r O m c 1 iungnagv of. modst« iliiiwi, is a -g ,r I I-VPA44 o . Ma*. an4 p . * ; ’ rt» the parpoaas of ^eckl. nFcrg atre 1 M coenrerier. _ I I III BEY WERE RAI» MEN S ta rs in W I And T h e a n d S C IE N C E S •old With wm in* S cien tific A m erican. f t t iw i C T iF F M iiricaSsr ICHROI t THE CDSMDPflLITAN, II w !!! T H E D A IL Y THE ARENA Oo!i$6.70aiear. The Weekly Chronide $ 1 .5 0 a leer W ir Reversible Map? Map o f th e W orld happfarJUiff LOOK over this croup M A K I Y O U R 8CI.C Rvi'S u Y o m r o . m ^ iu t» a r p - ■ •AV VRAM - ' 1 - <»r n z x s - t io n .