PERSONALS. Rwyal «akn» the Hood *«ara, F IR E AT PO INT T E R R A C t- MM Tl HM MT. ! Wm. Kyle has been on the sick list (or Tlie residence of Mrs. J. R. Stiles at Afew days. I Point Terrace was destroyed by fire on f iU * bn' :1 •* <*Mnnio(|^Mass .»A ’’lav with Thomas Rosso I talks of going to the i the afternoon o( Tuesday, Dec. 30th. mine and let it stand tw MityJau eiity ^ ir hours; valley in a lew days. ! It is suppose«? the building caught fire a 3edilnonl »’ »ettling indicates as un- ■exec, L ake C ounty , O beoon .— Capt. Robertson went to Gardiner on ' from a stove pipe, as the pipe w as very h'‘“IU,-v condition of the kidney s. tt heui • • - BY - • • hot when the fire was discovered. »»'Ifie stains linen If ia evidence of kit, : business Wednesday. Rev. 1. G. Knotts made trip to When seen the flames had gained such “T trouble- T.a> frequent desire to headway that it was impossible to save pain in the hack, is also con-' Deadwood this week. litor and Proprietor. the house. Several of the neighbors vincing proof that the kidneys and I.. Morton was visiting at the head of were soon on tbe scene and removed bladder are out ol ordei. * ebmm : >1.50 a year in advance.----- tide the first of tlie week. W H A T T O OO. most of the furniture oil the lower floor L. E. liean and T. J. Neely visited | but could not save anything up stairs. There is comfort in the know ledge so ^Entered at the post-office tit Florence in Florence several days this week. The loss probably amounts to about often exp-essed, that Dr. Kilmer's **}* county, Oregon, as secuud-claes \\ m. Brynd and John I.Ioyd started 1700 and is a hard one ou Mrs. Stiles as swamp-rout, the great kidney remedy nail matter. Tuesday on their trip to the north. i she has been in poor health for a year (Julflla every wish in relieving pain in the William Bay of North Fork intends ,jr wore. Miss Sophia Nicolle aud , Lack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every ADVERTISING BATES MADE KNOWN ON AP- to start for Grey's Harbor in the near . Kenniaton who bad been staying part of the urinary passage. It currents PLICATION. Local n otices 8 cen ts per Hue each in »erti on with Mrs. Stiles also lost some clothing. inability to hold urine and scalding pain ■ future. in passing it, or bad effects following I * qva < snarno cower« rr,, mrwvi J Miss Katie Ilaunah, who teaches the P E C U LIA R E L K HORNS- use of liquor, wine or beer, aud over Mercer lake school, visited friends here W E 8T L IN O S . G REENLEAF IT E M S . comes that unpleasant necessity ui be­ ' Saturday and Sunday. A freak of nature may be 9een in a ing com) >el led to get up many tim es, Florence, Or. January_7th, 1898. | Mr. Spurr who came to Mapleton from set of elk’s antlers now on exhibition at during the night to urinate. The mild | Bv a W est C oiikkspoxdent . i Douglas county not long since, paid a A. O. Funke’s store. They were ob­ : anil extraordinary effect of Bwamp-root tained by John Shultz from an elk visit to our town this week. Jan. 1st, 1898. Try •rb (ling's Best tea and baking powdn is soon realized. It stands the highest which he killed some two years ago. 1 Mrs. W. }V. Neely went to the Me- • I Miss Eleanor Hale will teaeh the ■ lor Its wonderful cures of the murt dis­ Read 0 . W. Hurd's announcement in The set consists of three horns, two Lake m eek sellout. i Kenzie last Friday for a visit to her tressing cases. If you need « medicine another column. of them being much like an ordinary mother who has been ill for some time. you should have the beet. Sold by \Emil Robert is keeping bachelor’s Granite ware, a new stock to select pair while the extra horn, is much , haKl in a room of his house. druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ Drew Severy started up the beach from at A. 0 . Funke's. smaller than the others. The points of lar. You may have a sample hottie and , yesterday on horseback for a visit to i the large horns are about S1^ feet in a The Mink took some cattle up lo ’ It is said that Fred Pepiot can be , Siletz. He expects to be gone pamphlet both sent free by mail. two or road supervisor next term if he will. direct line from the skull and spread Ilurd’s ranch yesterday. Mention The W est and send your nd- threr weeks. about 3 feet apart. The right one has Florence school re-opened this week i, Petter Hallo’s homestead is for sale. dress to-Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton The old man thinks he will have no , six and the left seveu prongs. The W EDDING A N N IV E R S A R Y . after the holiday vacation. N. Y. .The proprietor of this paper i more tisc for it. extra horn grew from the skull below guarantees the genuineness uf this off-i ' Bring your job work to toe W est Tboqe who attended the Christmas New Year’s dav was the thirtieth and » '‘ttle forward of the base of the office. Good work done at reasonable I party at Henry Tabor's report having ! anniversarv of the wedding of Mr. a id •••»'»orn, there heing about an inch of prices. R E P U B L IC A N M E E T IN C - j had a v«rv enjoyable season. Mrs. F. F. Jackson and was Mrs Jack- ?|,ace between them, ft is about 14 K d a c a te Y e a r B o w e ls W i t h CtsMt-xrets. -------- Candy C atbartic, euro constipation foresee I There was quite a gathering at J. A. son’s birthday also, Mrs. J. Jackson ' '" cbeR J0 " * ’ curv,"K UP t0 “nd «round; *Cc.2ftr. K C .C .C fa il, driurf lets refund »onr ■M- | Burnett's last night to watch the old planned a surprise for her son and his bac*t ot tbe 'n,'3er horn which it touches , Republicans of the vicinity are invited The San FranCiftCojfSxarciiier and the ' year out and the new year in. wife and invited a number of friends to f ° r ?°veral inches, the place on both | to meet nt Florence on Saturday Jan. W est for 0110 year' 82.50 paid in ad- an- The widow Leaver of Nelson creek, meet lit Mr. Jackson'« that dav. After re"el,*l’'*n8 •P°ts frequently seen on 15th, 1898, to organize a repuldicau c o m ­ i tre‘“’ w,,ere 11,8 branches have grown in | club. ■ • vance' has gone to keep house for Thomas spending a few hours happily the com- Tlie state lengue of republican clube pany separated wishing Mi-, and Mrs. contact. James Furnish commenced school in j Tabor and bis wife near Eugene. The horn has two small protuber- will meet in Portlaml about Feb. 1st, Gbmada Monday with 33 pupils in j T b e tr a p p in g a n d b u n tin t{ o n N e lg 0 „ Jackson may see many pleasant returns ances near its base resembling those ! and it is important that this part oi the a'endance. creek was not as good us Almasi anil oi tlie day in coming years. occasionally found on deer horns and state he represented In some way, that Hood’s Pills are the only pills to take . Pope expected, and Almasi went home. TH E ACM E DA NCE- which are bu IJ to be prongs whose its needs aud wants in the matter of with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy ami yet j We all expect to see W. P. Drug« ------- \ growth was chocked by a bruise or other practical legislation be brought before e , get rich carrying the mail twice a week 1 The Now Year dance given at Acme i al‘Kl‘t injury. A peculiar thing about tlie public. There were 133 marriage licenses between Junction and Deadwood for Friday evening by the Florence and Itlie8e Bntlpr9 is that besides the extra ¡«sued from the Lane county clerk> »533 a year. Acme »id«. »>•» loft of Acme dancing dancing club club was was a a grand grand success. success horn **'''« 0,1 the S IM M O N S office «luring 1391. Goonse Hnle lilrps . a evening the two larger horns has one more George Hale likes hi. his nA«- new n-.,«o. water All All the tlie fli*mni*AinAnfR arrangements for for ii tlie I.« justice covsT. F ru a rscs psxciMCT, L in k Wliv torture yourself with ill-fitting works so well that lie is going to put in ! were made by the young ladies belong- i Pr°ng than the right County. Oregon. ■hoes when'Meyer & Kyle have such an sonic more, supplying tlie garden and ' '«g to the club and this is enough to I.O O. F- INSTALLATION. k,1k„ a. Kvalu. lld elegant line to select from. I increasing the supply for fire purposes ! insure a good time for those who attend gophin A. B enedict, PlaintiffM Action A -aft containing 5.000,Out) feet of < »t the house. Frank Potterf goes over entertainment they manage. Mu- V *A The following officers of Heccta Lodge, To Recover Money. sic was furnished by Marion Morris and No. I ll , I. 0 . O. F. chosen for the ensu­ Frederick J. Kolw and sawed ¡limber will be built, at Portland ; *n a fed days to bore the logs James K. H ill and towed to San Francisco. Ed. and young Joe Whisman were , ®Os-A lexander. After indulging in tlie ing term were installed Wednesday Copartnem by the nam e of Kobe A H ill Defendants. Work of improving tlie channel oi hunting in tlie mountains south of their ''K**t fantastic toe till midnight tlie evening: 1 home Wednesday and got turned comPany proceeded to the Alexander Willamette river near Eugene was J. J. Anderson, N G; Tho9 Boren, To Frederick J. Robe »lid Jamen E. H ill D e fen d a n ts around in tlie fog and followed a canyon building where an excellent picnic snp-1 V G ; A Brund, Sec; A 0 Karnowskv, ordered to commence this week, In the nam e of the state of Oregon: Tlie Roseburg Review mentions Henry on the south side of the mountain in- \ Per ,iad ^>e<‘n provided. After every- W ; If I> Chamberlin, Con; J L Furnish, You are sum m oned to appear in said court stead of the north side, toward home, , on. e 1,a<^ l>artakeu ireely fd “ >e good 1 Chap; J A Yates, I G ; Chas Hubbanl, on the second Tuesday in January, 189», L Benson of Grants Pass as a probable j F. M., at I. O. O. F. hall, to w lllch tim e , candidate for the office of state school as they suppose«!. They came out on ' t,linKs of the table all returned to tlie R S N G ; M Morris, L 8 N G; 1, M o’clock, I the Siuslaw river road near Beecher ■ ,,a11’ ,ln'* d4nc*ng was continued till , Christensen, R 8 V G; and Win and piece thia cauM- aland« adjourned, being in i superintendent. Florence Fret*inet to anmver 1‘lnintid‘s com- ; rock and had to travel seven miles [O i t-c«Hy daylight. i Bernhardt, I, S V G. plaint in above en titled <*ftu.«e. A silver medal contest will lie held in , tlie Lake creek bridge and then back If you fail bo to appear, plaintiff« w ill take Florence under the auspices of the W. SEVERLY BU RNED . A D IS S O LU TIO N OF P A R T N E R S H IP ' Judgement agninet you for fflh.wt w ith interetd up tlie Lake creek road. They got C. T. U. sometime near the 20th of J in. from C fim menceuientof «nit and coata of court , Imme late at night. The exact date will be given later. i Florence, Or., Dec. 17th, 1897. I On New Year’s day a four-year-old n'"i \h"' 'h* ' . * * vlPrt "P°» I proufRv I by Frank ! B o a t Taka, r« Spit ta d Smoke Toar l.lfr Away, j The partnarzliip of Hard & Haven- j d»»«bter of James Bay of Minerva was j wii.„n,E,q’ ™,'XOn‘ tnt « i d | SUN DAY SERVICES. T o q u it tobacco easily and forever, be roag I port was dissolved this day by mutual * •*rert‘ly bnmed by her clothing catching i- w in c t , of date November aith, lit«, that netie. foil of life, nerve anil vigor, tak e No To- Preaching at Point Terrace on Sunday j consent, J. O. Davenport retiring 1 dre> H is not known exactly how it «ummon» be aerved on you by publication In i B ac. the wooiier-worker, th at m ak es weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or Si. C ureguuraa Jan. 9tli, 1898, at 11 a. in. and at Flw ! therefrom, and 0 . W. Hurd continuin'-1 •»»PI»»««. The little girl was in tl,e .,.,!* ’,pa|* t. .p',“ “,b,d . weel“.y ! «aid county) for rtx eonwocuflv« we«k» and by teed Booklet and sam ple lia s. Addra enee « p. in. the business in Florence undor the firm ’ house alone when tie? lire Ntarteii and depositing a copy thereof, and of com plaint, in eiavllew CM . («IP - a m . . r W .a A I. G. K notts , pastor name of 0 . W. Hurd, assuming all , alle r«n out to her mother who was at the po«T oftlee, post-Hue paid, directed to W. H. Service of Aiene put in tlie obligations anil collecting all outstand- ■ Botne distance. Mrs. Bay after trying lin­ Frederick J. Rob«*. Tacoma, vVnMbhifton. lowest hid for currying tlie mail semi-, F. E. B enedict , B L A C H L Y IT E M 8 . ing accounts. ; successfully to smother tlie flames took weekly fro.n Gardiner hv way of Ruby Plaintiff« Attorney. 0 . W. H urd , | 1,er to some water njar at hand ami by and Ada to Aiene. His bid is |2!)8. Bv G krekhokn . J. O. D avenport , I its use quenched the fire. Tlie child's THE V i e e i L IMOW IN W O C I M OF CONSTMUCTIO« ANTED-TRL’STWORTHY AND Referring to the above notice I beg ! Hnnth’ij and body were badly burned and active gentlemen or ladies to, Dec. 30th, 1897 to state that I shall con tinue to do il was if,«red tliat she was fatally in- W IL L S ! O W N I i Ü Y T H I C O M PA N Y" travel for responsible, established house Fuir weather again. | business at the old stand. I desire to )ured- - in Oregon. Monthly $l>5.00an'l expenses. visiting in . t,lank tl,e Palr°ns of the old firm for DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED, Position steady. Reference. Enclose I Miss Hulda Haberiand favors shown in the past, atiil hope to _______ Eugene. self-addressed stamped envelope. Tbe: i merit a continuance of tlie same. We all enjoyed a nice time nt tlie By local applications as they cannot Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago, O. W. H urd . reach tlie diseased portion of the ear. Rev I. (i. Knotts lias formed a class dance Xuias. Thero is only one way to cure deafnees, j Prof. Gordon of Smithfield with about 30 members to take up tlie F U R N ITU R E FO R S A LE . and that is by constitutional remedies. study of the Old Testament. They I visitor here last week. Asa Slayter is building a fine barn orJ As I am preparing to leave Florence' Deafness is caused by an inflamed con cx|>ect to meet once a week, probably commencing next Monday. his place. Size 36x100 ft. ; I offer for sale at reasonable prices all dition of tbe mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is I Miss Nora Ifammersly of Grants Tass ,nJ ^ouseLold furniture including stoves,! Good times have come to those whom inflamed you have a rumbling Bound or i carpets, chairs, tables, bedroom set,! Hood’s Sarsaparilla lias cured of scrofula ¡B visiting relatives and friends here. imperfect hearing, and when it is en- I dishes, etc. catarrh, dyspepsia, rheumatism, weak John Whismand of Deadwood lias ! tirely closed, deafness is the result, and j M rs . .T as F airwcatiier . nerves, or some other form of impure 1 boen transacting business here the past , i unless tlie inflammation can be taken I blood. week. out and this tube restored to its normal A LPH A C L IR P IN C 1 If you aic going east ou a business W. T. Bailey, county commissioner condition, hearing will be distroved trip or on a visit now is the time to go passed through here last week on his forever; nine cases out of ten are caused Bv E ven C hange . And when you go take the Northern j wav to Eugene. by catarrh, which is nothing hut an 1 Stone can't compete with »inc for Pacific for they are selling tickets at inflamed condition of tho mucous durability in thia climate. Many years Earnest Rowe head sawyer for the I •T O O K • U M O R IR T IO N B O O K S » A N » C S C C N A T.-T H K Dee. 26tli, 1807. ; surfaces. reduced rates. For full information call of hard work erecting thousands np«,n firm of G. W. Wright & Co., came home i on or address R. McMnrpiiv, General to spend the holidays. E. C. Potterf of Lake creek was up at | W9 will g{Ve One Hundred Dollars for thousands of zinc Monuments, under1 O FFIC B O F O. H. H O LD KN.. Agent, Eugene, Oregon. Alpha Thursday on business. ! any <^ise of deafness (caused by catarrh) scientific efforts have brought , Your correspondent has b«»cn on the I „ T ,, .. W hite B ronze M oxumkntb spending the ; that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh The next regular meeting of the W. C. sick list the past few days but is now G ;?r' J’ U 1'ai',"er Cure. To a high state of perfection. Better (or ' at Hale and Send for circulars free. T .V -jrill lie held Jan. 13th at the able to be up and arouud. .holidays with friends [ F. J. Clienev & Go., TrJedo, O. i 2,000 or more years than any granite for , hmueoi Mrs Hansen tlii. win t-e a; Prof j „ nomHn from 'Monroe 40 years. Sold ld « ... will be prepared. Members and j,, ¡eaw jn t|ie Horn of Fa.rview *lso Juliette Mann of Eugene, Ore. 1 N a-l'9-aasa fa* P lftv Ceuta. Mr. Hill and ere Mrs. «pending J. H. Monteith ill friends of temperance are cordially j Mr. [«onazd Tabor who is teaohiug a Oak vacation gave will a Guarar.taad M>c*ceo habit m ra mahaa weak two months seh««oi at Point Terrace is i very enjoyable party Thursday evening nan airoa*, blood pure SOc.BI All drucgista invited to be piesent. 1 O. 8. Post and Waiter Blad ief are at home for a weeks vacation. There f It their hotel residence in Glcnada It The Funk & Wajçnalls cutting saw logs for Ooidsoo A Co. TLev intend to cut about eight hundred wood, one ««f the most popular young St&n 8<*ve an berries. exce evergreens popular liue are re«Iuce«l for tbe present. , __ __ „ . .. .. R snnnlicd «tor- lent dinner Xniss. day to their friends; I all A fine musical wan given, uf cars at Portland. other can .suppliedstore. enpyed tbe program good things which aud was COMPLETE Perwnt D M trh j;t9 *S jb »o rlb 3 far St'ïjk C n ^ 'd » •> b / Call on or address R. McMurpby, Gen- and calves at |10 per No Bea< We are in and bad a very pleasant time. phonograph exhibition Mr. James A cattle buys, from Benton county ; i a ;iberalIy Tbo ^ by eveniug W8, pal Agent, Eugene, Oregon. informed that he is meeting itli good SU CC IENT Frank has folks about who completed ,n our valley purchas.ngjearhng steers spent by Potterf the young gathered a j Craven gave great amusement and Thursday Dec. 30th being the time for success. Leaving¿Their Names fountain for C. A. Potterf which is nice- j A U T H O R IT A T IV E Mr. Weiss of Seattle, Wash., is going ly ornamented with «cr«Ml and turned for tlie annual election of tlie W C T V At 11 p. m. the large dining mom was tbe following officers were elected (or to erect s summer resort hotel at Tri­ work. This added to a fine system of tbrown open to the guests where an tbe ensuing year: for president, Mrs angle lake this sprinb. This is a beauti­ water works both in the house and out- ! 9'e8gnl «upper was served. Covers Zai.Sft.S Vocsbalsry t a w n * 4 7 Rdltor« a n * Spaclallatl Holden , 1st vice, Mrs Robertson ; 2nd ful lake and contains shoot 1000 acres, of-doors makes Mrs. Potterf'« flower « ere laid for Menu canlt • vice,Mrs Knotts; secretary, Mrs Burns; plenty of fish and good banting in tbe garden an object wortli looking at. were artistically designed bv the lo« al S J j Reader* for Quotetloav Sooo llla etre tlo a e uvasurer, Mrs Kyle; supt. of literature, mountains. Our principal game is deer, X m « is past. Something over 60,000,- 1 arti’‘ M,a’ *»ere Coot over to to .o o o Mj« Yates; supt. of flower m issioj, Mrs | bear *nd 000 of people under our free American WOrl‘, of art’ an<1 wen’ Pre*er’ * J A m e » «l i of 4 7 .4 * * 8 » trio * Her; supt. mothers meet'jgs, Mrs Tlie Tipton and Whelan Ian«J case '• flag have celebrated. Deadwood is only each guest na eouvernier», seu; supt. preas work Mrs Furnish. a settled Alter «ppper tlie dining room which a small portion of the U. 8., in feet of •election which was held at the a month ago in favor of Tipton. The Tbs full nuiabsr of words aad lew is In i Oregon. But its ) oopie are truly pa- was beaittifnlly decorated with flag*, Jer and Burns, a lunch parties have been lawing over it for i triotir, wide-awake and generally well buntings and evergreens wraa flea red «lIITsrsnt «tistionArtr» foi Ike >-otln> alphabet I* which all present most higb- about three yean, and each of them . fed and good looking., kbnwiog how to and dancing was indulgml in np to mid­ a* (olio**’ a-naxnwTw, io.wa- W oar-aasrsa oyed_ have spent more money than tlie place have a genuine XmAs’. dinner And elite— night, when the “ old Virginia Reel" nr.,«»: W assrrs (InteinatfonaD, 1ÎS.0MS, U ss- is worth, but tbe winner has tlie satis ) tain their friends. closed one of the happiest evenings W av, («X volume-, caB -icI»,! 234, OSS: > O U R C A O O L D IN O N E D A V . Glenada has known for a Ion g lime. , STANDARD, over KO.OKi; sbe Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. faction of getting his long fell wants. The home of Mis» Clara Tabor was Judge W. P. Drugg lias the contract tbe scene of much jollification Xmas. 1, Among the invited gnests were: Mr Jl 'lro=gt;ts refund money if it fails to I and Mrs George Crainanl, Mr and Mrs for carrying tbe mail from Junction eve where aboot fifteen of oor Be. , Za,,nB (ieorge Colter, Mr and Mr« (d ia r ie s ' .......... S i m p l e P a g e « F r e e ......... .. City to Deadwood. Mr. Drugg informs _ peup,. 6p»;t a merry ever, ng play,ng H.r»ood, Mr and Mrs Furnisfi. Mr' _____ . "• be 7 * ° * . gw-uie. movie, and sociui lunveraaXion, # d « F Mrs If. B. Monteith ; Mi«» Neill« I 1 the line and go through to head of tijr James Furnish. Mr ACKM Tt W AMTKD. n-maincJ un- 'ril1 t’r0 d‘ff,’f*nt lines in present were Mr si. iM is Tram. P ot-iC «ven, Miss Nellie Lzrwe, Captain ____ ■ iorence pooloffice i®r t°*at 10 railroad from head of tide. tert. M r and Mrs Gtcrxc Pull; M i « « Mitchell and others. t Jan le t, 1898; • We en. boa« of b .,in g a good "«ooU* 1 Bl ,-H, ,«d Aftie We?». Chloe P op*. ( _ ____ x - FRIDAY MC&XINQ— [II. WEATHERSON Jggg A S iu sla w C om p an y O rgan ized CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 & No. of Shares 10,000, at $10 EACH. Everybody’s Opportunity W ho De­ sires to Visit the New Eldorado. ThU is a Meme Cempanv. Every Citizen ef the Eiuslsw Valley Sheuld — Own at Least one Share. ITS AIIS ABE PÜBELÏ C3-0PEBATIfE.- W W ork B e in g P osh ed V igorou sly. DON’T IISS TEE OPPflmiP'i OF A LIFE THE. A laska G old M in in » À N avig atio n C o . FLORENCE. OREGON. iNDY €ATRA»TIC , C h a r i^ n n ir . , i " * * « - 1 ■ « « • » - • '7 » • « A c lag fa* the arti»» i. i w in ■ • • « • • T i n taking Hood’. Sa, F d i p 1 il, Will Wells, ■ lapanila, because « loo doe— ~ one ~ m nlain. Beeide* ibis we pas* through Clayi.m .o d C »rh- P e, Ed. Height, dollar" is peculiar to and , 8 » 4a nice valley ia Laue piocmcL i Leonard ano E-ruezt T*bor, __ > U m Q m ~ * fa a tore will a u , poatma-,er. M A d8>i E ( l w H , le rlangie lake and at the summit of thv f a » « . ^RONSON & CO. , u H r ig U -m , Me*« , ^»1