lotteee of th e better m ade W ASHING TO N L E TT E R . qi stone. Antony tbQ| . furnished iu great m agniticen. ■«. Itexi* l-cc is at thu asm s tim e a land of m illio n - ■ sires, for the laud la uioet ,! divided am ong the people. l a o n e e g siovL aa UoautssroxogM*, (O R IU IM A L A N U ^ K f Ä "I RD.) unevenly Out of the I i total population of over tw elve m illion, ! six thoueaud people own all “ w ith influence enough,'* the land «aye the Be discreet in all things and so render it unnecessary to be m ysterious About any. » ■ •** w**»*‘'♦ ‘»Jtegta#'***’ W hen desperate ills dem and a gpeedy lecturer, “ to avoid practically all taxa- ' tion, which falls on the poor,” ' is no "m iddle class," 'fence, Or. J a n u a r y 7th, so There called. The cure, distrust is cowardice, ence folly. railroad by which one travela pusses 1.8‘Jh, through one estate for a distance of 1 ITIÖ N OF T H E LABORING CLAS SES IN MEXICO. Doubt springfffroni »he m ind ,- faith is th e daughter of the auul. and , The doubts of an honest m an contain property belongs to one individual. I 1 In another place is an estate of 1,600,- i 000 acres, in another one 230,000 acres. * m ore moral truth than the profession of faith of people under a worldly yoke. eigh ty m iles, w hich ¡ “ At present," enorm ous says the landed lecturer | “ there is no possible danger of an Ignorance says AJak 1 ith N ew I ear G reetings, and a I’rosperous Y ear to all onr F riends, is more valuable A gain Offer Onr G oods at E xception A good disposition If a peon has a few coppers m his pocket ° than g o ld ; for the latter is the gift of for­ L ow P rices. Som ebody o n ce said, am tun e, but the former is the dower of nat­ has been R epeated. “ W ell B ou gh t ] ure. he ia iwrfeetly happy, and docs not fuel P is , S o ld .” D uty does not consist in suffering every i Mr. Knauff nol only gives a picture of I the life, habits and custom s of the pro- C* | pie, but he also depict« at length the it« painless m g the m erry faces that go along with rising of the people, because the people . are perfectly contented w ith their lo t.” ' | com mercial growth of the country, ' products and m anufactures. a evil ; so I should think is dirt eonsider- up* com pelled to go to work until he ) driven to it by hunger or necessity, is ANNOUNCEMENT prud­ thing, but in suffering everyth in g We H ave a Clean P e t in for du ty. Som etim es, indeed it is our duty i not to suffer. 1 81 Through every rift of discovery. I'or several years American m erchants 1 and m anufacturers have igad^. owraest "* GENERAL MERCHANDISE efforts to enlarge our trR taW M l M caico '' I L hi —especially since theEMfrfeHen of t t ie ! direct all-rail route from the R io Grande ’ 1 to the city of M exico—And the com - i • til merciul travelers and leading merchants of our principal cities are pretty well ‘ te' acquainted w ith the com m ercial and social conditions as they arc and have been in M exico. There has been, w ith- ! in a com paratively recent period, som e ’ UI1 im provem ent in this trade, and. ow ing ® t, 1( to the introduction of Am erican capital j in m ining and other enterprises, and 1 much of my present stack as thin tha next sixty days, in J m a k: n o n for Spring goods to arrive. i . and an infusion of American enterprise ' "ta B in som e departm ents of industry, rich th in g; there ' 'n tlx« case erican m oney wus 9213,800,000k Y e t j 8 ^ * M exico has now I * ^ p ra M ta about l’“ ' 1 f>ne particularly w ants is w hat no he m oney ! other pow er covets. E ugland has Tatamy *’• eom paralively ' iot©T recent construction, and, n o tw ith sta n d -11,rinl ing the decline of silver, there are m any fo rX ° encouraging signs for those who have tb<,r< been so long looking for a bettor dcvel- opulent of the industries and im r e iis -! co"’w trade between M exico and the '• 1,0 United Stales. . ing tl To Core Const I pa lion Furer er. ir r r* OBiMhrCaWmrile. loc < no u-e for M anchuria CHEAP CASH STOKE! and Corea, Dry Goods, * Groceries * and A Nations I providing powerM w ant. Tcgiou house and France w ould lik e bordering her l u d o - ' ee he can 1 Chinese possessions iu the FLORENCE MEAT MARKET Ju®t Opened.. so u th , i There i There is no one to object to th is ' absorption of! •nst p r in t-! n o r t o G erm any’s n 7 i7 h t? ,r ^ MhUUtU,‘g 7 ' 1OOnC’ W® Ba>’’ but | how Jap un ’ w hich is not strong en ou gh < and i t u C » fa il to cure, druggim« rufuud m what ns d o esn ’t h,lt s(ie has use for th e Province o f on for the r» , . . . sh all bo C,,Btou’ w ««ch « eith er o f f n e o th e rf w. ed o f Japan by and ' to p< over forty thousand m iles of telugrnph, nearly all of which is of asked C A R M A N ’S « » t is f ie d of w i t h o u t t,IC »105,018,302, and tint total deb t in Am- I °* 11 seven thousand iiifMX • ( 0. W. HURD enough to go around. R ussia i> c o m m is - 1 can l>e served. G erm any can have is a close j her share, France and Japan can in id pensioner when isolated to control events. I Barriug th e accid en ts that lead is liable to have to war it look s as i f th e w hole ‘ i trouble w ould soon end iu a peace- * istionably i fu) o f g . y e g n (, ’ n the benefit» o f w hich even Japan t As w e ! j alt ü the great n ,i8 h t no( 1>e exem pted. hh am ong > ^ t o the other d ay, Jap an, as a to be ” Ihina has p rudently alienated; for, i f it were u e h ja n d that country w ould be apt to ta k e 8' ipon the grow ing pow er, is not one less, as advantaK * o f thp tting to w h e n h co “*«* »« a lly ie than E uropean w ar „ its e lf »he side m ost f e w r e b le to w ith ai it and ¡it s trouble that w ould cou n t h ea v ily mt against the other side. Q uite lik ely t h e ! “1 say E uropean com prom ise w ill be to I ,a him X tot Japan keep th e Hhautung ¡‘" ’"“ »ntory and possibly regain m id th e t h ” °» ftaghalien, wake a B usr I b got m any years ago in a d AND _ 1 « t n ne« a man w orking a L ^acilin e la tbs streets. a rt IMta. Instine cities the | carried on H tstw »SB county elections in th is year. ¡sew lim e , give« n autograph note, w ishes of the heart, the genuine untguslung of the soul, should take the place of costly As mas happened i^ o e fo re bidders on «s'vecgf S *K»Ma«3 Wl," k* t"W’ rd b ,Wb **"‘« « » h e I . . poor and m forttiuafgb hom es of the of the m ail thia part of presents between grown friends at a a d h ss r s ii ' Uhrietm aetide. Ifo n e has m oney to ‘ hi* * • * * . U should po. ha ! sm bo » r»Hah v . i x v •. * They need thetoningnpof ‘ h«*»<” n *rh « n d digestive organs, which * cour*« of flood's Sarsaparilla w ill give Internal • l*n P°rifles and enriches the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION T O OUR R A T R O R » »ks» distmss s’t«r swtlng and misery only a 4» .peptic can Land Ot*Rtw*>>nr$Anrr Should such an offer be m ade w et Lmd« ui I I a lia i« which nt oilier stater( Crtneat* Y cm , C a lh s riK , • in are - on Peccmber IM s e r , , | 1: Mnrtha E Martin widow oi lam es M a ru n , on h. e. no, ft'sip for the nw 'a n e \ of see. U tp. U a, r. to west lowest route« in parlies u-_. is of Hwm t'g o :i know, creates aw sp-x-tlte. overconMa that » e nave masle arrangem ents by SsieCmr-r s, ie»T. tired testing sad bnilds np and sustains tb s W eek1"* Nodes is hereby gives that the follow ing, which we w ill furnish "b o le phyn’cnl » r.'em . It so prompt­ named settler has ATed node» of hie in ten tion Oregonian with the W « st for one year ly sad e fte tw itiy relieves Jvepeprlcsymp- I U> nmke In a l er,H,( in support of her claim and -»«n»A.*nd ejues nervous headaches, that It that sni.A proof w ill be made before C . H. H o l­ to any address for the sum of tw o dol­ den V H. Commissioner at PtMOOee. Oregon lars, payable cash in advance. seems to have almost • a jrxg*- tooch " »he names the following witnesses ts prnv. hsr eowtinoeiis residence apr.n and cult; ¡atiew ef. mid land, s ts: from R rid sB tly abrwM th e rentes as S « r e much below the rg the m ail fJ-!ffc tun e. Sarsaparilla ’ .H Hoffm an. ar.d George A llen Terrace O r : A. K. Hedaall and of Point M. 1 l l - .i— n a half in b rig h t. of Mapletow, Oregon. over R M Vaaeca, t t e g ls i- e I A bouse tr a t lot fn ( house is 18 by 24 faet an.1 < , on premise«. A lto g g Fog fnrtfaer inquire at this eRtse.