k ADVERTISERS |»' SIUSLAW’S OHLY PAPÏ2. ► OPPORTUNITY FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY. Jan. 7. IBM. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE HAMPTON BROS. M O N A S T E R IE S O F M E T E O R A .! A n K a tr a a r d ia a r y »een« on th e a la n F r o n tie r. M ONOTONOUS Macedo- , FOLLOWED BY THOSE W LIQHTH Between the curve of the Macedo-1 niau frontier of the mountains of Khas- ■ SAILS - sia and the open town of Kalabnka, Q a a llfle aM o o s s a d S T A O K L JN K . which terminates the long western Oil th e 1st, 1 0 th autl 2 0 th plain of Thessaly, lie the monasteries , of Meteor.i. A casual glance gives the ' m o n th . far» of Tbam CMfal idea of the whole space being oocnpied Leaves F lorence M onday, IVednes- S in g le t r i p > 3 .0 0 . R ou n d trip 1 5 .0 0 by iiues of bare bills, bnt on a nearer A lighthouse keeper is days ami Fridays. inspection a curious amphitheater is the secretary of tbe treaanry on tha , F lo r e n c e to Y tu p iin a . Arrives nt Florence T uesd ays, Thurs- fouud, carved oat auioug the moun­ ouimendatioa of the lighthouse f*" d ays en d .Saturdays. tain,. pud tiii, is oocnpied by a most aud at first receive» only an aoC Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ F o r P a ssen g er a n il F r e ig h t R a te s extraordinary collection of rooks, ou pom I men t. A t the end of three L burg sta g e F in e tor Drain. A lso with which are perched, like storks’ nests if he passes an examination by » » •P l. Y Stage Line (or C"Oa Bay. Charge or lira turban on a Turkish tombstone, val officer who is the inspector - the aerial monasteries of Meteors. In district, he receive, d fa ll l reasonable. Florence. O r one place a huge monolith is fouud lit­ if he does not pass, he U i W © T o ix y c i i r e o t * * * * * * * * * erally crowued with buildings, as in the the service. A keeper must ha case o f the monastery of All Saints, read and write, keep account,, m il a , f r o m tlx © f a o t o r y E l G E N E -F L O R E C E popularly kuowu usH aglos Barlaam: iu pall a boat and have enough OO'JNTY OFFICERS another a group of jagged rocks w ill al ability to make the nepnai . . , * * * * * * * * * * * H a v e n o o l d . - -5.- Will ir.kc have cuiFlKiiultappi'd by a monastery, repairs about the station- and keep R I n , ST A G E L IN E . G t o o d s i n s t o o l s . . as is sw m R 4H M M k ,las. The most order. There ia only one grade of R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IPS sink-lug feature a* g a ||tiiese monaster­ er recoguiaed by law, but tha cartom of ■ Bangs, Prsprletsr. Between —— ies is the w e th o d o y w h ic h they are the service has divided the keeper» ia to Mu J uilge. reached, either by loose ladders hanging different grades, w ith different pay and .W . T . B a ile t outside the perpendioular rocks or by duties aud w ith promotion from onh Stage lea v en E u g e n e M o n d a y s O oiiim is.ioncrs . . J . I . C u llis o n being wound up by menus of a windlass grade to another. ▲ lie n m ay ba «ffi- *• m id T h u rsd ay s at 0 a. in. a n d C Jcnninge in a net at the end of a rope. pointed to the service ant' assigned to a , C lark............................... From its beautiful position, its size particular station, but he m ay be A. ,l Jnlineon r iv e s in F lo r e n c e a t 1 p M. th e S h eriffi. 1. ..................... aud the fair preservation of its build­ at any tim e if promoted or i f tr­ treasu rer....................... .A. 8 . Buitci-soo d a y follow in g. M en ’s S u its for > 4.50. G ood V a lu e s . W o o l S w e a te r s >1.00. ings the monastery of Hagloa Bariaaui eats of tbe mgffice demand it. D P Burton Assessor i s a very good specimen of these lif teeuth . tious ri quiringjhut one keeper i R e lu m in g stage, lo a v e s F lo r ­ .. .C. 8. H unt L a d ies' W o o l H o s e 2 0 e t s . per pair. School Hupermten le n t cvutuiy monasteries», but what makes seafaring man, w ith a fam ily, - _ . . ,.C . M. Collier e n c e T tie sila v s am i F r id a y s at S ! this oue of especial interest is that ly selected, aud, in general RMtff Surveyor J o d ie s ' F la n n e l V e s ts 2 5 e ts . O u tin g F la n n el 2 0 y d s. for >1. ___.1. tt . linin'* i the rope is aaid to be the lougest used seafaring cla a A em o a tw a a ted . Coroner ¡1 in. an d a r r iv e s in E u g e n e a t tt . F. B W ils o n I for the purpose— 340 feet. The ladders tions where there la a f og aigaal ana I . Junticetoi Peace to this monastery are not so difficult the assistants it a man Who kaa im «n- p. n i. th e day fo llo w in g . . John F. Tanner lionata hl» to climb as some, bnt inasmuch as they giueer's liceuse aud iaaom ffiM k gof a I pull out every time you grip them aud machinist. ’^5- r >5 0 0 oscillate frightfully it is pleasanter tu S in g le fare - Keepera aro paid an ah areragh abont- * risk the net. CITY OFFICERS. >800 a year, out the indivldaal s u m (W.igi R ou n d trip - - - ~ The monastery of Haglos Nikolaos paid vary frapi >100 to N a year, appeared to he iu a totally dilapidated according to the importanoe o f tha sta­ T ic k e ts lor sa le a t F B a n g s’s O r e e o n . condition aud eutirely deserted when E x x g e x x © , • • s tion aud the amount of eervioe i F. B. Wilson liv e r y b arn , liu g e n e , a n d a t iiu r d President we visitad Meteor,, whilo the ladders, cd. The principal keeper a* which rise from a neighboring peak aud , Ledge light, in s , ootaide of O. W. Hurd & D a v e n p o r t's office in F lo r e n c e . Pullman JIM'S LITTLE GAME. hang from the bare rock, are iiupraotiou- ccives >1,000 a year for h ie aarrhs. tt'm K yle •leeping Cars CORNER Board «(T rustées Marion Morris ble. A ll these monasteries are under and this tarnishes the only T U W aa a 4 )«< m I One, as «hs B lc yo ls T h ls rs o the archimandrite, a man of command- ! ' whero C. C. B ehnke Elegant the pay of a keeper is WALAON, VIN C EN T S p e e d ily L e a rn e d . ing presence aud saintly couuteuauce. law. , Dining Cars Drew Severy There wore several ineu of leisure The village of Kustrakl is jammed iu , by Tlio ( successors TO V. H C M IN W A Y .) Recorder keepers who lir e at ieolatad talking at the hotel w hile they watched .1. A Pond between the outer rock, of this curious Truaiuieer , lighthonses and on the offshore ligh t­ Tsurist H t the rain through the windows, and it amphitheater, and in the slit of this ships load a very monotonous IMa, J. C. F L IN T , P roprietor E. A. Evan» Sleeping Cars Marsiini. w-a, inevitable that something should rta'ky wall ut the back of the village ken only by the eight of passing vei F io r a n o » . D r a g o n fee said about the bicycle. “ I see they atauda a most peculiar hourglass look- ! ST. PAUL aud the quarterly visit o f tha i have a new alarm lock for w heels,” ' lug monolith. The rocks ou either aide M IN N E A P O L IS volunteered one. “ Tamper with it, and i are perforated with strange holes, I supply boat. A Complete Line of Drug S E O R tT SOOIETIES. Those keeper, g e t » OT’ R -MM - T o fu r n ish t h e liest DULUTH you set a hell ringing that serves the which in the fourteenth century were about tw o w eek , ia three Sundries and Toilet Articles. Euuo purpose us a burglar alarm It'a a a c c o m m o d a tio n s a t rea so n a b le inhabited by the monk, of St. Anthony, i FARCO iug which time they v isit I good th in g ." I —Loudon Illustrated N ew ,. a F. A iti. M F ire iic o L o d g e V o . i n . . p r ic e s. G R A N D FO RKS i ou full pay. A lighthouse oa TO "I know a better oue,” declared an­ fBa r ’‘n i n n i’ ini« ’ i ,H 11 á r " 1‘ ‘ ing reef, for instance, la on CRO OKSTON C orn er ftth iSi W illa n if if» S is . other of th - group. “ For two mouths GRANT AS A PEACEMAKER. statu» aa a iightahip. e r n p t ) , n i io irtli Satmdiivs m . »■! last summer I was at a reaort whero W IN N IP E G i l \t lii «e W. V . not be blown away and the ,*~ Ig B u lta I M t Fand» WfctsA Eugene, : : : O r e . uearly every guest rode a Hue wheel. 1 . 0 . K X0TTS SfCrp I ’ ’’’ • H E L E N A ..... uot leave it except when A ru aa A i U U l U L ( M | | > i r s . Bicycle thieves (oand it out and were After tbn diip M E w W ck E p rg Logan lteved, a» » -»lorn» m ig h t, ■ UTTE reaping a harvest. We bad private de­ prevent their return. W . W . N EB L Y . P r o p r . chose a proiuiuSRt tuiePb^Ditiful resi­ tectives, and every one tried to be care­ T E R M S ST R IC T LY CASH. Much is done by the ligh t ful, hut the wheels still weuL Jim T H R O U G H T I C K E T S R General I.von» Post. Xo. 5*. dence for h i, headquarters, and Gener­ fa b le s fu rn ish ed w ith a ll th e to further the comfort of ■ b s . . . o i a n d i " o f" S-.uordays Broder, from Cinclnnsti, is an inventor, al McFlierron ohose the same, and a ployees, but moat ia done fo» < HE W AS PLUCKED. TO d e lic a c ie s o f th e se a so n . M ilil who was up there to try tu cure in ­ quarrel threatened to involve divisions fnionth at l :30 p n». endure tbe solitary life a t tl C H IC A G O 1. Bi i t e r f 'KI » . C o m m a n d e r . somnia. He's uu abaeutiuiuded mortal and corp, and gave the superior officers , B u t th e I'a t a r M .ju fc ttfi. lig h t, and ou the lightship» g a m e , lisli a n d fruit iu se a so n . B e s t W A S H IN G T O N and had three wheels stolen before the great couccrn, according to the G hica-1 Ifettaon. F«»r s« Is»»'»-». .1. b. I: re v isu , A diu tm it. ate furaiabed the keepers hsM seemed to ultruvt h i, attention. Hs go inter Goeuu. Both McFhersou and The y o u n g m a il w w tilled with many P H I L A D E L P H I A ai*ct»inot* write — of these U h sori« . to Iricanies of Sophoolea, bat he rtwolved veranda nod way at the other cud when aud RMtd ho wuu sotty that tho geueral nearly 1,000 Rveorder to put a bold face upon the matter and wu saw a man »«iso it with a running hud placed h i, heart ou any heudquar latimi, each in its little poctabin M c MUW MHKY, mottou. mo a , to gut a good Sturt. Jim te n in Vickaburg, heoauto-be had juat W. O. ZEIQ’.F.R, Proprietor. ‘ (tenersi Agent. Hovina “ mid 4, Shelton Block, Biuku a clean breast of it. und, by their judicious Interchan^a, F H eccta bodge No. H I, m eets Accordingly Hie young until hied chuckled, got up leisurely aud told u , written an order aoudiug th , whole d i­ keepers of stations where tb»y nr» ‘ K tH IE V F , OREOO S. r W ednead.iv »veilin g io laslge to come along. There was the fellow, vision ou a , special expedition to look uished see about >00 voinm a»« yw him self to l he down town office of the Sorelle», Oregon. B rother, Hl EUQ CNK , - - - O REG O N Old geiitleiuan, yvht-re the latter was writhing, tw isting ami struggling to after the re tt outing rebels. Logan glow ­ A. D. CHARLTON, Keepers are forbidden to aagfff Hiding invited to atten d. let go of the machine, but it had him ered until Grant, tam in g to McPherson, any business which w ill prevent rutting coupons. Assiataut General Passenger Agent. .1. .1. A SKIiH-OS. N t ’ “ Father, ” said tha youth, w ith down- fast enough, and we pnt him In chargo ■aid: " I am sorry to disarrange your presence at their etatiboe Or lili. Morrison Ht. ( .'o r . S il. A mimi " Bm >'». S e t. of a couple of porter,. Jiui set h i, trap plans, general, bnt I have just written with the prgper perfotuaaoe F O I- T - l S L IT C l O f east eyes, “ d have bud M w a " E lk P r a ir ie H o te l. Tlio old geutiemnu »lit otf a an,all again, aud it waau’t ten minutes till an order »ending your division on au d uties Many have usefal anti d ice of bis finger w ith ugBatluu, ligised the whole vicinity Was tilled with important espeditiou. I appreciate tbe occupations which they pnrry on BO VIARI* urch directory deeply and prepared bimaelf for a blow, sliriekn We releaned the woman only feelings o( the men who would like to stations, w hile some >1 .IXPIRIKNCC a i , her prisoner. oue of the •‘Well in it this t i i i , time? Gamblingf GamblinaF* to t take oriaouer. She sihe was wsvoiie tbe march through Vicksburg, but it w ill Weilj whut 1» jaitioM of the peace o»^ ------ . Twentv three “ (Jn, nothing no frivoiouai'' re«p«a*d- prt.Uieat and moat popular girls , t Hie be impossible. Duty comes lint. " Gen­ A ll kuupct, o r, iuiuiaim i w itl, I y T E U U N C H U R C H , F lo r e n c e .' ed Hie ynuiig man bravely, "T o tell tfcv rtsMii t and pnMed aa the fiancee of the eral Logun's f a „ cleared and McPher- for themselves and In Miles W est ‘ no S a b h a tli s e r v ie e . .»abbatb- troth, papa. I have taken my eaamimi- other thief, who waa about as good a wii smiled. Each went to bis command I their fmniliue. 1» son» m a'cioCk a m. PrAaehing 1 1 of Eugene. counterfeit of a gentleman a, could be and there w a, no farther trouble. They tious at Yarvard, mid I have been a in. and 7 p. m. 8a«r»meijt of; furnished w ith food and produced. Jim aaid he had no time to possibly suspected that Grant had In­ plucked. ’’ »rd -i »upgvr -UU 1H ^ U t h . o l , stations have barns fara fool nway with the law, no he collet tnl vented the expeditions to get rid uf the The old gentleman scratched his head \p r b -l.lv and O ctober.: T aaoc M a m a and horses, and twats nr» try D isio n s ¡¿dv u we,, one io a llt lie services. quizzically. “ Plucked of wbat— what— your you | fu ll pay for all the uiiasing wheels and quarrel, but they recognized the Hue stations inscceedble by land. OoevaioHV» f gave the couple and tbeir pnla, who had strategy of his maneuver, the fairuees raiiuSS!» C hristians to make pinfeather,?” The discipline of tba lives know n. “ You don't understand the mriocs- been ruiming.^the plunder off, tall 10 of his decision. alw ays rigid, as befltti, 1. G. K s o t t s . P astor. ness of it, I fear,’’ rejoined the youth. the next inornlngTo disappear. He bud on PatMite wliere negligent-» pat eu IB. Vaamr ‘■»•mai«'* Coll«»«. “ 1 have Huuked. That means that it /o n e the job with^Icctrletly " —Detroit mean th" loas of many Ils Psien'a taken tbe,ae!i ¡»nnii a ’ v. r«nelT< The Vi,e«ar girls w ill take exception Free Fress. w ill require another y ew bgiore- i uuu •p ^ U ln a tlu , wllbout In th - valuable property. rH >1MSI KPHCOl’A L ^ lt R V .H . to Dr. Parkhurst a expression, "lemalu possibly graduate." Dismissal instantly foil service. Breaching st G len h d a, w i t , w tr« » aaMy- college. ’' Owe of theta g lee, treats of The fond parent's face w a, illumined cases— where • keeper is ■” Money Saved 1 Acme IW» cnm biya of each lnentli j A savagu dog was sniffing abouta S i t * that subject They b ad a "fem ale'’ col­ eaied and where be allow s j with supreme delight. Grouping in , bb»tb-rtclm«d -'Try 8ondsv s' ____ hand, ho cried, w ith orstasy: market place iu search of something to lege once, bat if tin*» iesgfcmula col sou’s ■y , too d ose to » choleric gar lege stili It goes by ha go out. Keepers are tt»f." every There “ Cougrniulai.iou.s, my boy! Yon do me cat. He a » cum la . m Braver in-sung "a . I k tbe care of the light i Patronizing it. •T K ia . JBe«,. 1» » Wngmwton. » C. even in g it tin: i hutch. Evervlesly j proud, 'pou mv e*ml. you do! Another denor fiiilu the vubnrha and received a change is celebrated TiFve property above any af G. F. R ovsoa, kick, wheronpdu be fastened Ins tectb coni in 11 y in v ite d A a lastltW ttoa oaoa there wss year, did you My? I w ill writ** the pres­ Faster. < oueideratioiM. and it to Of iMM-nms .aid uf go«" tods» ident Ibis minute to make it two in the leg of tliff kicker, greatly to Hist wheu they fail to reali, Whe t had 0»M-n Ils high brink tro u t parson'a ooneleructtcn and the terror of Prop. fUwenrer« W «wr. (ieo. Hale year»” — A - Vsutor fornai» Coll»»« " Ideal. There have been a uus the assembled cnstoMiers. “ Don't you think, Mrs Npitely, that “ Two? Wihy so, father?” w a, th , The uiauUiis la ir uould Hot « u j'-i stances illnairating tbe «aprltjl ATTORNEYS Thu » i f , of tbe getdener, who was T lie lr bread and m ilk and porrl-hfe. thin bat 1, n li *.'■ «oo guy for n inatvmi- •mazed qu- ry. of Ihe aervtc«— how 'be k F o r SIMVCB on 111» foska and spoons assisting him in »lispneiug of Ihe stock ly wouimi like t.. “ Becaune. m y net and pride, * 'mid J r i - * T- M iuot’s L»dge light ii Ww - Vasoar Fem ale C o lla» , ’ ’ "Not nt a... uiy d-ar. You know that the fond parent, “ Hie longer yc-i stay of vegetables ou hand, did not lose her T r a la. la, tal T r a l * la . lai down with the light and presene c of mind. She picked up a loose W OODCOCK. BUSINESS CARDS T * a a "Vassar f aiuola Collose you’re year, youtiHBi than you look.’’— at Yarvnrd the longir you w ill keep -sit A. 0 . putts, how oue keeper of Wall sheet, it rant, me only >fl,uno stone and prepared to oresh the animal Uetrr it Free Br w. A striata m at w ind at last omui « by, aud let bto fam ily loo with it. a year to keep you in lb« ,w im thoro; A tto rto « *? a t L a w , A w ind th a t blew from f o r w l.* . a, aud instances w “ Katrina," yelled her husband fran­ The blu*‘L*ttie fly is purely a m eat tut, say, 1 Itcmhie for the time wh- u I t Uus» the --Fenial«" freu» lie» slgtt 1 pulil Io property tically. “ don't drow it at te tawg. T h a l was upon tbe ooll.w» fly. subei-i »l’og’ tbrr Upon li«.'«* and you getdow u here und the gang finds ¡1 own. O regon A nd as the faculty progisM ad gene, lf offal on«. ! • g i t , egg" iu •hn.OBpvwd out It w ill cost on $20 I,COO a yea» tu Draw it at me, Katrina. Drew it a< In wisdom and In know ledi» Fortunately tbe torsi mo. Yon lb's ( kimjiani'iu. . 1 Melate" - “ " ' ¡ ’ f * : anim al mutter. keep jou iu the swim th.n. Here, mv HO »nib - Cive, T le -j took the - Fem ale" off lb® sp<»ous pc red by any question of - iYF.iiertl.ies «nd pm O F K UQ BNK . Aa w ell as off the cufies«. sou here is an extra ihousoud for you. this fact, coupled with bdRln**»ff. - '5,'* A» ’ " T .a , la, la. Ini T ra la, la. lal A n I'a W llU a g W lto rs a . AuS Be » « <•»»• You do me proud!" * a. lAM.e _ . V a. »M o««». r«<«. discipline mnrutained, I t new la --Vsisttu- Colicué.’' " B ill w a, a little tough, I guess, Jack and Tom when they first wont And Hi, yo o tg won went liis way —New York Times. fine clam of nteu now in th g j to « noal were m k«i whut w,-r« their wondcriug, f o r t ie s , things w w untro T.hon he was fu ll.’’ said th« witness, men who take au boneat pnoa E. O PÖTKIÄ. » 6 0 .0 0 0 » A ID U P OASH O A P IT A L , ths.i G m k to him.—C. K. Barns iu " b u t be was all right wb»k tie-was so­ TI»« Bffiffrr ilffitirn of Pr»y«»c R*C*a work, and whose interest • 6 0 OOO Inni, replied, “ Tain, ber.’’ who wm SU K PLU S ANO P R O F IT S . Vurscs from the Koran and other pas .. Attorney-si-1 » f " H ’m ,” said the pronacutiug sttor- s a g e cotwidcrcd aacn-d are generally ttoieucy to tbe ssrvine wb unfortunate tbat th» navy ! or l o s t « • » W a a Bdastoted. FimRMk OFFOO-f M y, wlw knew both Bill and ilw w it­ aiutnpwl oti tbe fabrics used as prayer “ You moat not say that, my hoy Ing laws fur its seamen “ I ruppwe ytnir sou has had ail ihu ness. "When wae be aober?" A O O O ’J N T S g O L a l O I T Ä D Yun aia mid any lliumaa. tags by tbe Mobaninwduto, and is to ! ■rricit AI IheFc’ir- Heese ORtüUN ••W'y— w 'y— wheu h e w n , stc-h.'*— onminol In oneutal law to export each i allow men aft«» Ml, • • <*I Jtok detorwiued he would not fall advantages ->f a good education?" ico. depsfiuiug ou "Good education I" exclaimed the old Cinciuuuti Enquirer. into that mistake, and w'licn hv y. is pieces. This ia doubtless beesuse oec by tiuu of the niau, to to man. "Well. I want to tell yno that ank'-d proudly replied. “ Jack-aas. ” — that hey has m- re wlucttHoo Mian any- tbs orcidsutats means the treading o( placed in tbe lighthouse c . BCNCOICT. cbsgiish Xigliia NOTAHÎES. tbs sacred word, uuder infid» 1 feet, and l>ody els» in ii-w here pelts, and 1 ckli T h , Old Man— What are you doing. when yon ttaiuk tt over it is nor to b e 1 re«« of their it««». A »■ men would tbn» to i. „ psove i( too. ” A T - L A W Java? Trying to gi t that cobhleatous wcudsrsd kt. A few year, ago an Amer­ (inn would be paying •< a st«- -d i " ” - " (Je-nto'jrll»t:e, laa be?" lu your month? Are yon hungry? ican sarasedsd In setting two such goes unpaid —F k li ' "" ’ Man of nerv« I" he eaciaiined. ■*' ' «W lf j slUu7 > ‘um1 *’ The Bon—Hungry? Mol I’m trying <>«on. , “ Weil, I »WwM to.’ > «dSh’ ' I OAV. A. R BUTTOLPH. four in laaa'n a to /» a r —jert to atreteb my month no's 1 t an beat any pie.es as near Ixmie as Faris, bnt Ibc W a r r ia r e ! indneemeuts offered to him to return j “ Hna be ever « mam - anything to aho-v seemnl to go right ilirringb ’em >T.W .U s of my >iia»a iu giving taw college yell at "Who to that rath them to tbe oriental dealer were potoat , r U i i (ail. 1« n r ’ roka atiafsd to ilet. Mileage I a-i'^ Ihe race neat weak — Mew York Journal •♦ N o ta r y F a b lic , S u r v iv o r man with the I •B togb to effect their purpose. ‘ Dotte «nyibMag1 toy. Hmt asan ho» that boa?" i - ... j nmfwtr a standing offer to kmP«H- amateur b»w< lagan* IsSestry. "T bet to Colonel I »O b .H -am m *. ffie toknttfui gtrl LGrnure castle, the J rudi seat of the ball garnea io k fitoab,“ —C hicago P<«A, "Tbg« Binks youngster to the moto Duke of Devonshire, to bcsutHulIj situ­ cempeigner ’»‘‘‘’ k« O rason . ssetonued, "be adorra asn gp- l » ’V ‘ F o r tu d o » 1- Hnnday arbool worker I ated on the Blackvfater. The town tool celebrity as an fjd il ki noble and haiMlaome. and - T fiavc g n a t ratiquity and w a f f w * Mffianas V- IfTHY AVI) " Y e a . my ekild. ••- ■g arbool werk. r?" Be roe lato atti ft* its mitvereity and its m o n a ^ n sa . uJ “ And be brings sorb iff»»'? iien ot Ittliew U> H s bto been to atoen chiw< b form, w ith '! FRANK B. WILBON htjtiw'x front faia last wife " •Isngdy tow year '—Chicago India's p^arl fisheries have been f l ­ gold breldF’ n r r»»s<*«nsl Ml «tan.sh'w'mi Mother if) ayò • »M -Itaw »• ‘ 'That's L. SS.wa.M-Ttt* k- k OREGON Dominion G/fltpKy l'- r '. Y t h u e . , , ; - Steamer Bebarts H. H. Barrett, Frep’r, WECAN SAVE YOU MONEY C1OI/ hw> : F l o w u d Beai of Tide. IHG. GENTS' FURNISHING. ORTHEWN Pacific, Ry. HAMPTON BKOS., >fc0M DRUC STORE. MOittlS HOTEL, Head of Tide Hotel, H O TK L C U C I N I . W. ON EU G EN E AND FL O R E N C E STA G E R O U T t. BOB SdtBlItlc MwtrtcM» MUffi Ì •Mt c|KST ffATIOXAL I VNK TL H i S £N9W A. €•« It* V0 itrfaMf NOTARY «LORENCE. t' PUBLIC.