l h ® ° l ost is m ade on cheap th in g s . Be- o t h e r l i n ^ P° Wder- * c o n iin s Sum and monpv ° r y °U ’ Or is wea^ and wastes money. n r J /n ? t i/Z/T 5 ^ sZcould made sokt for the J™ Ch Lune county, Oregon, an second-class i i? CC0MniJr committees were held in The lively little school ma’am of Hoc- m ail matter. -ugene, Dec. 22nd and committees a p - e ,a, Miss Delia Morris, was in Florence ----------------.----------- ------- pointed to arrange for a union of forces | Christinas. aovkkitsi . no rates made known on ap - . ,lie u,l‘on party on a Mrs. W. H. Weatherson and children i i .. plication . ,81801 iree silver and direct legislation. i have been sneuding a few days at Local notices s cents per line, each Insertion After a conference of the various com- ; Mapleton. --------------.---- — i mittees the following report was h h vi n • < 11 ranch on W E 8T L IN G S . prepared being adopted and approved “ F Smith river and attended the Masonic ——---------- — ----------------------------- I tl|e committee fur each party. Much credit is due to thoee who installation, IF HE W A N T S IT . T r y b-b llin » s Best tse snd baking powder. ! the undersigned, the populist attended to the work of tiainiog the I-ester Ogden, the accomodating driver children in their parts and to decorat­ A. Schulte was very ill a few days ago *nd ',en,our»tic committees apt>oiuted ............ to conf°r with ttie union county of the Eugene-Florence stage, was ing the church. Tlie only cause for Corvallis Gazette: A. 0 . Woodcock, but is reported better uow. committee for Dane county, hereby among the guests at the Masonic in­ regret in this connection so far as we of Eugene, can probably secure the Bring your job work to the W est stallation. office. Good work done at reasonable ^ ¡ ’¡ X ' i n th T T Z '1'1 * “"‘““ t know is that such enjoyable occasions nomination for attorney-general, if he wants it. But he is more likely to lie a prices. f ocnevers in the free coinage of silver Miss Lillian Harwood leaves today to do not come oftener. at 16 to 1, the initiative and referendum attend school at Monmouth. Her candidate for circuit Judge of this dis­ M A S O N IC IN S T A L L A T IO N . Tbc San Francisco Examiner and the and imperative mandate upon the trict. Benton county will strongly urge ft ¡ends gave her a farewell party last W est for one year |2.50 paid in ad- plan as proposed and adopted by the evening at the Glenada hotel. a condidate for the judgeship. Last Monday evening marking the vanee. Albany convention, and Lane county Win. Brynd and John Lloyd intend to close of the Masonic year an open meet­ Kil. Yancy, T. J. Markley and Clar-I convention, held thereunder except to TO OURK A OOLO IN ONE DAY. leave for Seattle soon. They talk of ing of Florence lodge was held for the Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablete. once Markley left for Cottage Grove as primary nominations. We also spending the rest of the winter there purpose of iostalling the officers elected All druggists refund money if it fails to Weduesday. advise that each party organization be and going to Alaska in the spring. for the ensuing year. Tlie members of cure. 25c. Hood’s pills are easy to take, easy to a,a*nta'ned. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Davenport shook the the order with tiieir wives aud invited operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness. H was agreed that Chairman John dust of Florence from their feet Tues­ guests nuiuberiug over sixty in all, SUMMONS- 25c. A. Sutherland, of the populist commit- day and left for San Francisco where assembled at the hall where after list­ The pile driver is at w ork preparing ,ee- Cl,airinan K-M . Clow of the demo- Mr. Davenport expects to engage in ening to music by Mr. aud Mrs. Daven­ I k JvsTica court , F l u i r m i P becihct , L ank ways on which the Roberts can be “ coni,n,ttee nnd Chairman J. G. business. port, Mr. and Mrs. Fremont and Mr. County, Oregon. |Stevenson of the union committee, Edgar A. Bvaua and hauled out for calking. Fond, an address of welcome was given Sophia A. Benedict, should call a county convention for __ a. .veri P la in tiff* Action liy Worshipful Grand Master C B Mor­ C L E N A O A C H R IS T M A S F E S T IV A L Why torture yourself with ill-fitting fame county and apportion the same Frederick J. ko h e s n d gan. The ceremonies of installation • To Recover Money. ehoes when Meyer & Kyle have such an under the union party organization James K. H ill elegant line to select from. Held at the Glenada church on were then proceeded with and after Copart nera by the and have full power of party manage­ Mas- »snie of Kobe .« entirely driven from j trip or on a visit now is the time to go. from the foot of the ladders stood n j more. the system by the faithful use of Hood's i And when you go take the Northern graceful evergreen tree festooned with ' Tiie exercises were interesting from th e W zs T fa newspaper published weekly In said county) for six consecutive weeks end by Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly purifies Pacific for they are selling tickets at j pop corn, presents for the old and young beginning to end nnd we believe that in depositing a copy thereof, end of com plaint, In j reduced rates. For full Information call the blood. fifty pretty and tastefully designed holding public installations the lodge the post office, postage paid, directed to One of the merriest parties ever given ; on or address R. McMurphy, General parasols, gilded walnuts, and stars, sets an example that other secret so­ Frederick J. Kobe, Tacoma, Washington, E. I . B xnepict , o i the river was that at J. A. McLeod’s ' Agent, Eugene, Oregon. cornucopiaes etc., for want of space, cieties would Ire wise to follow as it P lain tiffs Attorney. gives outsiders an opportunity to learn last Saturday. Various games were many presents were placed nt the foot TH E VESSEL [NO W IN PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTION som ething about the ordei\ played and dancing was indulged in, HOW S THIS. of the tree. everybody from the oldest to the young­ A large transparent star shed its bril­ A D ISSO LU TIO N O F P A R T N E R S H IP W IL L BE O W N C D a 'B Y T H I C O M P A N Y *; We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ liant light from its position on the rear est, taking part. ward for any case of catarrh that cannot wall above the apex of the ladders; ■ d e r a t e T o o r H o w e ll W it h C a a ra re t* Florence, Or., Dec. 17th, 1807. Candy C ath artic, cure constipation forever. be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. beneath the star, was held a prettily The partnership of Hurd A Daven­ Ito. 25c. I f C. C. C. fa ll, druggists refund money. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. designed anchor of hope and on the port was dissolved thia day by mutual Guard: Barlow Allen, meat cutter at We, the undersigned, have known F. side walls of the church in evergreen , consent, J. O. Davenport retiring A. K. Patterson’s market, has an apple J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and | letters were secured the words tree in bia yard on Thirteenth street on believe him |K>rfectly honorable in all the Prince of Peace” and ‘‘Merry therefrom, and O. W. Hurd continuing which can be seen young apples, about business transactions and financially Christinas” evergreens being harm- the bnsinesa in Florence under the firm ■ Q the size of large marbles growing just , able to carry out any obligations made onuously arranged in the space in the name of O. W . Hurd, assuming all obligations and eollocting all outstand- 1 as if it were spring time, Something b ytlleirfirm. rear wall and around the windows. ing accounts. uncommon for December. West A Truax, wholesale druggists, Ropes of evergreen being suspended O. W. H urd , The W est has for Bale one year’s Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan A Marvin, from the tops of the ladders to the side J. O. D avenport . i tuition in the Holmes Business College wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. walls above the windows. The chancel Referring to tbe above notice I beg of Portland. This is one of the leading Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal­ rail being also entwined with evergreen. to state that I shall continue to do j business colleges on the coast, having ly, autlug directly upon the blood and All preeent recognized the beauty of the business at tbe old stand. I desire to English, Commercial, Shorthand and mucous surfaces of the system. Tes­ design, and the tasteful appearance of thank the patrons of the old firm for Telegraphic departments and we offer timonials sent free. Price 75c. per the church which was due to the efforts favors shown in the past, and hope to of Messrs. Brainard, Colter, Kane and merit a continuance of the same. bottle. Sold by all druggist. this tuition on easy terms. M onteith; with Mesdames Brainard and Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Stone can’t compete with zinc for Don’t forget the Northern Pacific is the O. W. H urd . Monteith assisted by others. durability in this climate. Many yeara •T O O K S U B S C R IP T IO N B O O K S W A N IB B 'S E B M A T ’ only line running Upholstered Pullman F U R N IT U R E FO R S A L E . The program consisted of the fol­ of bard work erecting thousands upon POINT TERRACE IT E M S . Tourist sleepers through to the East O F F IC E O F O .:H . H O L D E N .. lowing: * thousands of zinc Monuments, under without delay or transfer. No change 1st. Short prayer by Mr. Johnson. As I am preparing to leave Florence scientific efforts have brought of cars at Portland. No other line can B y M ore A non . 2nd. March by the children arranged I offer for sale at reasonable prices all W hitb B roker M onvmbzts offer this inducement. Rates via. this in two opposite files and drilled by Miss my household furniture inclnding stove*, To a high state of perfection. Better for popular line are reduced for tbc present. Point Terrace, Dec. 28th, 1897. Lilliau Harwood. One file led by Era carprts. chairs, tables, l>edrootn set, 2,000 or more years than any grauite tor Call on or address R. Mc.Murphy, Gen­ Editor W est : With the compli­ Pepper, and the opposite file led by dishes, etc. 40 years. eral Agent, Eugene, Oregon. ments of the season. I send you today ' Peter Sbreuder, they marched around . M r «. J a S F a IRWEATHEB. Be not deceived longer. Buy White ■ o -T o -B a e f o r F i f t y C e n t* the chancel rail in front of the ladder! , Guaranteed tobacco tmbU cure m ake, weak a few items from Point Terrace. bronze Monumente. aria strong. blood pure. M e« A ll druggist* R EP U B L IC A N M E E T IN G - The school which commenced here in opposite directions, then again return F. A. Tozian, Agent, | three weeks ago under tlie efficient ing formed a solid square beneath the GREENLEAF ITEMS. Eugene, Ore. supervision of Mr. I^onard Tabor ad- ladders to the music of organ and violin i Republicans of the vicinity are invited Bv a W est C okkespondent . journed on Friday last for the holiday by Mrs. Chamberlain and Mr. M onteith.; to meet at Florence on Saturday Jan. The Fu nk & W agnalls vacation. | The children then sang the opening 115th, 1898, to organize a republican Miss Sophia Nicolle who has recently P'*®- “ Jesus tbe Light of the World.” club. Dec. 18th, 1897. returned from (he cast came down to i At the close of the tinging they again The state league of republican clnbs O t & U f i a r d U M T lO n a r V Bob sud Norman Eaggleeham are Point Terrace on Sunday last for a few marched to the music back to their seats will meet in Portland about Feb. 1 s t , 1 going to Alaska in the spring. Of The .. K- I avnwted home I davs visit. Mies Nicolle has spent the in perfect order, receiving rounds of ' and it is important that this part of tlie state bo represented in some way, that Roy -,agg es i ..ra y on past vear in one of the moet fashionable «PPlnoae. E N G L IS H LA N G U A G E Christmas He propose, to carry on , P8* - “ eflt. b,l8bn,ents lu the ' ^ U t i o n Nellie Furnish ita needs and wants in the matter of d j > , X Persons D e iirid j to Sdîpcribs |for Stoa’t Ili» brother Norman’s fumi. . practical legislation be brought before CO M PLETE Applause o • . I -r «« nndkle and return« prepared and coni|«- I Herman Btelnhawr hM gone outSRto | ju , liat Mandoline Solo by little Pearl Brainard tbc public. 8 U C C IE N T to seek his fortune. Unless it presents “ n‘ was received with applause Leaving Their Names. CO NTRACTS AW AROEO . a smiling face he says he will come Recitatioa Viola Coltor A U T H O R IT A T IV E Mr. Lester Ogden hss been taking well rendered, applauae hearty back and impove his place. a few days of much needed rest from the The following Lane county contracts Kil Potterf has recovered from his Quartette Mr. Brainard, Mr. Chamber­ g e i.M g Vocobwlary Tanas road, and visited with friends at Flor­ attack of Klondike fever. He says how- j lin and Mr. A Mrs. Chamberlin for couvcying U. B. mails have been >«7 E 4 « o r» saa 5»■ c to««ta ence and Point Terraco. let. rounds of applause and encore ever, that if he »as a single man Invitations are oot for a dinner party Telephone to hanta Claose and bis reply Awarded to J L Yadlin, of London, » j j ReaSara for Qawtattoas would go I to be given rt the residence of Mr. Wm. Ky: Eugene, by Elmira, Vartan, Hale, gwea M wotraUoaa Charley Pope and Mike Alma« ?jtb |<-ve| saying I will come to Glenada. Walton, Glentena and Coot wvsr S e *« ,owe IhMtt, violin and banjo. “ Nearer My Delpbia, trapping away up Nelson cree . shortly for an ezteuded trip north-i A ppesali «S 47,4«S Batata« Meadow, to Mapleton, 81425.70. God to Thee” with variations We need a bridge across Detolwood To W K Harder, of Denver, C ol: | ■ ward. Mr. and Mrs. Monteith cr»ik. Hale to Ivison. 8413.99; Mapleton to I Tbs f a ll nareber of w o rt« and tenat lu The families about here celebrated well received with applause John Pope has leased Bob D««gle- Christmas Eve by getting op a line Telegram from Sauta Claus, Startiug Hermann, 8118.99: Florence to Luinaut, 41» :ront dtctionarlr. Io , tbs » t i r e alpbabot 1. I GA QQ 1 r sbaini’s farm on Indian creek. Christmas tree at the church. About on his was to Glenada. 9 ri M follow«:- HTOBMONTK, 50,000; WORCNBsTBB [Tbe above with some other items fifty attended aad there wascaody, nuts Pong > W P Drugg—Jonction City, by Frank- wrasatsa flaMmastunal), lM.asS: Csa- Christmas Carrol was received last Friday by tbe way of and oranges for all and many were reenleaf to TTJZV, M t volara«-, by the ChilJran lin, Gold son, Blauhlay and -ora plat«,) Eugene. As it is too late for tlie others given presents in reinembrsnce of the Trio Mandoline, Bm jo, Violin Deadwood, |(k'Sl. STA N D S RD. over JOO.SOO; • VA »- - them out. Awarded to W M Wrigbel, of Han ,b e of intereet we leave occasion by Irionds anJ relatives. Sweet Homs Franeiscn, Cal: Florence by Ilccvta ai.d , Petri Bssmard, Mr. A Mrs. Monteith Mr. Geo. Saunders has about recover­ ........ S ai-ip ie I ’agoH F r e e .............. Entrance oi Banta Clans, amid Abe Minnie to Waldport, 8598. ed from tbe fractured rib, recoivod by a A J Fultz—Eugene by Llewellyn, clapping of hands an I siM sicitem en t ’ you si®, t fall wbilo in Portland. Long Tom, Crow, Hadleyviile and of the children. ting powder is worth ACENT« W A N TE D . anted - trustworthy and Tlien (tiedistribution of presents an I Panther to Mound, 845*1.20. H If Barrett, nf Florence: Gardiner, I you than the roomy It active gentlemen nr ladies to partaking of refreshments by all present; \ travel for reeponaible, eetaUivbed bouse sandwtche«', cakes and coffee, which wss ky Glenada to Flotenee.8376. E . D . B R O N S O N A CO, . . . inOregon. .Monthly 8*5 00 and expenses, bountifully supplied by the friend, of _ _ a ia B W . TL iate ncy^back if you Pntli,ioo gU.>dy Reference. Encloee the children,everybody happy, and tbe B when you L k f o r 8*acifk Const Agent« self.addrereed stamped envelope. The entertainment acom ptote w .-e sa . rilU. Unequalled in M erit, Hade«,Cures. ABSOLUTELY fiD A iA IT n D X X X r 2 J - SA N FRANCISCO, CA L. rr B IwfcMftw. U . «TEBIiW ERWEBT <