TH E W EST. AN AOMiff ABLE TAR'FF IN CANADA WA3tf'\’C.TQN I t ITER. drove Cuba into revolt, it it greed still overreaching itself thst stands in the 8 F Journal nt Commerce: •I w ay of any possible recvnciliatloo be­ —rczt.iA g«, r v z s r r e m a r hu>Axnu.— F«o>t pi-« nioviAB CoRKrsrovDieNr. Mont of our daily papers leveec’ccsite?. (ORioDtAi A S D sito crt n.) tween Spain and Cuba. Spain, or i their redden up to the beiief that the rather the mercantile aud office holding W a s h ., D. O., Due. 2dth, 1 897. Goodness thinks no ill wiAre no ill classes, long regarded Cuba as a colony fi-oar-tr», L a w C ochtc , OnxnoN I naw Osuiadiaa tariff discriminates ia As a party m ail who has followed his favor of England us against all other seems. party oftcucr than he has led it, Presi­ to lie despoiled; as a colony to be put « • • z r — countries. That is a totally wrong im­ Do good by stealth and blush to lind dent McKinley finds himself coufronted under tribute for the building up of pression that cannot too soon be remov­ it fume. with some hard party nuts, one of which fortunes in Spain. These classes, ever ed. In discussing tariff questions, as Sleep is pain’s easiest salve, and doth must be cracked before Jan. otb, when grasping for more, made the tribute to well as til! other questions, there is F.ditor »ad Proprietor. congress remateti)bles. This nut relates burdensome that it could no longer be fulfill all offices of death, except to kill. I nothing like starting on a basis of Government is a contrivance of hu­ I to the civil service, and consists of a : borne, and they drove into revolt those truth. What our neighbors have done . plain proposition submitted to the pres who had patiently toiled in Cuba for man wisdom to provide for human ROOM AT THE TOP [ is to pass a general tariff, witli an offer ! ident by some oi the leading republi- ' the buildin8 up fortunes in Spain. And wants. I of ii reduction of one-eighth of the duties ! can senators and representatives, which ' clinging Io the remnant of this •Tetss Farm «ml Ksnch: Gratitude is a fruit ftf great cultiva­ j to any country which admits Canadian ! We ol'teu read that the advent may be briefed as follows: Will you in tribute, and the hope of gathering re- tion ; you do not find it among gross products on as favorable terms as Ca ■ exercise of your unquestioned . newed Profitg fro,n il with the restora- people. 4>f uiaekinery and the r ^ U in g j of^ ,0 authority, issue an order annulling all t’on Pellc«> mercantile classes in »pecivluaAiou of all forma of labor i good till June 1898. After that date the I When what is good comes of age and extensions of the civil service rules ; SPain Btand in the waX 01 tll° making is likely to live, there is reason for re­ have dime away with the thorough i reduction is to be one-fourth, or 25 per ’ made by your predecessor, and thus save that very peace. Continuance of mechanic. luatoad o f cabinet IceRG l! w*b be seen that no one the party in congrees from the impend- J s Pan'M,‘ sovereignty in Cuba purchased joicing. Tlie great men of tlie earth are but makers jge have turuers, fitters, ccuntvy is favored above unotlwr, if ing factional fight? There is not the by surrender of the tribute they have the making stones on the road of hu­ they live up to the fair and equitaLle «crapera. upholsters, polishers., etc. slightest doubt that tlie republicans in exacted they do not want. They would manity; they are the priests of its, terms offered. England is not accorded the house postponed the debate on t),e i ra‘ber bave Il,e war on, rather have instead of watchmakers we have religion. special favor, as was so loudly asserted. spring makers, screw cutters, As a matter of fact, Japan and Holland civil service section of the legislative, it go on w hile there is the remotest Tlie culminating point of admiuistra- [ chance of success, rather risk the loss .cleaners, burnishers, assemblers, promptly claimed that they are entitled executive and judicial appropriation ML 1 bill until after the holiday recess solely of Cuba to Spain than give away their tion is to know well how much jiower, .and so on, but noue who can make to the lower scale of duties and their great or small, we ought to use in all for the purpose of giving (he president privilege of exacting a tribute from a wardrobe or a watch. But there right thereto was at once «Unfitted. an opportunity to take such action as j Cuba, a privilege that they enjoyed be- elrcui,istances. is another feature o f this matter i Since then fourteen other countries would make that debate unnecessary. | fore the present insurrection, that theyj Gayety is to good-humor as perfumes ! These Goods W ill Run Out at Rates SO Low That it Will Mako have applied for and received the same that a close inspection will reveal; Notwithstanding Mr. McKinley's fiat- abused and forced revolt, that they hope to vegetable fragrance; the ono over« favor. In the end, only countries that , Quick Work of Tbeir Distribution. while these men ge.t from |8 to discriminate against Canada will have footed declaration in his annual mes­ to profit from again after tlie triumph 1 powers weak spirits, the other recreates of the Spanish arms. It is tliis class and revives them. f 15 per week, there are others iu to pay the rates of the fixed tariff and sage in favor of present civil service How indestructibly the good grows, conditions, many of bis party ex ­ that antagonizes the granting of true the same establishments who get England will fare no better than other pect him to do what has been asked of autonomy to Cuba, that offers to give and propagates itself, even among tlie B50 per week. Who are those countries, although she gives Canada him ; they say that when he wrote his j the shell of self government to the weedy entanglements of evil. Apparently favored ones? Are an entirely free market, whilst the message, he did not realize the extent Cubans but refuses tlie substance. So As lo people saying a few idle words O f Ready made ZGIething, th a t M eans that M r. others charge duties equal to Canada’s. they not men who have first mas­ of republican sentiment against the i it is that the Sagasta ministry, with its , about ug> we mugt not mind that any­ If wo cannot reciprocate to that small >*4^ Gash can F it Himself out at tered the elementary principles of extent, we stand with all other nations wholesale extensions of bis civil service j Pobl-y °I autonomy, lias a hard road in I more than the old church steeple Spain and Cuba alike. In Cuba the i rules made by Mr.Cleveland. The men snufactu o. Cost of M snufactu: minds the rooks cawing about it. the business they direct and fa­ that take a similar view. offer of autonomy is scorned as offering who asked Mr. McKinley to do this, Honest good-humor is tlie oil ami Have some Special offerings in The Canadians exampled after the miliarized themselves with every told him that if lie failed to do so, the little more than the shadow of self «detail, aud although they may lack United States in what they have done. fight over civil service among the re­ government; in Spain it is opposed as wine of a merry meeting, and there is ■sots Shoes and Hats giving more than the shadow. The j no ¡»»ship equal to that It will be recalled that when the late th e manual dexterity that is only publican! in both branches of congress where tlie jokes are rather small and Secretary Blaine went to the room of tlie ñoqui red by long practice, they would make it impossible for tlie party Cuban tariff lias been made in the past the laughter abundant. finance committee in the interest of so as to force Cubans to buy of Spanish know precisely bow every part of reciprocity, and denounced the McKin to win in tlie congressional election A multitude of eyes will narrowly merchants, extra tariff duties of an the work must be doue—men who, ! leybill, smashed his hat on the table, next fall, and would probably result in average of about 80 per cent, being inspect every part of an eminent man, the repeal of the entire eivil service law, by virtue of their education, can declaring that it would not make a consider him nicely in all views, and as the democrats in caucus decided that imposed on American goods and the FLORENCE STORE AND SEATON BRANCH direct tne work of each, perhaps market for an additional bushel of they would vote solidly for repeal, but goods of other foreign countries over not be a little pleased when they have wheat, or a barrel of pork for the j taken him in the worst and most dis- the duties imposed on imports 'Trom .expert in his special branch? These would not vote for any bill proposing American farmer, tlie statute Mr. Ald­ Spain. In short, the Spaniards have ‘ advantageous liglit. are the really valuable n»on, and modifications which would only result in ridge prepared a scheme for reciprocal an advantage of a discriminating tariff Affability, mildness, tenderness, and S U B are everywhere ia demand at good trade which was eventually incorpor­ replacing democrats now in office, with of 80 per cent, against all competitors a word which I would fain bring to its! salaries. Jn farming a similar ated in the bill. It provided that when­ republicans. for Cuban trade. And' this advantage ; original signification of virtue,—I mean Benators Teller aud Wolcot led sueli ■condition prevails. Good plow ever, and as ofton as the president they have used to tax the Cuban people, ; good-nature,—are of daily use; they are j a vigorous light on tlie the nomination hands, good teamsters and good ahould bo satisfied that any country ex ­ who have even been forced to buy Ain- tl>® bread of mankiiid and the staff of of Charles Page Bryan Io be minister to porting tea, coffee, sugar and raw hides eriean good» through merchants in W®« ootton-pickers are everywhere to the United States, which articles China, that his nomination, although Spain, import American flour from . There is but one method, and that is abundant, and can be hired for a were made duty free by the bill, was made out, was not sent to the senate. .dollar a day. Many of these at­ imposing duties on exports front thia Exactly why the Colorado senator made Spain. Against similar acts, similar hard labor; and a man who wAUnut pay abuse of tyranical power, tho American j that price for greatness had better at tempt farming, and in doing so country, lie might by proclami ng im­ this fight is uncertain; they say that colonies revolted in 1776. To hold on ’ once dedicate himself to the pursuit of follow the plans and methods of pose duties at fixed rates on such articles Bryan has neither the judgement no? to these advantages the mercantile 1 the fox, or sport with the tangles of the experience to fill such an important their neighbors, who know no arriving at our ports from those coun­ classes of Spain now oppose the giving, Neaera’s hair or talk of bullocks and position. Bryan's nomination is credit- ties. Here for the first time wo have of customs autonomy to Cuba. They glory in the good. more al>out the business than adopted tlie principle of the general **1 t0 Illinois, but Senators Uulloin and themselvce. This accounts for tariff, with exceptions in favor of, or Mason- while nnt oppo«inK ••''», arc not care more for continuance of their pres­ Society cannot exist unless a control­ i — ent advantages, more for a continuance ling power upon will and appetite be j the numerous failures everwhere against particular countries, according doinK anyG'ing to help him. of t fie privilege to levy a tribute on the placed somewhere; and the less of it i -to be seen. But here nud there as those countries might treat us. That Those who know what’s going on are Cuban people than they do for co“' , there is within, the more there must he I will be found a farmer who has is the precedent for the Canadian I predicti»« that another batch of «lis-j tinueâ Spanish sovereignty in Cube, without. It is ordained in the eternal ' barred attorneys will be the result of Spanisli sovereignty that does not carry j constitution of things learned his business. He may not action. men of in­ the investigation now being made by witli it this power to levy tribute they Another section of the Canadian tariff have been educated for th at p ir- temperate minds cannot be free. Their Acting Commissioner of Patents, is significant, and well worthy of imita­ care little for. So they oppose the passions forge their fetters. pose, but he has evidently made tion by the United Stntes. It is that Greeley, of numerous complaints against granting of customs autonomy to Cuba him self familiar with the natural whenever the executive is satisfied that so-called patents attorneys, who get Whatever mitigates the woes or in- J come what may of it; they would as creases the happiness of otliers is a just laws which lie has to deal with, any article is monopolised by a trust or money from inventors under pretense soon see Cuba lost to the Spanish crown and whether he knows it or not, combination, he shall have the power to of securing and selling foroign patents as to give the Cubans tlie right to make criterion of goixlness, and whatever he practices scientific methods, abolish the duties on the article so mon- on their inventions, when they know their own tariff laws. And Cuba will injures society at large, or any individ­ ual in it is a criterion of iniquity. and succoeds where hundreds fail. oplixed. That is a buU's-sliot. It goes that it is impossible to get good foreign Le lost. B R O P R iF T m One should not quarrel with a dog witli- straight to the mark, and means death patents on the invention or to sell Tt is truly a great advantage to out a reason sufficient to vindicate one Don't Tobacco Spit and fiwoks Tonr Life Away. lo the evil complained of. In the them. With Mr. Greelv’s success in have reoeived instruction aud United States senate they are like a conducting to tho desired issue the To quit tobacco cosily anil forever, be mag through all the courts of morality. nctlc. full of life, nerve and visor, take No To training from those who have mountain in labor on this subject, hut greatest and most important iuvestiga- ! B“u' the "«nder-worker, that mokes weok men As amber attracts a straw, so docs 1 ® strong. All druggists, 60c or f I. Cureguaran- AdrtïX I beauty admiration, which only lasts them selves been properly educated are careful to bring forth only a ridicu­ tion in the history of Hie patent office teed Rookiet ond sample free. _______ Sterling Remedy G o, Chicago or New York. while the warmth continues; but virtue, aud trained. All the natural lous mouse. They discussed an anti- fresh in mind, his success in his new wis«lom, goodness, and all real wortl trust bill for weeks without meaning it, ■ •‘fl‘,rl to raise the RtandarJ of morals oi sciences are involved in agricul­ GOOD ROADS. : like the loadstone, never lose tbeir and in the shape in which it passe«I, no .' ,hl> patent bar, is not doubted, ture in its various branches, and , power. These are the true graces, greater shame ever emenated from a ’ The most important legislation, Wvbfuut Hanter: he who is ignorant of these 1 which as Homer feigns, are linked and legislature. We cannot too often repeat fact, almost the only legislatfoa, except- 1 All classes alike are beginning to real -1 sciences is seriously handicapped that if Canada is nler to come into the i ing that for the relief of tho Klondike izu the great economic importance of tied liand in hand, because it is by their from the start, and not having Union—a result to be devoutly wished ! gold hunters, accomplished before the i QUEER MISTAKES. U. 8., under penalty of confiscation products, this saving would indirectly yet so foul as did obnubrlate even his Ooni the soil her choicest Irene- As tins country is tlie best market for benefit the whole population. The brightest glory. " ben their tongues nres in the greatest ahuudsuce. An English newspaper has collected seal ski ns, th is law-the bill will probably farmer is not tbe onlv one who travels cannot justly condemn him they >y will m)(ned by the preill,|ent before this ts the country highways. Country mer- leavo him suspected by their silence Now there are trained fools who some amusing typographical errors. Mr. Asquith once referred to tiie gov n-ad—will be likely to open the eyce of chants, doctors and professional men, consider farming he.nesrth the dig­ ernment'a “piqueor temper;” the re- both Canada and England to the fact peddlers, pleasure seekers, and last but I t ts a safe venture to predict as on* NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. nity that a smattering of ‘‘hu­ porter wrote “peacock temper.” A that this country means business not least, the wheelmen, would be of the results of the Klondike excite­ ■ 1 . . g 1 .!_ mane leters" confers. Ou the S|>eaker at Exeter Hall, replying to an directly benefittad by good roads. It ia ment that the population of the north­ Land Offlccjat Roseburg, Oregon. attack, said it wae “a double lie in the SPAIN AND CUBA. unjust, therefore, that the farmer alone west coast of tlie United States will be November S. lwy. contrary, th e best aud wisust. men shape of half a truth,” which, by the W ith Hood’s Sarsapa­ Notice is hereby given that the following should pay for building good roads. rilla, "Sales T klk, “ and greatly increased. Increased local named settler h « (lied nottee of hre Intention o f Rome io her glory., the modern ingenuity of the reporter, npixared as The American* The Ixaguc of American Wheelmen, ■how that thia medi­ k ; to make final proof t„ support of her claim and I Palliation is the one great need of II . that mid proof will be made before C H Hoi- Pacific rnafli . » « nations of Europe in their ad- a "double eye in tlie shape of half a Tlie almighty dollar plays a great ! also, believes that many of our country- cine has enjoyed public conBdence and d e i den_r. 8. w Commlwioner at Florence. Oregon. ' . lumber trade. Il ¡g fro!!, patronage to a greater extent than accord •w . ------------ — * O fB fO lli too th .” lxxd Russel, the then Canon part in the making and settlement of roads should be build by stale aid; that ed any other proprietary medicine. This on rxember IS. H»7. vti: Martha E. Martin, tins quarter must come a civilisation, and our own of Windsor, had been trying, be saij market fur the world s dispute*. It is greed, a part of the cost of good roads should Is «imply because it poaseM«« greater widow of James Martin, on h. e. no. aMO for i the cheaper grades L. . . grades of lumber. The •vynntry, in her better Jays, prac­ for forty years to cure drunkards by money greed, pushed too far that eu -. be paid out of a state tax, which should merit and produces greater cures than th e a w ', n e \ of sec. IS, tp. M s., r. 10 west. She names the following witnesses to prove • stock that cannot be shipped one or two any other. I t is not what we say, but makiug them drink in moderation; genders inoat rebellions, make, most be levied u;>on all property and all clae- hat n oo d ’s 9 . reap. rill, do««, th a t tells hereon“ n',o,,’ ^ ‘Jrnce upon and cultivation ' thousand miles by rail would fin,I ticed and delighted in practical the locai newspaper had it that lie had wars, that stands in the I ___. . lestorv. A ll ll advert k e r o ...,,. of Hood's s i__. . . i ° t - <• W land, , vi,: Vis story. A advert bements way of the j see of people alike, so that every tax­ the market nearer home The greet draw­ agriculture. B ireap arlla, llko Hood’s 8arse[wrtlla i t . been trying for forty years to drink in easy settlement of quarrels between 8 It Hoffman, and Ocnrgc Allen of Point payer would contribute a proportionate self, are bonert. W e bsve never deceived Terrece, o®al'ty. who are most directly TO OUR PATRO NS. and on another occasion his reference mill men of thia coast may Casoen-te ( ’and v Cathartic, the most won benetitted. and the adjoining property i A kt*ee «nd lot ia tllenada. The to “ food lor khe goida," appeared “ fool aeiful iix'dicul U i*co \ervof Ute age, p ea»- J i . Wo have made arrangements by M»»mipete better return« J"1« ,to ,ke. » ® a‘*y owners whose lands rise in value as a *0M » it JB Ly'794 fcwt aad AM story and , for the cobs." Jn eeltiag up a speech aud lamlUvely on kldueyt. liver and bowels, »tiefecion in manuiacturiim, a half ia height. Also a good woodshed of 9ir Henry Irvin the compositor made chwualug U m entire ayah-m. dls|wl colds, result of the , which we wil* fornUh the tVeeklv Literary. ÂNNOUHCEMfNT — ♦*— W, H, WEATHERSON We are Prepared to Meet all Demands for Winter jr^se- Goods, With a Now i * Line of Heavy Woolen Un* derwear, Mitts, Fas* cinators, Hosiery, Boottees, Oil Clothing, Rub­ ber Boots, Over Shoes Etc. Ï WE ARE COINC OUT ★ t Vaine for ¥onr. Money at all at HURD A DAVENPORT—* C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Drv Goods,* Groceries FLORENCE MEAT ★ and * Notions. MARKET. ..JuBt Opened. Goods as Represented. W ^a m b iti 5t. MKW0X0R T alk Hood’s ca p-em isej For furthet lin^uir» gt this office. psrticulais “many journeys io email boats'' “ weary journeye iu small boots." read cure headache, fever, habitual n>uatl|>alioo and hi.iousaeea Pleas« buv and try a box of C. C. C. to-dar: 10, «.eniat ttold aod guaranteed to cure by ell di ugglets. improvement, and the ■tate, as representing the entire p op e-; lation. Sarsaparilla Atronet to the exclusion a f all other». T rv IL i It r e — ro i« « Prepared only hy C. I. Hoed L Co., Lowell. M» j,. ^ * n,“ an } »M» the M asr hr. one year D i l l . * • « * owl? H»’ to take • ** *BT »ddrros for the snm of two dob J i O O C S . 11 IS Wiik Hood 5 S»r ipaniia. • jars, payable cash iu advance. » ' ’^ P S U ^ r ^ n . ~ T" *"rw feres,ip«,,,_________