r u ADVERTISERS ■■y» .... .. s i v s l a w ’ s oklt e * t a psê . OPPORTUf 1«~W^ »& .-A VOL. VUI. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, IX* GENERAL DIRECTORY I OFFIOER8- TRAVELERS* GUIDE G L A -F tZ D IN -E IF t Steamer ..........:. ..William P. Lord. a t a ........... H. R. Kincaid. ’...................Pbilip Metelien Inst ruction... .0 . M. Irwin. .......................W. H. Leede. eral........... C M. Hieman- ........... ... R 8. Bean . . .. F. A. M.mre ___C. E Wolveitou i District__ J. C. Fullerton Kind D istrict.. W. E. Yules 3.00. Round trip 15.00 days and Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ For Passenger and Freight Rates burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with ------ a p pl y to ------- Stage Line (or Coos Bay. Charge reasonable 18»î d i r e o t s f e # * ^ * * * * Wrinkled m y top boots are aqd long. Upon their heels «"»It spurn shiuo bright. T h ey ’ll clank th e tim e to tlanco and H ow all the g irls w ill sm ile tonight! —“ A G irl's Wanderlnft In H ungary.” is„ „MB. fe r that particular morning I was in STEAM ER " C O O S ," f r o m tlx © f a c t o r y * **• *■’ a decidedly sentinicutul mood, because fold indifference of tbe stars. For hoar* I she would r< main seated under a Ire* without once ki&ing tho slenderest of I her rosy Auger tips. . So great was her despair that at lark she resolved to destroy the rose that had dated question'her title to iacom- parable beauty. Alas, she knew only j too well that a dead rose did not meau. the disappearance of roses altogether., ! They would bloom again every spting- I time, every summer, to- tiie shame of lips less red and ol skin less rosy whit*., But at least Eve would Lave avenged tbe flrst insult. , First she thought she would tear her enemy to pieces, trample it in rite dust . among the stones, then fling it to tins ' furious wind as it passed. She lutd ou.-» seen a vulture seize a lark; so would ■he have liked to tear the ro*a However, she bethought hertwlf ef another tenure. She bu.lt upon that sund a little pyre of dried grasses, light­ ed it with u glowworm, and picking the rose tossed it into the fire. A shud­ der passed through its delicate petals, a*, with a low, plaintive murmur, it yielded np all its perfume, its charm, its rosy wbitencMt, its life and Incom*, parable grace to (lie devouring flame. At last nothing was left on tbe dying, embers bat a little heap of white duw —the ashes of the rose— aud the worn-1 usi, ju whom savage instincts were a l­ ready rife, was satisfied. But the butterflies in tbe garden nf Eden were mad with anguish, for they loved tho rose so hated by tbe woman. Never again, quivering with pieasuri* aud delight, would they settle wi its trembling petals, never again brnsk with open wings the perfumed myster-* ies of its heart. While the fntul aet was being cem- mitled they flew wildly rumid the mer­ ciless executioner, but Eve aid not even see them, ao entirely was she given ovei- to her revenge. Aud now, as she walk­ ed off triumphant, they drew near to gage upon the pale remains of their be­ loved lyiug on tho little heap cf oxtin- guisbeil grasses. At least they would kucp as much ofl her as they couid. Bo in a tumultuous swarm they fluttered down upon »ha precious relics, sometimes singly, some- times all together, rolling themselves luj the ashes, enveloping themselves in bet1 dust. And ever since that time the fltn» white powder, scattered from tbo wings of bulterllios, is the ashes of tho ruaa t —From the Fieneli for Rbmt Stories, i ______ __________ I the day before I had heard a young anti charming wemau accompanying herself at tbe pia.io aud singing the tendcK«’ G R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S of romances in which during the last P r o p r ie to r . . . .. .K. O. Potter C S a n g s , - Between — note tbe butterflies of tho song linger *i ... W B iiie y at the heart of the rosea Stage leave« Eugene Monday« 1 . .1 . T . C a l l i i t u O Aud the garden in which I was walk­ A. C J e i l l l l l l g r . and Tiiuixlnys « '» a ».«, and ar­ ing was quite of a character to foster ............... A . J J o h n s o n rive« in Florence at 4 p in. the this gentle frame of mind. It was net wild or overgrown. . .A. 8. Patterson day following Its flower beds, where blue, red aiul .................D. P Burton Returning stage leaves Flor­ yellow balsams were rauged with as lotendem . .. C 8. H m i much precision as the Sevres cups and ......................C M . C o d ie r ence I'm «day« and Friday» at 8 Ladies’ Wind llose 20 ets. per pair, risxouy statuettes on awhatuot of a . . . .. .J. W. Harris' laidies’ Flannel V o ts 25 ets. Outing Flannel 20 yds. for SI. provincial hensawife; tho sand of its ...............F. B Wilson a m. and arrives 1«*. Eugene at ti paths, where the rake had left markings ........... John F. Tanner p. in. the day following. as distinct, straight, and exact as the K lines in a bur of music, aud its correct and uniform borders, stiff os the frills Single fare - - - - S5.00 f t a dress that has not keen crushed, OFFICERS reemed to suggest the ambition of a * Round trip - - - - SO.00 very pleasant ideal—an ideal in perfect taste, without violence or exaggeration; Tickets for sale at E Bangs’s I F. B. Wilson O r e e o n . nariow, elegant, pretty and quite suit­ E u g e n e , : livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd ed to tarnish water color subjects. O. W. Hurd „ , , A July sun lavished its gold and Win. Kyle & Davenport's office in Florence. tbri tv into the gsntau all the infinite Sleeping Cars Marion Morris ON A _OW PLANE, the.I a bouquet is eu)<«iblo of holding. C. C. Behnke , ———— —■------- A butterfly which was fluttering Elegant J a p a u c i, OommurrlMl M o ra lity Hal,I «a lb nro-sMl like two flower petals set free VNOENT W A LTO N , B e lo w Far. . . Drew Severy Dining Cars It lias long bioii known to those who by the wind blushed past my hand, ...J . A. Pond (BUCOE8SOH8 TO V. M E M IN W A Y .) Tourist had dealing with th«> Japanese tl a lei wig ou It a little ef its fine, white .J. R. Weddle .. J. 0. FLINT, Proprietor commercial morality in Japan stanae Sleeping Cars ’ it bite butterfly," said I, for tho re- n o r e n o a , O r*goxa. almost ou tho lowest piano possible to a • T. PA U L mei: briinco ef tho rong led mo into civilized people. With few ezoeptious . . . . AND . . . SOCIETIES'. M IN N E A P O L IS even those Japaneso who prove estima­ am 1 conversation with this delicate wii ^ai - creature, "white butterfly, do OUR AIM—To furnish the best A Complete Line of Druy ble and high minded in all other mutters not DULUTH Irwtou away, but stay, rather, and are not to Ire trusted in business tran sac­ accommodations at reasonable PANOO Sundries and Toilet Articles. tion. In Japan the man who fails to rettie down ou this leaf—a flower would , lurent*» Lodge So. 107. TO G R A N D FORKS Rininunicatioii un second prices. tako advantage of hiatutighboriu u bar­ take too much of your attention—and gain is looked upon as a fool. The ex­ liB^ii tfl a qtivstinu which 1 have al- tirdaya in each month C R O O K STO N v to ask you or one of your planation of this state cf things given v . jl AF ‘whfltbd' L. R obkkds . W. M. Corner 9th & Willamette Sts. kind. " T lie A b w a tm la d e tl M ao. W IN N IP E G by Robert Young, who edits a Kobe pa- cretury. The butterfly poised himself on a An amusing case of aliacntulnded-’ per, is that merchants in Japun have H E L E N A *»d Eugene, : : : Ore. hitherto occupied tbe lowest rung on the leaf. "I am listening," said he. For no-s wag. experienced by a youug sontiii ■ U TTE W . W . NEELY, Prop’r. social ladder, being deemed inferior to why should he not have answered, aider tho other evening. The young! since I had spoken to him? mau is usually o l .« bright nature, bnti era I Lvona Post, So. 58.' T E R M S S T R IC T L Y CASE. the tillers of the «oil and but little alx»ve "Frivolous lever of rosnr and lilies," for some time past his frlendabave boon Tables furnished with all the and fourth Saturdays the pariali class. Up to a comparatively I at 1:S0 p. in, recent period trader was but another I begun, “ whence comes this delicate noticing that he does some peculiar TO delicacies of the season. Wild CHICAG O lariKLD, Com mander. , name for trickster and tho pursuit of powder you scatter from your wings as ’ things. Not long ugo hivwas at a re­ game, fish aud fruit in season. Best W A S H IN G T O N F urnish , Adjutant. commerce was held to argue a lack of yon fly front flower to flower can you ception, aiiu a few minutes before clos­ 11 m G oad OIS T i m « tell me? I am sure you must have sug­ ing time he went to tbe coat box and ! integrity. •'I suppose yon know," said the so­ accomodations for the traveling P H IL A D E L P H IA With changed commercial conditions gested tho urls of the toilet to the per­ securetl bis jiat and coat. Then he walk-» ciable customer, "that the barberis« fumer, for yours are tho, only wings e«l up stairs to tho dancing floor atelj H E W YO RK public. Charges reasonable. and surgical professions were ut one this low standard si'ems to huvo re­ that scatter whiteness like n fliB ." picked up auothor coat and walhadi [ Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, mained unaltered, so that the Japanese BOSTON A N D A L L time combined?" Tbo butterfly said, “ 'Tis strange." home with it on his arm. Arriving at? r 1st and 8 I Saturdays i trader is always thinking how he can "Oh, I have heard that," said the But as he had nothing to do he rondo- his home, he found that bo bad one Member! and visiting PO IN TS E A S T »uTE ssodtBg a »ketch and description may evening he was n ading a hook in h!» lutcMy ascertain, free. whether an Invention is I. G. C iu m , Pastor. : markets of the world is not likely to long, floating locks. v- t — y.----------coNwnanlcattone strictly A B e a l C a la m ity . Why should she have been Jealous cf room when an alarm clock rang in tha sgeoey forseewrins patents : bo worthy of serious consideration. ____ aw a WasnlnctOD o«oe. Gue- -Pily Cholly is ao awfully de- tho iw iu , since her own tbrout aud adjoining rexiui. Thu ahacntniiud««! a UitMMik Mann A eing always ready to add to The ro-e was tliere tx-fore bar, as yet a somewhat deficient early oilneatlon. him by the buttonhole in a friendly, much alike," he remarked to the sales­ O x * * N o n flKST JjVndNAl. JANk man. "The 1807 model has exactly the your boune? "They mean ’I love, thou Invest, he scarcely a rose, almost palo in its tri­ lusnutr and tulk it over. Duddy—I had an impression that it umphant grace. opened aud widen- I Hom« one tells you that Fmith, down, __ 7 and S KeLaraa’. * a lld ln (. aame kind of frame as the 1WHJ «me, was my evenings that ho spends here.— loves. ’ ” atlon |tv«> to e o llm tlo n , and grv- "It does seem too ?md to see yon ed, rufliaiit us a sttw, lnminons ¡Bid liv­ tbe street, has said or done something hasn't it?" O F EUGENE. Beaton Tronscsint. to jutir detriment. Ferliep« lie has, and •tartin Li to soon,’* the nM gentlemna in g , sliii)«t Iranian, like a woman. "Yee," anewered tbe mlemoau. e. a. soMia. r«. o . r. •> .Msa>nCK.. p »«.- A tiger passing «hat way lingi red to perhaps he has out. It h<- hus, your beat' mused, “with the dllB«rltirs tl at have "The tubing 1« Juat the sa m a f b r a w ia g t b s U n . always surronmled that verb. But yon gaze on it and wept from tenderness. policy is to prevent his ropeuting his re­ "It U." "Why hive yea r«ver trird to get might ns well ««uumente- young to learn > o Theu Eve felt something stirred mark or deed in the future. If I m ha» PAID U P OASH CAPITAL. "Thiralenodiffeacucein the sprocket Gabler to Join yenr teevet tocicly?" tfcct them wor.ls la one way or another within her. Hba nuder-tood that net, you don’t w ant to do him uu injua- Wheels?" SUR PLU S AND PROFITS, . . . Attorney-at-Law . “ B ccllm it wouldn’t be a ncciet so­ cmmo t’.vo-thinls of the Ixitlieratioa tint throughout all en m ity she imd a rivul. tfce, even in your own tuind. *‘K oob ** ciety aflcr ho bdd jotr« d it. "—Chicago Beautiful us sho was, tile rose was not SrOEXS, OEBOOR. net or* ill this life. ” Fut uu your hat, leave your temper "The hubs are alike?" Tribune. less hcuuriful. Perfume aguinst per­ nt homo, go down nnd make a friendly "Plea*', can I quit school, tl.r-r.?" S O U O Z 7 B 1 D J L O O O T T x e r s "Precisely." vra At U t. C m H B oom . H •«trfefrd kr.-^dDan« "No. ft wtmldn'l 1« any u.-c. Yon fume, grace against «Race, to tbe Mid oull. Bo n« igfiborly, frank, opeu. Toil "It is tbe same chain on both?" - OREGON EUGENE. "Tho sty ia <4 »¿neon Victoria1» ton- couldn't d«dge ’«mi, ami yon might as ot time llieir ohuruis would 1st piltud him the truth sud ask him for effun " Y e s” bet hasn’t been changed for 05 years." well go right along and g> t as familiar aguiust one another and tliere would frankness. Niue hundred und "The tire« «re of Urn mm« maker ’ B. E. BENEDICT. nine times out cf a thcusand tho whedet " Well. I hat's what she get* for liv­ with them ns pntdbln. You'll find that lie an «ndlcss and nuo asing struggle. "They are." NOTARIE8. In vuiu impusstoued ports of all ugca mutter w ill l,e eiplaii ed and straight­ "There la so change in the handle ing ung^ -« monarchy. "—Chicago Rec­ lemnia 'cm ain't half the worry that handlin em is afkr yon know 'em. would try in «uthusioNio mudrigiils to e n e d oat in live minutes, and you w ill ▲T- ord _________ . ban this year?" Cheer up, Johnuy, aud remember that prove to their niiatretwea tho deleut of pait ns p«-rw>ual fricada rather than a* "Mo." T b e T er r W ay. most of your trouble Is still ahead ef the sovereign flower. Eve had no Illu­ pirscuul aud business on« uiica. Y ob O regoc. “ And the rims, spoke« and pedal« are A. R. BUTTOLFH, sions on tbesuhjtcL The rose wuald will both feel Letter, you w ill litra aU* Mis. Church— Did you ever catch you. ”—Washington Star. alike ia both wbmlar* always defy her, und to v.oroau’a eter­ bv side in harmony; tha earth w ill be* your husband flirting? "Yea.” K le r rn T im «« A ro u n d tlie K arfh. nal humiliation she woaid he cuwiiured brighter, tbe sunshine ejenru, yugy own Mrs. Gotham —That's the wsy I did "Well, then, what Is tbe differaaee Just tl ek of it! "Eleven times to her spl< ndid nail viatorious rival. catch him.— Yonkers hiabsman. heart lighter and mankind taka an a between the two wheals?" Gr:Dpt. Y Chicago. , LORE NOE. - o S T A G E L IN K . W ill m o k e ------- o < o o * * * * * * H a v e n o o ld o o d s i n s t o o k Pioresce and Head of Title. ORTHERN Pacific, Ry, HAMPTON BROS., SOAKER ORIIC STORE. MORRIS *** HOTEL, Drots, ledicines, Cdtaiicals, Head of Tide Hotel, THROUGH TICKETS H O T E L E U G EN E. E lk P r a ir ie H o tel. P atents ON KUG ENC A ND FLO R SN O C STACE ROUTE. S» ley a t Law , Notary Fablic, Surveyor ËNTS W H NOTARY PUBLIC.