■ Tho many friands of Misa Lena Berg­ Fill a bottle or common glass with man in this vicinity will lie grieved to urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; learn of her death which oecerred at a sediment or settling indicates an un* the home of Capt. Boettgler in Oakland, healthy condition of tlie kidneys. When W ish . D. C., Dec. lJtb, 1897. CaU the ¡Kith inet. of pneumonia. — F l o r f w f , L ane C ovnty , O regon .— i urine stains linen it is evidence of ki*b The members of the diplomatic corp« She waa the daughter of Captain and ney trouble. Too frequent desire to • . . BY . . . J . ! in Washington do not regard tlia» j w ! Mrs. John Bergsaan and was born in urinate or pain in the back, is also tu ff tion ol Prevalent McKinley’s m B w e | Astoria in 1882. About 12 years ’ ago ' vinciug proof that the kidneys and that deals with Cuba as a forerunner oi her parents moved to Florence, ” ,,t 1 bladder are out of order. E d ito r an d P ro p rieto r. white-winged peace, is shown by the »as their home till 1881, when Capt. W HAT TO DO. fceiunisn was appointed keeper of the There is comfort in tlie knowledge si following remarks oi a prominent d i­ Oiuyqua life saving station and moved -T ehms : 11.50 a year in advance.------ often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's f , plomat: "From the diplomatic point of his'fat'dly to that place. swamp-root, the great kidney remedy view, it Is a mystery how the American MÍSS . .ena had beeu attending school Entered at the post-ottiee at Florence, fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the I press and public can consider the preei-1 in O aklatd. News of her illness was ■Ali« comity, Oregon, as second-class back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every ■»«Ü m atter dent’s language conservative and peace- se«t to her lather and he immediately part of the urinary paaaage. It corrects ' .fnl. I think, and . . I am saUefied . , . ‘•■ . » ’ •’'“ left for Galiturnu. At Drain be received gean n m n ein g her death. inability to bold urine and enabling pain | * ”''r.aTuiMi BATES MABE KNOWN ON AP- in passing it, or bad effects following' | every representative of a foreign gov-1 Liw.) . rt-ICATlON. use of liquor, wine or beer, and over­ u**n 8 « t u p.r Ure, end, ttivrUon ■OK«! ammo eoww. ce.. »e» rom. em inent in Washington agrees with me | ______ comes that unpleasant necessity of Iw Preparations have been made for a that his message was about as radical - A Cordley oi the o A, C. in ing compelled to get up many times W E 8 T L IN Q 8 . Christmas tree and eutertainment in and warlike in meaning as he coold ' a communication to tl,e Rural North- during tlie night to urinate. The mild the church this evening. Everybody is have made it, unless it had actually j west says than the bud moth baa been and extraordinary effect of awamp-root ('■tl' E** B,,t te* la<1 biklI!s powdor. invited. been a proclamation declaring war i introduced at Portland ai*d Eugene. He is soon realised. It stands the bigbeat stock F"nke’’ nnd look “l bi8 Toledo, Lincoln county Leader: It is against Spain. He tells Spain that.i writee the following concerning it: for its wonderful cure« of tlie moot dis­ tressing m eet. II you ueod a medicine * rumored that Jesse Irvine, who has , ------ present in The bud moth has beeu Anott k w 'V 8rnnb<' ware received been working up the Maccabec lodges unless it can finish the war in Cuba in a a half a you should Rave the best. Mold fcy | tills ' eastern elates ior more than A. 0. Funke’,. in this county, has also been working . reasonable time, this government will 1 eeQ{0,y «nd hag come to bo recognised druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ »orh ,o n s und to up a quiet boom for W. 8. Hufford ! lo go by force. Now, as every w e ll-' ag Olie of the most destructive of orchard lar. You may b avea sample bottle and the wile n| John \ M . w n A MMon, a son. F u n X u Ct i,,dge 8 Judge, informed person knows that there isn ’t i peats as well as one of the very hardest pamphlet both sent free by mail. I here iq lobe «» pi . . Mention The W est and send your ad­ A P .. Lhnstmas trec Rt Don’t forget the Northern Pacific is the : tbe slightest chante that 8p*in Ja the east thia pest ie proving an ex- dress to Dr. Kilmer 4 Co., Binghamton, A. 1 . Knowles house Satnrda ay alter noon. • only line running Upholstered Pullman' end tlie war in Cuba in a reasonable ceediugly bard one to destroy. No sat* N. Y. Tlie proprietor of tliia paper Hood s pills art easily #nij promp 0y i Tourist sleei>ers through to the East time, that was about the same as the isfuctory results have been obtained in guarantees the genuineness of thia offer. on the liver and. bowel*. Cure gfek I without delay or transfer. No change | 8. saying to Spain: ‘You may as destroying tlie larve in their winter CHANO B A L L . ‘•e» ’"d ,e ’ (of cars at Portland. No other ¡ we„ g e t ' ^ y to fight me, as you will quarters, but it is possible that in thia b lennda school inducement. th is, . . « • *1 ‘ » »» climate a winter spraying with strong term Jan. 3rd with open® J ^ * ( a » Ín u ish . in oner thia line are redllCed Rates ,or ,be via. prMen' ’ ' ‘mV* ‘ Don’t miss the Grand Ball to be given , kerosene emulsion, or limo, sulphur and io Florence Christinas Eve. It will charge.. )Call on or addreSB B. McMurphy, G e n -! It is poeeible, of course, that the j ^a ,t wagb wou]j be effective, surpass anything of it« kind that has Bring vo,tr j.,t> work to tbe w „ r en‘l A««»,, Eugene, Oregon. house committee on banking and cur- . SUNDAY SERVICES. ever happened in the Siuslaw valley. rency, which has been given permission H iees. W° rk Ó° ne al rC4’°nKl,!“ : PERSONALS. Come and enjoy au event ol a life I to sit during sessions of tlie house, will I Sundiiv school 10 a. m. Preaching time. rheOlenada people are to have a n « . , , , Wed- i report a financial bill at this session o f ! 11 n. m. and 7 p. m. Ball ticket - - - - Wk. Christmas tree i . , ‘ O-M. Hurd went to Gardiner ' : congress, . but tbe « best . . informed e , men • in | Morning subject—Christ s Birth, The Christmas tree in the church this I „esday. of 1Iuman Higtory. ’6c Midnight supper Morris Hotel Human evening. v’Barrett s I tU>| j{ con. As I am preparing to leave Florence In jcsticb covbt , F lobenci PaxriweT, I.an» shoes when Meyer 4 Kyle have such an '[ 8 * nesday morning * fltla„cial I offer for sale at reasonable prices all County, Orcsan. my household furniture including stoves, Edgar A. Evan, and elegant line to select from. | I-eon Smith and wife left for Portland .......... l ___ t „ bill of any sort through the house, It carpets, chairs, tables, bedroom set, Sophia A. Benedict, Action The Robaris made a quick , rip tQ i by llm way of Eugene M a y . Plaintiff. ( To Kecov.i Money. Yaqnina this week going on Monday! G»rB"i«r was a passenger from will have U reported from the ways and dishes, etc. Frederick J. Kobe and Mas. J as F aibw satiixb . Jamca E. Iliil means committee. Secretary Gage will and returning Tuesday morning, ’ ^ cwport on the Roberts Tuesday. Copartner, by til. name of Kola) A 11111 separate his recommendations into Arrangements have been made for a I -'If-«id Mrs. Win. Brynd were among _ HOW’S THI8. Defendants. Christmas tree in the church at Point i tho,e wl'° vi8ite’’ our towl‘ llli" weck- ’ 8Cveri‘l b ills> wbicb wH1 Probnb|y be To Frederick }. Kobe and Jame« B. Hill Terra«« on the evening oi Dec. 24th. i Mr. Jacoburger was a passenger on ¡introduced in the bowse and senate as We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- Defendant.. In tha natn« ol the Slate of Oregon: 8. J. Brand lost a valuable horse n i'b® Mink Tuesday on his way to P o rt-, feelerg( congrenional and ) ward for any case of catarrh that cannot Voa are summoned to appear ln .aid court on the second Tuesday lit January, PWS, at one be cured by H ull’s Catarrh Cure. few day m ago. IIo did not know the i an public pnlea. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. o’clock, P. M., at I. O. O. F. hall, lo which time animal had been sick till it was found I Miss Lillian Harwood closed a four nlreaJv and place thle caua« itanda adjourned, being in dead in tho lot. I months term of school in Glennda. Tlie d em a O m M tn a t s y> AVe, the undersigned, have known F, Florence Precinct to anawer Plaintiff» com * . . i n t vi (yesterday. I with two exception! solidly opposed to J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and plaint ln above entitled ca«iae. The school children of I lorence are r xr. « . * „ ; . t „ .. A If you fall io to appear, plaintiffs will take . .i i i i. i , Mm Bertha Morns and her brother the annexation of Hawaii, and the believe him perfectly honorable in all Laving their holiday vacation, school I o . ,, .. . » against you for NS. 68 with internet ' Ralph oi Gardiner are visiting relatives ( hQuge democrftU are going the declare business transactions and financially Judgement from commencement of atilt and costa of court having closed last Monday to open able to carry out any obligations made lorenc(. against the annexation at a caucus to be and that tha same ba levied upon property again Jan. 3rd. by their firm. attached ln thleoauae. It la ordered by Frank James Furnish returned home Tues- ¡, ( i «i held tins week. Still the advocates of The winter term of scl.onl in Point! West A Truax, wholesale druggists, B. Wilton, Eeq., Jnatlce of the Peace lor mid i day hating finished his term of school . . . . Tef race district commence«! last week near Eugene. | annexation my that it >s certmn to be Toledo, O. Wulding, Kilinan A Marvin, Precinct, ol date November 38th, 1897, that ■urnmon. I«e nerved on you by publication In with I,e(>iiard Tabor in charge of affairs.' Florence ! accomplielied at this session A lobby wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. the W est (a new,paper publtihed weekly in Mrs. A. F. Hurd arrived at The school dosed yesterday for the i money, is! Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- •aid county) for »lx coneecutlva week» and by . plentifully last Friday after a visit with relatives p ,em ..U. . , supplied with o. aet.ng )hrect1y upon “ U(0 •« bl0CH, * an(] depoertlng a copy thereof, and of complaint, In .................. holiday vacation. working bard against annexation, R nd ì inncoug Bur,rtC0,' o, the system. Tas- tbe post office, postage paid, directed to at The Dalles. It is better to take Hood's Sarsaparilla Frederick J. Kobe, Tacoma, Washington. Dr. Kennody and wife anil Mr. and its agent, will stave off settlem ent I limonials sent free. Price 75c. P»/ than to exj eriinent with unknown ami E. E. B encbict , Mrs. Fail weather went to the cape thia ! long as feasible, if they cannot defeat ^ 1 1 6 . Sold by all druggist. Plaintiff. Attorney. uutricil preparations. We know Hood's week for a short visit. ' it, as th»ir pay will stop as soon as the Hall's luinily Pills are the best, Farstipni-llla actually and permanently Chester Thompson and I i ’ ib mother cures. question is settlsd either way. who have beer, living in Ashland have BU SINESS CH ANC E- The material for some repairs to the It has Weoniee apparent that the fig h t; Robart. was brought in by her on the | t0 Nor,h ' “ nb"’’ . last trip iron. Newport ami the work Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Christensen are on the civil service law is uo trifling! O. W. Hnrd has pmclutsed J. O. — _ ..a spending» t J _ M C am . .4 A .« « A F M , IO t /V t 1 \\ |fll matter, »ven if it is being conducted will be 8 commence.! at once. She will few days at Seaton Davenport’s ¡merest in the firm of against Iliff wishes of the president, j j Iur,i 4 |)dVenporl and will continue the will probably Iw laid up about six Mrs. Christensen s parents, uoegy. I John Mason has so far recovered front Leading republican rcpiesentatives have .business. Mr. Davenport will go to , , , ! his injury ns to be able to come to town. attacked llte law on the floor of the California soon and probably engage in The W est has for sale one year s yQu John ’business in San Francisco. We wish l.onee, when they have to strain a point tuition in the Holmes BiieinCHS College . both gentlemen continued prosperity. of Portland. This is one of the leading I rs- 111 'en ’ Tuesday to d do o a ao, o , »m ix ty txiu and l s sixty odd rwpuDiitm» republican business colleges on the coast, having ; • ■ • ■'»'8 Qiemb, r8 o( , ho bouie wbo oppose tbe Bi.*t Tobareo aplt tear UN Away. E nglish, Commercial, 81,ortband and on -Marshfield .or a To quit uAmcco easily and forever, be mac law as it now stands met in caucus to M ile, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Telegraphic departments and we offer tivc!1 Rae. tlie wonffor worker, that makes weak men Mrs. and Mrs. SilaB Blackmun and discuss tlie best way to conduct tlie fight •trues. All drugfflsts, W corffl. Cureguarau this tuition on easy terms. Mr. and Mrs. A. P . Knowles were in against it. That was at least fifty more toed Booklet and sample free. Address Burling KeNedy G o. Chicago or New York Toledo lea d er: A. L. Gtiitwood, a town Monday. It was Mrs. Blackmun’s ! than wat auppoaed to lie willing to-be Lincoln county farmer, reports a turnip first visit to Florence. counted publicly hostile to tbe law IV IS O N IT E M S . grown on bis farm this year that A. O. Funke went to head of tide — Christ- and baff had an alarming effect upon measures 32 inches in circumference , » 1 Sundiiv und brouzut down his -w..-—- ■ . B y I ch D ixn . Stone «•»n’k compete with xinc for one way and 38 inches tbe other, and - 7 in by tbow w, l0 iU nd hy tb* Iaw> Bnfi have durability in this climate. Many years reiglia l « ‘i pounds. This is a pretty ! maB t?®008 ■ • , 1 1 , „ :,•? : team from Eugene. generally been bee disp«*ed to poke fun at of bard work erecting tliowffandn upon Dee. 10th, 1897. ÍM nrsize.1 turnip; who can beat it. , _______ .. M. D. Johnson and bis son Ilaaen of au U |k of fighting it. Nice weather agaiu after the storms thousands ------------- of lin e Monuments, under If you are going east on a '>,li!‘n<‘as l Mound have ^ en on tide water this j HWo_ not repe, t itsqM with T b . n - a u . w n , .n o d d y 'T X .y ™ | trip or on a visit now is the lime to go. . tflt|ieril)lf up logs that bad come | - . _____ . . And when you go take the Northern | dX „ on the freshet . . more c* rt*,0 ‘ 5r C ,rU *n ’’“ T * Commissioner W. T. Bailey passed j To a high state of perfection. Bel tor lor ( Pacific for they are selling tickets at! . session of congress, One of tiieae phases down tbe ereek this week. 2,000 or more yeare timn any granite for ro«lneed rates. For full ii»forination call | Mrs. Rebecca ?is ier mo ) nl ¡* tbe abort bnt acrimonias debate which Salmon and trout fishing has been tbe 40 yean . .... ............. II- I "m b” . I M « i • ! I» . . » W «• N « ~ U « » «' order of the day in these part« lately. Be not «Iceeived longer. Boy w h ite A » n ..E u „ b c .o ™ .» . ¡» M » w u , p » t e . . re~ w l.» » U » l> V « W . Ira Inman and cousin Miss Zomwalt Bronse Monuments. F, A. Toxiaa, Agent, The Register objects to the statem ent) c»»ur-1 house Somehow everybody k n ow s) of Elmira visited Mr. A. I'. D. h i s au Eugene, Ore. - ITni.lMHtn EVERY FRIDAY W .ll. WEATHERSON Siwslaw Company Organized, A CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 N r . efthares 10,000,at $10 EACH. Everybody’s Opportunity Who De­ sires to Visit the New Eldorado. SUMMONS ▼hie ie a Mame Company. Every Citizen eftbe Siuelaw Valley C h e u ld ^ m i^ ^ Owa~atLLeast one Share. ITS AW ÀRE PI1RELÏ C O - M ia S •>, -- I TNC vseect. «OW I« MOCR.M O F COM STM W CTIOm V IL k M SWBMSBY TM« COMPANY ; •4 V Work Being Pushed Vigorously. %»’• ore.^4. HOLDKN.. DON’T 1188 THE 0PP0RT3RITÏ OF À LIFE T H E . ing out $100 per month for the past two '•a)’ J1 . , , ,tnce t,ecn , _ i _ n . ronscauently they do I Miss Ivy Cornebns who has been laid m on th , for tlm keeping of tramps and 'cook on the Bella He tm «nee bee got t0 ^ k w n consequen ly tl ey ap , he ,nonth wlth » ri,i„ g on her W agnalls having a tnssel la grippe- ...................................1—■<■»»* tnnsel with with la grippe. , not attract the attention they deserve, | an)t|e job|t ¡g gotting aonie better at this »ays tbe expense of keeping these hobos J. O. Davenport and wife leave ,or concerning aa they do. the expenditure WiandfS I’H IHftioililTV lias not exceoded »50 or »60 per month, Florence peo tb#n ()f tbc govern- Tbe trapping fraternity is represented ) nuUlJIfkl‘I 1 v and that they have l>een made to work California in a lew days. F pie regret to lose them but hope they ment’s income. The (act is, as m o.t in this viciuity by R. R. Vangbn, W. T. on tlie streets. Of The will prosper wherever they rnvy locau. | that the 1 Cornelius and son and I. 8 . Day. Poor Some excitem ent was nronsed here a P o r g o n t D e » lr t n ¿ l o S j b i c H b j (fo¡* JC n do Commissioner Bailey was in Florence congressman iff mortally afraid , «access is reported. few days ago hy a despatch printed ia We undersUnd that A. Harden waa the daily papers Hint a vessel thought Saturday and ns usual had Ins eyes average crag the lowest bidder for carrying the mail to be tbe Bella was ashore at Carmannh open to learn the needs of the people of the pension ques 1 , Ü ^ ^ ^ L e a v i n f l T h e ir N a m e « _ ^ M S ’ S U C C IE E T , jioint mint on Vancouver island. Later re- ¿«1 look after the interest ol the county tbe kill di.po.cd ol »» 8I*e«l>iy »» ,ronl Halc to lviton for , be n e lt »years, on Vancouver island. Later re authoeitative port showed the vessel to be tbe Vesta , t the same time. Mr. Bailey has prov- and if he makes any remark. , L Vangbn is the present contractor, unci all doubt concerning the Bella waa pd the right man for the position an are oj B general nature gboot I j j r|1 Reevew and Mre. M ai* who have aot at rent on Tuesday by a letter to Mr. the confidence in him which the people 0( the country” etc. It >• been nick the (mut three or four week« Kyle saying that she was loading ioniber tbowed bjr tbeir votes was not mis-1 P1.ep,ionti fellows who make are both able to be np. Mrs. R. bad tbe typhoid lever and Mr». M tbe tbeiima» >«y MKwa =•* «ee^lNta at Tillamook. placed. ' * ___ t,l# liple debate interesting. There M ARM dsr.Rfft tism. llwStratlM. may have bwn years when some strong J. IL Day our brother of Long Tom r«r H »«-«*» republican did not furnish these gentle- prectnet, vieited us n few day« ago an«» • a H 4».4*e I wjtb arguments, but we bad a very enjoyable time isitrhing and talking over onr boyhood days •i/xi tpcalicd hut iuct now« — - .— »«called now. tront — they are 1 3 ^ » ^ , whieb T b .f .n t •«*»• aM u n a. la which were were spent spent In in Missouri. Mi«sonri. This year it was Get». H . - T |Jowar<| o| Hal< c|aM1, . 4,***.., dle,mB^ tor tha satire a ip h .to t 1. M im Mauds Howard of Hale cloewd a What is the missing word?—not SA FE , although Sik'.Uhtf t O u t baking vigorous newspaper attack upon ,,)Cee«.fu) term , T.ry snccesnful term ol of school school at at this this as tollow»: swmwewva. •*«»: W oscnam a pissent taws and tlieir abuse «1st wa. pkaee laM wswk; . Mjt(| ry wnwrxa (l«i.ra*ion«i>. '¡ W * can powder and lea are safe. _____ Miss M>od< Mande b ie . a v, vary nr F..I teacher and n rt t l - ke lboo,htltt»y considered. The , nd rr, IH| be onr last •'baUh” of The Funk A ENGLISH LANOUAOE COMPLETE Alaska Cold Minin» * A Navigation C o. - —- 1 1 ^ S c h il/tn g s B e s t bakingpfnvaer ana tea are 1 because they are money-oacR» werW'1 v fcxta the word. «-I person g«. gaowaow; w B, < s d U e b 3 « be equally divntad among tbnn. Every one .end,«« a brown or r»How erffeping babies at tb« «*» ° f *£' envelope wW „H bow rd advertising <» i t «« be rMtenwot ,m t th„ g ^ J > w . T h ee. . M .ny ' rwpuMieanff. from tha one» offered m creeptng tataes aB*pocW • ” Be7ur cut these rules o u t BAN F R A N C ,S C O ‘ 000, and theta '••• * * WiM, ^ w wn.x is >|gM aigbt or Uq ten m miUiou below »* • ! * « lb* borr*“ .., we wjj| u g , this opportunity V. extend -■, " C liri„ma, greeting« to i!m , ^Lnr Cliristmas the editor , and rea-ler. of «he * « « . May yun all ’ . ,n.rry CtirhAmto. and a pnwpcr- white b -n ^ tl, olMt Srw Year i. the with of I ch Die*. tllBt R,pre«mi«irew Dingley is a whrB My> th.rv will he ACCMTS WMI1 D. BRONSON & ■ -■ . M» * * * •* ’ ..... *. Y Chicago, Pac C om 4 A um U SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. katSL ■ ....... tom f ..... mounii (UMsmsxsrs: T“ 1.*-? ? .* 14 “*— “^¡nr...__ 7 ••t/«W»ngly that it la able to «on { ph te Ux eilt» M of the earth 11 I »time« -Oetrett Juunrel in V , wtreMto^Rt. I xmü . Mepuhlie. r e . w f f t l f t i f t t .1 , ||2 Tt», I. 1M k Arre, «o kill -------_ CO, fk ARYTZE tb w c í taT*" to tay f wnv b0, Kve s ië 'ic m r wateimd "hem All uisht nhedre«i..e«l bi I ter K of h « k ---------------- Husbaml growhttgly )— Opal b« a **» ll3T' brought I uucoiufortcd under tbe luck ever aiuee I’ve had vew. — pgw. C.