TH E AMERICA ANÜ CHINA. W EST. •— I-L‘ ,L lk « f c t l CVggV C M P IV kUllh'Ifc'G.-T- -»T— ! It. F Citrini toki PROBABLE REPEAL OF OUR PURE I FOOD LAW. SUMMARY OP A88ESSMCN* O f I .A t i r C o u n ty O r « « ,... »M »T. J ilt th s tea r Littrarv. w (O R IG IN A !. iX P S F L f i' M l ' » There is, of PüttrA no ground o»«™ Agii.-uiturpt From *11 article which wM recently Acres tillable land for the maternent ap|«*ariug in • 1 1 2 .9 0 4 Sever judge a work of art by its published in the Oregonian it appear« Average value per acre ....... $! Os«<*o* German and Russian pap«*» that feet,. Fwjgtxrp, L t - f C ocntv , that the retail grocers of Portland Acres non tillable land . .. 943,349 . | the Unite 1 States may object to the hgve fonuwl ;<0 orgMni„ ,; o„ ,0 fight Average value . $ 1.98 fully satisfied. Ocroiciu seizure oi Kiftochau buy, th* pure-food 1 a w. It it s&id that 300 Improvement« on deeded landa $440,316 He that despairs limits infinite fiowei and, infereatially, to the partition grocer, have contributed $5 each to a Town and city lots............. 547,315 to finite apprehensions. of China. In that quarter o f the fund to lie used in proving the uncon- Improvements on town «ml Editor and Proprietor, 68d,240 ; Good actions ennoble us, and wc are , stiiutionality of the law. As pure- city lot.9 ..................... world America has no landed In» food laws have lieen upheld by the Improvement, on laud not the sons of onr own deeds. 40,24.5 ÌV à WI à WM VBSST à BI s XS. terastn and no wish to get any. court« of «11 the states in which inch deeded nr patented.. It is Impossible for that man to des- j From one point o f view it might laws have liee» enacted, it dooa not Merchandise and stock in pair who remembers that his helper is , 210,620 trade........................ klanj yoara ago when our moUicra even bo raid that this country appear that the tight will really be Farming implement, wag- omnipotent. 137,595. Mooted to keep apple« foe a law month« vvotiltl feel a sense o f relief iforder- made against the constitutionality of one e t c . . . . What can they see in the longest t heir only way qf doing <«• to dry them ly and responsible governm ent the pure-fixxl law. but to secure its flteainhonte, sailboats and kingly line in Europe, save that it runs ' 71.81» stationary engines ... . ,n the yen. A long etop forward «M repeal. An election is not far ahead 68,295 j , could be established in a land back to a successful soldier. Money................................... me le fifien tho hot air deyor was con- and nn effort will probably lie made to Notes an«l accounts ......... 534,590 where its missionaries arc at work Time drinketh up the essence of every »irtictoil. irrelate« improvement in secure the nomination and election of Shares of stock, value 75,146 great and noble action, which ought to and where, periodically, they de- I ids dlkoAiofi is tto «team evaporator. ' members of the legislature irom Port- Household furniture, watches 390,745 o e r fo r m e ti. and is delayed in the ox- jewlery etc........................ SYithin the IMt tew yrare nearly all i manti the protection o f its flag. ’ land who will be pledge«) to secure the 6.904 cut ion. kln.ta oi vegetable« have been evapo­ W ith China divided between R us- repeal of the pure-food law. If this Horses and mules (No.). 20.49 Average value..................... . $ He who seeks popularity in art closes rated by uaa •( «team (or heating and sia, Germany, England and F rance is done there is little doubt that Ore- 18,469 Cattle (No.) ....... .... the door on his own genius, ns ho must alter being kept tor year» aro os nic« as misaiouarics could be safely left to «un * iU h*’* 1001 >•* ®-t' r ,h* ' Average Averago value value.................... . $ whet» Just cur«.!. Being evaporated in 20,111 needs paint for other minds and not for Sheep aud goats next session of the legislature. $ 1.10 bis own. a toff houre, the fruit is not discolored the cares o f local law s, and there j The final effect of this will be to in­ Average value 7,304 ; Considering the unforeseen events of l,y eepeeure to the air and no bleaching would then be no more need o f 1 jure the retail grocers of Portland, as Swine (No.) .. $ 1.85' These Goods W ill Run Out st Rates so Low That it W ill Make Average value »« needed tor »hiah sulphur nr other our keeping an expensive fleet on ' well as everyone else who is in any­ this world, we should be taught that no Gross value of all propetfy. $7,090,435 anltotaace injurious to the health of con­ th© coast and rivers of China than way affected by the general prosperity F.xemptioue Quick Work of Their Distribution.^, 7Û7,ô(ïO human condition should inspire men . . . sumer is frequently used. there is of m aintaining o u h on the ! of the state. It will prevent the es- Total taxable property . .. . 6,351,875 2,337 • ¿vaporateti vegetables can be shippod coast and rivers of India.. 1 tablishment of new creameries in the Number of polls............... If I were to deliver up my whole self Tha rolls show no property listed to ' to the arbitrament of special pleaders, to market at much lees coat for freight tljv» «lato and probably close the doors of a In a commercial sense unknown owners, the ownership book than green vegetables and they can be number of thoee now in existence. It today I might be argued into nn atheist, furnished to the assessor this year great­ United State« m ight hop«; to gain sent to env part of the world with littie will result in sending out of tho etate ly facilitating the work as well as mak­ and tomorrow Into a pick-pocket. O f Ready made ZCIething, th a t M eans th a t M r. nr no risk of lots from decay. Another by the change, though perhaps n o t in payment for olemargariue one- ing it less liable to error The number The art of declamation has been sink- advantage ie they can be kept from in proj>ortion to the couutrie« fourth of the money now paid to pro- of acres of tillable laud reported this Cash can F it Mimeelf out at i ing in value from the moment that , veer to year tbue eaqtiUug the owner holding jurisdiction. But judg­ ! ducers in the state for butter. It will I year is 5,59-1 less than last year while Cost ef M an u factu re .« ' the number of acre» of non tillable land | speakers were foolish enough to publish, to get the benefit of varying prices of ing from the phenomena of Jap­ ! cut down the price of butter. It will is greater by 36,387. The average value an l hearers wise enough to read, Nave some Special offer inge in different eeaaon». anese developm ent, new wants be a most effective warning to farmers of tillable land is 40 cent9 per acre Never hold any one by the button or One fiitBcaaity the farmer has had to ; of intelligence who are seeking new higher than last year while the non- cBoota Bheee and Hate the hand, in order to be heard ^out; for encounter in raising vegetable« for will come w ith civilization to Chi­ ; homes to keep away from Osegon. tillable land averages 9 cents per acre if people are unwilling to hear you, you market eoa the liability to Io«« from na which this market can best i The repeal of this law will also carry lower. The whole amount of taxable 1 had better hold your tongue than them, property in the county is $16,540 less xiecay. After his crop was gathered he | supply. Japan, needing cotton of with it all the provisions now in than last year. i A word that, has been said may be ntilkt sull it within a few mouths or los» a certain fiber, and not finding it existence for securing a healthful sup­ unsaid, it is but air. But when a deed ita li. But by tbs usu of the evapora­ in India, buys generously her«'. ply of milk for the city of Portland, | PROTECTION SENTIMENT IN ; is done, it cannot be undone, nor can tor, if tiiu market price is low he esn Ttic milkman who can produce the i ENGLAND. Our canned meats and flour also our thoughts reach out to all the miS' J FLORENCE STORE AND SEATON BRANCH..... Atop them till such time s i they can bo cheapest milk no matter how unheath- ! make their way there, as do our I chiefs that may follow. aold at a profit, fill the surroundings of his cows i Cleveland Leader: I steel rails and certain kiuds o f In short it is herd to fores«« the pos­ Ernest E. Williams, an English writer ; In the lottery of life there aro more or the character of their feed may be, to will he the one who succeeds. The who ¡»now at Montreal, says lhatarevo- prizes drawn than blanks, and to one sibilité» that »av bo ppened for the i machinery, China promises farmer by thia mean» and we believe it become ft market for cotton, v a n - adulterator will drive the honest inan lution against Cobdenisrn is imminent | misfortune there are fifty advantages. will be especially Istpeficial to the peo- ous manufactures find corn meal. ; from the field. Invalids and young in England. “Men who study trade ; Despondency is tho most unprofitable jile of this part of the country aa it. use j j ¡f capitiU „OI!H to C hina children will especially suffer as a re- development,” he says, “and more j feeling a man can indulge in. .. '.It give (I.An, -MZMX. 4 time « toi to « in to » ' • “ ... will tlieru A «0 n Ml.nU much r more ault of the deterioration of milk. e»|>ecially tuen who find themselves I The beautiful must ever rest in the as it would when foreign laws had which toget their product» to market, Every person of weak digestion wili more and more harassed and frustrated arms of the sublime. The gentle needs been established there, our m ark­ ! also be liable to Buffer from having by the competition of countries which the strong to sustain it, as niucli ns the K .le r a t« C « w r * « « • ! • 8 H t h f » u n t a ets would be drawn ujiou for a oletnargarine served to him for but­ have built up rival industries by the rock-flowers need the rocks to grow pn, I C » u u j «’a th e rlU , cur« ooDblipaiiQn forever. Jv, « . i t C. C -C Vail, drug glsierefu nd iseaey. thousand utilities of progress. W e ter and filled cheese for full-caeam aid of Protectionist Tariffs—those men or the ivy the rugged wall which it I lira coming to doubt tire wisdoui of embraces. j m ight be hampered in some parts cheese. .WOPLpir BE BETTER» financial ' England in opening her parts to the The ir.rn who will feel tho We are never without a pilot. When I by tariff law s, but these would be I ór­ free ingress of foreign products. we know not how to steer, anil dare n o t! Not long ago a citlcen of Florence lightest against the natural pro­ effect of the repeal of the law moat Mr. Williams said he Isilieveil w h a t« hoist a sail, we can drift. The current: ^.rcctncl S U brought Issforu Justice duct« ol' tue »oil and other things cibly will be the farmers who are en­ was most needed was a custom union les» gaged in dairying. A great deal knows the way though we do not. The IVilaou on • charg. of assault. After the superior cheapness o f which uiilr will be required to supply t t»e I lietween England and her colonies such ship of heaven guides itself, and will not hearing the evidence the juaticn aent- would tend to keop tho cost of city ot Portland, and many who are us Mr. Chamberlain had proposed, accept a wooden rudder. /■n>««il b i» to pay a A m of $6 and coats to i There seems to be no doubt that Great amounting to 0 .1 5 more or 7 days in living low and enable the foreign now soiling milk will be compelled Tim negro king desired to be portrayed Britain feels the competition of the the county jail. Ae the man refused manufacturer on Chinese (toil to 1 make butter. Oleomargarine will re­ as white. But do not laugh at the United states keenly, and how to pro­ ifo pay 0 » Baa, 1» was tafcan to Eugene command coolie labor at the old place butter to an extent which can­ , . ■ poor African: for everv roan is hut an- vide a remedy will pnbubly lie a big : by a > «.«salable and turned over to the rate». Nor is it clear that the e x ­ not easily be determined in advance. other negro king, and would like to ap- It is pretty $ufe to estimate tliat with and important question with its states- j sheriff, when it waa found that lie pear in a color different from that witli porters of manufactured articles no restrictions upon the sa e of oleo­ men during the next, year or two. Ai««uhl be itapriaoneri far tbe fine only which Fate has bedaubed him. not in com petition with Chinese margarine except those in the national end not for the coats. Thia nut down the PROTECTION AND LUCK. We do not direct ly go about the ex­ nine he had to aerve in jail to 9 lt products aud subject to a much law, one-third of the butter used ecution of the purpose that thrills us, lower coat of transportation than here will be in reality oleomargarine. Am erican econom ist: but shut onr doors behind us, and Uouahkring tha expense attached, European wares, would be greatly If this law it repealed the dairy farm­ Many of the Erae-Tradn papers have ramble with prepared minds, as if the ers will not deserve sympathy. Not been «loing a lot of talking about the rid, mokes it a easily proceeding lor the I | |Qrt PROPBIFTOB» In a general way a civilized tiie half were already done. Our reso­ one in one hundred bat ever shown great “luck” of the McKinley admin­ .ivjiiuty. The efBcara bill for conveying lution is taking root or lio'.d on the China means a great new m arket the slightest interest in the law or its him to IJngene amounts to $14.25. istration in “coming into power just, at earu, then, as seeds send a shoot down­ in which Ihe United State« would maintenance. The work of keeping The coats ef the trial »ana $9 16. These , the time when prosperity was returning ward which is fed by their own albumen, «aided to tlie sheriff's bill for board pjolwbly K« t and keep it« »hare of the law upon tho statute books 1»“" t0 the country.” They have only got ere they send one upwards to the light. been done by a few men who for tlm tbe cart before the horse. This is what make the greetediuga coat tha county trade. As licauty of body, with an agreeable most part would not be materially af­ is to be expected of men who pnt for­ about $B6 while the offense cemmitted But even if thia country hud carriage, please, the eye, Hiid that waa one fe be stoned for by S)i day« In nothing to gain and lunch to lose fected by its repeal. It is not too lute eign interests before American interest». pleasure consists in that we observe all now for the dairy farmers of the state ; They get accustomed lo seeing things jail. by the partition o f China, it i» in­ to do something if they would. Per­ tlie parts ivith a certain elegance xtc We do uot Aud aoy fault with the , twisted. ‘ proportioned to each other; so doe, •iBIcera connected with the caae, Wp conceivable that it would formally haps it would be toe wiaast plan for The iaets are better expressed by say­ decency of behavior which appears in ' object to Hue.h a measure. The the dairymen to work simply for a law .< ouaider they have terse«) their fee» ing that prosperity began to return to whole field i» far outside onr sphere providing for a dairy commissioner the coutry just as soon :is the McKinley our lives obtain the approbation qf all and are sutitl«og paraous guilty of small Major McKinley was elected and that ing our own hemiwphere to rtimilur provide by local ordinances for a aup- I Strange thing art especially music. .offense» committed a long distance j protection waa to be given in tbe near viaitations. ' plv of pure and liealtiiful milk if they irom it» county seat that would svoel future to American industries. It is a Out of an art a man may be so trivial are'not willing to maintain a genera) ’ little trick which prosperity has—to yon would mistake iiim for for an im­ »«> tniH h avponso (or to slight a puuiah. ANTED-TRUHTWOKTHY ANO pure-food law. toent. Mow would it anawtr if tfia come back to the country just as soon becile, at best a grown infant. But him active geutleinen or Indies to lost Portland build itself up by as protection replaces free-trade. \Ye into bis art, and how high be soars jiishre « « a given diacretion to order theut kept in custody of an officer for a travel for responsible, established bouse throttling tbe locnl induatriea of the ! have seen it do it more than once in the above you! How quietly he enters into in Oregon. Monthly $«5.00and expenses, state. Of course it will help bnei’iess onsi a heaven of which he lias become a tnua iiuMesd of comuutUng them to history of the country Poeition steady. Reference. Endow to send hundrede of thousnn« Is »< » < ’’Vi­ juilt In applying the term “ luck" to what 'denizen, and, unlocking the gates with « aelf-aildreased atmnped envelope. The rta Isrs out of the state which are no'*. I** lias happened the free-traders are fol- Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago. his golden key, admits you to follow, an ■Unrat« V«kV »«WBIB With ( M«,oraBaxt<"ar,»ttu« m oue,. home. Let ua continue to import imprudent, short-sighted neighbors of humble, reverent visitor. _____ O* Dec. 18th congress potted a joint tlwre have beep * totolution appropriating »200,000 to tha ,ÄBd_ i ! ““ , . *?*“ 1 the prudent, industrious man of sound tViTMH« a few day» hr ask a that they may lie sold at price, jU(lgcmcJnti who €nvio„t,v , be aid of starving miners in Alaska and reporta (rout diffrwnt parta of town, of which will effectively prevent the rewards of liis industry and good judge­ ■»•aidattu liaing disturbed at night by tbe President McKinley signed it. The manufacture of genuine jam* at home. ment to his “ luck." Our pn*«ieiit pros­ noia« and ilieqrdarly conduct of otliar numey ie to be expended under tbe ns send abroad for adulterants and perity is due to no luck, but to the sound Land o 8 k e at Roscbur;. Oregon, The winter term of the state teachers' people. Buch orcurvncea are unaual in direction of ttie secretary of war and is ... , . . Novemter,. 1897. {association will be held in Portland adulterate«! vinegar so that our apples American policy of giving protection to “ t 'll res talk ” In favor N otice lr hereby Riven th a t tbe fo llo w in g -! • _ _ , ot hood's Sarsaparilla, .our quiet town but tliay saem to to be used in tho purchase, transporta­ will not even tie worth four dollar« a ..« for no other medi- ______ _ . named settler h a . died n o tire ot lire in te n tio n C ni,nen*'ln8 Tuesday Dac. 28th and , American indusiric$, oi securing the tion and distribution of auppli««. .«uiplieaito Uta question wbathar it her cine. It. great cures recorded in truthful, ! !" flu*‘ f 00' . Claim and continuing over the 29tii and 30th. . ton for tbe manufacture ot cider vine­ , , , . . . 7 that w ld proof w ilt be made before c H . H o l­ home market to Atneiicau producers and convincing WM a wisa » o v a to plwa tita cout- language of grateful men and N o - T o -W « v ( o r F i f t y O u t a . den U. 8. C om m lnton er a t r ia v c ir e , Oregon, gar. It to better evidently tliat such of providing work for American work- G uaranteed tobacco h abit cure » » k o e w eak women, constitute its most effective ed- ou December 1», 1997, v ii: M artha E. M a rtin , T a C « r a < < a a a ll» it la a T a r a v a r . I>oosatiou o( tba city marshal aa low as things as these should happen tlian T ake c *a ra » a u Cauti» C inbartie. 10c crSSa ventaing. Many of these cures are mar­ widow of Jam e. M a rtin , nn h. e. no. fVik) for men .iro n s , h.ood pure. M e. I t . a l l druM U m - tucn at American wage«. wat rcrenrty done. Tl» prêtent Biab­ I t U. C. C. (a ll to oura, d ru « rl» M retila«! nu ore. velous. They have won the confidence of tb« nwH na*$ of wc. is, tp. l , r. 10 west. that tb« grocers who are selling adul­ Tramp, during tlie last two month| rv-- T l ------- 1 aba) was appointed but a abort time ago, I tbe people; have given Hood's Serospa- She nam e, the follow ing w i t u c - r t to prove terated gArals should Iw annoyed. (*< , cost the city of Eugene over »'*’ w DURRANT A^A'N SENTETICED. her eem tnuou» residence upon and c u ltiva tio n | rills the largest sales in the world, and «i d be ie competent to t il the poeition, M'KENNA NAMED. | coures if this ptye-fixal law is repealeil amount w h , paid ont for officers ■ have inado neccoaary for its manufacture Of. M id land, v ie : but it ie eapatcitng too much to eek him ». H . H offm an, and George G le n of P oint 8 n d men!,, 241 of which were fnrnieh,- ‘ the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's ' every fsrnier who lias any «enae and On Dec. lfitli, Durraul was taken into »•rsaparllla is kuown by tha cure« it has Terrace, O r ; A. E H a d u ll. and M. J. H««!«ll during the past month at a rest of 13« to spend much of hie tinte atout town Prtoident McKinley sent to tha senate i ef M apleton, Oregon. cents each. Hereafter frauips * in I* Zw the pay lie io «allowed. Batter givo the 18th inst., tbe nomination of Joaeph wants to kno* wl>*1 b« is getting when court and sentence« to be hanged Jan. made —cures ot acrolula, salt rheum and K. M r»*TCH. eesema, cu r» of rheumaiotm, neuralgia , locked up during the night and escorted R-gistcr. him e fair oooapoowtion and then we McKenna to be associate juatice of th« he buys grmmriee will send out of Ihe 7th, 1898. This is the Rfhi'tK time he and weak nerves, cure« of dyspepsia, Uvst oot of the city bv tlie marshal in the has been toetencel to death by Judge whether thaw wlR be nn/ reporte of supreme court of the United States. troubles, catarrh —cures which prove •tata lor them. There will ha a great morning. Coets wilt he made only i* Bahrs. 3 tordoeJy conduct. Froteata agatast tb« appointment deal leee moMy spent in tha state bat ' exceptional caaee. POR 8ALE OR EXCHANGE. Lavs been signed by many of tb« toad- TO OUR PATRON« tha Portland grocers will not ba worried u r a n t k d - t r u l t w o k t h y a u d ' «are «•. tog attorneys and juris» of Gregon and ” active g«ntl«n*n or todies <• A bouae «n i Jot in Glenadu. T h e. by the fear of arrest lor toiling ©dul- «California. The A. P. A. waa also said Wa h»ve made arrangements by ! house is 18 by 24 feet and one story and travel for reaponaihle, es'ahlishM fc'lBto ierated goode. which we ill furnish tl»e Weekly m Oregon. Mon’hlv $M.m ami «Xpeneto. to ba considering tb« advisability ci a liait in height. Also I a good Woodshed Poeition rteadv. Reference. £wtuee • Oregonian with the W xst for one Tear 1» tk< best-tn tact the Oac True Biood Pur tlei i Ucadaoiie. fever, batdtoal roaeupauow mftking sffnrt fo prevent tito tp Tw Cwra Cmeslaadtow F« on prembes For furthj. |triicito re »ILeddreawed stare pod envelope.' ! * • *° any ad«lreee for tli, sum of two dol- W .M M M Ptoaa« toy and try • Lox • , T a k e l a w a w a CaaUy O a tS a ru * Me*or»e. . « u «w '«•reata ^cldaad Jar; W, «• I f A V C Ip « te «ere, dru s g iau rwWaaUmoOry | tors, payabls rash ia adisacv Dommiou Company, Wp» Y Chicago. liood s PHI» Tffica. j patptoaaal toiag confirmed. i eure Ly all dragglsto. W, If. WEATHKItSON We are Prepared to Meet ail Demands for Winter Goode, With a New Line of Heavy Woolen Un- derwear, Mitts, Fas- *r cinators, Hosiery, Bootteee, Oil Clothing, Rub­ ber Boots. Over Shoes Etc.^» *•......... # #’ WE ARE GOING OUT Excelleat Value for Your lousy at all times at •“’HURD A DAVENFORT*" C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Dry Goods, Hr Groceries * and * Motions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. ....Just Opened. Goods as Represented. w Cures Talk Hood's Sarsaparilla