NO 35. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Dec. 21, DM GENERAL DIRECTORY TRAVELERS' GUIDE. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE BE GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER. rounded himself. Momethiag had made him at enmity w ith tbs world. For Dear little children, w here'er you be. year« he told me nothing, though from Who are watched and cherished tenderly tbe first he showed me all tbe affection STATE OFFICERS By father and mother, of a mother and care of a father. Who are comfbrtert by the love that lien In the kindly depths o f a sister's eyes ’ ' I t was «oon a matter of common re­ Or the helpful w ords of a brother, S T A O K L IN K . ------- • * « * • port that Ben's new boy was to be a Governor............. 1 gentleman. The hermit himself took I charge y o u by the years to oom«, .il.' R. Kincai-I . i ««cretary of h ate When som e ahull be far aw ay from your home charge of my primary education. H a Treasurer__ month. And Mime shall be gone forever, . . . .P h ilip M etchen ' was delighted with m y lack of knowl­ By all you w ill have to feel at th e last. Leaves Florence M ondays, W ednes- s i n g l e trip «3.00. Round trip 15.00 Kupt. Public Instruction.. ,.G. >1. Irwin. edge and my endless list of simple ques­ When yon stand alone and think of the past. days and F ridays. tions. for it showed him that ha waa That you speak unkindly never. Printer............ ,W . H . Leeds working on virgiu soil. He molded me Atftrney General. . ..'c .M .id ie n .a n . ru e* la y ' ’ For cruel w ords—nay, even lem, in accordance w ith his own conception Words spoken only in tboughtleesnem Supremo Court V .V. A. Moore Connect« w ith Steam er and S cotts- F o r p - y ^ g e , . „ „ j Freight Rat«* of manhood, forever impressing upon Nor kept against you after, If they made th e face of a m other sad. mo that ingratitude was tbe cardinal ( C. E . W olverton burg Stage L ine for D rain. A lso with Or h tender sister's heart lem glad. sin. When I could comprehend, he told Judge Second D istr ict.. . .J. C. Fullerton Stage Line for Coo« Hay. Charge ------- APPLY TO-------- Or checked a brother’s laughter— me that I would be rich, that I must Attorney Second District W. E. Y n te. reasonable. ( & K y,e F |( j r e n c e Q p Will rise again, and th ey w ill be heard. spend money generously and that some And every thought lean, foolish word time he would let me into the secret That ever your lips have spoken which would place at my command a ll After the lapse of years and years Will w ring from you such bitter tears the immeasurable power of gold. As fall w hen the heart is broken. “ When it came time form e togoeset COUNTY OFFICERS- to college, I suggested that I should go Dear little , innocent, precious ones. o — W ill raake^------- o ^ * ^ # X * * * * * * Be loving, d u tifu l daughters and sons back to tho old place in the mon-'taina To father and to mother. and see if I could do anything Cor tbh R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S And to save yourselves from the bitter pain Judge T hat com es w hen regret and rem orse are vain girl who had been kind to me. No sot .E . O. Potter. Between of mine ever pleased him more, and Be good to oue another. —Phoebe Cary. when I left bim it was w itb unlimited O oredit authorised by one of the greatest ~ É 5 S J X X . tE« T ¿ ^ i F l o r í i i c í c l o t h ih b banking institutions of tbe west. I did C lerk................................ A. C. Jennings not find tbe g irl, but learned that she Shsriff.................................. a . J , Johnson rives in Florence at 4 p in. the i bad first been employed and then adopt­ I’veasurer. ...................... A. S. Patterson I t waa in a corner of the oouaervatory ed by a widow whose husband bad falieu day following. Assessor................................ D. P. Burton Men’s Suits for «4.50. Good Values. Wool Sweaters «1.00. behind the palma daring one of the in tbe war. 1 left money w itb a lawyer, Returning stage leaves Flor- telling him to find tho g irl and have her School Superintendent..........0 . 8. H unt moat fashionable function« of the aca Ladies’ Wool Hose 20 cts. per pair. •'urveyor...............................C .M . Collier e n c e Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 . «on. Thia aecm» a favorite aitnation educated. A year later this money was returned to me w ith notice that fie could Coroner................................. J. W. Harris . ? . . . „ w ith fate w hile weaving the web of Ladies’ Flannel Vests 25 cts. Outing Flannel 20 yds. for «1. do nothing fbr me. I wrote for further a. m. and arrives in Eugene at 6 J astice ot Peace.............. F. B. W ilson human destiny. Fred Trevor, tall, dark, information, but could get no reply. Constable......................... John F. Tanner p. m. the day following. ■elf contained, w ith power apparent in "Before my benefactor died he told R every look, movement and feature, atood me of the rich gold find be bad worked w ith hands crossed behind him before Without sharing his secret with any U Single fare _ - - - «5.00 the magnificent woman he had just one. Yon know bqw it proved a verita­ * CITY OFFICERS. ble mine of wealth, built up a thriving Round trip - - - - «9.00 i seated. “ Yon know, Misa Alden,” as he city and won me tbe title of a honauaa king. He also told me bow a heartleea Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’« leaned toward her, "th at my knowledge woman had wrecked his life and asked F. B. Wilson President ........... cf the social tenets is not profound. ” livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd me to never abandon the search for tho "Y o u bave only to follow yonr in­ 0 . W. Hurd little mountain g irl nutil I knew what & Davenport’s office in Florence. Win. Kyle stincts, M r. Trevor.” had become of her and whether i t waa Board of Trustees ] Marlon Morris "A n d yon are the gentle mentor Who w ithin my power to help her. You have I t 1. in trade »«pecially that tho »u- C. C. Behnke v n CENT w altoh , periority of Britich honesty la averred warned me against the «in of flattery 1*' no idea how man and boy, thrown to­ “ I f I have paid an undeserved com­ gether as ws were, could build a ro­ ........Drew Severy Recorder............ (sucosssoas to v . heminw ay .) to abow itself. The Britiah are the mance upon n foundation so slender. ” ..........J. A. Pond greatest trader« on earth and have been pliment, it it to society in astnming T r e a s u r e r ............ " I think I understand. And yon bare that it has attained to yonr ataudard. " trader« long enough and extensively ... J. 0 . F L IN T , Proprietor .. J. R. Weddle M arshal.................. “ You’re incorrigible, bat I ' l l accept found no traoe?” enough to have learned what standard« “ None that I could follow. After F lo r e n o » , O r e g o n , of commercial honesty pay beat in the the verdict and carry out the thought I ST. FAUL that fight when tbe strikers tried to de­ • • * sn ' x long mu. An American who had trav- ; had in bringing yon here." tbs machinery at the mine, my M IN N E A P O L IS SECRET SOCIETIES. A Complete Line of D p d fl eled in aouthwestern Europe, in Sooth ! She made no answer, rave to withdraw stroy wounds threw me into a fever, and OUR AIM—To furnish the best hex eyea from his and gather in the DULUTH America and other part« of the world i through all tbe dolirinm I talked In tbe that are eomewbat out of the beaten folds of her dress to make room for Sundries and Toilet Articles. i accommodations at reasonable FAROO dialect of my boyhood w itb the littlo path lately admitted to the present him to ait down. F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. O RAND FORKS TO " I w ant to tell you something of my maid I had never seen hut once. That #*» ............ w riter that in the countries he had visit­ , Regular coinimuiication on second prices. life and then ask your advice. 1 am not shows yon the bold she had upon me. CROOKSTON ed the reputation of Americana seemed and fourth Saturdays in each month. ♦ ’«truer 9th & W illamette 8ts. assuming that tbe atory has any special and even yet I have an ideal that must to him to be low and that of the British W IN N IR S O 8. L. R o sibd s , W. M. either be shattered ot confirmed beforo high. In Bueuoa Ayres, he said, interest for you, but I havo a selfish de­ I . S-. K nott «, Secretary. I can be content. Now for yowr advice. Eugene, Ore. very H E L E N A «na gn English merobawt's word inspired sire for your opinion after I have told Shonld I marry before I have seed thia i t ” but, an Amerioan merchant's W . W . N E E L T , Frop’r. | butte ■"* " B u t don’t you know, aa a general girl?” received w ith a good “ Not w ith my approval, M r. Trevor. T E R M » truth* that, w ith tbo average woman, „ . R. General Lyon« Post, No. 58, | ***•1 _ Go to the end of your foolish dream, -er Tables furnished with all the * This sort of testimony is mortifying the man who is rich, famous and hon­ meet« second ami fourth Saturday« • m-------- it might haunt you and some woman ored glorifies his antecedents, no matter TO of each month at 1:30 p. m __________ _______ ______ to American ears: bwL if we believe it, delicacies of the season. \ \ ild CMIOACO might «offer. ” what they mny be?” OUR BIG BUILDINGS. we must look for the remedy to spring ( I BurTsariEi-D, Commander. . — “ I had hoped for a different answer " I f you were tbe average woman, 1 J. L. F urnish , Adjutant, game, fish and fruit in season. Best W A S H IN G T O N not from moral reform, but simply from from yon. ” And Ids eyes told the old, ot W . ■ * ,. would never have sought this opportu­ increased knowledgk We expect tboee old story. accomodations for the traveling R H IL A P B L R H IA Tradition to Uald. Dt j who bring this reproach upon ue to nity. When I first fsoed tbe world "B u t I ’m your M en d and can'giva To take the 20 story steel from. iearu, from information and reflection alone, 1 was a little , ill fed, sallow, N E W YORK public. Charges reasonable. no other. This is our waits. ” building sad think i t out for itself is to i f pwoible, bat if neceeaary from experi­ ragged and half dressed boy in the Cum­ O U . W. Perpctua Lodge, No. 131, •O S T O N ANO A L L W ithin a month Trevor received R begin with that building of Chicago in ence, that, though an individual rogue berland mountains. I did not know that s meets every 1st and 31 Saturday« ------------ PO IN TS B A S T »«d SO U TH which the panels between the uprights may steal or cheat and escape punish­ there waa such a thing as a railread, a latter in a yellow, blotted envelope of the steel frame are filled w ith thin ment, for a panplo wlm can neither hide steamboat, a book, a hereafter, music, The scrawl only said; ” 1 Ncboa- yoe For inform ation, tim e card«, maps and tickets S s & W « H © m iron, just as they might have been filled nor run away from the consequences o t culture or anything different from tbe ana hev fnrgettad me. I'm back hero ; eU ., c all on or w iite an I hev beam yon nus waa w ith pasteboard or leather. Mach r their acts honesty is the moet gsgacinu* detestable «urroundings from which 1 m K rtS, Recorder. j ... building has no walls. The spaces be­ and remunerative course.— tlcribner'k M c M u r p h e y , to escape M y father bad b e » longed tí Trevor shuddered. H is romance had W . O. Z E IG L E R , Proprietor. h iííe d lu defending an Illic it still, Eg» General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Bhelton Block, ! tween the copskwtlonal uprights asd ■ O O F . Heceta I/«lge N o .Ill,m e e ts horisoutsla ara «imply filled, partly E U G EN I. OREGON. just seemed to go w ith tht M M a cruel death. B ut gratltisde waa A TheM ophlM l < o.rtshlp. every Wednesday evening in Lodjfe w ith glass, partly w ith an opaque mqmteiv flower« which I bad gathered bis strong point Reluctantly ha went. H all, Florence, Oregon. Brothers “ Mo you love me, George?" screen. That is the logtegl baglnning of to* h tt Mil thgy ceased to bloom (hat When at length ba rode es Ms front Of" •rood standing invited to attend. •'Wigli all my heart.” A n la ta n t « »lierai Eaaaenrer A ssn t. g «u. H W bathsbsos , N. G. the new tradition, and I f the designers f a l l « M i p * IW w inter I waa kept the old cabin there w m a weflian la n •‘ Love me for myself alonel” 265 M onlaon St. Cor. W. M asion M obsi «, Hec. w ill take that np amt work at it, they •Ile a daapita *M W and bruieea by a linaey dress, her back to b in , w hile “ Y«s, my dnrllug, for yoreself P o r t l « . x x d O r . ; may, in the course of the oeutury, de­ fam ily that had M a a a tp e ir tola re li­ sbe threw food to the noisy chickens. alone.’ ” velop u new style of architecture. T h * a ance in 'totta*' water aad gathering Jnat aa he reached her side she tam ed "Y o n never loved another?” w ith , “ Wkli, you mm did bins back. is little chance, apparently, of that be­ wood. "Never. You are the first g irl I gver heA ” CHURCH DIRECTORY ---------—«•--------- ing done, instead of that, each deriga ,r loved.” “ In (ba t|>*i>E 1 went away; made "Miss A M M ," gasped Trevor, as bo is applying to hie own ta ll building the np a iittla trnndle and rtole off in tbe “ Yon w ill always he true to met? crashed t M “ ateontain daisy" against forms which he finds in boohs or aa night. T ill th t SUMiing of tbe next day »RESBYTERIAN CHURCH.Florence, j "F o r ever and ever. ” his breast, A M I the promise of lb» ba­ used in his own practice on bmldia^h ‘ ‘George, don't think that I doubt I hurried over th t ted clay roads and Oregon. _ ' p rw¿¿ » sg l l j uf a fardiB erent character, thews previ- you, but pleare stand here a moment paths, terror of hets* caught and taken byhood W m made good.— Detroit F ra * school, io " H «if*»en t of oos buildings having been dt-rigmad between me and the lig h t I want th back crowding out «very other thought Press. themselves by reference to boohs rather take a look at your aura Oh, what and feeling. But hunger and exhaustion «bis than under the away of tradition. strange colors) Blue and black, w ith are not to be denied, and at last I went T M M t e la i are naoally grouped w ith - » s - a S f i S In sbert, no man can say that he ~ . biotebea of red. George, you have been «taaltbily to a iittla cabin w h trt a girl OORVStGMTS A a. ■ sqMFbor or two of one another. Bach learned cf hi« predeeeseors any oaf» and , , tbat ,OTO of my own age w a, 'keepia* bouse in a I .Ä S S Ä S S Ä to attract guests by high certain way of going at bis work, mW | me for myself at all. hut that you're hollow stamp, Just «uteld* flbe put rommaukXl”«. MrtcUr titles. For example, in Cau- the cousequrnce is that those couditicww her troualed bsad over the wall of bar • v iw L S U s w S w 'S “ after my money. That sea greeu tella under which alone can tbe design of me that yon love another. That purple primitive abode to conduct M exam­ tata are hotels which flaunt the signs c f any building be made suecenful are streak is undeniable evidence that yon ination. ' Who 1« you uns, bopf ‘ W bar’s t Tbe Fortunate Htar, Tbe Golden Proflla wanting. Wpce tbe world began no have proposed to at least a dozen girls you’ pavP 'W b ar’s you’ w arF ‘Wbar (an unusually frank confession for a mail has ever designed a good building and have been a bad, bad nun. That moot you bo a-goiuF were qneotious landlord to ngaku), The Bank Confer­ HerUCC Hundays ol each month independently of tradition. I t is as cer­ Venetian red indicates that if wo wete that 1 answered as well as 1 could. ring and Tbe Happiness. The food irf and Acme two Sunday »♦ every tain that no man ever w ill do so as it married you wouldn’t ba true to me TJien she said wisely, ‘I 'iow t thet you not so bad, but tire traveler who gone Tbnrs- MUNN A CO., to one of tbesa boners to sleep w in iaoertain that bo man w ill build agood, three months. AlgnaMg George N it, is ranned away. ’ M l B vm 4 w « v . R m Task. wish that he had gone to another. The swift, large freight carrying ship w ith ­ "This would have put me to flight, ^ l a U y i/r ite d . G. F. R o v tr a .,, you are a base deceirer. Ueuce from bedrooms are smwl, thin walled boxes out having consulted the lines id other my sight, villain! I haven’t Uudiad up hut she sprang out, told me to take her in which you may iwar tbe breathing ships not quite so highly developed— | for n(,,biu< . . _ Towa Topica place, and while I sat in tbe cramped P ro p . W The Field of A lt' » «Tl iXiXlDDCr s« quarters she brought me all that I could of your next neighbor or be kept awake The sour and early looking visitor eat and a paper of food to carry with half the night by tbe oonversatioo of _______ _ railed tbe little boy to him and took . A Btssag BsarW. at the other end of the hull, or, attorneys Three b ^ h e rs bearing a remarkable me. After assuring ms that she would him ow his knee. -Iteo happened that at still, be almoet stifled by tho We have the phrase as A tender heart have her ’par’ shoot any w e wbo might this partioular time be wished to make M one another are in tbe smoke from an opteM pipe u te ili ie be­ ed as a child,” but in reality cotbing la reaembl ba trying to recapture me, she pointed friends w ith him in order to stand well habit i i ^ Y i n g at the tame barber's business c a r d s so hard and cruel as youth. Ila judg A. C. WOODCOCK, the nearest way to a town, walked a ing indulged fa by tba man across tbe With his parents. roenta are inexorable. I t confounds tbe ■bop. i * m u n g since one of tbe broth­ way w itb me and aaid aa we parted, T pasngeway. " I like littlo boys,” mid tbe visitor. ers entered tbe shop early in tbe morn­ Tbe tea saloons furnish employment sinner and the sin. I t it impatient arid reckon you uns ’ill hev ter kins back Tbe boy looked aa i f be doubted it, implacable. Only after one has lived ing and waa shaved by a German who some time an marry mo fur a ll them to siogers and ventrlloquM s nr elocu­ but he held bis peace. and saffered aad has known tbo temp­ bud been at work in tbe shop only a few w ittle e a n fu rte llin folks we «pahaven't tionists, wbo ese hire# by tbo propri O re g o n “ That l a " explained tba visitor, in tations and tria l* <>f life does one learn , days. About uoou unotLi r Lrctiwr came tawen you wlien they cornea s'srcbtn.' I etor to euterlaia tba pa«» «b o gather order that there should be no mistake, VrL„ , „ - . BaiM iog- — there to drink tea and gossip. Upon to deal gently w ith tbe weaknesses and in and underwent u similar operation at promised her, erf courts. ” " I like good little boya end you’re a faaTta n< h i/h ro tb e r mau and to throw i »be h'nds of the ^ an- barber In the “ But yon cover told ns that you were ■mall tables are placed trays boMipg * good little boy, aren’t y o u r’ atjont tbe world tbe tender mid envelop- e’ M*««E »be »bird brtMhsr made Mflqp- .a l l l F ***' A *. s. s rAxiN. j . , e » - • b Jll*1 engag'd. ” laughed his b rillian t listener. variety of oakes and preserves, which T. o msoosio ««. » « s " W e ll,” returned the boy cautiously, leg mantle irf ehsrity »ud lytnpftth/. pearancs, whsn U s Germau, are served w itb each enp uf deliciaaa, "there are a lot worse than me on our Surely this brosdfr cmnprrtxfasico * nitonisbi»«nt. esotaim di " W in re can we find yoar mountain freshly made tea. daisy?” •«,0.000 street ’’ and sympathy is some compensation for i " V e il, npcu n»y vord, dst man haeb de B . O P 0 T ÍE B - RAID UF O AtH OAFITAL, Tbe house of entertainment pecnNaf " I w ith 1 could tell you. Tbe inci­ 7 ’ 7 . i s _ .i-.-_ u.— S ( ns^sr saw. j (haves him •60 000 ” 1 want that you ibould like me, to China is tba dog and cat meat rea- •U N FLU S AMD FMOFITg, growing old. Ta it may be added • he i fnshtert beard I never saw. dent was one of thcevents of my life. twa,” persisted the visitor. A t t o r n e y • • • fact not always appreciated— tbvf «« one dis morning, «baves him at dinner For tbe first time I know tbe rweetucm tauranL Thia does not mean that bonaa. — ----------— «• _____ A gain the boy was wise enough to grows older one en jn)« with a cultivat­ time, sod be gomes bark now m it bis cf sympathy I have grown to almost bold pets are there brought to ba ( m . IVdJNE, OHdON. y ^ O O O T J N T S S O L I C J I T W I D Hold his p» ace, but be looked as If he ed sense many thing* of w h k b youth 1« lieard so long aa it never rash. Ex­ detest tbo people from whom I sprang hnt that Tabby and Fide are served u fi thought tbe job waa a pretty big one. change. ORtaon profoundly ignorant. CUGINE, because of their ignorance and lack of in slews At , that ba w m a seeluee, Ben waa known pato emmgh. igttregnn. Monthly Mb 00 and expenees. sarlalmlag: ‘ H o , tbank ym t I have aa , htafr bigA with w itb pate enough, ano beeassM as a _ bad maa wbea interfered w ith and position ataadp. HWereme Knflom already eataw two of tbe accursed they found the places especially agrre- a rvepect that w m height* (Nay teok him tbinga, aad | want no more.’ ’— flea abta, M t to vtedioata their srIf-iMidreeeed stamped envelope. Tbe by tbe mystery w ith wkieh ha enr- to ba Manta Anna. Fraaetare Arpcwp aL G A R D IN E R ®tearner Rob arts H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, On tl,e lst>10th and 20th of e*ch HAMPTON NEW - ¥ ' Florence to Yaquina. WECAN SAVE YOU MONEY W "© T o n y d i r © o t f EUGENE-FLORENCE S T E A M E R “ C O O S ,” r o m t l x © f e t o t o r y H a v e n o o ld STAGE LINE. G o o d s i n s t o o ls .. E B angs, P roprietor. M i Huai of TMtj DiiY G0GDS) , G Bm m i s o s . A MOUNTAIN DAISY. ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. K HAMPTON BROS., N S O reeon. E u g e n e , Pullman Sleeping Elegant MORRIS HOTEL, Cars CORNER Bining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars DRUC STORE. a Dross, Bettes, Chemicals, A Head of Tide Hotel, G BTKIGXLT CLASH. THROUGH TICKETS F Thaw Ma ArcMtoataral I A eocene. W . B. I. EUGENE, - - - OREGON A. ».CHARLTON, E lk P r a i r i e H o t e l. r=_ Twentv-three Mil«« Wegt CUgeiiO. on i D aunts and e u ce N e Money Saved ■y Patronizing it. «intim isaifaw. eateg »• »• TrwUifSL Geo. Hale YmlhU Crasiljr. I Attorney at Law, flKST RATIONAL |ANK OF CUQCNE. . Notary P.