★ houifi Fa»»:*. I don’t wonder that tho carriages of tbo rich and noble so inflamed the pas­ X ■iic sions of Iho peasantry thut tho result Wbrn you t*ko Flood’* Pill*. T hrtlg, oM-fasb- was the French revolution. I o im m I, sMgar-'’o*tt d pll!*, which t»*r you all to * I am not a peasant, and I hire a cab pieces, arc not In it w*th Flood**. F a*y to take whenever I w ant one, but I must say * that uiv gorge rises at the sight of some -& * 1 of our fashionable equipages and their -to * occupants. I t ’s a caso of nose iu tho air ail * * hml easy to operate, I* true througle ifr ot Hood's Pill«, which are Tlie horse« have their noee* io the air up to data in every respect * because they are "checked up for the Safe, certain :med envelope. The way when they enter a private box They hat e not shed a saany lew ». pace, judging ly cur aerometer, which rather rusty ruralite wandered in, and Do i.inion Company, liept. Y Chicago. Dear uyes, eii.ee first I kr.ovr thorn well. They com<> it) noisily, und turu around clicked with the regularity cf a clock aj Mr. Jackson immediately saw iu the half a dt<*»u times ere they can fiud a Tat tear* they abed. They had their prut newcomer opportunities for fuu. A DISH OF SNAILS. it marked tho miles and degrees. resting place, like a deg before the fire, Of sorrow, for when tim e *»a* ripe “ llev y eg o t a telephone?" stammered At dawn cor aerial navigator was '!%<• stt’.l affliction of thn heart •< M ove T X m » 1. » 0 0 , OSO and then th«y survey the rest of the an- Frofit* la Studi* the caller. safely anchored w ithin the rock in­ Became an outward brcnihiiig type. die-nce w ith such a patieuiziug air of l i e >* A a a a s l l x - "C ertain ly ;” replied Juck’on, "there closure, and wo were vvrappied in our Shot Into »tillnes.* pu»*«l again Atvl left a want unknown b« Core. It may surprise unsay readers to learn proprietoiship th at I almost hope they blankets under our tents. Ned was soon it is on the wall. Help yourself to it." Although the ¡cat that brought it* pain, snering, but, exo.ted and unnerved as I Then, as the stranger slowly walked up that the common garden snail, regarded will fail out of the box or bo drugged T! at Uas bat wede na love the mere, was, I could not sleep and at last threw to tlie telephone und began looking it as an unmitigated p«»t by agriculturists out by the irate populace.— I’olly Pry ö O - im l n o i d s Willi further looking* in The k ija , tho blankefs aside and entered tbo in- over, Jackson passed word among the in this i-OBitry, Is n*«d for food by in New York Recorder. The woven anus, s'eru but to to closure to feast my eyes on my treasure. clerks to w at h the experiment of a jay thousand* of psnous, anil when proper ly Weak symbol» of the settled bliss. BA»rb Voar I closed tny eyes and soou was lost to iu trying to use a telephone for the first cocked is esteemed a dainty diah by epi­ H it < ornfert, 1 have found In thee. John D. Carroll, chief detective of a Imi Hint <}od blew thee, dear, who wrought consciousness until tho fam iliar pressor« time. Two npltlts to one tonal mind, The visitor looked the instrum ent cures in all the groat cities of the world. wheelman’s insurance company, said o f finger tip* on m y shoulder awakened kith L’.essingo beyond tope or thought, Seta W itn over carefully, as if trying to figure oat Ne t only is this the case in foreign conu- recently: "E very owner should have a mo to the well known voice souudiyg With b)-**‘i.g* which no words con find. —•'xeiiiiywcn. bow to use it. The entire office force trios, where the overcrowding of tho private mark upon his or her wheel iu my ear: V.as n u t h ug bi n with unconcealed population renders it obligatory that By this 1 don’t mean a simple mark “ Jack, Jack, como quick!" There was au earnestness in the tones amusement Finally he timidly took everything edible should be eaten, but upon the suddlo post or cn tho «addle it­ AN AERIAL FLIG H T. I hud uev ta u t I m ight iho more fully devotu my eral ways of « « k in g ike dish, the most w ill be deli tim e to tho solution cf thn problem by termined thut I shall marry Cousiu W h o * M ia trn* s » * l^ lo r Says. pursuit« can succeed without reading and extrav-^st-f kw -g w ith a sauce of sweet evolving from my m ental workshop Tom. Tho cakes are baked and in the Women always pret«„l that they barbs, milk, Iwttcr, eksasc, boiled wine, some practical ereutiou which wouid pantry. The guests are nil invited fcr studying (Lis gtutidard Magazine of Science» tlio wedding tomorrow and tho liceuso cun i con y their ho wlier.t flour and saffron. bring to mu both fame and fortune. A realist « a ma» t L'aac aigi t has ulw ays been regarded Marie wns u modern woman in every is cu tho library table. W hat cun we uud uu’chanical Aits. It is illustrated with an a.igi'1 with side as Lutnticr.s and whole« me. In the respect. She had been caught on the do?" Of ccnrsn there wits but one thing to feat hers middle ages he was used as medicine jjjyehulcgioa) wave th a t wus «weeping all mod» rn cuts of latest inventions in all ■ bis a woman and pounded in a mortar. Stewed in The older and moco around the world aud ws* fam iliar with do, uud thut wo ditl w ithout delay. »7*« so.« »a« young n.i.k, he was regarded as a specific in Murin stele quietly down into llte libra­ g e ts, the t n o » sho vi all tho ’oeophie« and ’ologies thut ac­ the bi'iiuchos of inechaaisui. and its fund oi lung d scaso. Ho bus alw ays been cat, :i companied tho movement, bhe was un ry and seeuied tin' licenro. How simp ' ¡mil s illy A fnt woman can never think badly n w atlcr to erase cue name und aubsti in the Et u'.h them. They have a t ;mey for both h«m- w vrutioiw 1 had essayed, uud when he arose for 1,001) feet or more. As we ing machine, c iu t i’t, you? i lex k and l eiiauonua, and ca*?* of poison­ beard my story ho entered heartily into turned Iho seareh'lioht ou tho w rick we Dr Piigariick— Yes my plans, which, if perfected, would saw n figure clad in a long, w hitom ght- llunkius— Anti yet you said she ing se nictimcs occur as a result of eating suails w hich have not teen properly levnluttnulco modern truffle uud travel. robe gazing at us, und u voice, trem ­ might ride the ticyeio? 1 cleansed—i. c., starved—before being One month later found us ill tho bling w ith rage, called: Dr Piigariick--Yea. “ M ure, tiomo down herol” h eart of »ho It.vky trountaius uud fur Iiuiikius— Well. I'd like to know how brought to table. He ic classed by tho “ Poor p ap a ."—Chicago Tribune, dealers as auioug shellfish and ia iu from the beaten trail of proapector, you reason it out great demand aa a Lenten delicacy. , spxirtamau or udvenlurer. This monthly magazine ia one of the very Dr Pilgarlu k—1 don't rensou it out C o u ld n 't 1*0 H o c v lv e d . Our pock animal« were already b«-- ut all There isu t any room for reason Heaps of them arc exposed for sale ou Denui* McCarty, a ttue son of Erin, iu your w ife s ease —Cleveland Leader the conntcrs at tlie hnllcs, aide by aide beat printed in this couutry, uud ts sold glcning to show signs cf collapse, so sc-' w ith li haters andiruvvfish, for the craw­ verc hud been the fa tig u tse f tho moun­ was nuiug his ncightior, William Biuilh, to all fiubttcrihct* ut ruUit withiu th« for damagi’a nciMlfioned by the defend- , fish in st • s. v French dainty. I t h«v A l*©fwned Opinion. ta in journey, t»aioni in Borueaux to e> Beuliaiug tho imprudenro cf farthor ant's carelessness in allow iug liis don­ Hon—Pa, what is a whtsky straight? long hs.-n -ibiiity of all to pay. It u itueiy Uhs* advanct skyward, wo were nbout to turn key to escape from his stuble ami tres­ Father (Who knows whereof)—fcr— on Ash Y, ». aesday to the commune ci luck uud seek rtuwi sheltered valley iu pass npou pJaintilf’s premises, thus uo- well, my boy. a large, swelled head, an Cr.i di ran, which is noted for its csoar- trated aud preaeuta tit«« iiuiuch of faluou. gotencs («o«il farms) to feast upon es­ m m ilder atmosphere, w htu 1 felt a gen­ iug much niischitf iu his garden. orroueous impression of great anti snd McCarty stepped into the witness cargot by ▼ ’ ' f winding up the car­ tle pressor» cu my shoulder. Involun­ lieu wealth, a disposition to tight a man authors aa contributors. T mm Wen tarily I turned, ejpectiug to wo my box to give evidence iu support of hi* twice your size, uu uptneis lor making nival and I • ing Lfiit. ease, uud when he had finished tlie law­ Along the Of,to d ’Or and in tho lowct comrade beaido me, only to find him and th»- Cosmopolitan a r e so ld a t re­ the world to appear lopsided uud to be several feet away, pulling w ith oil bis yer who appeared for tl.e defendant pto- revolving rapidly—auy one of them Alps snail p u k in g furnishes employ duced rates at thie «flic«- m ight the cinch strap on one of the Deeded to cross examine him. may be properly called a whisky's incut to huudrt us cf people und is car "N ow iio you mean to say thut u!l ried ou much as bx try picking. In th* pack satin*!* 1 lifted my foot to tho tra it.—Hurhni L.fe early morn.ng, when the slimy trail cf stirrup, and again I felt tho prt ssuro this injury to »he piopirty of w hnli the snail glistens w herever he I ich crawl mouiy. A woman who ha» hfl her —New York Journal (la c lu d la < nosta to any p i n of the U n ited women, ami their thoughts are worthy the bear» ki eper jirefrra them, and in which nean upheaval had partially cleft thf purse at loaiie or a man w ho bus apelil . Ktetea* Canada aod Mexico* she ] i j s a cent apiece for them.*—What jeak, and through all lit« cocntlesa all hia change speculating iu stocks, if O n ly a Li.tie Oue. T ld C W F S K L Y C H ttO N IC L R . the briebtem consideration of all people. The Arena in. and most oomplete W ea k ly Newspaper la the to Lat. ______ • cant that lnui lollowcd III.* action el ordinarily well urcssed, luis only Io till world, prints regularly SA coin mas. or twelve Iho eouunctor the oonditiou t f ahnirs, Host uud wufer had gradually worn pe«M. of Xews. U teratu re aad General Into rm e- *»oloint to I*' insisted u i» n is that, it ' J J -^L- Fit there wu* fur ussl ;ui open circular desired point. ts uot sufficient to purehxae land foi SAMPLE COPIES SENT F R -6 . The toudnetor give* tho pcuuilcaa »paw several foot iu diam eter anil near paiks. They must be planted w ith car» passcuger an ejjvclopn m.drtftsi d I o t o il r stirnnuidot) by u solid w all of rock. uud mail.tamed w ith taste, and to keep d o y o u w a n t t h e If ia needless to go into di lull* ecu office of the company, in which to for­ them in «enuttiou renewed expenditure ward later the locking nickel. Thi* i* t »ruing ti e progress cf tin* work. There C H R O N IC L E is necessary. They cauuot merely he .era the usual m aaous of experiment done aa a m atter of conrae, and culy a pure based and h it to nature and the cd failure, of hope ami despondent y, passenger who looks diuepntablo i s u t i publx. They must be cultivated, prune», tu t through it «Il * j great cnu tu re w ith rvr^ must ccsiatauiiy be made to securw lib­ made Its* apptarant e. And during all eral appn piiutioua lor its proper main "Y ou w om en," said he iu tbs pecu s--’ ' f - f t tiflio ©ccojdad in the construction of Ot lias of till.-«!!,*« Much difficulty exists in ini thia Wrdliko navigator I had L uu so of­ lisrly exasjo rating wuy a man O N T U X O T H Ï R SICK. piiasisii this tact up» u citizens, hut in Yon wonieu ten , ucouraged and advised w hin up- saying iliosc two words, t me they w ill realirc that a great art brcauM) they uro fie n d n a a n d O « t h * SSa? e a 4 |.ny bargain thing* p ari nt failur» coufrc.uted mo by the “ No. I can’t give you a job i'va a< di u.am.i. cv ut ¡ iiuous liberal supp<*Tt. and W a v k lT « h ro n tc lrt O n* T aaa, n u « Vcloe that hud Jed me to the sptot cheap. ” many hands uow uh I con fiud work v.c may lx- sure that they w ill then be P » * * « a»«P«M on «< > aaSFagp* "W o do n o t," said »ha. ‘‘We buy th a t it really s*»rued as if Mi.ti» v a t ua as gem rous iu m aiulaininganditnprov- fo r." ancacsa folly fdenuried v ilh the amreaa cf u.y riieap tbiuga because they are bargains. " "W ell, that uecdu t «11 d iu y e rw a y , i g tl.e put k« ot tlie country as limy The distinction wa* aluiost too suhtl« vm lertakiug as myself. guv’nor The Tittle I" ' '•> wonldu’t >.»vc pmveo lobe m purrhasiag them.— " A ll aboard!'' thouted Ted as we n ek for Ibe blundering masculine intcllw t. tuukv uo difiirt'Oev. Jaary