PERSONALS. «2000 HOW TO raw OUT. Rev. I . G. Knotts made • trip toPoint Terrace Tuesday. Hilly Mansfield is doing business in Florence thia week. thmk that Schillings Best is the cheapest o f all the hiking powders that you ever knew of “ Bat,’’ you may say, “I can get baking powder half the money.” Yes, but Schillings B e st\s worth more than twice as much, because it does more work and does no harm as alum and other cheap baking powders do. Win. Boring was greeting friend* Florence yesterday. in M r. and Mrs. L. C. Ackerly were in town Wednesday evening. A. P. Knowles and Silas Blackman spent Wednesday night in Florence Messrs. Jorgensen and Starr wen t to ! Waldport via. of the lieacli Monday. Win. Kyle and I. B. Cushman return­ ed Saturday from a visit to San Fran­ cisco. W4 F ill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand tarenty-lour hours; a sediment or settling Indicates an un­ healthy condition ol the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kid­ ney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the track, is also con­ vincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out ol order. W H A T TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often exp-essetl, that Dr. K ilm er’s swamp-root, the great kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder anti every part of the urinary passage. I t corrects inability to hold urine anti scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and over­ comes that unpleasant necessity of be­ ing compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and extraordinary effect of swainp-root is soon realized. I t stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis­ tressing cases. If you nead a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ lar. You may have a sample hottie and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention The W est and send yonr ad­ dress to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y . The proprietor of this paper guarantees the genuineness of this offer. A S iuslaw C om pany O rganized, CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 - Amos Haring and wife returned last Friday from a two weeks visit with relatives at Coos bay. AT THE CHURCH. Mrs. Vanderburg of North Fork is visiting with her daughter and friends A meeting of the congregation of the -rO B L IB IIK D EVERT FRIDAY MORS ISO — B y a W bst C orrespondent . in Florence this week. Presbyterian church of Florence is to he George. Griffith and John Lanham cit­ helil this afternoon to arrange some Dee. 11th, 1797. were in Flor- —F lorence , L anb C ovxty , O uuo n .— business affairs. , izens of the cat« . country, . . Many settlers hereabouts are dehorn­ Last Sunday being the end of the ' enee thi* week on business • - • BY - - - Keeper Hald and Assistant Keeper ing their cattle. fourth year of M r. Knott’s labors as The wind this week threw trees across pastor, communion services were held Fshy of Heceta light house were doing all the roads hereabouts. in the morning. Three children and business in Florence Saturday. Editor and Proprietor. one adult were baptized and six mem­ W alter M iller is living on his farm in Mrs. Robert Paesctike of Hermann bers added to the church. who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Chickahominy bottom again. — T erms : $1.50 a year in advance.------ ' A. R. Fouke returned borne on Friday’s Marion Wheeler got home tonight FLORENCE 8CHOOL REPORT. I bOUt. from a very wet packing trip to Eugene. Entered at the post-office at Florence, We have been having a very mild fall lame county, Oregon, as second-class HATCHERY FOR STEELHEAD S. Report of Florence school from Nov. and stock lias neeeded but little hay as mall matter. 7th to Dec. 3rd 1897. Oregonian : Thomas Brown and Geo. yet. No of days taugtit 18 P O S T M A S T E R S A P P O IN T E D . The new purchaser of the Thompson- »nVERTIÜISG RATES MADE KNOWN ON A P­ No of days attendance 658 Broughton, of Oregon City, have PLICATION. No of days nbeence 16 made an offer to I I . D. McGuire, state Hans homestead on Chickahominy has The following Oregon postmasters >e and coming in. They are also giving some James H . leaver writes that he is James E. Hill prices. Teacher. attention to the propagation of sturgeon coming back to live on his Nelson creek Copartners by the The San Francisco Examiner and the name of Kobe ened yet. I t took that »aid proof will be made before C. H. Hol­ some work to open a horse trail. through to Mapleton lest Friday on I wonder why. den U. 8. CommlMioner at Florence. Oregon, clerk, of last year, were both re-elected. Three recent aeltlers on Deadwood on December 1 8 ,1 « , viz: Martha IE Martin, account of the road being blocked but W e hear there was an enormous cou- Frank Baragar, of Salem, was elected and its tributaries, Morseman, Beard widow of James Martin, on h. e. no. 6*60 for the mail was brought in on horseback. gar seen last night on the walk or in the i messenger, and Horn, have wearied in well-doing the n » x neQ of «ee. 16, tp. IS «., r. 10 v « t . Make your children happy with a slough. Which was it girls? 8UNOAY SERVICE8. She name« the following wltne««e» to prove and will leave and try to do better ¡1 Christina* gift. W e have a fine new her contlnnou« residence upon and cultivation M . Lyons has taken the contract, and the roads ever become passable again. of, said laud, viz: assortment. Meyer A Kyle. Preaching in the church in Florence is now at work removing the large pile Still there are more Immigrants to, than 8. H. Hoffman, and Oeorge Allen of Point next Sabbath, Dec. 19th at 11 a. in. and l i t M U T e a r B a s r a la W i t h C a a e a r a ta . of sawdust from Cushman m ill. emigrants from that region every year. Terrace, Or.; A. I . Hadaall, and M. J. Uadsall C and y C a th a r tic , c u r e c o n s tip a tio n fo rev e r. 7 p. tu. All are invited. of Mapleton, Oregon. I . B. Cushman returned home Satur­ Me. S6c. H C .O .C f a ll , d r u g g is ts refu n d m on ey. Last Monday evening Jim Pope sat in R. M. VazTCR, 1. G. K nott «, paetor, day from a flying trip to San Francisco. Register. his bachelor lair near Alpha with his About 1,000,000 young fish have been H e reports the lumber trade dull. shoes off, about ready to douse the glim H O W '8 T H I8 . turned out of the Clackentes hatchery and turn in, when there came a knock A very pleasant evening enjoyed at , --------- already tide season. There are now the home oi home of M r. Mud Mrs. | We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- at the door. “ Come in ,” said Jim. The about 5,000,000 eggs in the troughs in < Hewitt by a number of friends Tuesday warJ for any CMe 0[ catarrh that cannot door opener! and in tiled hall a dozen V 1 all stages of hatching. STO C K young men of the neighborhood, Jim eve. : be cured by H a ll’s Catarrh Cure. his surprise ! Catarrh in the head, that troublesome was surprised at this, hut M r. Gates is improving his property ' F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. and disgusting disease, may be entirely in the way of new side walks. A good j We, the undersigned, have known F. increased when there followed a file cored by a thorough course of Hood's example that should be foiled by other i J. Cheney for the laat 15 yearz, and of merry lasses until the house was Sarsaparilla, the great bood purifier. ' believe him perfectly honorable in all filled. I t waa a genuine surprise party, Acmeites. _____ .______ ' business tranaactiona and financially and the gucats declared that they never The W est has for sale one year’s ALPHA CLIPPINGS- I able io carry out any obligation« made enjoyed a merrier evening. The candy tuition in the Holmes Business College thev made and consumed made a hole of Portland. This is one of the leading i by their firm. B y E venciianoe . West A Truax, wholeaaio druggist«, in Jim ’s sugar barrel, and the other good business colleges on the coosU^^^'ing Dec. 6 t h ,1897. Toledo, O. Walding, Kinuan A Marvin, things they enjoyed were numerous. English, Commercial, Sho^w ^JB and [Received after laat week’s ¡«sue went wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Mrs. Nancy E. Tabor wife of Thomas offer Telegraphic departments and H a ll’« Catarrh Cure la taken internal­ Tabor died last Monday at the family to press.] this tuition on easy terms. M r. Emuel Robarte of Lake creek who ly, acting directly npon the blood and residence, three miles west of Eugene I f you are going east on a business has recently returned from Switzerland nincona surface« of the system. Tea- last Monday. Mrs. Talxir’a was an trip or on a visit now is the time to go. la up visiting old friends for a lew days.' t ¡menials sent free. Price 76c. P«' eventful life. Her first husband wss a And when yon go take the Northern M r. Dysinger, by whom alie had several ' Mr». H . J. Tabor left for Eugene last | hottie. Hold by all druggist Pacific for they are selling tickets at children, one of whom, George, is a part­ H a ll’s Family n il« are the best. reduced rates. For full information call week where ihe will spend a few weeks ner in the Junction-Deadwood mail I Stone V n ’t compete with zinc for GRAND BALL. | d urab il^ Tiii this climate. Many years on or address K. McMurphy, General visiting and have some dental work contract. After tier husband’« death done before returning. f j y ’ ¿rk erecting Uwlsanda upon Agent, Eugene, Oregon. the married M r. Pope, who had a family j of I ij J Don’t miaa the Grand Ball to be given of children, and her daughter Martha ' th c n *...i. of zinc Monuments, under M r. Granville Lundy returned yestei- ’ Don’t forget the Northern Pacific isthe '*er»om in Florence Christmas Eve. I t will married Pope’s son John. A number of scientific efforts have brought only line running Upholstered Pullman day from Lake creek where he dehorned that hat children were born to the deceased and WHtTE B sonze M onument « Tourist sleepers throogh to the East a large number of cattle for Messrs. surpass anything of ita kind ever happened in the Sinalaw valley. valley M r Pope, and the latter died, and in To a high atate of perfection. Better for without delay or transfer. No change Burnett and Wheeler. Come and eojoy an event oi » life 1894 site married M r. Tabor. No child- 2,000 or more year« than any granite lor Much rain, a little mnd, thia aerene of cars at Portland. No other line can ran resulted from this union. The 140 years. time. climate of ours has a light touch of AI- offer this inducement. Rates via. this 60c. Bo not deceived longer. Buy W hile - • • homestead on which stand* the Dead­ popular line are reduced for the present. aaka in it. Though we are much more Ball ticket 75c Midnight supper Morris Hotel I wood poatoffice belong« the deceased, Bronae Monuments. Call on or addrees R. McMurphy, Gen­ favored than portions of the east, where F. A. T ozier , Agent, who was among the pioneer« of I-ake it is 20 to 50 Itelow zero and have a waf­ eral Agent, Eugene, Oregon. • ■darata Yaar Bewala W ith Caaearata. E ogeoe, Ore. creek country, ami her daughter Martha < * n ,is c a t h a r t ic , c u re c o n s tip a tio n foravar. A N T E D -T R U S T W O R T H T AND er famine at the same time. I- H e . K C C . C. f a ll, d r u g g l.t . refund moaay. is poatinislreas. John Pope lias for a W c. A number of our young juveniles both active gentlemen or ladiee to , number of years rented the farm hi« WORK FINISHED- MASONIC CLCCTION- travel for responsible, established house girls and boy« gave onr worthy bachelor mother-in law. A large family ol child- in Oregon. Monthly *«4.00 and expensee. friend Jaa. Pope a pleaeant aurpriae last At the meeting of the Masonic lodge ran and grandchildren are left, iii'jst of Poeition steady. Reference. Enclose Tuesday night by gathering in and hav­ lh e work of clearing out the dirt from Mr«. Tat>or was aalf-addreeead stamped envelope. The ing a royal good time. All went home g , tord, T waning Dec. l lt h , the follow- ’ the «Hiildren married, . . i . i the quarry at Point T erra.* waa Hniahe-t , W 1 excellent woman, and hatl the reepet t Uie lin-rv happy wishing their genial host nine!: ing MBter* were elected for the next Dominion Oompany, Dept. Y Chicago, of all who knew her. M ill. a daughter t| < f mo ||b of year The installation ezerci«»« will ba The phonographic entertainment tntnre prosperity. and her htahand aim left her homaatead , t„ re,, ,„ e blli,,|ll)lfM there Frank Potterf hat been out at Elk held Qec. 2Tlh, 1*07. Tuesday evening was well attended and ( about two year, ago and they l.ave am -a i t))Rw W Maate* O W Hutd was appreciated by all. M r. Craven bat Prairie where he haa completed a fine lupt. ■ , resided wlieee atm die- j Jacoburger who has bad charge >• 8 Warden system of wafer works for Geo. Hale, C B Morgan a good instrument and it could ba heard J Warden J I i»atl<-r1i«-ld tlie work, Informed tia that he Impeä t- COUNCIL MCCTINC. qnite distinctly In all part» ol the Urge with one hundred feet pressure, who Ireaanrer keep* OM of the stag« Stands. M r. Hale ' _____ have all the bu«ineaa here arranged »• 8 G Liudsley ball. Secretary who ie a progreaaive practical eitlata I G Knotts A meeting al the rity connc'l waa beiti he can leave next week. A’a.nt 46 OK) S D-un on use* the water to wash off stage horie» tons of n»:k have toe-n need and annat E W Cobh Munday «veiling with «II the meint er» $ 2 O O O — J Deacon and wagons and water lor the barn, with 450 feet of jetty »milt this year. Tin A W Cox In tha matter-if the M il i preoeni. Tyler etunimi ha» «-hange-t so that nearly al. W G Martin ~ ‘ ' plenty of premure i in case of fire to e t - j . R. Weddie for aix month» pay fur * Steward Wa understand it R B Mill« b a k in g p o w - I tingnuh the tame. servii-ea as city m. r»h«l, «It«’ cnuahlet- the water flow« o-tt through the anon J Steward on a eery fine entrance and as the Jettv a b lit m-t»rl\ g g ’ aan h . tard, by putting pu TlmsHtest-r «11* diecurrios it » « voted togliow him (Jer ¡« «ucM baking ooaa'e, and directing it at an animal aervow thettieold ct.«n"»l ¡<> »t alin» * 8 ; « month In bat time. water, the work of extending the jn»t> you would ask UA to make is that ttie force <4 the water will take the Q C B O F U LA in iu (onn power • hair off and leave a genuine nice cool 9 yield« tu Ute blood cleansing can ne 1« i™ «lone •— for --------------- much 1« m — coat par run — — • , T a C a r. C oM tlea“ »« CTn THEE W E S T W.TI. WEATIIERSON No. of Shares 10,000, at $10 EACH. • « E verybody’s O pportunity W h o De­ sir e s to V isit th e N ew Eldorado. This is a Home Company. Every Citizen ofthe Siuslaw V alley S h o u l d ^ ^ ^ ^ f Own aC Least one Share. ITS AUS AR3 P3RBLÏ GJ-3P3R VÏI7E / VESSEL N O W IN PROCESS OF C O N S TR U C T! O m W IL L BE O W N EO ZB YTH E C O M P A N Y ; W ork B eing Pushed V igorously. S U B S C R IP T IO N B O O KS C A N BE S E E N A T T H E O F F IC E O F C . H . H O L D E N .. DON'T MBS T33 m i f JNITi 0? i LIF2 T ill t> S A n r l i j fj.- S in k Cn s> by .^ ^ ^ ^ L e a v ln g Their Names Alaska Cold Minin* & Navigation Co. W OREGON. FLORENCE. Sth ilitl'» B*si you knew |he facta. » ‘ d) • brand. wi-ho«t the ta-iel pein made by • ; bet beendia« iroa. of Hood’* bermparilla. bees perfectly ^Maaa" .b a » -.« .a ~ « -i» » > . -a -1 j N dy cathartic CURtCOnSTIMTlON IO< >0« ÄBSOLÜTBLT $0lJlMTE8I>^ Ig j DRIKMIST3 ROT PSNNRlBMHr«. CBBROTR* I sn H r. M m I 1 « m- » r t a . « al raosa sm * i