The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, December 17, 1897, Image 2

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    r p T ^ r jp ,
- „ .» » » « » .« v ,» »
t r
y g y r.
Our people
ôary invites discussion when « iría » umb slang ,
Ab- They Lees
i . . Chance fo r Ever,body te
M m Esteem
w ith very m any other
end Rsepect of
Refined People.
eist in Securing a Great Reform.
full faith in
prim-ipl«-« oi lit** Omuha platform ,
goo,I citizen» we
despair o( law -m aking and governm ent
ex clu sively by party
Short retirem ent» urge sw eet returns.
1 and a» one oi m any good reasons ior our
Avarrice is more unlovely than m is­
opinion, we call atten tion to th e con­
r Poatinnater-General
w iu m m v i - M v u w « . Gary
— , ---------
, tessed
elplessness o i m
fessed H
th e irituunv»..
, -i w i êwaÂw i«
How blessings brighten as they take
presses pleasure at the widespread conversation, and taking apparently w.
their Hight.
_____ _j
'com m ent upon his rccommenda-1 fixed a place in our talk,
w rit«, hd
gold dem ocratic allie« in tho «enate, are
The happiest wom an like the liap* .
tion lor the establishment of postal j ward W. Bok in .b e Dw euilw r L adies’
vet unable to enact thcii banking and
“ ▲ini tl.e w ent of it
pi eat nation has no history.
Editor p.ud Proprietor.
The crAvintz for a delicate fruit ia
I discussion o f the subject. * I f we i i . t h a t « , m any people are using slang
In com m on with other A m ericans we
put our heads together,”
the i entirely unconscious of the ■non
fa t usage
that te lie v e ia a governm ent by a m ajority i p l°ssBnter 1
t ie rui 1 s
¡ I I I |» i i l
------ r
¡»ostiaaster-geiieral Hays, “ the . right
on ¡ ..„
7 . 1 they arc doing so. „ II th
. e t com
. m
„ .„
U r «»
citinenn iD,tead 0( tho eorah‘ ned
8 “tirc
“b° " t m en
e" 7 * 7
partiel). T h i, their liv e , and eulogy after their death,
j plan can be deyised, and that . » ¡ o ( slang were confirm ed 1 • to - a ...
...... alar
order of g irl., it would p e r n a p ^ serve
th e
AW«»? t‘r «ple'r tiri*.
I the rtntntry want».1'
Absence in love is like water upon
U ndoiibtcdly, all reformer« are work­
It is not often that a cabinet
citizens direct power over law -uiakiug, fire; a little quicken« it, but much cx-
in g to accom plish the M ine reault.
8UCf, disposition unnoticed. I*, w ould, at ien«:,
including the election of U nited States ' it.
,want a condition established th at wi
- ’ S !
to learn the lesires of
o f the
the people
people touch th e «eiw i’d lities of gentle-IWk senators by the people.
True lienevolence is to love all m en. i
p .a k e it possible for all to be pr.isperoua on m atters o f legislation connected But it is not so confined. Kiang is in
To this end we recom m end th a t the Recom pense injury w ith justice, and
a n d happy. R epu blican , you w ant this
ent of his vading the very nicest circles; it is
____ _______
members of our party in C lackam as k¡nd ne«s with kindness,
"conditipu to prev»ij d o n ’t you? We
. . . ~ do ; d
beginning to inrtuence <liv talk oi our
county and elsew here u n ite w itli a il
A man m ust be excessively stupid as
n o t think you, as a rale, desire a ton tli- i ,
reqn(,gt for a widespread m ost carefu l)-reared girls. And tins •»
a ,_ ' friends of direct law m aking by all the well as uncharitable who believe« there
.tion to prevail
*®l,ld inake !t popular
popular expression of opinion on
, ....... .... ...
, ! citizens, regardless of previous party af- is no virtue but on hi« own side.
posaible lor only republicans to be pro«- , the uuhi«et
subject should
should meet
meet with
with tention Girlti are forgetting that slang ! filiation« or principles oil th e m oney
oeroua and happy. We do not believe hearty responae on the part o f the phrase» and refinem ent are absolutely J
Though avarice will preserve a man
question or any other political issue, and
■ghat you are that selfish. Dem ocrats people. The newspapers have nl-j foreign to each otiier, A slapg phrase
from being necessitonsly poor, it gene­
r .
form direct legislation clu bs in every rally makes him too tim orous to be
and populists, a« v r il «» lree-»ilver rs- ready preformed
duty in U
donned their tuny
te m
ay Ire
ne m
ore e expressive
x p r — ve than
v,.».. - a term of
ct a i i i l w e ilre w illin g t0 u n ite
These Goods W ill Run Out at
jm blicana, you desire this sam e general
w ealthy.
mat ter. Ijabor organizations, too, | polite ...age, hut ,t . . never i m p r o v e , P ™
happy condition W PrerP‘l> d o u ’t you? have very generally given con sid -' except to im press unfavorably. 1» is
Those who are unacquainted w ith the
Quick Work of
•Then let us reason togetlier. A ll, or a eratlon to the subject and with high tim e that our girls suould realise tion party. By this m ethod congress, world take pleasure in the intim acy of !
the legislatures and city councils can great m e n ; those w ho are wiser dread
great m ajority o l tho people do not care
th in
at they
m e v should
h iio u i . i
» w » th e E:iglisn
uiiMiimous voice ltave asked for th
be m ade the servants of the
particularly w hat party i . in c o u t f o f o l ,
the consequences.
It remains now for language in their conversation, and not »
fact as they now are in theory
t h e governm ent, providing reasonable
The heart is a sm all thing, but de-
other bodies, e»pedally those rep­ tlic dialect of the race track, nor the e r i cannot be done in any other
and tbii
honesty and econom y prevail» and a
sireth great m atters. It is not sutliei-1
resenting the conymercial interests lingo of tiie bus« ball field. A girl m ay
p olicy is adopted th at m akes these eou 4‘ 1 of the country, to give th“‘r ftP J cause a sm ile hv the apt use oi som e wav,
, . „
, en t for a k ite’i dinner yet tho whole
W e RiijttjcRt the lollow'ing as a general ;
: world
1-1 S is
oa M
A» sufficient
ASA * for 1?
jditions possible. A ll w ant good eco “• 1 p r o y a | t o t h e a g i t a t i o n , in order slang
„ . phrase. But, inw ardly, tf o«e
statem en t of the one principle on w hich
u om ical,goven ,tn au t m ethods pursued,
congress may be assured t h a t , who applaud her ph t.e her, at tu e
give a just
such an organization should lie formed.
t h a t will treat the m illionaire or the
o f all classes in the sam e tim e, in their estim ation No
N gir:
estim ate of us, since there are m any
W e the undersigned citizens of
paujier with equal fsirpess, and the
.g virtually united ill favor ever won an ounce of r c.p e el by being
■People’s perfections of a m an w hich are not
county, Or. hereby form the
ab olish m en t of all uujuat el w
IMP*1* ' : of the early Establishment o f these slangy. On the contrary, m any a giri, Party D irect le g isla tio n Club, and de capable of appearing in action s.
tio n . AH
you »r« honest,
'■ of * yçu, “ if —
_needed institutions for the unconscious of the cause, nas foun . her­ 1 clare the follow ing to be our princip les: ‘ Natural abilities can alm ost com pen-
desire th at the greatest good to th e great safe-keeping of the savings of per­ self gradually slipping out of people’s
W e favor direct and suprem e law mak- gg(e {or ttie w ant 0 [ every kind of culti-
e st num licr sh all bn tl»« m axim . Sone sons o f modern means. It may be respect by the fact th at her talk was
ing power in the citizens, through the ration, but no cultivation of the m ind
of you, probably, would vote fpr a had t r u e
th ftt y ie commercial and dotted with slang phrases, t i n , sue is In itiative and optional R eferendum ,
can m ake up for tho w ant of natural
m ail if you m e w It. Then w h y do it? ,)UB¡neHH c la s s e s o f the country so clever,’ Baid a wom an not long ago, of w ithout abolishing congress or the leg ­
ab i.ities.
W hy allow your partisan sp irit to run h a y e J|Ot BUCjl a n ¡inmediato par- a girl who could keep a com pany com ­ islature. U n til these changes are m ade
The bed is a bundle of paradoxes, we
clear away w ith your Judgem ent?
sonif.1 interest in the establishm ent pany constantly am used by tier apt use in our written constitutions and laws, go to it w ith reluctance yet w e qu it it
W ill you not be men and a»»ert your ( q |.
gavings banks as have the of slung. ’Sue am uses m e greatly. But th e m en elected to office on our tick et with regret; we m ake up our m inds;
m anhood when you go to the poll» to , wage-earners. I’ut the commer­ I sliould not care to in vite her to m y shall voluntarily apply th e principle of
every even in g to leave it cariy, hut we
ca st vQur vote? W ill you n o t have cial portion of the community can- hom e nor have tuy girls know tier.’ It direct law m aking by all th e people so ! m ake np our b o jieg
every m orning to
th n t am ount of political in.leiiendenqe nQj ftflrorti to m anifest indifference is a poor popularity for a girl, w hich has
far as it can be don e.
keep it Into,
th a t is necessary to cause you to refuse to tho well-being and contentm ent as its on ly basis the cap and bells of
E very candidate on our tick et for any
There cannot lie a more glorious ob ­
to vote for a had m *n or one of known ,
wQrking population o f the the jester. The life of the jester is ; office shall be an avowed and w ell-know n
ject in creation than a hum an being,
incom peten cy, even if Ive iliQ uld be th©
» x x.
u * ♦i>o<r never lo n g .”
advocate of the addition to our constiiu-1 replete with benevolence, m editating in
t'lpkei? U n til c o u n t r y . Ix t them do what they in ee op your qw,n tick et? u n til
tional law m aking system of th is pow er what m anner lie m ight render him self
th is bane of o*r polU iqd x y .t c m - p a r t y , c a n t o p r o m o t e g o o d f e e l in g a t
I of direct law m aking by the citizen s.
m ost acceptable to his Creator by doing
prejudice—is V anished, bad m en w ill l e a s t by giving consideration to
Anv man who is un w illing to trust
m ost good to his creatures.
The report of the special com m ittee
ob tain ,«Hit», w hich is, And w ill continue p r o p o r t i o n s l ik e t h a t lo r t h e e s t a b
I the people, to learn and obey th eir w ill |
ap|M>intedDec., 4th, by the P e o p le s
W hatever is genuine in social relations
n b e , to your personal d etrim en t. Jf lishincut o f postal
■ • savings
Party County Central C om m ittee of on »»y qu estion , is unfit to ba trusted
endures liespite of t im e , error, absence
w e would forget th a t w hen we com e to
the only object o f which is to do Clackam as county is printed below . It by the people w ith any ofilce. ltep resen- or d estin y; and th at which has no in­
, ast our ballots, we »re republicans,
tatives and senators in th e legislatura
d em ocrat, and popufi.t», bu t are , a o m e t h m g tor the people, whose was ordered published as soou as it
ter n t vitality had better die at once. A
should be agreed on, and is to be adopt- ' »»d congress elected on our ticket sh all,
poet has truoly declared that con­
Am erican citizens and are, practically
sd or rejected by tl.e full com m ittee at npon sufficient dem and, su b m it to the
is no virtue but a fact.
sp eak in g, holding the welfare of not subject of intelligent consideration the n ext regular m eeting in Janu ary.
| c ^ e n . tl.e question of m aking or re-
The society of dead authors lias this
o n ly ourselves but th a t of our fellow by law-makers.
tlic report pealing any law. Wo know th e vote of
, . r
. itiic n s, ia ttie hollow of our hands, wa
VIIV t.llliVIlO TV II* .XV
----- -------------
se n ta tiv r . and senators elected by other , never Hatter us to our faces, nor slander
w ou ld consider y e l l for wbV'n ” ® tM t
B r a n body Baj« Ra»
known leaders of the m ovem ent against parties, but it sh all control th e action of »» behind our backs, nor intrude upon
OMcareU Canclv CaUmrtk1, the roost wob
our vfltee.
Berfill lut'dical discovery of tl»e age. p eas- professional politics, not only as sound
* .
- — quit
_. * 1» I their
1. ... u I''an
till .
our m em bers and th ey sh all pledge our privacy,
shelves 4,11
W o know th at iqen h on estly differ in aul und refrt abiBK to tbc taste, art gently
and poiiUvely on kidneys, liver and bowels, principle and a m eans of gaining favor
them selves to obey th e m ajority vote a t , w0 tnko t,iein down
opin iene, b at ough t to b« of one opinion cleansing the entire eyet< m, dts|*el colds,
for th e people, but also as a practical
w h en a bad m an, or a good m an who cum iioa<laoiie, fever, habitual constlimtlon
A buse is not so dangerous when there
and biliousness. Please buy and trv a box plan of un iting in on e party a large the polls regardless of their personal
* vnorta a bad theory or plan, present» of C. C. C to-dav; to,
w cents. Hoidaod
no vehicle of w it or delicacy, no subtle
convictions, in m aking or rejecting any
guarauteed to
to CUI
eure Dy nil druggist».
i «uarauLued
m ajority of the citiaen s of Oregon.
h im eeli as a caadidate for o S 1’«- XJon’t
The difference between
A ca/eful reading of the report show s law voted on by the citixens
Our candidates for congress and th e coarse and refined abuse is ns the dif
v ote for him eisspfy because he secure,
that th e voter w ho joins a D irect I,egis-
a place an your tick et. You eay you
tliewe i V m ited States eenatc «hall pledge them - fercnce betw een being bruised with a
Istion Club and party based on
d on 't a lw a y e k n o w , and cannot know
: selves to vote for th e su bm ission to th e club and w ounded by a poisoned J. W . CARMA<M.
A »tranger visiting
Florence, lines, w hether he be populist, republi
w ith o u t a great deal of trouble. W ell
citizens of tho U n ited S tates, of the arrow.
or uciiiuvi
dem ocrat, does not ----
ti vi
,|t is your duty to know —to ta>e .the ; could he take a peep into every render one jot or title of his party po- necessary bills to carry into effect every
W c often wish m ost for our friends
wee the inhabitants ,
jthe truuble to find o u t. jf
j f you don’t
dun t do
do ; house and «0©
,r,n T •!<•»
dem and of th e O m aha aud S t. Louis < h c n they are absent. Even in married
no, you are derelict Ip youy d u ty »s a
a n Rt h o m e , m i g h t b e '
ia .jbB,,|„ te that c o n g r ess-! platform s of th e P eop le’e P arty, of the life love is n ot d im inish ed by distance.
riuson, and do not have a normal
„ .^ _________
e d toank in aurpritte:
” ave
---- m en u elected
p u g by
i liis party sh ell vote to i St.
.. . Louis and . Chicago
•---------- platform
------------- s of the A
* m
------ :-------
1— -v„„i.i
an, like a burning
should lie *
tirave 1 ” 7 ” ' ^ pmbra<<ed t'h c d o c t r in e »
in cast your ballots. I I * * t t us
» . be brave
su bm it to all th e voters every dem and [ republican and dem ocratic parties, and ; placed at a cerlain distance from the
enough to tlirow qff th e ch ain s of party 1
of tiio poim lists, republican ami dem o- afterwards to vote for or again st the en - object he w ish es to dissolve, in order
Prejudice a w l » » W illin g to vote for a o f the Hhakem, or w it merely a
cratic national platform s, and th at th ey actm ent of each bill so su bm itted , as a th at the proper focus may tie obtained.
“ It ia unfortunate th at elarg pbraaee
</**;<.« s ' Chicago Become :
* jL.XVC t'o l’«'.',,.
W e are Prepared to M e e t all
D em an d * for W in te r
Goods, W ith a N e w
Line of Heavy W oolen U n ­
derw ear. M itts , Fas­
H osiery,
Boottees, O il C lo th in g , R u b ­
ber Boots, O ver Shoes Etc.^»
•........... ♦ ♦ « ♦ «
W .I I .W K A T I I E B S O N
Rates so Low That it W ill Mike
Their Distribution.,
Of Ready made 'Clothin
th a t B e j n i th a t M r.
Cash can F it Him self out at
Cost of M anufacture.
Have so ne Sped 4» offer Inge in
soots Shoes and Hats
_ _ _ it valno fir W loaey at all times at
H U R D 4» D A V E N F O B T
C A R M A N ’S
Dry Goods, # Groceries * and
......... Just
O pened.
Goods as R ep resen ted .
t t \'ó * #
r « t compe-t«»1
10 w te coincidence that
are shall afterwards vote for
or against m ajority of th e c itiz e n , voting thereon
Be very circum spect in the choice of
m aking each propomtd law voted on by shall vote for or against th e sam e; and th y com pany. In the society of thine
tl.e people, as the m ajority at tlie polls ' further, that if not fewer than MO,000 equals thou sh alt enjoy more pleasure;
law. . Ttiuv
citizens of
the U
States s sh
shall be for or against the law
T hey ! i citiaens
ot the
u n nited
u e u ozaw
. u all
. . . »»■ ¡„
¡n the
the society
society of
of thy
thy superiors thou
fnr a bad or iaoom petent m ap, no m at 1 “ b a c h i n g it ."
party he m ay ow e V * j
B u t h a t an it may there are very
nomination. If we wiH only apply thi».
placet«, aside from m ining
ijr man
u i m i i for
» am i
principle » nsm we vote lor any
shall be cuuirunvu
controlled by
of the any -----
tim e by
dem and Ute sub- ghalt
niore ¡,rotit. To be the best
i a t ia r it ■iintikl be camp**, whore in ho large a propoi -. ghiui
vj tho
mv vote
***»«. w.
. patition
public position, w hether it
„t th
.h a e ques-
„ „ a .- j„ the eom pgny j , the way to grow
pub ;c pvsi 10 . W I
t th ilomcB the eook, house- , HM.ple instead of by their personal con- , m ission
to all i .1--
the citizens ot
U 'r tc w h n t
........ ........................................... .
short tim e purge
Am erican
politics ot
I ncraonH of the same
box .
--------- ; I* ’• a Pr®®tical m ove lor
dividual political action, w hen exerviaed
from patriotic m otives
¿Onn by women, it seem s almost
U k © as if the people are practicing tho
su m m it of political th ou gh t; and the ' teachings of the
w ho 1»
m rvipq
party slave,
ruled by the
of p a r t, prejudice, m being the
**“ •* « th *
c h a in s — , — -, . ,
- •
very low est dregs <4 political a ctio n . I
Mon of ind ep en dent
p olitical
thou ght
are, as a rule, patriotic, safe and worthy
of trust.
republican, a dem ocrat n t a
populial, is
unsafe and unw orthy o l tyuet.
__ i -
¡ s s s r is r B r s k '”
--------- ,
the uoua n ljnj , 0 d eligh t in the good
* '! s a s
om .,
U lenada.
gon on this principle, tho
independent o( engctin8 #ny gtate law> w llk h m ay be in taking pleasure u. evU, though
m en.
T hen
state taw w hich has been subm itted
these im portant qu estion s van be voted i the citiaens as the m ajority at the polls
| sh all bo for or against th e
sam e;
It is subniilRkf in the hope th at every
further, that he w ill vote for the enact*
liouse is 16 by 24 feet and one story and voter w ho see« it w ill read and study
to the voter« in-
a half in h eigh t. Also a good woodshed the proposal carefully before com ing to m ent and subini
party Ime» or uain«s
Signatures to petition« shall b« proved
liriNTF.D-TRURTWriRTHY AND as now required by law in
M erit
“ Merit U lks" t h .
intrinsic va ja . of
I .u
w . J da . rsa
i - f parilla.
.,..» .
— — ---------—
Merit In medicine means tnc power ,o
rare. Hood s Sarsaparillapomemes actual
and unequalled curstive power and there-
for. It has true merit. When yon b n ,
H ood’sSaraaparllt«,and U k . l t according
te d im e tlo u , to p o r if,jr o n r blood, or
•im « nit»
n y zvt
of »
t W
h a . many Mood zd
a r . mv ..I , certain to u c c i ve benefit.
T h . power to cu r. is them. You are not
trying an ex p rim en t. It wilt
b b|(KMi pur», rich and nourishing,and thus
T a lk s
nom inating
activa gentlem en or ladies
to eMrultdate« hv petition,
travel lor ™«poo»i,ftv. established bona«
W . ( t .U ’Ran, C h ai.
arrangem ents by
i n O w a - M onthly W 6.(»an l«xpeii«mi.
b est In fact - the <)■• True Ik w d Purifier
ohn E väänään ,
w ...
r p w ,tl<io R, M (lr
h e iF tw c r . E ,m.,,w
ItrpareUouly ky C. I. iie w t a o u .,UwelL Masa
O r i o n i . » ,•«♦».' t h . W « v hw on e y r .
w , wJ<,pr> n , .
C a ia . A . F rrca,
M R M A ^ U wn
« * '" m
,w# 401 ppmlnion Oot.RH.. Dnpt. Y Cheng».
V o in a t u « .
Hood’s P iîk
^ y amfrtU ÔÎ-
tcrested of any focal law dem anded h ,
particulars a conclusion.
Resolved, By the People*. P a r t, Coun­ one-ten th of the voters oi any county or
ty C .u ral C om m ittee of C lackam as city in O regon, said local law to take
I n r a ts issue w ill l<e fourni a c o p , ol county, th at in view of the facts lierein- effect in tliat county or city on ly if ap-
' th® report of Ui» P eop le’s Party County afier set Idrth, we request our state corn
(ViH ral C o m m in w o , c lm .kau, a. lW lll, y
in ciCsena
y I*, i proved by
h , a m ajority
ajor,», c - ’ t Urn
ctCm ns
m ittees to take such action a . m a ,
..... ,„r
It con tain s raewniaiendation« for tb s neceaaarv to m ake our com ing
voters of every party of the state. It convention represent the advocates
_ |
the n a m e and build up thaw hois system .
eeem s to us som ew h at g»ntra«ljctory in direct legislation, regardless ol present
For furtho*
WRY snot t » not more of mu- farmers Rtat
iWporate their »urplus vegetables? Thia
« a new way of preserving vggetxbles
or future uao and pronti»»«
i inreaunent.
nw n
w hich
414 > *
states hold their conventions afte^l«.our sliali pj^tge him self to vote or th e sub- «f the latter; lor th is in lee 1 ou m ay be
election. If th e people succeed insfJrv- m iw ion t0 a|| ih e voters of the question little less guilty than tl.e evil speaker,
on and decided by th e people.
A house and
Ore­ m ajority of the citiaens to tin g thereon am, com m endation« of others; to pass
ky tb cjr defects and take notice of their
gon n e x t Jun o, i t . effect will be felt all shall be for or against tiie sam e.
Every candidate for tl.e legislature Tjrtu««, and to sp -ak or hear w illingly
over the U n ited States. F orty.thrce
in«|uire at th is office.
T n . r t - . T x n n u . i m vv.a«e o
d e n t M cK inley was sent to congrree th e
»th ¡net. W e furtiiali U U> our su b
(•.Tibers in ju p p l.m r n t form .
against th e enactm ent thereof,
j elected to office.
If th is principle is successful in
w ill lie Direct L egislative
on prem ise..
a - r*
Mo-Te-Bae »•» F*f,F
u .
voters and m inority parties in m ost oi
«• it not.
• ,
, , dem anded by petition of not fewer than
whether i these slates w u n ite on a sim
ilar p la t, uem anut
»..w-ww - - - - -
o f t h a t form, end as a result a large num ber of 5,000 citiasns of Oregon, and he w ill
vote for or against tiie enactm ent of a n ,
the new congreesincn, if not a m ajority
T he party slave, he w ho votes
fee hie candidate just because be
im m ediate they will vote (or the subm ission of
, I absolu te control by tlie people of
,tl>. stigma of corruption tliat now seem s are an ununually large number of
t u b e jualterab ly »tU ch ed to th em . |
men here, who are doing their own
While political parties aro necessary
housework, but when we add that
and are probably tf* best uveans of
bringing .» « .t unit»! political action, in nearly an many homee, the work
wo should encourage independeot in- both iu the houHC and out o f doom
- la w , i w
orse: the
the best m eans to grow better is
the to be the w orst there.
proposal, and will afterwards vote for or
,g gn argum ent of a candid, in g en ,
L ittle D ick -
m.-uiuiia vrw m a
Papa— I did.
L ittle D ick—
u e b b y if you 'd »
wear out sc mat« ms at< « •
at t b
" T h e ; m i traits ot iw > u .« k --- cj
arc historic. Both w ere oxecu *
1766. the year o f th at abnuad m l'- *•
standing betw een th e se lf tormes.1 »
his guide, philosopher and friend, «■
Bn<1 the Moro wan left in a lienvy Ben w h ich so m uch e ig h tee n th e e s tn ty >•
w as spilled. T hey mnaL havw been pnin»
w ithout anv m eans of gnidance. She
- " ^ finally
" - > > 7 drifted
'«Hf.ed ~ ed ^ shortly
d after
fo the arrival o f the putt
broached j"
in the sea an.’
’ »,e «outli heavh. All hands reached R,)awean
apparently interrup®*1
7- ------ ------------------- U **
• 7 — quarral, siuoe i t ie asarrted that
he refused
refused to to oontbrae
con tin u e th
th e e «Hting«,
eittiage, a *
the portrait. In w hich ha wes»rs * •
W Nh U g h ta ta g k arM tty.
“ W onderful eye that boy c f mine*« Am erican dress he bad ivcanU? «d«y*;
®d. ie suppoeed to h a v e been fo il» » *
g o t." said tbe proud father.
" T h at eo?" m ech anically replied the from each fu rtive glim p se« <rf htm •
p” o ld be obtained in pnhU n Thsd •
man w ho w as tryin g to get away.
"Y ou never saw such a sense o f p n - Huiue exhibit« th*
p o rtio o ,” erird the proad father. "Paas charge d ’affaires period, w hlS K —
that boy the cake dish, and h e 'll spot « p c stle o of f deiwn, he d iv id e d i l B *
• La «- 1------a _ J
th. filim
of _
the biggest piece on Za it every *1—.
¡ hi. Dnrson’e “ Elgh
RocfclatJ ( M t . ) Tribque.
Coos Bay S u n; The gasolino steam er
Morn is ashore near ttie entrance to the
Coquille river, and her hull ie breaking
up from the force of the waves, 8he
ficctipie. the sam e position as did the
Bessie K , when she went «shore over
a year ago. The accident orrnrvd Mon-
day, When the Moro attem pted to cross
¡„ over tl.e bar There was coneider-
aW, .Iril, w .o l running, and a 1.« struck
kniH.kin({ it int„ lpU ntrr