f TM E W E S T f YOUR H O flE PAPER p - r A D V E R T IS E R S 8IOTLAW1 OMIT PAPIÉ. O P P O R TU N ITY SU PPO R T IT 1 VOL. VU1» FLORENCE, OKKOON, FRIDAY, Dec. 17, 1897. u c K Ä r tx u □ ir i t u r j H Y iH A V tu i .. i u u i u t . TfcvV.Lt S’ üUlÜL HAMPTON N E W ^ j T A T t u F F lO E H S C ,,e r n » r ....................... William 1*. Lord. crewry u^h a l e ..............H. R. Kincaid. eurer......................... Philip Metelien ,pt. P iblie liiatru cu iiu ....G. M Irwin , te P r i n t e r ............ ....... W’. H. Ler.l« Itnrney Getterai C M. P lie m iin U L H 4T J D a I N r j j R . jit d a m e r .»7T U lld t C *1.H. B a r r e t t , <4 o b a r t s « A I L S ----------- P o p r, -»eve- Florence >,I ,„.|jy . W«,1I1B^ 'ja y « a n d F r id a y « . V riv ean t Florence rue«.iav«, fliur»- lavs ami Sat'inUys. ..........R 8 Bean . . . . F A . U . h ire .''>111001« with Ste iiuer «nJ Seutt»- C. E. Wulveitun * t' * ? * * e '.ine for Drain < ,» .wit(4 "tot iini District .. J C. Fullerton t'W “ Lute K))V barge Lirney Secami Diati let u«-, M ilrnun re« , an. Ou Lie iä t, lO tli nu,! ¿ o u n i oaeii m u u ta, S in g le trip 8 3 .U 0 . Rum iti trip 8 5 .0 0 F io R lM * t» Ì » q u in a . 24. OM A PO STER BLUE. ' - i --------- — ■ > f c M a BeanlHlo, boj to a B radley girt Whom he mot oa a poster blue. ■*! h a re a 't on Idea who I am. A a d who the deuce are y o o f i. the Bradley g irl to t h . Beardsley boy: " I U te ll you w hat I th in k . rll/»ln< C ars It was night— miunight—not at A« J. R. Weddle Israbal................. J. X FLINT. Proprietor me?" be said. bury Park, but on the roiling ocean oil little woman, weren’t you?" T o u ria t 12482111 "Certainly, , monsieur What ad -* Maurier shrugged bis »boulders al­ Cape Hom. The ocean hud been rolling W a - a a o , . , >■ Sleeping C ars most imperceptibly os be took from bis dress?" - > more or less for three days— three daj S EC R E T > O O u T tE ‘ He looked at her scrutinlzlngly w hile . . . . AND . . . closet a bottle of cognao and two glasses, of terrific tempest, which had tossi ST. A A JL saying, as be filled them: she composedly wrote in a large hook. O U R A IM — T o fu rn ish th e b est the good ship Lisa Jane as a bull tosse« A Complete Line of Drug MIMNt A B O L IS " I broke with her when I found the Then he said very distinctly, "Robert a yellow pumpkin when he's fighting a cco m m o d a tio n s at reason ab le matter taking too serious a to m ; that is Maurier, M. D., i s Rue On jaw " mad. O U L 'J T H i ‘ kA -I Florence L'idg* No. 107 Sundries and Toilet Articles. “ Cujaa," she repeated tsauquiUy. ■{,-g.iirr : i nui'tiiieatioti on «eeoiul price«. The Lisa Jane rolled and staggerer all One must have amusement. But to FA A 33 For a second be bad the foolish hope and plunged forward into the gigant., compromise a career—n t ! To your good idfiMirtii Saturdays in each iiioutli TO ORANO FORKS that sho would herself bring tbe pack­ waves which broke on her bows am. health, Mother Legrain. ” S. I». R oscan» W. M. The lauudreas aa she drank the brandy ages, but be w as speedily underaired, C orn er 9 th & W illa m e tte S ts. C R O O K S T O N _________ tent the spray flying 60 feet high. Th< Svorrà. Secretary. “ The boy w ill deliver the order trv men on deck had to cling to life lines, said; W I H N IP E Q Eugene, : “ : : Ore. aud the carpenter stood ready w ith ; " It d o n not prevent her being happy night or tomorrow m orning ” M I L E N A and “ I shall count upon receiving them hank of putty to stop a leak at the per: now. ” V W. N S fiL Y . Prou’r. A t sho did not continue, after a abort promptly, ** said he, "for I am quitting of his life. Even tho cook, who ha., u r n t. H j ju d r a l L y o n « P o s ’ ’» T E R M S S T R IC T L Y C A S H . been at sea six months, had never seen silence Maorier, curious, asked: , niest« s e - .u r i ii 'i . l ( o iir i li H ai n r tu fa h i.n fu rn ish ? 1 w ith a ll th e She re pi ted, w ith mechanical poitte- "What is she doing, anyway?" such a storm in all his born days Noe esili iiio .itli u t 1 ;30 p . in d elio a cio s o f th e sea so n . W ild "Sbo is married What do you think nesa, "Oh, they shall be rent in tinsel* one man of ail that crew had the slight J.I. BunkariKLo, Cninnianurr. "Good day, monsieur. Parisian. TC est hope of ever reaching New Yori. o f that? To a fat haberdasher—a hand­ J !.. I'cKMs t, Adjutant g a m e, tisii and fruit in sea so n Best C H I C A G O some shop,really— Aux Troia Prluoeeasa, Apparect.y eno ct the chief reaulfi of aud dining at Delmooico't. D e r n la m In a Urn's C m *- the idirtdc "mnde j;i Germany” act is Of a sudden tbe captain and mat« Place Glichy " aeeom ulnttoiu* for th e tra v elin g W A S H IN C T O H ‘‘So much tho better. ’’ to render importers of foregin goods were m issing from the aeck. Two m in­ A game of dominos in a lion’s «age P H IL A M L P H IA specially unxieus to pa*« themselves off utes later they were discovered seated "And three children— loves - round w as tbs novelty recently offered to tha 1. C. W. t'erpet.i» i o tite, tiu. i31, p u b lie. Charge» r asou ab le. as British manufacturers, says London at the cabin table. The crew thought and rosy aa apples. You would never bewildered gase of the visiter* to a N S W YORK i smk every 1st «nJ 8 t Hatunlays Truth. Here it a good example: The they had gone to consult the chart, but recognise her," said Mother Legrain in­ menagerie. The players were tha nmith. M euilier. and visiting BOSTO N A N D A L L i "tamer" aud a worthy citisan wbo, on label round u matchbox extensively sold that's where the crew didn’t sniff the sidiously uran in gou l standing are cordially "D o you still sea her?" the strength of a het, had entered tbo in London and the provinces h< ars a sort right brand of snuff. tritclto attend. I . i l K g ir r a , M W. H m «™ "N ot longer ago than a week, M. habitatiou of tbs king of beast«. Routed of trademark in the shape of a sailor's Ik Cru. RecirJer. For in f »rraatloii, tlme«*ardi«. in ups and ticket " I ’ll deal, ” said the captain as he head, with the legend “ Lnyland’s he­ picked up the cards, and the next m in­ Maurier. 1 w as at my does. Rue Morgue, qnietly at a table which bod heeo eCe.« <*»ii <»n nr w rite roes” ouu the follow ing inscription in ute each hud five pasteboards before when she passed with her husband and brought in for the purpose, the pair g o t W . tl. Z L I.iL L R . Propri, tor. i).t). E Heceta Lsige So. lit,m e et« red and blai k letters; children. They had come to Versailles on very well for a time, the lion wafceb- R. M C tt d*E HEY, him. itteryWeltiesdav evening in Lodge "Manufactured by Martin Harris A Heneral V-?ant. Konra* 2 *ud i, Hheltoti Blork, The mate discarded and drew two. to visit tbe chateau and the park. Sho ing their .movements apparently w ith «I rhiwiici!, Ofktgun. Brother« in M U Q SN C, Co., Ltd., Stratford, Loudon, E. • . 7 1 1 0 ’H. K tfQgXB . OKK’iO S With a fiendish chuckle the captain stopped and talked with me a fo il min­ intelligent attention. He seemed, how­ *4 «Hiding invited to attend. "Support English Workpeople only drew a fu ll house aud sneeringly ex­ ute And dressed! Mot as she iased to ever, to arrive at tha saMhasdsut «hah V> H . W tA T H IiK S O t, S . G - d . C 4 A W -T O N , he—oh, no! One could see that her hus­ the gams vtaa a poor kaniaaam after all, by using English made matches." M i ,io.s M n u is , .See. claimed ; iM iF fart sonerai i’attsvugrr Ig elit band was w ell'to do." for instead of allow ing the tw o maa to This cover» three sides of tbe box. “ bhiver my timbers, but w hat’ll you Knrriffin St. C«»r. 3d And satisfied, when Maurier feigned finish it in pends be suddenly mafia • The fourth is covered by a piece o f do?" £» © i 3tut(ied pupir to strike tbe mati hot on. " I’ll bet 810,” calm ly replied the to yawn, that be was inwardly piqued dash at tbs table and asnt it T J— ‘~g ,H J i : ,T O Remove this paper and you find under­ mate as the gale above them seemed to to interest, she slung the bundle of w ith the domlnoa la w ild oessfmriuu clothes over her sbonldor w ith a "Good Into the air, much to th« horror Of tbe neath the furtlier and still more interest­ increase iu intensity. The Funk & Wagnalls day, M. Manriar—matil Monday good onlookers, who frnred that a HwckHm T w e n t y - V ir e # ing notification, "Printed hi Germany." " I ’ll go 840 betterl” liiEsaf fE K l kS C H U R C H , murenee. d ay." catastrophe was Impending. " I’ll make it |1 0 0 t” • OfApw. d a lx s lt it s e r v ic e . Salihntli- M iles W is t » S ia iiiU ri P ieri >nn y N o w n . A nserereU T h e m . Maurier prepared to go out, indalging The amateur, howavas, w as not alow "Two hundred 1” ,r t jii.ij j'eiix'k a Preachiug I I in taking tho h in t Ou the ecafrary, ha in the follow ing monologue; A well known artist received not long ef Eugene. " F ive hundred I” Hac rumen; o f i'cleik'4. iu. and 7 p "A h, me, poor Oam lilel Well, it is toot not a mmneat In koltiag ant of tha Of The ago a «ircular letter from a business " A thousuuu!” . o POTTER. S60.000 large, tbs shop itMlicated prosperity. R A ID U F OABM OARITAL, the kaiser, then a little 4-year-ol Child's chick. Th* future kate.-r svatoMT« a book do you want?" Ska came out from tbe cooutcr, say screamed with pain, amaaltod Ike em i­ _ "Why, a hook f«w a young man. *’ O r m ffo n . tng, "The clerk is at breakfast, but I nent painter w ith his fists, and hid Sn­ »normn« "W ell, but what kind of n young w ill show thorn to you .” a i l uuder a large tabla, wkar* be yellad w ANTKD-TKUST WORTH Y AND manri' Biss did not isak at him, opening tbs antil ba waa tire* Mr. Frith t "Oh, h e’s toU and baa light hair, braes os though she had never seen him, I travel (or re*to.n»il>le. eststdielied liottoo FRANK B WILSON- Aesvto.1' . Vto.1' aad be always wears blue neektieal"— as though ba wow a pasting aastons*, MKIIMI, in Greffon. Moiithlv MW 00 and expense«. d».ai Youth's Companion. aheointely unknown He fe ll actually toot, Po-it ion steady. Refermes. Enclose — „sa n , , | Maud tr. : »ell-a.Mr»wrtNl stamped etivelofie. The An ordinary brick w e ig h si A OO.frc* * Dominion Company, DepL Y Chicago. F i ir i’uswvuger a u d F r e ig h t R atee W .C A N SAVE YOU MONEY ; Fioraci Oli lo ai Of » . D3T GOOD5!, C L O W , 5 H $ 0 M }. ORTHÊRN Pacific, Ry. HAM PTON E u g e n e , BROS., : MOIttlS Drags,. . . . . . Gtaicals, H ead of T ide H dtel, TIlU t U tili 1 ‘CKETS «MeCa In Carauuiy.** H O T E L E U C é ttE . E lk P rairie Hotel. ON SUCENE ANO FLORENCE STAGE ROUTE. « ' its. si. A. Attorney a t Law, P atints M Notary F ablic, Sun cyor m < X i s co. NOTARY PUBLIC. F L O R E N C E .-- - OREGON •S y » m -H ite