HOW TO PIMP OUT. LANS COUNTY. '« w * 0 avaBT »Ui*» MOBMIBO— -A t- ^ ■ ( l C o c r ttr , C a s a o s . - -St » • - SY » w « wea W ersqn ’ Editor aud P r o p r ie t o r ._____ »1.80 » y e * r in advance.------ , . Ä , t the port-office a t Fiorone«, . ‘ y, Ore«- ’ " • * C<* H- * * * £ ¡1 in*“ « '- ________________ « « « s a »A™ à BV»BT1» MA,>“ K,,0WN ° " p u C A T lO N . n u d e « » c e rta P *r u n ^ AP' «ach A »e«U o n W E 8T L IN OS. M '» , » iu u > « **' l ~ “* ba^ ,g John Tanner returned from Eugene d’ulnesday. Three new C h rirtm ae good« are going l„t at Meyer A K y le ’«- 0 B Jacob*00 of G a rd in e r was yiorence a couple of days thia week. in ffatrb for these new dolls, toys, and Mb, , Christmas good, a t A . O . Funke'«. Mr. Geo. Bradley wan visiting (irlrr M r.. A. 0 . F u n ke , thia week. O a a rd : Following i t an estim ate of were shown tome saapiee of w o F ill a bottle or wsommon glass w ith tabiss evaporated last r a s i by J . > tba output of produce at home and urine and let it stand tw enty-four hour« ; McLeod io his M onleith evaporator abroad in Laue - county lo r the past a sedimeut or settling indicates an un­ M r. McLeod has bad the evaporator in j year: Num ber V a lu e . I healthy condition of the kidneys. When operation but a few days but the samples I uriue stains linen it is evidence of k id ­ 7000 000 « 500,000 . of evaporated apples and potatoes show n W heat ta a lie ls .. . . ney trouble. Tot» frequent desire to O ats........................ 560,000 140.000 us were as fine as any we have ever | 11,000 urinate or pain in the back, ia also con­ seen. This shows that a person can > Barley and rye .......... 25,000 vincing proof th a t the kidneys an 1 Corn ............................ 30,000 15.000, learn in a short tlms to operate the Potatoes......................... 208,000 110,000 bladder are out of order. machine. W M A T T O OO. A p p l e . . . . . . .................. 300,000 90,000 M r. Monteitli has samples of various There ia coinfort in the knowledge to other fruits and vegetables that hat Green prunaa, peart, plums, carlo ad s... 60 20,000 often eapreeted, th a t D r. K ilm e r e been treated by his (team drying H a y , t o n s ................ 50,000 350,000 swamp-root, the great kidney remedy process also a quantity of evaporated Hops, pounds............ 600,000 900,000 fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the eggs. By thia meant the different artic­ Dried p ru n e s .......... 2,000,000 100,000 i back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every le. can be kept for year, and be as good Butter and cheese.. 100,000 100,000 , part of the urinary passage. I t corrects as « lieu just matured. They can also W o ol............................ 100,000 12,000 ' inab ility to hold urine and «cabling pain be shipped to market at much less cost Tobacco, pound«.. . . 4,000 .......... I iu passing it, or bad effects following than in the old way. For the benefit of Lum ber, fe e t............16,000,000 125,000 use of liquor, wine or l>eer, aud over- those who are interested in tb it subject Salmon, barrels. . . 1,300 16,000 comes th a t unpleasant neoeeaity of be­ Tiie aeseeeor’e booke show 07 ,___ parties we print what M r. McLeod aaya, below. Gold, ounce.............. 4,000 80,000 ing compelled to get up many times I including 6 corporations are each kisee. j ( av, ng pUrc|iaMKf one of the Monteith C a ttle .......................... 10.000 176,000 during tiie night to urinate. The mild ed »10.000 or more on property in Lane evaporators and thoroughly worked and Sheep and goats. . . . 3,000 6,000 j and extraordinary effect of swamp-root county. E . Stewart pays on more than tested it at my ranch on Siuslaw river, Swine ........................ 6,000 80,000, is soon realised. I t stands lb « highest any other private individual his assess- drying apples and potatoes perfectly and for its wonderful cures of the most dis­ ment footing up »36,088.00. with little fire1, I am well pleated with Total value«.......................... »1,999,000 tressing cases. I f you need a medicine J. H . Craven, recently from the east, | the evaporator and cheerfully reccom- No estimates of tbo output of pou ltry, you should have the beet. Sold by will give a Phonographic Entertainm ei.t mend the M onteith evaporator to all eggs and garden stuff is given, but the druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ in Hurd's hall, Tuesday, Dec. 14th. I persons desiring to evaporate fru it and aggregate of these ia well up in the lar. Y ou may bavea sample liottle ami The entertainment will he given under vegetables. thousands. A ll the estimate« given pamphlet both sent free by m ail. J. A. M c L eod , the auspices of the Florence Missionary are probably under rather than over Mention T he W est and send your ad­ Florence, Oregon. Society. M r. Craven lias a good rnn-i dress to D r. K ilm e r A Co., Bingham ton, the true amounts. her chine and will give a good entertain* I ment. Admission 10 and 15 cents. A Siuslaw Company Organized, CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 No. of Shares 10,000, at $10 EACH. The prune crop was enormous this N . Y . The proprietor of thia paper year, a large number ol young orchards | guarantees the genuineness of this offer. John Maaon waa h u rt a few d a y . ago having come into bearing; but a large The tides have been very high for the uahorae kicking h im on tne aide. part of the crop went to watte on ac­ ACM E SCHOOL R E P O R T. past few days. A t the date of writing Roseburg Plaindealer: Joseph Simon count of inadequate facilities for d ry ­ Hood a P ill, a « ‘ he favorite fam ily (Thursday) no mad has arriveJ or de­ „tliarti'c and liver m edicine. Price 26c. parted from Florence by way ol Gardi­ has sued the California Lum ber Com­ ing. This industry w ill continue to Report of school in district No. 101. pany in tiie state circuit court of M u lt­ grow for year« to come. iw Morria returned to Ore Umpqua ner since Monday, the high water for the month beginning Nov . 1st. 1897 nomah county, to recover »56,425.37, This undoubtedly lias been one of the R a f t e r .pending a |car >ujt ¡g based on a note hemia and Blue R iver, but little more Mi.. Ethel K enniaton returned thia nie H e w itt, E v a Cushman and Carrol on or address R . McM urpliy ^ enera' executed by the defendant to Eeberg, than prospecting work h at been done, rrrkfroin a visit w ith relatives in CuBbodan. Agent, Eugene, Oregon. , Bachman A Co., for »3,138.71, in Janu- and only a sm all am ount of ore is J . J. E mmons , teacher. ingene. 18$M> on wllicb tliere ia a balance T iie W est lias for sale one year s i m illed. _______ I l n a i r t A a * G°HeK® f 'n lla r v A of »35,338.11 J Ue, and a note Make your children happy w ith a tuition in the Holmes Business made in T O CURB A OOLO IN O N « BAY. C LO 3C C A LL FOR TH E «TA Q E . Christmas gift. W e have a fine new of Portland. This is one of the leading ,!— i favor of Morris Brown, also in January, Take la x a tiv e Bromo Q uinine Tableta. mortment. M eyer A K y le . business colleges on the coast, having 1894, for »22,355 64, on which »22,042.26 A ll druggists rofuud money if it fails to W h ile the Eugene stage was on its A barn on A . C . Patterson's ranch op­ English, Commercial, Shorthand and is payable. The notes are signed by cure. 25c. hite Duncan alougli was blown down Telegraphic departments and we offer Leon Blum, tiie vice-president of the way to M apleton laat M onday w ith four passengers on board, a ll bad a narrow thia tuition on easy terms. by the storm M onday n ig h t. company, and D. H . Bibb, as secretary, SUMMONS A N T E D -T B U 9 T W O R T H Y A N D and have been assigned to the plaintiff escape from instant death. The stage Do you want healty, strong children? 1 « J U S T lc a COOBT, M o a lK C B P B 1C IW C T, L s M f active gentlemen or ladies to in tiiis action. The defendant corpora, was w ith in a tnile or ao of W alton poat hire them a bundle of those new toya office having just crossed W hat ia known County, O r« o n . tion is incorporated under the laws of travel for responsible, established house found only at M eyer A K y le ’a. 1 aa the “ Gay Slide” when the d river Edgar A. Evaus and in Oregon. M onthly »66.00 and eipenses. California, with tiie principal office in gopbls A. Heuedlvt, A, R. Buttolph was doing surveying remarked th a t he d id n ’t like to drive Plaintiffs 1 Action Position steady. Reference. Enclose gan Francisco. Service of notice of the !ut Saturdav for B. F . K a n e southeast Pwdsrlck JV’ kobe and To Recover Hooey. self-addressed stamped envelope. T iie ■ „fot will be mads by publication of among the dead trees during auch a high wind aa waa blowing at the lim a . James B. H ill iroui Glenada. Domiuion Company, Dept. Y Chicago, C o u .rtn .ra by t b . summons. H a rd ly had he aaid thia when a large name of R o b . A H ill Why torture yourself w ith ill fitting Roseburg Plaindealer : Governor Defendant*. tree fell close by striking another and D IE D . iboea when M eyer A K y le lias such an To Frederick J. Kobe aud James K. U IU Lord lias granted a pardon to J . E . breaking the top from it. T liia top fell elegant new line to select from. Defendants. Sutlierlin, sent to the penitentiary A t Ashland, O r., Nov. 23rd, 1897, diagonally across the road missing the In tba name of the State of Oregon: There is about »13,000 of delinquent about a year ago from this county, on i Cutler Thompson aged about 66 years. atage by about three feet but striking You era summoned to appear In aaid court taxes outstanding >in Douglas county a sentence of two year« for man-slaught- 1 M r. Thompson resided in Florence for on tb * second Tuesday in January, 1WS. at one the off horse and breaking hia neck. that the sheriff i i ordered to collect. er. Sutherlin killed a half-breed, iu some mouths, moving from here to The passengers sprang out quickly and o’clock, P. M „ a t I. O. O. T. h a ll, to which tim e and place this cause stands adjourned, being In defense of a friend and companion, and i Asliland laat spring. tw 'l Toharro Spit « ■ - **■ » *’ T , , r U f f * ” * f- walked to M r. K ir k ’e place near by Florence Precinct to .n ew er Plaintiff« com­ To quit tobacco e as ily and forever, be mag executive clemency is exercised iu th e where another horae waa obtained to p lain t In above entitled cana*. »tic. lull or life, nerve and vigor, ta ke N o -T » case at the instance of the tria l judge I f you fa ll ao to appear, plaintiffs w ill take G LE N A D A G O S 8 IP . proceed on the trip . Snathe w onderw orker, th a t makes weak men Judgement against you for S8S.SS w ith lntareat On account of delay cauaed bp this Hon. J. C. Fullerton. am«. AU druggists. We or Si. C « « 1»“ »™“. from commencement of auit and cost« of court iMd Booklet and sam ple free. Address B y G o ssipi «. accident and tiie bad roads, the m all and th a t the same be levied upon property Effer thia inducem ent. Rates via. thia theTr “brief r,U u d i the residence '«id en ce of the bride’s bride's parents, parents Timv canaot on,1* understand Popular line are reduced for the present S & T S S á S R r t - .» s * 1 .(te r which a dinner was served to a Call on or address R . M c M u rp liy , Gen ,ew select friend,. The h .p p y couple •ral Agent, Eugene, Oregon. 11t.en took their departure for their M u r e home on N orth Fork. M ay hap- ! pioesa and prosperity go w ith them , fbsnksgiving exerciees which were itpooed a week was given a t the .cbool house tost Friday afternoon i ( Brown ticket in every package of lings B est tea. S c h illin g s B est baking,fm der and ten nre .because they are money-bach. Wb.< >• the misaú , SAFE. .»-»I'- W . C T - U . S O C IA L . Harwood. * | j Bogs Dogs M r the lost *■ r‘ uk CoUe# } by^ ' , r* ^ r u a i . How H e Helped H .m ro lf^ Ree. Baby z — « is q 16 " fbrowu *«tooo w rit h e M a l i y ffivided ffmdng thert. * of far(Jboerd S w ry one bending a brown or yellow tick * , n(bng three or more to one bahaee at the end o f the contest Those sending; *■» cootegt Better cut these rulers out. M O N SY-B A C K ' $ A N FRANCISCO. She names the follow ing witnesses to prove b ar continuous residence upon and cu ltiva ’ loa of, said land, via: B. H . Hoffaaan, and Oeonro A llen of Point Terrace, O r.; A. B. H adaall, end M. J. Hadaell of M apleton, Oregon. R. M. V batch , ■agister. •T O O K SU B O O R IFTIO N B O O K S OAW BK 8 B E K A T T U B O FFIO B O F ©.ZK. H O LD E N . DON’T BSE TEE OPPORTENITÏ OF A LIFE THE. Person* Dfisirinj t» Sjiicribs tor Staak Can D o lto r. Re yam , end A laska G old M in in » A N avigation C o . FDfiRENCE, A Jla rg in i H a il’. Catarrh Cure is token internel- “ ■“ * i i bottle, fteld by aM droggiM. H a ll's F am ily Pili« »re *b r best. Stone e *n ’t competo w ith ta e l ve nosh children. i : H ! ! OREGON. sine for d iirn b ility In this clim ate. M an y years o f bard work erecting thousands upon tbonssnds of sine M onum ents, onder iNDV CATHARTIC, scientific efforts have brought W h it « B bonx « M o - u m s - ts T o a high «U te of perfection. Better for 2,000 or more year» than any granite for TSÏ, ,B da • * toy ■^^^___,Le8ving Th*lr N*we*. _______ _ T hankful I, Something to _ be lor O F F IC E R * E L E C T E D D rn a Bh render 40 years. Oartus Gnsen’s Flying M achine 1 Be not deceive, 1 longer. Buy W h ite liée _______ _ f h e A. O. U . W ., of Florence, elected Nellie Furnish I Bronse Monum ents. T h a n k s g i v i n g « G e rtie 8 b re ° der the following officers for the coming F. A. T o « « « , Agent, Ree. Li v s rhsnkrgving V io l. Colter , y„ r : j . J. A n d e r n M a rte r W i r t - E'lgene, Ore. Htoppy ami Thankful „ ¡ m a n . W m . Bernhardt, Foreman ; A C. H )i7 M aini Cham berlin K a rn o w .k y , Overseer; W iu . K y le , Re W H O L E «yrteni feels »he Take M e Back Upon the F»rm ¡ c o rder, F. B. WHson, Financier ; O . W . of Hood's Sareepnrillh-rtoaa- U Se|He U w e j H n rd A F H u n i, Guide ; Ree. Take aeh, liver, kidneys, heart, nerve« are z» recitation by A O. Funke. Insule W a te h a a O } s u l strengthened and f U t T A I N B O * Thanksgiving concert r | ö | j . Çoltor, Outside watchman, «Rty ess« garaon finds the vsawd, that perse« l!*** * -U1 roetovu « . Work Being Pushed Vigorously whoto«»le drnggiste. R. ■»“ • • ' I N O W IN F N O C K M O F C O N S T R U C T IO N K IL L E D H IS M A N - P a e r l B ra in a rd 1 Wholesale drugBiste, Toledo, O . D ra' D#ro I VESSEL W IL L BE O W N E D BY TH E C O M P A N Y . live program. 1 ha lie re him nerleetly honorable in ell P T h a n ^ - g ^ a n d financtoll, Ree. T b a n k tg ttl« * D,UBerRoy' j ohnBOn ab,e ,« carry out any obligations made "" ffroao oo; If kvw «1 THK H O W S TH 18. ~v« «sr ITS AII8 ABE P3BBLÏ CB-QPEBAWE.^ G u a rd : Portland, O r., Dec. 8.— Gee- A social was given by the W . C. T . U Florence a t the home of Meedames B arrett, proprietor of the saloon a t Footer and Burns, Weiingaday evening. No. 264 A ider street, .h o t and killed Q uite a large num ber were present aud Frnuk W illia m , ia B a rre tt’« aaloon thia forenoon. I t ie snppoaed the row wae vrry winch enjoyed the prognnn, Several pieces of moaic were given by over a game of card«. Both are gam ­ a quartette also by a number of youog blers. B errett, the m orderer. Is in js il ladies. Other parte consisting of recita­ and lies nothing to say. T he locality tions, a dis logoe, son«, rea'ltng. cliar- where the crim e wae com m itted is sdes, a o«l remark« by the smalleet man notorious for its num ber of murders. in Florence T he parts w ere all well delivered and showed th a t they bad , been prepared w ith cere. A t the cloee ; of the social Good l y wae euug by tbse I q u a rte t, before the atteste departed. W e offer One Hundred 11,eir teacher, M i m This is a Home Company. Every Citizen of the Siuslaw Valley Should- Own at .Least one Share« Lend O R c a a t Uoeeburg, Oregon, November S, 1W7 N otice I* hereby given th a t the lo llo w ln g- ~ M A R R IE D . named eettler haa (lied notlee of h r* in ten tion to make (Inal prool in support of her elate» and A t tiie home of the hride’e praents in that —Id proof w ill be made before C . H H o i- Glenada, Oregon on Sunday, Dec. 3rd, deu U. 8. Commlseioner a t Florence, Oregon on December IS, M K , via: M arth a B. M artin. 1897, M r. L . O. AkerWy to M is t C arrie T - H " - "S Jam aa M artin , o n h. e. no. SJSO for Cham berlin, R ev. I . G . Knott« official the a w H ney4 of I K . 15, tp. IS a , r. 18 reel. O /» // ings Best baking powder. Yellow ticket in every package ot s ire s to V is it th e N e w E ld o ra d o . be welcomed. Preaching 7 p. m . I . G .K s o t t i , pastor. ing. T he young couple are well and favor­ ably known bare, the groom having resided in the vicin ity for the past do- gsn years end the bride about half th a t tim e. T h e ir many frie n d , wish them a long, happy and proeperous l i fe. De­ UttCOnSTIMTION, 15» 50« ------- lBSOLirraTWllilTERDS,XJ Jl. «eff hate»*« ftea.^ «A STXB U ’WI ««Jtej