ANNOUNCEMENT f o t iiif i WAcoa» Omaoaiaa: Jamies Field 1« quoted aa saying re- The answer oí the leader* of tbs Cu- ruD A T UT fill» M sw w wa wm . The Diaglvy lew la only about (our to 1 ban rebellion to the rory libam i acharne ¡ cently that “ all of our docil.on. have not Foolish men mistake transitory sea- month« old. I t ha» not had time i 1 * X , . _- - -~ met With the universal approval (V ot , ffnm the —AT— of autonomy propeaad by Spain M, blances tor eternal facts and go oat ray justify its»« aa a rovsnu* producer, American people, yet it i t to the glory F u > « ts f« . ,.L a * « C o c x tt . Oaaoox owing to the heavy anticipatory import* “ Independence or death." Tlie trouble more and more. jf lf f t iiV t B U f a » * ot the people that they have always and m « j during tho time that congress was giv­ witli the Spanish conversion to baa placed the g«at-*-o- waoaa vr everywhere yielded a w illing obedieneo end liberality is that it comes tee in their heart?; becacee the work* ot ing it final shape, bv-t its provisions them ." The sentimental statement When England granted Canada en­ I to . not q u it, true historically. In 1806 this genius »re always work, of love have been d ear (rom the day it waaaign- larged home rule, alter the brief rebell­ President Jefferson roturod to obey tbs | Let the farmer for evermore be hon- cd by the president, and foreign eoun- E d iter and Proprietor. tries are fully advised aa to its bearing ion ot 18S7 she did not do it oU the supreme court’s order to appear mt d j - e d in h i. calling, for they whe> labo - = = • ’ and significance. la there single sign ot a heels of a terrible war of three years tarfify a . a witness in the Burr tre«o n 1 in t h . earth are the chroen people of tariff war against the United States on such as baa desolated Cuba, filled her J44L OBABENOT QUESTION. In 1132 the supreme court render God. 4 • A. 4 s J W 41 territory with fire, slaughter, aw l fiaally tlie horiion? Is there not, on the con­ Adversity, like winter weather, Is of ed a decision affecting the state of tarniue, and lilt the indelible vindictive­ trary, a sign of commercial good-will in use to kill those vermin which the ¡Coswee^t.l «•»>«<• ness that W eyler’s policy of creating a Georgia, in what is known as the Cher­ E n g la n d ’« answer to th e pro- every direction? Foreign government* okee case, but the state disregarded the summer of prosperity is apt to produce poaala « f o « r A nrceliug b im q tallic are putting the same high value on our solitude to compel aurrender has made. end nouri’ h. The Cubans are eitl»er fit tor roM-gov- decision, and President Jackson re­ .com u iissioo /ia d ecisiv e . T h ere markets that we ourselves in the Ding- Antithesis may be the blossom of w it, marked: “ Marshall has made his de­ ernment or they aro not; if tliey are fit w ill ba no iu tepu atiaual a g re flp e n t Icy law have put upon them. Instead cision; now let him enforce i t ." B it blU ;t w l|| never arrive at maturity resp ectin g (diver co in a g e . T h e of making war on ua, they are lor the liberal autonomy of Canada, they it was never enforced. President Lin- j llu|e«e sound sense lie the trunk, and are fit tor independence. I f anarchy w ill w hole quep^qn. therefore, in up far overtures to trade with ua on terms ot com« w ith independence, it w ill come coin in 1661 and daring subsequent trutli the root, mutual benefit. The reciprocity clause a s Agaerica in con cern ed , reverse to years, disobeyed the mandate of the su- Though all stflii-tions are evils in th e proposition on w h ich th e $aat ot the new law promises to be one ot its quite aa quick with autonomy main­ preme court, notably in the Merryman , t},emielvcs, yet they are good lor us, tained in the presence of aSpaniaharmy eum paign waa fought. I f V ie moat useful features. Great Britain case. And even in recent years there ; bec, cse thejr distover to us our disease ’ U nited S ta tes, say« th e N ew Y qrk invoke* in the interest ot her posses­ whose hands are re I up to the elbaw* have been many signs of disagreemen ts &nJ ;enj our cnre> F in an cier, desire« 1« en large tfoe sions in the West Indie*. Sir W ilfrid in Cuban blood. Nobody can, no or« and dissatisfaction with the court. It 1 The vices of old age have the stiffness function« o f aiLver, »he m u st w ofk Laurier is now in Washington willing will decide thia question eave the Ou- took the federal m ilitary army to enforce e* it too; ar.d as it is the unflttoet time These Goods W ill Run Out at R s t« so Low That It W ill Mrke baas themselves, for Spain cannot force on th e problem iu d ep en d eu tlf'. to discus* term * for increased trade ^ ~ “nCanada and the United States I any acbeme of autonomy upon a relue- its injunction in the Pullman case, and 1 Aa th e attem p t to do eo foiled b<- Frasice deair. to negotiate a reciprocity ! tant people, and the United B . h a. j at the laatelection n ear., b a ( of the to learn it, ro the uufitr.ess of it to un-i Quick Work of Their Distribution.. learn w ill be found much greater. tw eeu. 1878 pud, J 899, an d again not ' neither the right nor I K inilination to j voters of tne country, by upholding the Remember you have not a sinew .betweeu l»ftO and 1893, there i t treaty, and Peru does also. I t is that the do more than tendar Cuba her goc J Chicago platform, virtually rebuked the whose law c ’ e,-ength is not action; you lit t le hope th a t freon efforts w o u ld too much to any. iadoet supreme court. The celebrated Dred i have not a faculty of body, niicd, or re su lt in a n y th in g b u t d isaster. United State, has only to show a wil- ■ office? in this matter. Scott decision was hated and sp»t upon Had W eyler’« remorseless but utterly soul, whof-! law of improvement is net S in ce 1893 th e d e^aonettiation o f tingnass on th * subject to extend bar ineffective warfare continued, we should | bt half the country, and public opinion aUver h as becom e w orld w id e. T h e grade by raeaae ot reciprocity on *d - energy. id y r have been compelled, aa a matter of self- j has frequently be fl loud and open in S ou th A m erican es*lee»l®» Veesvsv, ,’c h in a .ia b egin n in g t o feel th e ,T sks of bia- when you ate down ; die hard, i id Csadv ••»>«*« « aeearsU aseer " Cathsrtlo. ------------- ‘ can prisoners; we have effected f •• Justice Field* la very forgetful effect o f a debased currency. W h a t q € . C. t l (all “ io our«, 4 ruMt>w refund money. e renta when ' 7 ° “ won’t dlB h • * !1- amelioration in the Spanish methods of torv and even of pass „g h op e is Lbore, th e n , th a t ithe U n ite d Nob:.; ’ o’, h rth dc *s not alwaya in­ warfare .Weyler has been recalled, and ) he ssys thnt toe people have always f ROFE3SOM AND POSTAL BANKS. S ta tes can create a sta b le ratio sure a < id in g nobility of m ind; «•.•AmAw-mr- ■ng'.y bowed to a liberal scheme ot autonomy ba* been m< A ly and unefl-np th rou gh th e free m in tin g n «t o n ly if it did, it would alw ays act as a stim u­ C1U»Mto anrurj: th e decision* o| the supreme court, tendered the insurgents. Nevertheless, o f her ow n p rod uct, but th a t o f th e lus to noble actions; but it som etimes E X C i' V V iW f ’T Y f ’ T 1? ! ?! ?'■! (fomply aa an expression from men | «ilí r?.?. the present outlook gives small hope ot . w h o le w orld as w ell* The id ea, acts as a clog rather than a spur. whe are trained to deal w ith problems THE HICK» (BBS ALMAN EC A RAFES. tho pacification of Ouba upon any term* on its face, is preposterous, and is and,go form their opinion, from convic-. W h e-c am bition can be to happy as to rhort of independence, for Spain, which n o t to he en tertain ed fo r a m o- tion, the opinion* ot the fourteen pro­ * S A T JB3 b a * G n '. * *' **' ’ e v e r its enterprises, even to the person clearly cannot conquer Cuba, w ill be W e are informed that the IffriS alm a­ .m eat. fessor« of Northwestern university to u Tiseli, undt - tli* a p r “*rar :e of princi­ compelled ultimately to concede inde­ nac ol Prof. I r l R. H ick* is now ready, B u t w a i f he for free whoa* » postal »avings bank petition pendence to an island she has almost and judging from it* p aît history, it will ple, it is tlie m i i t im irable end in- co in a g e coase, now th a t th e fa te o f ■ a ee presented are of interest. Each made into a desert, and which, n w e r not be many weeks in finding its way , tG xible ot «11 hum an pterions. silv e r , th rou gh th e lo g ic o f « v e n ts, ot the.» gave bis indorsement to the theiess, cries, Independence or death.” into homes and offices all over A m erica.. To love all m ankind, from the g r u t seem s sealed? W e b elie v e n ot, for projectjand apparently took pleasure in The United States ha* don* her lull duty I t ia much larger and finer than any est tJ tlie lowest (or meanest,) a cheer- th e reason th a t th e lou deat a d v o ­ doing ge. Just aa the laboring men ap­ with singular tact and discretion. W e previous issue. I t contains Ilf i pages fai 8t ua of being is required; but ij cates o f free silv er do n o t c a r e proved A*« plan from a keen personal had a right to insist on peace in Ouba it splendidly printed and illustrated on ! 0 -tj er toe a into m ankind, into !:,J, i aapecially for th e o p en in g o f th e sens* of A * o*«*1 1 l utt business men * for out valuable trade. We had a right fine book paper, having the finest por- ; an,| more, into ourselves, suffering .m in ts to a p rod u ct in w hich th e y have ia4.csed it aa the beet available to insist that war be carried oa with th * trait ever given of Frof. Hicks. I t can ia i ¿quis le, are p o t in terested . T h e y represen t means of promoting contentment and FOR D R Y GOOD’ M I N G , G E N T ',' F G R N W . an elem en t o f d isc o n te n t in our thus lorefgndi.g agitation* unfavorable methods ot enlightoaed civilised warfare no longer be denied that the publics- j A m usem ent is the waking sleep of and with reasonable respect to Am eri­ tionsol Prol. Hicks hav* become a labor. W hen so cia l life th a t w ill n ever be er a d ­ it absorbs th e r r i* , to steady growth in trade, the college can interests. W e are bound to enforce necessity to the fam ily and commercial p . . sac j aud stren gth that m ight ksva ic a t e d , b u t th e y d e lu d e w ith man appro.« it a* • theory sound in ths p lau sib le argu m en ts a grea t m ass abstract and practicable in its applica­ our neutral obligations, and wo have a life of this country. H i* journsl, "W ord t - ist.-io u eiy em ployed, it loses its right, when war ia hopslsss, to propoie and Works, aside trom its storm, weath- iris, ,ac‘ c-.aractcr, and b «conies the o f people w ho are h o n e stly seek in g tion to tha eoedilioos ot ths time. mediation, but wo have no right, and erand astronomical features, has take i ¿relief from h ard en s w h ich th e y task m ask .- of idleness. The Northwestern university (acuity w ill net amumo the right, to decide tho rank with th« best literary, scientific a ttr ib u te to m on etary m ista k e n I It is th e appearances tliat fill tlie is reprssonlgtlve, in its pemoan.l, ot question tor the acceptance of autonomy and fam ily magaxine* of the age. D > J t is th ese p eop le w h o m u st b e s^ene; aad we pause not to ask of what many aducagtoaal institutions of high (or Ouba. not believe hearsay and report*. See I rea li.iee tliey are the proxies. When reach ed i f tjbe free-silver h e r e s y is clacs throogbpnt the country. I t is not It Spain should consent to grant Ouba the Hicks almanac and paper (or your to be k ille d . Argam earts a lo n e the actor of A th en s m oved all hei." » «nreasonable to suppose that an actual hor independence, it io believed that the ■elf. You w ill then know why they are •oanuot oonvegt th em . T h ey ore as he clasped th e burial urn, aud burst 1 tost would diotioeo th at tbs greater part would demand • heavy war indemnity eo popular. ’’They are educator* of the h am pered to sup« octant through i into broken sobs, how few then knew « f the educates« in t h * country would ot at least 1100,000,000 aa tlie price of it. millions, aud unrivaled safeguard* to th e notion p f im » c w r e n e y la w s, i j a t it held the ashes of his son. tab« the sains view. Ouba is a desert today, and eoukl not property and human life. I t is matter .b u t n o t In the m ay o f restricted In the light of this general conviction If adversity hath kilted bis thousands, afford to agree to th * imposition ot so of simple record that Prof. Hicks bat silv e r coin age an n»mcJ» M anseng all class«* a* to the merit* ot p.-i.s^drity hath killed h.s ten thou- Jack o f e la stir ity in o%r «*»1« « w 1- postal banks, hqpr long w ill it be before terrible a burden upon 1,400,000 people, foretold tor many years all groat storms, t m d a; tuerefore adversity is to be pre- a debt that would amount to |71 per floods, drouths aud tornadoes, even the rency. O f « » r o e a h ' hum an e n ­ rise system is regarded by the people capita. Thia enormeua indemnity would recent terrible drouth over all the coun­ ie red. T he one d eceives, the other a ctm en t a h a r t a f a 4urtri- net as merely a . advantage bet aa a str ee ts; and therefore m any philoso­ afflict Cuba w ith a greater debt, in pro­ try. The almanac alone is 45 cents a button o f visible w ealth * can put y > ■ * * - y T tp? M l •** - Meassity ot modern social and economic phers have voluntarily sought adversity portion to the rent-producing capacity copy. T h * paper is El-00 a year with th e m in a p o sitio n sk, beneath it hi* rest face sfC| exists,he has thrown foreign individuality, himself into which in a toms Just O pened. ■ .W7- ■ "eoplione.” Goods as Represented. I om y; ter, in event ot absolute independ M e rit W and with t^at concession able to defy Spain and ult she w ill be is t h p lrpiled State* sro better fitted for ««tort We hav« p ia * arrangentonts ey im fo p e u d ^ e . which wa will famiah tlm We- «ly Oregunma wlUrU« Wjurr lor one rear ------- Csss to any addreee for tbn sam of two dol­ Take Caadv L^iharUa WR ar Na. ___- CWcareU .cavare------ pod eurelopo. Tho lW f drvsRleis re laati *osay> K C.C.C. fsUlSOrs, ían , pnyaWa cash in advance. . Daof. V Chicago- .... sense forms a shriWFfft the integrity of G m TG GUM FETGOHB A Notions. and FLORENCE MEAT MARKET ^ . This instrument cooaiaU of his own character; fie may indeed of a vane mounted on a vortical rod. wear festive attire, but his mourning is ence, she would probably repudiate all On either aide of thia van* ia a eound beneath it ; he may smite, divert, act, responsibility for Spanish debts, past receiver, from which a tube lends tq one i Lis soul is stiJI bis own his inner life Miti?» and |>r«eent. Even with full control ef ot tt»e ro.-s of an observer located in a 1 IS ■till undisturbed; no indiscreet the tariff and taxation conceded by room below. Each eonvea aurlac» of question will lift the ea«l, no court* hand J. W . C A R M A N . lefcislatniw, it it cannot be done befotc. Mpain, Cube would carry a debt that tho vane acts as a reflector to its own burst open the gates of the aanctuary. ------- - ---------- would forbid all chance of happy and receiver end as a screen to the other ■ w yn a O y Bays Be. T ub sar aaTaavFf the tr«»««vy has «6- prosperous home role. The new Cuban one. Ths rod carry!»« thia van* can OBaearwto O n to v C athartic, the m ost won­ «sd a circular M t o r > employes w likh derful a c d ie a l diacsvsry o f the a *« , pleas­ president is an uncompromising enemy he rotated by mesne of a band wheel, a full of good oemmwn e s ^ . The lof­ an t and refn -sh m « to tho taaM , a rt g e n tly to Spain, end during his two year* ol and »malUvrly on kidneys, liv er and howela, and Io ua* it th * oboerror turn* the er provide, tlia t cterh* * b e receive ch-suslac tha cu tlrs system, d l » |* l colds, office any arrangement between the van* aroond till the round investigated M ads an d M e r it M a in ta in s thsconfldence cure tMadaohe, fever, habitual ronaUpattoa usted salaries mpst peg dehto contract­ and bl louaaena. Ih m e e boy and try a bos Cuban and Spanish government* is is heard ia one ear only. The motion ot th ep ro pH ta HeMbBssropsrill. I f . o f U . C . C to-day; l « . a \ to cents. Hwhhomt m e d le to * cores yoo w h en s ic k ; It It m ake* 'd for the n i e essary support 4 »< ‘ h* autonomy. Cube and the whole erivameot ------- iin cah l’sdiroctipp and gives luM tofor- going to ja il Jer aeaan days. He do- wiU certainly hold out « n til our con­ Taa WsanttwTOs 5 jt « i le tte r in its clined to pay the B «* »«d C jnstahl* gress meet*, wlieu she will doebtleea *e- editorial column oo Binger H e rm a n n ,! «.tien abput tho Mmo «M SH O W Tnuncr took him ta Bugooo last Friday. iocting officer« in this otate- euro ti«s roctgnitioo ot her beltigoroncy, among other thing* sets that "few men ANTBD-TRVBTWQBTMY ANO ^•tiv. gentlemen or ladri* <« ,v*l for «aponedla. o4abU*hed house à | in view. I presidency than Binger ' H e rm a n n ,, I I apd lie may Le given a teat io tita United St.tee dato." senate at no distant Hoodb Sarsaparilla Mebast-HfoettBaOwTroaBfoaBruriBw. Hood’» r f iG » ” K F R O FR IFT^ i,A * tW ; ',T*nfo )W ? 8 b *