■w WEST A «3 { Yoêft Höne p fre ft { t h e SíVSLAW’S_ONLY PAPST.. ■ OPPORTUNITY VOL. v i l i . □¿.NE^AL DIRECTORY - g -. • • TRAVELERS' guide . travelers * guide ■■-■ iFAFb OFFICERS- V NO FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Dec- 10, 1897. W a .... ................ 8 te a m e r '4 0 ® U N ® . ,,..v c ru u r........ ............WlUtan» P. Lord. , elfei»r> Î 4 9 • • • ••“ • R. Kincaid. f t s w iit o ................ Philip Match«« . Audi«, tn ic ru c iiu n ..,.G , M . Irw i« . ; leave* FI. ï “ ~ , « ,#t, P rin ter............. . . . . . . W . H . Leeds. Arrive« ruuiotays, Thurs­ ' at • • Florence •—*wwv^ AHUB'in^B, ft gl Ul S* .r-ic.ii« Gen-wat. •• V . M . Idleman- days «ml SatuMays. . . . . . . . . J . R t S 8. B Been ean Connect« with Steamer and Scott«- 1 ..........E. A. Moore I “urg Stage Line (or Drain. Also with 41*.* ’ V W IV w ith K ..Q . B .W o to arte. ! « • £ * £ for Coo. •m. Bay. A lto Charge Bay. Ckurgs ...M . e-n - t t v i ■- I r- bcc.md D Istriet! . . J . C. Fullerton , • W t o A f t ll. R oharts S A I L S _____ rrett, Prop’r, O n the 1st, 10th and 2 0 th o f each m onth. Single tr ip #3.00. k tl S S Ä S « , „,j s« » R o u n d tr ip I5.IM Horeiice to Yaquis». p ~ * or ttwHfUgwr an d F re ig h t Rat- -APPLY ».,- i-v Scc.rtvl District.<«w. M . Brown Mey«r A Ky’e, EUGENE-FUiRENCE Biliousness la caused by toipld liver, wlucb prevents diges­ tion and permit« (nod to ferment and putrlly In the nhunaeh. 'then luUuw iUziiae»5, headache. Hood’s Insoralna, nervoiwncsi. and, It nut relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. Hood's Pills stimulate the stomaeh, ■ T B B ~ 3 I I ■ I ■ I ■ W R “ rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con­ stipation, ete. M cents. Hold by all druggists. The only PUls to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. THE bWEET, SMD YEARS. Ylic> sweet, sad yeais, the nux. the rain — A las too qu ickly d id th e y wane! F o r «wch some boon, eorae U « s ia a bora. Of m ile s and •«•■» rock had lie eioro, Its checkered lo t a t blise and pain. A lthough i t idle ho awl vua. V e t cannot I the w ld i restrain T h a t I had held them ovenn >re— The sweet, aud year«! L ike echo of an old refra in T h a t long w llh ln the w in d has lain, 1 keep repealing o'er and o'er. •‘ N othing can e’e r Ihe pant restore, K olh iu g bring back Ik s ycara agata” — Th e sweet, sad year«! —tianon h e ll In Lelaure H our. OFF AT THE METER. Florence, Or, CORNER Dr.UC STORE. door, for it consisted of a three qunrter length mirror in which Mrs. Green waa wont to inspect the “ hang" of her la t­ est costume. “ I'm almost sura i t ’s in the dressing table draw er," mused Mrs. Green, growing accustomed to the darkness and assisted by a suspicion of moonlight that kiied a pale, uncertain light both through the skylight on the lauding and the window opposite the wardrobe. Act­ ing upon this thought, she ignored the wardrobe for the iireseut, crossed the room to the dressing table, and after suudry clickings of little brass handles and tentative pulls at wrong drawers at last opened the right one, but failed to feel the wrap. " I t roust be in the wardrobe after a ll," she thought, and accordingly d r i ­ ed the drawer w ith some noise, tripped across the durk requt, opened tho ward­ robe door w ith some difficulty and bur­ ied herself in its spaoioee recesses. Maurice was u heavy sleeper, nnd consequently apt to fce bemnddled be a t i t bcmudaleu AV - a awaking— .A I J . espccialty A A A«— A A A « 1 rt I I in*tho X •« L ,V on first more 33. En-alna Uowaa of Orsaudle aail MnaUn. O f alb the «ommtr evening gowns tho prettiest ore thmw made of organdie aud muslin. These have to bo lined, o r., rather, are made over a fitted lining, but are so arranged as to look loose and fu ll. White organdies and luwn Uiiuuioik w ith quantities cf real Valenciennes lueo are the smartest of any. The lace is pun on to form a herthu or flotiu i f i t ie wide; if it, is narrow it is used as .a trimm ing to tho ruffles. Some of . tho Waists are a mass o f lace w ith only tiny strips of the material in tbeentrn-deux. aud 1 be eream white of the real lace ha invariably becoming. Theie gowns are worn not only by young girls, but by older women. Iu fact, they ¡»retooolab- orate for young g ir l* Th« sklxU are ccs lined in any case, but are worn over lawn skirts and an inner silk lining. Tho »»von und nine gored pattern is the prettiest, iis the broad circular ptjea La such thin materials are apt to pull ou# e f plncc. A palo yellow Organdie 1* made utado up over OTer whito wbito silk, w ith rdffie.a toffies from the waist to the hem.. The wait" tias a bertha made iu a deep poiut ia front nnd a» tho hack an« edged w ith narrow valencienuus lac«, and. th« sioevea are fu ll puffs, w ith entro deux dtux sioevcs of valeficienues lacc. Oddly enough the belt and shoulder kaota are «< btaoic aatiu ribbon, anil ye* tbo whole utfi^c qf the gdwu is cxavcdipgly lig h t ana coo,. — Hat per'« B azar Yeinbl Choice w as a pretty and cotn- loodiocs villa and Doveoottam a select V NOENT and salubrion« suburb. To the happi­ S T E A M E R “ C O 0 8 ,” (0UOCES8OHS TO V. H E M IN W A V .) ness of Mr. and M m . Maurice Green— lately made almost complete by the ar­ I- B a n g s ,___Proprietor. o — W1U msks ------ o D ro s s , M o t t o s , C ta ic a ls , rival of the veriest cherub that ever F. O lter J Stage leave« Eugene M onday* R E G U L A R D A IL Y TR IP S camo down from heaven— there were but two drawback«. The first was of dark. Oa tbiepaaiicUtat night, after an- W T. Bailey J . . . . AND . . . — tfaiween — — J . T . Callison * n^ Thu radaya a t 6 a. m . and a r- Maurice's making. He had a rid.ieuloua patently dreawiug for a fu ll „ fortnight » '«aid »•' A Complete Line of Drug fad about gas fittings. He believed them of "cscurrious aud alarums, ’* ho awoke A. C. Jennings' r l » « *“ Florence a t 4 p m. the im, to be lu a chfonio «tatèoï leakiness. He with a violent start The'room, to ' him, T i l l s . Sundries . nd Toile' Articles. told hi« long «offering w ife almost was pitch dark. There was not «area tho / . Johnson d ay follow ing. « herid . . . daily that moxp gua escaped through suspicion of moonlight nu this side of " i re »eurer.......................... A. 8. Pattarsou R e tu rn in g stage leaves F lo r­ unsuspected cracks and defective Joints the bouse. Besides, (lie blinds were Atteetoi ........................... -®- I*- Burton than served to illuminate thé oozy down. He sat up, every nerve mid aiu- Corner 9th & Willamette Sts. Sc.it>»! 8 tperintendent,-------- 0 . 8. Hunt ence Tuew lay» and F rid ay« a t 8 ew taut now. He waa fu lly awake. rooms of Vernal Choice. .. I — — I I SI I fq i iSi At “ By jin g o," bo breathed, and be felt ...C . M. Collier a. nt. and arrive « in Eugene a t 6 Mr». Maurice Green’s bugbeer wan survey'»-....................... Eugene, : : : Ore. T o L a u n d e r S h ir t W a is t« . the cold sweat start to his brow, “ sbo . . . J . W. Harri« burglars. Nothing could shako her con­ ..loroimr.......................... I f there are any unwashabj« buttons viction that when a burglar took his was rig htl T h iy ’ve come." He put out ..F . B. W ilton p. m . th e day fo llo w in g . I astice U I ’ or trimmings, remove them, b ruitr ttov bis band to wake his wife. He felt her John F. Tanner T E R M S S T R IC T L Y CASH. “ daik suboihuu w ay" his objective form under the bulging bedclothes at dust Jous'itde from tho seams and 'throw Mrti would be, by decree of fate, Vernal Single fore . . . - #5.00 Choice. Thus it came to pass that his side. He could hear the baby breath­ shirt into clear, cold water for au hour. R R o u nd t r ip - - - - #0.00 nightly, w hile Maurice was turning off ing huskily. There was only qpe other I f you nre afraid oi the color rntming. the gas at the meter— he would on no person in that house unaccounted for. add a handful of salt. A fte r wiishiug T ic k e ts fiw «ale a t E . Bang«’« U CITY OFFIOERS. account allow any one else to do it, as That was the little servant maid. But iu warm snds and drying it moke your liv e r y h ern , Eugene, and a t H u rd * "gas is such a fickle th in g "— h ii little why should she be trviug drawer* iu stnroh by dissolving a tahLupootiful of N & D a v e n p o rt’« office iu Florence. wife waa on her knees iu the bedroom, ihe spare bedroom? No, they had eotnc, dry starch in a quart of Wafer. Thick i r ■ . .F , B. Wilson not, an might be suppostd, suyiug her after all. Mrs. Green was right. I t was cambrio-blouses should he only Htarcb- prtsideat cd at the collar aud cuffs and down tho S prayers— though «be made tho sumo burglars. O. W. Hurd Muurice withdrew bis hand, which front hem. To the starch should be add­ 11 knetnfig stove both purposes— but tim ­ Win. Kyi« P u llm an idly peering under the flowered terra rested ou the hillock by his side, w ith ed half a tcaspoonful or gum arable dis­ Hoard of Truste«« Marion Murria l r **♦ cotta valances for the burglar that ntver the thought? "1*11 not w aien hto, poor solved in water w ith ii little borax. ■ S leeping C ars C. C. Bshnk« soul, bhe'd he scared t rinsing came. i . 0. Proprietor ... Ktogant Sometimes it would happen that the know the worst first." bo thinking, water nnd hold it by the hack of tho ___ __ , . . Drew Severy Recorder. gas popped out just a« ate was io the and w ith n soil of infatuation— which neck. Gather up collar, cuffs and front Treasurer . . . . . . ................... J. A. Pond D in in g C ars act of raising the curtain that n ight w as perhaps bravery— to get u glimpse hem aud work in the starch, after Usrsbal................... ......... . J. R. Weddle reveal the tragedy of her life, iiud thi n, of the marauder, he stole out of bed, which wriug thesi pwita in a towel aud T o u ris t O U R A I M — T o fu rn ish th e bent up his dressing jacket, took rnb them thoroughly, roll up tightly Sleeping C are VMB C n a o N IC ia ranka with Sh« rraatMS w ith a little screnn , she would zeek buttoned the little bcusioe chair by the backhand und leave them for half an hoar, at tbo the rratchcS _»a5,e never could put her acco m m od atio n* a t reasonable ■ aw «,««*« la ah« Vetted sums . ST. SAUL T8« CHK ON IC LB U» no aqtwl on ah« Paelt« baud readily ou the lnutcbta— and light thus armed, hili' heart beating like a end of whieh they are ready for wen? 8E0R ET SOCIETIES.___ C oma I I l««da «U lo «bUlty. «utrrpnae «ad i « » i prices. the dejioattly ehaoed cunule on the muffled nrum, stealilaily turned the cor­ ing. Iron first the yoke, then the collar, M IN N C A S O L IS THE O H M O N IC I.B » TilfgvBpMe fUporU «T« | inside nnd outside, then ‘tho back, front dtessing talle, ere proceeding w ith her ner between the two rooms. ah« ‘y — «ad moat r»:i«bu, lu Local K»wa tua O U L U T H ________ A faint light came through the land­ and last of all the sleeves and cuffs. A fhiteat «O« apici««« «od IU Editorial« tram u u search and her tievotùns. A t such times, g F. A A. M . Florence Lodge Ne. 107. in g s a y n g u i. i heavens! n »™ » , az™ villain ▼■.,»«„ shirt board and sleeve boord ore .very skylight, The •Meet peas la IRo ceenUY- FARGO ____ when Muurice ascended from the ui.uer- ing T H E C HaOW IC I.K Uaaalway« been, and al war« As Regular roimnaideatioa on second ground regions where tho gas meter waa nt tbe other eud of the room, right helpful, and, indeed, tho latter ie n oe- GRANO FORKS TO WUi ka. Hto tri«nd and ohamptou of Uta pMpta a« und (ourth Saturdays la each month. aaattwt aombl,.aziona, clique«, corporation« or meted out its dole to the company of opposite the aoor. What ho was doing oessity. CROOKSTON •fpraaatoaaof aay kind. Il w iu ba ------ 8. L. R obxbds , W . M . his wife above stairs, she would rate he could not make oot, for he looktd The Tight blmvys. taavacytaiag oauual is ootblac. W IN N IP E G I. (1. K motts , Secretary. him right soundly for fo gentle a little like a man seen throogh mist. The No one can dispute fhe fact that the wretch! Just then the draft along body for what she styled his "absurd H E LEN A ‘ "<1 FR O M O «P O T the lauding took Maurice shrewdly on new tight fitting '«lesive is «b eco m ing fad" about fum ing the gas off. to women who have long, tblu arms«, BUTTE fl.OO "tyhut do a few t^tra tcet i f gas sig­ tbe bure legs. The influenza asicrttd it-, even when frills, tucks and qtlwr deco­ ft A. R. Geaaral Lyon« Tost, Wo-. self. He »ought agaiuarit desperately nify, when three precious lives might and 'fo u rth Saturday« rations nro resorted to to concia! tho de­ Ils untata second ' ' ** M e «, L. L. Ma»«™««, Prop. some night bç sacrificed for lack of a for a momeuL i t but.augmented the fects. 8leev«s «birred front Wrist tu I «ach month at 1:30 P- m - force of the explosion, Like ft thunder­ light?" she would exclaim, w ith as JBUKM1«, i < TO J. I . Btrrr«a»i«tD, Commander. I some inches »beve tho elboy, w ith is touch dramatic fervor as if she had bolt he sneezed. ----------------- -------------- ------------------------ -- OMICAOO There wus a moffled exclamation in puff on the shoulders aqd a fu ll l»cocul­ J. L. FüMNiaa, Adjutant. becu before a row of footlights and a la tin e shaped w ith vsndyko points fo crowded pit instead of a blue tinted, the room. Maurice m allei forward w ith partly cover t M pnffs, give th e effect a f uplifted chair. The burglar, too, had PM IZA M ZP H IA corrugated candle and a m ildly scornful seized n ih a ir and was making at him rouudncus ss w ell -s any style now pop­ M U L T , FrsF-r husband. ular among summer toilets, aud in this N EW TORK O. U. W . Parpetu» Lodge, No. 131, When Maurice wished to be w ither­ w ith tqual fury. Crash I The houae manner M t is made fo orèreome nature'» T a b ls s fom tohsd w lth a ll the BO»diaUy ing shriek, ihe sound of a body falling failed to rich-pooh the burglar notion. gam e, fish nnd f r u it in sea«OB. Best more to regret in this mattor of the ■vited to attend. I . t i . uott , For Inform ation, tin card», map» end ticket » He said it was “ the merest moonshine." ou the Aoor, aud all w as »till but for the great change in sleeves than their hew»- cab on or write N« Kvua. Recorder. AccomodAtions for th e t r a v e l i n g and that theie were "crowds of costlier w ail of the frightened baba in the room iex sisters, for w hile they dspiore tlm be hud left. p u b lic . Charges reasonable. cnbAjo crack thuu Vernal Choice, you II. c W hat hail he done? He kneeled down, departure of fn ll puff« and voluinluoo» bcL*7 o .o . r ! h ~ » P - < w * a , “ C 2 : General Agent. Kooma J and I. Shelton Bloca (very #«4uc»ath-Bè6W» * ou the other— “ I wonder it the Httlo M rs Green still looks un ful readers, eatcfnl thinkers and help­ met bididuy. ------------------------------- M « - * - » « - - ““ pat is warm enough. I ’m tuixiou» atoiut a. na. Prayw r__ der the bed for possible burglars before ful and practical interpreters “» IL The little fellow kicks the elotb - . - ' lock hi» onu I hiui roflix'ticu io the D in n e r ttao o e a tlim a . off so. What could 1 do to prevent bun wardrobe mirror (or a desperate burglar. Floral decorations for dinner nod from taking cold ninth? Happy — London Tit-B its. •y UBI) a a w ^ n s a a l a t o l tarraa ia s a a i i ' i T b a ta ll «amba» of word« and Inncbecu tables at« as subjact to «Uk-t thought I T h ire ’s that little wioicn P atron izing it. d llh n a t dletionarlM for tho ontiro alphabet I WtBltLV CHiaOW tCI.«. «to brtstitaat wsap in tbe spare bedroom. It's either . rules as tho costnmes of a guest. T h * C a r» " F u r Gr»A«hopp h i|a Qee. Hale C O PIES « ¿ N T PR aE. Aud it for we, but I won.du't dismib its toon while on the w ing in the ulr, they were iu thair pruna. sharing t k u i r STAHDABD, ova« bim tonight for the woiid. I'm glud 1 where, by some process of signaling popularity w ith the delicufe lily cf tho only to itself, it galbera » B1’ »» valley and tho fragrant vrhlfe Hlac. As d o y o u w a n t t u e succeeded iu pxrsuading him to s h ip in known army of its kind to (lescoud w ith mass­ a Illy of the valley luncheua the»«dain­ »«ironie Fagee Free bis dressing jaekeL Those nasty influ ib m m o rw « C H R O N IC L E • u h colus itcid care, auu I'm so apt to ed loie» ou the field beneath when a 4ft ty tlowoT» were beautifully arranged iu acre Acid of toru w ill only afford them a high silver dish iu the center of (bo uncover him iu reaching over to baby Rfatuntitoi rt«*« *• ««tlMtlona an« F™ a single meal. tablo on pnffs hf green billow y silk, I 'l l slip into the next room myself.” I ka«ia Luti year the grasshopper reports seul w ilh fartoona of g rew ribbon stsitiag Tbns sobluintalng «be qtin tiy got of bed— fur where baby cam« in b uz fit w to the Udivi rn ty of Nebraska at L i n ­ from i t like a Moy pole. Tbe ribbons were fiuishi d w ith a bouqflct of lilies out— puthtd tbe turned back bi d clothe» coln caused npineheuanm of au iuva •H O W U S G » siou this Jem, as gn at quant itic i ef of the valley for eaeli guest The dkhea B tO N S O N A CO, gently against h ir hustnud’» taJ-«-t w ill Maurice insist upon tam ing ihe nolseiL Misa Bella Norman received a largo Parmera cull them "to pp ers,"* Lut gas off at the meter, espti iai*y '« b. u vota for lutmbvr of 4b« boar« obeduen • Liiby is unwell?" she sighed ss »be the tu lli g c e.utiiUiOJUfcist talks knowing o a r T i n other bids ly cl "to. Atlantis, ‘ 'Pneksroi*' aud Hon in fci. Louia tu May IB . hut failed slipped into fair r Ono T “ » r, Iu Utah they hare wh»t t t o r e a ll a woman bad leen a candidate for tbe knob at Ihe fool of jh« bed. school board in (bat conscrvatUd city. B«ap aad P agzt. blippers sbe could not find. N il ties- " ro j« cuis" lor the pest, raid tv try Mlsa Normun had the earnest supp mau, wemun and ih n « takes psrt in per auu u n il fche knew to n fio t wh*ra the peM<» »asce i t aonsitlaof draw­ of a multitude Of St. Louis women, f A* T O Ü K G , M. tbe wrap was, or at lea«l she thought ____r V F c a rto la la rich and poor, who need their ‘ MBdl sbe did, und she would know it the ing ropes, hr id laut Ly persons s< aaob influence" for to r to the utmost. Id aaA r»avcroi>K ca moment sbu laid a llugir on it. The lit­ end, across the haek, over tlis thins of view of her personal fitness and of tbe tle eberwb io the cwt l ooghrd in a ch< k grain, so that M r, UroMbopper shall good work done by women on school iug manner. Light or no light, tbe wtaj) not find any room for lbs sol« of his board« In other cities, i t ts u g it* She foot, aud they to ry this aeeaaw up un­ A N T K n -T R ffT W O R T H Y AN D niuzt be fontiu, and w lthcnt tnither oe- t il toi is starved oot. wus defeated. Ball» to»• abject msom lay Ajia jtu ia giatbcr walked >'h‘rl1 T H E K ef lu g e * * , I FLOHEHOE «TAOS ROUTE. succiEirr D A IL Y altar. The Weekly Chronicle Only $ 6 . 7 0 $ 1 .5 0 a Attorney at Law, , Reversible Map? Map o f th e W orld . «. I