$2000 Settled a t.......................................... Astoria Fill a bottle or common glass with Settled in ..................... 1811 • Founded b y...........................New Yorker« urine and let it stand twenty-four hours> ' Admitted ai a state.......... Feb. 14, 1859 a sediment or settling indicates an un­ Baking pow der at 25 cents or 30 cents a pound healthy condition of the kidneys. When ' Population lit 1W10 . . . . . . . urine stains linen it is evidence of kid- : I In 1870................................. never ought to have been sold, because good baking ney trouble. Too frequent desire to I In 1880 ............................... urinate or pain in the back, is also con­ powder is cheaper— does more for the money. W hite............................... vincing proof that the kidneys and Oolored ........................... But now as the good times are coming back—as the bladder are out of order. American Born............. W H A T TO OO. newspapers say the excuse lor cheap baking powders Foreign Born................. There is comfort in the knowledge to ! Male«................................ ¡9 even less than ever. often exp-essed, that Dr. Kilmer's Female« ....................... __ swamp-root, the great kidney remedy Vour m oney back if you don’t like Schilling's Best Population (to square milei. 313,707 fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the Population (census ol 1899). —at your grocer’s. «« 59.920 ' back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every Voting Population............... 33.291 ' part of the urinary passage. It corrects Vote lor Harrison (1888). 20.291 inability to hold urine and scaldiug pain 1 Ixwik »t our new »tnck of shoe«. Meyer Vote for Cleveland (1888), None i in passing it, or bad effects following 1 A Kyle. Net state debt «o»»i »».'«a saeas« eo„ wo. rem. Real and personal property $86,000,009 use of liquor, wine or beer, and over- Some very nice smoked salmon from .fC B U IH B D KVKBY FBID AÏ MOXNINO— 98,Oft)' cornea that unpleasant necessity of I*- Area (square miles) PER8ONAL8 ; Hans Hansen gratified the palates of 2 I ing compelled to get np many times U. S. Representatives the W est force this week. 1,(08 during the night to urinate. The mild Militia (disciplined) -F lobxncx , L an « C ounty , O kkion .— Rheumatism is due to lactic acid in i n Wm. Rowan of Heceta is at Arago, 32 and extraordinary effect of swamp-root Counties....................... the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla neutral- re8on- , . - by - - - 666 is soon realised. It stands the highest | Post offices................. lies the acid and completely cures the Wm. Kyle and I B. Cushman arc in 1,503 for its wonderful cures of the most dis-i Railroad (m ile s)......... aches and pains of rheumatism. Be Irattcisco. 185 tressing cases. If you nee 1 a medicine 1 V e ssels........................... sure to get Hood’s. ; Miss Katie Brund was in town Wed- Tonnage 53,317 you should have the best. Sold by Editor and Proprietor. A Kansas farmer. John Graham, ol j neaday evening. Manufactures (yearly).......... $10,870,982 druggists, price fifty cente and one dol- Operators............................. 3,424 lar. You may have a sample hottie and Abilene, has grown a sweet potato which Mr. and Mrs. A. Haring are visiting -T « « ms : $LW a y«*r in advance. he says is the larg-st in the world. It with relatives and friends at Coos hay. I Yearly wages....................... $ 1,636,566 pamphlet both sent free hv mail. 4,428,712 Mention The W est and send your ad- is 25 inches in circumference aud nine! Misses Olive Knowles and Malel I Farm Lands (in acres) ....... Entered at th e post-office at Florence, ' Farm Landa (values) ......... $59,908,575 dress to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, inches in length. It weighs 9*. pounds. Blackniun were visiting in tow n this 4,ue county, Oregon, oh secmd-Haes ! Farm Products (yearly)........ 3,234,548 N. Y. The proprietor of this paper. A letter from the surveyor-general week, nail m atter. I guarantees the genuineness of tb it offer saya that >. pay for mr govern- govern- 1 Mrs. J. R. Stiles of Point Terrace Public scliools, average daily 40,012! ! attuudance.... i > vk « ti « tng rates made known on AP- ment surveys will be apportioned among made a business trip to Mapleton last 156 W IL L A M E T T E IM P R O V E M E N T S . ; Newspapers the d different iffe r e n t narta . t . next „ ..v t Tuesday. P L IC A T IO N . parte of of th the e e state ocal n o tice s H cen ts per lin e , each Insertion 42 to 46d’N spring. lo r this reawn parties living! Wm. Giable who returned from Coos Latitude on unsurveyed land will do well tc make bay Ugt Saturday, left Tuesday of this Longitude . 116>leg 46min to 124deg 30 W i The people of Eugene are taking steps Mesn température (P ortlan d )... .53 deg I tc induce Captain Fisk to make some W E 8 T L IN G S . application for its survey at an early , we«k for I’ortlend. The governors of Oregon bave been : ; improvements in the Willametto river I date. Mrs. J. A. Bean of Mapletion started Territorial—Geo. Ahernethy, 1845-9; between Eugene and Harrisburg. Cor.- i ■ry 8-:b n in e's B est tea and baking powdor. Doa’t Tobacco Spit tad Swokc Yo«r I lf» Sway. Friday for a month’s visit with relatives Joseph Lan«, 1849-53; J P. Gaines, greas appropriated $100,000 for the I To quit tobacco easily and forever, be uiar - a , The Eugene stage took out a full load aetlc. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Salem and Portland ' 1849-53; Geo. L. Curry, 1863-54-69; Jos­ I improvement of the river between , f passengers last Friday. Bac. tbe wonder-worker, that makes wealt men - — Superintendent Hunt will hold a local eph Davis, 1853-54. Eugene and Oregon Oity. Last year and A new » rock of ladies’ mackintoshes strong. All druggists, 50c or SI. Cure guaran­ teachers' institute at Springfield this State—John 1859-62; « im k — vwiii , Wbiteaker, ,, uik , « w > ,»»»» »>, Ad this year all the work has been done teed. Booklet and sample free. Address , A- O. nnke’s. Sterling Remedy C o , Chicago or New York. evening and tomorrow. . dison C. Gibbs. 1862-78; Geo. L. Woods, be|ow Harrisburg and steamboat men The > ,ate board of Equalisation meets A man out in Kansas obtained pills , Mrs. Nichols who has been a resident 1866-70; l.afayette Grover, 1870-77; 8. Fay that with a limited amount of work n Salem the 7th inst. at a drugstore ior the cure of insomnia, j of Florence for some months returned F. Chadwick, 1877-78; W. W. Thayer, E„gene would have the benefit of 1878-82; Zenas Ferry Moody, 1882-86 it0Hluer transportation during the Bring yonr job work to the W est That night in the dark he found what lie to Coos bay on the Robarts las* week. ,(fice. Good work done at reasonable thought was the pill box and swallowed | Mrs. Mitchell who has been visiting Sylvester Pennoyer, 1886-96; Win. P. winter at least. 1 About $20,000 of the appropriation as . be of i»„ the pellets. 1 He ■’ . . supposed cuppuucu three V..TCW, v, » with her brotlier j . B . Hill and family Lord, 1896-99. trices. remains unexpended. A meeting ol Men’s shoes—the best quality in all then slept soundly. In the morning it | for # month pa!t returlied to her O IED. Eugene and Lane county cilixens was it was discovered that he had K">Ped borae in port|and a few days «go. ¡rades at Meyer & K yle's. called for Tuesday evening at tbe court down three of his wife’s shirt-waist „ , At Seaside, Oregon, Nov. 21st, 1897, ! Mrs. E. Sharp of Latham arrived The prospect seems to lie that the bouse to take some action on the matter. Friday and will have charge of the Mary, wife of William Buiup of Heceta, simian m ill will resume opratious U ° n9‘ IITANTEB-TRUSTWORTHY A N D |caUn; rydepartine„t of the Mapleton Oregon agod 26 years. k, fore long. T O CURE A OOLD IN ONE DAY. She whs a sister of Chas. Hubbard of active gentlemen or ladies to boje| durb,g the absence of Mrs Bean. Take Laxative Bromo (4,11 nine Tablets. The San Francisco Examiner and the travel for responsible, established house _ _ „ . .. Florence. All druggists refund money if it fails to IV kst for one year $2.50 paid in ad­ , J , , „ a , D. E. Macey representative of tbe tnOregon. Monthly $66.00and expenses. , n. I 25c. i , California fish commission was in Ore-| R E P O R T N O T A P P R O V E D . vance. Position steady. Reference. Enclose , , . ■ . ,, ,, . ; , , gon a few davs ago trying to obtain 200 Christmas goods in great variety— se ,, (-addressed stamped envelope. The i 6 . . .. .. SUMMONS . . Company, _ Dept. Y Chicago, I or more pairs of Mongolian pheasants Corvallis, Or , Nov, 24.—In tbe cir­ ...iielliing to please the grown folks as ( p olnbdo„ j for the purpose of stocking California cuit this morning objections were filed •ell us the children at M eyer <4 Kyle’s, i I n JUST1CB COUBT, FLOBB5IC1 P a iC I K C t, L *M 1 , with the birds. He purchased 30 pairs to the approval of the report of Referee The pacer Bessie Rankin lately owned j GREENLEAF ITE M S . County, Orofon ' from Miss Jennie Griffith that had tieen Woodcock, rfud the matter is to be ar­ Silgar A. Kvan» and v F. A. Rankin of Eugene was sold at j i Sophia A. Benedict, raised on the Griffith iaani near Salem, gued in Salem December 28tli. B y A WKST CORRESPONDENT. Action I l’laiiitiffs lie Ashland race track a short time paying $5 per pair for-them. D IM E SOCIAL- - To Recover Money Frederick J. kobe and n»:e for $785. Nov. 20th, 189.. , Jainea E Hill T o C are C o n s tip a tio n l o r e t e r . Hood’s P ills are easy to take, easy to Copartners by the Hay has been offered at $2.50 a ton on 1 T»ko Cascarets Candv Cathartic. 10c or 25c. nam e of Kobe A H ill A dime social will be giveu by the W. perate. Cure Indigestion, biliousness. Indian creek Defendant*. j M e c ' c ' 1,1110 cure' druB*i,w r<'f"nd money. C. T. U ., nt the residence of Mesdauies j To Frederick J. Kobe and James E. H ill C a o Nickel.hurg A C o.’s Ladies' Peter Hollo is spending the winter at Foster and B um s on Monday evening D efendant«. SOME HEAVY C A TT L E . In the nam e of the State of Oregon: Ca . 1, N ic k e Fverv Martin Olsen’s. He bad a fit of sickness Dec. 6th. The program will consist of t.ocsthe, lieet in the nar ' ' t ,ast willter and caale near dying, and The Mink took two scow loads of beef music, charades, recitation»«, dialogues , You are aummoned to appear in «aid eou it on the second Tuesday in January, 189M, at one sir warranted. For sale by weyer j |dg mjgllUlHve u in In bis cabin [ cattle to Mapleton lor W. Nichols Satnr- and an address by the smallest man in o'clock, P. M„ at 1. O. O. F. hall, to w hich t i n s -.v'e- .,! n month before anybody would have day. The cattle were purchased on Florence. ■ and place thl« cau«e «land«adjourned, being In The time for bidJing on star mail | ,---------- If it rains Saturday evening the social Florence Precinct to answ er PlalntlOk com known about it, so be has concluded Smith river and driven to Harrisburg, nites being past, the question of in- not to run the risk _ again. I There were 17 head in the hand and will be postponed till the first pleasant pl«ln t In above entitled 1 if you fail «0 to appear, plaintiffs w ill tare irest among bidders is, to whom wil1 I "“Herman S^inhnuer is home from ; leaving one two-year-old out. Mr evening after that date. 1 judgem ent »gainst "yon for ---------- 4HS.6S w ith Interest THE VESSEL M O W IN FMOCES» OF C O N S T R U C T IO N io contracts be awarded. ! Douglas county, where he has been Nichols estimated tbe average weight ' from coium euceni»n tof «ult And cost« of court 8U N D A Y SER V IC E 3. and th at the name be levied np oo pro)ierty M. 8. Riddle died in Eugene, No’ ’ j working at the mines. He is only on a ! on foot ol the remaining 16 at 1760 W IL L BE O W N E D BY T H E C O M P A N Y .: attached In thl« cauie. It 1# ordered by Frank 'th, aged 82 years, 4 months and 7 days visit and will go back in a few days. , pounds each Several persons guessed Sniiduy school, 10 H. Ut. Preaching H W ilson, K»q„ J m tlce o l th e Peace tor «aid ..in complaints consequent upon old He says he likes the winter climate ; the weight of one steer at -009 pounds. 11 a. m. anil 7 p . D l.— Subject at morn- , Precinct, nt date November asth, 1847, that ing se r v ic e -S a t.n ’g Assault on toe « u m - o n . be rerved on yon by puWIcMlon In je. He was the etep-father of Secre- ; better there than here. ! COMMITTEE INCREASED. «,■ I I « r- .« - I t . D ....I « . I the WIST (a newspaper published w eekly la irv of State Kincaid. Citadel of a Great Character—Krsulta 1 __ d county) for six consecutive w eeks .n d by Mr. Gibson whose house on Deadwood Why not trest yourself to a new suit creek was smashed, with its contento by j Subject for evening service— A ines- d e p o s itin g , copy thereof, and of com plaint, In mMting of „tockholdcrs of the th e post ofBce, postage paid, directed to ' clothes for the Imliditys, full lino of a falling tree, has built a better house A N„vifalion Co. t , se liger iu our Pathway. Frederick J. Kobe, Tacoma, W ashington. I. O. K notts , pastor. imples on hand—rates from $7.00 up- than the old one and got together fur- 8aturday it WR8 votad to increase B. K. B lN X D tC T Hrds, no express charges. Hurd & niture enough to live with comfortably. plaintiffs Attorney. the executive committee from three to: O RERÀ MOUSK L E A S E D . The neighbors were generous to him in five members. Two new members were aver. port. J. B. Parker, who lives near In- his need then elected making Messrs C. H . O. 8. Journal: J. W . Christian, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. .p: ndence, in Polk county, has been Mailcsrrier Cook had a hard time get­ Holden, V. Gurney, Geo. H. Colter, tnerlmenting with tobacco culture, and ting to Deadwood with the Junction Jag. Robertson and Geo. M. Miller the Walter Roes and A. Svarverud have Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, s s heen so successful that cigars made mail this trip. He readied the former ! executive committee as at present con­ leased the Eugene opera bouse from its November S. 1SS7, owner, Mrs. Parker, who reside« In | N otice Is hereby given that tb e follow ing- ith tobacco grown by him are said to post office at 9 o’clock this morning, stituted. California, ami will open it for the sea­ named settler has filed notice of hre Intention e as good as the average cigar smoked instead of last evening. The sorrowful — ----- - ......... son. These men aro well and favorably to make final proof In support of her claim and R d n c a l. Y o u r B o w e ls W it h C M r s r . U . skies had been weeping too profusely a Oregon. Candy Cothartic, euro constipation foreier. know n, and no doubt some first clasa tbat said proof w ill he made before C. H Hoi 10c 25c. If C.C.C. fall, druggists rotund money. | den U. 8. Com m issioner at Florence. Oregon, The W est has for sale one year’s for him. tronpes will play hers this winter. on Uecember IS, 1W7, Vts: Martha X. Martin, nition in the Holmes Business College The survey that is being made of the w idow of James M artin, on h. e. no. €5S0 for O FFICERS CHOSEN. f Portland. This is one of the leading northwest corner of township 17 south TO HAVE ANOTHER RARER. th e n w ti ne-x of rec. u . tP. i s ... r. io west. I S T O C K S U B S C R IP T IO N B O O K S O AN B E B E E N .A T T H E h a v in g ' bot­ i She « names th e ....... follow ing w itnesses i mie •»»»*vw vuv —----- ---- to prove r « lines« colleges on the coast, i range r a n g e 7 z west, w e s t, opens v g o . . « up - e some good = -------- „ „ « vi ¿O FFICE O F C . H . H O L D E N .. glish, Commercial, Shorthand and | tom land lan(J at ftt the tbe head head of of Nelson s e|gOn creek.; Heceta lodge I. O. O. F. of Florence 1 her contin uous resilience upon and cultivation creek. Eiigen« seems likely to be well sup­ of. said laud, vis: legrapbic departments and we offer The j The bottom bottol„ is is wide wide np ,,p there there (in (in section | elected officers Wednesday evening to section plied with newspapers. It already has i H. H. Hoffman, and (leorge A llen of Point s tuition on easy terms. I g of tbat township) and as rich as mud, 9erve for six months commencing , an. of daily’s, the Guard aud Register; and ( Terree«, Or. : A. X- H ad s.ll, and M. J H .d sa ll Vhile hunting on the Mohawk la s t' covered with a dense growth of j lgt, 1898. They are J. J. of weekiys, the Guard, Register, Jour­ ¡ of Mapleton. Oregon. R M. Vx.TCB, ek, Henry Reninger was snpposet.ly . 8alnion brush. G ’ T ‘ T‘i w ’ Kvl« ’ Treav W. H . nal ar.d Record and now the report le g is t* '. ¡dentally shot by an unknown party, p r#„k Potterf from emc., S ec.; and ill. , , cidentally Frank p otterf has just got home irom j y for the comes out that «till another weekly flirting a flesh wound in the shoulder. I job putting ¡„ new water, Weatherson was elected trustee for : will be issued ubout J a n . lit . This one T O OUR RA TR ON R s was not seriously injured. ' WOrks at the Elk Prairie hotel. There term of three years- ____ i t to be from the Star J o b office. Siuslaw Company Organized, t h e CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 w e s t VV.H. WEATHERSON No. of Shares 10,000, at $10 EACH. Everybody’s Opportunity Who De­ sires to Visit the New Eldorado. This is a Home Company. Every Citizen of the Siuslaw Valley S h o u ld ^ ^ v H ^ ' .Own at Least one Share. ITS AIIS ARE PURELY C3-0PERÌWB/ Work Being Pushed Vigorously. Last Saturday, Joe Siever of J « • urk City, arrived in Eugene bound , head, and it will tbr mind the United States on a bicycle. a hose over any part of e is making schedule time so far and | « g o in g to build on lib H O W S T H IS . We have mede arrangements by which we will furnish the Weekly | We offer One Hnndred Dollars Re­ Albany Dm.ioc.el, Nov. 22: A. C. < Oregonian with the Wster for one veer ward for anv cane of catarrh that cannot Woodcock, of Euicene, today rendered to any add res« for the «urn of two urine6S transactions and financially about 146,095. to dwindle to «boot half la'cii’e term expires April 1st. Ior There are eome indications of a able to carry out any obligations made the amount. The referee «wards $1140 Person* e receivership there are 35 applicant«- vival of interest in cattle breeding by their firm. to Chas. Clark, ex-recciver; $730 to r. Sheridan has nearly two years to West A Truax. wholesale druggists, western Oregon. It 1« high time ,e ye'- ' " T rnrev-viL ’There are s great many Toledo, O. Welding. Rinnan A Marvin, Ttioe. P avey; $600 to W . 8. McFadden, rve yet and the remainder, about $19,000, to the significant coincidence attaches to «ut i a • Oregon and wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. O. C- A E ., making it a victory for Bon­ sudden death at Indepemlence, of cattle raised in Me«ter 8 HaU’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ner A Hammond. T. J. Lee, representative from I’olk „ iarge portion of the young stock T .1 l ~ , r..„,u-er,tative from I’olk larM portion ol the young s I ly ortina octing directly upon opon tbe blood and unty. The week previous a lodge of ag ca|ves or yearlings to go on ie m'icoue surfaces of tlie System. Tes­ A ROST O FF IC E M O V E D . ccalieet was organized at Indepen- , While farmers are slow to sp- timoniala ------------ sent free. Price 75c. per ice by organizers from Corvallis, and , • , he va| ue of blood in animals bottle. Sold by all druggist Jealousy between Cottage Grove and th ecb .rterlifitw a sD r.lA te, in ! precU‘6 " D io c k on the r.nge Hall’s F . mily Pill« e r o ^ - - Lemati h a s lieen arouse! once more by 1 patently excellent health. The $2,- the men who keep stock on „ . ^ ^ r d OFFERED tlte removal of the post office from Cot­ ft insurance resultant from his mem g^ n learn the lesson. - _____ tage Grove fo fjematl. For several, n h ip in the newly orgauixed te n t; born on the range now are gra. e years two post oflkees were maintained Us to the doctor’s family. now tb* „« Mme beef breed_8horthon.s being g oniet Lodge A. O. IT. W. a . but a short distance apart but the gov-| of some nee c>|( p A <,ardlner ,,ffer : band that provided for them Stone can’t compete with lin e for preferred in Oregon. Hen” " ’2 ’’ ^ 7 e w a H for recoverv of tbe body of •rument finally canted the discontinu­ ance of the lom iati offi.-e. Then the durability in this climate. Many years ¡Bed in death. the range is now wor g Henry Dahlgren supposed to have been - grown on tne rang« - Henry Dahlgren snppose.i io „ citixens of that town hod to go to Cot­ _____ _ than R , be wrwk . of « 4. of hard work erecting thonsamis upon ally at least 50 percent, more than the the (lrowne<1 pear the Irnckee tage Grove after Ibeir mail. E on to ‘ ordinary western Oregon calf. The Nov. 22nd. One half is offered lor weeks ago Perry Sherwood was appoint­ thousands of sine Monuments, under scientific efforts have brought , "in western Oregon who is raie- ^ ¡ , 1 ve ¡„formation of hi» death, or lor ed poolniaatur. A petit.on was circu­ W hit « B sonzb M omcmbxts lated quietly asking for tbe removal ol To a liigti state of perfection. Bolter for save .o e rn n on » w reW » e bi. the office 850 feet to the cast. Tuesday 2,000 or more years than any granite for : of ’’cheap” baking cnd for beef should w a b* ll*r p abigrcn was « mill band and left n o m in e last week to Ute great surprise owder and cat the cake. finlv pure.hred boll« of beef treed«. Q;irtliner Xor. k ,,,, ¡„ a »mall boat to of all Cottage Grove, a L * in « ti dray 40 year«. Be not deceived longer. Buy White •ot. cot ldn t do b c tte r -fo r ^ a , *■«« was driven to »lie post office door and Bronze Monument*. everything appertaining to the office F. A. T oxixm , Agent, onr d o c to r. ^ a lw T u s ’t exceed to,000. The ad’h - , been seen of h.m. .... ...... was loaded on the dray and taken across Eugsuff, Ore. the river to a building in the village of Si/uh'iHgs Best money-back {j<>n en.n flTe d nor» J ” awo(lW K kk F »our blood pore, jour *pp«- CCF •o »our u r blood pure. la-mati. Now tite people of (kittoge B 4 . s » t e T w « Rwwse« W M « CaswwmSs. lite IP"*!, your perfect tking powder ¡S At ^ ‘ brTnromrlf t - — w-w u ie good, your dige»t.on - t , — ■ . . . Grove may hare their tnrn at ciorting C o w l, ('» th s rtle . ears «M W tleaUaa fe re rs r. by taking Hood’« S a rsa ien lte which «N.M«. IIC.C.O.fkH,ffrogffl»urrtu«ff»oe«y. the river to get their mail. • ^ « r ’s . to the exten! of a 0 u* t r of » “ “ ,on lioa porrei to keep you $NCLL. R E F E R E E W O O DC O C K'S R E R O R T. DON’T HISS THE OPPOBTJN1TÎ OF A LIFE T I E Desiring to Subscribe (for Stock Cat do so hy Leaving Their Nemee. Alaska Qold Minin* A Navigation Co. FLORENCE, : • • OREGON. IW CATHARTIC .•ubca\cXb cntcMsiMnoM » ♦ so* AMOLUTCLT dollar«. : _____ _ II