The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, December 03, 1897, Image 2

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    cause tb» slow death trooi
and fos«*A and tmnger <4 those or-
broods whoso lamentations rise
*>Mr razzisi aoaaym,—
from mfllioA« of down-liaad nests, w I tosa
t lithe Uttia builders, with a ahot through
breast, are carelessly toaaed into the
fiv it/tc t,
L * * t C otktt ,
sportsman’a bag.
- ' ' •*' "C*
There is »aether form of wanton de-
struction of animal life which olitains
in the heart of civilisation and wjdcli
has provoked frequent and bitter pro­
Editor and Proprietor.
test. Thia it the custom of trap-shoot-
| ing, in which multitudes of pigeons,
■ bred in captivity and adding to their
natural meekness and innocence a per­
a. F. Chronicle:
rust in the hand of man which has
For the past ten yean a feminine
nurtured them, are taken to
crnaade baa been waged throughout
and released in the pres-
thia rountrv on behalf of the feathered •
L iterarv.
O rw nU r
raws H « w n c m CoiutearosorsT,
(OJtlOINM. AMP o s t i e r i * )
The fact that Fraaaa, Austria and
Germany are roe esi eri ng the joint abol-
A delicate thought is a dower of
W aj M.,
N ot . 22nd, 1897.
lahqaent of sugar bounties ia of consider­
able interest to thia i-ountry, and lias
Those senators who asserted
has still most cause
« bearing upon the effort
the sugar-beet industry in the United which resulted in the rejection of i to doubt.
States, as well as upon tlie general plan the arbitration treaty, negotiate d
Oome what may, time and the hour
of making the United Slates independ- by the Cleveland administration run through the roughest day.
ent of foreign countries as to its sugar and endorsed by the present ad-
Those that are loudest in their threats
ministration, with Great Britain, are the weakest in the execution of
We are now deriving large revenue that they favored arbitration, but
from sugar importations. The income opposed that particular treaty be-
It makes a great difference in the
froni this source in 1895 was >15,000,000, cause of objections they specified,
force of a sentence whether a man be
and 1896 >30,000,000. It was one of the will shortly be given an oppor-
behind it or no.
avowed purposes of the Dingley law to ! tunity to show
whether they
If temperance prevails, then education
ichatxtant» ef the air and against tho ;«»<* of a set of gay spectators to serve increase this amount still more, perhaps meant what they said or were
prevail; if temperance fails then
barbarous customs which demands the as targets tor the city sportsman’s aim. , ‘® » P°int maintained before the McKin-! merely talking for its effect upon education must fail.
briglitduied~i>luniage of these' innocent! Vani‘T
at the root ot thia practice, *®> law’a eaP«‘riment in free sugar and their influential constituents who 1
When death, the great reconciler lias
creations to add elegance to a garment iua‘ “ U “ v“nity which diroct8
‘ Aunties, when we collected as much a» favored arbitration au<l opposed
their votes against th e ratification ' come, it is never our tenderness that we
>60 000,000 a year in sugar duties.
or Io trim a hat or bonnet. Earnest and
But the avowed policy of the repubii- o f the treaty. A n oth er arhitra- repent of but our severity.
intelligent women have realized that the sportsman trap-shooter has several
can party is to bring the sugar produo tion treaty has been negotiated, J Fully to understand a grand and
unless the wanton destruction now in
|>rogress ia checked the time will come fashion. To begin with, the murder tion of the United States up to the point and especial pains have been taken beautiful thought requires, perhaps, ns'
which is committed in the practice and where it will suffice for tho uome de- hi drawing its provisions to meet much time as to conceive it.
when bird songs will no longer cheer
> v
the solemn forests or glsdden the
hills e«wcise of a nice skill with the gun, is 1 mand. thereby “saving to cur people the the objections raised by
.................................#" ■ # # * ’*...............................
Whan we advance a little into life,
and dells, and the hunted remnant of a httle less detestable than the vanity ; BU,n ¡1100,000,000 annually paid to for- j **> executive session, to the old we find that tlie tongue of man creates
the feathered race will succumb to
the which kills for the mere purpose of self- e>gn countries for sugar." It is obvious one. It will be sent to the senate nearly all tlie mischief in the world.
These Goods W ill Run Out at Rates so Low That it Will Make
ravages of its natural enemies and
be- »dornment. Again, the pigeon is a bird *hat large revenue from sugar and home , ilrl early in the session as may be
Tlie use of traveling is to regulate iro-
—- - aMb-QuIck Work of Their Distribution,
come extinct upon the face o( the eartli ! which breeds with extraordinary fe- production of sugar cannot exist to- deem ed ad visable by P resid en t M e
■ agination by reality, and, instead of
This is neither a mere theory, nor yet cundity and which few has natural ene- gather. As fast as we increase our Kinlev, probably as soon as the j thinking how things may tie, to sec
the result of speculation, but the ,un . , iiiies, so tliat it is difficult to see just sugar output, a transfer must be made treaty for the annexation of Ha- them as they are.
avoidable deduction drawn from statu-I * here ili Pr«Pa8a‘‘«n would stop, were i of taxation to other things. Every d o l-. w aii is disposed of.
Wit must grow like fingers. If it be |
tics gathered from the professional bird- I*‘ not tar ‘h*a annual «laughter. More- lar lost by duties foregone upon failing
There is much doubt about
taken from others it is like plums stuck
hunters, and the markets which they , over< c*re *• usually exercised not to sugar importations must be obtained in what financial recommendations
th a t M ean« that Mr.
on blackthorns; there they are for a • f ttaady made
supply, in all the large cities of the pi»«* breeding birJs in traps. And some way by customs duties, internal will be made in the president’s
while but they como to nothing.
<«»h can F it Mimealf out at
I message to congress. It will prob-
world. Enormous as the figures of i while the pigeon is the type of all that i revenue, or other form ot taxation,
€« et nf M anufacture.,
feathered consumption are, the demand *• ‘nn«*«“ and guileless, it is a grain- F rider ‘he operations of the Dingley
ably depend
upon the
continues unequal to the supply, and ea‘*n8 bird, and cannot be counted as '**» this expense to revenue by sugar advice given the president
by It
1 is not difficult to know it. The evil Have eeme Bpecia; •ff*tin < e in
every year rare varieties of birds with an ‘"‘¡mate friend and helper of man, development is likely to be increased prominent members of his party is only that men will not seek it. Do
beautiful plumage are growing scarcer ,ik® “ verF larK® Proportion of tlie in- Tl‘« advocates of the beet-sugar indus- in congress.
This doubt does you go home and searc.i for it.
D. c.,
W« are Prepared te Meet all
Denaad« for Winter
Good«, With a New
Line «f Heavy W««l«n Un*
d«rw«ar, Mitt», Fas*
* f ei n a tor», Hosiery,
Beetle««, Oil Clothing, Rub­
ber Beets. Ov«r Shoe* Etc.^.
We are not only pleased but turned
, “T “ecured a duty of >1 68‘i per 100 not arise from any dashing of
llT k llt liiu
lliw n
> / ’» • n
r k l r t l . I f i aw «* n t II <> 1 wvas-snrn 1
. / . 4 A
1. ..
upon 11
sugars M whicli
financial views between
presi- by a feather. The history ot man is a
voinjiriee tho bulk of our importations, dent and mem tiers of the cabinet, calendar of straws. If the nose of
and also the addition of a counter-1 They are all practically of one Cleopatra tiad been shorter, said Pascal,
.penotrate the wildest forests of the man’s club which recently answered the vailing duty to offset tlie export mind as to what financial legisla- in bis brilliant way, Antony might have
tropics and to incur extraordinary risks indignant protest of its lady friends bounties paid by tlie European beet- tion they would like to see put helped the world.
Temperance to be a virtue must be
in the knowledge that his game will aBa‘n«‘ tlie practice of trap-shooting sugar countries. This put the rate of through congress, but there are
yield him a rich reward to compr,,. : “nd their threat to place a social boy- du‘y uP ’n raw sugars from 80 to 05 grave differences of opinion among free and not forced. Virtue may be
sate fur all the expoenre and fatigue co“ "P*,n
members by passings per cent, ad valorem. As Mr. Edwin F. them as to tlie advisability ofmak- defended, as vice may be withstood, by
which he undergoes in securing it. jn. I resolution debarring from tlie club- Atkins points out in his article in the ing
which a statute, but no virtue is or can be
deed, the ranks of his profession are liouse and grounds any woman who Forum, this is a tremendous tax, haven't even a remote chance of j created by a law, any more than by a
swelling in number, for it is well under- "hould tlie reafter wear a bird or w ing or amounting, on tlie basis of average con- being enacted. Tho weight of J battering ram can a temple or an
sumption, to more than >67,000,000 a sentiment among republican sena- obelisk be reared.
stood that a skilled bird hunter can aigrette on her bonnet.
earn, in a short season's work, an in-
There has been much and bitteragi- year, the government drawing a direct tors and representatives will prob-
Earnest men never think in vain
conie equal to that of the average bank tatio’> ,or ‘ho amelioration of both revenue from its sugar customs taxes o f ' ably determine just how far presi- j though their thoughts may be errors
cashier and considerably in advance of i ‘beee abuses, and this agitation has approximately $50,000,000 a year. But if den tial recoin men dat ion s will r c o . ' Gxxl thoughts «'ire ble9»ed giW s, and
the army or naval officer of medium been especially energetic ujK>n this beet sugar is to be produced in this
Although a strong supporter of, , houlJ heartily wel<some.l, well fed,
rank, with a life of adventure and travel coaat during the past year. But it ie country to an extent sufficient to sup the administration and of the St. anj mucli sought after. Like rose
and long periods of leisure, for it is in observable that tlie wearing of birde P'X our ncrds, and foreign-grown suguis ' L ouis platform.
Representative i leaves, they give a sweet smell if laid up '
the nesting time of tlie various regions and feathers was never more fasliiou- are ,0 h® excluded, how is the >50,000,- Dolliver, of Iowa, is not a support-' ¡„ nie ar mci r •
of revenue, which will then be lost, i cr to Secretary Gage's scheme of
ite traverses that bia expeditions are able than now in California, and that
The responsibility of tolerance lies
| of issuing gold bonds to retire
most profitable, aa tlie sbv victim whose i >“‘w organizations for trap-shooting arc to be re-collected?
witli those who have tlie wider vision.
Further complication is given tlie m at-. the greenbacks. H e d o esn ’t attack
plumage ia very nearly worth its w eight. constantly being formed.
Temperance puts wood on tlie fire,
by the fact that tho production o f 1 the bond schem e d irectly, but when
.in gold ia moat conveniently slain when
■ ------- --------- -
in tlie barrel, flour in the tub,
hovering above the tiny nestlings, and I 7ME HICKS I >«S ALMANAC E RARER
in the purse, crodit in the
^hu parental instinct makes them easy
We srw informed tnat the i r 3 alma- j Th# world’a »UPP*T “1 a«Rar on August J doubt where he stands: ‘‘There country, contentment in the house,
targets fur hie gun.
clothes on the back and vigor in the
The whole human race, in ono way ( uacof Prof. Irl R. Hicks it now ready, i 1st, 1894, was 1,087,000 tons; that is is throughout the country a Con­
or another, in a measure dejiends ujion and judging from Its past history, It will (
eurplus on band On siderahle fear that attempt to in­
A man who enters tlie thsstra is im­
.tbe slaughter of inferior life for its aup- not be many weeks in finding its way August let, 1897, the surplus liad risen troduce a n«w system of finance
port, its comfort, or ite protection. into homes and offices all over America. to 1,811,000 tons, tlie increase last year in the present state of politics in mediately struck witli tlie view of so
From time immemorial humanity has It is much larger and finer than any being 254*000 to"a- B"* for ‘he bounty | congress might result in the mere great a multitude, participating in one
been obliged to wage war upon tlie le s-' previous issue. It contains 116 pages, paid, this excess would before now have ' exhibition of the infirmities of onr coinmor> amusement, and experiences.
eer—or superior—grades of animal life issplcndidly printed and illustratud on brou«ht about binkrnptcy to those in ! présent System, grossly exaggerat- from their very aspect, a superior sensi­
for self-pcrs«rvation alone. Ltilixing fine book paper, having tlie finest por­ 1 the biiainess in several European coun- ed by the zeal of the reformer* bility or disposition of being affected
these dead enemies for added comfort trait ever given of Prof. Ificks. It tan i tries, a fate only at present prevented without uttaiuiug any substantial with every sentiment which he shares
and a batter sustenance was probably no longer be denied that the publics- l,y tl,c iear the ' “rious governments have j result. I find very many people ' with his fellow creatures.
in the outset an accident.
: turns <,f Prof. Hicks have become
o i ‘he political effect, which, through a who are anxious to see the defects ; It is a fearful fact to think of, that
In the earlier centuries of the world's net easily to the family and commercial rePeal oi l,ie bounty, a general collapse of our present system corrected, in every heart there is some secret
history no distinction was made as to life of this country. His journal, “ Wool
tlu’ in‘lu*try wou,<1 ,lave upon “h 11- i but who feel that wo ought to avoid spring that would be weak at the touch
meat and meat, and our ancestors of and Works, aside from its storm, w eatli-' ionB oi their P^P1®- This is why wc CX|»osing our monetary system to of temptation, and that is liable to tie i
the stone age dined with equal relish erand astronomical features, has ta)(en hear tala of abolishment of European a scheme of unfinished surgery assailed. Fearful and yet salutary to ;
upon Iwast am) man; but tlie advanc­ rank witli tlie liest literary, scientific *ug,r hountiw. The governments in- It would seem reasonable that a think of, for the thought may serve to
ing tide of civilization brought tiiem and family magazines of the age. Do ' tereated •®®m *° have to have realized , coherent plan could be devised to keep our moral nature braced, I‘ l
nicer diacrimination. Tlie alaughter not believe hearsay and reports. See at 1*nKth ‘he absurdity of contributing relieve the country of defects in warns us that we can never stand at I
of animal creation has gone on through the Hicks almanac and paper for your- ,r° n i‘heir treasuries so that consumers finance which everybody admits, case, or lie down in the field of life, ¡
all the ages, but tlie ends have gener- self. You will then know why they are tn Kn8land a,ld ‘he United States may w ith o u t bringing in troublesom e without sentinels of watchfulness, and
a‘ '«*•‘hsn cost.
ally justiticil the act, for food, cloth -'.o popular. They are allocators of the «"W
questions as to which no possible ¡ campfires of prayer.
No settlement of this question is worth agreement is at present in sight.”
ing, shelter, light and tuel were thereby millions, and unrivaled safeguards to
Itiches may enable us toconfer favors;
obtained, with various substances pnqierty and human life. It is matter considering at all which (ails to recog­
The new Spanish ministry may but to confer them with propriety and
nize tlie fact tlist the beet sugar indus- not aucceed in whipping the Cu-
<4 urn in tlie arts and manufactures, of »¡tuple record that Prof. Hicks lias >1
witli gra-e, requires a »ometliing whicli
But wanton slaughter lias very nearly foretold for many years all groat storms, lrV ” , ‘‘rUin to 8° “head in this
coun- bans into submission any
better ' riches cannot give; even trifles may be
gone out of fashion, and some wise or 1 floods, droutlis and tornadoes, even the ,ry‘ The faela <‘ud Hgur®’ ar® h®ing than the old m inistry d id , and it to bestowed ns to cease to be trifles,
licncficivnt purpose now usually directs recent terrible drouth over all the conn- ”” ’d ‘° •*“>»'that we cannot afford to may not really be any more frieud-. The citizens of Muga -a oifere 1 tho
the sportsman’» aim.
1 try. The almanac alone is 25 cents a r » * our own sugar when wc can buy it ! ly to the U. S. b u tit' has become dom of their city to Alexander; such an
It lias remained for woman—gentle, copy. Tlie paper is >1.00
below cost, and that the government apparent in Washington its repeat-! offer excited a smile in the
will suffer serious embarrassment if i t ! cd concessions to tho U. 8. arc of him who had conquered the world; i
tender-hearted woman—to instigate the tlie almanac as a premium.
foregoes its revenues from sugar.
taking of life purely and solely (or the
having a very decided effect in but he received thia tribute of their
Woan asu Wongs Fra., Co.
the sentiment for inter- respect witii complacency on being in­
pur|iuee of self-adornment, and toniaks
2201 Dienst 81., 8t. Ixiuis, Mo.
the wearing of "a dead tiling ou her
— —
our sugar-lieet industry continues to fercncc by this government. Men formed that they had never offered it
,t>oniict'’ a matter of prevailing feminine FICTION'» TREATMENT OF THE RICH, thrive and increase, under ail sorts of may question the sincerity of the to any but to Hercules and himself.
tariffs. When the Wilson law repealed concessions as much as they please
mode. Indeed, to tlioee who are in-
_ _ _
the bounty, and when Europe increased hut so
itisted into the mysteries of bat trim-
A grievance Liiat
its bounties to its l l < R A r . n w w l u / « « m
nnngs tlie wearing of
“ j very injtidieiously in many works
com xxling every thing
single dead bird is a comparatively in­ fiction is the relation of the rich to the •Id -s u g a r lacicrics sept on multiplying. ; ten se o f
nocent act, for it takes nut ono, but ten poor. Ab» ,u!»'y false ideas _ as to —
-"»I .« »» •••
dead bird« to furniali a single airy bunch the rich get '..heir w realtb, , ___________
and wbat they r imP°riations ot the Hawaiian product be difficult for thia _ government to
of delicate feathers known in fashion­ do with it when they get it. have been ""U‘'r lh° "njU’ 1 reciRr~ * ‘T «"-»nge- ju stify itself, in the eves
able parlance aa an aigrette. It Is tlie persistently floated by novelists, for merit, acreage increased and new fac- governments, in any hostile action j
woman who calk fur fuather trimming as for tlie journalist) a millionaire is lories went up everywhere. As for toward Spain. In diplomacy, th e ,
on her boas and her opera cloaks; always fair ¿sine. It ia not worth while revenue, the treasury is asanred ot new ministry ha? t-hown itself vast-
and it is woman—evnaitive, thoughtful to expend anv tvn'pathy upon the mill­ troubles enough, if the present scale ot ly
woman—who aoinetimcs enters the hsll- ionaires in this matter, as they can expenditures eouliiiue. One new bur­
rootu with a garniture of humming struggle along under a considerable den, more or less, will not cut much
birds on her gown. It is tlie mothers weight o| vituperation; but the reel ot figure in the general difficulty.
and the pried of their skins advancing ««“ ivorous birds which are gathered
__ I I —
until such a premium is now set upon for the milliners. Decidedly, the sports-
eenain species that the professional' man hal tlie best of it, and tlie public
hunter finds it well worth his while to j can «ympathize, >n • degree, with the
I Value for Voor loier at all Uses at
All the Lfttart In
D ress G oods, T r im m in g E tc.
l « l a ih m t s
esc. • p a ir .,
_____ 9
O re e ro n .
C A R M A N ’S
•r y
> Qr+eert«« >
# Notions.
Coods at Represented.
of our race who aid and abet and en­ us cannot afford to be continually in a
courage slid support this terrible an­ false attitude towards wealth. Hatred
nual slaughter <4 the inn x'ent little or envy of the rich is not a pleasant
parents of another race, and thereby
■verviMMiy Sajs Sa.
Caaeareta ( '«ml v CaUiartic. Uie asnal wno
derful medical diacoi rrr o f tlie age. (fra s ­
ant liad rc rm ln o g te the taaie, act geotly
and po^UvelT nn ktUaey». Ilver and hnwela,
< transía« tha earlre System,
cuín hoartaolie, levci , heldtual ■'onallpailoa
and btitnaaaess. Piras" buy sad try a ls>x
« Í C . C . C . to-day; HÍ,ttY ’dteents d vl.iin d
^parsnteed to eúre by all drliygtst».