THE w e s t O illF T E D ON 1 HE BEACH. «v«»r FRIDAY MOMNING— Me * a « r She (lin p a u , — jt ------ — AT „FioBisci, L anb C o u n ty , O bkoon .— • BY W.K. WEATHERSON Editor an « F»' “ "«• - fh ">■«“ »» W E S T L IN Q S . rr, Scb WM’a Ee,t “ * Ir w a b v a Aoh baW“’ powdor- ver ill*. Born, at Glenada, Oregon on Saturday ¡or. 21st, 1897, to M r. and Mrs. Dresler .dssgliter. Calm, Nickelsburg & Co.-’s Ladies1 ¡hoes. Every pair warranted. For ale by Meyer A Kyle. Kelsay Porter was banged at Union, )r,, the 19th, Governor Lord having Wined to interfere. In the storm ttie 18th inst. the custom iouee at Yaquina waa blown down and girt of the record« tost in the bay. The W. C. T. U . nre planning to give in entertainment for the young people ■«lore long. Further particulars will be innounced later. The vote taken in Eugene ttie 17th atowhich is the most popular business mine in town resulted in favor of J. V. inuffnian’a store. The game of foot ball between the U . C and the U . of 0 . teams nt B li­ (ene last Saturday waa won by the former the score standing 24 Io 8. Weak nerves indicate deficient blood, ferrous people find relief by purifying ind enriching their blood with Hood's knaparilla, the great nerve tonic. This number of the W est goes to irees one day earlier in the week than iiual that the employees of the office nay have an opportunity to eat Tlianks- (iving dinner with friends. Zoetli Houser lias tendered the Uma- illa county court his resignation as tariff and December 8th, will enter ipon the discharge of his new duties »United States marshal of Oregon. To C are C o n s tip a tio n F o re v e r. keCascurela Cundv C athartic. 10c ortXc. C. C. (ail to cure, d ru g g ists refund money. a l l h . M u tb o f t h e W o to h i a a a a t th e C ovar» U v a * L mt. Q u a r r y M is s in g , P u rin a the .lor.i, t: p I».- inst. the steamer Tiuckee inhr.1 on the north spit near I lie m onili of the Viupqna. The vessel was on tier way down the from T equina when herenuinee became disabled ano the .torai i-uv,- her on the beach, She struck about 8 o’clock a. in. hut as the sea nt )as veiy rough the life saving crew could not get to her for ’ some hours. A '.iut 8 u’elo-k tbe daring Ì (.apt. Bergman and bi- crew who know- Absolutely Pure no fear succeeded m reaching the vessel and took off the people on board in safety. The mailcarrier on Tuesday reported that the vessel is not ui .cli damaged the work of taking spawn has been and is taring worked toward the river finished at Mapleton hatchery for tlie channel. The prospect seems good for season. About 600,000 spawn has been getting tier afloat again. placed in tlie hatching troughs. PERSONALS. Several people on the river are now- POWDER The council has appointed E . A. Kvans city marshal. Ixiok at our new stock of Shoes. suffering from Job’s comforters. John I. Butterfield ami Geo. I I. Colter are Merer & Kyle. among the latest victims. the streets of There was a negro on Another raft of logs was taken to the Florence this week. Spruce Point mill Sunday. The logs Outing Flannels, ft fine stock to select are cut by V. Gurney and the lumber |rom at A. 0 . Funke’s. from them will be used in building the Thanksgiving services were held in Klondike. ,bechurch in Florence yesterday. Dr. T. J. Lee one of Polk county'g Men’s Shoes—the best quality in all representatives in the last legislature pides at Meyer & K y le’s. died at Independence the 16th inst. He Congress meets in regular session in was one of the four democrats in the house. Washington, a week from Monday. Bring your jot) work to the \ \ est „Hr, Good work done at reasonable lc es „, pi ic Hood's Pills are tire only pills to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, Cure all PRO BABLY D R O W N E D , State Treasurer Metschan’s account with the several counties of the slate shows that Baker, Benton, Columbia, Coos, Curry, Grant, Jackson, Klamath, Lincoln, Umatilla, and Wallowa coun­ ties have paid their taxes and interest in full for 1896. Granger Rogers was in day. town Satur­ , , << It is worth a great deal to us to have u try Schillings Best baking powder id tea.” Money-back says “ W e have a great al of confidence in your good faith and Schillings Best baking powder and tea. Schilling’s Best baking foander and tea are because they are money-back. A-ha. is the missing w o rd f-n o t SAFE, although Schilling' ■ Bestow 1er '«r and tea a n r t «afe. s a f e . ________ . d - M te a at your grocer«’ ; take ° ut ,h* >et Schilling's B ts l baking powder or tea at y ' (brown ticket in every i»rkage of bulm gJ ^ fore-i)ecejnbeTJI, t ‘ end a ticket with each word to addreaa net -mil October ,5th two word, allowed for every ticket, bl< for every ticket. .. nr. ■ if several find f «m y one pwwm fistds * • « * < * . that 00 Will be equally have made arrangements by ] bow ia eeen m ' the «had ¡« I"» wood- tb e, ,we" T h e U .F . supreme court issued a „bicii we w ill famish tlie Weekly | mandate tlie 15th inst. that notice of its Oregonian w ill) the Wnanr lor one year j fl||ed with provision«, then we decision in the Durant reee be for­ to any address far tbe eem • • two dol-1 elcn»ente and aay let it warded to California immediately. lara, payable coal) in advance. ^y ? ,g t too often I Governor Budd in an interview »aid he rain, «tate of thinks Durant can lie sentence I to the jiUBl, ideal, an(, and Iiot not the the real 1 FOR BALE OR E X C H A N G E. hang after the expiration of ten days affairs in our homes. _ ------------------- I allowed lor an appeal without givi»g -v v r^ N T E D -T R U S T W O R T H A AND liim the Sixty day« of grace claimed by A bornie and lot in G le n d a . The yy active gentlemen or ladies to bis attorneye. ___________ __ house ia 16 by <4 feet and one story and trave cannery dryer, about tuition on easy terms. 80,000 pounds of dried prunes to T. K. ie following inscriptions have been Sheridan, of Roseburg, at $3.70 per 100 ed on the corner stone of the court pounds. The fruit will be shipped in ie foundation, R . McNeil doing the a day or two. This is considered a t: On ttie sooth side: "Delos D. (air price when the condition of the '. Architect, Portland, Or. Erected market is taken into account. Still it ». 1808." On the west side: "Coun- will net the grower only a small margin idge, E. O. Potter; Commissioners, for hia work. Callison, W . T . Bailey.” ~ t conieaL •n t Win. Kyle goes to San Francisco in a few days. The commissioners court lias appoint­ ed Sherwood Burr and F. W . Osborn to examine the semi-annual reports and books of tlie clerk, sheriff and treasurer Guard: A hoard of U. S. examining from July 1896 up to Sept. 30th, 1897 surgeons was organized in Eugene * the and report nt the December term. 17th, consisting of Dr. T. W . Harris, E d u c a te T oar B o w els W ith C ub caret». Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. president; J, P. Gill, secretary; and F. ’0c. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. W. Prentice, treasurer. They meet Guard: By the report of its officers every Wednesday in Dr. T. W . Harris’ we learn that tlie net indebtedness of office. Lane county, Sept. 30th, 1897, was FOR KLO NDIKE. $32,780.73. On tlie 31st day of March 1897, it was only $12,216.12, while on Guard Nov. 16: Geo. M. M iller the September 30th, 1896 it was $22,130.38. pioneer real estate agent, left for Port­ Tlie Weekly Record lias been reoeived land on this morning's early tiain. at this office. This is a four column, He expects to remain in the metropo­ eight page paper just issued at Eugene lis until February, when he will leave by W. W. Moore. I t is non-partisan in for the Klondike gold mines, where it politics and will devote some space to is liis intention to locate a new city. agricultural affaire. When George goes to the other shore Last Saturday while the Lillian was we predict lie will establish a rival turning around at tlie quarry, the strong place to ttie Eternal City. Any way, current carried tier against one ot ttie lie has our best wishes for success in rock scows witli such force as to damage his new venture. tier how, causing her to leak some. She CREEDY FOR CAIN* was tieached Sunday and the damage repaired. Exchange: A strange story comes There ia at The Dalles a curiosity in the shape of a horse. He is a standard of the inhospitable reception given tlie bred trotter, 40 inches high and weighs steamer Everett which took over »lie 900 pounds. The animal is well huilt load of grain donated by the American and perfectly formed in body, but his people to the famine victims. I t is said the ship was libeled because the captain legs are considerably shorter than those of a normal horse. He was raised in could not pay tlie duties on the grain, and tlie English officials and grain the Willamette valley. speculators used every means to em­ The 9 year old son of Thomas Gray barrass the Everett and to make the residing near Merlin, Or. while playing execution of her mission a failure, with hie father’s ride a few days ago, This agrees with other reports which accidently discharged it instantly k ill­ say that tlie Indian famine was closely ing his three year old sister. Realizing associated with a gigantic and cold what he had done the boy ran away blooded speculation in grain, for which from home without coat, hat or shoes the native merchants were even more and had not been found next day. responsible than the Englislitradera. a HOW TO HMD OUT. Desiring to Subscriba for 8tO3k Can do s a by Lesving Their Names. Alaska Cold Minin» &, Navigation Co. OREGON. FLORENCE, tb< ltofln Rn(i Uie itore- iNDV CATHARTIC CUMCOBSnWOTOH I