TH E W EST. — PC SU SM XO « V X M T FIRST THANKSGÍVÍÑO. SHORT OF tfttXÌONAMtES. ■*» ox the civil service system . ladia« Chiefs War« Hospitably Enter­ Welltb tained by Pilgrim Fatfcses. r « IB A T fit Individual* Almost Ovarattlmated. Aiwa/« There is a concerted L amb Cocwrr, OaanoN ' ' ar w . II. WEATHERSON E d itor an d Proprietor. THE ONE MISSINO LINK. A m erican E cono m i.t: T lie rapid develop m en t of the chip­ p in g trade ot the Pacific coast growing o u t of tlie expansion of the O riental and Noutli Am erican com m erce, proaching com pletion o f the tlie ap­ Siberian railroad, the develop m en t of Australia, an d the probable opening of a consider­ ab le trade in A laska, auggeats tlie San Francisco “ C all” the pressing necessity for som a action • on U n ited States for the the part and protection of our own d u str y . of tlie encouragem ent m arine in ­ T he shipe of Great Britain and J a p a n have the benefit of liberal govern­ Tho firdt T hanksgiving was appoiuttul by G overnor Bradford, a t P ly m o u th , M aaeachusetts, ia 1621, th e y ea r fo llo w in g th e land- in g o f tho P ilg rim s, iù order th a t the co lo n ists iu in a m ore special w ay cou ld rejoice together a t b a v iu g a ll th in g s in good and p len ty , on th e c iv il service system , and au attem pt will , be m ade to abolish F io a tx c t, attack it. The Literary. V (O IU G IM S L A N B S E L S C T E P .) principal W hatever may He eaid about luck, it T b e expression a “ very w ea lth y Kenition of certaiu (eaturea that are ia »kill that lead» to fortune. good service«, service«, sweet sw eet co u n try ” " auggests to m any p eop le t# P l» » f abenrd in practical Sow good te » appear rement- rt Rostra, T ra n ie rip t: , argum ent* againM it arc based on exag- a cou n try w boae w ealth is th e ag- •PPMcatioo ; such an exam ination of hrancea will grow from them , gr^tfBtioa o f e a o r in o t t s ly la r g e fo r - »PPhcants on questions th at school Tlie world is a comedy to those who I i tu t u n es e s o f en e n o orm r m o ou u td y W ealthy m e* . children may often answ er, while grown th in k , a tragedy to those w ho feel. sly w ealthy ____ T h e truer conception o f a very 1*™°“ ’ canuot. Is the sim plicity of To remind a man of a kindness con-, w ealth y cou n try is one w hich jn . ■ tl,e exam in ation s, then, an objection? feiTW, i# uttle |eM tban a reproach, w rites Clifford H ow ard in th e No- d u d e s in its population a i a r g e Or, when it ts said that there is not h . whom heaven confers a «eeptw vem ber L adies' H om e Journal. In proportion o f th rifty persons. M ost “ >“*'“* oi »»preme court who could knowg uot the u e ig llt titj he b«ar, ¡t . preparation for th e frast “gu nn ers cou n tries renow ned for w ealth w ill I’“*"’ ,l,w e exam ination», w h ile i t is • ............................ ..... ... . - ....................................adm itted that school children have no I Sleep tf tt h a . prcvefltwl many ertmes wore sen t in to th e w oods fur w ild d oubtless be found te be those difficulty with them , is it not to be con- l,M al8" 8mo‘hcted "'»"T " “T virtue8' turkoys. w hich abounded there iu ; which thrift pred om inates. In a l l . ----------------------- — , rwewwaa B w. l./t— z.. $■ 14» . . . .1 _ ’ ...... *w Aeaa oo *** ■ 1 I t . » - , «e « — — c j ! eluded that the K indness is tlie — on ly ----------------- ebafni * pefniitted SSSWy argum H l g U l l ent l l l l l is (O lam l i l i l í e. ^ , ------ — --------j great num bers; k itc h e n s were m ade countries m illion aires are few and • Some of the questions do undoubtedly the ? tt « the coquetry of white ready for preparing th e fe a st— far b etw een. A m a n w hose for- hair. a sp ecia lly th e large One in D am e tune ia, say $300,00, If h e liv e« up puzzle and nokpius tlie ward-lieeler, the It is the sin which we have not cone Mil** | ww (Min pays jj«a> n u Mfiua B rew ster’s house, w hich w as un- to •••»» his tt*vi/tut, incom e and h m is b ills I curbstone and saloon stateam en, tlie inittod which seem s the m ost m on- »uni 1 prom ptly, finds h is cred it so rapid- J ‘‘ " orkers” whom tlie political bo-s uses der th e im m ed iate d irection sh e ly ex p an d in g th a t in illio n a iresh ip lor *''• “ lld whom be wants to charge o f P riscilla M olines How little do they see what is, who afterw ards becam e tho w ife o f is thrust upon him . On th e oth er reward with P1“**« “l ‘l*e public crib. Joh n A ld en — w h ile a m essenger hand, a very w ealth y man o f T hese gentlem en of “ practical p olitics” , frame their hasty judgem ent upon tiiat . »corners of “ book lam in’.” which seem s, w as dispatched to _____ in v ite M assa- 1 sim p le life and q u iet fasten, posses- nre «ait, th e c h ie f o f tho frien d ly tribe, i Hed o f m illio n s, m ay pass w ith the ! The eiwl ser*iee exam ination outrages The heart o i youth is reached through td atteu d the celebration . J w orld as m less their deepest feelings. They view it, as | th e sen ses; the senses of age are reach world as w w orth orth m uch uch AIINBUHCEMENI W e are P repared to M e e t all Dem ands for W in te r jr ^ Goods, W ith a N e w f* Line of H eavy W oolen Un- d erw ear, M itts , Fas- *? cinators, Hosiery, Boottees, O il C lo th in g , Rub­ ber Boots, O ver Shoes Etc. * * * * * These Goods Will Run Out at Rates so Low That it Wlì.» Multe “ E a rly on th e m orning o f the tlian he is, so apt are m en to m ake tlie charity boy did who rem arked, ac- ed through the m art curding to Saui W elter, after an attem p t w sm xn lias two sm iles that angel w ith tlie com pletion of the Trans-Siber­ appointed T h ursd ay ab out th e profusion th e te s t o f w ealth. E n g ­ Quick Work of Their Distribution.^ ia n railroad, R ussia w ill bloom forth firat o f N ovem ber M a 8- Tl.e e v il consequences of our w in te r . O artoinly w e oannot afford to and m anual o f arm s, to th e great .38,000,000. I t is probable th a t the i or bidicrous. To an ex ten t, all exam i­ crim es long su.-vive their com m ission, I n e g le c t our sh ip p in g at thia juncture. d elig h t and a sto n ish m en t o f the Unittwl State« is th e o n ly cou n try nations of candidates for the professions and like tlie ghosts of tlie murdered, T h e struggle for com m ercial suprem acy n a tiv es, w h ile tho w om en busied in the w orld th a t can m ake a n have tiiat oliXractur. F q iec ia lly , in the forever haunt the steps of tlie m ale­ face of the tendency to exten d the func­ factor. o n tlie Pacific ocean has ruaehed a crit­ th em selv es in careful preparation ex h ib itio n o f w ealth eq u alin g that tions of governm ent, the system m ust ic a l stage, and tlm ugti « a am * w a t and o f th e e x c e lle n t m eals, w hich were At present we can only reason of tlie o f G reat B ritain , bnt to w hich sid e stan d . The tendency is to m ultiply de- r ic h and pow erful wo w ill be (Surpassed eaten in th e open a ir .” divine justice from what is known o t th e balance b etw een them would partnients ami bureaux w ithout end. justice in m an. W hen we are in other in Hint pant con test even by tlie Japan­ m en t subsidies, and it ia certain that WE ARE GOING O U f yL Eicellent fain for Yonr Soooy at all times at " HURD & DAVENPORT" ’ HAMPTON BEOS FOR DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS' F O B N « :: All the Latest In ; Dress Goods, Trim m ing Etc. e s e , if we do not act w ith energy and w ith wisdom.. T he proper and intrltigrw t t lie in terests of our carrying tlie ocean ia the one m istin g care for trade on M o -X a -B » « , a r r i r t v C a a ta . Guaranteed lebacco habit cure makee weak m s» atroa«, blood pura. We, I t . au drugstau. THE TROUBLE» OF BRAZIL. link in tlie e n lig h ten ed and patriotic schem e of pro­ H. F. Cbroniclr: It is tlie lot of m ost republics, when tection,. Jt should be m issin g n o longer tliey change from tlie m onarchical form w h oa Urn first regular session of the fifty-fifth congress sh all have passed of governm ent, to have an afterm ath of civil war. T hat lias been particularly in clin e w ould be a task dem and­ I lie postal savings banks ia tlie latest, i scenes we may have a truer and nobler in g the labor o f a n exp ert, w no T lie thou ght of having all th e officials ¡idea of it; but w hile we are in thia life of all tlie e x istin g departm ents and of we can only speak from the volume that should be furnished w ith d ata not all tlie possible departm ents at the com ­ is laid open before us. now accessible to th e average mand or disposal of a few boss politicans The chief art of learning, as Locke stud en t df S tatistics. will not call forth the rapturous applause lias observed, is to attem pt but little at of tlie country. a tim e. Tlie widest excursions of the CHANCE FDR ECONOMY. mind are m ade by short flights fre­ TX T A N T E D -T R U ST W O R T H Y AN D quently repeated ; the m ost lofty fabrics ’ ’ active gentlem en or ladies to of science are formed by the continued P resident M cK inley, early Octo- ! jw uwe true o t th e rep u b lics of th is hem isphere, travel for responsible, established house accum ulation of single propositions. lier, directed bis secretaries red uce ANOTHER FMfiC VOLUME. in Oregon. M onthly Niô.OOaudexp en ses. not ex cep tin g our ow n, which saw No man can ever w ant this mortifica­ the departm ent estim ates to an eco- Position stead y. Reference. E nclose troublous days in the period after tlie tion of his vanity, that what lie knows i o ideal e .1. self-add reseed atanqied envelop e. The Standard book* are ever .«reicome Colonial R evolution cam e to ' • n end, is but a very little, in comparison with Ttiis is beginning at the righ t end. D om inion C om pany, D ept. Y Chicago. w h e n tliey com e to us form a«d bindings tiiat included .Shay’s reb ellion . M exico w hat lie still continues ignorant of. One and two years ago, w h ile P resi­ rep resen tin g all ilia em b ellish m en ts oi was a long tim e in gettin g settled , and Consider this, and, instead of boasting ADDITIONAL LOCALS. den t C leveland urged econom y on c o n ­ art of book m s* ing. Much a book ia the countries south of Iter have not e s ­ thy know ledge of a few tilings, confess gress in bis annual m essages, tho K idpatb'a H iatory oi th e U nited Ktates tablished order even y et. Brasil is hav­ The San Francisco E xam in er and the and be out of countenance for tlie many estim ates w hich Secretary Carlisle p u blished by The O om inion C om pany, ing a m ost difficult tim e. U nliko the tVMnsndtted to tlie house of represen­ W est for one year |2.S0 paid in ad­ more which thou dost not under­ Chicago, a copy of wtsiub baa jaat com e other South A m erican pow ers, its m on- vance. stan d. tative« and w liio t were tlie official t o our desk. T he con ten ts are weM arcliy waa resid en t. Ita em peror, a On account of tlie high water at that utterances Of the adm inistration as to W hen tlie absent are spoken of, some arranged, tlm jlluatrotiona arc fine, flie wise and enligh ten ed statesm an , hud a tim e tlie E ugene mail due at F lorence expenditures ran over tlie billion dollar w ill s p e a k gold of them , som e silver, last Friday did not arrive till M onday p r in t ia d ea r and n eat and tlie binding large personal follow ing th a t rem ained murk. W h ile tlie w h ite bouse preached e ven in g. som e iron, som e lead, and som e always ja superb. The Ifom iniou Com pany is true to him in adversity. From th is ele econom y to e treasury and oilier depart­ T he Mink took a scow load of ca’fle speak dirt, fur tliey have a natural at­ ■orging ahead m th e lead in g western m eiit th e Da G am a insurrection sprang, m ents practiced extravagance. up the river last M onday tiiat Frank and traction towards wliat is evil, and think jm blialiiug liouaa m a tin g a S p ecialty of and to it tlie C onsellieiro revolt owned Congress, naturally and inevitab ly, George M ontgom ery iiad purchased for it show s penetration in them , as a cat fine subscription liooka. H aving aales- its origin. W e take it tiiat tlie Italian followed tlie practice of President Mr. G oodpasture. w atching for m ice does not look up jieople in nearly a w r y nook cd tlie outbreak at Kanclo Spiritus, -w h ich oc- ! ,,, . . . . C leveland’s adm inistration, and not Baker C ity ’s exch eq uer is sw ollen though an elephant goes by, so are they cur red tlie other d ay, and even the ■country, tlie com pany en joys a large President C leveland’s preaching. U n­ once a m onth to tlie tune of $200, in th is so busy m ousing for defects, that they .and growing trade. 4a Obis com pany assault upon th e person o i P resident like his predecessor, P resident M cK inely instance the proprietors of gam bling let great excellences pass them unno­ Iiae a known reputation far fiberality Moraea, were part and parcel of tlie gam es being th e dancers, th ey are the knows congrosv He understands its ticed. I w ill not say it is not Christian j ones who pay for tlie music. tow ards its agenta and fair ix e a tu e u t of reatorationiit uonspiracy. procedure and practice. Every m inute Ahem, an agency in thia com m unity for But there ia no veal danger th a t tl e M iss J e ssie , the tw enty-on e year old to m ake lieads of others' faults, and tell detail of tlie appropriation b ills is daughter of Hobt. T. Lincoln eloped them over every d a y ; I say it is infer­ th e alm ve book, or som e other publiebed B rasilian revolution w ill m ove back­ fam iliar to him . H e know s the annual with Warren Beckw ith of ............. w Mt. l ’leasan- >»y th is com pany, would be a source of ward, although tliere m ay be m any nal. If you w ant to know how the ' i eatim ates can be reduced to $350,000,- ton, Iowa a few .lays ago and the couple xeneide.rable profit to the on e fortunate violeu t criav« and m uch leu! blood devil feels, you do know if you are such I . , , “ x 000, or aliout 10 per cen t., and that were married in M ilw aukee. enough .to fleenre it. Intereetcd read­ am ong the people. T lie republicans, ,. . could, if it chose, m ake this About ten m ore scow loads o f rock a one. ers should w rite the com pany for f u l l ! I who were strong enough , to overthrow I congreaa , were needed last Sunday to com plete I tv „ t, , • n . . . . reduction on its appropriations. A particulars. | Dorn Pedro in the first place, deal w i l l . . , . . „ , , ' Ik . „ i n . vi ii . , . , “ill cutting off any further increase of the governm ent contract at the mouth | I»a Gama and De M ello at a later period 1 , of tlie river and these will be delivered . i „ „_.i .i , , . I pensions from soldiers’ “ w idow s” would T a t-’w ra O a M t t o w U M Fa '▼•Fa w ithin tlie n ext few days, i and overthrow th e splendid fighting , . . . . . . . . «lone save upwards of $10,000,000 s year. It m e« flia t gathered abou t C onaellieiio Som e blank petitions lor tlie survey K eeping up all necessary exp enditure, of governm ent lends have been received « t Cauwdoa, are assuredly in a strong This is the com plaint of ■ ■ tlie increase of the navy and all needed by Poatm aster K yle. Parties livin g on P otato wcrMw from C alifornia are «bowfi1' h ia jw itv to keep tlie w alls ot harbor im provem ents, if the govern- land tiiat is nnsiirve.ved can fill out t housands at th is sseson. p u ttin g in an appearance in Oregon ’ *ie * ‘‘w Bov*rnn ien t from suffering a b m ea t were treated w ith the rigid econo- blanks and m ake application lor They have no appetite; food does not relish. They need the toning upof and ctoumiaaion bouses are soliciting r'’)’|diat breach. One need not fear my of a railroad with a deficit, annual tl,e 8urv*'.v lands w ithout cost the stom ach and digestive organs, which It that »hat point. But so m uch could be .«.oasigiMuents. it is c claim ed to th em selves. a course o f Hood's Sarsaparilla wilt give expenses votild bo cut $50,000,000. fo r d<,ne Ute enorm ous res o u rc e « o f th e r e w ill be deutaad 1« tiiat ____ stale __ them . It also poriflee and enriches the Four dollar _ gold piecet turn up " I l they are not it will be th e fault of 01 . all O regon's surplaas potstoea, but every . B1*«*1 U peace and order were assured blood, care« that distress after eating and - .........- — - - «— '■ r x x z ; Internal misery only • dyspeptic can . arload which be «old to go to Ari- tl,"‘ “ • * “» * » «.Tneceesary hardship . "7 and were coined at the st tlie c o u n t 1» both r <,rtMW •’bf ap p rop riation s; m int about tw enty years know, creates an appetfto, overt on»«« that to ««. T« xm or oth er . .. t o r n lo- j *» ,rad® and «bat the country ‘ ‘ i - t o u t tw enty years ago. Tliey c .h t y will W p to put u . « 4 e t . on the '•••l»<*««'i by the ghoto of the b '’‘ a*». '» • « « « • ''~ n U > " .«x gran ,, gold 10W fine. tired feeling Snd builds op and sustains v e in y w in u eip 10 p e t u tw w e ts on U ,e y s estim ate«, t o show where m oney can l e parts silver an.l seven parts cop-1 the whole physical ___ system .: — . . - It so ’ r prompt ----- e - - -------- Those ,vu«at in better sh a p e. T hose to w a , ,'•»*« r»«»e, Y et, aa we say, that aeenie . per. Tliere were about 450 s.m ck and ta s 'e u . I - ....I » « u,, toTwa ana car«» nervous hatoaehm , that j.retty good orep of potatoes iii Oregon ,o ’* ,be iM’e •* "H republics for a are worth th eir face value and a little seems to have almost •«a nwgie touch.” countries ‘his year, and every bealiel ought to *nd Rr***1 *"'• A ccohbiau to current report, Salem is n,or,; M rurioeitie*. bring a fair prior in view of tlie vtxy would proli» by her develop m en t soon to liave a new paper to be called .poor crop harvested m $- .the Nicaragto csaal a fth e p ts.fn t time T o « u lt u ,l« .-ro e s s llr and fo rv .a r. ba mag and lie iaeued w eakly. It is to be inde- t o t and refrvsbm , to ,he ttole, j K g i X tod lOSitlvcty on kitloeva liver and Imnela s alle , ta ll a f U fa. aere» and visor, taha N o-To X-hoice Bu banks wo Id be worth al- Rae. ths wnader w orker, tb a l laaksv evah asen |iendont rep iblican in politics, and the cl, an. ng lire entire system, dtsiiel cold*, cuiv bca.iaoiHi, fever, habitual lonstliwtion ,moet as much a bushel as wheat- in l l r m i , A ll d r u x s i.t« . Me or »1. C ure r u e r n a nam e of 0 . B. Irvin is m entioned in and hi.tousness. Please buy and trv a hex leed linnh let snd v am pl* frsa. Addreaa of v G. C m-day; iu, A\ i« cen u ! Soldato 1« the hevt — to tact the Ou» Tree BI.« 4 Punflm. Oregon .ifr ic n /iu r u l •tarhag Ressady O». Chisma ar Hsw Yerto , ouncction w ith its m anagem ent. are guai .jito-d «9 cure by ah dnq gtsu . in to history. Tabs U. t C. 'M M iwrM cwUusrur r«bi* Press: Can’t Bm «to A E CLL • E x i g e n © , • • O r e g o n C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STOKE! Dry Goods, * Groceries * and A Notions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET.. Just O p en ed . Goods as Represented, J. w . CA RM AN . & tP\i $ IPVlARx > F ^ G T I(A E ÜRBJdlVt 1 ^ ^ cm ton. It n Hood’ s Sarsaparilla Hood’s Pills On best sftawdS , St-»