* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ytz * * I O D D S -A .3 S T D E N D S . * J A POSTMASTER LOSES THE USE OF HIS s LEOS AMD ARMS. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TH E EASIEST THING. W», J e h a R a n d o lp h , t h e D w a rf. D ro p p ed fcho G u o , D rop L p d tu trj. T h e W a tt» » « F la tt. From repealed reference to the wat- ta u fold, you w ill note that it is at (resent in great vogue, aud w ill in all likolihcod (lass over into next spring tc bo u» f them my feet and legs which says: Playthings are improvised by the •lixttered tiiut it was feared he might never had been cold began to get warm. . , •• I was a member ot the Town Board that Indian youngster with no small power recover. In aa interview with ft reporter o f the aud had to be carried and put Into a of invention. Fine war bonuets a*> Jicpub/ican, regarding this experience which summer wagon to go to the meeting., aud in thet was made from corn husks, at the expeus* had «Attracted conaideruble attention, Mr. helpless, as my neighbors know, in August »tated :* of much time uud labor, and everything Tripp “ In March, 1892, I was taken with what I I could walk around the house by pushing a I kept getting belter and managed that children see is modeled iu clay •fterwNrd learned mhr locomotor utuxiu, and chair. to move around more, until at election time was unable to walk, mid 1 kept getting that vear, 1 walked with a cane to the polls, Dishes, pipes, ponies, whole villagi worse nutil 1 lost the use of my arm«. I show their imitative faculty, whil a slio’ rt distance ." from doctored with two skillful doctors but re- ft short y 1" my home. I eon'"';1“ ! oofflus with a tit of glase set iu the li ceived no beneftt, and also used a galvauie to take Pr U ill.am . Pu»k.Fills for j a w buttery but kept getting worse and the d o c-; People until I to < -x— « m ** — **-3 covering a piuebed up baby indica. tors told me lii-y ..„„¡J ,|„ no more. Thia t could then g t »">“ "<*• »■‘‘1 .‘“ I * * f A _ JFL I ¿ 5 their keen observation of uew custom- was in May and June. 1892. I gave up all the post office and back, a di.lam e ot oue^ _ V X •— c - v j . Dolls vary us much as the children an hope of ever having the use of my lim b, quarter of a nt tie, ibree m » « * ?• again, and did not expect to live very long. ■ attend to iny duties as P“JJn{a* '* • . • their surroundings Steue babies ai I was unable to dress or nndrcaa rnyselL and | In tbe spring of 1893 I years I not uncommon among the Aluskam could not get uround the house unless 1 was clerk, which office I held for tn y 'ra dull enough in unpearaDce, but evideu* moved in a cl,air. | bad previously been a justice of the |peact v e u h i a t i i u ir . . . I . think . . it . was . in June . ly respou-ive iu the fancy of the sma [itriy-iwu years. ir»i». I ■ am •■** no« 79 years or , that I read o f .c the - I j(ir ,{,irty.,wo Sold With case of a man ill Saratoga Co., N. Y., who see, uud have lived in this town for about northwesterner. Dollies niude of fa’v forty-six years. For nearly fifty ye»™ I was taken very much ns myself. He hud skin, with painted eyes and cheeks iu taken Dr. W illiams’ Pink I’ills for Pale worked at the blacksmith s trade. 1 »“ real hair, having bauds with wouu- People which contained, in a condensed form, sb ie to do work in my garden now, sad saw fully tapering Augers and clad iu g.i. all the elements necessary to give new life some of my wood. I consider that my res- and richness to tlie blood and restore sh g - torstion to health is due to the use of Dr. garments aud moccasins fitting w< tered uerves, and had Isten cured by their W illiam s’ I*iuk Pille for Pale People. - -L : J " W * . their dimiuutive feet, nro the delight . E kwin R. T aipr." use. Sutwicrihed and .worn io before me this tho children of the plains. One womai “ I learn*.-1 that the pills were prej^red by the Dr. W illiams' Medicine Company, Sche­ 23d day o f Juno, 1897. wbo was skillful in tbe manufacture e IlOMKB H a s k s b , .Vuucg J W R * dolls made n pair for me, but refused I nectady, N . Y., and only cost 59 cents a box duplicate them because she had already used nearly ail her own hair >u tbe co.i- 1 AXTED-TRVSTWORTH V AND »traction of dolls. Hobby hotses for Two R ig O aks, tlie S iste r s. active gentlemen or ladies to hoys are as universal ns dolls for girls On the bunks of Cooper’s eret k, about travel for responsible, estai lislied house The snuflower stalk with oue noddii* four miles from Cumdcu, N. J., two blossom left on tlie end is a f ivori very large white oaks stood. The prop­ in Oregon Monlhlv ((15.00and expenses. pony. In their races the boys ride o : erty was once owned by Mr. Kay, who Position steady. Reference. Enclose stalk aud trail two or three others aft, named them for his two daughters. self-addreised »tamped envelope. The them as “ fresh horses, ” thus iuc-casin These trees survived the family so loug Dominion Company, Dcpt. Y Chicago. H o w T w o G irls M ade M oney. the dust and excitement of the play that the writer was n t , able to learn tho “ A country girl who is detenninnd tc names given them, and the trees seem go to Puris to study art is laying aside B o w th e Geene F le w . F r e sh Fijfti F o r N orth ern M arket«. to be tho only memorial of tlie family. for this pui-pose each dollar she hat Peter, playing by th e gn'c, Fresh figs ure not kuowu or appreci­ One was prostrated by n strong wind Found a »tone and bore it strrlght earned,” writes Ruth Ashmore, in au about two years ago. The one still ated in northern markets, aud conse­ Where a plank be- ide the poiul article on “ The Girl In the Country, ” standing measures 20 feet in circumfer­ quently tbe demand is too limited to T o the w ater led beyond. iu The Ladies’ Heme Journal. “ She ence, in height about 76 feet, aud tbe encourage shipment» It seems doubt­ found that there was no one else in the brunches extend from tlie trunk about ful if the cistaut »1 iprneut of fresh figs village w ho could make as good bread 35 feet each way. The fallen one was will ever become a profitable business, aud biscuit ns the; that those who had 17 feet in circumference, and 218feDce- Tlie fruit is more perishable than any to buy complained of the baker's bread. posts were out from the branches. We other that is generally marketed. Itcnn She made no effort at sending her bread think the practice of planting uud nam­ be handled ouly by the most careful None who are engaged iu any of the mechanical to a woman’s exchange, os she knew ing trees as memorials an estimable one, aud experienced persons, uud even then that such places were always overstock- pursuits can succeed without reading and and a tablet giving the dato of planting it is not iu a condition to show its best ad, but she went through her own town •‘N ow I ’ll make a bridge," Raid he. quality Ripening in midsummer, when should be attached.—Rodolfus Bing­ —a very small cue—and asked for or­ studying this standard Magazine of Sciences C h ic k lin g to h iir se lf in r ite . tlie northern mutkiti ure crowded with ham, Camden, N. J. “ Mother Gooee w lih gosling* nine ders. She is making money because many well ktiowu fruits and not being Bhull enjoy th is bridge o f m in e!“ and mechanical Arts. Il is illustrated with there Las never been a sad loaf of bread The attaching cf tho names of friends especially attractive to the eye, fresh or a heavy biscuit scut out from het to trees is u pleasant practice. This can figs would at iresfe p;ain favor slowly. all modern cut of latest inventions in all kitchen. She will supply a neighbor be done either by planting a tree espe­ The tact that many people do not care with hot biscuits at teatime, and she cially for tlie parson or by associating for them at the first would be another the branches of mechanism, and its fund of has learned to make dainty rnsk, espe­ A s O tfe-rs tte« I'». the name with cite already growing. obstacle iu the way of (heir p. pularity cially for invalids, who enjoy these Tho Herne of Shakespeare did not plant Moreover, the fig is a tedious crip tc i knowledge i? inseparably eonuecied with in­ light, sweet dainties. Her prices are the oak, hut Hume's oak is just as fa­ handle wb> u nt pr* per condition t rthe reasonable. mous us if it had been planted for him market. It is necessary to pick the tites ventors and mechanics. Sold with T he “ Another girl, ambitious to gain cr by'him. It is to bo regretted that the over caretullv < ,• ry day during the sen something, got her father to let her have M other Oooao, w ith sta te ly tread, Wurr at cit.hiring rales uarue of the lady who was associated son cr much fruit will be overripe, i O’er th e bridge her goslinga led. a bit of ground aud to give her the with this grand old oak ennnot now bo With large trees tl . ; involves much la- ! •‘Como along, ray lit tle dearw money that he would otherwise have given. Certainly it would add materi­ tor The a c rid j u ic e ot th immature Follow m e and calm yonr fears. *' bestowed np< n hi r fur a wedding dress. ally to its interest. A white onk is a fig eat» in to li- fiucers of th e picker» With this she was able to buy plants pleasure in itself.—Meehan's Monthly. aud packers, i « u. i.onjr weather oc- i and Io hire a Loy to help her, aud dar­ carious heavy lues by .lu cracking of! ing the summer, while the boarding P o w e r O ver A n im a ls. the fruit, winch nun rs it unfit ior houses uround demanded them, she It is a curious thing the power which market.—bouthein ¡States. served the freshest of radishes, the crisp­ some human beings hnve over animals. est of lettuce, the earliest corn and the There is in Lowell a boy. differing in no H o m e D u ties o f I n d i a . C h ild ren . largest tomatoes, uml she says now that respect from his companions, who has There are home duties u» well aa she thinks site w ill double the site ol tills power in a marked degree. Every pleasures for the children Boys are re­ To the TM>nd, w ith qtw ekin^s loud, her garden next summer. ” Follow ed her the noisy crowd. stray dog or cat in the neighborhood quired to Its i utt; r tut ¡tonics, to lend Fat Man—What u consummate ass Gaught behind the ponderous stone knows hint and loves to be in his com­ a baud in plantía,: to help tn the har­ 'os » te d F n r n ltu r .. One poor gosling staid clone. that fellow looks in that get np!—Comic pany. A vicious horse which the stable­ vest, and tfi; y are otteu mude to do ac­ Surely t. viid of the delft crazo has Cate. man can with difficulty handle will tive duty as scarecrows iu the newly » ,-Jifia. r fully arrived when furniture is enameled A stand like a lauib while bo harnesses planted field, v *Oly H o ld ' C r a b t l g . in the shining while and painted in the like little Bopeep, uud unharnesses him. The doves fly they tall last a.-' < i.TTJT L_ The girls help to A story is told of au eminent legal brilliant blue. Chairs are to be bought, uround him, and in tlie woods tbe wild gather wood, bring water aud look after practitioner who was afflicted with dif- all windmills and watery channels out­ ; i monthly magazine i.i one of the very birds apparcu ly regard him as a friend len ity iu pronouncing his aspiratot, lined by stiff little trees. Even cradles the younger oars As they grow older Í and ally. are thus painted by some evil minded they are tuepht to cut, sew and make many years ago. H, ,|n( t ,, nreua, hate a man who puts on so many airs I” boldly took the plunge. “ Ladies and New York hforehioos' Rt view. all tlie requirements so well tliat she were aa smart aa he?" *• — New York Press. ' litre lu c <.<• JiniQu, wc juufet fight, ior them.” gentlemen,” he said, “ Mile, de Lido is “ Hal" answered the boy. “ Jast I was appointed without hesitation. Sba Iiunfr'i ■Taachten." undressed in a box But she will sing if S u d tir t»,c oxa'.ie. 1 m o i « .. : , , lie A n n a . H„d th e likes tlie work. “ It is like sitting iu the me ask him a few questions iu geogt K i|» a o « lre O hio. The Drr.vi r Daughter« of tho Revolu- yon weesb. ” And the wicked protne- saddle and guiding a guy horse in a phy.” — Youth a Companion. Teacher—Jimmie Green, you may ■harp rare over a wild road, ” she stud liaders laughingly shouted an immediate tion opieiird the m w year iu new qnar- entire content« o f t!;i, ntont, llv (era in the City Tree p armory. They rise. Can yen give us the geographical reeeutly to a report! r. "When I grasped affirmative.—London Tit-Bits. T b e M yEterlow i Gu«wts. w ill hereafter keep e pen house all the twmndaries ef Oliia the motor brake, I felt I had a force I had threa friemla. 1 aaketl one day upott u j hm «„tl ,” the second cried. farmyard scene? they've got tho lead pencil that Noah as fcvod leokit'g as she is intelligent Addressing wenu n wbo are wives tL? He k f ’ at once, and then. Property Man—Everything but the used to check off the animals that went other i ,y iu Trtn rut temple. Rostrn. soil! Willi T i l l A Y t > i. aw-- A lthough to count but ci. kt I trie«!. M lw A n n a M illa r hen. into the ark.”—Woman's Journal. There w ere rem aining tun. Mr. M < <»y fold t l « nt that if they hav * Once more the eternal feminine aud Miss Anna Millar holds cue of the ju t (rmpluiDt against their h u sta ia ,.» ••Go call them back!" my w ife ln ip lo tt T h e W a te r L ily. rhe exigencies of realism were iu uire most Iniprriur.t msnsgerial p o sitio n s iu “ 1 fuar th e th ird may k « tiny sin uld «rek aivorre. Anticipating Several specimens cf water lilies «smfliet.—Cincinnati Enquirer. the eeuutry. As malinger of the Chi­ Athl leave tw litod. to af-aie our bow»' hnve tho very curious peculiarity cf tho objection thnt such advice would r n h q ig a aouie or an. ** cago On h< stral ass«« iation, with Theo­ H i. I d e a o f I t. bloomiug all day, ami at eveuing clos­ break up hemca, lie «Iceland that h- dor»* T homos and his great corps of mu­ The eecend one then ntraipht retuxi ing their blossoms, and, by retracting gave it for the upbuilding of the hen The Giddy Young Thiug—What is sicians um’.i r hi r eoniiol, she is a big Aa m ight have been expected. the stem, drawing the flower entirely and tho dif, uac «f the family boxa r that proverb about there being no mar­ factor iu the mnsiral world, and as the B e w ith tlie ten, * • qu ick ly iueintx Bieven made. D ejected, nuder water. There is no more singulat rying iu heaven? ehoaru administrator of the influential Mothrri* ao«l D oogR to««. fact iu the history of flowers than this The Chronic Bachelor— Fools rush in basilica men who give the orebratra its Brooklyn Lea a euchre club calk nlas. oddity of tlie watt r lily. where angels fear to tread.— Indiauapo- backing she is iu a position railing Witk all the rent, turned round. t(re M ottrnand D. ughters’ club Kr And tkare, bohoid, w ere my fn en da t i d e . for bust m ss ability and tart such aa are h s Journal. Ptolemy, king of Macedon, was the one is riig ille ( ir a .it terxhtpwho cv Though «ix they atill w e ie found. demanded cf few women in the land. I Thunderbolt, frvtu tbo vigor of bis m ili­ not brii g a mother r a daughter w . A p p r o p r ia t e ly N a m ed . For tkoer «d twi e ho y e t may And her. Th.y m et tc* play in the af T h . Home O«» tary movements. 'W hat mtuo you advertise your vaude­ My riddle tou cetaplex noon, and v hen oneo assembled t. 1'U any the friend» 1 had tn atiod Remove th« dead leaves from plants ville show as 'ElizaliethuuP They quickly srprrate into two groups, e Were “ S ' and “ I ' and “ I . " R lr a t.» te M r. Chaflto. ivery day aud sprig th« foliage with t’t have such things in that age. “ -R a lp h G Tuber in Bt- Ni?hola» ret: posed «ntirely of daughters, t •You see. I've got five girls named water. This w ill give the plants a frvah Mrs. Chaffle—I don't kuow how I other of nn then. i in the ballet. “—Chicago Record. appearana-e and will, iu great measure, can get Jul unie to take his medicine. > O ne F e r Ik e D eeto v . k»vp down insects. Tie np neatly to If 1 tell bun what it is, he wou’t take Sr..»™,. ••Y ob Hob very much better today, it, aud if 1 don't-tdi him he won't T h . D r a c o « *■ A la r m . stakes all straggling, growing plantu IJttle Dick—Pap«, didn't you tell little one, ” Mid the dor tor to tlie yoatb take it. The New Min ster—Hix hoars' sleep Cleanlimw. of thia kiud helps to keep m intro, we must rrvH.ouiiae? tin* air of the room purs aud contributes fwl invalid. Mr. t'hafffe— I’ll tell you what to da Is enough for any mao. Papa— 1 Aid. my sou. •*Hcw doyon know, air? Yen haven't Ju t put it on the table and forbid him J The AbM>utniiii(i«d Deacon — Good to the vigci of the piuuta. Turn the pots Little D.ck—Well, I waa think in that ! looked at my longoe yet,” eaa the rr to touch it, and then he w ill t.k« it iw b byif Tou'dgct m eapniy Iwou.bu't T U P gracious! Yon don't preach as loug aa frequently o the plants may not grow XIZY’ O ' r ply>— Bxcbaoft. (urc.—London Tit Bits one sided. fllat, do you?—Yonker« Matcaman. w w r out so mauy six*. —Good News. , I f l L VV £ , □ 1 , Thai John Randolph, late of Chicago, ■tMold forsake that wicked city fur the more effete environment of Greater liew "York ii not surprising when bis really pathetic story is known. I met Mr. 'Randolph recently, after a lapse of years, wearing an air of settled luelan- eholy, a wide brimmed hut and hair that hang to the middle of his back. At tint I hardly knew John, he had changed no runch. He is leas than a feet high, broad of beam and is blessed with n pair of legs that resemble a horse collar. It was those legs that supplied the missing link in the chain of recognition. For yean Mr. Randolph flourished in the gum drop industry in the Chicago Ten­ derloin. With a cuudy tray strapped to his stomach, John stood in front of thet atom and other plat es of awusemen- ant) infested saloons, doing a thriving gam drop trade at all hours until tbo footpads Anally drove the little man from his native heath. “ I couldn’t stand it any longer, ” said John, with a half sob. “ Not only did the footpads break me np in business, hot they hurt my feelings so that I had to leave town. How would you like to be carried into au alley, held np by the heals and shaken liko a meal sack un­ til everything in your pockets fell cut? Well, that's what those Chief go thieves did to me, a respectable business man. 1 was too little to suudbag. and the Jootpads used to jolly me and say I was rhe easiest thing in town. Then the p* ■era got to printing pieces about John Randolph being shaken down again, with pictures supposed to be funny, but 1 couldn’t see the joke. “This winter was the worst of all. I csmld stand bid ng robbed two or three times a week, but when they got to shaking the coin out of my clothes every sight, and sometimes twice of au even- tog, I left town. I intended to go into business here, but they wou’t let me wear a tray, and if I carried a basket fb« people would bo so-pping iu it. But I ’ve got a uew schema See my hair uud hat? Welt, 1 ve got some buckskin breeches with fringe on them and a re­ volver, and I'm going to strike the dime museum circuit us the* Lilliputian Buf­ falo B ill.’’—New York Journal. A nd T h e W Scientific American. THE ED SffiD PQ LlTftM ; THE ARENA — LOOK OVER THIS GROUP* make your selection . M FLORENCI