C a n ’t b e d o n e ! FLORENCE ALASKA EXPEDITION. Sftyel aifcM tb« tod A Full D .f c c ilp t i.u ,lt lb * l'la e v s V'Mei. Try to m ake som e baking powder yourself, Buy 11IV ;>nb c m m t iiN W g ie n tlv the cream of tartar and soda, mix them in the right r»ied in a n iiJ i ■ prise »l ined »I race, Oregon, will, * vie» lu securing a proportions. • jl »bare oí the aoaltli <»f the gulden north. Then imagine that you are the manufacturer, and *be «ntiiusiasm have to make a profit, and besides, sell it to the grocer by ,h')ina,.,gnri‘'i ,, if »»•- exiwiiti»., one is reiuiude-i of Hie Aig.mauts of o ld ,, at such a price that he can make a profit too. > the Spaniaii galleva ,,f middle history, laden with g d 1 foind in new lands. anJ * Ask your grocer to sell you his best cream of tar­ the more recent similar exp-ditions tar, seé what it costs, and see if you can make pure irom England and eiio-vherotuthe gold No good baking powder for 25 or 30 cents a pound. of A n.tr.ii» Africa. no one need I e reminded -I tlie womlerfnl It can’t be done. success of those appuenily visionary I Indeed, it is a matter of Schilling's B e st— rt. your grocer’s—is the best of exploits. history tiiat in those very same gold- <£óa hunting adventures were laid the the right-price baking powders. HOW TO HMD OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with ' urine and let it stand twenty-four tjours; , a sediment or settling indicates an un- ! healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kid- J ney trouble. Too frequent desire tot urinate or pain in tlie back, ie aleo con­ vincing proof tiiat the kidneys and bladder are out of order. ... W H A T T O DO. There it comfort in tlie knowledge eo often exp-eaaed, that Dr. Kiliuer'e swamp-root, tlie great kidney remedy , fulfils every wish in relieving pain in tlie AbM tatdy Fur* back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every 1 part of Hie urinary passage. It correct» ' ' inability to bold urine and scalding pain j • in passing it, or bad effects following I i u » m eewwa ea.. mw i ; use of liquor, wine or beer, and over­ the property of tiie company, of which comes tiiat uupleasant necessity of be­ every stockholder will own his propor­ ing compelled to get up many lim es tionate share. Portland, Astoria, or during the night to urinate. Tlie mild some other seaport accessible by rail­ and extraordinary effect of swamp-root road will be tlie point of departure from is soon realized. It stands Hie highest which this steamship will make regular lor its wonderful cures of tlie most dis­ tressing cases. If you need a medicine trips to Alaskan porta. you should have the heat. Sold by For further particulars, address druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ G eo . M. M iller , lar. Y"ou may have a sample bottle and Wilkins Block, Eugene, Or. pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention Tlie W est and semi your ad­ PER8ONAL8. dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, Miss Ethel Kennistou went to Eugene N. Y . Tlie proprietor of tliis paper guarsntees the genuineness of tliis offer. Tuesday. Jease Bounds was in Florence a few A BIRTHDAY PARTY. days ago. POWDER Sinslaw Company Organized, CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 foundation of many of tlie greatest lortunes of both tlie old and new worlds. Scott Morris finishes his term of Those who, from old age, infirmity, or school at Alder Ridge next Friday. other conditions could not g o , put in money and sent others more aide to , pl.aLISIIKO EVERY FRIDAY MORNING-“— Teacher and scholars are busy prepar­ ing an interesting program for the stand the hardships of tlie new and un­ ---------- AT----------- explored country, and thus those ex­ closing day. peditions found themselves well equip­ „F lorence , L ane C ounty , O regon .— Tlie following citizens of Lane county ped witli young and energetic blood and have been drawn on the U. S. grand ------BY - - - Jury which is to meet in Portland, No­ all necessary furnishings So it is now in tlie little seaport of Florence tiiat ia vember 30th; Samuel Ferguson, stock- ff.n . but 10 years old, we find -nil classes man, Junction C ity; Henry Edwards, Editor and P ro prieto r. bending every energy to get this Alaska Springfield. expedition started with all things need­ Here in Coos, says the Myrtle Point ful to successfully meet the new condi­ ___T, BM8 : $1.60 a year In Advance.----- Enterprise, we hear the name of S. H. tions of thut country and wrest from Hazard mentioned quite prominently in Entered at the post-office at Florence, connection witli the nomination for tier frozen bosom tlie coveted gold. The objects of this company and tiie 1>ne county, Oregon, as second-class Miss Lilly Pool departed for Salem circuit judge, and it is said that our energy displayed in bringing them to a mail matter. Mrs. J. O. Davenport was given a populist brethren would be pleased with successful issue command tlie respect tliis week. surprise party Monday evening in hon­ Ids candidacy. Miss Y’uba Huston lias gone to Wash­ and admiration of every person who or of tier tiiirtliietli birthday. She had iDVEKttSIWO RATES MADE KNOWN ON AP- * PLICATION. A call lias been issued for a meeting understands them. New lands and new ington to teach school. gone with a friend to have a few miuutes Ixx.1 notices 8 cen ts per lin e , each insertion of poultry fanciers of Lane and Linn gold ! The spirit of advouture and hope I. B. Cushman intends to make a trip etiat with Mrs. Kyle whan in accordance counties to be held in Eugene tomorrow of fortune, always strong in the true to San Francisco in a short time. with previously laid plans the guests W E 8 T L IN G S . lor the purpose of organising a Poultry American heart, is being aroused by J. H. Monteith and wife arrived Tues­ assembled at the Morris hotel and pro­ Association and to make arrangements this new opportunity, and with every day from a two week’s visit to Eugene. ceeded to Mr. K yle’s residence. Mrs. stroke of the shipbuilders’ ax the enthu­ Try ttch Ibng s P est tea and baking pqwdor. (or a poultry show to be held later on. Mrs. B. F. Wilkes and two daughters Kyle, who had a hand in tlie arrange­ Guard, Nov. 10: The Alaska Thaw­ siasm grows apace. Every report from started Tuesday for a visit with relatives ments, opened tlie door and Mrs. Daven­ A new stock o( Dry Goods just receiv- port, to her great surprise, found her­ ing and Heating Co.. was incorporated Alaska confirms the statement that gold at Eugene. tJat A. O. Funke’s. exists there in paying quantities over a O. W. Hurd was a passenger on the self in tlie presence of a large number of H. M. Chamberlin lias opened a watch Nov. 10 at Salem witli three Portland territory 100 miles long and 400 miles men as incorporators and $26,000 as the Mink Tuesday morning, on his way to friends. After a short time spent in repairing shop in Ashland. conversation two of tlie ladies chose nominal capital stock. Tims is nature wide; tiiat nine-tenths of this vast area the county seat. The Mink took another scow load of sides anil a game of charades was played. to he overcome and the frigid winters of have not been prospected beyond estab­ Mr. Stevens representing Schilling’s tattle up the river Wednesday. the noitli made bearable. Wtiat cannot lishing tlie fact tiiat gold is found in grocery house of San Francisco was in Refreshments were then served and paving quantities. This Alaska Gold The San Francisco Examiner and the man do? after some oilier games the guests de­ Mining & Navigation Company is or­ Florence Saturday. parted, having enjoyed tiie party and W est for one year $2.50 paid in ad- Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. H. Chamberlin’s family have moved all wishing Mrs. Davenport many re­ ganized for tlie purpose of co-operation nnce. To qu it tobaueo easily and forever, be mag full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- and mutual protection. Tlie advantage into Florence and are now occupying turns of tlie day. Bring your job work to the W est netie, Bae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men in going with known parties and whose the Sutton bouse. Among those present besides Mr. and office. Good work done at reasonable strong. All druggists, 60c or II. Cure guaran­ Carpenter L. R. Johnson has been Mrs. Daven|iort and Mr. and Mrs. Kyle, teed Booklet and sam ple free. Address interests are mutual, is apparent to prices. Sterling Remedy C o , Chicago or New York. every one. It gives every man a chance making some repairs this week on tlie were Rev. and Mrs. Knotts, Captain Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable and J. Miller of Shedd, in Linn county, from tlie poorest to the richest. Tlie Brown liouae now owned by Hurd A and Mrs. Rohertaon, Mr. and Mra. do not purge, pain or gripe. All drug­ Belinke, Mr. and Mrs. Bernhardt, Mr. lias what lie calls an evergreen Irish man wiio lias nothing but his labor may Davenport. gists. and Mrs. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Flint, potato, which, he says, is not affected work oil tlie vessel, now building, nnd SUNDAY SERVICES. Work on the new vessel is now going i by frost. Tliis variety, while bearing earn his passage to Alaska, where labor Mr. and Mrs. Weatlierson and Mr. and forward rapidly, a large force of men j an underground potato, like other and is abundant at wages from $10 to $20 per Freaetiing nt Florence Sunday Nov. Mrs. Yates; Messrs. Benedict, Wilson, being employed. Felman and Pond ; Mesdames Burns, I common kinds, lias a potato a’iove the day. Tlie man who lias means to invest 21st, at II a. m. and 7 p. m. Hnrd and Kanoff; and Misses Haring Born, at Glenada, Oregon on Sunday ground on the joints of the vines. Mr. may put it in shares of stock, send a and Vanderbnrg. So». 14th, 1KD7, to the wife of Geo. H. Miller will investigate this new potato, trusted man to Hie mines of Alaska, and T iianksgivino S ervice . share tlie profits of the expedition in and propagate it. Colter, a daughter. T o C a ro C o n s tip a tio n F o r e v e r . On Thursday, Nov. 26tb, the people proportion to tlie amount of funds in T ake C ascarets Cunilv Cathartic. 10corS&a The last of the rock needed to com- W ' ANTED-TRUSTWORTHY AND are invited to attend a Thanksgiving If C. C. C. fall to oure, d ru gm .ts refuud money. active gentlemen or ladies to vested. A base of supplies will be con­ service to be Held in the Presbyterian piete the government contract at Coos stantly maintained at a convenient point travel for responsible, established house lay was delivered last week. GREENLEAF ITEMS. in tlie gold-bearing district, and distrib­ church, at 11 a. in. Let everybody lay aside their work, While hauling on the bench a few in Oregon. Monthly $66.00 and expenses. uted to tlie stockholders at actual cost. Bv a W est C orrespondent . days ago Joe Morris Jr. had the misfor­ Position steady. Reference. Enclose A light-draft steamer especially adapted and nttend tliis service. self-addressed stamped envelope. Tlie I. G. K notts , pastor. tune to lose one of his horses. for service in the Yukon will be chart­ Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago. Nov. 11th, 1897. Governor Lord lias issued a proclama­ n o t ic e . ered or built and run in connection with Guard: Regarding mines a little in­ tion appointing Thursday, Nov. 26th, as Hans has sold Ids Ohickaliominy the ocean vessel now building at Flor- cident lias been brought to light in this Tiiis company lias information Thanksgiving day in Oregon. There will tie n meeting of Hie Alaska claim to a man from the state of Wash­ T H E VESSEL NO W IN PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTION city that may prove the forerunner of a about the mines of Alaska tiiat is recent, To Curo C o n s tip a t io n F o r e v e r. Gold Mining A Navigation Company ington through James Carlisle. Hans Take Cascarets Caudy C athartic. JOc or 2.8c. “ gold epidemic’’ in Lane county. Last direct and reliable. Tlie true story of W IL L BE O W N E D BY T H E C O M P A N Y . Nov. 27th, 1897, at 2 o’clock p. m., at goes to Arizona, wliere he expects to II C. C. C. fall to cure, d ru g g ists refund money. I Tuesday afternoon a mining man who their richness reads like a fairy tale. tlie secretary’s office, Florence, Oregon. farm irrigated laud. From observations take n by the late j lias been prospecting in this county Every returning miner confirms these Erank Potterf has swapped forty acre» All members requested to be present. Prof. McClure on the trip which cost 1 came to town after supplies and started reports and proves the fact with the at the junction of Lake creek and Siua- C. H. H olden , sec. him liie life, it lias been computed that out again almost immediately after em­ golden nuggets. The mineral districts law road with the Siuslaw river road CHASINCOEER W ITH HOUNDS. the bight of Mt. Ranier is 14,528 feet. ploying a man to go with hjm. He was of Alaska and tlie Yukon are enduring, (tlie stage road) west of Hale for forty The Pacific Queen sew ing machine is very reticent about mining matters but enormously ricli and extensive in magni­ acres on Nelson creek, cornering the Guard : A man who gave liis name as »•good as any in the market and can lie to a friend in this city, who is a promin­ tude. Tlie quartz mines and placers of Joe Whisman place, and propoees to bought for about half of agents’ prices ent business man, lie showed some Alaska produced in 1896 $4,600,000, and Will Elkchiiscr, was brought before build a bouse on his new purchase and Justice Wheeler yesterday evening and for other machfncs. For sale by Meyer 1 samples of wonderful richness, and said only a beginning was made. In 1884 move into it at once. What’s more, lie I that lie had “ struck it.” He would not there was not a quartz mill in the entire fined $26 and cost, or $40 for chasing deer and his wife say they are going there to A Kyle. witli hounds In the Camp creek country. give tlie location of liis find, merely say­ territory, and even now tliero is no stay, having been roving aliout as much Mrs. Susan B lad d er died at her home ing that lie would reach his diggings on quartz mill further than three miles Several other men, who were witli him, as they have taste for. on the McKenzie the 9th inst. in the were not arrested, as evidence could not the succeeding niglit. He solemnly Irom the water. When railroads and nth year of her age. She settled in Grandma Wheeler was buried Wed­ averred that Lane county would experi­ steamboats penetrate tlie interior and be secured. nesday on her »on Lucas’ place on Nel­ Lane comity in 1864. ence a mining excitement unprecedent­ unlock nature's great treasure house, TOW N LOTS FOR SALE- son creek, adjoining tlie farm where »lie Don’t run any risks about health. ed as soon as tlie location of tlie same gucli fortunes will be made as will make died. Tlie funeral services were held Avoid coughs, colds, fevers, pneumonia became known, and for ttiat reason lie Lots in Morue’a addition to Florence at William Wheeler’» residence, and all former achievements seem insigni­ *nd all other similar ailments by keep­ was hurrying back to locate and stake ficant in comparison. It is a foregone are now offered for gale by the assignee. were conducted by Henry Tabor of ing your blood rich and pure with out the claim lie wished to work himself. conclusion tin t the mining industry of For information as to prices, etc. in­ Alpha. Rev. James Howard of Hale Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Tlie matter has been kept very quiet Alaska must increase at a very rapid quire of. bad been sent for, but faile-l hi get tlie S T O C K S U B S C R IP T IO N B O O K S O AN B E S E E K A T T H E The Robarta departed Monday for a yet tlie fine ore, of which a Guard re­ rate for the next 60 yeaJs It is tlie A. R. B lttolph , ^ O F F IC E O F C . H . H O L D E N .. message in time, being away from home. trip to Yaquina having on board Mrs. porter lias seen a Bam pie, indicates that Florence, Oregon. J. A. Burnett was funeral director. purpose of tills company to secure its Zalmon Young and Mrs. Robert Cooper tlie man knows what lie is talking about, stockholders their share of thia «rent A tree fell on Mr. Gihsou’s bouse, on TO CURE A OOLD IN O NE DAY. with their children, Dr. Jennings and and the next chapter will be awaited wealth. This expedition will succeeed Deadwood crock, above Alpha, the Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets the Chinamen. witli considerable interest. ~ because (barring accidents) it cannot All druggists refund money if it fails to other day ami made a total wreck of it Edward W. Bartlett of Union county (ail, tlie vessel and cargo being fully in ­ TO OUR PATRONS- and its contents, including the supplies cure. 26c. has been appointed register of the land sured, reducing tlie risk to the lowest which bad just been laid in for tlie THREE NEW BRIDGES. office at La Grande, Or. He has always winter, furniture, bedding, etc., with Wo have made arrangements by miniinuin. Every properly equipped **en a republican and is regarded as a the ezceptlon of a small quantity ol which we will furnish the Weekly steamer entering the Alaska trade must Mitchell man in Ida section of the state. Oregonian with the W est for one year make money, because the demand for Cottage Grove Lender: Commissioner flour, sugar and salt. The escape of the E'larnt« Yon» H n w e ls W it h CaaearwU. to any address for the sum of two dol­ steamer service will lie greater than tlie Bailey was up on the Frank Brass thia family seeina almost miraculous. The Candy Cathartic, cure con stip ation forever, supply. While such an enterprise is week inspecting Hie work tiiat is pro­ tree leaned toward tlie house, and as tlie we-3c. If C. C. C. fa ll, d ru g g ists refund money. lars, payable cash in advance. new to Lane county people, it is only a gressing on the Hire« new bridges that family eat down to breakfast, the wind County school Superintendent C. S. $1OO REWARD StOO. are now nearing completion, across Hint being pretty high, Gilison began to be repetition of what has been carried Hunt, assisted by John Handsaker, field stream. They will soon be finished, and uneasy. He ate a few moutlifuls and success in hundreds of instances el The readers of this paper will be pleas­ the regular quarterly teacher’s exam i­ too much credit for this work cannot be then took an ax and began to chop Hie wliere. Our people are waking up nation at the court house last week. ed to learn that there is at least the innumerable opportunities for mak- given Mr. Bailey for the interest tiiat he tree, hoping to throw it away from the There were 12 applicants for county cer­ dreaded disease that science lias in Alaska. Lane county takes In good roads and they are the tinilding. He bad struck but a few 1 ^ in g ^ „ (i| f |orence expedi- one thing thia county need», above all tificates, 3 for state certificates and 2 for able to cure in all its stages an biows wtien it began to crack. He ■late diplomas, a total of 17. That was is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is ' non 100 men, and with tlie average suc- others. da 83 by shouted to bis family and they left their Pergons Desiring to Subscriba for S I o j ' x Caí tlie known to » very small class for Lane county. only positive cure now knot of AU(kan roineri tbey breakfast and ran out just in time to see APPLES W A NTED. 8 r(,.urn with eMh or # gralld toU | The W est lias for sale one year’s medicial fraternity, tatarr i their entire worldly goods smashed into - ^ ^ ^ _ L e a v in g Their N a m e s _ ^ ^ ^ - ,000,000. Ev ry young and able tuition in tlie Holmes Business College constitutional disease require I will pay 30 cents per bushel (or the ground. lutional treatment. Hall s i|i e ' bodied man should investigate this of Portland. This is one of the leading opportunity for securing a competence Baldwin and Northern Spy applet de- fiiieiness colleges on the coset, having taken internally, acting d.rec po NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. E per»On who can spare or raise a liveied at Acme before the Schooner English, Commercial, Shorthand and blood and mucous surfaces 0 Bella sails. Apples may be brought in tern, thereby destroying the . . ! of money sboold secure shares of Telegraphic departments and we offer Land O « ('i at Roaebure, Oregon, of , he disease, and g.v.ng | Ibe s t X I do not mean that you any kind of loxea as I will furnish my November 8, ISS7. this tuition on easy terms. strength l.y building up t ie co , | lOuld mortgage your b o m e-fo r if you own boxes (or abipping. Applet must N otice 1« hereby given that th e follow ing Tlie supreme court of California has named « tiler h u Sled notti-e of h ie intention and assisting nature in doing it ,1,000.000 you could never buy be choice and of good tizc. granted a stay of execution in Hie case to m ake Anal proof lu support of her claim and I. B. C ushman . The proprietor« have so w o t » * anything better than a home— but many th at m id proof w tll be made before C. H. Hoi of Durrant on the ground tiiat no official its curative powers, that they offer One „on ev to spare could invest den U. H Commtmionrr at Florence. Oregon know ledge of tlie decision of the U . 8. CLENADA SCHOOL REPORT- on December IS, WOT, via: Msrtha E. Martin Hundred Dollars for any tas On- it in this enterprise with tlie prospects Inpreme court had been received and faiistocore. w idow of James Martin, on h. ». no. StSO for Send for ” • “J J r e t u r n , . Men have grub- The following ia tlie report of Sum­ the nvrid neQ of see. » , tp. 1» »., r. IS giiiiiiiig Oct. • I " her eoutkiiaou« re.id eoee upon and cuiU vattou •o toon, as tlie law requires that lie be Toledo, Hall’s Family P illsa retn e best. ♦» bowInrft thousands. of. m id land, vtx: and ending (X t. 29’li. given at least eixtv days of grace. >0 | H. H flogm nn, and George Allen of Point oelm atm to viuherv comm 'SSON. I)()iibtIeM tlli, or similar No days taught I Termre, Or.; A. E. Hndm ll, mid M i. H .d m ll ------- - Ki,| repeated in thia expedition. The No boys enrolled ol M apleton, Oregon. with the request of the - nterprba is in the hands of men No girls enrolled * R. M. V eatv «. Register. ’ "r'norU Florida, that a number «1, rf energy ami experience. “ Old me.. No days attendance „ OrXon, tuteresteil in the ,„r wiHdo.n and young men for action No days alwence i he sooner you begin to *°V a i T t e J n s ^ ta ,leleF,,eF <•""« a coinhira.ion that will make Cases of tardiness Tatn. The cm..- FOR 8ALE OR EXCHANGE. Use SchiHituf's JJest tea and fishing inJusHj , I Average daily attendance H id baking powder, the better your 10 a b 5 ' e Ianoa’ v li*h, 1808, Governor'(,any Those not absent during increased its atork from $ V pa, Fla., • | ( „f,rire T. Myers of ( g i n $100.0(0, divided into share« of , were Nellie Furnish, U o r a Johnson. A liouae and lot In Glenada. Tlie °Pportunity to get some of Lord designa e< Astoria, , , Oear|,. All unsold stork will remain j y | , ,^,„1^, Elvia and Frank Pepper, house ia 10 l>y 24 feet and one story mid Portland, and M. J. Kinney „0 w j( fbat $2000.00. DRUGGISTS S$« SO* a half in height. Alan a good wooilslied Ifco M pr I Laxa ..d delegates. eleg a tes. int COMOMT ... ._ «nnoint V ,n u k in *2* j * 8#r' ,,IPr and Elmer Lowe, Ada Kane and And me rnyre you will en- SB ABSOLUTELY C O A y iT E R D ; ? ,™ ^ ; 0 ; ^ » ..» ., Governor Iz.Rl tul fl, rniihe.l t g a p a r .lh a .b e , on premises. For fnrtlo« particular« ■«nippai. C rr ., or W ow Torlu k X ° S •n d , teacher. the One True BLOOD Purifier. the names of men 4 S< a ho desire to attend rraaciBco the w e s t WEATHERSON No. of Shares 10 ,0 0 0 , a t $ 1 0 EACH. E veryb od y’s O p p ortu n ity W h o De­ s ir e s to V isit th e N ew Eldorado. This is a Home Company. Every Citizen of the Siuslaw Valley S h o u l d ^ ^ ^ - Own at Least one Share. ITS AIMS ABE PURELY CO-OPGROTE? Work Being Pushed Vigorously. DON'T HISS THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIIE. Alaska Cold Minina & Navigation Co. OREGON. FLORENCE, xNDY CATHARTIC Q uick! cuRtconsnnmoN »♦ **4 al . . ---- „.-.-tur-- —— - - — - • inw h W BBi i «a