The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, November 19, 1897, Image 2

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    T H E
W E S T ,
Toledo Blade:
Tnp*<U» I < a<l»-T:
-¡’(W4SJJÍP « v ju r pm fa t M"«*»»".—
•1,1» j .
It may b© of interest ¿0 tb*
fanners of Lincoln county to know
— AT—’
that a Michigan farmer has dem­
F j .OBB!»CB,
onstrated that sugar can be mnuu
fuctured from beeta without any
-.z-.«» expends« machinery. He simply
. IT. W LATH ERST)N grated the beuta, preaeed out the
, D
juice with a cider pre»» and boiled
Editor and Proprietor.
| it an you would boil the wap of the
augur maple. During the proeewt
I of boiling, he says the nyrup had
< the flavor of the beet, but when
Oregon Agn«-u>tnn*t:
sugared off' it had the appearance
‘ W hile the rot which attacked the and , niUPj,
, tj,e Kajne flavor of , maple
prunes in western Oregon «nd western
sugar. From seventy poutida of
'Washington this year is a new
thing to
most of the growers here, it .a a
very R
, icl.eto fo re
common disease in the east. 11
, tb a t 8Ugar co u l(, n .t
•trem .ly contagion, under «••»'•‘I“ "« m a (le fro m
w ith o a t e x te n s iv e
favorable to ita development which are
and costly machinery, but this ex
warmth and moisture at the same time.
periment opens a broad field for
II there are any germs of tlie disease
experiment and invention. It
about this trees it will only require ■
seems more than probable that the
Tew* warm days with a moist »tmos-
progressive farmer of the coast,
'»iheré at any dine duriug thè .umiiier
where the sugar beet grows ill per-
ita rapiu
rapid spread
to cause its
sprea« aiiiong ...»
L Im it.
. . . A . lets «arm muggy diiys »„riv
fection, ’ will 80011 manufacture, not
. in July U n. year gave .1
for bis family j use, ’
gIVBl ,
the rot a gieat
j kite sugar
I i i w f l n 1 ss w r . i i i i i i i z i l l l k l n r
war u i l i r o t i t / k
of raw
sugar to
‘ ■ .tart.
IB B .
IO n
a z a r e s .ssw.
the sp.end of ihe r o tc e a a e d . When « « »
the refiners. InsU-ad o f
zw n aa i l . u l I
» t ♦ 1 . za
hauling F tons
and tons / of
the l beets
lin i ili.t i.
a s iu
the warn» weuther came on almut die
to the distant factory,
he will man
nfter r m
Ilit.lO le o of | Beptem
B v p ie m n her
e r iiiir
i™ . two
'week. of »May weather bad «&<*»'<>th e »\'ga r ttt
fee(ü n «
everything, the conditions were moat
favorable to the development of the rot,
hence tlie great amount ol daniaga.
"While tlìeré will be many seasons In
which we are not likely to suffer serious­
ly from U iil disease, it is not true that
'aprayiug With bordeaux mixture would
the waste to h i. stock, enriching
bis land and adding largely to bis
profits. This is a matter worth
A. R. C l a r k ,
Elk City, Oregon
have done uo good. In the eastern
■tales this ¿Yseuie, which attacks all Scientific American:
varieties of »tone fruits, i . not only very
'flic simultaneous issue of one hun­
prevalent but Unde the condition, favor­ dred and twenty-live patents to a single
able fo r iti development 'nearly every imlividlial has caused The Patent OIBce
yeir, yet orchardiat. have found them* official Gazette of October 27th, 1897, to
selve, able to keep it in cheek to a large assume proportions which make it by
exten t by timely sprayings. A contem­ far the largest of its kind ever issued.
porary refer, to Commissioner Dusch’s Up to this date the largest issue of The
btatem enù concerning this disease as Gazette contained 193 pages. The pres­
theory, ft might as well refer to a
ent issue contains 288 pages. Ip making
I* e r e 1
, ,
physician*, statement
that quinine it up the Norris Peters Company, ac­
properly administered check. malaria in cording to the Washington Star, used 250
tlie tiuman sy.teni, as theory. Mr. reams of paper and made 253,000 impres­
Dutch's remarks concerning plum rot sions, the usual mini tier of impressions
were not liis individual conclusion. for The Gazette being 140,000. To meet
hut • statem ent of the result 0/ many the emergency the government printing
observations ' ol experienced office had to telegraph for extra type,
horticulturists1 in'the treatment
Did and well known disease.
of an and sixty extra men were put upon the
The increased hulk of thia issue is due
T he LABt' shipysirds are competing
to the insertion pf tlie hatch of 125 pat­
with those of the Atlantic and of the ents aliove mentioned to Milo G.
world in siu d f tl.«S V .swls they build.
, „ inoig> W,|O hftg
■ I
.1 I
III, *
1 «'
Cleveland yard la now building two
whole set to the Kellogg
jreat steamships, one Of 6,500 and the Swituliboard and Supply Company of
>tlmr 8,300 touk, srbiefi villi lie tlie larg-
•at, except the 8t. Louis and tlie St.
The application for tlie first of Mr.
Paul, of any »vet* built in American Kellogg's patents was filled April 27th,
lards for commercial purposes. The
1887, and the others followed at inter­
Sent which will he acliwaed i'»’ sUfi ¡nor»
vals up tq March 9th, 1895, which is tlie
luggestive when one remembers that
dute ot the last of the 125 applications,
die two American liners would uot have A remarkable feature is that every one
jeen constructed unless the govern-
of them relates to tlie same subject,
nent h a l offered subsidies to the owning namely, improved ways of constructing
•orporatiori. The lakes are symbolic,
and operating switchboards for tele­
uid representative o f tlie vasluess ol phone exchanges. Tlio final govern­
>ur Internal commerce.— Toledo Bladr. ment fee on these cases amounted to
$2,500. This constitutes the largest
I t would be difficult to And outside of check ever paid into tlie patent office at
inglend a man with so pronounced a
one time for government fees, and it is
mo of toadyism's'f the fellow lias who almost needless to add tliut the 125
tcenlly brought the Prince of Wales' patents is the largest number ever
acht Britannia. Imagine a limn pay-
issued at one time to one inventor.
Ag |3750 for'prince Charlie's lied and
Apart from tlie interest which at­
hen vainly sHemptbig to give it to
taches to the Kellogg patents, on ac­
|ueea Victoria. X. if tin» were not count of the features aliove mentioned,
noogh he followed the exploit by try-
they should serve to remind inventors
>i|s to secure the Duke of Argyle as a of a fact which they too often' overlook,
nest iu order that tl|S descendant ol hot which aometiinea seriously affects
lie foes o, the Stuarts might sleep in the value ol t.ieir patents. We refer to
lie Prince’s bed. It Du Manlier were Hie disinclination of the average inven­
live what 11 line caricature Jie could tor to file applications for modifications.
nve made out of this king ol the Too often thev are content to lay stress
radios.—A'. F. Chronicle.
upon a particular form of the device,
and merely made iiivntion of its various
W o-To-Sto" fo r r iftjr C en ts.
huaraniosU tobaren h o h llís iiie malie» w e s t iiiiiditications, whereaa the modifications
»•»kreuz, Wood pura.
W e,•! A lid iu t z is le
I k anothbb column will
found a
,ter from a Lincoln county n an telling
Av * sugar
can tie made from the sugar
t with hut ii very amgll outlay of
nev for machinery. Aa the sugar
et yields well in thia part of tlie conn-
r it would i>e a good tiling if *>me of
r farmers would try the expriment
d see what success they have. H Hie
,u works all right it uiay I* tliat «
a avenue of industry can 1« opened
that will be profitable here as w ell as
jtlier parts of tlie country.
r ih reported that W. IV. Moore, who
lislipd thè Harrialmry Revlew for
o màntlie, Intfinds starting a Ave
■un quarto «reciti» paper, to be de­
li to thè agricultnrnl interest«
thè first nonilwr
ne next week.
Be^rvOodr *»?• ■•*
icareteGanflv CeUiurtic. the omet «ron
if . bhx
H c diano» err of Ib" M» r
ud 1-efr. RliiBit to lb<* tea «, »■! acuti)
o sitin ly ou hUliiey s. Il.erauil mivi -I s
•lue tl» »miro e.» si. ut. fitojwl colds
lieudaolM-, lever, habitual uo0.ti|*«Hoi
biouaume. P i« * * boy *»d «J »
U. C. hwhtjr; I®,
U veut».
8 tied M eure by all di u»f i»t».
I .If President McKinley and other pro-
! mineut Ohio republicans in Washington
take any stock in the numerous stories
1 appearing in print alleging the exist­
ence of serious doubt of tlie election of
In his speeches, made this week
in southern Ohio, Senator Hanna
W ash . D. C., Nov. 8th, 1897. ' Senator Hanna by the Ohio legislature
called the attention of the throngs
Senator Platt, of Conn., who is re­ they hide it well, (or to a man they in­
of workingmen who formed his
garded a . one of the moat influential sist that Senator Hanna’s election is
audiences to a promise of the re­
republican otepibqni of the senate com­ assured.
publican party which means much ;
mittee on linanve, and a man who very
to them if it is carried out. And
seldom allows hiutself to be quoted in
it will be carried out, if the repuli-
i ' iu newspapers, has, in .a short inUtr-
licans obtain control of the senate.
viow, given a pointer, not only to the
Mr. Hanna stated as follows:
gentlemen composing the self-appointed
We promised further that, after
monetary conference, b u fto the admin­
having protected the iu lustries of
Faith and hope themselves shall die,
istration. Mr. Platt didn’t heat around
our country, we would protect the the bush at all, hut stated in the fewest while deathless charity remains,
workingmen of out* country against
possible words that bo far as practical
p;tv ¡g the virtue of the law and
the tramp labor of Europe by giv­
results are concerned, it wii. simply be n0I10 hut tyrants use it cruelly.
ing them an immigration Will
a waste of time, to propose and discuss
W e never think of the main business
which would govern that question
a currency measure at the coming ses­ of life till a vain repentance minds us
an I in the interest of our laboring
sion of congress, owing to the support­ of it at the wrong end.
people. That is a proposition that
ers of tlie administration lacking a ma­
I like the laughter that opens the lips
applies to every workingman
jority in the senate. There was nothing
the heart, that shower at the same
in this state.
new in Senator P latt’s words, hut
time penrls and the soul.
And it does so apply. The la­
as the memory of the public is proverbi­
bor market is. like the market for
General observations drawn from par­
ally short and many persons, in and out
ticulars are the jewels of knowledge, |
every other commodity, governed
of print, have been seriously discussing
comprehending great store in a little
by the law of supply and demand.
the sort of financial legislation corgress
Lot us protect our own working­
These Goods W ill Run Out at Rates so Low That it W ill Make
is likely to give us at the coming session
men from the flood of foreign lab­
Surely the church is a place where
it if well that they were spoken, and
Quick Work of Their Distribution.^
orers of the lowest grade. They will be better if they are heeded anil n o , on® day’s truce ought to be allowed to |
glut the market, and they help to time wasted in useless efforts to compel d*e dissensions and animosities of man j
keep wages down.
the opposition senate to accept financial kind.
measures favored by tlie administration,
Life does not count by years. Some
oy by others.
! suffer a lifetime in a day, and so grow!
We are Prepared to M eet all
Demands for W inter p
Goods, With a New
Line of Heavy Woolen Un-
.^=rar derwear, M itts, Fas-
Boottees, Oil Clothing, Rub­
ber Boots, Over Shoes Etc.
Representative Hooker, of New York, °'d between the rising and tlie setting ; O f R e a d y m a d e lC lo t h in g , t h a t M e a n s t h a t Mr.
Mar»hfit*ld Sun, Nov. 1th:
d*e 8un>
The law prohibiting the fishing says of the coming session of congress :
C a s h c a n F i t H im s e lf out at
for salmon after the 31st of Oct. I “ It ought to be short. There is nothing This tide of man’s life alter it once
C o s t o f M a n u f a c t u r e .^
should be wiped from our statutes. to demand an extended sitting. I think turnetli and declineth, ever runneth
Just at this period of the fishing that the Cuban and Hawaiian questions witli a perpetual ebb and falling stream, H ave so m e S p e c ia l o ffe r in g s in
season a new run of salmon, larger will, in a way settle themselves, and but never llowetli again.
B ests S h o es a n d H a ts
than those that came iu prior, be­ certainly ought not to take up much
thou like tlie bird perched upon
gan here. The salmon are hard time in congress. Tlie.-e will be an gonie (ra,i tiling, although he feels the
and of a fine color, hut the law, effort made by extremists to change our branch bending beneath him, yet
if enforced, would deprive many a monetary system, but a majority of loudly sings, knowing full well that he
poor man from gaining an honest congressmen aro conservativo, and, un­ lias wings.
dollar. The law works more of a less it is shown, beyond all question
Liberty is the right to do what the
hardship on Coos bay than else- that such a change is desirable, and for laws allow ; nnd if a citizen could do F L O R E N C E S T O R E A N D S E A T O N B R A N C H .
where, for here only gill net fishing the goal of the whole country, our fi­ what they forbid it would be no longer
is indulged in, there being no seines nances will be left as they are. In my liberty, because others would have the
iu operation. And since only night opinion, it is better that they should be same powers.
fishing is practiced, the fish have a let alone. We are getting on very well,
What we employ in charitable uses
much better opportunity to reach and agitation is unnecessary and hurt­
during our lives is given away from
the spawning grounds than else­ fu l.”
ourselves; what we liequeathe at our
where. Game Warden McGuire Commissioner of Pensions Evans, not
death is given from others only, as our
has expressed the sentiments of a only fails to predict, as his predecessors
nearest relations.
sensible man, when lie states that in that office did, an early decrease in
Joy in this world is like the rainbow,
he disapproves of the statutory en­ tlie number of pensions paid by this
in the morning only appears in
actment, and does not propose to government, but calls attention to the !
or towards tlie evening sky;
prosecute unless compelled to do! failure of such predictions. At this fis­
latter hours of day cast its
so. A few salters are now running cal year, June 30, there were 976,014 i
on the bay, and will continue for a I pensioners on the rolls, a net increase triumphal arcli over tlie east or morn­
week or 10 days unless some one, j in a year of 5,336. Tlie annual report of ing sky.
All the L atest In
with a grudge tries "to do some tlie commissioner doesn’t say so, hut all , Life is thick sown with thorns, and
spite work.
tlie same, it is reasonably certain th a t, I know of no other remedy than to pass
I yalos fir Yonr Money at all
B y l e i t D ikn .
tlie net increase of pensiopers for the
current fiscal year, will be much larger
than the lust fiscal year, owing to tlie
change of policy in the conduct of tlie
(K-nsion bureau, which now gives pref­
erence to application for original pen­
sions. Tlie commissioner makes two
recommendations, which seem to be in
line with everyday business sense.
First, that Hie complete list of name and
addresses of pensioners be published,
and second, Hint congress make it il­
legal for tlie widows of veterans of the
late war who marry after this to draw
pensions. The last is intended to break
up the demoralizing practice, the extent
of which is extraordinaiy, of women
niurrying tlie old soldiers when they are
on their death-beds, solely for the pur­
pose of drawing a widow’s pension.
Under existing laws, pensions cannot lie
denied to these women, even when they
ure known to be disreputable.
Dress Goods, T rim m ins; Etc.
quickly through them. Tlie longer we
’ dwell on our misfortunes tlie greater is
their power to harm us.
Christianity ruined emperors, but
saved peoples. It opened tlie palaces of
Constantinople to tlie barbarians, but
it ojiened tlie doors of cottages to the
consoling angels of tlie Saviour.
Goodness answers to tlie theological
virtues of charity, and admits no ex­
cess but error; the desire of power in
excess caused tlie angels to fall; but in
charity there is no excess: neither angel
nor man come into danger by it.
Nov. 12th, 1897.
Oregon mist and fog.
Roads getting very muddy just now.
Good health in this vicinity except
Considerable travel on tlie Wild Cat
anil Noti road Ibis fall.
J. L. Atkinson Esq., of Walton passed
through our vidley lust week.
Constable Levi Vaughan was doing
business n t the county seat this week.
Ge». Vaughn and Walter Cluistnin
Moral courage is more wortli having
who have l>een working near Halsey tlie
than physical; not only because it is a
past six weeks returned home this
higher virtue, but because tlie demand
for it is more constant. Physical cour- j
Rev. J. H . Howard of Elk Prairie was
is a virtue which is almost always
in our district this week looking fora
put away in tlie lumber room. Moral .
school for Ilia daughter, Miss Maud
courage is wapted day by dry.
Mr. Clow of Cottage Grove bad a very
Life is a quaint puzzle. Bits the most
narrow esra|ie last Monday evening as
incongruous join into eacli other, and
he was returning borne from Florence.
Washington is likely to see much of the scheme tlius gradually lieconies
While crossing a ravine near W. <j.
Barron’s place on Not!, the bridge the wire pulling that will lie done by symmetrical and clear; when, Io! as tlie
stringers broke, precipitating Mr, C., tiie republicans who want to succeed infant clasps his hands ami cries “ See,
wagomnnd team and broken bridge to Senator Gorman, as at least three of the s e c * " ,e puss'® is made out,” all tlie
the bottom, a distance of 12 feet. Mr.
Clow was eauglit by one leg and held gentlemen upend practically all their ’ P'®c®s ar® swept back into the box—
fast, and but (nr the timely arrival.if time at tlie national capital. Tl eae b,ack b®* w itl‘ 8ilJe(1 nails
Charley Barron lie would undoubtedly who would like to be senators from
Undoubtedly the good fame of every
have Inst his team and perhaps ids life. Maryland are Postmaster General Gary, man ought to lie under the protection
We viewed tlie wreck and pronounced
Judge McCom.a, of the supreme court of the laws, as well as his life, liberty
it a wonder that the man and team was
not killed. These high bridges made of the District of Columbia, and Rep­ and property. Good fame is an outwork
nut o, young growth fir is a very poor resentative Mudd. Governor Lowndes, that defends them all and renders them
should form the basis id separate appli- make-shift amt should he examined who is also credited with a desire to sit all valuable. The law forbids you to
cationa. It is only in this way that the closely ami often and kept in good re­ in the senate, likewise B|<ends consider­ revenge; when it ties up the bands of
inventor can secure tlie most complete pair nr antno one mav lose Ida life able time in Washington, being a niem- some, it ought to restrain the tongues ot
through genuine carelessness.
protection. Mr. Kellogg has carried
l>er of the famous Metropolitan club. others.
J. w . CARM AN.
out » ll ! • » is » |»S
fullest extent.
IS SV IJS IW to ita
Neither of these gentlemen lias formally
an(, w),|jf mere will probably he few
announced himself to 1« a candidate for
gu,,jvcU n,at will call for anything liac
G. 8 Journal: Contractor Roney the senate, but they are each being
the same number of applications, this lias finished tlie work of building the pushed for the tlie position by friends,
notable issue ia an object leeeon which new roiirt house basement and lias and there are others who would not
coverml the work with planks to protect
may I* commended Io the tl onghtful it from Hie weather. It will be a tiring object to the plum.
With Hood's Sarsapa­
consideration ot inventors at large.
rilla, “ Sales Talk,” and
lielore the work of building the rcst of
Tiie treaty between the U . 8 ., Japan
show that this medi-
anted - truktworthy anp the structure will commence.
nnd Russia, by which it is agreed thatj cine has enjoyed public confldence and
active gentlemen or ladie« to
(lie killing of aenle in open sea in Beh- (latronage to a greater extent than accord­
travel for responsible, established house ’
ring 8ea ami the north Pacific ocean I ed any other proprietary medicine. This I * iJe.
iu Gieaon. Monthly $«6.00»nd expenses. !
is simply because It possesses greater
shall lie temporarily suspended, having merit and produces greater cures than I
Position steady. Reference. Enclose The Lookout:
self-addressed tlanqied envelope. The
The wav to get thr b c.t there ia in Iven signed by the representatives of any other. It ia not what we aay, but
Dominion Company, I»ept. Y Chicago.
people is to give the t»est. Don’t expect tlie several governiente, the work of the I what Ilood’i 3a res par ilia does, that tells
the story. AB advertisement* of Hood's
others to lie sweet nnd ftolite and first sealing conference is closed, and Sarsaparilla, like Hood’s Sarsaparilla It- j
AN K xc ua ng k ways that the,
thoughtful so long as you adhere to tlie this week, the second conference, be-j •elf, are honest. We hare never deceived
the public, and thia with it . superlative !
atvt’pturtoe of proaent® by tenebent
selfish principle that people must ’’lake tween the U. 8., Great Britain a n d , medicinal merit, is why the people have
ft-otn pupil« law I»»*” forbidden by
von aa they fine you.” When vour; Canada, will meet. Interest has been ! abiding couidenco In it, and buy
a number ofaobool board® tlirougb-:
friends begin to grow csrelees and dia* increased in this conference by the inti- '
tint the sUU>. Tlti® Mop baa been
leepectful stop and ask yourself whether 1 ■nation that the Cnadian officials intend '
taken for the lit nrda believe that
JÉnslislv "
you are not getting b u k a reflection of, Io try to negotiate a treaty which will j
many poor children are embarraa-
yourself. A young wife complained to; include some sort of commercial reci­
cd fit their inability to eontribuk-
. o b o rlb aiK T
her husband that he smoked in her procity between the U . 8., and Canada
«long with the other cbildn-n.
presence. “ You never used to do it”
They »1«' regnrd the practice as the said. “ No,” »»aa the significant
Almost to the exclusion ot alt other.. Try I t 1
tending to InflueiK* the teacher’s rejtunder. “ and you never used to wear Candy C alhartlr, sure conaiipaU oe foreiar. Prepared only by C. I. Homi a Co.. Ixtwcll. Maw.1
r .,,,
are the only pii’’ m take
tOe, tt o . It C. C C t i l l , «u x k ’i t u retend tnoaaj.
curl-p-»pert ia mine.*’
rulutivu. will» the ¡.upiia.
I lO O d S r l l l S with Uood j sareosariUa.
P A IR ,.
T S 2 5 c ts . T O $ f .5 0
E ugene,
r e g o n ,
C A R M A N ’S
Dry Goods, ★ Groceries ★ and ★ Notions.
Just Opened.
Goods as Represented.
S ales
àòt tP\i
Edace»» Yowr Stowet» With r«srar»ta.
O PR ’ F ‘r r ‘*
X\è x » SOVr <yv_
„<414 ÓÍ-
'<£ ÿamljill
- F