- THE W EST r . A D V E R T IS E R S Y O U R H O H E PAPER SHJSLAW’S ONLY PAPSS. S U P P O R T IT V (» L . ► r ' ill. FLORENCE, OREGON. F R ID A Y , ¿Nov. 19, 1897. G E N E R A L directory TRAVELERS’ GUIQE. < O P P O R ftW T Y 1 * ’’ 7 . - NO 3 0 . all the other qualiiicatiu.is, know child the many occasions in bicycling whrt« nsfure or have murh appreciation of quick thiukiDg.anj| equally prompt ae- children’s needs, and many men hr ve lion, the characteristics of a good rider, state officers m ; interesting visitor whocomes little or flo leisure to attend tq <’ •> du­ become, necessary.— Harper’s Bazar. ties of the oflice. Therefore u Coarti Like biliousness, dyspepsia, h eadache, consti­ FROM PITCAIRN ISLAND. f- pation. sour at >raaclu indigestion are prom ptly composed eutirejy of men, even cdu- i s j A a a l i n k . S A IL S — ----- c u r I by llo o d s Pills. They do th e ir w ork ♦'tfw ill lain P. Lord, Mrs. W illiam Felton, who represent­ rated i ~B, is not likely to lie ideal—iu QoVil'H°r • W o t t M ' i In te r e s t I n E d u c a tio n — P r iv i­ fact, is very sure to be inefllcieut and ed Georgia in the national council of < '. . .H . R.' K in tiiiif O» the, 1st, 10th and 20th oi Secretary of ate leges « / th e C lu b — N o ta b le W o m e n an d iucapable of bringing about the best mothers iu Washington, aud Mrs. W il­ .......... r;?lT i« íip Motcht*ff' month. Ireasiircr ■ W o m a n Su if rage— A C a u tio n to W h e e l- eruditions for the school uudcr its con­ liam King, who was the leading dele­ lattavi» M o re n te M ondaye, W'e V e d n e s- D is tin c tio n : .fi. s i. J rjv ib . «iipt. Public ¿ingle trip (3.00, Round trip $5.00 day* and Frida» s. gate from the Atlanta Woiuau’s club to w u n te n - T w o S o u th e rn W o m e n . _______ _ trol.” “ " . . . W . I L Leeds. A rrivcs a t Fioretti e T uesdavs, ’^ ii u i s - Slate Pit titer. ■ • the same convention, worthily represent Mi«.« Rccnliud Amelia Yeung, a d i­ P riv ile g e s o f th e C lu b to W o im c b . , .C . M. hllenmii- ‘rttVH aio! Su^UTclavH. tho liigliest ordei of southern women. e asily and thoroughly. Attorney G e n era C o ih h h ^ s , w ith S te am e r ;uical News the D U L U T H ___ ______ qunt, m etb iiieu l way, Us if regulated prevent th ei# slipping backward. The fullest and spiciest and Its Editorial« from the ly sen I 9 u clockwork. The ques- other two should be so arranged as to à A. .'rf. F lo re n c e L odge K f 107. ablest pens In th e country. FA RCO T H E CHRONICLE has alw ays been, and alw ays IKU m « iig liir.inhm dittoveiy may iu well support t h e hoots, the heelN being guiar c o m m u n ic a tio n on second Re GRAND FO R K S TO w ill be, the friend and cham pion of the people as tlx i.ei.i tu toli le i t unti Luid to uu- so placed over the back rod os to prevent o o n tli. ani fourth S a tu rd a y s in each against com binations, clique«, corporation«, or I any slipping forward. C RO O K 3TO N oppressions of any kind It w ill he Independent sv.ir. — N»w York Journal. 8. L. R o b k r d s W. M. In order to accommodate hoots cf dif- Iu avecyUdug neutral In notldug. W IN N IP E G I.G. K.vorrs, S e c re ta ry . 1 ferent sixes the rods may be fixed oloaer» P R IN C IP A L H O T E L * N o ta b le W u tu e a an d W o m a n SuflYa . e l 1 war than meu suffer, aud it is a mon­ gutxl M inding in v ite d to a tte n d . is ly u piephelic apostle, as one of the H O T E L E L IC E R E . A. O. CH ARLTOM , when he determined to re a i m ) i strous injustice that women should liavo n.iileuuit.1 results Nor um I opposed to W. H. W k a t h k b s o n , N - G. A ssista n t G eneral 1‘nssenger Agent. life aud lead ills little col I y f I no voice at all In relation loan unspeak­ M a m ó n M o b u i s , Sec. a woman ' h earning her own iuuepend- 251 . M orrison St. neers in tho way of riphleou t.< k able outre of tbeir sex.— Loudon Meth­ ffff euee in any luwlul culling aud wish F c r tla n the English book of prayer fi t a e, odist T i m e s . ________ many more were open to her which arc AV. O. ZKI< ;L E R , P ro p rie to r. with the result that his people lx »..mo T h e L * U » l I u B rlo -u -b r* c . church of England Episcopalians In now closed. Nor am I opposed to the C H Ü 3C H D1RLCTOHY - O ÍIE O D N . E U G E N E , - T h e F u n k & W a g n a lls The oddest thing in bric-a-brac is h this generation some of them have jidtx <1 organization and ugilatiou of women, other denominations, Rcsaiilxi \< : : ns wen in , to set feith the wrongs snf- little Italian vase made of red clay, up­ KBSBY f E tti tN CIIUUGH, Flore w ». among the number. The y e n » von n 1« red by g n a t multitudes of our sex, on which, w ith a little care, yon can r ' »i.-.-1 i -»io iato s c v i i ’e- S j o j s i ' 1 w ill probably go buck to Lu i j l a i . i l w l.iih aie m ultifoim and meal hum ili­ have the “ green grata growing a ll l*reaichi«F se.i»r»<»i, 11 u d ock a. home on the Pitcairn when it sails ating. Ner r.w I < pposid to wtin< u's around” in the utmost luvuriousne:» Of The T h o C lir o n lr lo B u ild in g * á a c r a ia e n t *4 uudeitiil.ii’g t o g i ' i i u hoys and u x n — All yon have to do is to soak tho vus* ... h i . and 7 p away from thia port in Jan e»........Feb­ 1st , Sal.baUi ‘d tbiy always have uuil ibey alw aysw ilh ENGLISH LANGUAGE in water for a day aud then »prinki* -»» Lord’s supper m —- „ . ruary of next year. In th. i............... 1 Jwivry, A pni, July und Gctoner T w e n ty -th r e e she may make a trip to t.<- A . ¡ a n ! ' Ivor am 1 opposed to llie cliim tbut wo­ timothy seed all over the ou’.side. Tho men have equal tigh ts w ith n < u. I seed sliika to the wet clay aud sproute, Cverrbo Iv is weieuase to at*lli* «r-ioes- C O M P LE TE coast.—San Francis» o I h r i n le B y M s 'l, P o l t » » e P a id , M ile « W e s t 7»stor re»juesls CiirieOaae to matte rsth ii ch iui i l i . t l l i y have (hi sacred and in about ten day* from the time S U C C IE N T them«ivea known. „ su|xtior itghia Hist God and good men yon sow yocr see«l you have a harvest of Eugene. W o m a n ’» In t » r e « t I n M e » nn- L G KmwT«, Pastor. airoru to he wiuk and uiteuseleas, by in the form of a grern jacketed vssu A U T H O R IT A T I V E "Every one w ill admit v < an » w l.iih lhe J have the easnst work, Iho that makes the most beautiful flower terest in education,’* said Lil» u Ii most u.fe und rouifortable p lu n s aud receptacle imaginable. Price of Swurfhmore, Pa., to n b H )D l»T 8 P Í8G 0 P A L the lui; n t si are cf uii tl.e most sgree- | Tho grass lasts for about a mouth if n < York Tribune reporter. * Even ll J S I.M S Vocabulary Term« wi service. Prcsr-kLag »* ahie ill i.isiiable cnje.ymints of Liis you ats careful to keep water iu the conservative w ill grant ti . t! »47 Editors and Specialists sud Acme two Sundays of each month life. M. luuiii cl jectiou lo the woman vase, and then it can be peeled off aud ing of the young is in t ou.j I n l J- Readers tor Q uotetlon. Mibbatli-Scliool -vert- Sundsv at snffragi ■ tgunizalioti is this— that a renewed in the same manuer as before. lege, but her duty. D eis it not n m Ha. ig. Prayer inceli«« «v«r.v r , f* 5000 Illustration-* wrong nione is employed to gain a right strange, then, that in many of our «i..u s Tba Greabst Wteklf ia the tciatry. day eveititf« at th e rhneeli- fc.v«d-t’*>ody ohjcei. ”— “ Wouiuu buffrngei und Educa­ Ce«t ever >960.000 M iss D i x W s F rie s . women have been so eatirely ignored iu •xirdisilv invited G .F . E chino ». tio n ,'’ by lit ltn Keuoriik Jcbuson, in Appendix oi 4 7 .S *8 Entries Miss R. Druiff has jost carried off tbo . Pastor. . the management of onr public »ch < Is? M o n ey Saved Appletous' Pope I r fccii nee Moullily. Liszt scholarship oi the Royal Academy In the schools, as iu the pi. of of Musio, Loudon, which entitles tho men have hud hitherto tlx* adtuL» By lluclodlD C post«»«! to any pert of tha U nlt»d The full n u m b e r of w ords and te rm s in A Cant' n t o W h e e lv . " 'eo. heIder to freo tuition at the academy state«. i.'an*»d» and Mexico. the squatter—men Mre i u the gio. P a tr o n iz in g it. A T T O R N L ÏS different dic tio n a rie s fo r th e e n tire a lp h a b e t is In «lincile i to bicycle ri...<» .égard for three years, and, on the termination T H E W EEK LY CHIRONIOLR, th e br1«ht*M aud possession is nine poof.» of the I lie rond il bus frequeut- and rawit corn >l*te W eekly In lh $ iug the tuie < of this period, to a substantial sum ia as follows: H-ORMOXTK, SO,«»: W o n iK W E Iu the piolesirious, ho'-iv* world, print« regnlarly Kt colum n«, or tw elv e out that when ovcrliik ly hien point aid of a further two years’ study ut » here anil th in snrtessn.) v » 105,000: W s s s t s s (iiitern atio iial), 125.000; t k: page«.of Now«. Literature end fu n era l Inform»« li g ui.d p i . v a vehicle on the left, foreig., couservutory. Il is awarded to A. C. WOODCOCK, Prop. ti ;» y , (six volum es, com plete,) 225.0 ' tlo n ; el«*-» • m agniftceiit Agricultural I)ej»artineni. have overcome lliisilisuciv. Geo. H ale r it t i «idc, Hie biryclist the ruau or woman who shows tho which is I» SAMPLE COPIES SENT F R -E . individual worth and pei-»- »TASDAKD, ov 500,000; must le i A. n . t l y wuUhful uguinst the greatest merit in composition or piano­ A tto rn e y a t L a w , hut in the publio schools 11 pcsjihility t f collioiiig v. ilh li wugou forte playiug. ____ more diifiiult, for they ».< ' n o YOU W ANT 3 J S IN -.3 9 Ó A Ì?D Ò appi osi l.ing fioiu Ibc opposite direc- ...... Sample Pages Free.. control i f tho state, aud ll.t.« v bo t tiin The faci hasuol ixi u iiupbuaized, « u < © n «, - O rW » Laundry clnsuce at which little g ills C H R O N IC L E possession have the w>. » u tr . h it « tir, D ui thè oangir In sucb in ­ are taught how to wash and iron uro 7 so d S M r s **id î ^ . themselves in Ibis po«‘C« »' / • c f i l « tte n tlu a s S .e » to m U««-U« h * « s ' Pr*5 stai 11 « ii» li r gn eli r fi r u w o l su iliuu now established iu connection w ith “ For ¡«stance, th m dEte btitineAN. ACENTS V 'A N D l e n i u a l i . Thi" i» »»«< bicause she is boardlug tchcols iu Loudon nrd are, re ­ f yvnuXA L J A N K Pennsylvania mak< s v i.mi l < li Ics- jiu ix n l «f-lA>» Pacific Coast Agents «ut und l.tu d , w iilb lo u al i ut nouie- Tho Gaylorel (K an .) Herald says th»»t ctrtuiu te etere u b en ih le aeri­ g ly t >r O n e » a r, wotnen. «nr - - x« NOTARIES« p o s i a f f * p r e p a i d o n M »p a n d P a p j r . ti, i,t, ti d yi 11 vciy , j ilis t wbo I i:r rid­ porob furniture for sunirn» r. ThU n,.,y ••The office of dircctct di u rnnclì in li,e city hns «Unibile«» sieu bold extra wraps, <* cuihioii», ur uiag- most lmportuut iu tlx when I AAbRKAM _ ItW JB Vim <:i«ens ot lia.ibicniltb (H apts firn, just axinen, eto. They w ill then b” at b u n d M . H - do V O liV r t, ideal school director i Proprt«,«r * F Chronlcta, A R. BUTTOLPH, tl i» »tal,1 e i i.flairn. Ti c «i:ly previ Ol­ nt a moment’s uutirc, and yet not in w ith a lilx*tal ednii. SAN n iA N t lNO»,. C AI» M R S, ive i» nere miti iug vigila,,« e < n thè | xrt the way when not wanted. of op to dale edtcaliiiniu n » * dcsions . of thè wciuuu us »beovvrtukts or passe» terest in the public schools .mo I . C O P V R IC H T » h e . N iit a r v r . t l . l i c . S i u v e y o r Queen Victoria has «7 liv.n g «1*- in their possibilities, a knowledge i f a wagon. «ometimc» I bave thoughl thst there sceudants. Yet it is raid t h a t »( w,»ni, n uhild nature and the need« of children, f f c w m a n t ~ , S w — 1 Ctcimin’"* »on* rA NTFD-TR rsTW G R TIIY AND the ability to judge charm l< r and lo is mere dsiigcr u h m vhe is nding witb are allowed to tufc-> nu interest ia pod- w tics the human rare w ill becwuccxrlac'. O re g o n deal with men, and soffit i< n t U i s t l i io « mai,, tu aure it is nalural, slt«r s«e- travel Inr te«p»>n»ible. e»ta»tli»l>««l h«»»sF devote to the various duties of th< office, Ing bini pii*» ridely b ctw n u thè vclii- In Mclbcarns a woman gets t«vw» » K h t if ic m s m ir. ( ’n eon. Monthly '06 00 andespeiu*». and the more of these qualities aud at- eie«, lo suppose (bai «be tan iollow pen»* halfpeany fev making n shir«, witheut risk She dora noi always ie ­ P n - i t i n n e le c i v R e fe re » i e . B n « d '* e F3ANK B W1LBON tainmenta a school loaiil p j w s s c j the na iiil*i iu lim e thst ker fluite ring «kirt while a Chinaama got« five pi ix* f**i •o,-^ATtvT;K«’ 4 « r5 * F — ■ e 'I-H ih lre--e i1 " j n p e ri e n v e l o p e The more neatly it appiouch«» tin- iueul. require» more iccin. It is cnly otre oi Tttabing it, any» Peat»«*'» Weekly. U4« K u n q w iA «wt A U * '•Now,few saeu, even grautmg them munn a c o - i . D n. in ion Cwitijxiij, Drpi. k tbiengo. TRAVELERS S te a m e r GUIDE ï^ o b a rts P ro p ’r, F lorence to Y a q iiin a. EI'GENE-FIJIREXCE Liver* Ills . WOMAN’S WORLD. H o o d ’s Pills CORNER DRUG STORE. “,ld STAGE U N E . OKTH&RN P a c if ic , 3 y , It PAPEI MORRIS a MIHNESOTA CIFIC COAST" HOTEL. THROUGH PICKETS H e a c i o f T id e H o te l, Elk Prairie Hotel. S ta n d a rd D ic tio n ary ON EUGENE AND FLORENCE 3TACE ROUTE. th e : o a i l _ y Only $ 6 .7 0 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 a tei the Reversible Map? irsi M ap o f th e W o rld A ttori * at P atent PATENTS’ e . A . 6 N O W A, c o R »*»«y r>**>ev V »»w«— N— notary public . f l orence . - - P6EQ° n 1 9 1 llrBB^wBE. N e w 1 B rtl. « bronli-tn T T«« Oouttwr« Worn««.