The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, November 12, 1897, Image 4

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    .i i ' i i e ÿ i ^ f ^ S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
_____— ................................................................*
T te
i Locomotor Ataxia Sufferer
Was Cured.
From Ou Evening Newt, Detroit, Mich.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
portant business camo in and we sent
our now agricultural editor iu onr
place. He has a voice like a two ton fog
COMES TO TOWN horn and is cross eyed and has hair like
tiristl.s. He relates that he suw Mr.
Clark waiting while yet half a mile
away, und w lieu he had decreased that
M nt O ir r x la n i (In lr b W as Cbaufretl a n d th e distance oue-lialf our agricultural mau
I o w a W »« N ot P a in te d R ed a . In Day» uttered a yell. It was oue of his ordi­
nary yells around the office to summon
o f T o r e - s a d M i«hap to a C h lr a x » S p i n
the copy boy, but it lifted Editor Clark
l « p e r M an.
iuto the saddle and started him for
A Chiengo newspaper man who wnn- home nt a gallop, aud though ho was
«b-red this way one day last week walked pursued and coaxed aud entreuted to
into The Kicker office mid sent os his stop he only made the pace the hotter.
cant We happened to ho out, and the He will probably try to get ont of it by
agricultural editor received the card and saying we sent a Land of assassins to do
then went out with two guns and held him up, but that won’t wash Mr.
rbe poor inau up against Ibe wall for Clurk is nu ignoramus und a duffer, aud
half an hour till wo could 1« scut for. the lirst time we happen over to Grass
In doing this he acted under the b elief, ' Vullt'7 we shall lead him arouud a block
that the mau was an assijissiii. The cast- by tho nose and demand an ample apol­
era way is to send your card to the ed-' ogy for the trouble he has made us.
itor, suit if ho doesn’t like tho looks of
M Q uad .
yonr name or out) corner of your card
e s.
has been torn off in tho teeth of a bear-
"Men promts»-so much,” said the
trap ho sends back word that it is his
busy day. It is not the western way. maiden, with a little sigh “ O dc never
however. If you want to see a western known how far one may trust them. I
editor, and particularly an Arizona ed dare say,” she continued, drawing cir­
Itor, yon Just walk into the shop and cles ou the carpet with the too of her
kick the sanctum door open and utter u shoo and looking at him pensively,
yell of welcome, if you have a guu in "you would agree to buy me some dav
yonr band, it may hold him down until a bicycle of the very latest aud best pat­
ycra cau explain thut you culled to shako tern if 1 should listeu to your protesta­
hands instead of to shoot. No cards for tions"—
“ Mabel Millsap," exclaimed the
us. Just wain right it. and feel at home,
and if wo aro winding our cuckoo clock young man, seizing her hand, “ if it
when yon enter please drop into the will bring mo the slightest claim ou
your favor, 1 will bring you within two
chair at the head of the table.
hours any wheel you waut and make
O ld T im e« G one A w ay.
HI h bouor the mayor (who is onrflelf) you n present of it ”
"Then bring metho Ferris wheel,"
received word tho other day from old
John Stark, who lives in a cave 25 she said, clasping her hands together
miles ttway, that he would enter Give- aud flashing a iitdiaut smile ut the in­
adum Gulch on Wednesday mid hold up fatuated youth.
Without a word ho put his hat ou his
the town for four hours. We were ready
for bint At 1 o’clock in the uf leruoon head aud rushed out into tho garish,
tho distant rumble of thunder proved mocking, unsympathetic glare of a
that old John was approaching the city ccii, raw, cast windy afternoon The
line Teo minutes there were yells pneumatic tire of his hopes had col­
and shouts as of u baud of warriors, ttud lapsed forever.—Chicago Tribune.
flvo minutes after that the man was in
»be lecknp and wondering whu’t sort of
a crank?
a transformation bad taken place, lie
gbe— Why, a person with one idea.
bad on him a rifle, u shotgun, two re­
"Would you call me a crank?"
volvers, a single barreled pistol, two
“■Why, no I never pave yon credit
knives and a tomahawk, and yet no one
was hurt. Up to a year ago old John for having ouo idea. ” — Yonkers States­
used to hold n n th e tow n t e r n l-rlv once man
I li
A u A m e r ic a n llr ld e .
It w is at a wedding supper, and the
bride—iu a poke bonnet of white chip
trimmed with white roses and mull
str'ngs tied iu a bow under her chin—
aat beside her husband of an hour. He
is an Englishman, bite is proud of the
blood of Bunker Hill heroes, which, she
says, is in 1 *-r veins. The best man,
who sat beside the prettiest bridesmaid,
is also a Britisher. Two of the ushers
were from fair Albion. So what could
bo more natural than, after drinking
the health of the bride aud the bride­
groom and the bridesmaids aud every
one else closely or remotely associated
with tho festive occasion whom any oue
could think of, that the htidegroom
should say to his fair you: g wife,
“ Now, Maiguerite, say, ‘God bless the
queen.’ ’’ Immediately a trio of manly
voices secosded the motion and . glasses
were rais d to drink to the Queen.
The bride, sweet and meek aud sub
missive looking us a white rose, only
smiled. "To the health of the quciu,”
repeated the bridegroom. "bay it, u y
dear." “ To the health of vs a ll,” said
the bride, with a childlike smile. “ No,
that isn’t it. Say ‘to the q::i rn ’ ” re­
peated the bold Briton. “ Yon have
promised to honor and obey, you
kuow.” Bnt the little Aroericun bride
only smiled aud shook her head in its
Victoria poke bonnet und said, in a voice
as gentle as a summer breeze', “ No, 1
won't say it.” Aud sho diea’t.—New
York Commercial.
«W *
James Crocket, --------- -
Rviug in Detroit. Mich., at 88 Montcalm
Street, was asked ubont his wonderful core.
“ First,’’ he Mild, “ I must tell you some-
thing o f m y life before my almost fatal sic.;-
ness. I was born in Scotland in 1822, and
came to this country in 1S48. 1 am a marine
engineer by timle. in 1872 I was in the
employ of the Detroit and Cleveland Navi­
gation Co., and for fifteen years I was chief
engineer on one of their big passenger
steamer». Uy first boat was the R. K . l.iec,
which was burned at the docks- Then I
was transferred to the Ruhie, which was
chartered to make the run between Detroit
and Cleveland.
“ I brought out the new steamer the City
of the Straits,’ and for years acted ns her
chief engineer. It is a great responsibility,
tlie position of chief engineer on those big
passenger palaces. Thousands of lives are
held in the keeping of the engineer. The
snxiety causes a great nervous strain, anti
the strictest attention is necessary, hot lor
a moment must he lose his watchfulness.
“ For fifteen years I carefully watched
the big engines and boilers without a single
accident, and onto noticed that I was getting
nervous. Suddenly without warning I was
taken sick, and in less than a week I was
prostrated. I had the best of physicians.
I grew gradually worse, and at the council
of doctors, they said I had nervous prostra­
tion, and had destroyed my whole nervous
svsteni nnd would never be able to be up
again. Ther said I had worn myself out by
the Ion1? nervous strain caused by watching
mid worrying about the machinery, ror
three long years I was unable to move from
mv bed without assistance. The doctor said
I had locomotor ataxia, and would never be
able to walk again.
“ The pains and suffering I experienced
during those years are almost indescribable.
g y * —
Stars in
g 3 .“ « ~
bags arouud me to
good-bye when[e
that came to see me bid n.e »up.
thpv left, me and 1 was given up The <
tors said nothing more could be
“ W e tried every known remedy, and l
wife kept reading the an cles about lr .
W illiam.’ I’ink Pill» for Fait People to me.
Finally »be
Jh,T ?“ 'J co?',
u m
nnd she wanted to know if I w?“ it 7rst l"x I
To please her I consented, and the lirst. w x
rave me relief. I continued to use them
for about two years before I couhl get «<"“£ h
enough to walk. It came slow but '.“ "'i i
what I am to-day 1» due wholly to Dr. Wit
Hams’ Pink Pills tor Pale People.
” 1 am nearly acventy-five years old to day,
and there is not a man in the whole city that
can kick higher or wulk further than I can I
to-day. i f any one has locomotor ataxia |
that reads thisf let them come and seei tne
to-day. Can you tell me a man t°-d“J'
this tie eity that can do better than that.
« id Mr. Crocket, as he kicked the reporter’s ’
hat, which was held high above his head.
“ Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pa e P«»-
pie made me what I am to-day. I only wish
I could persuade others to do us I did, and
take them before it is too late.
“ J am i s C rocket .
Refore me, a Notary Public, personal T
appeared James Crocket, wlio sjgn«l aid
¡¡wme to ibe alwve statement us beiug true in
And The
a n . c i £3 O I E 3STO E S >
Sold With
eVer5R,OBERT E.'nvu., J«., Notary Public.
Wayne County, M ich.
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People
are sold in boxes (never iu loose form by the
dozen or hundred, and the publio arecau­
tioned against numerous imitations sold In
this shape) at 60 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50, and may be had of all drurgurt i or
direct by mail from Dr. Williams Mediclaa
Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
W E S T - tei
f t S e e m e d F a d in g A w ay, b u t M tw Sin lfl
M er e ly M isu n d e r sto o d H im .
W active gentlemen or ladies to
trsvel for responsible, established bouse
in Oregon, Monthly fflS.OOand expenses.
Sim had met him at the door with ft Position steady. Reference. Enclose
loving kiss, but a moment later, when self-addressed stamped envelope. The
W o m e n V oter» In N ow Z ea la n d .
they had taken seats iu the parlor, she Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago.
In the geun:.l election which was rapidly removed the six engagement
held simultaneously with the liquer rings ho had given ber and handed them
diction the ìl T u e lic e of women v< 'n s over wit!» the remark:
"Mr. Samuel X. Johnsing, I’zo frew
wns fdticm^aratively little, they going
iu the umili with the mm. The govern- wid yo’ uud yo’r deceit, and yo can cou- I t W a s I u g e n lo n s , a n d H is F a th e r Con­
sid e r e d l l l m V ery U n fo rtu n a te.
went of Mr. Beiitlou wus fiercely attntk- t r our engagement dun busted in
The boy was home from college for a
eel because of ita financial policy; be­ I ,o.”
“ W-whatl” he gasped as tho jewelry brief vacation, but he was not alone. [
cause it was said to f ' u cut class inter­
ests and enmities; b( cause it subsidized dropped from his trembling hand aud Several stories of escapades had preced- !
Ihe press and increased taxation. But great beads of perspiration camo out on C(j Him, and they were waiting in his
the government could undoubtedly show h. i forehead. “ Hain’t yo’ my true lub father’s private office tho first time he
None who are engaged in any of tlie m echanical
that it had carried into law several far- no mo’?“
and the old gentleman met there.
“ No, sab. " she replied coldly. "A
Of course the boy could explain them
leaching measures for tho iwproveuit ut
pursuits can succeed without reading and
of the lot of the workers, uud the elect­ man may deceib dis lady once, but da without difficulty. There never was a
ors returned it with a majority of about second time she’s gwine to diseert her- | Hoy who went to college who could not
studying this standard Magazine of Sciences
! explain anything without difficulty,
^0 per cent.
“ B-but, muh angel,” he stammer- but there is a wido difference between
Yi’ritiug of the woman’s vote in this
and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated w ith
election, Sir Booert Stout says in the e l, “ who’s bin puttin dis trash in yo’r : explaining a thing and convincing a
Austra inn Review cf Reviews: "It can­ sweet head'bout mo dcceibiu yo’?”
j wise old father who has seen a little
all modern cuts of latest inventions iu all
not be s a id that purity cf administra­
“ No oue, sab. I dun
duu seen do hull something of life himself of the truth­
the branches of mechanism, aud its fund o f
tion or the charm b r of the candidates thing wid my own two eyes.”
fulness of the explanation. Any hoy
“ B-but bow’d I do it, inuh lubbly who has boen at college and come home
loomed larger in the tyts of women
knowledge is inseparably connected w ith in ­
than in thoso of men. The prediction drcaui, bow’d I do it?”
again can testify to that.
"Mr. Johnsing,” she answered, “ I’zo
tliut party zeal and partisan feeling
Therefore the old gentleman looked
ventors and mechanics.
Sold w ith T ub
would not blind them to tho defects mighty young, mighty innercent, and pained when the boy tried to tell him
of the character of candidates has not as trustin as a spring chicken, but I ’ze that tho size of the item opposite "text­
W est at clubbing rates.
been fulfilled. A few membfrs have get ryes and saw yo’ wipiu off dat kiss books” iu his expen ;o account was oc­
been illum ed to tlte house whose char­ I ’slowed oa yo’ as yo’ come iu dis casioned by the fact that for seme un­
acter for Rohriity doe» not stand high, eav, nin. ”
accountable reason they had changed
and women were found supporting
" I—I nebber did, muh”—
the books iu the middle of the term,
them just as much us men. It cauur.t
"Dis am do second time yo’ dun det aud that in consequence it had been
lie said that women were any dif. n i t low down trick, sail, and I eau nebber necessary for him to get a complete
in their voting troni their husbuuds
trust yo’ no mo’. Huh, and only las’ new si t.
brothers. Thty were carried av t y .
night yo’ said dose kisses was dearer to
He also looked pained, but continued |
as mueh by party «Tic» i s tin- men v
to hold his peace, when tho boy explain-
yo’ (h ili pigs’ feetl”
uud the purty « them."—1 ■
"B-hut” —
ed that he was not the youth who was |
‘And den yo’ wipe ’em off as if dey arrested for trying to kick the top of a
dou E c h o . _________
was dirt. Mr. Johnsing, lcab me while lamppost off to win a bottle of charn-
U o e b te S titrted I..Tret«.
I shell bitter tears over my pore broken pague, and that the mistake was dne en-1
History repeuts itself pi rl aps oft
tirely to the fact that the collam got
heart. ”
in the matter of uri ss than
atiy i
lie had been doing a deal of thinking mixed up iu the wash, with tlie result
respect. Years ago the fash'..u cf i- while she was talking, and there was a that a most disreputable young fellow
ranging trimming on the dress skirt to look i f injured innocence on his face as who hailed from Denver or some other
simulate an overdress was merely t'
lie stood op aud said:
faraway place was wearing a collar
stepping stone to the actual overskirt
"Miss «miff, sometimes things hain’t with his name ou it that night. Of
This monthly m agazine is one of the verj
tiiat soon followed. And now coufu-dnu jes’ w hat dey seem, and dis am oue of course the police gave tho uumc on the |
is worse confounded by mixing the an­ tie times. 'Stead of wipiu off dose kisses collar to the reporters.
best printed in th is country, and is mi J
tique and modem iu present modes yo’ sp ak cf I was jes’ rubbin dem in
There were also a few minor explaua-1
to all subscribers at rates within lb
with double skirltd effects. We have kaso dev was so sweot ”
tions of celebrations iu which wiuo was
the overskirt hinted at liy outlim s of
And then the cold look disappeared considerably freer than water ut a Pro­
ability of all to pay. It is finely ill«
ruffles, braids and all tho new trim­ from Miss “ Emiff’s” face, the engage-1 hibition banquet, conditions imposed ut
ming*, and even the hustle is favorably Eient rings were hunted up nnd restored the latest examinations anil trouble that '
trated and presents the namefioffinnw
looked npon by many. Whether Ibis all to her lingers, and the lovemaking that wTas the outgrowth of “ cutting” chapel, '
weans a return to the heavy druperiis, went oa iu that room during the next aud with each artistic story told the]
and tet no one was hurt .
authors as contributors.
T he Wfii
steels iu the bulks of skirts anil 11;
bi i.r could have beeu heard a block weariness of the old gentleman appeared
bustle effects remains to he seru. Lo\
av. ay.—New York Sunday Journal.
and the Cosmopolitan are sold fit rt
to increase.
llln lluiilneM .
ever, if negative ht ad shakings on t e
a month and had eomo to lock upon it
"VVhut an unfortunate thing it was
purt of the eeusiLle and enwiort 1 vii.g
T w o F a v o r ites.
a» bit privilege He can't understand I
duced rates at this office.
for you,” he said at last with what
Why old rime« have passed away and a I “ Of wliut are you thinking?’’ he final women and designerà it eau uuyt. :.g,
A gentleman walking upon the street seemed to be sincere regret, “ that yonr
this scare ia only for the niouit l — was beset at the heels by a yelping father was net bora a blamed fool!”—-
new deal baa taken place. Wlieu given ly asked.
She blnshed and fidgeted uneaaily iu Woman's Home Companion.
Ida liberty Thursday morning, he broke
black and tan dog, the owner of which, Chicago Post.
down and wept, aud be oolcuinly as her chair for a minute h 'hina, Beemed quite oblivious to
cured ns that be should buy a burrel of
her «log's behavior.
i Mtnky and a bag of meal and never "It’s yonr business to proposo, uot
This expression, "The peulier sex are
Feeing that tho woman made noeffort
leave bin cave again except to hang
tramping through Africa,” would be to call off tho animal, the gentleman A nd H e r S o c ie ty F o r th e P u rification of
himself We feel ,orry for the old man
rather inappropriate wlnu at Jibed to turned upon iiis persecutor aud admin­
E n g lis h W as a G reat T h in g.
A Nvw A p p lic a tio n .
and a few others like him, bnt who can
women, and so one might iu a in re istered a hearty kick, which made the
said the fair young girl iu re­
ft. B. Teacher—1 read in the papers •‘genteel“ paraphrase refer to tin ir enemy recoil, with his tail between hi»
«hip the march of civilization?
sponse to an inquiry, "our Society For
•’waltzing“ or "pirouetting" or ’'cluis- legs and a loud kiyi.
A M .< r » « » a b l. Ooeamnec.
the Purification of the English Luu-
tail Can any of yon tell mo why i t ' s seing" through the duik ecutiui ut.
“ Brute,” cried the woman, "to kick gunge From Slang Expressions has got
Thursday evening last. Mrs Major wrong iodo such a tiling?
Miss Kingsley having visited the caii- a little i.og like thatl That little crea­
hustle on.”
Hopkins gave a very recherche affair at
Willy—Cause the Bible says. "What
“ I suppose you mean by that expres­
her residence on Coehise place, aud tliat God hath joined together let uo muu nibal«, other laoies seem intuit (U sat­ ture, sir, is a pet anil is uuuseil to such
sion that the society is meeting with
It ended in a Immutable nianut r is not put asnuder "— Brooklyn Life.
ing glance upon the offender.
great success. ”
in the least her faiilt. iudeed it was
telling of women's expcrietiies iu the
” 1 bi f your pnrdon, ma’am,” replied
“ Yes, didn’t I say that?”
<ha fault of a man who was invited to
We do not take potsession of onr ideas but are pofiaessed by thfi®
O ne on th e J o h e r .
benighted laud. Will lady touiim* i ;, a lie. "1 did uot mean to hurt your dog.
“ Yon said it had got a hnstlo on.”
he preoent through aeeident. ami whose
A humorist leaps gnyly upon Ihe step
They master us and force ns into the arena,
“ Oh, I'm glad that no member heard
«-»induct proved that he would have been of an omnibus anil cries cheerfully to tip Alriea? Evidently woman is ap­ Y’oa should have called him off when
proaching ft higher sphere, but
he w as l arking and snapping at my me say it, or I ’d hare been pinched for
Where like gladiatora, we must fight for them."
Hinre at home in a eowbciy cutup. We the conductor, "is the ark full?’
Will II conic with » rose or a brier!
In i Is.’’
a fine. ”
refer to the mo calk'd Colonel ('lay, who
Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the
Wi’d It conic w ith nbleosli g or c i- of
“ No, sir," replies the jovial conduct­
“ Pinched?"
liau been hanging about town for tho
Will its bonnets be lower i r hit ’ c. >
or, "we have kept a seat for you What
rep!. i il the woman. "He is a p e t "
“ Yes. I would have had to cough up
V, ill its m orals lx- lieiter or w onset
last four weeks und eluiuiiup to be in­ ho, within Ihnel Room for the uion
entire contents of this m onthly m agazino
"I i.iu not care to be bittcu by him, a nickel, yen know. That's the object
—New Yoik Times.
tonated in mines As we are the ac­
knowledged leader of society in Give
are upon a piano and in keeping w ith ita
turini the gentleman. “ I am some- mo a great deal of good. But I tell you
adnm Gulch we were, of course, asked
T h . S»o»»n'» Fan« I«-» In t » .
Uarl« K1 h * u ’ b Windom.
I was au ea«y murk when I first joined. ” I
to lead the germuu. When everything
Tlie Arena’s gallery of em inent
The belts this season are of fine kid,
"When 1 sees how good some people
“ An easy mark?”
•was ready, the colonel instructed us treats pet animals an how hail dey treats with stiver, gilt filigree c.r f nunirh <1 Youth’« Com) anirn.
thinkers is a group of interesting men and ’
“ Yes. The other members just had a
that the first movement was a double
l b « D ingaytrd (liln m n a n .
buiiiiin (oiks, said Uuela Ebeu, "bit buiklcs. The huruesa li lta with aeverely
cinch ou me. They would simply watch
•hotte. Wo disputed him, and he culled liorsn' a’pri»« me ier liyab somebody say plain buckles are’considered vt rj stylish.
Tlie p< lice of San Francisco have re- me talk and ring up fines on me. ”
women, and their thoughts are worthy the
ua a liar. Owing to the presence of la dat Ina dog is ’U mua faithful friend.’ A now style of belt has two bu< kit s, one
een ly lieu enforcing the law prohibit­
“ What are the fines?"
«Ilea we ignored him, bnt lie turned to
consideration of all people, The Arena
—Washington Star
ing work ou Sunil.\y, especially against
“ Oh, they pull your leg for a nickel
Mr Davis, Captuin Scott and others
w aistlin e look smaller. L eu tlirin w Cliin sc laundrymen. Laust Sunday, as a
and mad« himself no offeumvo thut ho
sold with T he W est .
may be had iu all color«, to tualeli all large h I of these offenders was being
I'prll» o f l b . I l .a t .t l S p .ll.
yon using.
was finally knocked down and dragged
“ Any heal prostration« iti yonr part gown«. Bidrk silk belts an most to- curt . to ja’.l iu the police andinlaiH'e,
"And they caught you frequently, I
»mtdoors in the atrngglo he pulled his
coming toslont figures, us thiy fitehwe- a rt - i.< lit of thewestira addition asked
the city?”
did they?”
gan and sent a hnllel into the leg of rx of "Yes,
oue uian knocked another inau
the na si n and was informed by a po-
•fudge Holden,iuflicling a severe wound
"Did they? Well, if I hadn't taken a
down for asking him if it was hot longer waist apparently. Jew«ied end lieeniau. "Y’ep," granted a disgusted brace on myself, I'd have been on my
This broke up the patty, and the role enough for him "—Chicago Record.
enameled ueita are drissy, but should Chinaman, who stood near, "man wo.rkce
titl was given one hour in which to got
never, nnder any eeinsideratiou, lie v.irn; y. he go jail— 'gainst law woikee uppers by this time. It took nearly all
•ut of town. Ho got, and it will bo
with cotton shirt waists or cotten ihiks - S, Man no workce, he go jail— my month’s allowance to pay my fines
A B O th .r M ay o f It.
wtae in bin» not to rctnrn. We are not
ea. Belt» i f all kiuua ure profetml I >4 vug. A:, eliea heap h—1 of count ly. ”— the first fortnight I belonged, hut I've '
"Do you Ihiuk Miss Flyte a flirt?"
got to be such a wine guy now that they
exactly op to Fifth avenue style out
"Weil, when she caata her bread on inches wide.—Laoua’ Home Journal
don’t catch ine a little b i t ”
here, hot w’e know when to doubleshnf the waters she exp'Ot« it to come back a
“ You are a wise guy, are yon?"
fio and when to prance Tho w liolo town
A Vtaloa of Hammer.
P la la B r r e d W o n ltl Do.
wedding cake. ”«—Pick Me Up.
"I am now, but my fines bought all
fa sorrv today that the man was not
Among the tea gown« for »
The L dy at the Kitchen Door—No,
liangi d lost« ud of beiug allowed to ride
wear is one of pale piuk crepe d i i l . . : e J’v ' t: i th ug for you. I find it very hard the candy the club used the first four
Nerwloa WMb Ja».-
meetings after I joined. You see, thut
Thera'» » " u ft.« u ,iliu a » ind"n Ihe m«a«l<'w tied iu with a mauve saab aud wid. a to i ike 1 oth t uds meet these «laya
A n ylua IMItar.
Tlie <huam u-<
» » >,j
fluffy bow of mauve ut the throat One
BI z/ d t i l l —If youse w ill make ia what we spend our fines for. No
Th" lim a all nt uu»ra- id lh<- hour»
Wo do not know the editor of the
«if ei»l blue muslin is all tin ked aud to h i u«ls bread and never mind de alatig, no chocolate creams! You sis-, if
That drag ilirtwigh t h . itrenmin« day
D ra w Valley Banner in a personal way.
flounced in a loose, floating eoat over a meat, I'll be puffekly satisfied, morn.— ia to the interest of memberi to Jolly
And d o * u ihroagh Ih a b lo w m « bl.asnma
aloug aequaiutaue« s and get them to
We simply know that hta name iaClark
mauve muslin umh'nin *s of the same Baltimore New«.
AuU over l b . «’ »V « to n a .u lo
join. Dou t yon think you’d like to be­
H i » . JaitkwKh h« r beer» '•.««M««.
design, it is a perfect vision of sumn.rr.
and that be ia mere competent iu a
Uw .y»r- »lizM with a soul«
come a member? I’ll propose you at the
AiMMthesia au*l 1'nbliclty.
A "lea eoat" of old time brocade, wnh
m ental way to pound uund than to edit
A s i.n l« th«» n v a la i h . »I««7
gold strip« s and flowety liuea of row s
Dentist (as tho patient open« his very next neeting if you like. I'm
n newspaper. We said so a few days
Of IU. re I'beeri«. Hawing fire
dead sure you won’t get the marlle
A m i I fill her b rtein ii»« ls»a«a.
u o , after looking over hia !.isl issne,
uud forgetineiiots, 1» ranght in at the eye»)—It ’a o n t
WMlo »lie fill* my M»d w ith d e sire
which was a diagrurc to civilization,
waiat nya broad blaek aash which faila
F.iiie t (still di ivy from the paa>— heart. What? Won't you join? Not Just
A nd ih tn . when t h . t»«» • fieislrei.
ou om side. Il op« u» over an uadi rnre«s V «, «ff i arse. I never go« drank iu my now? But perhaps you w ill some «ther
and be aent na a note daring oa to meet
u- fa r t at Ihe ot.l fra » « are
«I white lucusMlini' with narrow ruftle«- life t. .t it didn't get out —Detroit tiiue? Here’s w here I get off. Well, oe
him at the croasiug of Patitb« r crock at
X jd J»' s nds ih» frttil Io Ih.- .It» ,
loag! —.t in Y v,a k .Ui*«*ay J.iuiaa,.
mu —»*• K
«V>ll «rs « olare
Scientific American.-