W E S T LIFK-8AVINC service - B ®r«l m a k .a t b . Ioo4 p u r., wbeleaeme aed deltalene. ^ rV B U S H B O BV I B Y F B ID A Y M O B N IN O - N um ber ^F loubncb , L axb C ounty , O bboon .— - - • BY - - • W.II. WEATHERSON Editor aud Proprietor. ___ XX bmh : 1160 » year in advance.------ Entered at the poat-office at Florence, Lane county, Oregon, aa second-clans mail matter. .... hbtisinq hates made known on ap - * PLICATION. bocal notices 8 cents per lin e , each Inaertion W E S T L IN G S . M o f D lanatore H a r in g th e T e a r G r e e te r T h a n B r e r M efcre. -A T - Scb llla a ’i E « t tea and baking powdor. Another raft of log« era» received at ipruce Point m ill Monday. Try the Pacific Queen sewing machine tor «ale l>p Meyer A Kyle. The Lillian was laid up Monday the Robarts taking her place at towing. Bring your job work to the W est office. Good work done a t reasonable price«. W . Nichols of Meadow and M r. Snbin of Harrisburg are in vicinity, buying cattle. Hood’s are the only pill« to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Easy and yet efficient. Messrs. Compton, Levage and Rath are hauling salmon barrels from the Umpqua. For the next th irty daye we will sell you clothing at cost if you bring us the cash. Meyer A Kyle. A. O. Funke lias had some more shelves put up in Ids store to make room for his stock of goods. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. T h e P r e s id e n t B ets A p a r t N c v e M b e r SB th aa a D a y o f F m y n r . HOW TO HMD OUT. General Superintendent Kimball, of 2»th.— President Presi.leiii Washington, Oct.. 2Mtli.— tiie life saving, reports that the number McKinley today issued his first Thanks- of disasters within the scope of the aer- ' giving Day proclamation aa follows: I vice during the year was 999. being con- ( “ In remembrance of God's goodness sidersbiy greater than for any preceding to us in the past year, which has been year. The number of vessels totally so abundant, let us offer up to Him our lost, however was only 63, against 07 in , thanksgiving and pay our vows to tbe W H A T TO OO. 1899, and 73 in 1895. Of the total mini- > Most High. Under h it watchful provi- There is comfort in the knowledge so ler of disasters, dieasters, 393 occurred to docu- deuce industry lias prospered, the con­ often esp-essed, tbst Dr. K ilm er’s inented vessels, and 305 to small, ditions of labor have been improved, swamp-root, the great kidney remedy undocumented craft—sailboats, row- tiie rewards of tbe husbandmen have fulfils every wisli iu relieving pain in the Itoate, etc. The estimated value of the been increased, and the comforts of our back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every documented vessels involved was »6,- homes multiplied. His mighty hand part of tiie urinary passage. I t corrects 132,485: tin t of tlieircargoes,»1,975,340; has procured peace and protected tiie inability to bold urine and scalding pain of which »5,108,895 was saved and nation. Respect for law and order lias in passing it, or bed effects following WOVM PAMHO ROWOEP C O ., H fW V »1,998,930 lost. The estimated value of been strengthened, love of free institu­ use of liquor, wine or beer, and over­ tions cherished, and all sections of our comes that unpleasant necessity of be­ J. 0. Davenport went to Seaton yes- property involved io the disasters to the beloved country brought luto closer ing compelled to get up many times undocumented craft was »221,746, of terday. TV H I A 11 amount r t l l l U U U t »182,280 W 1 i I which was saved. In bonds of fraternal regard and generous during tfie night to urinate. The mild The , circuit at Eu- addition to the number of persons saved co-operation. . . . court _ adjourned - and extraordinary effect of swamp-root gene the 4th inst. The business of the from vessels 74 others were rescued from "F or these great benefits U is our is soon realised. I l stands the highest regular term was not finished and an the peril of drowning under various duty to praise ttie I-ord in a spirit of for its wonderful cures of the most dis­ adjourned term will be held in January humility and gratitude, and to offer up tressing esses. I f you need a medicine circmstsnces. when several unfinished cases will be The lile-saving crews saved and assist­ to Him our most earnest supplications. you should have the beet. Sold by taken up. ed to save during the year 471 vessels, That we may acknowledge our obliga- druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ The Eugene Divinity school building valued with tlieir cargoes, at »3,015,040. tions as a people to H im who has so lar. Yon may haves sample bottle and was dedicated Oct. 31, a large audience Of these vessels they saved without as­ graciously granted ns the blessing of pamphlet both sent free by mail. being present at the exercises. Tbit sistance 321, valued, with tlieir cargoes, free government and material prosperity , MenuoI1 „ est Bll„ Mention T , i „„ ie W and send your — ad- is another institution of learning for at »981,355, with a loss or damage of I , William M cK in lej, president of the (lreM to y r Kilm er A Co., Binghamton, the people of Lane county to be proud only »7,205. In the remaining 150 iu United States, do hereby designate and , . N . . y . . The of t h i s pape* -------- ___. . proprietor ... of. stances they united with other agencies, set apart Thursday, the 25th day of guarantees the genuineness of this offer. Cottage Grove Messenger: A Port, wrecking vessels, tugs, revenue cutters, November, for national thanksgiving land company is buying apples at a etc., in saving property valued at »1,- and prayer, which all of the people are LUMBER POR NPW YORK. number of points in Lane county, pay­ 941,476, out of property imperiled of an invited to oheerve with appropriate religious servicea in their respective San Francisco, Nov. 6.—The bark- ing from 15 to 26 cents per bushel. estimated value of »2,022.985. places of ---------- worship. , ------ --- w- entine Olympia will etart lor Puget Part of these are being dried and the PERSONALS. “ On this day of rejoicing and domes- 8oullj [n a |ew j ay« to load with lum- balanceare held for eastern shipment. • union, let -------------------------• our prayers ascend »“ to ,h“ the ber intended for ships’ spars, that she E. E. Benedict returned from Eugens tic E d u ca te T o a r R ow els W it h C ateareis. Giver of every good and perfect gift for will carry to New York. I t will be the Candy C athartic, cure constipation forever. Tuesday. V)c. 25c. I t C. C. C. ta il, drugRlata refund money. Miss Lida Low is visiting friends at the continuance of His love and favor to first time in the history of shipping on Toledo Leader: One tiling tiie recent us, that our hearts may be filled with the coast wlien a vessel carried away Tsiltcoos lake this week. decision of tbe supreme court in the charity and good w ill, and that we may from any of the Pacific Porta a full car­ Rev. I. G. Knotss holds services on county salary case fully demonstrated, be ever worthy of hia beneficent con­ go of shipbuilding material bound for at least, and that is tiiat tiie county Lake creek next Sunday. cern. eastern harbors. Mrs. Latham came in from Eugene court is not a legislature. I t is refresh­ “ In witness thereof, I have hereunto ing to see a limit put upon tiie power last Friday to spend tiie winter in Glen- set my hand and caused the seal of the TOWN LOT8 FOR SALE- of a county court. Some of them seen) ada with her daughter Mrs. Cham­ United States affixed. Lots in Morse's addition to Florence berlin. Done at the city of Washington, to tliiuk that their power is unlimited. Hon. Silas Blackman of Selma, Minn, tliis 25th day of October in tiie year of are now offered for sale by the assignee. Toledo Leader: Unless some unfore­ For information as to prices, etc. in­ seen occurence prevents, a creamery with his wife and daughter arrived at our I-ord one thousand eight hundred and cheese plant will be in operation Mapleton the 6th inst., for a visit with and ninty-seven, and of the independ­ quire of. A . R . B vttolfh , ...... ..... ,■ „ Mr. ...re la tiv e s . M r. Blackman spent several ence of the United 8tates the one hun­ in or near Toledo ___ next spring. Florence, Oregon. Hans Oleson, who recently arrived here weeks on the Sinslaw about six years dred and twenty-second. 1«KI«S BBS® KL0ND1KÍ! F ill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it aland twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates as un­ healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kid­ ney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pein in tiie back, is also con­ vincing proof that tbe kidneys and bladder are out of order. A Sinslaw Company Organized, CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 No. of Shares 10,000, at $10 EACH. Everybody’s Opportunity W ho De­ sires to Visit the New Eldorado. The young folks of Seaton and vicinity gave M r. Geo. O. Knowles a farwell party on the eve of his departure to Bohemia. Three hundred stands of bees yielded J. L. Cole, of W illow creek, in Malheur county, tiie following: Sixty-two W illiam M c K inley , supers, 24 pounds to the super; 59 gal­ from Minnesota, informs ns that lie in- ago. ‘By the President, T O OURS A OOLD IN ONE OAV. lons of extracted honey, and 180 pounds tends to engage in the butter and cheese-i F. A. Toxier of Eugene representing Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableta. “J ohn S heehan , making business. Mr. Olson lias had ; tiie Washington Co-Operative Life ln- of bees-wax. All druggists refund money If it fails to "Secretary of State." several’years successful experience in gurance Association of Portland, also T o C a r e C o n s tip a t io n F o r e v e r. Tako Cascareta Candy C athartic. 10c or 5So. tiie business, and in addition has ample agent for the White Bronxe Monumental cure. 26c. I I C. C. C. ta il to cure, druggists refund rnuney. ELECTION NEWS. means with which to conduct tiie busi ' Co., of Bridgeport, Conn., was in Flor Good times have come to those whom TO OUR PATRONS- ence on businegs this week. nesa, and will make it successful. The entire Tammany ticket was Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured of scrofu­ Don't Tobacco Spit sad Saoke Toar Ilf« Away. KILLED BY HIS PUPILS. elected in Greater New York by an aver­ la, catarrh, dyspepsia, rheumatisn, weak W e have made arrangements by T o q u it tobacco easily and forever, be mac age of about 86,000 plurality. nerves, or sou.e other form of impure netic. fu ll of life, nerve nnd vigor, take No Tc- which we w ill furnish tiie Weekly Bac, the wonder-worker, tb e t makes weak men James Allen, a tesclier in a school at Ohio republican« elect tiie state ticket Oregonian with tiie W ear for one year blood. strong. A ll druggists, 60c or SI. Cure guaran­ The sheepmen of Marrow county have teed Booklet and sample free. Address Wheatland, Hickory county. Missouri, by a plurality of about 28,000. The to any address for the sum of two dol made up a fund of »1000 for the purpose Sterling Remedy C o , Chicago or New York. was beaten to death Nov. 6tli by his legislature it 76 republicans to 70 demo­ lars, payable cash in advance. Representative Tongue lias named Leo pupils. As a punishment for miscon­ crats on joint ballot. of sending detectives into Grant county Maryland's legislature is republican to ferret out and progcute the persons Scliellbury, of Sublimity, Marion county duct, Mr. Allen kept several boys after NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. as an alternate for examination for the school was dismissed that night. When by 17 majority on joint ballot. Senator who have been shooting sheep. released, the youths went away angry, Gorman will probably be succeeded by a vacant cadetship at West Point. Scliell- Otto Kralin, a prisoner in the peni- Land OBcs at RoM burs, Oregon, and later as the schoolmaster was on B epteaber 1 5 ,1SS7. tentary at Salem was shot dead by a burg will have a chance to try for the his way tome, tliry waylaid him, pelt­ republican- place if Rockey Hodgkin, of Salem N otice Is hereby th a t ths fo llo w ln t- Complete returns in Iowa show that guard named Jay McCormick while try­ ing him with stones and clubs. M r. should fail in tiie preliminary exami­ named «ettlrr has Sled nolle« o l his In ten tion Sliaw, republican, received the largest ing to make hia escape. I t was McCoi* Allen was knocked down and his skull tn m ake Anal proof 1>. »upport of his c la im , and nation. vote ever cast in tiiat state for a republi­ th a t said proof w ill be made before C. H. H o l­ inick’a first day’s service as guard. ANTED -TR USTW O RTHY AND crushed. He did not regaiu conscious­ can candidate for governor. den, U. 8. Com m tm loner a t Lake Precinct, T o C o r e C o n s tip a tio n F o r e v e r. ness, and died next morning. The N O W IN PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTION Take Cuscnreta Cundy C athartic. 10c or 25c. Douglas Co., Ore. on October 30, 1SS7, vis: active gentlemen or ladies to In Kansas tbe republicans made large youths have been arrested. I I C. C. C. fa ll to o u re . druggists refund money. Fred B. Kneaper on h. e. no. S51S for the se>4 of travel for responsible, established house gains over the vote of last year and »ec, 7, tp. IS a , r. I I we«t. A resident of the lake country south in Oregon. Monthly »96.00and expenses. miner literally cut in tw o . elected 0 out of 13 district judges. H e names th e follow ing witnesses to prove of Florence informs us that there is a Position Bteady. Reference. Enclose Tiie Colorado populists carried tiie hl> continuous residence upon and c u ltiv a tio n Coquille City, Or., Nov. 0.—The sec­ boy six years of age in his neighborhood self-addreesed stamped envelope. Tiie of a i d land , vis: ond accident in a week occurred at the state electing tlieir candidate for sup­ who lias attended school for three Dominion Company, Dept. Chicago. R. B. M ills , 0 . B. M ills and O. C. Compton of reme judge. Beaver H ill mine yesterday. A miner months this fa ll.” Though tbe boy can Florence, Oregon and George (Hover of Acme, In the circuit court at Eugene the talk all right, the teacher says that dur­ jury after being out twenty-four hours was pushing a car, when another car Oregon. THE SALMON HATCHERY- B. M . V satc W. ing the entire term, though he watched brought in a verdict awarding Miss came behind him. He was caught be­ BcgUter tween the cars and literally cut in two. him closely, played with him at noon Jennie Smitson a judgement of »10,000 The work of taking spawn is now go­ Last week the gas caught fire, and and recess and made special efforts to against the Southern Pacific Co. The ing on at the Mapleton hatchery Over induce the boy to talk, he never heard Guard says tliis is the largest judge­ four men were burned, two of them halt a million eggs have already been NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. I him speak a word. Evidently that Iwy ment ever obtained in tiie Lane county badly, in tiie lace and breast. M r. Pearl placed in tiie batching troughs. The son-in-law of Robert Dean, was so badly has learned to hold his tongue. circuit court in a case of d amages. The sum appropriated lor operating the Land OR m , a l R o w b u rt Oregon. The W est has for sale one year’s attorneys for the defense filed gro unds burned that tbe skin had to he peeled hatchery tliis year is not near so large SepUm bcr 3S, 1ST. off his arms, face and breast. He is in Notice is hereby glean th a t the follow ing- tuition in the Holmes Business College as it should be, but tiie work lias been for a new trial. named rettler hae »led notice of his lm e n tle u a precarious condition. of Portland. ~ T h is is one’.of the leading attended to closely and considering tbe to m ake » n a l proof In support of U s claim , and Several of tiie merchants of Eugene business colleges on the i coast/ having GREENLEAF ITEM 8. expenditure a great number of salmon th a t M id proof wUl ba made before C. B . B o l­ have moved into new , qjarters within English, Commercial, Shorthand and fry will no doubt be turned out next den, U. B. C om m lw loner at Florence, Oregon, the past few daye. F. L. Chambers lias B y A W e BT CoBBESrOXDBNT. Telegraphic departments and we offer spring. The hatchery w ill he a great Muvember IS, 1»S7, vis: John Holgor on h. «. no moved ids hardware store into the rooms 788« for the lo t i l , «e% «o>4, «oc. Í1: s w X ewQ. benefit to the fishing interest on the aec. » ; nwQ n w lf. «oc. 77; tp. IS «.. r .,U W est this tuition on easy terms. lately occupied by David Link's boot Nov. 8tli, 1897. G uard: S. E. McClure, R. Casebeer river and every effort should he made to H e names the follow ing witnesses to prove and shoe store and the Kays furniture urroriptiombookrxjantbe s e e n a t t h e and J. W . Gross have sued J. D. How­ hie continuous mudenco upon and cultiva tio n • T O O K Ed. Potterf lias the Klondike lever. have it operated to its full capicity. Co. Link lias moved to the building of, M id land, els: ard and George Porter in the I* n e O F F IC E O F O. H . H O L D E N .. We are hoping that the lowering of formerly occupied by Baum’e store, H. F. Bernhardt, John Mason, W illiam Hoff­ county circuit court, for the closing up SCHOOL REPORT- man and Charlee Cox a ll of Floswnco Precinct. while the Kays furniture Co., are at Triangle lake will give us a better road of a partneraliip’.between Howard and in winter through the Drugg swamp. Oregon. the plaintiffs in the “ Elmira M ill Co. Chambers’ old stand. Florence school report for the month of R. M. V í a l e « , Mrs. Anne Standish Wheeler, mother The Oregonian of the 6th inst., pub­ Beeletcr. I t is alleged in the complaint that the of William and Lucas Wheeler, died school hegining Oct. 11th aud closing said Howard lias sold 1,000,000 feet of lishes a letter from Geo. M . Miller pro­ this morning at tiie home of her son Nov. 5 th : saw logs, worth »4,700, and »300 worth posing a novel plan to make wintor 20 W illiam, on Nelson creek, aged 77 years, No daye taught of logs to Porter, insolvent, fraudulent­ roads in tiie far north. I t it to drag a 4 months and 9 days, She was a native No “ attendance 699 NOTIOE FOR PUBUOATION. ly, and asks ttiat a receiver be appointed hot stove, built like an asphalt roller, U of Hatley, in tiie province of Quebec. No " absence Lend O « c e at R oM bu rt, Oregon. for the partnership and all property he over tiie loose snow thus melting it, Since 1893, when she had a shock of Average daily attendance 34 November B, 1SS7. sold to the highest bidder for cash, and after which a hard crust will form mak­ paralysis at her son’s in San k rancisco, No times tardy 6 Notice Is hereby given th a t the follow ing- all debts be paid, and ¿the balance be ing a goo4 ne% of soc. IS, tp. 1» a, r. 10 ” *'i him from disposing of tiie property give give ms mi™ •“ ■■■ »600 v~------ Quebec end one in Connecticut. son, Roy end Clarence Tanner, end She name« Ih e follow ing witnesses to prove iterfering with it during the P«nu- iOnal|y attend to the work. THE ENTERTAINMENT. ber continuous residence upon and cultivatio n Grace Evans. r of the suit land, vis: Those standing 100 in examination, of. 8. M H id . Hoffamn. for Slack Can do to by and George A llen o l F o w l Persona Desiring to Sulmriby For tiie benefit of those who could not arithmetic: Carl Miller. Terrace. O r.; A. K. HadseU, and M . J. H adeall attend the first time, the entertainment Entitled to the roll nl honor: Ruby, of M apleton, Oregon. given by tbe I Julies Missionary Wociety ,^ ^ fc>>___Leavlng Their Names___ R. M . V»ATca, Elia and Msgery Wilson, Edna Knotts, Beg later. Oct. 23rd was repeated last Saturday Edith Yates and Alice and Hsxel evening, some changes in the program Weatberson. being made. C hablotte V anbebbi bo . NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. Though tiie weather was stormy Teacher. about 100 persona were present when L-.nd O8tae. at Roseburg. Oregon tiie curtain rose for tiie opening address. Hepteinbcr 17, ISV7 8100 REWARO 81OO. Rev. I- G. Knotta made a few remark«, N otice Is hereby given tb e t the follow ing nemed settler hee Sled notice " I his Intention t recitation was given by Miss Katie Tiie readers of tliis paper w ill be pleas­ to m ake flnel proof Io support o l h li rla tm , end Hanna; and a reading by Mias Vande-e ed to learn that there is at foast one th a t M id proof w ill be mode before K. H . H o l­ * burg. Good music was furnished. Some dreaded disease that science has bean den U. ». Com m lM loner, a t Florence, Oregou on new lablenox also were presented. The able to cure in all its stages and that October SO, 1SS7, vis: George W. Maalereon on h. "D o ll’s Festival’’ was given by the is catarrli. H a ll’s Catarrh Care is Ihe ». BO. 7M7 for the w>4 n c Q and e>< n w )|, are. “ Fquhe only positive cure now known to tbe JS, tp. I t a, r, t l WesL . C A F F although Schilling's Best baking children end the dialogue H e name« Ihe follow ing wltnewee tn prove What is the missing word?—not SAFE, Fuller’s Hired Help’’ » « repeeted medicial fraternity. Catarrli being a hia eontlnuone reeldenea upon and cultivatio n i several changes having been made in conaiitntiona, diaeaee. require« a consti­ of M id land, via: »»'tier and ten tsrt safe. - f ( Fred W e ll* and W illia m Welle of Mapleton Get Sch.lting's Best baking ‘U t h» * « tbe personnel of the actors. Two very tutional treatment. H a ll’s Catarrli is Ore., George O. Knowles end John Weddle of | .musing part, in »he program were taken internaliy, acting direct opon the :ket (brown ticket in every package before December jist. ' omitted on account of the unavoidable blood end tnneons surfares of »he sye- Florence. Oregou. B. M. VSAveu. a); send a ticket with each word to ad r e » ’ ticket; after that only on« L w e rn » of a m . tero, thereby destroying the foundation Beglatev. Until October , 5lh two words allowed for every Nearly ah the participants did better of the dieeaae, and firin g tl.e patient ord for «very ticket. gjooooo; if several find U.ie time tl.sn on the former occasion strength by building np tbe constitution I f o w fv o L person find’ the word, that person get. P « o o o . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. and so far aa we have heard the audi­ and assisting nature in doing its work. »sooo oo will be equally divided among .b- m receive a set of cardboard ence without exception were aatiafied. The proprietors have eo much faith in Every one send,ng a brown or ye » « * three or more in one The receipt« at the door amounted to its curative powers, that tliey offer One A boo»» end lot ia Glenada. The AU eeping babies at the end of the contest. . advertising on It. These Hundred Dollars lor any raae that it iiotwe is 16 by 24 feet end one »tory and DRUGGISTS r _______ __ _______ ___ _— — ivelope wW receive an Td.iicrent hum the ones offered m »10.M. fails to core. Send for list of toetimon a half in lieiglit. Alan a good woodshed a n the Meet G " eepmg babies and pocket calendars » m e SURE F- J- Clieuey A Oo., onpremise». For fo rth * perllenfore a ta m ta li :MWIb«i. id . B TBBU W BBBBBT < & . fo b ... iH,n you »»I» f ° r Hood s tmrsapw- e laM contest nquire at this office. ..■■»Ill liUMiiWda i This is a Home Company. Every Citizen of the Siuslaw Valley S h o u ld ^ ^ ^ ^ - Own at Least one Share. ITS AIMS ABE POBEIT CO-OPERATIVE.^ W THK VESSEL W IL L BE O W N E D BY T H E C O M P A N Y . Work Being Pushed Vigorously. • DON’T IBS TBE 0PP0RT3NITY OF A LIFE TIIE. $2000 ays "L ook at me.” 00 Alaska Cold Minin* A Navigation Co. Money-back says ‘Try me.” • Schilling's B est baking powder and tea are .because they are money-back. FLORENCE, : : s : OREGON. / $ \ A N D Y CATHARTIC ^ ^ curi œnsriMJioH ÏÈ C ulate ‘ the liv R Better cut these rules out. Adds«: MOWBY-BACE, »AN FRANCISCO. I «■ B USOLUTELT WUHTKD Z ZZZStt