TH E i WILL WOMAN BE A TRAMP GIRLS WHO SHAM PIETY . **" Literary. •/ I — ;’rm-!*iiKP r.v rjtr r p i o ^ where labor is cheap . «.jju.tfto.— ( Conditions Which Provette Belief Thet They Ufte the Church es a Stepping- Stone to Society. American Emnomist: (OKKHSAL AND SXlJttTEP ) f a l i (iHNÖÖNCEMENi Wages in Japan were 38 per cent, higher in 1894 than in 1873, and ae the : The law is a gun, which if it misses a effect of the war with China was to raise ftor.esce, Less Cocror, O ktcok A woman now tells us that ii Ruth Ashmore, writing of the “ Shame prices it is safe to assume that an ad­ pigeon always kills a crowj if >» Joe“ not strike the guilty it bits some one machinery replaces labor in the of the Modern Girl,’’ in the October vance of fully 30 per cent, has taken , future aa it has in tho past, the Ladies’ Home Journal, and of the place in the past two or three years. , else. As every crime creates a law, so next generation will see this coun­ “eham that te woree than all others— But the cost of sulisistence in Japan has in turn every law creates a crime. the religious ebain,’* says: Ebe is the Learning maketh young men temper­ try flooded with female tramps. increased far more rapidly than wages, Editor mid Proprietor. Mrs. Izella M. Wetherell of St. one who is conspicuous in speech and largely on account of the decline in tlie ate, is tlie comfort of old age, standing Ix>uis, makes this astonishing sometime« in work; but in tier heart value of silver and the depreciation in for wealth with poverty and scrvi.ig as statement, and advances a host of her religion is sin.ply a means to a very its purchasing power. Therefore tlie an o/nament to riclies. With us law is CUBAN BELLIGERENCY. facts in support of her assert ion, oartbly end. She is prominent in the lot of the Japanese artisau is not a nothing unleas close behind it stands a ‘ The machinery problem is seri­ Sunday-school, Decauee she thinks she happy one. He lias the misfortune to warm living public opinion. Let that' Orejotilnn: ous,’’ she says, “ A laundry puts can in that way become ncqnainted witli live in a country where labor is so die or grow indifferent, and statutes are On the fair awiumption that we shall in two inachiues and deprives some people she would like loan ow . She cheap so as to bar out foreign competi­ waste paper, lacking all executive force. find ourselves con iron ted with the ques­ twenty-five girls o f work. Isilwr- is ever ready to get up and express her MAPLETON NEWS. tion iu all lines of manufactures that tion whether we ought any longer to re­ gaviug machinery is doing this all creed at the prayer-meeting, because can tie produced at home. This is an fuse to recognize the Cubans as inde­ B y A R eader . over the country, but only capital she thinks that her ability will be recog­ ideal free-trade condition. pendent, or at all events as belligerents, is reaping the benefits. It should nized. She rustles into her pew, kneels We ate not accurately advised as to J . S. Tucker writer the New York Sun Rain, rain, rain is the order of the I be equitably divided between cap­ for a long time, and tlien settles her­ the present rate of wages of mechanics that we will find ourselves in a posi day. self comfortably—to look at the congre­ ital and labor. in Japan, hut even if it be allowed that tion much stronger than that which was Mr. Wisdom has rented Mr. “Tho women themselves are gation. She considers it respectable to tlie workingman of tliat country now Jield by France to justify the recognition Young's place. go to church. Beyond that she gives , , . . more to blame for women l»eing earns double wiiat bo did twenty-five Mr. Camp had the misfortune to run of our belligerency at the breaking out ° 6 I out of work and r poorly paid than no thought. She forgets that, unless , J * years ago, his wages are not one-quarter a nail through bis foot. of the Revolutionary war France then | . ' ...................... # * ♦ ' * # # ” is the introduction ot machinery. religion is of the heart, it is of no value of those of the mechanics of the United Owls are making themselves known acted upon the principle that it was to She lias never understood that it it not If women would organize and de­ in the Mapleton precinct. States. her interest to recognize the United mand bettor wages it would lie the loud prayer, nor the wordy prayer Miss Yuba Huston started for her These Goods W ill Run Out at Rates so Low That it Will Male Some idea of the enormous dispro­ States as belligerents, because she lietter not only for the women, but which makes an impression on God, portion between the rate of wages paid borne on last Friday’s stage. __—^ ^ Q u ic k W ork of Their Distribution. would thereby obtain a large part of Mr A. P. Knowles arrived witli Mr. for the men. Eugene Debs, in hut that is the sincere erv from the soul in Japan and in America may be gained the valuable comtnerco of America, formulating his plan for colonizing appealing to Him to which He listens. from an incident that occurred at tlie and Mrs. Blackman and daughter, at which up to that time had been monop­ the workingmen, overlooked the Tne religious sham ear usually give you Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia Mapleton last Saturday evening. olized by Great Britain. On this ground women entirely. It was a serious a description of all the costumes worn in 1878. Among tlie objects of interest ADDITIONAL LOCALS. that it was for her interest, France did b y'h er set’ ia church. Stic can tell oversight. exhibted in the Japanese section was a not hesitate for one moment to recog­ “The constant increase in the you of the amount of money put in by liedstead of extraordinary beauty anil Tlie San Francisco Examiner and t Of Ready made .Clothing, th a t Means that Mr. nize the United StHte as belligerents numlter of women employed in each member as the plate is passed richness of detail. The material was W est for oue year $2.60 paid in s in July, 1770, but as to the recognition -U Cash can F it Himself out£t various callings is one of the most along. Hite goes to church to observe boxwood, including the canopied top, vatice. of their independence, France hesitated, the outward, visible sign, and never, in anufactu Cost of M Manufacture lion . A. D. Burton member from Lane important factors in the scarcity and every inclt of the exterior surface and it was not until more than a year of work for men. Three hundred any way, troubles herself about the in­ was carved in low relief giving repre­ county of the legislature in 1882 died of Have some Special offerings in and ft liftlf after she had recognized the iieart disease at Springfield last week. thousand men are now out of work ward, spiritual grace.’’ sentations of hunting scenes, birds, United States as belligerents that she — nnnt« Shoes and Hats Three hobos in the Eugene jail were because their places have been boasts, dragons, serpents, flowers, foli­ placed on a bread-and-water diet, be acknowledged their independence by PUBLIC LANDS IN OREGON. taken by women, age, etc. A gentleman well versed in cause they would not work. They the treaties of February 6, 1778. “ Too many" marriel women carving and wood working hazarded tlie pretend to be enjoying it, and say that Against the recognition of our bellig­ with husbands to support them The surveyor-general of Oregon, in bis observation: “ It must have taken the they will starve before they do a lick of erency G»cat Britain did not pro cat at and young girls with homes are report to tbs commissioner, lias tlie fol­ labor of ten men for five years to pro­ work. tho time, although tho king of Portugal, Guard: Judge Fullerton adjourned doing the work which women de­ lowing lo s sy regarding the lands in that duce that result.” at the instigation of Great Britian, hail circuit court Nov. 4th until Thursday, pendent upon their labor for a sta te: A Japanese official in charge of the e x ­ Jan. 20th, 1898. He discharged all tlie FLORENCE STORE AND SEATON BRANCH. issued an edict shutting his ports against living should be doing. One effect “ The unsurveyed lands in this state hibit overheard tlie remark, and, witli jurymen excepting J. L. Zeigler, who is Auiericun commerce. While the Brit­ .B -W -B -W - of working women organizing are increasing in value each year, and a polite bow to the visitor, said: “ You ordered to report at that date, This ish ministry did not demand the exclu­ would be to diminish tho number iu the same ratio the number of peti­ are very near the mark, sir, in your looks as if some jury work was expected. sion of American commerce from the ■ a n Commissioner Hermann of tlie gene­ of those who work simply for pin tions and inquiries, lootl> personal and guess. It is a fact that five men were ports of France, they bitterly and con­ ral land office, will recommend in his stantly complained that the American money or to keep from being idle. written, concerning the survey and engaged between nine and ten years in annual report tliecreation of a forestry insurgents wore permitted to purchase These women not only take work o|)vning up of these lands become more carving this bedstead.” police to patrol the timber lands reserv­ Tlie selling price set upon tlie article ed by the executive order of President contraband of war for shipment to from those who need it, but they frequent. Many petitions and letters of inquiry come from parties who have was $2,600. A little arithmetic brings Cleveland ou tlie eve of his retirement America, but tho French ministry in ­ keep wagos down. lived on iinsurveyed lands for 10 to 20 the conclusion tliat each of the skilled from office. A force of 200 policemen “The only hope for women is in sisted on the right of a neutral state is deemed adequate by tlie commission­ organization, but it is uphill work. years, asking and hoping for early sur­ Japanese workmen who executed tliat to sell such nrticles in its own ports to er, involving an annual expenditure of all purchasers. Early in 1778, after the Many expect to marry, and hence veys in order to obtain titles to their masterpiece of carving received in wages $170,000, which would he a small outlay surrender of Burgoyuo at Saratoga in take no iuterest in any effort to lands and homes. It has been found a sum not exceeding $50 per year, or considering tlie vast benefit tliat would Octolier. 1777, had proved the ability of better the condition of working that, after clearing tlie mountainous about 16 cents per day. The same grade accrue to the nation from an efficient Many others take no and timbered lands in thia district, of skill in America would readily com­ police and tlie prevention ol devastating the Americans to maintain Choir inde- women fires jiendence, France recognized tho United interest in themselves. They are where the soil is uf the usual copper- mand at least $6 per day, or more titan Astorian: Tlie lumber industry shows States as free and independent states. mere machines, who hardly look colored loam, anil not too roeky, the thirty times tlie wages paid in Japan. ii decided improvement in prices lately. The American workingman has found For tlie last four years prices in every Great Britain instantly recalled Iter beyond the ilay’s work and the richest and most productive grades of agricultural lands have been devel­ out that under tlie free-trade the pro­ branch of the business lias fallen so low minister and declared war on France. pittance secived for it. “ The women will not stand to­ oped. ducts of Japanese labor, shipped to this us to make it entirely unprofitable. Tlie The congress which assembles in De­ gether, like men in a body. They The general contour of the lands in country in a foreign vessel and delivered Sound country, which was first to show _ _ ^ ^ B L A N K E T S FOR 6 5 c. a P A IR ,j^ _ cember next will be called upon to de­ tlie improvement in prices, had suffered wrangle among themselves and fir Oregon is stteli as to favor irrigation, to their destination over a railroad immensely from tlie depression in every cide whether wo will follow the example of France in our revolution and recog- get tho real purpose of their or­ which would convert the large semi-arid built and owned by a foreign govern­ branch of business. Digs went up SHIRTS 25cts. T O $ 1 .5 0 tracts now used almost exclusively for ment, can be sold at a price far below from $4 to $6 per thousand and shingles, liite the Cubans as Itclligcrents, welcome ganization. _______ B___S B B “Trade unionism has been the grazing, when at all, into fertile and the cost of producing similar articles in which varied in price for some years, their commerce, and ultimately ac­ from 80 cents to $1 per thousand, now knowledge their independence, or adopt means of accomplishing much, but productive farms. Tim estimate of America; and he lias accordingly made sell from a $1.80 to $2 per thousand, and the policy of Portugal, and denounce competition ou tho one hand and ♦711,500 for tlie survey of 60 townships is up his mind that a common sense way are in steady demand at tliat figure. them ns rebels and excludo them from unionism on the other are a means very low, considering the number of is to impose upon all such products of The shingle mills tributary to the Co- of warfare belonging to a less applications coming from all parts of cheap labor a tariff that will equal the luinia river especially those on tlie our ports. _________________ state, and also that the ap|iortionment difference in wages, and to levy an ad­ Oregon side, tliat once did a thriving civilized state. A recent novel Right in Gla«- “The love of tho homo seems to of the appropriation for surveys in ditional duty if tlie goods are transport­ business hut had been lying idle for the jiast five or six years are now running to gow was a equad of American be dying out alike among the Oregon has lieen very uiodeet during ed in foreign ships or railroad cars. The their full capacity. The shingle mills laborers with an American roller, . working women and the young tlie past few years. I have also made first part of this policy is now in force; around Clatskanie, of which there are engaged in asphalting one ° *■*J married women o f the wealthy an estimate of $79,600 for the eurvey of tlie latter part will doubtless receive several, are now nearly all running for streets. A large number of class. Th.« working women are 60 townships within railroad grants. attention at the coining session of the first time in a good many years. Amorioian ideas are on their t.M> much occupied in their daily The railroads and eettlers have both Oregonian: None named the big congress. travels abroad.—Ex. Oregon apple in tlie east hut to praise. labor und the rich young women made endeavors to have such surveys It is welcomed in the Chicago market in the frivolities of society. The made to enable the immediate settle­ B o -T o -B a r fo r F ifty Cent«. Gov. S tkehens is quoted as saying ns among the finest received, both in Guaranteed tobacco bablt cure make« weak cares of home life are a greater ment npon ttiounsande of acres of fine men strong, blood pure. Me, 11. AU druggists. appearance and flavor. The principal that “ no true man with the pardoning burden to them than the pleasure timber and agricultural lands.” varieties from Oregon on which this power woalt* permit his wife to remain state will make a reputation are, accord­ derived from it. This is a danger- IS IT JUST? iu prison.” If tho wife of an official ing to the Chicago reports, Jonathans, i dus tendency, which should be CONCERNING HEALTH. vested with the pardoning power is duly pippins and Spltzbergs. The regula­ i corrected. The home is tho an­ and fairly convicted of a grave crime she tion package fur all western points of W. C. A P. 8. Lumherman: chorage of women. ought to l>c treated precisely as any Some sound advice is given in a re­ Some advanced on the ques­ ttiis character is the 40-pound box. A “Too litany young women enter consignment of these apples was receiv­ other woman under tlie same circum­ cent editorial article in tlie Tiie British tion of paying cash for damages for in­ ed by a Chicago State-street house this business life with no serious stances. Tlis pardoning power is a Medical Journal, which gains weight juries sustained by em ploies is worthy week, which breaks the record in some thought beyond remaining in it public trust, not a personal privilege,— by coming from so eminent an authority. of consideration by all manufacturers. respects. Several of tlie boxes were until the first chance presents it- The article begins by protesting with The query is, can a money value be made up of pippins averaging 1 \ lbs.— Count Jill»/. 1 self of catching a husband.” vigor against the use of ices and iced placed on death, or should a manufact­ aliout the sixe of an ordinary cocoanut. Asmtrw CAaNRGix, says that be has A peculiarity of this fruit, Iron» an east­ drinks when over heated. It calls at- urer be responsible for injuries caused offered the Carnegie armor pluto works ANTKD-TRU8TWORTHY AND ern point of view, is tliat the prodigious active gentlemen or ladies to tention to tlie fact that men offend more by any employe? To illustrate, two size is not secured at the expense of to the United Stall's government. If tho offer is not accepted, the firm wilt »ravel for respoiiNilde, established lionsi than women against this physiological men are working on the live rolls in a Davor or texture. There is now more in Oregon, Monthly $U6.00amlexpenses. law, and claims that self-control in tlie saw mill. One man starts the live rolls of this western fruit on the Chicago sell them abrosd. He says that be onl, Position steady. Reference. Enclose market than ever before, and tlie trade took up tlie armor business from a sense «elf-addressed alani|«*enary act. Certainly their rgranting tin» entire evau m, ailon • » ? fa ffi* * —< teih etth e OeeTrae Blnod PuriSer body adapted to the needs fur which it grief could not be lessened BdsraisTMir Itowsls WMH raaeaeeSa. r a hoi and liiilousoe*«. Please boy t'andy Cathartic, »»rs •oa.ilaaitaa lami .*411» « rt- z: cure ttvrr I of I «uy to »tsy •r— -"“Yiutàcvaavv-’iyf • She W ill. — At— I W. H. WEATHERSON We are Prepared to Meet all Demands for W inter Goods, With a New f* Line of Heavy Woolen Jn- derwear, Mitts, Fas- cinators, Hosiery, Boottees, Oil Clothing, Rub­ ber Boots, Over Shoes Etc.^ WE ARE GOING OUT ★ I Yalos far Yoar Money al all HURD & DAVENPORT* HAMPTON BROS,, FOR DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS' FDSNB3I All the Latest In ::::: Dress Goods, Trimming Etc. A HAMPTON BEOS, E ugene, : : : O re e o n . C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STOKH Dry Coods, ★ Croceries * and * Notion* FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Just Opened. W Goods as Represented Cures käTifvi* * tPVIARf, m »S5i»t Hood's Sarsaparilla