4fc * * * 'X * * * * * * * * * Thie. ★ COULD NOT EAT. Woman’s Strong Constitution Wrecked. Desirable ★ Effects of a Treacherous P‘ * Wonderful Case. M e tfu/letin, tfonror, L b , Pill» for Pale People had «lftci«l a taimea a large and well* lous cure with the same disease which a . . . . die edjje of Monrue, neighbor of mine bsd in Illinois. ,pOn the strength of this testimonial I de­ T H 6 C IT Y . La. hey have reaided in this community London*» O ld M t R n tn u r n n S . but two yearn, having moved here from cided Uh- at once to give the medicine a Irra*. 1 Probably tho oldest restaurant in Lon­ F«i*>well to th e ipountnin Hide, noUb The change was made for the benefit accordingly sent for a hex of D r. tw in « » » P ill, for Pule Pale People, I’eo .lr, ai a id d g»«$ (¡»v. »1* don is Crosby Hall, in Bishopsgntn For (ho c ity It» ca llin g mo. of Mr», Robbins’ health, her Dhysician« hav- Pink Pills MU) H O W T H E G R E A T E D IT O R ’S H A N D ­ ing advised her that it was the only hope of pill» a thorough trial. I did uoi n* street, in the city. This was built more I change till I had tried the •»<•<•».« T he chin q n ep in ’e ecattcrod w ith lerlnh hand her ever regaining her loHt health. than 500 years ago, was ouce the palace W R IT IN G S E R V E D A T U R N . H er gonn to th e g a y ly n|jparel«1 •- T he spell o f autum n is every whom. deuce of Sir Thomas More. It was in It« I lle g ib ilit y W aa T a k e n A d v a n ta g e o f inoxt treacherous disease, the grippe. 1 had expect a sudden cure of »ucli a chi'" But how ran I longer bide, a. mine, 1 tried the second box with > • u very severe time with it, but was able to tiiia building that Shakespeare laid the Pair though the m ountain be? by th e M a n a g er n t th e C ou n try F air, get out after being confined to my home »nit that 1 immerliatelv began gettin» b. >r. scene of Richard's plots for the murder F or the city has lifted her eye« again, 1 think I went out too 1 used five boxes of these pills and was • o b i - a n d th e P e o p le o f O n r e f o F all« Saw several weeks. Pho’s «rolling and beckoning over ih e plain. of t he young princes The strncturo waa soon, for I immediately contracted a cold nletely cured, as you see me to-day, weigh­ A« the leaves drift down, an d H eard th e U o n o f th e D ay. und had a relapse, which is a common occur­ ing more than ever liefore." injured by Are, fell into decay anil in As evidence of Ihe truthfulness of her As the w inds grow ch ill. rence with that disease. For several more 1838 was restored. One tumbles up the Me? warm blood bound« and her pulsen thrill. Every compositor who ever put in weeks I was confined to the house; and after atory Mrs. Kobhins volunteered to make - Darrow, winding stairs, leaving below 1 this I did not fully recover until recently. the following sworn statement: >»h, the m ou ntain 's aglow w ith th e frosty the modern restaurant, passes through type any of Horace Greeley’a copy w ill I was able to get out again, but 1 was quite “ I hereby affirm that the abore statement breath, certify to tho fact that his handwriting ia every word exact and true." a different woman. low doorways that show walls 8 feet in A fever Hush, ero th e rigor o f death ■'Mas. STiriiEM R obsins , " M y former strong constitution was wreck­ 1 thickness and enters the hull, a great was almost illegible. It was the despair ed, and I was a dwindling max» of skin That grisly w in ter 'll bring. ‘ Monroe, La., March 2. 1«»7.” B at the c ity —th e c ity 's aw ake, « s t a r t , ‘‘ Subscribed nod sworn to before me, a room lighted by high windows and a bf the composing room, and even Gree­ and bones. M y blood was thin and I had T h e deadliest w in ter but w anna her heart— beautiful oriel. In the restoration the ley himself couldn’t always decipher it grown pule and sallow. M y lung« were so Pho «jails to m e over tho su n lit plain, affected that I thought I a as going iuto con­ i old features have been retained, and nt A man who was many years ago presi­ sumption. A nd ray sp irit aw akens and liven again. During my ill vicmm I had lost thirty 1897. A mos R. jE S grrs, Notary Public. | one cud is the minstrel's gallery, look- ‘ dent of the Oswego Couuty Agricultural pounds in weight. I tried to regain my Dr. W illiam s’ Pink Pills for Pale People FanrwnU to the crim son and gold. ing down on more prosaic scenes than 1 association said several days ago that ho strength and former good health by trying contaiu, in a condensed form, all the e!e- j To tho m ountain's billow y blue, inents necessary to give new life and rich­ it ouce witnessed. The white capped had good reason on one occasion to be different medicines and physicians, but noth­ ness B ut d n g , my heart—w ith rapture sin g — to the blood and restore shattered nerves. ing seemed to help me. M r appetite was The c ity brent hea anew I cook stands at the huge Arrplace, now thankful that Mr. Greeley’s writing gone, and when I ate the food it would not They are an unfailing specific for such dis­ —Now Orleans Tiroes-Democrat. converted into a grill, and the chops : was hard to (Decipher. This fact secured stay on my stomach. eases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, " T h e only thing my physician said fo rm a St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheums and potatoes come smoking to your ta­ for him a star attraction at the fair do was to take a change of climate, and on tisni, nervous headache, the after efl'eet of la TROUT AND PICKEREL. bla Pretty waitresses wish to know if which he could not have obtained other­ io his advice I came here. At first I seemed grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and you don't want u pint of the famous wise. The association of which he was benefited, but to my sorrow It proved to be sallow eomplexious. all forms of weakness S o m e th in g A b o u t T h e ir M eth o d s o f Feed-* ; " 'arf and ’arf,” and tho wayfarer ia president made a great effort each year only temporary, and in a few months I was either in male or female. Pink Pills are l u g , a s O b se rv e d a t t h e A q u a r iu m . wise if he accepts the hint. This would to outdo rival associations in its fair, in my former condition. The color bad left sold by all dealers, or w ill be sent postpaid i i y cheeks, vuczas, a iu ta t no i v r energy, n r ij» , a anu u s v was zvczn » n i receipt c v r ip t u n m c, w v m r aa v a . v or i six of i | priee, 60 v cents a u box, I L bad and life a t u on It id easy to observe at the aqnariuru seem a fitting place to sit and mnse in a ' aud one of its regular attractions was a z my mieery, I had Ix-conie a Iturden to mjmelf boiee for $2.50 (they are never sold in bulk the habits of fish in feeding. Home are Johnsonian fashion on the variety of distinguished speaker who delivered un and fam ily. F in ally I happened to rcud in or by the 100) by addressing Dr. W illian •luggi»b, some are tierce and some are | human life, but there is little seclusion ' address to the crowd on any subject that a newspaper of how D r. W illiam «’ Pink Medic ’ cina Company, Schenectady, N. Y. , •4- A Ml proa inent farmer living kept lnatatiaa ja«t at SECURED GREELEY. sly. The trout are fed on lire killies. The killiea when thrown into tho tank scatter in all directions, with the trout after them liko chuiu lightning, twist lug and taming with marvelous celori- fy. The killiea doable, the trout dart oiler then». Rising to n bunch of kil- lies at the top, the trout fairly make tho water fly. They jump almost, if not quite, clear out of it, a* if they were turning somersaults, and down they go hi aguin and on after tho killiea. It ia a dashing, slashing, craahiug pursuit, and in about half u minute the killiea are alt gono. The pickerel—how differentl How silent, and yet bow sudden) The kiilie <1 nipped in abore darts downward throogh the water. Not pursued, it slow down and halts in the middle of the tank to rest and to reoorcr its equa­ nimity after its recent disturbing expe­ rience of being removed from its home In the lire food tauk, carried about in a galvanised iron tray, and Anally dropped into another tank as food for ether Ashes. At a little distance ia observed the pickerel. It has come np silently, li'.o a long, slender, little eteamer moving /lead glow. It comes to a halt so smooth­ ly and qnietly that the instant of its halt is net noticed. It is simply seen to t-0 lying there, motionless, about six inches iron, the kiilie. All is peace and quiet in the tank, and the kiilie still balances itself in the water and rests. Suddenly, with no ap­ parent! exertion of power, the pickerel darts forward. The movement is so sud­ den that it Is not realized that the pick- erel has moved until it is seen in its u»w position, ^ fhe kiilie is gone. It is mzw in the pickerel’s interior, and prob­ ably with only a very hazy notion, if any at all, o f bow it got there. The methods of the trout and picker­ e l are very different; their results, how­ ever, are muck the same.—Now York Nun. on F And T he _____________ A R T S _ a n d - - - - . , - ___ S O IE 3 S T O E S Sold W ith >»» T H E ¡« 5 about tho spot today, for bankers from he might select. Thrcadncedle street are continual ly dis­ “ When I was made president,” said AN TED-TRUSTWORTHY AND A xnntonr r h o lo g r a p h y . cussing trade and securities in this tho ex-officer of the association, “ I w a s active gentlemen or ladies to room, which has knowu tho presence of young and ambitious. I wanted to give “ It waa generally thought two or Sir Philip Sidney and Ben Jouson—a the best fair that ever had been held at three yeprs ago,’’ remark» tho Syraimse travel for responsi! !«, established house room whero it requires no very vivid i Oswego Falls, and I was willing to Post, “ that utnatenr photography would in Oregon. Monthly v65 00 a ml expenses. imagination to fancy the Countess o f ! work hard to accomplish such a result. die out, as has many another craze, bnt Position stendy. Reference. Enclose Pembroke reading tho famous sonnet Long beforehand I stirred up the farm the reverse has been the case. Although self-addressed stamped envelope. The that Spencer wroto to her honor— Hume! era to raise big squashes and pumpkins, ; fhere 1» not tbe made over it that Dominion Company. Dept. Y Chicago. Journal. and I prepared a good schedule ot horse there ‘ formerly was, more people have races. I secured a man to make a bul- yielded to its fascinations during the T h e B e a l N ic e E a g lla h G ir l. 6 H E W A N T E D P A DER EW SK I. last year than ever before. ’’ It is doubt- It is a bonny sight to watch the litho loon ascension, and all that was lacking leal true that photography is not the fad S a t HU T er m s W ere A w ay B eyon d the in my programme was the speaker. and breezy English girl promenading M osiel«n«' U nion R a te. “ At that time Mr. Greeley was the 1 today that it once was. The kodak fiend with her bally (log upon tho bowldery is not so commonly seen as was tho case "Is Mr. PaddyrocKki in?" inquired a most conspicuous man in the United j beach at Brighton, according to Sterling a few years ago, and of coarse tho bi- thin faced little woman, with a com- ' Heilig. She w ill run a foot race with States. We all wanted to see him und her 8-year-old brother down the main heur him speak. He was a very busy c Tc l e m u s t b e a r th o burden of the cam- plexion like a sugar cured ham, as shn loes of popularity. Nevertheless struek the Palace hotel counter with the street of the village, utterly thoughtless man, howover, and 1 knew that we had era’s there is something so fascinating about j handle of her parasol to attraot the of attracting attention. If she happens about one chance in ten of securing photography that it is hardly probable clerk's attention. to pull up breuthless and glowing, him. 1 determined to take that ohnuee. j thut it w ill ever die out until some new flushed and moist eyed, with her golden After much preliminary thought and and better way of reproducing the face j “ 1 don't know, niudam, ” he replied. None who are engaged in any of tlie mechanical “ Yon will have to send up your card." j hair a-hatiging down her back, in tho many consultations with others I pre- of nature is discovered. Thoso persons “ Well, I ’ll tell you what I want, and j pursuits can succeed without reading and oeuter of admiring friends, it is to ex­ pared and sent to him a very creditablo I who adopted the camera just becauso maybe you can help me. I'm going to plain to them that sho has been run­ invitation to attend our fair and deliver ! their neighbors did have given it np, as studying this standard Magazine of Sciences ning. “ Such larks I Tommy and I have an address on any subject that ho chose i might have beeu expected. These same give a dance over at my hotel ut To- 1 mules tomorrow night, and I want him been running a foot race. ’’ It’s not to I assured him that he would find only i people w ill eventually grow tired of the to play. Do you think he will?’’ and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with make her effect, as u French girl would. friends in his audience, and I said th a t! bicycle or of anything else. Novelty is 1 "Well, yes. He is a professional mu­ Really, it isn 't Sho doesn't know we bud long looked for such an oppor­ all modern cuts of latest inventions in all tunity to hear him. Two days later the what they seek, and as soon as tho new­ sician, and I ’m pretty sure he will play enough. ness wears oil the thing has no further if he is puid for it " vlllago postmuster told me that he had Hits w ill scratch herself in company, tho benches of mechanism, aud its fund of attractions. Bnt for persons who have a “ Oh, I ’ll pay him all right. I ’ll do- no matter where the mosquito hits been. , a letter that he thought wus addressed taste that way photography is ever a 1 I hud heard a good deal about posit the money with you here in nd Sho w ill fall in love with a man and ! knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ w ill follow him about like a dog. She Greeley’s handwriting, and I knew at novelty. There is always some new vance. Of course I couldn't give it to process to try, some new experiment to him iu advance because he might not ventors and mechanics. Sold with T he w ill ait on a rock and bo hugged, ob­ once that this was my reply from Mr. livious of tho fact that every one is look­ Greeley. When I opened tbe envelope, I make, and tho real enthusiast never give satisfaction. ’* W est at clubbing rates. “ Here's bis manager, Mr. Gorlits, ' ing. She is wonderfully frank. Sho found a sheet of paper on which were wearies of his camera. The amatenrs w ill say to a seasick tuau: “ What a irregular scrawls that I couldn’t de­ are largely responsible for the great Mrs. ----- ?" “ Potts." shocking bad sailor you arc I Your liver cipher. With several of my friends I progress made in photography, and it is must bo in a frightful statol’’ She is a puzzled ovor it a long time, but I could a fact that until the amateur entered I “ Mrs. Potts. 8he wants to get Mr. great fisher and ran row a boat. She is nut read it. I remembered that tlie ed­ the field the professionals knew only the Paderewski to play tomorrow night." “ We have no engagement tor tomor­ all the time blushing. She bus freckles itor of our paper lind at one time been rudiments of their art. Tho real camera on her hands. When she walks out with familiar with Mr. Greeley’s handwrit­ “ crank” is not satisfied to always fol-1 row night, aud he will play if be is her bally dog upon tho blooming sands, i ing, and I took the letter to him. He low. He. must experiment and seek to paid for it." "Oh, certainly. I expect to pay him, you don't know which to whistle to, I was a little out of practice, but he de­ produce new effects, and it is this possi­ both are so intelligent.—San Francisco ciphered it after half an hoar's exami­ bility of invention and discovery that and liberally too. He can conte over by nation. Mr. Greeley regretted that ho oonstitutes the greatest charm of the the afternoon train and play for the Argonaut was nuable to accept onr invitation. pus time.—Troy Times. dunce and go buck in the morning, and C lim b er s H a v e C sa q a sr s U A lt o f t h e A lpa. That was a great disappointment to me. , I'll allow him two days' pay. I'D de­ C ig a rs l a E n g la n d . Of oourso the mystery is gone front I thought it over, und suddenly it I posit tho money with the clerk now as “ Englishmen and Americans differ the Alps— none but climbers knows how dawned on me thi’t there was just a ' security.” And she counted out $8. completely. Every mountain and point chance that I might by strategy get Mr. in many things, *’ said the observant to- ! “ Why, madum,” protested Gorlits, O a a W o m a a 't T r ia ls . bacconist, us ho handed over six war­ of view of even third rate importance A resident of Staton Island has lately ! has been ascended, most by many routes. Greeley to Oswego Fnlls after all. I ranted Havanas to his customer. “ I "Mr. Paderewski would not think of hewn very much annoyed by some of the Almost every gap between two peaks sent hint another lotter that must have don't refer to their ideas on democracy coming for less than $8,000." "Oh, mercy I" And she gave a little urchins of tho peigbMorhood. She is a has been traversed as s pans. Tho publi­ staggered him. Mr. Greeley wus well or monarchy; it’s tho little things I no­ 1 bis monthly magazine is one of the very awaro of tho fuct that his writing wus scream. “ Aud jnst think how near I great lover of nature and has on her cation« of some dosen m ountaineering____ tice, and particularly those connected almost illegible, and he was never i camo to making a oontract withoat com­ front piazza a aumber of potted plants 1 societies havo recorded these countless much best printed in this country, and is sold surprised when his letters were . with my own business. Did you ever ing to terms. I think it's a sham« an which have been eared for all winter. ! expeditions in rows of volumes of ap­ misconstrued. I simply took advuntago notice an Englishman choosing u cigar? outrage. I’ll report it to the Musicians A t night, when everything ia qniet, the ! palling length. Of late years vigorous to all subscribers a t rates within the He always pnts it to his ear and squeezes boys come and manage to steal one or attempts have been modo to co-ordinate of thut, and in my seeuud letter I it between his forefinger and thumb. onion. Their rate is $4 a day, I know, thanked him for accepting onr invita­ because that’s what I ’ve always paid ability of all to pay. I t is finely illus ywo plants without discovery. Oue by this mass of material in the form of He does that to see if it w ill crackla If one her choice flowers have disappeared, l olimhers’ guides, dealing with particu­ tion. To leave him no loophole for es­ it does he w ill more than likely take i t for a piano player. I’ll bet the union cape, I told him that we had begun to w ill make it so warm for him he'll have trated and presents the names of famous and although she has watched for the lar districts, wherein every peak and distribute handbills announcing the Au Englishman likes a dry cigar, the to get out of town.” And In her rage thieves they have never been caught drier the better, whilo tho American pass is dealt with in strict geographical fact that ho was going to deliver tho authors as contributors. T he W est The ether day she conceived a plan succession and every different route and address at the fair, and I added that I prefers his damp. If yen asked for a she flounced out withoat her umbrella. —Ban Fraucitco Poet. by which she saved her remaining all tho variations of each route are set hud ordered the printers to place his damp cigar in London the storekeeper and the Cosmopolitan are sold at re- (reasurca Tying a string to each flow- forth, with references to the volumes Senna Itaesna. name in big letters on our three sheet would think either that yon were jok-1 «ipol. oh-» connected tbe ends with a in which they have been described at «luced rates at this office. posters I knew thut when he got my ing—a thing to which ho lias a rooted I tail in the hslL That night she waited length by their discoverers. Nearly half letter he would conclude that we hail objection—or that it was your first . The late Rev. Dr. William L. Breck­ inridge of Keutucky need to tell this patleutlv for lha alarm. At last there the Alps bos beeu treated in this man­ read his letter declining tho invitation smoke, in which case he probably would story of au Irishman who desired to was a tinkle and then a crash. Bashing ner, bnt the work has taken ten years. as a letter of acceptance, and I hoped try to palm off a twopenny cabbage as have a letter written home to hie friend« nut. sbe saw « boy. apparently fright- and of course the whole requires period- when ho learned how far we had gone a straight Havana. Those tricks are uot in the old country. It wee at a time ensd eut. of his senses, running down ical revision.—«ir W. M. Conway in with our printing that he would oon confined to this side of the ocean. when provisions were to abundant in the path. When he found the pot tied i Bcribner'a “ Here we keep onr cigars in a damp the weet ae to be almost without value. elude to come. and heard the hell ring, he dropped his plane. Over there, where about every- “ We received no reply from Mr. After mentioning a good many things W h y T k sy W s a r R ata. laaity aud took to bis heels The boy es­ 'M l.,', T w n , . t o n , ,t o • . U l ’ to to hie History does not tell, so far as we Greeley, but from time to time we sent driest spot they oan find. They even go caped, hot .there has bean no more trou­ know, how it came about that members him our posters and information about so far as to eay that no man who lives frieude in Ireland in regard toAaaerica. ble with flower thieves. tbe fair and the town. A week before Patrick said: This woman ia very fond of pets of of the English parliament wear their tbe day set for the address we sent him by tbe sea can have decent eigara. I "Tell them that I get all Ihe meat 1 all kinds and has a number about tho hat a The custom bus descended front nu a time table and told bint ou what 1 suppose it’s natural. When a man's can eat three times a week." house due day, while marketing, she age when its proceedings were uot re­ dry he always wants something wet. I train we should look for him. I was "And wbat do you mean bv that?" saw a lieautlfu) gamecock aud thought corded, but one may suspect that there­ writ( — 7 uneasy ull this time, because I knew and vice versa. Perhaps if I hod the “ Don’t you get all it wnuld make a novel sort of pot. Pay- by hangs a tale of sturdy and victorious that if Mr. Greeley didn't turn up 1 misfortune to live on a foggy island I’d tbe bacon you oan eat three times a lug $50 for bar find, she had it sent revolt against privilege, such as broke should bo blamed. When the day for I want my oigmr like tinder.”— New day?” luuae. The bird arrived before its mis­ out at Versailles, could it be recovered. 1 York Son. e 0 not take possession of onr ideas but are possessed by them, the great eveut arrived, I wcut to tbe “ Yea, your rlverence," waa the tress and was received by tbe rook, who Now and again we find antique allusions station to await the train. Bure euough, ! "C hlneM C h ea p Labor" l a A m erica . prompt reply. hey master us and force us into the arena, to the practice. When the commons A hopped off its head and prepared it for Of late years there has been a con­ “ Well, thou, what do yon mean by voted that everyone should "uncover Mr. Greeley was on board. I introduced /Holier.— New York Times Where like eladiators, we must fight for them.” or stir or move his hat" when the speak­ myself to him us the man who had scut stant cry against "Chinese eheup la­ writing to your frieuda in Ireland that him the invitation and who had re­ ucli 18 the exalted motto of the Arena, and tho bor. ” Whatever may have been tbe yon get all tbe meat yon can Mt three er expressed the thanks of the house for ■ a a s llltj. ceived his very kind acceptance. Mr. price put opon Chinese labor when tbe times a week?" It ia uot every great man who carries any service done by a member. Lord Greeley looked at me closely, and there entire contents of this monthly magazine great railways of tbe west were built by "F aith,” said Pat, "andthat is more ills honors as meekly as the mavur of Falkland “ stretched both bis arms oat was a suspicion of a smile on his face. these people, today it is evident to all than they w ill believe. “--Y outh’s Com­ and clasped his bands together on the are upon a plane and in keeping with its Inverness, who rebuked an admiring “ ‘You had uo difficulty iu reading who have studied the question that panion. j:rowd in tbe words, “ Frens, I'm just a crown of his hat and held it down close my letter?’ lie said. there ia no sneb thing aa "Chinese mortal man like yenels. *' Bir Wilfrid to his head, that all might see how odi­ wot to. The Arena's gallery of eminent T e a M arti F or R im . " 'Well, it waa a little hard to deel- »heap labor. " Chineae laundries charge Lawson tells tbe following story: “ A ous that flattery was to him ."—Pall pher it at first,* I replied, 'and wewero A well known physician at Wiesba­ higher ratea than domestic laundries. Hunkers is a group of interesting men and woniau was once pursuing her fugitive Mall Gaietto. in doubt for a few minutes whether you Chinese lauadrvaMn command higher den was called in to attend a lady of Auw down a lane, when she called out to A Chll o'clock at night Some­ "A hi la m sorry to hear It, "said the it—the right and left auricle and ventri­ cle, and cvea a portion of the aertio one to know wbat an attraction we had times be washes, sometimes he starrhea physician, “ as that ia a complaint I am sometimes he irons, but ho la always at unable to cure." arch— was in a perfect state of preserva­ to offer. ’ “ My wife has beeu studying geology, tion. It was catalogued as the heart of “ Mr. Greeley again looked at me it, uot tireless, bnt persevering iu spite Aud so saying be snatched np hia bat jtud the house is so full of rocks I can't Louis XVII, duke of Nonnuudy, and closely, as if be were a bit suspicious of wearineoa and exhaustion. Other la­ aud departed.— Tarapacg, find a place to sit down.*' from the documentary evidence which He delivered the address, aud the borers clamor for a working day of Rrvwv Ramm. “ What w ill yon do about |tl" accompanied it there was little doubt largest crowd in the history of Ihe as­ eight hour«. Tbe Chinaman patieutly Charles A Dana, who has been a “ I've induced her to take pp sstrou- m Io Its authenticity.—Temple Bar. sociation heard him. Whether bo works 17, takes care of his relatives in tnuy.'’ •ugpacted the trick I had played oh China, looks after his own poor in journalist mure than 6«? years and who “ Is that aay hetterT' ntgMtiata raos. biat I never discovered. Ho intimated America and pays hia bills as he goes gets through more work io a day than meet men do in a week, osorib«« hia ex­ “ Of course H he can't collect spec!- A simple test far digestibility given to oue of my friends that he had fats •long. cellent health, hia continued mental «tens. ’’— Chicago Record. to a class uf nurses, by which otic can suspicious, aud he made Ihe remurk I11 the Chinese store $10 per week is easily determine if a solid food is one that 1 would make an excellent politi­ tbe lowest sum paid for a man cf all vigor and activity at a time when moat Gff the coast of Ueylon Ihe Ashing which ia projicr to give a sick peraou. is cian. That waa his only comment. 1 work. In a Chineae restaurant the low- men have retired mainly to his never grssoti is inaugurated by numerous cere to drpp a smalt piece of it in cold wa­ still have Mr. Greeley'« letter, and auy est wage paid to a kite lien boy is $35 allewtug himself to bo in a hurry. Thia inoniss, sod M m fleet of boats then puts ter. If it soaks ap the water rapidly, oos who will exatniue it will see how per month and Loard. Chiueae nooks habit has. be says, saved him from tho fo stta Fishing, when allowed, gener­ the font) ia moderately digestible. —New easily it might have been mistaken for will not go to American famiUes fur nervous dtaordere from which more than a lly commences In the second week of York P osL ____________ an acceptance. "—New York Sun less than $4«) ;»r month, aud thiy rare­ half of us Americans really die.—San Franc 1 Aigouaut. March sud lasts from four to sis wse.’’j, ly ever stay for that sum. This, then, Many womeu hare excelled ns exec- /Mcuoling to tho smmou Life, to be worthy of a ratioual be­ is Chiueae cheap labor—a cheap later All trees have seeds In some, how- ntanta in music. No vromsn has ever ing. meet be always iu progression. We of whish ordinary people eanrot t rail 'ver, the seeds are so «moll iu propor- A pessimist ia an invalid who cett/ld- beet- a great or even a mediocre ooia- mast always put|Mi«' to do more or bet­ themseive».—“ T- • Cblueao cf N < r K w tie» 4!«$» of the tree that they al m . •u to io the «xe a dtsraas.—Dalias h « » s ter tl»-*a t|i time past. —-Johnsoa. York.” by Helen F. Clark, in UVMuy. i tugatlMrvacupe ordinary natica» T H E W E S T W Scientific American. TflE EDSMIIPnixITAK, the arena LOOK OVER THIS CROUP. MAKE your selectio n . FLORENCE, OR.