Good Baking Powder cannot be sold for 25 cents or 30 .---- cents „ a pound. Cream of t irtar is expensive and cream of tartar is necessary to good •d baking bakiny powder. “ Cheap" biking powder either contains aluiri (which is bad for the insides) or is badly made (docs not do the work) or is weak. Really cheap baking powder cannot be sold for these prices; but the cheapest of all is Schilling's Best —your money back if you don’t like it—at y O U r MM grocer's. The mail to Eugene now runs twice a week for tlio winter. The »learner leaves Florence with the mail on Tues- _ pi;BLlSllKD EVERY FRIDAY MORNING— day and I- riday mornings, meeting the stage at Mapleton, exchanges mail and returns to Florence in the afternoon of -F lorence , L ane C ounty , O regon .— the same day. » • - BY - - The W est has for sale one year’s tuition in tiie Holmes Business College of I ortland. This is one of the leading business colleges on the coast, having Editor and Proprietor. English, Commercial, Shorthand ami Telegraphic departments and we o f f e r ' -T erm »: $1.50 n year in nitvance- this tuition on easy terms. th e w e s t K .II. WEATHERSON PERSONALS. HOW TO HMD OUT. Mi». Ilowt, returned tu Point Tkrrac«^ tili» ueek 1 Fill a bottle or eonunou glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling iudiattes an un­ healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine status linen it is evidence of kid­ ney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the hack, is also con­ vincing proof that tiie kidneys and bladder are out of order. J. B. HUI intend» to »tart to Portland in a few da)». L. O. Johnson in home again after summer in eastern Oregon. Mr». A. F. Hurd started Tuea-lay to The Dalle« for a visit with Mrlatires. Edgar Furnish is going to try a aea voyage. He holds the position of cook on tiie Bella. Dr. Jennings is waiting to take pas­ sage on the Kobarts to his nt Newport. C. H. llolden went to Mapleton T day to take testimony for final proof a homestead. Captain Smith arrived here Saturday ^roln ^"Eft Sound to take charge of the Bella 1,9 ni»8ter- Wiu. Bernhardt and family are again residents of Florence. They are living in Pond’s building. Geo. O. Knowles leaves this week for Ute Bohemia mines where lie expects to work during the winter, Mrs. Robert Cooper and family start on their way to Mexico when the Robarts leaves for Yaquina, Mr. Wilson, who has been the guest of Mrs. Howe for some time, left on W H A T TO B A There it comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s swamp-root, the great kidney remedy fulfils every with in relieving pain in tiie back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pein iu passing it, or hud effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and over­ comes that unpleasant necessity of be­ O B ITU A R Y . ing compelled to get up many times Died in Florence, Oregon on Tuesday, during the niglit to urinate. The mild Nov. 2ml, 1897, Daniel Hill, aged 19 and extraordinary effect of swamp-root years, 2 months and 12 days. is soon realised. It stands tiie highest Daniel Hill, the son of J. B. H ill, was for its wonderful cures of the most dis­ liorn in Butte county, California in 1878. tressing cases. If you need a me-Heine When lie was three years old Ids mother you should have the best. Sold by died. In 1884 his father and family druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ moved to Oregon settling near Hale iu lar. You may have a sample hottie and this county where they resided for some pamphlet both sent free by mail. time, then about two years ago moved Mention The W est and send your ad­ to Florence. dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, Daniel or Dannie, as he was called, N. Y. The proprietor of this paper had not been in good health for a guarantees tiie genuineness of this offer. month or so but kept at work till about AN O TH ER E L E C T R IC F L A N T - two weeks ago. He was able to walk around till Saturday evening when he An agreement has been reached be­ took to bed to rise no more. He grew worse rapidly till his death which occured tween the city council of Eugene and Edward M. Force in regard to his appli­ about 7 o’clock Tuesday evening. The funeral services were held next cation for an electric light and power day, an address being delivered by Rev. franchise. The council will probably I. G Knotts and the remains were laid pass an ordinance at their neat meeting to rest in the Odd Fellows’ cemetery at granting Mr. Force a franchise which it is understood will be acceptable to him. Glenada. Daniel was an honest, industrious The plant is to be completed and in young man liked by his associates and operation by Aug 1st, 1897. S iu s la w C o m p a n y O r g a n iz e d , CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 No. of Shares 10,000, at $10 EACH. Coos Bay News: News was received the Mink Tuesday morning, Entered at the ¡»st-office at Florence, une county, Oregon, as second-class in town Saturday, that a horrible ac- Mrs. Mitchell, a sister of J . B. Hill iail matter. cidcnt had occurred at the government arrived here from Portland Saturday rock quarry at Bandon, the previous ; for a visit with her mother and brother bveutising rates made known on ap ­ afternoon, resulting in the death of and family. plication . family are ,C»1 notices 8 cents per line, each insertion James II. McEvoy. A large rock was , Mrg Zahn0I1 Young being hoisted by the derrick, when ' prepnrlng t0 nlove to i(MJthern the chain holding the rock became California while Mr. Young talks of W E S TL.IN G S . loose, releasing the rock, which, in going to Alaska. falling, struck McEvoy on the head, L. V. Stingley and family are moving Mapleton school closes this week. fracturing tiie skull. Other parties to the lower Siuslaw from near Hale. „ S'!b nine's Best tea and baking powder. were also injured. He lias rented the Sauhert raneli oil the ÀNTED-TRU8TWORTHY AND river above Acme. Don’t fail to attend the entertaiment active gentlemen or ladies to (morrow evening. Isaiah Hacker and A. E. Seaman of travel for responsible, established house respected by those who knew him. His Coos bay were in Florence several days The grand jury made their report at T O W N L O T S FOR SALE- in Oregon. Monthly $G5.0t)and expenses. death is a great loss to the family, who this week. Mr. Hacker owncs consid- iigene, Oct. 28th and were discharged. Position steady. Reference. Enclose have the sympathy of all in their Ladies are invited to call and examine self-addressed stamped envelope. The erable property in Morse’s addition. Lots in Morse's addition to Florence affliction. are now offered for sale by the assignee. Irs. Kanoff’s new stock of millinery. Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago, A T E L E P H O N E L IN E . For information as to prices, ate. in SUN DAY SERVICES. Bring vonr job work to the W est A PAPER CIRCULATED. quire of. dice. Good work done at reasonable There is talk of a telephone line here Ttiere will he services In the Presby­ A. R. B uttolfii , rices. Again we have the pleasure of record­ soon from Portland to Roseburg. An terian church in Florence on Sunday Florence, Oregon. The San Francisco Examiner and the ing an event that shows the kindness office no doubt will be established here Nov. 7tli at 11 a. in. and at Point Ter­ I’ est for one year $2.50 paid in ad- of the people of .'''lorence to those in Rumor says James A. Sterling will be race at 3 p .in . O EFUTY CAME W ARD EN. distress. Wednesday morning J. J. manager. There are two other lines ance. G E N E R A L N E W S . Anderson started out witli a subscrip­ promised to act as feeders, one from Hood's pills are easy to take, easy to Guard: State Game Warden McGuire aerate. Core indigestion, biliousness. tion paper to assist J. B. Hill and fami­ Boswell Springs and one from Elkton, Henry George the great single tax of Portland, baa appointed Chat. M. ly. Before night he had collected the l and probably another from Hudson. It j 5 cents. advocate and author of “ Progress and Kissenger, deputy game wardeu is said one will run from Empire t o ' It is reported that M. L Tower and sum of $32. Mr. Hill's folks seem to have have Gardiner, and if the people of Florence Poverty" died in New York Oct., 29th for Lane county. Thia ia a hard poai- unity will soon move into C. R. David’s tion to till, but it is necessary to have more than their share of sickness will bestir themselves it may extend to of cerebral apoplexy. louse in Glenadn. A son was born to the household of such an officer if our game la to be lately. that place. Tiie editor of the W est Before purchasing your millinery for should talk it up. If these lines are Grover Cleveland at Princeton, N. J., protected. SHIPBUILDING ON THE SIUSLAW. lie season take a look at Mrs? Kanoff’s built one can talk to Spokane on the October 28th. T O CURE A OOLD IN ONE O AV. iew goods. north and Los Angeles on tiie south, and A C ARO OF THAN KS- Take Laxative Bromo Quiuine Tablet». The sailing oi the shooncr Bella all the cities along the coast; to the Several rafts of lumber have been All druggists refund money if it fails to | irought up from Spruce Point mill this now ready to start on her first voyage light houses and life saving stations. To the friends who so kindly assisted cure. 25c. veek for.the new vessel. Hope to see it; also more railroads marks another long step toward the us during the illness snd death of our For the next thirty days we will eell development of what we hope will north and eoutli and down the eoaet. son and to those who aided us in a T O OUR PATRO NS- IVe find the above in the Drain cor- flnBncial way we give our sincere ■on clothing at cost if you bring us the soon become an important business on respondence of the Roseburg Plsindealer :asti. Meyer & Kyle. the Siuslaw. She is the fifth vessel of last week. While we do not kno-v , We have made arrangements by J. B. H ill * and F amily . The office of the Alaska Gold Mining w liic l/w e will furnish the Weekly that lias been built here and taken to on what foundation tlie talk is based, ! k Navigation Company is now located TO BE R E P E A T E D . Oregonian with the W est for one year one thing is certain and that is, the | sea. The others with the names of tiie in the first floor of the Cathey building. to any address (or the sum of two dol­ business men of Florence will do their When the Ladies’ Missionary Society lars, payable cash in advance. The Chinamen have finished their builders were as follows: The Acme T H E VESSEL NO W IN PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTION part to assist any enterprise that will gave their entertainment in Florence rork in the cannery for this season and build by Captain JorgeiiBen in 1888; advance the interests of the town. two weeks ago the inclement weather upect to leave when the Robarts Tiie Moonlight build by Skog A Hausen W IL L BE O W N E D B Y T H E C O M P A N Y . prevented many front attending who notice for publication NEW POSTAL DISTRICT- sakes her next trip to Yaquina. sailed in 1890; Tiie Spray constructed doubtless would have done so had it I. B. Harwood was considerable hurt by Olaf Hansen in 1892, and a craft of Land once at Roseburg, Oregon, Oregonian: A new postal district been a a piensnnv pleasant dichihr evening. . By special dnvfl ago. in . urenunwii. -- ----- neeii t few v days In irvinir trying io to wsibmi walk a ’• (September 15. IS»7, .. 1< - 1 c fell striking his side on a peculiar model, designed lor carrying |,aB j,iat been established, consisting of [ reqlleit it has lioeti decided to repeat Notice t> hereby given th a t the follow ing- log and inflicting a painful injury. ! freight in shallow waters adjacent to ' the states of Oregon and Washington. | the program in the Cathey building iiamed aettler ha« Bled notice ot bis in ten tion tomorrow evening with some changes to make t u a l proof 1'. »upport ot hl» claim , aud | i to Meyer & Kyle for the Air-tight San Francisco bay, which was built by ! T*'8 “ th a t M id proof w ilt lie n i.d e before C. II . H o l­ ¡1st. Henceforth, Oregon and Washing­ in the tableaux, quartette etc. Burns only about half ns much Capt. Peregrin in 1893. ton have been a part ef the Pacific coast A good time is promised tp all who den, U. H. C oniinlM loner at Lake Precinct, ouk I ms C o ., Ore. on October SO, 1897. vis: wl as the ordinary stove, A large share of credit for the con­ district, including California and other attend. Come and bring your friends D Fred B. K n e ap tr on li. e. no. 8 VIS tor the s o * ot ] lie regular quarterly examination for struction of the Bella is due to Capt. E. coast states, and the postal inspectors with you. ecc. 7, tp . 19 a., r. 11 west. flier's certificates will he held at H. W. Hansen. He arrived here from who covered this state, consisting of He Iia m n the follow ing witnesses to prove OREGON A P P O IN T M E N T S bl» continuous realdonee upon and c a ltlre tlo n ¡ene next week commencing on Marshfield about two years n g o and H. P. Thrall, W. A. Robinson, J. C. F. land, vis: Gordon, and occasionally Charles Flint, ilnesdny nt 1 o ’clock p. m. Zoetli Houser sheriff of Um atilla of R. said B. Milts, O. R. M ills and O. C. Compton ot ] immediately took steps to form a com­ I had their headquarters in San Francisco. county haa been appointed U S marshal Florence, Oregon and George Olovev nt Acme. oos Bay News: Capt. Bob Dunham pany to build a vessel. Work of get­ These inspectors investigate violations for Oregon to succeed Marshal Grady. ccts to visit the hay with the Cliil- Oregon. the postal laws, check up accounts of R. M. V lATCB. , some time next month. T i ie O l iil - ting out the timber was commenced at Colonel O. Summers of Portland has Register postmasters, and exercise a careful sup- been appointed appraiser of merchandise will lie taken off Eel river route the once; operations have gone on steadily Captain ¡ervision as to certain matters. Mr. in the district of Willamette, Oregon. of October. to the present time, and now | Robinson, who is oldest in the service, John H. Hall haa received the ap­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. -------------------- , , H ansen has the satisfaction of seeing a | toming |#r the past 18 sente Y o n r B o w e ls W i t , h C , ascarets. •T O O K S U B Ì0 R IP T IO N B O O K S O A N B E S E E K A T nly I?chc C ath a rc rtic ck , cure forever i fine three masted schooner build - ve>r r ^ z constipation r « » ^ t u nndmoiiee;; Three new inspectors for the new pointment of U . 8. district attorney for Oregon to succeed Dan It. Murphy O P P IO * O P O. Ha H O L D E N . was ly under his supervision, from his own : djetrict will be taken from the civil Land O lle e , at R oiabu rt Oragnn. i flour mill at Oakland, Or., whose term had expired. Beptcinbe r 29,1997. I service list. The lieadquaters for the royed by fire the morning of Oct. model, all ready to start on her Notice ia hereby aivan th a t the loUuwliig T a Cwra CoaetlpatlM ravavav. new district will be at Spokane, where a k e Cascarets Canby C a th a rtic lee or 25a. named aettler haa tiled notice o» hla 11,tenti.«, Insurance amounting to $9000 on voyage. I ttie chief inspector’s office will he locat­ I t T C. to m ake tinat proof in aupport o l h it claim, C. G. fa ll to cure, druggists refund money lings, machinery, and wheat would She sails in charge of Captain Smith ed. Our former inspectors will here- that M id proof w ill be made helota C. H. H id ! who purchased a share in her about a i after confine their efforts to California, drn, V. H. Conimlaetoncr at Florence, Ore and shonld be ( , the house in the mnnty says the Junction the teault of which l,aa been the in­ r the building would probably have |,ound is describe, »" < . Lead OSee, U Romborr, Orwron. I * t f A 1 o tf 1II c K iapu September 17, 1S»7. Times. Th8 building is 20x3« with all dictm ent by the grand Jury of Charles I “ ‘. T u l r e quibble to say «h* law = — ,en’u aml coast $505- destroyed. Notice la hereby r * w » th a t the loth,w ing Smith, one of the teachers in the North ----- ! does not apply t<> “ ,d The furniture was hauled from Side public schools, on the charge of named «ettler ha. «led noUee of hla In tentln, la m ake llrval proof lw «npport tober SO, iaT7, v li Gwwxe W. M aelenoa on h th e ' 5 the law « olb. r ............. a ^ i. other 1« mills. Thia tax was nnoaually ligenee of what waa in atore for him, e. no. 72W lor the wtfi, ne'w and ¡kilting'a Beat , tea is . - ja , tp. l » a , r. 12 Wert- ! t|,e u s e o id o g « in h“n‘ ,n« Jeer’ heavy hnt the taxpayers wanted a new Wednesday morning he was ndating He names the follow ing w it n a m » «a »»ov- you can get for anything, # COIlipi.i„ t against them, I school house and wanted a go-d one and and Ids present whereabou » a.« un­ htseonlinunearcaldencaw pei, am i colUvalfcm ney it cost». ' ! In I* « | w#Bted ,t ^ i., for at one time. A known. he money cost», Ill regard to the - salmon ___________ ______ _ of -aid land, vta: Fred W a ll, and W ill lam Walt« of Mapleton W A V ’, S h a k i n g pow. X industry on the BETTER - V— ~ ------ Ore., Oeorge 9 . Knowles and John Weddle of $ «?« -■ »« W E v e ry b o d y ’s O p p o r tu n ity W h o De­ s ire s to V is it th e N e w E ld o ra d o . This is a Home Company. Every Citizen of the Siuslaw Valley S h o u ld ^ " ^ ^ " Own at Least one Share. ITS AMS ABE P3BELÏ C3-9P2RiTIVB? . Work Being Pushed Vigorously. DON’T IIS8 THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE T i l i Alaska Cold Mining A Navigation Co. FLORENCE, « • : OREGON» iNDY CATHARTIC $2000^2 cuMcoiisnwmoH s the best you can get at price. ‘‘il I $ a Cam-map 9Z3 ................. . 7 7 » 1 X , „ , w . , . i ,» . m . Ç . u .. D may ••• By t a il» « Hood'» Sarsaparilla jx>w Florence Oregon. R. M. V a *T rw , Regl^r.