TH E W EST. THE IÊG1STKRED MAIL. THE WORLD’S WORKSHOP I, i h ±V Literarv. W ashington LETTER. •/ —rCauaUfiA tvauv vbioav mussino .— Stricter Orders Now for Delivery to Graduai Ascendency Seing Gained by Addretsaas. the United Stata», Faou ®ra beoviab CoRKCsroxuEXT. (O R IO IX A L A X P S K L E t T IP .) ANNOUNCEMENT It is good to rub and polish our bruin • W ash ., D. C. Oct. 25th, 1897. O beuox I A circular has been ¡«med by the third S. Y. Cowmereial Advertlwr: Senator Bacon of Ga., ¡a the against that of others. j assistant postmaster-general calling the 'flurte is a very important relation be» only muu of prominence seen in There is a majesty in simplicity which attention o( postmasters to the follow- tween the great strikes in the British Washington for wane time who is far above the quaintness. ing ruU‘i : j iron and atevl industries and the menace publicly oppoees the ratilieation Agitation ia the method that plants Registered matter must in no case be to these Industrie«, in both tlie foreign of the treaty for the annexation of lhe gelioo, by ,h(J , iJe o( the ballot ig lito r an d Proprietor. ' delivered to any one hut the person and home market, of competition from Hawaii aiul expresses the opinion ___ _ ___ _ — : aAkessed, or upon hia or tier written the continent an«l the United States. that the treaty will fail in the It is astonishing how well men wear GERMANY WANTS SAMOA. arder, which must be verified and filed The secret of success in industrial coiu- senate, Mr. Bacon says Hawaii when they think of no one but them­ -------- i in the |>ostofi»ce as a vouclier. petition is cheap production, and the is only a lot of volcanoes fringe! s: F. Chrouielt: , N o mutter what the relationship of a elements of cost ut production are raw selves. i by laud, and that ho does not con­ The feeling of Germany that tlie person applying for a registered letter material, labor and transportation. America is rising with a giant’s sider it consistent with our form United States ought Io compensate her may be to (he addressee, this rule must For a long time Great Britain ;ontrolled strength. Its bones are yet but car- ■. " I of government to add a state that for letting us take Hawaii by giving her 1 he adhered Io. the iron and steel market of the world, is 2,000 miles from our nearest tilat-,eB- tire American share of Samoa may be The sender of registered mutter bus bet ause with abundant and accessible ■ . ... „ ,, . eoast, and to accentuate his view. I There are two persona in the world pretty ia •etituiieiit, but it is dubKMis in Hie right to restrict it to delivery to the supply oí coat and iron, cheap Libor ,l(j(js . « It w ould be a m atter to we never see as they are—one’« self and logic. This country is to receive no part addressee in ¡M^rson, by an indorsement and superior transportation facilities, ' one's other self. . j <• ' a to »i « a upon a the » i . could .. produce . .. . which , tne American people «Í Hawaii from or . by . tlie aid of i Ger- that a effect envelope or wrap- she and . . deliver goods . would i many. un w. 11 a i i i a i • a . a . . . . . never be reconciled, if in some Courage is generosity of tlie highest Why then should it be asked to per; and in that case delevery must be more cheaply than any other nation. , . . . « / ... a i u a i a »i a w. .. . close presidential election, the order, for the brave are prodigal of the pay her for it? And because we are to i made to no other person, not even upon Now all those conditions are cliang- , . „ . , « , • » « most precious things. , , a . a • ai a . i. * . , uig. .... . choice of a . . president should be own a naval and ocailing staCiei in the the addressee's order. With the exhaustion of the more . . , , „ Providence gives us notice by sen-lible a . . r l . i* . . . . . . . determined by the vote of Hawaii. North Pacific are we reasonably ex- Persons sending friends or relatives accessible supply of coal and iron ami T. ... .. . . x. declension that we may dieengage from . i «i ' < _ a » • a i • 1. a . . It would . be . equally objectionable irected to forego er abandon one in tlie tor tlie ir registered mail should liear increased cost of deeper mining: with .... . . , . x. . . z. x i • , » i » , .... . . . . . . u in a clo sely balanced sen a te, th e the world by degrees. ’ ......................# " # * ♦ * Fouth Pacific to please a commercial tliese rules in mind, and so avoid dis- extension of industrial and transporta- . />f . . Indifferent souls never part. Impas >rival and per Imps a future enemy? One putea with the postotficials, as on ac- tion enterprises in Germany, where l i i . f r ♦ • ■might hear o f vuch thing, iu Utopia count of postmaster« living lield account- |abor ja even t.|,ettpcr, anJ witIl open. ¡‘,l a a “ “Ctl“ S . , ® “ , C° U“ ' »¡oned souls part, and return to one These Goods Will Run Out at Rates so Low That it Will Make FinRgxcx, I. axi C ovxt », W. H. WEATHERSON We are Prepared to Meet all Demands for W inter Goods, With a New t* Line of Heavy Woolen Un- -sgsnr derwear, M itts, Fas- *t cinators, Hosiery, Boottees, Oil Clothing, Rub­ ber Boots, Over Shoes Etc._> a a 1 try should lie decided by the vote another because they can do no better. and perhaps vn Altruria, but they are *lJe for all registered mail coming to 1. ing of new, ubundunt and cheap sources ^ ^ ^ ^ Q u i c k Work of Their Distribution, ‘ of tlio Hawaiian Seuators.” Mr -not witliia the sphere of jvactical their offices, it is necessary for them to t,Up|»|y and simultaneous reduction Let the farmer for evermore be honor­ Bacon expresses the belief that a j exercise the utmost care to effect its of price of labor and trans]>ortation 'jiolitics. ed in his calling, for they who labor 1,1 majority of the senate favors the i proper delivery. We shall need our footlietd *n Samoa tlie United States, the iron and steel in the eartli are tlie chosen people of treaty, but that the two-thirds first, because the South P a c ific will yet industry of Great Britain finds itself God. SPAlirS NEW REPRESENTATIONS. necessary for ratification will not I be the «heater of a great commerce; seo- menaced on every side. German-made be secured. Opinion is almost Tlie glory of ancestors sheds a light ’.¿nd, because Samoa is the principal Of Ready m ade'Clothing, th a t M eans that Mr. goods find a market in every part of the 8. F. C liru ia lc le : j unanimously the other way in around posterity; it allows neither their way station on tlie soste between Aus- United Kingdom; new German steam- The report that the Spanish niintater -U Cash can F it Himself out at | Washington, and that if the opon- good nor bad qualities to remain in ob- • tralia and the Nicaragua canal, cor- at Wasliinglon has been instructed to *,'ip Une* earry ,or"‘iJablc traJe c°">- ' ents of annexation do not resort «curity. Cost of M anufacture. 1 responding in that respect with Hawaii notify the American Government tbftt pe'*‘ioa to all parts of the globe; cheap j to fillibusteriug to prevent a vote, j Old age adds to the respect due to vir- ■onAbe Asiatic angle of navigation; henceforth filitmstering expedition» wtfV l,“d,,uperior8teel ,ronl tl,e 8outhern Have some Special offerings in the treaty will he ratified within tue but it takes nothing from the con- tidrd, because theifuturo trade of Sa- be regarded as branches of interna-; finds a market on the Mtatea .Boots Shoes and Hats sixty days of the opening of the tempt inspired by vice, for age whitens i S oa ie likely to be of eficl. profit to the |iolla, tagwohably iBCt »«ord «»j , « ^ ¡ , « 1 |,y 4Ua Mthoritie. on I American manufactures of steel are 1 ° ö o v - Brady, of Alaska, Bays in The allegory of a sophist is always /fe t it be hedged in by derm sn Tsoltc- na(jona] |ttw a government which ' sold under British noses in Ixipdon and ! I**« annual report to tho secretary screwed, it crouches and Ixiws like a - kive duties. It might be added that, if bus shown reasonable diligence in try- Glasgow. This is no fortuitous or temporary ' o f tho . interior: “Shipload after j «nake, which is never straight, whether ‘ we loee Kamos, where can we find a ing to prevent and punish tlie infractisn movement, so far as tlie United «tales «l»ipl<«d of gold seekers and their d * go. creep or lie still; only when she i compensating naval and coiling station of its neutrality cannot be laeM respon­ is concerned. The Pall Mall Gaxette is ! »»«« been rushed to the ex- , >B dead, she is straight enough, FLORENCE STORE AND SEATON BRANCH. anywhere in the south seas? Every sible for its inability to succeed. In Though tlie knowledge they have left « -other islsnd thereabouts -with a harbor the ctfi«'Of the Fenian invasion of Can­ perfectly right when it says: “ Tlie : fre*no limit of salt water uaviga- «low flies the flag of England, ¡UermiiBy, ada tins government, hav'ng done its causes which a«« giving tlie United i*ou (7jyun Canal,) and there they us be worth our study, yet they exhaust­ ed not all its treasures; they left a groat .France, Holland or Spam. best to keep |ieace, was not respon- ■States such a favorable position are per- intve been literally dumped upon ■111 i So far as the United States is con- sible to Great Britain for the warlike ' ,n“,lent» an<1 everything poiuts to tlie the beach, some above high water ¡deal tor the industry and sagacity of Zwsrned, to say nothing of Great Britain, acts of General O'Neil’s torees. ^or United States remaining the cheapest and many below, as they learned after ages. which is also a party to the protectorate, was Great B. itain held amenable to ns ««el-producing country in tlie world." to their sorrow when the w ater, Honorable descent is in all nations ' Germany will have to make tlie beat of for tlie blockade running which, during i 11 not *° ,,,l,eh “ ‘P o tio n of wages in ' cover®d them as they slept. The greatly esteemed; besides it is to he ex- seekers liavo had a terrible I pected that the children of men of the political-status quo ns it stands. No the Civil War, had Kingston and Niss- the United States, though price of labor has fallen here; nor of superior energy American president and congress, de- sau as its principal foreign basses. energy titne, but they arc brave and start­ worth will be like their fathers, for : ed out to endure hardships. As a nobility is the virtue of a family. spite Olesvelsnd’sla u x ,p«s, would let go Ko far as our relatiess -with Spanish aud skill ol our workmen, though that class they rank far above the ave­ of Samos. As to the present adminis­ blockade running or "filibustering” are counts for something, as of superior If a man meets with injustice, it is rage manhood of the country. tration it has made its purpose allcar to concerned the United States maintains abundance of aeccssable coal and iron not required that lie shall not be -renew the American.grip and is sup­ a naval ,putrol service off the Atluntie ore. While British mining goes deeper -"’kngua is being built up rapidly, | roused to meet it; but if he is angry 'S '' ported in that decision by the country. coast to jirevent'it, if possible, and has aud grows more costly, we are constant- j idimbep is in demand, and lots are after he has had time to think upon it, j selling as high as $1500. Ameri­ j that is sinful. The flame is not wrong What wc have we keep. made all the arrests required by the ly opening new and more acoessable cans are anxious to secure but the coals are. surface mines, like those at the head of Hpanieli minister when the demand was •WSMAN’S TRUEST AtJCOMPLISHMENT ¡a route to the Yukon, which Luke Superior and in the southern nceonxpalned by proof of guilt. Tf, shall be entirely upon U. 8. terri­ Amusement is the waking sleep of after all tide, it lis t nut succeeded in mountains. labor. When it absorbs thought, pati­ •‘Scverahof the great edwestiomi in- The labor question it more important tory,. Different parties are now ence, and strength that might have (leading tlio blockade runners off, stitutions for girls announced tide fall, out, and are carefully examining America is not accowntable ts «pain as between Great Britain and Germany, B LAN KETS FOR 65c. a PAIR,, been seriously employed, it loses its .for the first tiuie in their history, classes the mountains between Y ak u tat, either in law or common sesise. How aud there is some hope of abatement of and Cook’s Inlet. This is the third 1 " ,t,nut,ve character, and becomes the Jor sewing as one ol their chief attrac- oau «pain expect us to prevent heetiie csmpetisn from there, though ly hardly | task master of idleness. SHIRTS 25cts. T O $ 1 .5 0 •irtions," writes Edward W. Bok hi tlie season of the work ia Cook’s Inlet. expeditions leaving paints on 3000 wiles through reduction of British wuges. The Well is it known that ambition can November Ladies' Homo Journal. over the Klondike of coast when the Spanish army and strike tor shorter hours in Great Britain “The girls of the fashionable world are at a time when masters are losing their ang® the designs of the paper ,n a good anJ henign temper there can , sewing, only coinee back to her first noroorn for tllis sensation. sideration. Bight there the "tneident" vantages, we shall outstrip both Great money issued by the government ^principles. But they sreoturdy priaci- Britain and Germany and become «,« is regarded by the old-timers in Where God bath put exquisite tinge will end- p.plee to wlil.h she ie returning, and elie workshop of the world. Then what the department as a freak. It w ill, uP°n the shell washed in the surf, and -wiltfind them so. i t is s sunfM tiring nceil «hall wo tiave for protective 1,0 remembered that a new and d»!“ntcd a paradise of bloom on a child’s U s a i Tple ideas agree, though in discourse active gentlemen or ladies to fulness which will win for her admira­ travel for responsible, established house ‘ the most beautiful ever used for they confound one another with differ­ tion tlie world over. Ko ...entiaTly mi Oregon. Monthly fflft-OOaud expenses, the purpose is admitted, hut a ent name?, MAPLETCN NEWS. fiemmine an art should never be allow- Position steady. Reference. Enclose ! goodly percentage of the banks of In old days there were angels who pe,l-ncMre«R^l envelope. Tho Ih A (U sura. ,nll to die ont, and when its pessinititios, th e country h ave en tered protest came and took men by the hand and Doiuinioii Uonipanv, I>ept. Y Chicago. artistic and iitefnl, are better under­ against th e co n tin u in g th eir u se led them away from the city of destruc- j T h » Mapleton sc I too I clotses today. stood by our girls, their own pride will because o f the d ifficulty, after the tion. We see no white winged angels .Mr. Jackson's folks killed a pawtlier ,Aeep it in its proper place, among OoMXtssmxKM or P kxsioxs E atams notes circulated awhile iu distin- now. But yet men are led away from last week. -woman's highest arts and truest ac­ will recommend the passage of a law guishing the denominations at a threatening destruction, a hand is put Mr. Long’s folks started for Kngene complishments." prohibiting the payment of pensions to ghlltce, and the ease with which in theirs which leads them forth gently • last Saturday. Bessie Nicolle and her mother started women hereafter marrying soldiers, the value of the notes are raised towards a calm and bright land, so that €O R 8ALE OR EXCHANGE. Unleee such aetion ia taken the rbuae of #n(| p g^ed upou the ignorant. tl,ey look no ",ore tor Eugene last .Monday. i »nd the I Mr. A. F. Knowles startod for Eugene the generosity of the government which That Is why Secretary Gage has h‘ nd n’"y “ Utt,e cl,ild ’' A house and lot in Ulwusda. Tho last Munday to meet Mr. and Mrs. has already oldained in this direction . . . . J. W . CARM AN. P R Q P R IF T f* have another change j Jiouse is 10 by 24 feet an J one story and RlacNanan and daughter, who are going W dafairnoton lytob . con.inked, but m lislf in height. Alone good woodsltml to make their daughter, Mrs. A, P, to increase. Every one will favor the *n design. If Secretary Gage s • »«»- on premise. For further psriiculare payment of pensions to the widows of »<*®» ** carried out, aud it prolwbly Mr. Hilt had quite an accident tlie nquire at this office. other evening. He had his boat over­ the veterans, the mothers of their will he, the same design will he: loaded with potatoes, and tlie water children, who suffered hardship and UHe,j upon all note» of the same '• M e r it ta lk s ’’ the Tk. OlMMS* •< I in trin s ic value of hvgaa to pour in; lie waited until the privations at home while the husband it will lie made H o o d '» Sarsaparilla. I* ia laughable how tbeconauleof the water was above Ids waist then lie was at the front; what is aimed at ia to value an d j - L M e rit Iu m edlcina means th e power to diffaeeut uatioua ia Africa, Asia and ewaai to tlie shore. He went to the distinr^ivc so as to become associ- j . . . . . . . I curo- H o o d ’s a a re a p a rilla p o a iie » ^ actual Boath America a n frequently criiicleed house of Mr. Prank Knowles and got cut off the widows for revenne only, who . . . . . ky their papers s i home foe pot being liini to help fish them out. are marrying aged veterans with the »ted in the mind» of the people and unequalled cu ra tive power and th ere- mors assiduous iu looking after Urn : sole object of k-uring pensions.— with notes of that value, thus upsk- * lo re It has tru e m e rit. W hen you buy H o o d ’s K arsaparilla.and ta ke I t according aomaaerrial interests id Ifiety couutries, I Torunut Isd jrr. ing it almost impossible to fool to directio ns, to p u rify y o u r blood, or •ad how they are bidden to take pattern ALMOST A DROWNING ^y the representatives of other uatiooa. : anybody with a note. Secretary cure an y of the m any blood diseases, yon Thus the British trgtla pnpeia ho ld th e jô-rman and Units« Mtates consuls up Tuesday morning soon after the Mink , T ,u l- Blf iurT« whieli lias diminished Gage'a idea was discussed ut the T h e power to core i" thare^Y^i are n ^ WE ARE GOING OUT it Value far Year Money at all ew >. a-w. ■■“HURD & DAVENPORT HAMPTON FOR DRV GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS’ M E I All the Latest In ■■■■ Dress Goods, Trim m ing Etc. A HAMPTON BEOS, E x ig e n © , : O re g o n . C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Dry Goods, W FLORENCE ★ Groceries ★ and ★ Notions. MEAT MARKET. Just Opened. Goods as Represented. Merit Talks . . / 7 k . r .iX i^ n d ^ r r ..t i e « m d u r » Hurd'» whorf, Captain Hurd atarte.1 ' in popularity in the Enghah courts of last meeting of ,o w,lk *»•»"« »" "••• »'d«1 justice, is perilously near the vanish- , , . . " " . b . . " . . . ' . . a . . . . . . . .................... went to hit atsislanee with a row boat. Tl.e captain was helped ont of the water C areareis U Am b U atoartu-, tbs won ! end taken hark to tlie wharf. Mean­ d a riu l n i < & t a r d * w s a r v o f U w age. i> saa­ d u t amt edfooshgM to ,th e ta a ta .m-iig m ÿ y time the Mink retnrnnd and after a am i iw a lU v .lr .m W ilh to a . » • * « * * * • | abort delay to allow him to ct ange Ids ■ k a u s ia « U m aao as to a u m . d U |« ( <«lds, r u n . bemlaotie, fe ver, h abitual lo aelliw tio u f clothing, Ilia strainer prm-eeded up ttie and bhtouaama. r is a r ê a^fi « 7 • , I river with th» captain about as good as •f a G O today ; loTR, ’« « * * » .* * • i Mir. ^uareotaad la aure i f aU dratfitoU. Bvarvnadg «ar» fia. IUVUI'1 winch have just tmrn the cabinet and. publiaheti. Of lla ,u ,,« ““ >ney *» larg® quuntitisa the 003,197 actions detarodaed during «rill fitvor the Me« breauae It will Ilia year, only llfifi tried by enabk to handle and amort juries. On many a circuit on which notes with greater sjiecd. over »1,000 cases were heard tlw number of actions triad by juries was T a C ure OawattowStoa V. T s k s < u.. s r e ls C a iW r S W taartie. M r n r tta Iras than tw e n ty ,- Clyde U rraH , It V. C. O. ta il iu curs, aroansu rvfuaJ assa«*- sir« *" «T»*®™1 It w ill mak. yow b,ood »>” • • r ,r h * » d no urishing, and th as Hood’s Sarsaparilla ' tosh h h e t — Mta One Tree niond PuriArr r i W rvdnoly by f . Hood afW .. Low»«, u - - HooTs