>THE W E S T J > YOUR HOHE PAPER È SUPPORT IT j T -T £ A D V E R T IS E R S J > < SIUSLÁWS ONLY PAPS2. £ L O P P O R T U N IT Y Í -ft— -1 d -A?— FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Nov. 6, 1897. CTORY la L U i TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE No Gripe - JERS ^ -A -R D IZ S T E Z R . stea m er U lian i P . Ix»rd. I S T A Q E L IN E . Robarts ------- SAILS - ------ H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, 0,1 the i i . K . K in ca id . i« t, io th a n d 20th o f each . . . . P h ilip M etelien L e a v es F loren ce M on d ays, W ed n es- ™O n th - •»•i. .n . . .G . M . Ir w in . A rrives v^FL " 7 ’ " " " " " S Í " g l e t r íp í 3 0 0 ' Round triP *5.00 ,.................. W . H . L eeds. , r r n e s at F lorence T u esd a y s, T h ü r s - I . * ,. C . M . Id le m a n . y G en eral: d a y s and S a tu rd a y s ' l ,,u r " ¡di x 17 • Attornc; S te a m er an d S c o t t s - 1 * W ^ llC e tO Y a flU lIia . ......... R . 8 . B ean . ^ ‘^ « i t h A lso w ith „ 1 , .................. F . A . M oore S t i X SH Ke Z n e i ? r n r a in - Supreme Court ( . . . ,C . E . W o lv e ito n reasonable C°°8 Hay’ Char-e F°r P“ “ u«e«’ And Freight Rates Judge Second D i s t r i c t . . . .J . C . F u lle r to n ---------A P P LY Attorney Second D is t r ic t .G e o .M . B row n = I COUNTY OFFICERS eugene - flokence STAGE LINK E. B a n g s, . .E . O . P o tte r . Judge.................. . . . SV. T . B a ile y . . . J . T . C u llison CuaimÌ88Ì°UBra .A. C. Jennings .. A. J.Johnson ................................... .A. 8. Patterson Ataetaor....................... .. .D. P. Burton Clerk.................................. Sheriff................................ School S u p erin ten d en t ......... C . 8 . H u n t .'Surveyor............................ . . . C . M . C o llier ................ J . SV. H arris f .Qjroner................ P ro p rie to r. ConiUhle............. ..........J o h n F . T a n n er ! M arion M orris C. C. B ehnke Recorder..................................... D rew S every Treasurer ................................... J - A. P on d jtlrshal.................................... J R . W ed d le SECRET SOCIETIES. ........... . F lo r e n c e L o d g e N o . 107. IF.AA.M. Regular c o m m u n ic a tio n on seco n d ud fourth S atu rd ays in e a c h m o n th . 8 . L . R o jie b d s , W . M . LG.K xotts , S ecreta ry . A ____ A. R. G eneral L y o n s P o s t, N o . 5 8 . Ui i i meets second an d fo u r th S a tu rd a y s of each month a t 1 :30 p . n i. J. 1. B cttekfif . i . d , C o m m a n d e r . J. L. F u e s ih ii , A d ju ta n t. Single fare . . . - $5.00 Round trip - - _ _ $9.00 Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd & Davenport’s office in Florence. S T E A M ER o — “ C O O S ,” W ill make^-------- o ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. « MORRIS *** HOTEL, ....... J. 0. FLINT, Proprietor........ F io r e n o e , O r e g o n . S le e p in g C a rs E le g a n t D in in g C a rs OUR AIM—To furnish the best T o u r is t accommodations at reasonable prices. S le e p in g C a rs ST. PAUL M INNEAPO LIS DULUTH HOTEL. MINNESOTA FARQ O TO Florence Hayward describes Queen Victoria'a coroiiutiou roll in The Gen* :«ry. Tbs writer auys: After telling bow the privy council was formed into 11 cominiaaiou “ to hear the petitions of the lord», great men, uoblcs, knights uud other with regard and easy to operate, is true to services, Jo tics, attendances, ofttces, of Hood's Pills, which are fees uud lights connected with the cere- up to date in every respect I I I oony of corouution,'* tbo roll states Bale, certain and sure. A .I ■ what these petitions were, or at least druggists, .wc. C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. inch of them as were grnuted. The only Pills te take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. One wua that the Duke of Norfolk, who claimed “ the right to find for the — queen on her day of coronation a glove for her majesty's right haud and to sup­ port the queen's right arm on the same day as long ns her majesty shall hold V IN C E N T & W ALTON, in her baud the royal scepter, the peti­ (lUCOESSORS TO V. HEMINWAY.) tioner holding the manor of Worksop by the aforesuid services. ” In other woTds, if the Duke of Norfolk bad failed to provide the glove or to support her majesty’s arm ut that particnlar time his ownership of Worksop manor A Complete Line of Drug would havo been invalidated and tbo property huve reverted to the crown. Sundries and Toilet Articles. Another petition was that of Barbara, Baroness Grey de Butbyn, who, as the .......... ................. head of her family, claimed the right to carry the great spurs before her majesty Corner 9th & Willamette Sts. on the day of her coronation and asked Eugene, : : : Ore. that George, Lord Byron, be appointed her depnty for the perforcjsiice of that doty. Yet another waa that of Francis, T E R M S S T R IC T L Y CASH. twelfth earl of Huntingdon. The earl­ dom of Huntingdon had remained ans- pended for many years owing to the tenth earl dying without issue. When, however, this twelfth in the line of suc­ cession succeeded in establishing, aa a descendant of the second earl, hia right to tho peerage, he also claimed the right to carry one of the fonr swords of state IF7HE in the coronation procession, this, us well bb other duties and services con­ 5 « ¡ f ¡ c c o k t ! nected with the ceremony, being the condition of his tenure of lands. Small wonder, then, that in announcing the omission of the procession it was im­ portant to set forth also that the non­ performance of Unties connected with it shonld entail no forfeitures. • B M C SB O N IC U E m aks wtth greatest Hood’s I fl III CROOKSTON W in n ip e g M b s . L. L . M abstkks , P rop . : : : O regon . T U X CHBOM ICLB baa always been, and always will be, tbs friend aad obamploa ef tbs psapto as agatast eamMaattona, clbqses. corporations, or appreoalans of any kind. I t win ba ladapandaat U ersryihlag nantonl la aalMiig, BUTTE' THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICACO W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. Ml tbs ValW d M i l l ! T K B CKR ON IC LK has no R o a l on Mis PaotSe Usaat I I toads all In ability, satssprlas and news. T K B O H B O N IC U T S Tnlagmphlc Reports ars tbs latest and most rallaMa. Us Looal News the tallest aod spiciest, sad Ito Editorials tram tbs H E L E N A * “d -----BATES $1.00 Per DAY----- E u g en e, CHRONICLE M m ablest pens l a th e c o u n try GRAND FORKS PRIN CIPA L H O T E L ★ ONE BLOCK FROM D EPO T Head of Tide Hotel, W A B H IN C TON P H IL A D E L P H IA 0. U. W . P e r p e tu a L o d g e , N o . 131, N E W YORK 1 meets every 1 st a n d 3d S a tu r d a y s Tables furnished with all the BOSTON AND A L L each month. M em b ers a n d v is itin g Wild POINTS EAST *'«1 SOUTH brethren in good sta n d in g a r e co r d ia lly delicacies of the season. invited to attend. I . G. K k o t t s , M . W . game, fish and fruit in season. Best For inform ation, tim e cards, maps and tickets W.'t. K ile , R ecorder. * I 0 .0 . F. H eceta L o d g e N o . I l l , m e e t s Ii every W ednesday e v e n in g in L od ge Hall, Florence, O reg o n .. B r o th e r s in I ¡nod standing in v ite d to a t te n d . W . H . W e a t h k h so s , N . G . M ar io n M o b b is , S e c . accomodations for the traveling public. Charges reasonable. etc., call on or write R. M c M urphey , Q .uer.1 Agent. Room» 2 and 4. Sheltuu Block, EU G EN E, OREGON. HOTEL EUGENE. ♦*» A. D. CHARLTON, A u l.t a n t General Passenger Agent. 255 Morrison St. Cor. 8d. P o r t la .x x d O r . W . O. Z E IG L E R , Proprietor. CHURCH D IR E C TO R Y P r e s b y t e r i a n ch u rch , Florence, I ■ Oregon. S a b b a th s e r v i c e : S a b b a th - ishool, 10 o'clock a . n i. P r e a c h in g 11 “'clock a. in. and 7 p . 111. 8 a c r a m e n t of the Lord’s su p p er o n 1 s t S a b b a th of January, A p ril, J u ly a n d O ctob er. | Everybody is w elco m e to a ll the se r v ic e s. ' Faster requests C h r istia n a t o m a k e I theiuaelvee k n o w n . I. G. K n o t t s , Pastor. EU G E N E , • - - OREGON- T h e F u n k & W a g n a lls E l k P r a i r i e H o t e l . S tan d ard D ictio n a ry Of The M T w c n tv -th r e e COMPLETE M ile s W e s t SU CC IENT of Eu gene. ON EUCENE AND FLORENCE STAGE ROUTE. T H E ta t leas Only $6.70 alear. ft’ Vacakwtary Teros Q m D A IL Y ■M M ath ro s ta « , ras«. ,4 7 ESHers site S»ecUllste 54J Readers ter < ____ ilale B m UMI b j . ENGLISH LANOUAOE a u t h o r it a t iv e ethodist episcopal church •eryice. Preaching at Glenada eid Acme two Sundays ol each month. Sabbath-School every Sunday at We. in. Prayer meeting every Tlmrs- | ‘«revelling at the chlircb. Everybody cordially invited. G. F. R o u n d s , Pastor. o n C u n d ltlu a o f PD rsonal iH ity to th e SovereJ^fW. CORNER DRUG STORE. O . W . H urd W u i. K y le ibbutb o f L a n d Florence anil Heal of Tide. ßjticeof P ea ce. rmtdent...................................F . B . W ilson Florence, Or. Stage leaves Eugene Mondays R E G U LA R D A IL Y TR IP S ----- B etw ee n ------- and Thursdays at 6 a. m. and ar­ rives in Florence at 4 p m. the day following. Returning stage leaves Flor- ! ence Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 1 a. m. and arrives in Eugene at 6 ; ............F. B. SVilson p. m, the day following. CITY OFFICERS. Meyer & Kyle, When you take Hood’s Pills. The big, old-fash­ ioned, sugar-coated pills, which te ar you all to pieces, are not in it with lloud's. Easy to taka CORONATION SER V IC.o. B j . . . lllMStratieR. The Weekly Chronicle Tif Groteil Weitly ia tki Ctnlry, THE USEFUL GIRAFFE. E m p lo y e d t o G e t D o w n H a lls T h a t H ad D od ged I n t h e R o o f G u tte r. “ Good natnred?” said the old oirena man. “ Why, the best in the world. When the old man’s boy nsed to get a baseball lodged in a gutter at the eaves of the bouse— this was when wo were off the road in winter qnurters—he nev­ er used to get out ut the scuttle and climb down tho roof and tako the risk of falling off and breaking his neck to get i t He nsed to go to the barn and get out the giraffe. The old 18 footer wonld trot along utter tho hoy—be knew what was wanted—till they came to the house and then walk along tho aide looking down into tho gutter as ho went along nntll he came to the ball, and then ho wonld pick it up and bend his head down and give it to tho boy. “ One day when the youngster bad thrown a ball up on the roof and bad seen it roll down into the gutter he went as usual after the giraffe. When the giraffe looked along the goiter that day, there was no hall there. He look his nose ont of the gntter and looked down at the boy In the yard with a large interrogation mark in each oyo as moch as to say: “ ‘Buro it didn’t roll off somewhere I’ "And the boy said *Snre,' and then tbe giraffe looked again, but it wasu’t there, uud tbe giraffe so reported, with a solemn shake of tho head, and was driven back to tbe barn. “ They woudered about this, for it was tho first time tbe giraffe bad ever failed to get the ball, uud they knew It mnat be there, bnt it was soon explain­ ed. A day or two later tbero came a big rainstorm. Instead of running a big noisy stream as nsnal tbo tin water pipe from tbe roof ran just a little bit of a stream, and tbe water that should have run off in that way overflowed tbe gut­ ters and dripped in a thin sheet against tbe side o l the honsc. Then they knew why the giraffe couldn't find tbe ball. It bad rolled down tho water pipe. New York Snn. NO 28. A H is to ric T e le g ra m . One of tbe greatest servloes ever ren­ dered by the telegraph was the truus- misaion from Delhi of the famous tele­ gram of /day 11, 1867, which warned the Punjab of the outbreak of tbe In­ dian mutiny. Tbe telegrapher, Bren- diah, who sent the message, retired from the servioe in receipt of a special pension equal to his salary. Brendiah and Pilkington were the two yonng sig­ nalers under Mr. Todd, the superintend­ ent of the Delhi telegraph office. On Sunday, May 10, at 4 p. m., it wus found that tbe line from Meerut wus interrupted, and Mr. Todd started to find oat the break. At the bridge of boats across the Jamua he wus met by tbe mutineers the following morning and murdered. The lads, who were left alone iu tbo office outside the Kashmir gate, saw the mutineers pass and con­ tinued steadily telegraphiug to Lahore all the news brought in by peons as to tbe doings of the mutineers in the city. Brandish went out at noon to see what was going on, but was desired by a wounded British officer to go in and close tbe doors. There for two hours the two. with the widow and child of Mr. Todd, remained, and at i p. b i . Bran­ dish went to the Umballa instrument and telegraphed the historio message: “ The sepoys have come iu from Meernt aud are burning everything. Mr. Todd is dead, aud, we hear, several Euro­ peans. We must shut up. Aud now I am off. ” The little party then made its way to the flagstaff tower, where the Europeans bud congregated, and from there saw the blowing up of the magazine. That night they fled to Umballa. Before they left the tower Pilkington went back to tbe office to aend a message for an officer. Every step of the way was taken in danger of instant death, but the daring mission was accomplished, for the message is recorded ns having been reoeived. Aa tbe last click «lied away the mutineers burst in, uud the signaler was slain. The effvet of Bren- dish’a warning message to the Pnnjnb was that the regiments tainted with mntiny uWTo disarmed before they knew what had token placo at Meerut and Delhi. A ^ e s S li el 47.»*» B attles $ 1 .5 0 A ttorn ey a t L a w , Reversible Map? fIKHT |ATIONAL |ANX or M a p o f t h e W o r ld P atents ^Notary F u b lic, Surveyor W' . notary public . àO R K N Ç Ê. Ite. QUEST. Up'»n tuy tips there fe ll when first the night Pule* In the highest heeren, HCving day Fu r down the fa th o m lu u eastern depths aw a y — Pa1« w ith a te a rfu l jo y, a dread delight— Upon m y lip*, w ith w u keful watching w h ite Th ere fe ll a him. One inntant'a space it lay Soft aa a rueeleaf th a t the west winds fray , ▲nd then u y eyea awoke to dazsiad sight. The w a rm th , the tender im i'act aad th e th r ill) B u rn t on my lipa, and the calm pulse of sleep A w oke and quivered quick to soft surprise. From llin t day forw ard knew I love! And s till By day I ecarch and n ightly vigil keep F o r her revealed to me in such strange wise. —Th e L a te I I . C. Bunner iu Bcribner'e. THE BOER AT HOME. D o e . N o t H a to A l l K a g lla h n w « , O u t» Some u i T h e m . Bryant Lindley met a Boer and asked the way. Ho received a snriy answer which amounted to “ Go to tho devill" Upon this he protested angrily, and the Boer rejoined in eqnal bad humor. At length the Boer shouted, “ What's your name anyway?’’ and when he heard It his manner altered at once, and he ex­ claimed, “ Wbut, and are yon the son of tbe great American missionary Daniel Lindley?" My friend gladly pleaded guilty to this charge, and the anrly Boer became at once the most hospitable friend and begged forgiveness for bia rudeness. As tbey rode together toward the road which my friend was seeking the Boer recounted with grateful satis­ faction the many good deeds performed by the elder Lindley, bnt of them all i tbo best to him was that represented by a sound thrashing he had once received at the hands of this venerable mission­ ary. For it appeared that thia particular Boer in bis youth had been sent to a school taught by Lindley; that tho Dutchman was noted for bia sire and strength and had bragged of his capac­ ity to down the teacher, and had actu­ ally sought the opportunity by refusing obedience. But he soon learned that he had made a gross mistake, for this par­ ticnlar missionary was also a noted ath­ lete and gave him such a hiding with a bullock whip that the young giant roar­ ed for mercy before the whole school. And for this and almilar deeds tbe Boers loved the elder Lindley, uud this T l x N lg h tta g a te . particnlar Boer venerated bis memory. On tho eveuiug iu question, when tbe The nightingale does not sing every­ where, yet it is as great a mistako to two men were about to part, the Boer, oonsidcr the bird aby as to imagine its who hud been to uncivil at first, begged song is chiefly reserved for the night. Liudley, with tears in his eyes, to grant He w ill sing continually from one of him a great favor for tbo suke of bin tbe oaks bordering the wayside while conscience. “ Your father," said he, the village folks pass and repass. Tho ‘ ‘did me a servico so great that I can villago couples may rest upon the foot never repay it—he gave me tbe worst stile or linger to listen beneath tbe very thrashing I over had—he saved ray char­ tree on which tbe bird is stationed, acter, aud I am a better man today, ■till tbe full burden of melody got» on thanks to him ." My friend cheerfully promised to unchecked, without pause or intermis­ sion. And what a glorious outburst it grant the request, pnr.zHng bis head aa isl What a perfect cascade of trilla and to what waa going to he required of ■bakes and semiquavers! Suddenly it is him. The Boer was mounted upon an pierced by a single note that shivers In excellent horse, which he prised be­ the oar with the sharpness of a fife. Im­ yond anything be owned. He dismount­ mediately alter comes the wondrous ed, put tho reins In Lindley's hand and water bubble, to be followed by u de­ then ran away into the black forest as licious warble, long drawn out and soft though the devil were after him. Hero as could be breathed from the riohest was no Indian giving. This Boer had Ante. Another prolonged trill, and then pat It oat of the power cf the American a furoff sound that almost seems to to discover the uame or wburcubauta of como from another songster half a mile the strange giver. It is a story typical of tho B e y and away serves to throw into relief the pas­ sionate tremolo issuing from the aamo serves to illustrate many apparent con­ tiny throat, and all the time the wings tradictions in his nature. Ho does nut are quivering with excitement and the hate Englishmen in general. He bates only those who seem to threaten his pc- Whole coppice seems to vibrate. The song is, indeed, a whole orchestra ouliar quality of independrnoe.-»**The of bird mnsio. Expressive of every shude Dutch Feeling Toward England," by of ecstasy, we are at time« startled by a Poultney Bigelow, iu Harper’s Maga- succession of deep, plaintive touea that aine. thrill like soba. No wouder the nightin­ TL« Ol« 1 gale 'a singing season is brief—six weeks “ Blotting paper," said a man of ma­ only of tho entire year. Nay, it is doubtful whether any individual bird ture years, "1ms been commonly used sings for so long a period. The redwing, for only about 40 years. Before that wa another flue singer, is a similar instance nsed sand, which was poured from a of the limited period of song. Its voice sand box out upon tbe paper. Euougli in this country is confined to two notes of it adhered to the wet ink to keep it and these by no means mnsical, yet the from blotting. The rest was poured redwing is the nightingale of Norway, bock into the box. I think I liked the to which land he returns for breeding old sand box better than I do tbe mod­ purposes each succeeding April. Ho ern blotting paper. Homo times wbeu with our uightingule. From the day you opened a letter you would find sand tbe eggs are hatched he becomes gradu­ in the envelope, which had rubbed off ally silent, until of the marvelous voice the letter iu transit But that didn’t do that stirred a mile of woodland naught any hurt, aud tha letter itself was rnoro is heard save a dismal croak, hardly to sightly to look at than tbe letter of to­ be distinguished from the hoarse cry of day. It did not shade off pale, where ire tb ink had been tukeu from the linee tbe bullfrog.—HL James Gaaetta. bodily by tbe blotter—it was uuiform in color. Aud tbe lines, fine and coarse, A C a r ly le L ette r. One of Carlyle's letters is doted were just as the ivriter made them—not March 18, 18611, and rcfcri to his blended or blurred or softened or spread | "Frederick the Great. ” Home cue bu d o u t more nearly uniform. They were criticised his book, referring to a certain cleer and precise aud charaotcristie of collection of letters “ gathered at Ber­ the writer. “ I liked the old sand box, but of lin:” "I had not heard of the Monstrous course we couldn’t use It now; we're Platitude at all, • • • but guessed theu too busy.”—Now York Hun. i what it would ba— an old ucquaiutunco W a x t e r f u l F «rw tb«ast> t- of mine. Truly a thrioe-brutal stupidity, The habit of companies which insure which has had red-hot pokers indig­ nantly run through about ten times, but against accidents to compel tbeir pa- always revives aud steps forth afresh : irons to resort to tbe courts to recover with new tup of the parish drum, there . in case of injury was the occasion of being no purisb iu the universe richer this singular thoughtfulness, told by the in prudent darkness and flunkey malev­ ' president cf a large accideut company: “ Home lime ago,” he said, “ a lug" olence than oun isl I set Neuberg upou it iu The Athenaeum; but know not i policy holder in my company waa run what be baa mi ff i of IL No Editor, iu | over by a Brooklyn trolley car and hia my time, has crowned himself with such right leg painfully crushed. Ho re- a Pair of Ears as be of the Williams and I niained conscious after the shuck for Norgate Ptrkxllial. It is a clear fact, three minutes, during which limo bn though not clear in England, that here pulled out his watch and called tbe at­ is the most brutish of mooncalves lately tention of tbs crowd to the fact that It beard of in the country; that to have was jast 16 minutes of 18. His policy one moment's belief or donbt on such a expired at noon, aud bis foresight was subject is to make affidavit that your rewurded by the immediate payment of knowledge of Frtderick and his affairs bis weekly indemnity without contro­ versy or litigation. "—Youth's Oom pan- is scro and less." ion. The president of one of the leading eastern colleges wus recently journey­ M o n e y Saved ing toward New York uud found him­ a f a self in the same seat with an old man By The fa ll number ol words and terms In (lactaAtec peete ' ;w- »«nt-«'».—London Letter. MUNN A OO. Dtettll.KII LvUiJtet.y, IA*,»-, Y Ll*U'a«j< ) ir 104.5 1 f u l l y . — Bot MM4 AlbhLiifN« BBt OREGON C w t ever »»Ae.eoo THE Beside close to a dentist's if you are not food of street masie. Itinerant or­ gan men carefully avoid playing any­ where near tha hosse of a praetitiouer who can effectually atop or tensors all troublesome grinders.—Losxlou Punch. A paper published iu Greenland can boast of tho longest name iu existracu. It Is Artnogugliotto Natiuginnavnilt Eysaramiuae Hinik.