» t u e „ fC«U8H«D W E S T B uyal m a k e , the load pure. wbulceumu aud SVBKY V U IU A Y HQRXIKQ— -A T ---------- „flOBXNC*. L ank C ounty , O regon .— • • • by • • • Proprietor. T bbm »: *l-50 b year in advance.---- entered at tiie poat-offlee at Florence, ,,e county, Oregon, aa second-class 'mil matter. WASHINGTON LETTER. M. Rath started Io Eugene day morning. Wednea- Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Howe trip io lleceta thia week. made O. W. Hurd and daughter Marguerite came up from Gardiner Tuesday. Mrs. McClaran left Sunday by the toeacli route for her home at Drain. Mr. and Mra. John Lanham of Hoceta were in Florence last Friday and Satur- day. >V.H. WEATHERSON Editor and PER8ONAL8. POWDER Absolutely Pura Mrs. W. If. Pepper returned Tuesday after visiting several weeks in the valley. Rev. 1. G. Knotts arrived in Florence yesterday niter uu absence of several weeks. „.RTISISO RATES MADE KNOWN ON AP- tD’ i PLICATION. ¡^ 1 nude»’ * cent« per lin », euch Insertion WOVAt BAKING FOWOFW C O ., N tW VOMK. J. S. Montgomery was a passenger on Circuit court convened at Hie court 1 uesday's boat on his way homeward house in Eugene Monday with 123 from Eugene. f-htling'« B e it tea a id baking powder. cases on docket. Pliilip Lung arrived here from Astoria The Maple Grove school closes thia Two rafts of lumber for the new boat ' 11 few days ago. He is a brother of Mrs. were brought up from the Spruce Point J -A . Levage. geek. \ j Jeweller Cleaves ims been at the head c c Bdinke is building a new baru sawmill Saturday and Monday. W E S T L IN Q S . „„ hl« lot in town. An Lmpqua sportsman turned loose A r#p of logs was taken to the Spruce live pair of wild turkeys on the head waters ot the Umpqua river the other Point saw mill yesterday. Ti,e Rohnrts brought in a fine large day. evsporstur (or J. A. McLeod. flie suit of tiie City of Eugene against The sliingle mill near Hale has been the Street Railway Go., has been con­ tinued, tiie company agreeing to repair tanning night ami day of late. tiie track. Go to Meyer and Kyle for the Air-1 tight Heater. Burns only about half as ' Tiie through freight train from Cali­ ’ml, wood as an ordinary stove. fornia was wrecked Saturday at Wilbur a lew miles north of Roseburg and Bring vour job work to the W est thirteen cars ditched. Gissl work dune at reasonable offi«*- Several men are at work building a piicet. -slied over the keel of “Tiie Klondike” The Sun Francisco Examiner and tiie so that tiie rain will not interfere witli W est (or one year $2.60 paid in a.l- operations on the vessel. vioce. It is better to take Hood'sSarsaparilla George . . . with . , ? n.ir thanks J North to Fork cider Morris sent us a ior few a , tl,’ n “J unknown and °f tide this week looking after the time- pieces of that vicinity. Mrs. Ludvig Christensen returned Monday from a visit of several weeks with tier parents at Seatou. Alden Hayes and wife are preparing to move to Eugene where they expect to make their home for a time. Captain Robertson’s family arrived from Yaquina on tiie Robarts and have already taken up their residence in the Kobe house. Mr. Gibbs brought in a band of about 90 sheep from tiie valley a few days ago. He started out again Tuesday with a load of salmon. L E. Betters came in from Bohemia last week for a short visit to Ids ranclt ' untried preparations. preparations, We know Hood s at Seaton. He returned to tiie mines ilaya ago. i Sarsaparilla actually and permanently I Tuesday morning. Hood's Pills act easily and promptly I cures. on the liver and bowels. Cure sick ' The Robarts returned Tuesday after' MISSIONARY E N T E R T A IN M E N T- ------ V lonliK-tie. lying at Yaqilina a week on account of As announced in our columns last for the next thirty days we will sell I stormy weather. For tiie first time in week the Ladies Missionary 8ociety v..ucl thing at cost if you bring us tiie I many months she came in by the south gave nn entertainment in the Cathey cash. Meyer and K yle. I channel. building Saturday evening. Although Work of fixing store room and mak­ Don't Tobacco Spit and Kmoke \uur Lire Away. many were prevented from attending ing things ready for tiie evaporators lias To qu it tobacco easily mid forever, be mag by the disagreeable weather that had nctie. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- been commenced at D avid’s mill. Bac, ttie wonder-worker, that makes weak men prevailed for several days, there was Captain Hansen lias been drafting and strong. All druggists, 50c or (I. Cure guaran­ quite a large number present when tiie Booklet and sample free. Address preparing plans for tiie new vessel litis teed Sterling Remedy C o, Chicago or New York. curtain rose for tiie opening part. week. He is working in tiie Miller Tiie orchestra played several selections At Oregon City, Tuesday some men before tiie program was begun and at building. were at work at a dam at tiie electric intervals during the evening. Several N o -T o -U se fo r r i f t y C e n ts. Guaranteed tobacco hab it cure m akes weal: light station when a Hume above them pieces of music were rendered by Mr. men auowr. Wood pure. 50c,«l. A ll druggists collapsed, drowning two and injuring Pond, Mr. and Mrs. Davenport, and Mr. The Coos made a couple of trips to several others. and Mrs. Fremont. Recitations were Florence this week bringing down cliit- Tiie W est lias for sale one year’s delivered by Delia Morris, Yuba Huston tein bark Irom tiie Seaton store, for tuition ill the Holmes Business College and Eugene McCornack. (hipnient on the Bella. of Portland. Tliis is one of the leading j Several tableaux were given which Mrs F. J. Ko»>e writes from Tacoma, business colleges on tiie coast, having were greatly appreciated by tiie audi- Wsili., saving they have settled at thnt English, Commercial, Shorthand and ance. When we say that a reading was place and will he pleased to Inve their Telegraphic departments and we offer given by Miss Davis it is needless to friends come and see them . add that it was amusing. One of tiie this tuition on easy terms. To eu ro C o n a tlp a tlo n F orever# nicest pieces on the program was the E verybod y Says So. Take Cascarets Cund.v C athartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. (ail to cure, d ru g g ists refund money. Cascarets Candy Catlmrtic, the most won Doll’s Festival by 16 children in which The schooner Bella will Bail for dert'ul medical discovery of the age. p eas­ after reciting their parts, the girls show­ ant and 1-011-081110» to tbo tusle, act gently ed what they could do at marching. fai I ra'cisco rigid away. Cheap and positively on kidueys, liver nnd bowels, rales for freight. For further informa­ cleansing the enliro system, dis|iel colds, A dialogue, entitled “ Squire Fuller's s r ,  ï "  fep i  ! H«'p” «iven ni,,e i,:,t tion inquire of Meyer & Kyle, Florence, as two of thesis are members of the of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25. .'.0 cents. Sold and Otegoti. W est force it is not heat that we make A nuinticr of the friends of Mr. and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. many remarks about it. Tiie O. P. R. Hrs. C. C. Behnke gave them a surprise A. was greatly enjoyed by tiie audience party Wednesday evening in honor of and was heartily encored. the third anniversary of their wedding Tiie receipts at the door amounted to day. $19.35 and so far as we have heard an To Cur« C o n s tip a tio n F o r e v e r . (ORIGINAL AND SELECTED.) Take Cascarets Cand.v Cathartic. 10c or 25c. opinion expressed all agree that tiie It C. C. C. lad io cure, d ru g g ists rclund money. people got tiie worth of their money. faults Self-love exaggerates both our There is more catarrh in this section L ite r a r y . el the country titan all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to he incurable. Bor a great many years doctors pronounced it »local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to (tire with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven ca- lirrli to be a constitutional disease, and therefore require constitutional treat­ ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac­ tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tiie only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tiie system . They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and teatimoni- ali. Address, . F. J . Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0 . Sold by all druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are tiie best. .1 tew of tho friends of Captain and Mrs. Hansen called on them last Friday evening to pay their respects to Mrs. Hansen’s daughter before she left tins part of tiie state. Tiie time was pusaed pleasantly in conversation, games, mu­ sic etc. and tiie hour for returning home Mine all too quickly. and our virtues. A CARO OF TH A N K S. Bad temper is its own scourge. Few To our friends who so kindly assisted tilings are bitterer tiian to feel hitter. us in our late great affliction we give A man’s venom poisons himself more our heartfelt thanks. M b . and M rs . J. A. L evaoe . than his victim. SUNDAY SERVICE8. It lias been well said that no man ever sank under tiie burden of tiie day. There will be services in tiie Presby­ It is when tomorrow's burden is added terian church in Florence on Sunday to tiie burden of today tiiat tiie weight Oct. 31st, 1897 at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. I. G. K notts , pastor. is more than a man can bear. E ila r a te Y e a r H o w « li W ith C aaaarota. The hours we pass witli happy pros­ Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever, more pleasing i ’<>»•*• « c -c -c f t »Ldroggl.:«refundm oney. pects in view are than those crowded with fruition In ! GREENLEAF IT E M 8 . tiie first instance we cook the dish to Bv a W est C orrespondent . our own appetite; in the latter, nature HOW TO HMD OUT. F mox ora kkoclak O omucspondknt . i Fill u bottle or common glass with I urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment oi settling indicates an un­ W ash ., D. C. Oct. 18th, 1897. healthy condition of the kidney«. When Representations so sensational aud urine stains linen it is evidence of kid- important have been made to 1‘resideut rey trouble. Too frequent desire to McKinley concerning the sale of the urinate or pain in the back, is also con- Uuion Pacific Railroad, advertised t 0 1 « " c i« , proof that the tl.e kidneys and ¡ bladder are out of order. take place tiie first week of next mouth, W H A T T O DO. that l.e is understood to bo carefully There is comfort in the knowledge considering whether it is not his duty often exp-essed, that Dr. Kilmer’s to attempt to stop the sale, if lie lias the swamp-root, the great kidney remedy power to do so. According to these re- fulfils every wisli in relieving pain in tiie hack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every presentutious, a postponement of the part of tiie urinary passage. It corrects sale and a rearrangement of tiie condi­ inability to hold urine and scalding pain tions of tiie sale would mean something in passing it, or had effects following more tiian $20,009,000 to tiie govern­ use of liquor, wine or beer, and over­ ment. It is claimed that tiie terms of comes tiiat unpleasant necessity of be­ ing compelled to get up many times tiie sale virtually shut out all bidders, during the niglit to urinate. Tiie mild except tiie reorganization committee, and extraordinary effect of swamp-root aud that tiiey were drawn up with tiiat is soon realized. It stands Die highest intention; tiiat tiiecom inittee lias pre­ for its wonderful cures of the most dis­ pared to take full advantage of that tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have tiie best. Sold by condition of affairs and to buy the road druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ at a price that will make it necessary lar. Yon may haven sample bottle and for tiie government to cut. down its claim pamphlet hotli sent free by mail. of $50,000,000 against the road by at Mention Tiie W est and send your ad­ least $20,000,009. Men of responsibility dress to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Tiie proprietor of this paper have told the president tiiat if tiie pres­ guarantees tiie genuineness of this offer. ent sale can he postponed and proper D E L IN Q U E N T R O L L O F 1 8 0 6 . terms be arranged, they will guarantee to hid high enough for tiie road to pay A F e w F i< u r c a S h o w in g D ia p o a a l o f j the government's claim in full. This it S am e to D a te . a very serious matter aud tiie president is considering it very carefully, hut it is Guard: Tiie following figures from difiicult to see how lie can stop a sale Sheriff Johnson's book shows how the 1896 delinquent tax roll has been dis­ ordered by the U. 8. court. Tiie gov­ posed of up to tiie present: ernment had tiie right to appeal from Delinquent roll, 1896................ $16,613.25 tiie circuit court to the U . 8. supreme Sheriff's assessm ent.................... 91.97 court, and sucli an appeal would have Paid treasurer............................. 12,140.13 557.97 prevented the sale until after the su­ Corrections on ta x ...................... Sold to county judge.................... 1,436.00 preme court had acted upon tiie case, . Returned unpaid ...................... .. 2,572.12 but it was announced a short tune ago Sol(, private partie(| .................. 210 .72 tiiat, acting on tiie advice of the at­ Of tiie amount returued unpaid, torney-general, tiie administration had $2,572.12, tiie major portion of same declined to appeal tiie case. Mr. Mc­ wilt be collected. U Ü illtÜ lliliiÜ iliiiiÄ Siuslaw Company Organized, CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 No. of Shares 10,000, at $10 EACH. E veryb od y’s O p p ortu n ity W h o De­ s ir e s to V isit th e N ew Eldorado. Kinley is a lawyer and it may he that T O CURE A CO LD IN ONE DAY- Take Laxative Brouio Quinine Tablets. lie can discover some wuy in which All druggists rotund money if it fail« to other bidders may lie given an equal cure. 25c. show with the reorganization committee to hid for tiie road, even if the sale can­ T U E S D A Y E V E N IN C 8 AD D R ESS not he postponed. C. D. Herrin, Grand Lecturer of tiie Nothing could furnish stronger proof A. O. U . W. was a passenger to Florence of tiie existence of many and diverse Tuesday by Barrett's stage. Tiiat even­ ing lie delireied an address at Hurd's opinions on the subject of finance, even hall in the interest of the Workmen among hankers and financiers, tiian the making some comparisons between dif- letters received by tiie monetary coin- i ferent kind« of life insurance aud show- mission, in response to a circular letter ing leasons for many changes that have sent out, asking for tiie views of those to been made in the qualifications for membership, benefits, assessments etc., whom it was sent. Although tiie mem­ since the order was established. bers of this commission are all chosen representatives of one side of the finan­ T O OUR FA TR O N S- cial question, they do not all agree as to We have made arrangements by what financial legislation is needed, and it would not greatly surprise those on which we will furnish the Weekly Oregonian with the W est for one year tiie inside if there should he a divided to any address for the sum of two dol- THE report when tiie sittings are brought to ,arg payable cag|, in advance, a close. This is a Home Company. Every Citizen of the Siuslaw Valley S h o u l d ^ ^ ^ ^ Own at Least one Share. ITS AMR ABE PORBLÎ CO-OPERATIVE? Senator Clark, of Wyoming, who is now in Washington, was asked wiiat lie thought of tiie work of tiie monetary commission, and lie replied: “ Weil, I have r.o doubt that whatever is recom­ mended by the commission will he con­ sidered with proper courtesy. Tiiat congress will adopt its recommendations is quite another question. There are plenty of men in both houses tiiat will give a very decided negative to accept­ ing measures made by a body of men who have imposed on themselves a task tiiat properly belonged to the law-mak­ ing branch of the government. Tiie country is getting along first rate now and there will be decided opposition to making any such changes in our finan­ cial system ae would probably emanate from this monetary commission. NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OtBcu at Roaebura, Oregon, Hcptember 15, ISW. N otice 1» hereby given that the fnllow lug- named settler haa filed notice of hl» iuten tion to make final proof i-. .upport of hia claim , aud that »aid proof w ill be made before C. H. Hot. deu, U. 8. Com m lHloner at Lake Precinvt, Iloustaa Co., Ore. on October 30, 1S97, vti: Fred B. Kneaper on h. e. no. S518 for th e »ej* of aec. 7, tp. 1 , a., r. 11 weet. He name« the follow in g witne»«e« to prove lit» contin uous residence upon and cu ltivation of «aid land, v ie R B. Mill», G. R. Mill» and G. C. Compton of Florence, Oregon and George Glover of Acme, Oregon. X. M. VtATCH. R egister NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land O B cc, at Roseburg Oregon. Septem ber '.’V, 1SV7. N otice ie hereby given that the follow ing- named aettlrr ba» filed notice of hl» intention to make llual proof in »upport of hia claim , and that »aid proof w ill be made before C. H. H ol­ den, U. 0. C om m inloner at Florence, Oregon. Novomber 13, 1337, vti: John Holgrr on b. e. no 7SSSfor the lot 21, eeQ »e‘«, »ec. 21; »wQ awQ, aae. 22; Iiw 'i nwl4, tec. 27; tp. 1« »., r., 11 West. He namra tbe follow ing w ttne.ee» to prove hia contin uous residence upon and cu ltiv a tio n of, »aid land, vti: R. F. Bernhardt, John Ma»on, W illiam Hoff­ man and C h a r i» Cox all of Florence Precinct, Mregou. R. M. V eatcm , in prizes to m ak e tw ice as m any pe p ask th eir g ro c e rs for Schilling5 Best ba 'ing powder a n d tea. Be h illin g s B est baking powder and tea are Jbccause they are money-back. "'hat is the missing word?—not SAFE, although SeMUing't C a t baking P°*der and tea are safe. _____ C«t S M U i'g 't B e it baking powder or tea at yonr Wet (brown ticket in every jMickSge of baking pow »r . ) **•); »end a ticket with each word to address below cefore l)ece J • Vn.,1 October , 5.h two word, allowed for every ticket; after that only B e tte r c u t th ese rules out. Addrcsi: MONEY-BACK, S/kN FRANCI3CQ, W IL L BE O W N E D BY T H E C O M P A N Y . •T O O K S U B 8 0 R IP T IO M B O O K M C A N BE SEEftCAT T H E n g ffir .g O F C . H HOLDEN.« DON’T IIS8 TBE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIIE. Persons Desiring to Subscribo for letters to C ai Stoak ds so by Leaving Their Names to moke final proof in »npport of hl» claim , and mings in tiie shape of M APLETO N NEWS. and that »aid proof w ill be made before C. H. H ol­ den U. «. Com m issioner at Florence. O reton, B y A R eader . Mr. Betters lias returned from tiie mines. Dentist Gray left on last Monday’s stage. There was a dance at Seaton last Monday evening. They say the rosda between Mapleton and Eugene are very bad. Miss Bessie Xicclle is expecting to go to Eugene soon to attend school this winter. As Mr. L ing’s folks are going to leave aoon the people of Mapleton tliougl.t to give them a anrprise last week, *«rd for every ticket. ‘ « if «everal find and a surprise it was indeed, as Mr ,f only one person finds the word, that perron get, <2000 c o . Long did not art like himself all even­ f* * » 00 will be equally divided among :htm. cardboard ing. There were twenty-eight who spent Ever, one sendmg a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of rardooa r o w n (n M azars» 111 < of the contest Those send...? three or mm the evening with them, and every one cr»*Pmg babies at the end of ,«08 pocket calendnr-no advert.smg 0« it | seemed '0 have a go«d time. •’’"elope will receive an r------- — . _ o., ' . . . . he «Iufcr«.t i-.r__ .* fioni 7 'P in g babies and pocket c ™ alendars will Rom ihc the d cu i e e, , o o u c e o 1,1 __ O C R O F U L A ¡n w(,r*t ,on n *he last contest. O yield* U> tne blood deaiming power of Hood’« sataapariha. ThoiieaiHla of • c«««« »»*▼« byen perfectly CURED« j c iiv p w N O W IN PROCESS OF C O N S TR U C TIO N Work Being Pushed Vigorously. Tiiere is a disposition in some quarters cooks it for us. Oct. 22nd, 1897. to harshly criticise the somewhat dra­ Seeing all men are not Ldipuses to gti|| Greenleaf creek is unbridged matic manner in which Justice Field read tiie riddle of another man’s in- anj tlie bewe4j timbers for it in the announced hia coming retirement from side, and most men judge by appear- ' wooj g. ance it behooves a man to I arte.’ for a] Charles Biering writes that he snd tiie tiencli of tiie U . 8. supreme eonrt, clctliee and Mrs. Biering will soon coine back to but it really is uot deserved. The ser­ good esteem, even from bis of I their Chiekaliominy homestead. vice of Justice Field to the public has outside. We guess tiie goodness aee it James Johnson got twenty-five bush been so long—exceeding tiiat of any tiie pasture by the mantle els of good wheat on an acre tliis year. other member of the supreme court Register. That’s better than hauling wheat over wears. since its organisation—and so impor­ tiie mountains. tant, covering some of tiie most inipor. Jack Inlow of Chiekaliominy has pre- i duced a variety of squash that is almost tant cases ever passed upon by tiiat NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 all meat, tiie cavity being more like court, tiiat lie ia surely entitled to the Land OIBce at Roseburg. Oregon, tiiat in an apple tiian like an ordinary Heptrmlier 1», 1*7. privilege of accompanying hit retire­ squash. He crossed tiie Hubbard with N otice la hereby given that the follow ing ment witli some extraordinary trim­ nam ed aettlcr hae filed notice ot h l, intention a little nondescript squash. $2000 VESSEL from tiie president and hia colleagues on November 2nd, 1*7, »1«: Joeeph D uncan on ! on tiie bench, if it pleased him to do so. j h. e. no, «1 7 for tb e n e 'i «eQ. aec. 81: w»i nw Q, Only one name is mentioned in ington in connection witli the vacancy I tiiat will he made by tiie retirement Justice nw!^ « w 'i, eec. 35; tp 1« a., r. 1# west. He nam e»the f.dlow lna witneaae»to prore h is contin uous realdenca upon and cultivation j of, said land, vis: J. L. Taylor, H. k Taylor, Jullu« Koepp and W illiam Kirby all of Hermann, Oregon. R. M V aaT ca. Hefilater. Wash- J FielJ — Attorney-General of Mc­ Kenna. Alaska Cold Mining & Navigation Co. FLORENCE, : : : : OREGON, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. FOR SALE OR EXC H A N G E. Lend Office, at Knseburg, Oregon. A I i OME and lot in Glen« iitlemeii ,ir la d ie e tn Ilia c o iilin ,m u ,resid en ce _pou and cultivation v jabtaA eto CUg t COHSTiMTIOH W travel for ri-eiMHi'ilile. Ht'ithlielie i Imitae of »aid land, via. in O r e g o n . M .llt ld v $ ( » . « ) » * 1 e B I f t ia e e . (>re 0 , K now lo. end John W.-ddle of P n e ilio n « H a .lv . R e fe r e n c e E n r lir a e Fl genoe. Oregon, rt-li-ail lre'ie-'l »tamped en elope. Tiie Dotuiuiuu Cuinpaiiy, Dapt. Y Chicago, B M. Vstrcn. Jteguter. MDY CATHARTIC as * so ♦ druggists 1RQAI IITPI V C fllB lITB R n «• r«ra "OT caaeof «nwtIeatiM. Caaeant* are the Ideal Lava AOGULU I r .h l v U a n H a i b & l / « , , . e«vrr trip nr rWne.bat r»oM»eayB»lurulre»«lta. Sam «le and kamklat free. id . UTFB1.IXU H F gt l l i t U - . n d r .e o . > ntre.1. C .« „ er Hew Teeh. «It.