A mining paper, alluding to tiie pre­ ns yet nwleclsred, but mentally-chosen , happens that commercial activity fol- dominance of Americans and American lover. .Should the nuts burn brightly a low s» WOT. That was the case in capital in Alaska, says tiiis is out of the *-rt»j»n«njefi xykry fbidiy mobnixg .— Fireside Diversion* in Keeping With happy marriage will result. Should the .Mexico after 1866, and in France after usual order of things, as “British gold the Traditions of All Saint»' nut named gfter the man jump towards 1871; again the ease in China t nd Japan has developed a huge amount of min­ — AT— after 1894. Considering the demand Day. the nut named after the girl she may ing property.’’ Tjnt is a mistake or tiie there is for Coban sugar, tobacco an : expect a proposal before the next new JFi op . evcjs , I m » e C ounty , O regon misuse O t th e A o r d develop. Large I «dies' ne m o Jon rnali j produce, and the need Cuba will feel moon. • - • by - • - 1 Any innocent joke, perpetrated in a for material to replace that now des­ amounts of British capital, it is true, i i H U K iW l i apiritof friendly mischief, will befit Hal­ troyed, such ns machinery, railroad and are invest«! in American mines, but it j OUR INTERESTS IN CUBA. loween night. The idea of the olden ---- - i bridge iron, agricultural implements and was not put into ‘‘development.’’ Capi­ lime centred around the pairing of lad a. f . Chronicle. • dumber, it follows that the island only tal is timid, Britisli capital most of all, Editor and Proprietor, and laaa, hence tlic chestnuts were put The lielievf that peace in Cuba is needs peace to become a very busy and American mines were pretty well “developed’’ before they could secure the fire to test the future of those reasonably near is one that will give place. It is therefore to our interests tiie investment of English money. Am­ I S. T R E A S U R Y RO BBED. before whose names they bore: If tliey burned satisfaction to the uieirantile element in to press for a speedy end of the w ar1 erican nerve and capital have done far steadily the courtship would go well, ( this country as well as to those who re- unless, as seems likely, the bankruptcy more towards developing the mines of An Employe Caught Substituting Lead if they (topped apart the course of true ■ gard tiie war only from the humane of Spain will bring the struggle to an British Columbia than lias Britisli fur Silver in the Bag«. money done on tiiis side of tiie line. love would not run smooth. Hand« [ standpoint. end without intervention. Americans take chances, while the glasses, with apples beside them, should Our commercial losses since the out­ Silver dollars arc missing from the ANTED-TRUSTMORTHY AND British capitalist wants to see what lie ! be placed here and there, so tliat the break took place, and as a consequence treasury which may number thousands. active gentlemen or ludiea to is buying.— Tacoma Ledger.___________ modern Eve may eat tier apple and of it, reach a surprising total. During travel for responsible, catahlialied house ! Treasurer Roberts lias employed experts wait for Adam to peep over her shoulder. the fiscal year of 1896 the value of our in Oregon. Monthly |65.00and expenses. I to count pieco by piece the 4100,000,000 Greater pleasure, however will be Cuban trade amounted to only >47,548,- Position steady. Reference. Enclose which ought to be in tiie vaults. ; found in the games which all may 610 as compared with >102,861,254 in self-addresseîi stamped envelope. The Recently tiie coin was counted by tiie play. The tub of waler, with floating j 1803 the year proceeding tiie trouble. Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago. Made and M erit M aintains th econ fid en cc weighing procusa, but Roberts will not 1 apples which must be lifted out by the This is a falling off of more than 50 per F acts have have lately come to light ; o f th e p eop le in H ood ’s Sarsaparilla. I f a I give a receipt to his predecessor, Mor­ teeth alone,' and tiie fork suspended I cent in three years, m ed icin e cu res you w hen s ic k ; if it makes allowing tliat Russia is destined to be­ w on d erfu l cures everyw here, then beyond gan, until lie knows the full extent of from tiie ceiling, with its lighted candle ’ Returns for the present fiscal year, so the robbery, whirl) lie suspects lias at one end, and the apple, from which | far as they have been collated, show i come one of the first gold producing ! a llq u estio n th a t m edicinepossesses m erit. * * * * * countries. In Eastern Siberia, ex- J been carried on for some time. a bite is to be taken, at the other, will j that the grand total will be only about perts report, there are larger deposits Paring this count a trusted employe These Goods W ill Run Out at Rates so Low That It W ill Make cause much merriment. The search for >20,000,000, or one-fifth tiie value re- of gold than are known in any other was caught opening hugs which contain tbe ring in flour is also much enjoyed.; corded for 1893. At tliat rate of d e -' Quick Work of Their Distribution. i country. These mines now produce >1000 in silver, taking out as uinny as Tiie Hour containing a ting is packed I creasa our trade witli Cuba must he 1 i over >35,000,000 a year, and the eoun- T h at is ju st the tru th ab ou t H o cd ’a Sar­ lie wisiied and making up the weigiit of upon a large platter. Tiie guests each extinguished in another twelvemontlis I try only waits tiie completion of the saparilla. W e kn ow it possesses m erit tiie extracted silver witli lead. At the cut off a slice witli a knife, and the one because it cures, n ot once or tw ice or a of war devastation. i great Siberian railway to multiply its hundred tim es, but in thou san d s and conclusion of the count nil of the bags uncovering tiie ring must pick it up It would not take long, however, after n d s o f cases. W e kn ow it cures, showed tiie required weight, peace has been restored to put the outpl,t 8ever“‘ ti,nes' At preBent the a th b o so u sa lu tely , p erm an en tly, w hen all others witli liis teeth. | Ainoor river is the only route for fa il to d o a n y good whatever. W e repeat U[ion the treasurer’s suggestion some Lead, melted in large iron spoons, trade back where it was, and in tiie case Of Ready made ICIothing, th a t M eans th at Mr. of tlic bugs were opened, and so much may be dropped in water, and fortunes of a free and well governed Cuba, to re‘ chin* “ ‘e «oI‘* rel5ions, and trans- «U Cash can F it Him self out at lead was discovered tliat a consultation told from tiie shapes it assumes. Great, build it up yearly Tiie plantations are portation is secured with great dilfi- culty, especially as everything is was held and it was decided to employ a amusement may be hail liy placing two not ruined. Tiie owners may be, in Cost of M anufacture.. force of 50 clerks to go over the counting hickory-nuts, about three incites apart, which event they will s-11 their prop­ frozen up for eight months of tiie Have some Special offerings in in detail. Tiiis task will consume six on tiie hearth in front of an open fire. erty to men who have capital to carry year.—Clgde Herald. Boots Shoes and Hats months and will cost the government One is supposed Io represent tiie girl it on and production and consumption Is the best —In fact the One True Blood Purifier. E d u c a te T o u r B o w e l * W O h <'»*ri25,000. u ii cure nausea, Indigestion, who places it there, and the other, tier will lie quickly resumed. usually 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fa il, drc'.-a 1sts refund mono.'. SiOOU S ! ' I,IS biliousness. 2ft cents. T E C E W E S T . GAMES FOR HALLOWEEN. INNOUHCEMENT w . IT. WEATIIERSON We are Prepared to M eet all Demands for Winter Goods, With a New I* Line of Heavy Woolen Un­ derwear, M itts, Fas­ cinators, Hosiery, Boottees, Oil Clothing, Rub­ ber Boots, Over Shoes Etc._> W M e rit M ade WE ARE GOING OUT Hood’s Sarsaparilla A LA SK A ALAMKA. GOLD TOWN KITES. Golden Alaska i Once thought to be tail- practicable and impervious to settlement and civilization is new tlw most sought for and famed region on tiro face of the earth, Its territorial extent embraces an sren of land, five times larger than England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales com- bined, and more than three times tint size of the German Empire and eight times larger than the atatss of New York, Pennsylvania and New Jer. sey. It is comparatively an unexplored country, but that which is known, witli its marvelous richness iq goid, surpasses ail) tiling of record in the annals of the world's history; tliat today there is more gold in tiiis region than ail tiie world combined, Gold is now found in large paying quantities in almost any of its prospected dintricta, Its vust and unexplored are» hardly touched as yet by the force of civilization, extends its inviting hands to the hardy toilers of every (dime, with the assurance of room and opportu­ nity for adventure, with tiie alluring certainty of reward to thp frugal and industrious. INCORPORATION. Tlic Alaska Gold M'liing A Navigation C om - pany of Florence, Oregon ia incorporated under the laws of tlm state with a capital stock of >100,000, non-ssepassblp and divided into 10,000 «hares of >10 each, THE PURPOSES OF THE CORPORATION. , Aro to carry on mining operations on tlie Yu- kou riyer apd its tributary waters in Alaska and arrangements for passage, or in case of do- ---------- fault in making payments, tiie company agrees One of the purposes of tiiis company is to to issue paid up stock to tiie full amount paid in. locate town sites and supply depots at available TRANSPORTATION RATE, pjiuta, thereby paying tribute to its owu _______ revenue and not to others. Being thus equipped The rate or fare from Portland, Oregon to and possessed ot its own transportation and sup- Dawson City (witliout food supply) is >200. Each ply depots, this company cm afford to “Grub passenger is entitled to 300 pounds of baggage Stake” men of known ability and worth, and free of charge, and ten cents per pound for all (or tliat purpose will keep a goodly number eon- baggage in excess of tliat amount. An exception stantly in the field. however, where passengers have freight in ex- SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. cess of oue ton. Tonnnge rates 6 cents per pound, To those of limited capital tiie company lias arranged a price which includes fare from Port­ land, Oregon, Io Dawson City including meals on Bhip and food supply for one year for >400 pay­ able in installments if desired. In tiiis wav a person witli limited means cun feel assured of hia living for ut least one year and not dependent on others. PRICE OE STOCK. Tlie stock of tiiis company will he sold at par until tiie sailing of its first vessel in the spring for tiie Klondike country; alter which all un- *°'d B,oe't 1,0 Advanced in price or held as company assets. Being organise«! on the princi- >,le of jU8tice t0 «” > and •P“c'*1 privileges to none, i l *apre«aly understood tliat ail stock holders will be treated «like. There will lie no ‘ sky parlor" or ground floor. Tiie |>oor man's dollar ----------- The general office ot this company is located at Florence, Lane Co., Oregon where ail cominum- cations should be addressed to the Alaska Gold Mining and Navigation Company, Florence, Oregon. CONCLUSION. ----------- Be it said tliat it is the desire of this company to give the public its best assurance that its af- fairs will I« managed and conducted on a broad liberal policy, conservatively administered. No expenditure will be made that will not lie bene- filial to the profits of the company and stock- holders and no risks entertained that can be poesibly avoided. The welfare of the stockholders means its own welfare and in every way it will strive to merit the confidence of its patrons. A bticle 9: A claim shall be recorded with the Gold Commissioner in whose district it is situated within three days after tiie location thereof, if it is located within 10 miles of the commissioner’s office. One day extra shall lie allowed for mak- ing such record for every additional 10 miles or fraction thereof, A bticle 11: Entry shall not be granted fora claim which hns not been staked by the applicant in person in the manner specified in the reg- uiations. A bticle 12: An entry fee of >15 shall be charged for the first year and an annual fee of >10 for each of the following years. A bticle 13: After recording a claim tiie re- moval of any post by Mie holder or any person in Ids behalf for the purpose of changing tiie boundaries of his claim, shall act a forfeiture of MINING LAWS. the claim. at “HURD & DAVENPORT Are extracted from compiler as follows: A rticle 7: If any peraon or persons shall I INFORMATION. all FLORENCE STORE AND SEATON BRANCH CANADIAN MINING REGULA TIONS. established to the satisfaction of tiie Gold Com missioner, a claim for tiie bar diggings 750 feet in length may granted, a new stratum of auriferous earth or gravel situated in a locality where the claim« are abandoned shall for tiiis purpose be deemed a new mine, although tiiis same locality shall have previously been worked at a different level. In« il il Ms it hit M IK IN G A N D N A V IG A T IO N CO. HAM PTON BEOS., ]]¡¡y goo¡)g CLOTHING, GENTS'FURNISHING, - All the Latest In • Dress Goods, Trimming Etc. «« .B L A N K E T S f o r 65 c . a P A IR ,. SHIRTS 25cts. T O $ 1 .5 0 • • • • A H AM PTO N BEOS., Eugene, : : O re e ro n . CARMAN’S CHEAP CASH STORE! ----------- A bticle 14: The entry of every holder for '* HH valuable as the rich man s and haa the For the information of our patrons we quote * grant for placer mining must be renewed **nie purchasing power. the mining laws of both the United States and #nd ^is receipt relinquished and replaced every OWNERSHIP OE PROPERTY. Canada now in force. year, and an entry fee each year. In the Unite«) States tiie term placer mining as A btrt . e 15: No niinpr shall receive a grant for -------- -------— ---- -------- ------- ________________ A property that the company has or may ae- defined by the supreme court is ground within "'ore H'an one mining claim in tiie same locality, F I A D D M P T ' R ffr' » m Dry Coods, * Groceries * and * Notions. Northwest territory—to acquire mining property cither by discovery or purchase, and to operate the same, and in connection therewith to develop a general trading and transportation business. quire urea ter cit er y laeovery, purchase, or defined boundaries, which contains mineral in its but the same miner may hold any number of * L U f \ t , IN TRANSPORTATION. otherwise becomes the property of the company earth, sand or gravel; ground that includes vai- claims by purcliaso, and any number of miners tiie title to tiie same being vested in the stock­ uable deposits, not of place, that is not fixed rock, uiay unite to work tlieir claims in common, on Tiia company provides its vessels and makes holders pro rata, in proportion to the number of but which are in a loose state and may in most iueh terlnB as tliey may arrange, provided such its own transportation equal to, if not the best in shares possessed by each. cases be collected by washing witliout milling, »«’•'■ngement lie registered witli tiie Gold Com- J the Pacific Northwest. In order to accomplish this SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION OFFER. Tiie manner of locating placer claims differs from m>«»ioner and a fee of >5 paid for each reg- the company doomed it prudent in justice to its ——- tliat of locating claims upon veins or lodes. In ¡»tration. patrons to construct its vessels and not attempt Tiie following proposition ia an extreme low basting a vein or lode claim the United Stales A rticle 16: Any miner or miners may sell, to charter (as frequently happens) old mid worn out hulks risking the safely and lives of the rate which includes tare from Portland, Oregon, statutes provide that no claim shall extend more mortgage, or dispose of his oi their claims, pro-! thoughtless thousands iq their eager rusli ac­ to Dawson City for >400 and the follow ing foo«| than 300 feet on each side of the middle of tiie rided such disposal be registered with a fee >5 vein at tiie surface and that no claim shall be P»*<1 to the Gobi Commissioner, who shall there- cepting any tiling tliat Hosts in order to get there) supply for one year : 360 lbs. of flour. liniitnl by mining regulations to less than 25 feet ”P°n give the assignee a certificate of title, hut on tiie other hand its vessels are being con­ J. W . CARM AN. 130 bacon. on each side of the middle of the vein at tiie sur- A rticle 17: Every miner shall, during the structed of the bast material, by mechanics of the 50 canned beef, face. In locating claims called placer, however, continuance of his grant, have the exclusive highest order and under the direction of a master 50 ham. the law provides tliat no location of such claims right of entry upon his own claim for tiie miner- builder. Its ocean steamer is of standard si:e beans, 75 48 butler. u|s>n surveyed lands, shall include more than 20 like working thereof and the construction of a und design, staunch, provided witli tiie best 60 «taasieated vegetables, acres for each individual claimant. Tiie supreme residence thereon and shall Ire entitled exelu- machinery, and will run regularly between Port, 30 dried apple«, court has livid that otie individual can hold as "ively to all the proceeds realised therefrom, but land and Kt. Michaels and other Alaskan port», 60 sugar. many locations as lie can purchase and rely upon be shall have no surface right thereon, In connection with Ibis vessel, tiie company will 12 gal, N. t). mols molasses. bis ,at adapted 48 cans of fruit, 2 Ih. ««ana, Locators, however, have to ahow proof of clti- the use of so much of the water naturally flowing especially to the Yukon river, of light draft to 25 Ilia of crack«*i wheat. senship, or intention to become eitixiens. Tiiis through or past his claim, and not already law- O it “ cornmeal. ply between Kt, Michaels ami Dawson Oily ami 21 “ rice, may be done in the case of an individual by I ds fully appropriated, as shall in the opinion of tiie the Upper Yukon and which will afford the 60 “ salt, own affidavit, or in the esse of an association Gold Conimissnm«*r, be necessary lor the working travelling public a line of steamers with trans­ 36 “ coffee. incorporated by s number of individuals by the thereof, and shall be entitled tq drain his own portation (weilitipt combiping speed, safety and 12 " tea. affidavit of their authorised agent made on Ins claim tree of charge. It bottles lime juee, comfort, acknow ledgement, or u|>on information and be A rticles 18: A claim shall be deemed to be 48 cans condensed milk, commercial , l'epper, mustard, soda, liaking powder lief. And in the case of a company organised abandoned and open to occupation and entry bl­ As tha company's vessels art pot ohsrtsre«l but ami roast, under the laws of snv state or territory, by tiling any person when the same shall have remained payments may be made as follows) its own property, it naturally posecascs an ad- n certified copy of the charter, or certificate of unworked on working days by tlic grantee thcre- One fourth on signing contra« t. * ¡Ullage over other com panic» in bringing goods, incorporatton. The claimant has * fee of >5 per of. or by some person in tiis behalf, for the One fourth January 1st, 1898. wares, ipeychnndiag« mining supplies etc,, into acre in the case of a loie claim, and >2.50 per space of seventy-two hours, unlees sickness or Balance 3U dsya prior to sailing from Portland. acre for placer. The locators of placer claims other reasonable cause may lie shown to tiie iho Klondike district and otliar available points where tripling | oats will lc established at m a y Khnul.1 it appear that any ,»arty to 11« «hove an.l keeping ,w^ession thereof until a patent estisfaction of tiro Gobi Commissioner, or be most advantageous to tl o l>c»t interests of e mtract should la-unable to make any further shall be iaaued are subject to local l«w, and Urn grantee is absent on lease g ir t, CJj MEAT MARKET Just Opened.. Goods as Represented. pic company, payments, or in case of in slility to complete customs, comnnemoorr P R O P R IK O » *14 > * mhill poktimbi «