A Thrilling Rescue.111163 A YOUNG LIFE SAVED Desirable IN A REMARKABLE MANNER. Flerene« Sturdivant, of Grindstone Island, Savad fraai an Untimely Death— Her Dangerous Predicament. P R A Y E R S T H E L IT T L E C H IL D R E N SAY. The pi-aycrH the liiile children tiny— They uro nut fine of spex-ch. F a t they Loki deeper iny&tvt-j Than auy toiue could tench, A-rul they roueh farther up to huare* Than wiser prayers can reach. The ungcLs laugh to Lear ««eh day Th< pxayeii* the little children say. Tit«’ prayers the little ehldren buy N o to ilin g angel brings. T b y pat?.x right through the shining ray That accrvbfcj selfish things. (T hey are so little th a t th ey slip B etw een the guarding w in g s.) And Oed says, “ Hush and give them w a y l” The i uyoj-s the little uMldien suj'. The prey era the little children say— AJi, if we knew the sauwl For v.n s, .-o wise ami gaunt and gray, Wuik wearily and lame, An-1 by the time they coma to Clod They have forgot hU name. Would wo may twins litre h u m to pi ay The pray« rk the little children any I —lo st Wheeler in New York Press. TROUBLE FOR HIS HONESTY. T h e N e g a tiv e K«*warecanie strong enou^k to be got, however, was some pretty free my own faith and coufldeiioo iu the walk a little. She gained in flesh and talk, in which the banker assured Tom­ article were justified. But how was I to strength rapid I ▼. By the time she had used my Cruse that be would rather throw get it into people’s hands? That was three boxes of the pills she was evidently well. W e co«, in tied the treatment using hia money into the home of his Satanic the question that I had to answer. another box, the fourth, to prevent the poe- inujesty than loan it to such a drunken, I went to the wholesale druggists, and sibil’tv of a recurrence of the difficulty. they said it would be useless to put it shiftless fellow. “ We cannot Braise too highly the value Tommy Grose got the money, how­ on their slit Ives, as nobody would buy o f D r. Williams” Pink Pills. I am positive it. I sent it to doctor», but thutdid vi ry FLORENCE J . STURDIVANT. that without their use our child would have ever. Three weeks later bo located the In an interview with a reporter Mr. Stur­ been a confirmed invalid.*' greut Drum Luramond gold mine. He little toward getting the article into the (Signed) W ILLIAM H . STL’RPIVANT. divant snid: “ Florence’ was taken sick in know he had a big thing, but somehow hands of the people. 1 gave it uway at February, 1896. with scarlet fever und we im ­ Subscribed and sworn to before me thia he «raid make nobody believe in hit fairs, aud the result was that a small mediately culled a physician. A fter two sixth day of A p ril, 1897. wine. For years be worked at it, how­ portion of the people there got nearly week»; the fever subsided but Florence was H .W . MoRfiF, Notary Publfo. all of the stuff, while the others went left with a very weak back. Severe pains D r. Williams* Pink Pills for Pale People ever, living at times a dog’s life. were constantly in the buck uud stomach. are sold by all dealers, or w ill be sent post paid without any. Plainly that would not Once, while talking to a friend oi The difficulty seemed to bulfle the efforts of on receipt of price, 50 cents a box. or six boxes mine, he foil forward unconscious. 11« do. But I didn't know yet what I would the physician. for $2.50 (they are never sold in bulk or by do. F in a lly at the end o f four months of the 100) by addressing Dr. W illiam s’ Medicine had not eaten a mouthful of food foi treatmeat, we fuuud our patient completely ¡ Co., Kckeuectaily, N . Ÿ . “ After awhile it occurred tn mo that Stars L ÏT E R A T U I- „S. And The JS L R T S a n d S O I E I S T O K 'S Sold W ith “ A queer thing happened to m e,” ! Mid Bailey, lighting a fresh cigar. “ It \vi. only i nu of loose incidents of street travel that might happen Io any one, bat annoying from the misconstruction 86 hours, and yet, with dogged persist- I would start n man in a buggy driving ency, had worked on till he fell in hit pot upon it. ” in a certain direction. He was to dis­ “ Let’« hear it, ” eaid the other fel­ trucks. At last his day came. He open­ tribute the staff to everybody he met on ANTED-TRUSTWORTH Y A ND SHE HAS TALENT. ed up a big vein and had 11,000,000 tc lows, m a k in g Hit mselves comfortable. active gentlemen or ladies to the road, and in that way the stuff “ I was riding on tlio electric,” said his credit in a good safe bank. Hurd would finally get into the hands ol tlic A Y o n n g W o m a n o í S t. L o o t. W h o W ill travel for responsible, estât,lislied liouse limes over, ho decided to pose as a "sol­ W in a F i n e . I n th e F ie ld « Í A r t. Bailey, ‘'and in the feat opposite was a in Oregon Monthly i|t>5 OOnm) expenses. id citizen,” so he opened a savings people. I was going to have ri lays pi' tty girl. ” Mies Uyrtlo McGrew in oue of the — elena. One of tho first men enough to stretch a lino ucro s th e1 prettiest aud most charming of St. Position steady. Reference. Enclose “ Oil, you consider yourself u judge?” bank iu H to apply to Tommy Cruse, banker, fot country aud start a man from the wi st Louis' new crop of artists. She is the self-addressed stamped envelope. The remarked one of the crowd. to come east through the territory the “ I certainly do, ami I let. her see a small loan was the one time banker, other man could not reach. I was going daughter of a well known merchant, and Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago. that I appreciated her good looks. But old Sam Ashby, now less prosperous. to send the stuff on ahead, so that ut is jiOKsesscd of remarkable talent. She my admiration made no impression. Then came to the old prospector the different points on the road tho man has been abroad for more than a year The young woman busied herself in get­ happiest moment of his life, one that would be supplied with enough to give , and is now studying in P arii She will l*iM trlbutin£ th e M ail. ting her faro ready, and I watched her wiped out all memory of starvation and ' away. as she deftly extracted 11 dime from her privution. For Tommy Cruse, showing Any one who has known wlmt it is to “ Tho fellow started on his long trip pocketbook and held it on the palm at a his would be customer to the door, as­ and distributed thousands of packages Wait day after day in some out of the sured that customer, iu language too p utty hand, n inly for tho conductor.” world nook for letters which were all emphntio and graphio for English ears, of the stuff. Other nun started iu differ­ "You wire hit hard, Bailey,” the time safely reposing in some neg­ ent directions, and there were only a “ T in u 1 thought me of my own fare, that ho wsuld sooner throw his money lected corner of a sleepy postoftice can few thinly populated and remote conn rs majesty and as I was holding a newspaper hi ,. into the , house .. . of his . . sutanio . - of the country thut couid not havo some appreciate the story that is told of Lord luv bund I rose and dived down into my ! F lau . ?.aQ 1 to such a drunken, shtft- Wolseley by Mr. Nourse, who was with pjrkpt. for a nickel. Tiieconduetor came : J?” ow us Huuj Ashby.—C ouhill personal experience of my invention her majesty’s forces through the Sudan None who are engaged in any of the mechanical Tho men finished their trips uud I wait­ Magazine. along uud I handed it lo him just as campaign. ed. But no response came. The people my vis-a-vis suid: At Korti, Nourse went into the post- pursuits can succeed without reading and THE WELL MANNERED BOY. whom I had expected to answer with a “ 'What lias iiecoino of my 10 cents?' i office to look for some letters. The post­ cry for what I had given them remained “ There sho sat staring at, her bund, n t I s « Im p ly C h a rm in g , b a t A lt o g r t h s i mute. A year passed, and every cent of master was a native and not much used studying this standard Magazine of Sciences which was no longer occupied by the i T oo S care«. to handv: ritiug. He made a superficial available capital had gone into tho piece of iiilver, We all looked for it. j Is there anything more charming in scheme. and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with examination of a big pile of letters and Thousands of doilurs had gone, hut it had disappeared, uud she found u this world than a nice, well mannered aud evidently no more had been done papers and said there was nothing for al! modern cuts of latest inventions in all nickel with which sho paid her fare. At boy? I don’t want to be hypercritical, towurd creuting a demand than if the the applicant. Nourse asked to see the that moment I slipped my hand into I but I must add, as I am a strictly vera­ stuff had been locked in a closet and pile of letters, and while he was look­ the branches of mechanism, and its fund ol' my overcoat pocket nud found there tiie cious woman, that they nre, alas, m left there. I strained hard, but I never ing them over a mau with nothing to 10 cent piece. designate his rank came into the office. raro as they are charming. coaid htur tho voice of the public call­ knowledge is inseparably connected with in- "How eonld you identify it?” asked Hnoh a boy, the well mannered gen­ ing for my invention. The months were not ictura until a year hence, and will He took in the situation at a glance. one of tli« Loys. “Let’s clear this thing out,” ho said. ' ius, thank heavens, I met not long miserable w ith suspense and despair un­ ventors and mechanics. Sold with T ue "1 never carry money in an outside ugo, and my instant thought was, What til suddenly tlio public, to speak meta­ then bo introduced to society by her They jumped ou the counter and pro- , mother, who is with her during her jiocket. Besides it hud not been there a a flue mother liis must bo. I know her phorically, roared at me. The rush had W est at clubbing rates. ceeded to "clear it out” by first bun-! moment before. Nu, I kuew how it hap­ | by reputation, a celebrated actress, who starttd iu u way I could never under­ stay in Paris. Her efforts with the brush dliug out the postmaster. Then they be­ hare found great favor among the art­ pened. My paper had whisked it from has carefully shielded her private life stand."—New York bun. ists of the French capital, and, encour­ gan a careful examination of tiie post- her huiul, ami it had dropped from it from the public, and my estimation of aged by their praise, Miss McGrew office and found it congested witli mail to my pocket, us I explained to her.” thut woman immediately rose CO de- TU« D is lik e o f C om m erce» hopes to be able to let the world know for the army. They searched every nook "Was the surprised? What did sho , grees. Nono but a woman of culture, We bei kve thut tho Engiisii, v.lio arc of her existence. Miss McGrew has and cranny, throwing the letters for xay?” ' refinement mid true nobility of charac­ in coutimutal opinion u nation of shop­ shown sncli rapid development in her each regiment into a different pile and "Boys, I can’t tell you all she said. ter could rear a son whoso every light­ keepers, are not by instinct or by aspira­ neaping up all the newspapers in the Flense don’t ask me. abc remarked est word showed respect for women, in­ tion u trading people ut ail, or even uu studies that tho roseate hopes of her center of the room. Then they went friends can by no means be said to be that no one could judge by appearances, nate good breeding, and, best of all, in industrial one. They are a stafariug extravagant. It is said that her tech­ through each pile and separated it into mid she Imped it was my first beginning this day of nITccted skepticism among companies. Before night every letter in a life of crime; that if 1 had been the jeuuesse doree, mi honest belief iu people by tendency, uud as tho sea pro nique is remarkable for so young a stu­ was iu camp und distributed, and the hardened I would not. have re turned it the existence of good among men and duces nothing they uro compelled to dent. Her efforts in black and white are next day the papers were out. trade, aud circumstances havo driven renlly meritorious, especially her j>en to iier, hut that probably I saw that women in genernl. Nourse did not know the name of liis them into the industrial life, but, their drawings, some of which show nnniis- she. suspected me, and a lot more, while And I couldn't help thinking sorrow­ proclivity is towurd struggle o f an y takable signs of a talent full of possibil­ companion in the benevolent deed, and tlio fellows in the other seats were guy­ fully as I chatted with this delightful kiud, and not, except as an incident in ities. Miss McGrew inherits her beauty when he asked the answer was, “ They ing me. But you can bet your bottom hoy how few mothers really understand that struggle, toward the making of from her mother, who was a Miss Don call me Charlie. ” dollar I never hud uny woman's money i their meter. It's the most responsible Some time after Nourse found it money. It was quite late iu their his­ aldsou of Lexington, Mo., and whose uud return it to her again. Not muoh, work iu the world, that of motherhood, tory thut they recognized trading as bounty of person and character form a necessary to see the commandant, and, Mary Aun."—Chicago Tiuies-Herald. 1 liis monthly magazine is one of the very sitting near tho tent to which he had and is entered into with the least train- their vocutiou, aud much later still that rare combination in womankind. ! ing mid preparation. Women are pro­ they surrendered the notiou that to be been directed, ho saw his companion of A 1‘rcHs U n lit by F r a n la I In. best printed in tliis country, and is sold T h o A r t o f D ow T ying. the postofflee. verbially proud, vain, their masculine "I on«* worked a priuting press that critics soy, und I wonder whether they a trader, whether merchant or manufac­ “ Hello, Charlie!” he said. “ I’m turer or deulcr iu money, was to b e' Tlio art of Ixiw tying is taught tr to till subseribei'N a t rates within the was built mid opi rated for a long while realize how they are reflected iu their comparatively u base person. Till with young women, who like always to be looking for the commandant. Where hy lieu Franklin, ” said Colonel Charles children? If they did, would they not in the last few years ull smartly trimmed with correct bows ut shall I find him?” historians ability ot all to pay. I t is fiuely illus tionter. “ Tin* machine was quite a • nuke a greater effort to have reflected thought economies ruther the net k ntnl belt. Even the bow for the “ Well,” said Charlie, “you won’t primitive affair, hut it utiswqted tliu only thuir good points, their gentleness, subject« of their perns, und unworthy hair bus a different tie front the bow at have to look far. I'm the commandant. the social (rated and presents the names oftumnus pnrpeso. I was then a boy in Lancaster, breeding, and, above ull, their faith in distinctions druwu uguiust innustiy the slipper, and the waistband has n Como inside aud have a bit to cat and 1’a., anil was learning tho printer's human nature.—Philadelphia Record. drink. ” knot entirely unlike that at the throat. authors as contributors. T he W est were of the most gulling tbaracu r. In ! trade in tho office of the Lancaster It was Lord Wolseley.—Youth’s Com­ deed, they have Uotdisuppcurcd yet, tin, To know the difference is one of the T h e Hralx A n t K at«r. Union. John W. Forney, who made and the Cosmopolitan are sold at re­ contempt which w up once felt for the arts of bow tying. Tho next is to he panion. nr.< hntuccess of (lie 1’hiladelphiu Press, An animal made of tin plate, of tho able to tie. A V a lia n t I n v a lid . was u 'prentice with me, and wo took shape of an elongated fir cone, about ■erchaut and the buukir being still en­ duced rates at this oflicc. A low of erange velvet of the new tertained for the distributor, though he turns working tho old Franklin proas. throo feet in length, which cracklea and often ooutbiurs both functions. Tho shade, enpueine, is a valuable adjunc t Huron county, O., 25 years r.go boast­ It was made < otnely of wood e xcept for rustles with every movement, is one of for a seuibc r dress. Upon a light one it ed a resident named Jedediah Crouce, a inurhle ¡dub that answered the pur the latest acquisitions of the Zoological great iuuusUial is still hardly reckoned beromes positively brilliant, a beautiful one of those halo invalids who sit all ou a par with the g n at agriculturist, pose i t ¡1 1 cd. tin this slab the forms society of Loudon. Its name is the pan­ decoration for dinner. For such a bow day at south windows, reading while) «.f type were placed, aud they would golin, or scaly unt rater, and it belongs and the shopkeeper of auy kind is still and its belt there must be a crush of their wives do the work. placed far below any sort of prolcssionul hate tu bo inked with a long, clumsy to tho same family group as the urma- Oue day Jedediah grew querulous. Money, it is true, is now almost the velvet to go arouud the waist snugly. roll r before each impression. dillo and platypus. It baa excited great only source of irresponsible power, uud This must be crinolined to set like "a He had “ such a distress” in his stom­ One day Forney would wield the attention at the zoo, for it is—if we aro girdle, and to it must be sewed the bow ach. Nothing solid or liquid relieved roller, and the next duy it fell my tutu correctly informed—the first unimal of those who possess it begin, like the of velvet. Each separate loop is lined him, but when the hollow eyed wife powerful iu all countries uud ages, to to smear ou the ink. Wo could print the kiud which has been exhibited highly regarded, but the grandson cf and stiffened, and the ends have shaqi snggested apple dumplings he folded aboat .’id * r < o dn > tsau hour. The work there. Its home is where the termites, a be Tottenham Ccuit road peer would pieces of stiffening set in. The whole is his hands resignedly and sighed. On was .'ilcrioiis, but wo performed it or white sots, are found, for the animal much ruther his peerage hud been ac­ brought under a small knot. A bow, the strength of that sigh Mrs. Cronco cheeifully because cf the knowledge feeds ou these destructive creatures and eurefnllv made« like this, withstands a prepared 13 large and luscious dump­ that Bi ii Franklin lutd done the very IMMseNsrs claws which are designed to quired tu battle or by i hiti,ue than cut great deal of hard usage, aud if it is lings. of u shop, however lurge. Even thecap- sin i" work on tin, press many it duy he- tireak down their strongholds. The tains of industry, who are like the «id lined with taffeta instead of w ith velvet With much complaint the suffering lore wc were hern. Jano s Buclianuu claws are ulso necessury for burrowing barcus iu ruuny respects, ure hot thought it is not too bulky a thing to be worn farmer drew his chair to the board, tuck­ used to ceuio in cccusioually and en­ in tho ground, for the pangolin exca­ ed a napkin under his chin, and after under a coat. t u , L L‘ m " ” b"‘ » “ “ «“ a i” “ “ »■ courage os at ciur task aud predict a j vates a cave for himself and his mate of as quite their equals, aud the great, ht a fault finding grace attacked the TU, m „ u , „ « „ ln u , h0 of railway builders, say the lute Mr D e c o lle t e O o w m I n L ondon. brilliant career far both of us if we eight feet or so below the surface of dumplings, brown and steaming. One Brusaey, is net placed t u the lev. 1 of a , " ' “ ‘ • “ ‘ '“ ’ • " ' ' ’ • » „ l U U r . r t U B . - stuck to the (rude wo were then leuru j the earth, and in this strange home one A London writer, commenting on the by one they disappeared, with hungry s , great agncultuiist, suy the late Mr. fact tug. that decollete gowns an- becoming eyed little Sammy looking on, too wise or two young are produced every year. Coke of Nortoik. The state lias houoted is the exalte«! motto of the Are “ This was way back in 1811, and' The pangolin at present at tho wo is rena, and the more popular in New York, says: As to ask for a portion. As he saw tho both, but the popular seutmuht, win. Ii, I'm a young man yet. Events tiiat are I fed upon auls aud their eggs, aud also low necked dresses become fashionable eleventh sent below to mitigate his entire contents "f this •"'•I'inly tnttgazine and not the state, settit« what Gretl in New York, in London they are rap­ sire's "distress” he slipped from his trowded into the yeais since then con-, exhibits a partiality for cockroaches are «pon a ph«,, tain the hiaiory of the building cf one «•aided iu milk Tue armies with which are like, eondunes, rather thau dt It.nnt idly oil the riscline, except for a hall or chair and sidled arouud tho table to anil in keeping with tifi i t the most powerful nations the world its body is covered are bard and sharp In, the aetiou of the stale, l b e d i i l i rtn , a very large «¡inner. At one time it was ii disappeaiing, but it die« liaru.— Lot. almost uixvssary to wear a low gown to where the invalid sat. motto. The ¡Lrena’a gallery of tins every knowu, uud the processiousof as steel, and it cau give a tenibly cut­ dou “ Papa,” he pleaded, "can't wc have spectator. »m uurit men that have passed in review siueu* ting blow with its powerful tail. It ran the theater in London, bnt now when jus’ one apple dumpliu?” thinkers ih “ ««’« P o i interesting men and one sees a decollete gown it looks pro­ (lien call for tiic jm 'I i of another Plutarch roll its body up into a ball like ahedga* The old mau waved his hand. M ee h T oo L lS .n t l. to poilray, and that cramped, rickety hog when it so willa.— Public Opinion. vincial, aa all the smart set have adopt “ Ruu away, child. Papa’s sick."_ ’‘»“»en, »nt, their ,hough«8 are worthy the People who take all tbiuga iiteruiiy cd fiufiy cli iff on blouses for eveniug Chicago R«-cord. l i l l . ’c Franklin press that Johu W. For are apt to tread uu otber people a toea. wear. The reason for this is that the CI.rtMl D . b o m . ic y uud I used to woik played u big consideration of all people, The Arena lit It is to be feared that clergymen who The wan who walked Iu where be saw «heaters are insufficiently heated, an«l I X ’ p a r t n i r n t S t o r e ., pint in the making of tiie nation and »old with T he W est , ti e making of tiie ptuo ssions of men. have entered the ehnreh through theolo­ » sign, “ Walk in," uud who was or thu houses in winter are always a little Department stores have advance«! for­ Blill 1 um i.it eld .”—bt. Louis Repub gical colleges are wrrtoh« - saw a sign: tuueii worse tiny would bn if they tan of Rnclid and so forth. hbaiM haM t ii “ PI.aae ring the bell for tlw care­ MBtatica on tht* sehecl board, and as another amounts to $900,000 a year. A the otlier way. Detroit Journal. is Mated that a largo OOaiNv of oaadi- tbe simplest way of securing it have had nninbt-r of houses seud to the bnmea of ilatea for unters are ae grossly tgaorani taker.” After rvflretlng for a few minnha, he a bill dre-xu up. which, if paused, will their customers more than 30,000 pack In one country district of Germany that they havo been unable to gel ages in a single day, wh lo p< rhaps as *’pay w«Jdings" wire in vogue uutil through this exceedingly sasy ««deal.— walketl op aud gave (lie hr 11 such a put an end to the existing masculine many more are- oarried away iu the mouopoly of sch«x*l management in the poll that it nearly «ante out hy the ncently, each guxxls Hopk.ns Adams in «^no. Scmb- ute and gren g many gcxxl rearoua whv l y —Samuel Hitpk.nx W U glj oyrj the world.—Jt huspu. T H E W E S T - fci w ¡Scientific American. THE EDSMUPHLITAN, the arena LOOK OVER THI8 GROUP. MAKE YOUR 8ELEOTION. bury. it should become a law. aer’a. Uft * . I 1 HE WEST. FLORENCE. OR.