' l ’I Î E „yVBUSH1® E V ÍB Y FRIDAY Bad! MUKKINO— -A T - L axe C ounty , O beoon .— It is news to you, perhaps, that baking powder can be bad for the insides. Good baking powder, how­ ever, is not bad for the insides. I rue, it costs more than baking powder at 25 cents or 30 cents a pound; but it does better work, and more work for the money, than “ cheap” baking pow­ der does, and it does no harm. Of the right-price baking powders Schilling's Rest is the liest—your money back if you don't like it- -a t your grocer's. 2280 Liat o t Thoao la W ootoni Fart o t t a n o and D u d jlM C > » U l l aad F reaeat C oateaot Prie® KLOHDlKtl Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment oi settling indicate* an un­ healthy condition of tbe kidneys. When urine stains linen It is evidence of kid­ ney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also con­ vincing proof that tlie kidneys and bladder are out of order. l*r.>poMls will be received by the p-stoffice department at Washington until 4 p. ni. of Decemlier 1st, 1897, for conveying mails of the following routes ’Editor aud Proprietor.____ I in Lane and Douglas counties from July 1st, 1898 to June Sath, 1902. Decisions AfHAT T O OO. will be announced on or before Feb­ 2 _ t eh « s : »l.W a year in advance.----- There is comfort in the knowledge so ruary 1st, 1898. The route and bonds required and tbe present contract pay often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer a swamp-root, tbe great kidney remedy Vnu reilat the poet-office at Florence, are: J ^ X t J , Oreg0" ’ aB “ecüud-‘:la8B From Eugene by Elmira, Varien, fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the „ail matter. __________ Hale, Delphi*, Walton. Glenlena and back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every Meadow, to Mapleton, 60 miles and part of tbe urinary passage. It corrects T e - twing batks made known on ap - inability to hold urine ami scalding pain hack six times a week. Leave Eugene * d ' EB PLICATION. in passing it, or bad effects following daily except Sunday, at 0 a. m .; arrive , notice« » cent» per line, each Insertion use of liquor, wine or beer, and over­ at Mapleton by 9 p. in ; leave Mapleton J U S T IC E F IE L D S R ESIG NS- MATTERS IN FLORENCE. comes that unpleasant ueceeeity of be­ daily except Sunday, at 8 a. u i.; arrive W E S T L IN G S . He B r e a k , th e llecord H aving Served We give lielow a portion of a letter at Eugene by 11 p. m. Bond required ing compelled to get up many times during tbe night to nrinate. Ttie mild L onger Than C h ief J u stic e from Geo. M. Miller published in the with bid, »2,000. Present contract pay Try K-b Hi»«'« B“ ‘ te‘ MQd t,,k,ng POWdUr- M aratall. ami extraordinary effect of swamp-ro it Guard of the lGth inst.,describing things »714.07 is Boon realised. It stands the hig’.esl / Tbe gpruce Point sawmill lias been in From Mapleton by Deadwood to here as lie saw them on bis visit last Associate Justice Stephen J. Field for its wonderful cures of tbe most dis­ operalion thia week. week: Alpha, 18 miles and back, six times a has formally retired from the supreme tressing cases. If you need a medicine Some of ttie sails have been put Passing Acme I noticed several sub­ week ; bond »1,800; present contract pay ! court of the United States after serving vou should have tbe best. Sold by place an the Bella th is week. ¡34 years in that tribunal. While his stantial improvements among which are »212 for twice a week service. druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ From Alma to Glentena, 14 miles and Dr. Kauliert’s fine dwelling occupying a Kcmeml-er the entertainment in resignation does not take effect till Dec. lar. Yon may have a sample bottle and sightly out look on the bluff; abo a back twice a week; bond »500; present ) 1st, he will not again sit in that court. CHtl,ey hall to norrow evening. pamphlet both eent free by mail. commodious new school house. contract pay »150.62. Cash will buy clothing at Meyer & Mention Tlie Wear and send your ad­ Speaking of his successor a dispatch From Minerva to Mapleton 10.25 At Florence I found everybody busy. gyle’s this month at wholesale prices. dress to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Biugbaiuton, from Washington says: Allhough the cannery had closed for miles and back, once a week ; bond »300; N. Y . The proprietor of this paper It seems to he generally conceded Born in Olenada, Oregon, Oct. 10th the season, fishing still continues, present contract pay »93.18. guarantees tlie genuineness of this offer. ¡897, to the wife of Cupt. F -A . Johnson that Attorney-General McKenna will From Mapleton to Hermann, 11H many salting the fish for shipment in succeed Justice Field. McKenna is be­ CHANCE OF FOETMASTERE. miles and back, twice a week ; bond barrels. “ Bring vonr job work to tbe W est lieved to have been promised the place Work on tlie new vessel intended for »500, present contract pay »135. H ea d er* ® . W ill Sue«®e: Acting Postmaster John not lose a place in tlie cabinet, company lias leased the Spruce Point ache, indigestion, biliousness. All drug- »80. 8. McClure ha* tendered Ills resignation and that McKenna will be succeeded sawmill and a force of men are now From Junction City by Franklin, to tbe bondholder* under wbone charge gisti*« 25c. by Judge Way mire. If McKenna does Goldson, Blacliley and Greenleaf to , U8t opened, a new barrel of Blended not go on the supreme bench, it is sawing out the lumber of which about it is being conducted, and ye»terd«y be Deadwood, 44.88 miles and back, twice a three hundred thousand feet will they selected E. K. Henderson, to fill Coffee, something fine. Hurd and Dav­ thought that Wuymire will. It is known w eek; bond »2,000; present contract pay required. The keel is a fine stick, one the vacancy ; tbe new incumbent is to that the president discussed this matter enport- hundred and twenty-five f ■et long. The »1,060 80. enter upon his duties Monday. The San Francisco Examiner and the witli Wayinire when tlie latter was here vessel will be 145 feet on deck ; 28 feet From Florence by Heceta and Min­ Mr. McClure will leave Monday for W est for one year »2.50 paid in ad- last spring, and Way mire expiessid a 9 inches beam ; 8 feet 6 inches in hold nie to Waldport, 40 miles and back, Seattle where be will make bis future and 8 feet 6 inches draft. Site will twice a week; bond »2,000; present home. He made a fine official, and v»nce. ,, preference for the cabinet. For the next thirty days we will sell carry one hundred passengers aud three contract pay, »774. PERSONALS. retire* with tbe best wishes of all. Mr. From Florence to Linneus, 9 miles von clothing at cost if you bring us the hundred tons of freight. Tlie master Henderson it a thorough business man and back, once a week ; bond »300; pre­ J. 8. Montgomery went to Eugene this builder is Captain E. II. W. Hansen cash. Meyer & K yle. and in every way qualified for the a sturdy Dane who learned the ship­ sent contract pay »38. There will be a dance given in Gates week. From Gardiner, by Glenada to Flor­ position hall nt Acme this evening. Wnt. Drugg Miss l’allie Neely is visiting tier sister builders trade in Copenhagen. If any BROKE HER ARM. one has a doubt of bia ability s.tcli ence, 27.50 miles and back, three times and Mrs. Alexander will • furnish the Mrs. Hays. doubt would be immediately dispelled George and Grace Fisk were in Glen- Leave Gardiner Tuesday, Thursday Yesterday afternoon. Marguerite tbe by a close examination of the schooner " mw McClaran w ill remain in Flor­ ada Sunday. and Saturday at 6 a. m .; arrive at Flor­ six year old daughter of O. W. Hurd Bella now ready to gail. This ship is a ence the rest of this week only. Those Mr. and Mrs. Fremont are visiting in moilel of beanlv and strength. She is ence by 6 p. in.; leave Florence Mon­ fell on tlie floor of tbe Cathey building wanting millinery will do well to call town this week. 125 feet in length sml 300 tons capacity day, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a. m .; and broke her left arm near tbe elbow. ’ Catmrh'ht the bead, that troublesome A. 0 . Fnnke made a business trip to and would be a credit to any shipyard arrive at Gardiner by 6 p. m. Bond Mr. Hurd took her to Gardiner this on the coast. Both Captain Hansen required with bid, »1,200; present con­ this morning to have tlie hones set. and disgusting disease, may be entirely Gardiner Sunday. Mrs. Nicolle and daughter of Maple­ and Captain James Roberteon well tract p a y ,»390. cured by a thorough course of Hood s TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DA Y . From Gardiner, by Ruby and Ada. to known at Yaquina and other coast Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets. Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. ton were in town Tuesday. Alene, 24 miles and back, twice a week. ports, are heavy stia kliolders in tbe All druggists refund money if it fails to The Mink took another scow load of Mrs. Harper Workman lias been on company which fact shows they have Leave Gardner Tuesday and Saturday cure. 26c. cattle up the river for Mr. Goodpasture the sick list for a few days. at 7 a. m .; arrive at Alene by 6 p. n i.; much confidence in the enterprise. last Sunday. H e has taken about 350 Wm. Drugg of Blachley has been on Fifteen men are now engaged in tbe leave Alene Monday nnd Friday at 7 NORTH FORK AHEAD- head out from tills section in the past tidewater the past few days various branches of the work aud a in.; arrive at Gardiner by 6 p. m .; E. E. Benedict and wife were pas others will be added later. None but bond required with bid, »1,200; present year. John Tanner railed a pnmpkin that J K Cleaves will be absent for a time. sengers for Eugene \\ ednesday. subscribers to the stock —- are employed. contract pay, »547.00. i gnuscriucio beats those previously mentioned in our Person's desirous of having their From Florence by Acme and Point columns. It tips the beam nt 80 lbs. Miss Greta Brynd was visiting friends ! A ¡¡„.¡teil number who wish to go to watches adjusted to tine tune should | ¡n Florence the first of tlie week. 1 Alaska can yet earn their passage by Terrace to Mapleton and back, a dis­ tance of 18>i miles, tbe mail to be leave them at once at Meyer & K y les TO OUR PATRONS. I Mrs. Hill, mother of J. B. Hill, has entering the employment of the com ­ carried in safe and suitable steamboats. pany and subscribing for shares of tbe store. 1 been quite ill for several days. We have made arrangements by stock. It is the desire of the company Leave Florence daily except Sunday at H .luc.te Yonr H o w l . W ith Jason Neely and family are spending to make it a local enterprise including 5 a. in.; arrive at Mapleton at 8 a. in .; which we will furnish ttie Weekly l£ a 2 y iiChc rc Ci»iudrSgSFsuMund monc/ ' a month at their ranch at Meadow. Lane and other counties. After the leave Mapleton daily except Sunday at Oregonian with the W kst for one year The schooner Bella will sail lor San , R. Alick, tlie cigar man, made one of •I completion of the hull at Florence the 9 a. in .; arrive at Florence at 12 m .; to any address for tlie sum of two dol­ t h e VESSEL n o w in process of c o n s tr u c tio n Francisco about October 25th. Cheap | his regular visits to Florence Tuesday. vessel will probably be towed to As­ bond required with bid, »1,200; present lars, payable cash in advance. rates for freight. For further informa­ Mrs. Win. Johnson arrived in Flor­ toria or Portland where the machinery contract pay » 2 4 5 .9 3 .______ W IL L BE O W N E D BY T H E C O M P A N Y . tion inquire of Meyer & Kyle, Horence, ence from Cottage Grove Wednesday will be put in, tickets sold and cargo DR. J. JENNINGS. notice for publication taken for Die north. During the busy Oregon. and will make her home here. Several loads of wool were brought to Dr. J. Jennings it at tlie Morris Hotel. J W Carman was at Seaton for sever­ season the boat will ply between Port, Land 0® c* at RoMbnrg, Oregon. town this week from Heceta for s up- al days the first of the week leaving Geo. land and Alaskan ports and at other Tbe doctor is an expert, on Crown, September M, Ml- Natie* hereby / • given that tke tollowlag Bridgework, and fine gold fillings, is nient to San Francisco on the e a. O. Knowles to look after the store. times run as a coaster from Florence. tJrillJÍSS O* E » mil'» Id11'- » • noilvo » 1« » iec»^ ~*iÄ»» ^ n ,.n ^ Geo. Griffith and John Lanham are Now tlint actual work has begun .„ppiied with the latest h n p r ^ i in- n . m ^ e « h « J R Weddle started for ti e valley U M k e anal proof *’■ *«»Purt hl1 *",d making ttie largest shipments. belor* C. H. Hoi Wednesday. His family have been at under tbe direction of capable m e­ struments, macliinery and methods, that sal«! pr"°f wU* b* Come and see us if in need of ready Eugene for several weeks and he has chanics the enterprise seems to be and the most extensive outfit of any d*n, U. S. Commlnloner at Lak* Precinct, gathering strengtli at a rapid rate. It demist ever visiting this place. Pain­ Kou'gla* Co.. Ore. on Octobsr » . 1»T., »*»• made suits of clothes, will have no rented a farm near that place. ^ ' ^ ' e ^ l i s h e d that gold Fred B. Kneaper on h. a. no. MIS for th* wht ot more wl.en theee are sold - simply less operations a speciality. Arthur Johnson and faintly came q|l#n, itlw and He will probably be here for about •ec. 7, tp. 1» r. 1» w**t. »2.50 to »5 in your favor. Huid an enan»« the followln* wltn»«*a to prove from their ranen ranch on on Sweet Creek from their , enormous rush to tlie gold a week. This will be the last opportun­ hl» H eouttnuoaa residence upon and cultlvaGou ‘Davenport. week for a visit with re "Utes n G e n fields will set .„ , in early next spring. ity to get dental work done here until ol «aid land, vU: anted - trustworthy AND ada. They set out on their return trip While probably twenty men will want next spring. Those needing dental R. B. Mill*, O. B- Mill* and O. C. Compton ol active gentlemen or ladies to to go where one went last year trans­ work should call on biro as early as Florence, Ortfou and tloorge Olov*r ol Ac«». Tuesday. , travel for responsible, established house Mrs H. A. McClaran, the Drain rnill- portation facilities have not increased O ,ttW - R .lI.V ia T C -. posiible, ________________ in Oregon. Monthly »05.00 and expenaea. Saturday's etagc in anything like the same proportion. Kcglster A . O 0 . W- LECTURE- I U S IV IU M O V V M -J • ----------- It is well known that many of the self-addressed stamped envelope. building and was ready to supply her estat.lislied steamship lines have al­ D. C. Herrin, Grand Lecturer for tbe Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- • T O O K RUaBCRIPTIO FO BO O KS C A NIBE S E E N A T T H E ready sold tickets to their full capacity customers. _______ A. O. U. W. Lodge, in Oregon, expect* Arrangements are being made at Gle­ covering tlie time for tlie prospective to he in Florence on Tuesday, Oct. 26lli, .O F F IC E O F C. H . H O L D E N . — HO T» nada to dry vegetables, the work e.be Ton* OKec. at RoMbnrg Owgnw. rusli next spring. 1897, and will deliver a public address Rcpt®«b*r 5». M*7. cirriedon under the management of Mr. Tlie Alaska Golding Mining and Nav­ on matters of interest to tlie order, in Notlr* 1» hereby atv«n that th® tollowlag- Monteitli. A partof David’s mill bull, ing GREENLEAF ITEMS. igation Company have lately Hurd’s Hall in the evening to which tlie naaed reMler h « «tad aotlee ol hl* latauUon has lieen rented and the evapora their stock from »20,000 to public are cordially invited. Mr. Her­ to areke «aal proof tu svpport of Id* «taha, aad B y a W est C obbesfosdbst . that « id prool will h* made belore C. H. Hoi They may decide to build a smaller will be done there. rin is a fine speaker and should be den. U. S. Counabaloaer at Florence. Oregon There is more catarrh in this section boat to ply on the Yukon, connecting November 1». 1MJ. via: John Helfer on h o. no Oct.lOtb, 1897. , witl, their ocean steamer. At tbe pres- greeted with a good sized audience. of the country than all other < isease Tassior the lot'll. «% seQ. 4 We all bark for the screech of Tiel * ent rate of »180 for a single ticket, and together, and until the last few years tec 22; nw'4 nwt<. aoe. 27; tp. 1» a , r .,tl Weel. FRIDAY EVENING RECEPTIO N. He n a m « th* following wltnea*« to prove z 7 1 irable. ^ JX , • I « . . . . . « » •« ' I »150 a ton for freight from Portland to ¡Dawson, with tbe chance that th e * A reception was given last Friday hlaeo-itlnnon. r«ideace upon and cultlvatloa great many years doctors prono .p roM«r, nur, s : rates will be increased, tins present evening by Mr. and Mr*. O. W. Hurd at Ot^ V . Bernhardt, John Maeon, William Hoff­ a local disease, and prescrilie o , — - remedies, and by constantly tailing 1 ' uUide the mountains for seve- enterprise looks very inviting to cap. their handsome residence in town. As man aud Chari« Uox all ol Floreuee Preclaet talista. It is certain tbe people of soon as tlie guests lia«l assembled a game Oregon. cure with local treatment, pronounced p ,sitin ngc g ral dnvB* . ¡|| Florence are enthusiastic and pushing ofcharailes was proposed. Messrs. Bene­ R. M. VaaTCIt. Custom grinding, for t^ l or cash, wtll it incurable. Science Jias proven • Rexlrter. the work with such energy and deter­ dict and Davenport were »elected a* tarrb to be a constitutional dis« •l9e> he «lone hy wa.er power on Nelson creek captain* of the re»|«ective sides snd all mination as the occasion requires. therefore require constitutions ret Ibis winter, it is expected. Another enterprise of much interest present took part, the interest increas­ notice for pubuqation nient. H all’s Catarrh Cure, manuta ..red by F. J. Cheney A Co., Co Toledo, To.euo, H -le ^ n d ^ «.me is a fruit and vegetable evaporator now ing witli each new set. When tbe game tured being established at Glenad i by Mr. J. closed each *ide had several count* to PertoRE Detlring to Sub»crlb« for Stock Can do so by Land O «co at Roreburx, Oregon. itutl— September IS, 1S»7 H. Monteitb, ol Santa Rosa. California. tlieir credit. Refreshment* were tlien .he market. It is taken internally Notice la hereby given that the tollowi.: Mr. Monteitli was attracted to tins served to which tlie gueet* did ample dose, from 10 drops to a tcaspoonl % ’■ “ J ” :; .^ ^ ^ ^ ^ L e a v ln g Their Name» locality by tlie tine sporting afforded jnatioe tbe only regret expressed being named rettler b « «l*d notice of his n“ nOW b,1>'er i hut being a thorough evaporator man, lively game of "Left Out in the Cold, den 17 R. Com m lw lon« at Florence. Oregon w„«.ne. «ion't 1 km hundred dollars for any case it *' 9 X h u t b e h a s ,d a ^ > n ...> e team was impressed by the enormous crops tbe guest* dispersed to tlieir respecti ve . . November 2nd, 1SV7, vl«. Joeeph DuncanJ»" cure. Send for circulars nnd teslim - of vegetables and fruit growing on S i... homes all agreeing that they had pss«e<> h e. no. »117 for the ne!4 **M. **»• » w 7 nW/i als. Address. F. J- Cheney A C o- and i. moving his goods t". nw«z4 *WM. *ec. » ; tp M «.. r. *• wreL Bella is law, decided to establish a plant here. one of the pleasant evenings of their W e a reg lsd to bear that the He n a a n tk e M lowlng wttneae« to prove Toledo, O. Sold by all druggist®, «a«- San His samples of evaporated fruits, vege­ lives. Those present tieeides Mr. and hl* oontlnoOM reeldonc. upon and cultivation . hotween Siuslaw bay and Hall’s Family Fills «re the best. runn.n, b-t» e M«p|eton-Flor- Flor- tables, ...eat. and egg* «*« tele rU ‘"’yt Mrs Hurd were Captain and Mrs. Cox, of, « Id land, vl*: Peter Bellinger failed to appear or Francsco. „ i f the Bella sticks to very fine and bear witness to t h e .f a c t Captain and Mrs. E. If. W. Hansen, 1 L Taylor.«. U Taylor, Julloa Koapp end H„.-e road is open t (reight that be has brought this method o trial in Coos county on charge o william Kirby all of Hermann, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. J 8. Montgomery,Mr.anti ! v» uuam r R. M. V sarcg, tlie route, several of ns win eeny. BeUwiger is the man " preserving and condensing foo. to wc Mrs. E. E. Benedict; Mesdame* Knotts, Reglater. here with tlie squaw, Nancy • ’ lor her both ways „igb perfection. Mr. MonteRl. hopes Kyle, Evans and Kanoff; Mieses Har­ tc »ing to Coos bay where he go ig»ttvp T® Cor® rO”r,,UC °r ” *■ to lie able to dry large quantifies of food ing and Davis, and M o r * . Davenport, MW gion oi tier money and atarte o KC C. C“” ‘ rr,Und mUOCt and send it to Alaska markets by the Foml and Weatliereon, Captain Roliert- notice for publication ..yte: ..«JS»«* the country but was arreste • e se ea n p w new boat now building. tun and Dr. Gray. made pence with Nancy aud she put up MAPLETON n €WS. Iz.nd O®ce, at R*»eebur«, Ore«on. G eo . M. M iller . for (September 17, COUNCIL M EETING . a cash bond for his a p i« ra n ce Notice 1» hereby given that th* B y A R eabkr . n.m -d aetller ha. filed not»« ««PI»'» of h l. claim, aud Monday evening with President Wil»on that «»d proof will ba m ad. h*lo«< . H. Hoi- build a dry bou*e some Mr. Nicolle n. S. Comralmloner, at Horence. Oregon «« in the chair. Present,Conncilmen Hnrd, time ago- Kyle and Behnke. J. R. Weddle tend­ O ctober». U V . vU O « « ^ * th e case of o u r r a n t . dancing club m«-t UM I e. no. 72W lor the wV< n**4 •«“* nw*ri. w®- Seaton Any baking powder rill Tlie ----- ered bia reeignation as marahal. The 2*. tp. li e ., r. 12 w«L wa* ecreptrel. After dte- your rake, if «•».» »« He name, the fob»«'»« J" * «re exp« ting to, Attorney Fi'xg'-rald, of California, in reeignaiiou ws. lig tin-Unite«! S'r'ev ««iprente cmirt moved (.„Ming trnmne*« matter* Ihe meeting hUeontlnnooerertdewreupoo aad cultivation , you oil want. Some are Strong • - to Eugene *oon ol « Id lahd, vl«; - ..i-o o ' Ij u . ed MWMISI31 ¿ e r a l l * , l - í r c m M ap *" « went a Fred Well, •' Willla.r. Well .d than others, some more wholc- hnikirl« ’— - —— r I 1 »rettiIdeal t a « I Ore.,Oooegw®. «««d » * ed d ■ ol ryinz ’»•« T H I W H O LE svstarn feels Florence 'Oregon. i cinnamon .. Hood’s 8wre«|-rills^«t Rome. R. M. VtiTCW. r b pent a «h* " ’/ Best i s b o t h J „ . r o u t o n t b e . « ^ ' « ’' ^ of eh, ^'r.kidneys.brert.n^ve*" ReglrtK 1 Schilling' grant Dmrsni'* m otit» < * • writ «trengtheMd aod fV tT A IN E D e „m s caught Mr. C.«."’ » ^ ‘• ^ d . y t . d . < • * » •.«<*•» W - more t o o ninesRl i'“«* Lo»U««« by - U.II.WEATHERSON! Siuslaw Company Organized, CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 No. of Shares 10,000, at $10 EACH. Everybody’s Opportunity W ho De­ sires to V isit the New Eldorado. This Is a Home Company. Every Citizen of the Siuslaw Valley Should. Own at Least one Share. ITS AIMS ABE PISELI N - O P M B ; . Work Being Pushed Vigorously. W DON'T BSE TEE 0PP0BT3NITÏ OF i . A laska C o ld M in in g A N avig atio n C o . FLORENCE, ! s OREGON. . CATtlARTIC §2000— CUMCOnsriMTIOH M ,, ARrhUl®^ A