TZEC j E WASHINGTON LETTER. W E S T . Ft:og pv« kkiíi ’ i \n í ' o « kehposde > t . ! advisors arc watching the actions of tiic | new Spanish ministry « ith great care, and if they heoome convinced that Spain tynot ailing in good faith, this govern- i meat will act, and in no uncertain way. President McKinley, like nearly every­ body else, wants the war brought to a dote. If Spain can do it ip a reasonable time all right; if not, he knows this government can. STUART, THE PAINTER. C a rio a a l$ iU U o ru of H I« F a c u lty For Literarv. Ueodtatf Face«. (ORliHSVI- AND SBLECTBD.) “ I doa’t waut people to look nt my pictures uud say how beuutiful the dra­ The mote on* judges, the less one Was«., Oct. ljtli, 1897. pery la. The face is what I care about, " ji'i itRFMCF, L i x x C ol 'XTT, Q reoon The monetary cnmniiwion resmtiad said Stuart, the great American painter. loves. He was once asked wbat be considered Nowhere would there be consolation i it® sittings in Washington today, after • • ÇY the most characteristic feature of tho a recess <■{ two week«. The gentlemen face. Ho replied by pressing the cud of if religion were not. bis peucil against the tip ot hid nose, \Y . Ï I . composing this commission believe that The shortest road to riches lies distorting it oddly. there is going to )>« a hig («liticai His faculty at rending physiognomy 1 through contempt of riches E d ito r and P ro prie to r. starte,! in congress soon after that sometimes made curious hits. There . Revenge at first, though sweet, bitter was a person in Newport celebrated for assembles, although many shrewd jiis powers of calculation, bnt iu other ere long back on itself recoils. ticians among the republicana are work- * HARO STROKE AND A REMARKABLE -THE FOUR HUNDRED.” respects almost an idiot. One day Pleasure is the flower that fades; RIDE DURING THE CIVIL WAR. ing to prevent the financial issue being Stuart, being iu the British museum, remembrance is the lasting perfume. came upon » bust whose likeness was On Must Conform to Their btindird or 'raised in congress, because of ¡their C a t a M an's B e a d (MT W ith a S ab er— B o d a apparently unmistakable. Culling the Repentance clothes in grass and doubt as to whether any legislation of Remain Outside Society. T w o H am lrrU M ilr s I n E ig h te e n U oara. curator, be said, ’I see you have u head flowers, the grave in which the past -------- J that character cat) be put through dur- O th er I n .t a n e v . o f D e c a p ita tio n In H at­ of ‘Calculating Jemmy. ’ ” '’ ‘Calculating Jemmyl’ ” repeated | ¡g laid t ie . “We may if we choose, sneer at snob- I ing the life of the present congress, the curator iu amuzemeut. “ That is I Vulgar minds refuse to crouch be- It is claimed by authorities on the art the head of Sir Isaac Newton. here and Scoff at social struggles,” i and fear that a sharp drawing of flnan- On another occasion, while dining ; neath their load; the brave bear theirs writes Elizabeth Bislaud in the Kep- eial lines in congress will result in harm of war that the greatest blow of the ' campaign between Greece and Turkey witb the Duke of Northumberland, bis without repining. (ember Ladies’ Home Journal, “but to the republicans. One of the main was struck by Colonel Mahmoud Bey, host privily called his attention to a when a in in is ambitious or a woman is i objects of the monetary commission is who with one swift stroke of lijs sword gentleman and asked the painter if he He who goes round about in his rc- j.rood he or she desires to secure for to insist that there shall he an I « u ^ ot * ! hi“ ' Stuart had never “ eu hl“ , quests wants commonly more than he before. hinit-ult or herself, nnd for their children ; at finmciul legislation at the coming; jtjea generously admit that this trick “ Tell me what sort of a man he is. ” chooses to appear to want. the privilege of being received as an cession of congress and that the attempt have been quite common iu ancient “ I may apeak frankly?” Nothing has ever remained of „ „ „ l , , , , , « . , . - , , . A . . , , » . , . , ......... •li.ll „ b , Problem j “ By all menus. ” resolution but what was ripe i.l “ Well, if tho Almighty ever wrote a one mav rail, the fact remains that j McKinley and be pushed by the whole practically unknown in modern war- legible hand he is tbe greatest rascal conscience of the masses. ”■............................# * * * # ealtb and fashion do set, and have 1 («wer and influence of the administra- ' that ever disgraced society. ” they All sects are different because History is silent on the subject. There It appieured that the mau was at) at- i always set, the standard in social life, tion, The lines are already being map­ is not a plethora of literature bearing torney who had been detected in sundry come from men; morality is everywhere These Goods W ill Run Out at Rates so Low That it Will and that if one wishes a freo admission ped out, and the prediction lias been on its accomplishment. Tho original of dishonorable ucts. . the same because it comes from God. ^g^Q uick Work of Their Distribution. everywhere one must conform one’s made that the financial fight in congress all such stories is, of course, ‘‘The Ad­ Stuart’s daughter tells a pretty story ventures of Jack the Giaut Killer,” of her father’s garret, where many of | Wood burns because it lias tiie proper will he the bitterest and most exciting self to that standard. A great many which, for obvious reasons, does not his unfinished pictures were stored: stuff in it and a mail liecontes famous |H.-o|>le w ho are not what is known as since the Force bill was before congress, help the subject. Scott describes a sim­ “ The garret was my playgronud, and I, , , ~ . ilar episode in “ The Talisman,” bnt a beautiful sketch of Mme. Bonaparte ! becau8e he iia8 the ProI*r 8tl,ff 1 him« ’in society,’ are fond of pointing out j The fighting will be mostly in the sen- tho best decapitation story, from tin One cause, which is not always ob­ lith triumphant rancorousness that | ate, as it will be an easy matter to put urtistic point of view, is found iu the was tho idol that 1 worshiped. At last I got possession of colors aud un old •The Four Hundred’ are not more cul­ any hill supported by the president and memoirs of Captain John Smith. Tbe panel and fell to work copying tho pic­ served of insufficiency of riclies, is that tured, intellectual, wealthy or witty Speaker Reed through the hoit9e. It is doughty captain vouches tor the veracity ture. Suddenly I heard a frightful roar­ they very seldom make their owner rich. Of Ready made Clothing, th a t M eans that Mr, of the detnils, though that is no good than many whom they refuse to admit to assumed that any hill pro|iosed by those reason why wo should uot use tho cus­ ing sound. The kitchen chimney was ou Rogues are always found out in some Cash can F it Himself out ft fire. Presently my father appeared, to association with them in their pleasures, who are pushing this movement will he tomary pinch of salt. According to his see if the fire was likely to do any dam­ way. Whoever is a wolf will act as a Cost of Manufacture.«, truthful chronicle, ho overcame in tour­ mid these resentful folk demand in bit­ antagonized by the silver men in the nament the three champions of tbe age. He saw that I looked very foolish wolf, that is the most certain of nil at being caught at such presumptuous Have some Special offerings in ter amazement why any one admits senate, and as they control that laxly by Turkish army, decapitating each one employment and pretended not to see tilings. with a single blow of his heavy sword. a slight margin it requires uo prophet to iheir pretensions, or struggles for their .Boots Shoes and Hats me. But presently he could uot resist Of r II the riches tliat we hug, of all A writer who is evidently informed recognition. The answer is not far to say that it will be difficult, if not impos­ on the «object claims that Mahmoud looking over my shoulder. tiie pleasures we enjoy, we can carry no “ ‘Why, boy,’ said be—so he used to reek. A man may have all the intellec­ sible, to pass any such measure in the Bey could not have accomplished the address me—‘you must not mix your more out of this world than out of a feat of decapitation with an ordinary colors with turpientine. You must have tual attributes, and yet not lie of suffici­ senate. dream. saber und inserts that the Turk’s yata­ ent importance to lie admitted to tiic If there is any reason why any set of ghan was •’loaded” with quicksilver. some o il.' ” What Is opportunity to the man who It is pleasant to add that the little orcliestra of society, and the musicians men in Washington should hold a meet­ The yataghan, ho explains, is a short girl who thus found her inspiration can’t use it? An unfecundated egg, may s a y ,‘We admit that you are good ing for the purpose of ratifying the nom­ sword, shaped something like a butcher's eventually became a portrait painter of which tiie waves of time wash away FLORENCE STORE AND SEATON BRANCH. clearer. with on apparently hollow tube merit.—Youth’s Companion. mid clever, hut you can’t play the violin ination of a candidate for mayor of New running along the back from hilt to into nonentity. und you can’t become a member of our York Oitv, it is not apparent to tiic point. Tbis tube carries a charge of FOR AN OCEAN VOYAGE. Some men are, in regard to ridicule quicksilver. When tbe sword is laid up­ orchestra.' I eyes of an ordinary individual. But right, thia quicksilver rests nt the hilt. T a k e O nly H a lf th e C lo th e s Y o a T h in k like tin-roofed buildings in regard to ‘‘Now the ‘swell,’ as he is commonly reason, or no reason, tiie single taxers As a blow is struck tho liquid metal is Y on W ill N e ed . hail; all tliat hits them bounds off, not termed, is the man who is an artist in of Washington and vicinity, more en­ hurled down the grooved channel, lend­ “ Take only half tbe clothiug that you a stone goes through. living; he may have neither moral ideas thusiastic than numerous, held a meet­ ing deadly udditicual weight to tho think you w ill need for an ocean voy­ blow. age and do not attempt to havo a small confide your secrets to paper, nor standards, nor he overburdened ing and proceeded to rutify the nomi­ Tho assertion made that this is the trunk in your stateroom,” writes E m - i... Never ... . . . a>r, with brains, but lie knows how to live, nation of Henry George to be mayor of sole instance of its kind iu the history ma M. Hooper iu The Ladies’ Home 1118 llke tliro* 'n8 a 8‘°™ of 100 years is not borne out by farts. ns far as the ceremonies of life go, bril­ New York Oily. There are two reasons The snmo feat was performed during Journal. “ Have in your largest sh aw l' and if you know who throws the stone strap a traveling rug, heavy wrap—u liantly, gayly, imposingly, and he col­ why Mr. George was probably not ♦he civil war, not with a “ loaded” yata­ golf cape ia excellent—sun umbrella, you do not know where it may fall The mind is found moet acute and lects around him others who have the deeply interested in this meeting; none ghan, but with on ordinary United rubbers, small cushion to tie on tbe States army suber. The man who wield­ same talent, and together they succeed of those who attended had votes in New ed tho sword iu tbis episode, Colonel E. back of your deck chair, a warm dress uneasy in the morning. Uneasiness is of plain desjjjn, aud a flannel wrapper in forming a sort of orchestra of society, York, and the single tax is not the Blass Parsons, died recently iu Roches­ to use us c nightgown. Wear a chamois indeed, a species of sagacity—a passive all of them playing in tune and in time issue, or even one of tiie issues that Mr. ter. Colonel Parsons was one of the pocket well secured with a tape about sagacity. Fools are never uneasy. wealthiest and best known men in New with one another, and making a mag- George is making in tiie present cam­ York stato, aud though he hud never the waist for your letter of credit, jew­ The ship retains her anchorage yet elry, money, etc. riitlclent harmony ol ceremony and paign. Iu fact, he hasn't said a word related the story the details were found “ In u largo traveling bag place a drifts with a certain range, subject to social intercourse. And when a person aliout it himself, and is probably willing among his private papers after his (jeuth. change of underwear, hose, bedroom wind and tide. So we have for anchor­ Thu incident was illustrated and de­ slippers and needed toilet articles, with ciimos along who insists upon joining that others should let it alone. scribed iu Harper's Weekly nt tbe time. which include a small hot water bag, age the cardinal truths of tiie gospel. It was iu 1804. Colonel Parsons, who bottle of salts, vaseline, box of cathar­ their orchestra they aro generally ex­ Whether England refused to partici­ More is learned in a public than in a was noted us a horseman, was attuehed tic pills aud bottle of camphor. Do not tremely rude in their refusal, and cause pate in a conference over the protection to General Sheridan’s stuff. Whilerec- forget a comfortable cloth steamer cap private school from emulation; there much enmity, or else they listen to the ( of the seals in Behring sea and theren- onuoitering one day with a squad of uud a gauze veil if you are afraid of a is the collision of mind with mind, or ^ « ^ B L A N K E T S FOR 65c. 8 P A IR ,j^ instrument he plays and find it well Iiout at which Russia and Japan, as wvll troopers under General Davis they were little sunburn. Wear a jacket suit of the raiiation of many minds pointing to surprised by a detachment of Confeder­ played, and so take him into their hand, as the United Stutcs should bo repre­ ate cavalry. A pitched battle ensued, mixed cheviot or serge und a silk waist one center. SHIRTS 25cts. T O $ 1 .5 0 ou hoard. After starting put on tbe old- and cause still more amazement and sented, after having once promised to and Parsons, who was in tho rear, saw ei gown and lounge in it until yon land, ______ • • _______ To be ruined in your own way is some envy to the others who have lieen de­ do so, has about got down to a question a rebel officer level a revolver r.t Gen­ when it can be given to a stewardess. comfort. When so many people would eral Davis' head. Jabbing thu spnra in­ nied admittance. And Hint is the of veracity between ex-Secretary of State to his Lorse, he swung bis saber above Some travelers try to dress for dinner and carry a steamer trunk filled with ruin us, it is a triumph over the villainy w hole answer to ti e conundrum, Mrs. B Foster, who has had charge of all the bis head, and, dashing by just us the silk waists and fancy neckwear, bnt for of the world to be ruined after one’s weeps over. Mrs. A knows how to play seal negotiations for the United States i officer fired, be made a terrific full an eight day journey tbis is poor tsste arm sweep. The Confederate's head and a lot of trouble. Others bave the own pattern. i lie social instrument, and Mrs. It does for several years, nnd Lord Salisbury. leaped from the shoulders as swiftly os small trunk in tbe cabin, and before Science is a first rate piece of furni­ not, and unless she learns to play it siie Mr. Foster says Lord Salisbury agreed If it bad been severed by a guillotine. lauding pack the things in it tbat are to ture for a man’s upper chamber if he Tbe feat is more remarkable when it ia be used ouly ou tbe return voyage, and will stay forever outside of society— to iiave England represented in the considered that Parsons was a slim, send it to the ship company’s offleo un­ has common sense on the ground floor. that society which spalls itself with a conference to which the United States beardless fellow of 11. In comparison til tbeir return. It must be remembered But if a man hasn’t got good common , capital It*." had invited Russia and Japan to send Mahmoud Bey's single slash with his that 8} pounds of baggage is tbe aver­ yataghan loses much of its importance. age weight allowed free on the conti- sense, the more science he has the worse ! representatives; Lord Salisbury says Colonel Parsons wns brevetted gener­ ueut Warm wraps and woolen under­ for his patient. IC v rrrlH x ly Says So. lie did not; tliat he agreed that there al for distitiguisbcil services daring tho wear are necessary at all seasons going Casearets » ’andt (.'ulliartic, tb * most won If a man should register all his opin­ «ireful medical discover* o f the age. p ess­ should be a conference between repre­ war, but characteristic modesty forbade across the Atlantic.” im i amt i efe. a lu n e to Ih« male, aci gently tbe nsc of that title when he returned ions upon love, politics, religion, learn- | ami positively on kidneys, liv e r and bowels, sentatives of England and of the United to civilian life. Not only did he pier- F r ie n d sh ip In K e n tu c k y . > I. aiisitig Urn en tire s.vst, m, dispel eolils, ing etc., begining from his youth, and ! « h iv liendaelie. lever. Im l.llunl rotisi I im UI od States on the subject and that lie will form the only authentic feat of decapi­ When Judge Pendleton grows reminis­ tation daring tbe civil war, bat he was and hi iousuens. Please buy and try a Imx cent, he ia always interesting, and when so on to old age, what a bundle of in- ‘ o f ( ' ( <: to-day ; III, ÍÜ. .Ml cents. Hold and have agents in Washington to attend it, tbe hero of a remarkable ride. A few Mr. Henry Tompkins walked iu he said: I consistencies and contradictions would guaranteed to cure by all druegists. hut that they will not lie allowed to days before the battlo of Gettysburg “ Mr. Tompkius, your cousin, Louis i take part part in a conference with was fought General Meade had an im­ Garth, was tbe only bnlly I ever saw appear at last. They may say what they like; every­ agents of Russia nnd Japan, Officials portant message to send to General who was a brave man. He was tbe most I Iff» F u r N o r th e r s M a rk e t« . Harding, 100 miles diataut. As tbe overbearing mau I ever saw. He was in thing is organized matter. The tree is Fit sh figs me uot known or appreci-1 of the department of state are reticent, route was through u country swarming At< «I in northern markets, and rouse- but there are grounds for the belief with rebels, the message was written a poker gamo in camp witb Lieuteusut the first link of the chain, man is the Forrest, a brother of General N. B. For­ queutly the demand is too limited to nu tissue papier, that it might be awal- encourage shipment«. It seems doubt- j the department of state lias ac- lowe.l in case tbe carrier was captured. rest, aud he called Forrest a liar. For­ last. Men are young, the earth is old. rest pulled bis pistol, a double barreled A egetable and animal chemistry are still fill if the distant shipment of fresh figs < cepted Mr. Foster’s version of the co ii - The commander was iu doubt regarding weapon, aud, placing it to Garth’s will ever become u profitable business. a suitable messenger. He summoned breast, he pulled the trigger. Tbe ear I in their infancy. Electricity, galvan- 'rim fruit is more perishable than any l troverev and will so state in a friendly General Davia to headquarters. tridge failod to fire, and Garth spat out 'Bnl-—what discoveries in a few years, but vigorous communication to the other that it generally marketed. Itcan I "Geueral, who ia tbe hardest rider, ’Tis much the doctrine of the times Isi bundled only by the most careful English government, Meanwhilo ar­ as well as tbe moat trustworthy man, iu a chew of tobacco aud without moving a muscle said, “ Lieutenant, you had mid experienced persons, aud evru then the aervioe?” asked Meade. Forrest ,bat Ulen 8,10uld not please themselves, better try the other barrel." Forrest rangements are being made for two it is not iu a condition to show its best “Colouel Pursuua, air,” was the put bis weapon up and said, "Uartb, but deny themselves everything they quality. Kipcuiug iu midsummer, when , fenl conferences; one lietween U. S., prompt reply. you are a brave mau, aud I will not ! take delight in ; not look upon beauty, i ><• northern markets are crowded with j Russia and Japan, and one between the “ Mend him to n>e at once.” shoot a brave mau.” They were insep­ many well known fruits and uot being It was 8 o'clock ou a Monday night arable friends forever afterward.— wear no t?ood ‘-’lollies, eat no good ment, . •¡..chilly attractive to the eye, fresh U. H. ami England. when General Meade guvo tbe young Owensboro Inquirer. etc., which seems the greatest accusa­ flge would at last gain favor slowly. Judging from official utterances o n ly ,) officer his instructions, lie wns to ride The fact that uiituy people do not csre ,, ............. tion that can be upon the Maker of all T h e Sp ear. for them at the first would be another one wouW ""PI*'"« ‘l>»t »!>« president with all haste to General Harding's | ; headquarters aud return atcu cew ith good things. If they are not to be used Iu old days, when tbe spear was used I'lstud in the way of their (xipulnrity. ami his cabinet w ere entirely satisfied au auswer. as a weapon of war, men had to be very why did God make them? J. w . CA RM AN . Moreover, tho fig is a tedious crop to with the progress being made by Spain The messenger retired. Two hundred careful bow they carried it. If in a PROPRI bundle when in proper condition for the miles were to bo covered. The rouds market. It is necessary to pick the trees : in its alleged efforts to bring about were heavy, and they led through the strange country they bore their spears point forward, it was taken as a decla­ over carefully every day during the sea- , peace in Cuba, but sfleh is really not enemy's country. ration of war, while if they carried :i ( r much fruit will lie overripe. | the case. The recall of Gen. Weyler by Exactly nt noon on tbe following day them on their shoulders with the poiut With huge trees thia involves much la- , Colonel Farions entered General >« r. The acrid Juice of the immature i'l>iun °* course pleasing to them, Meade's tent. Tbe latter's f«ee grew i backward they were treated as fricuds. tig «ats into the lingers of the (fiekers but they regard it witli more or purple with rage, and hu ripped out a Is e s s e n t ia l to It is my creed that n mau has uo aud paekeiM, while luiuy weather oc- suspicion, la'lieving it ami all the string of oaths. health. Every nook claim upon liis fellow creatures beyond i nnoiiM heavy loss hv the cracking of "Is this the way you obey orders?” . and corner of the the flint, which render* it unfit fol of the Isaulifnl profesiions of the new he thuudrred. “ What arc you hanging bread and water and n grave, unless he can win it by bis owu strt Dgth or skill. system is reached by the blood, and on market. —Southern Htatea. Spanish ministry to lie tinged with ' around eamp for? You ought to ba witb —Hawthorn«. its quality tbe condition of every organ de- General Harding by this time.” pend*. Good blood means stroug nerves, trickery, having for its ohjeef the pre- i “ I have just returned from General Let him who neglects to raise the good digestion, robust health. Impure JvV FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Hsrdiug. sir.” ventinn of interferenes by this govern-1 fallen fear lest when be falls no one blood means acrofuta, dyspepsia, rheu ma - “ You liel” exclaimed the exasperated will stretch out bit hand to lift him ti»iu,eatarrhor other diseases. Tbesareat ment. Believing this, ami being general. way to have good blood ia to take Hood « up.—Saadi. A house and lot in Glenada. The Parson'« face paled, aud he dug the thoroughly aware that pnldie sentiment Sarsaparilla. This medicine puriflei, vi­ nails iu bit bauds to restraiu himself. Jiunse i* lfi by 24 feet and one story nod talises, and enriches the blood, and sends O e st Takerre SeM «»4 Sawke le e r l i l t iw ay. in this country is overwhelming in “ General Meade,” be said iu a voiev it half in height. Also a good woodshed the elements of health end strength to T o q u it u .lw c o esitdr mat forever, be m«< tliat ill concealed his auger, “ if you ile , fa ll of life nerve amt vi«or. lake No t o every nerve, organ and ttoeoe. It» on premises. For furthoi |i«rticiilurs favor of some action by the government were not my com mau diug officer, 1 M B »r. Ik e wonder worker. H ist makes week men a good appetite, givra refreehlng «lee, that would put a speedy end to the war ' wuuld kuoek you down for that insult. ” klrong. A ll druggist». SOe or «1. Core gu er.o- and cures th .l tired Ivellug. Remember i.qui.e st tins office. Without the formality of a sslnto be te-xl Rooklet »nd »ample free. Adders» in Cuba, President McKinley and bis turned ou bis heel aud left tbe teut. «Urllag K»medr C a . C h o nr N»w Y o rk Meade afterward made an ample apol- KILLER BY A FALL- injlisb« asted - trustworthy and It is believed by «rune naturalists .hat C o I mm I Parsons killed two horses and ¡H* active gentlemen or ladies to went tiluiself without a particle of food. wasp«, like bee«, eatablish smitinels at List Monday while at work painting the dour of the nest to prevent the en­ travel for r««p>msltde, estshlished house the nxif of thu «lormitory at the unjver- | For It hours he was uot out of the sad- trance of intruders. Prnmaibbip eity in E'tgene, Henry A. McCrady fell I in Oregon, ^lonlbty tflfi.nOamlexpeneee | d ie — Chicago Times Hi rsl.t fruii the roof tu Ihe ground a diatance of ■ Position steadv. Referenr». Enel.*« 7--T— Telegraphy. The peach bloesom im’ieatos sui.: 1» the best - tw tact the llwe Tree lUood Ft,rid I M a r a i » Y e a r B e w e le W i l k C neeareto, .s s « _1/ -U.l . «itfeet sustaining injuries from which velf-add e-seil aiaui|ied envelope. The Candy C a tlia rtle , cure roe .U p » non to(M»r. •don. «hough why nobody has been Mr Don ini<>n Uompwny, Depi. Y Chicago. 19c, SSc. IIC C C, fall, draggi»u rvluad moeey. to gooss in* died pest morning. Mood’s - I'C Ilt I s l l K l i K V K K Ï F tU P lV W O hNIJiU.' WEATIIERSON We are Prepared to Meet all Demands for W inter Goods, With a New Line of Heavy Woolen Un- ^ .r derwear, Mitts, Fas- cinators, Hosiery Boottees, Oil Clothing, Rub­ ber Boots, Over Shoes Etc. P ARSONS’ TAV 0 FEATS, WE ARE GOING OU ExcellBBt Vain? for Toor Moiwy al all "HURD & DAVENPORT HAMPTON BROS. 'M K GOODS, Mims,SENIf « All the Latest In ress Goods, Trimming Etc. A HAMPTON BBoS, E ugene, : : O reed l C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STOKE! Dry Goods, ★ Groceries ★ and * Notion«. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Just Opened. Goods as Represented. Good lood W PVIARj •f^\GTI(Ab M»B5snk Hoods Sarsaparilla poktm » £