The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, October 15, 1897, Image 4

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X Child’s Recovery
* little Fannie Adams, of Umatilla, Cured of a Dreadful Malady
* A Cure of Unusual Interest— A Reporter Investigates.
Stars in
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Bo inn
Q u e e r E x p e r ie n c e s In th e l*u b llc
l)l*pcniu»riM o f N e w Y ork.
* * 3 m
f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A F e w I te m s o f I n te r e s t C a lle d F r o m th e
L ocal C o lu m n .
D ie A u s tr a lia n D n c k b lll C arrie« a tttin g
Iu O ne Lee«
F rom the L ake R egion, Ruelii, Fla-
prescribe a
For tome time pent the /xi£<s Region has not determine the cause, or
• afflicted
~ Jehi
been receiving report« from UiuatiJIa, Fla., remedy to aid the
of an almost, miraculous cure that had beeu
effected in the case o f Fannie Adam«, a
daughter o f A. J . Adam«, of that place, und from her six years of agony, which brings tno
Ja«t Saturday a representative of thia paper light of happiness to the laces of the parents.
In January, thia year, Mrs. Adams, who
made a trip to Um atilla for the purpose of
had purchased some of Dr. Williams riuk
daterinining the authenticity o f the aume.
The family live a short distance from the Pills for Pale People for her fourteen year
village, where it was fouud that the people old (laughter, determined to try their effect
After three or four
were cognizant o f the cure which had l»een upon little Fannie.
e dec ted, and were ripoioing with the family doses, she noted an improvement and she
she hod done,
ia their new found n ip pi hums . The father,
A. J . Adam«, ia a hard-working honest lie at once went to the village and bought
farmer from cast Tennessee, and the family another box, and up to this time six boxes
camo to Florida four years ago in the hope have been used. The fix it pills, Mrs. Adams
Par| ’
that a change o f climate would be o f benefit states, were given in January, the
t« their afflicted child. Mu*h o f their earn­ and certainly not earlier than the fifteenth
ing« hare gone for doctors’ bills, whose «er-
vices proved unavailiaz. The representative vulsion on February 3d, nearly three months
was greeted by Mrs. Adams, from whom he ago. Her general condition has improved in
every way, and it was not a month after the
gained the story of her great trial.
Fannie, the youngest child, was born in first pills were taken when she began to walk
east Tennessee, a id was seven yenrs eld on without assistance.
The pills were bought at the drug store
the third day o f Febrm rv, 1897. When ten
months ol I she was stricken with paralysis, o f Dr. Shelton, in Umatilla. In answer to
which aTecH'd the entire left side. This the question, did he, to his personal knowl­
stroke o f paralysis was followed by convul­ edge, know that the remedy had benefited
sions, end fro n the time little Fannie was Fannie Adams, ns wus stated by her parents,
tea months old until February, 1897, there the doctor said that he was a regular practicing
was not a single day or a niglit that «he did physician, and as such wa3. loth to recom­
not have spasms of the moot distressing mend any proprietary medicine, but atiil ha
nature. Not u single convulsion, but al­ was ready to do justice to all men, and he did
ways three or four, and sometimes as high know that Dr. Williams* Pink P ills for®Pale
People had benefited Fannie Adams, and also
as ten in one day.
The family was all broken down with volunteered the information that he knew or
children in the village who had been
care, and Mrs. Adams states that for one
vear she did not go into her kitchen to super­ benefited hy their use.
Dr. W illiams’ Pink P ills for Pale People
intend her household work. A ll the fingers
of the right hand of the little girl are en­ are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid
larged and misshapen, enused hy her hit- , on receipt of price, 50 cents a box, or six boxes
ing them during the fearful suffering. The j for $2.50 (they are never sold in hulk or by
case baffled the skill o f the best physicians, i the 100) by addressing Dr. W illiams’ Medicine
and they were frank to say that they could 1 Co., Schenectady, N. Y .
This is Friday.
Australia certainly holds the palm for
The lean hope of any change in this
Yesterday was a fine day.
queer and uncouth animals, says Jhe
charity to ell policy is with those dis-
Thing« rather quiet in Billville.
Literary Digest. Chief among these is
iieDsurit'S that are bountifully endowed.
Anot her baby np at Jed Tansy'a the duckbill cr oruitl.orhyncbus, which
>be leading institution of thia class in Hooray for Jed!
Sydney Smith described us “ a kind of
'Nov.' York city is located on the W t
Our wife «pent yesterday over iu mole with webbed feet and the bill of a
aide, and, in viow of its defiant abuse West Elderberryvillo.
duck, which agitated Sir Joseph Banks
of nil kinds of inedicul charity, has
Grandma Hank« was 94 ye«terday. and rendered him miserable from bis
earned for itself the unenviable sobrl Congratulation«, granny.
titter inability Io decide whether it was
quut of the “ diamond dispensary.” It
Ouo of the Tweedy twins is quite a bird or a he ist. ’’ It was only recently
has such n high reputation for thu num­ sick with symptom« of «carlct rash.
that it was proved beyond a doubt that
ber and pccuuinry ability of ifs patient«
Measles arc in Billville. Two of Jake this curious ummnl lays eggs like u
that it would appear to le ruther a Prouty’s children are down with them. bird, though this had long beeu reported
i redit thau a disgruce to receive its out- They are light.
by travelers. Now conies the news tbut
lageously misdirected charity. Such at
Sum Sharkey has painted hi« front it bus u sting on its bind leg, capubluof
least is the inévitable conclusion that fence and is laying anewbourdwalkbe- killing by its poisonous eifects. We
may be based upon the large average of foro hi« house. That's right, Sam.
quote from The Lancet:
w ell to do people who claim daily tho
Elder Tweak w ill preach at the Meth­
“ For a long time it was considered to
lieuclita of free medical treatment so odist church next Sunday. Those who be quite harmless and destitute of any
Sold W ith
laviahly and indiscriminately furnished havu heard him say ho is fine. Wel­ weapon of offense, although thu hind
to all who apply. Mauy of these visitors come, elder.
legs of the males were armed with u
are from out of town districts and will
DaveTempy treated his wife to a new powerful spur, apparently connected
pay several dollars for ear fare, will ask threo ply iugrain parlor carpet last week with a gland. Then the opinion was ad­
for a written diagnosis of their disease and a new sofa. Wish we could do the vanced that this might be a weapon al­
and an extra prescription, uud will then «anio by on*’ wife.
lied to tbo poisonous armory of suakus,
complain if they are kept waiting be­
Uncle Billy Hendricks was 85 yester­ scorpions nnd bees, all cf which possess
yond the time for their return truiu. day and celebrated the day hy walking a sort of hypodermic poison syringe.
The examining doctor is coutent to rido over to Pokevillc, six miles from here. Though one set of observers usserted
to the dispensary in a horse car; the pa­ Go it while you’re young, Undo Billy. that this was the ease, another set de­
tient comes and returns iu a cab. It la
Will some of our fanner friends bring nied it, and so Dr. Stuart determined to
no longer a joke to refer to the display us u cord of well seasoned hickory wood solve this question, if possible. He re­
,>t diamonds cr the number of women iu return for a subscription to The Clar­ ceived two independent accounts which IUa)»e G .A e r .1 M iles' T h r illin g E n c o u n te r
«lad in sealskins iu the patients' wait­ ion? A fair exchange is no robbery.
travel for responsible, established bouse
W ith L am o l>uer.
coincided peifectly, and from them he
ing room, nor does it appear to he un­
Yo editor w ill bo 41 years old next concludes that, at certain seasons at all
in Oregon. Monthly |65.00and expenses.
likely that, iu the near future, conven­ Monday. Ou onr last birthday wo re­
events, the secretion is virulently poi­ Miles ever hud in all his experience as Position steady. Reference, -nclose
ience« will not be required for eheckiug ceived the gift of a burrel of flonr und sonous. The mode of attack is not by
an Indian fighter was that in his en­ self-addressed stamped envelope. The
bicycles and distributing carriage num­ two hams from appreciative citizens of
scratching, but by lateral inward move­ counter with Lame Deer. It was in Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago.
ber« iu the order of the different ar the town in which wo then lived.
ments of the hind legs. Two cases are 1877, when ho was still a colonel, dur­
rival«. In thia connection, the follow­
Our wifo’s grandmother deceased in reported in dogs. One dog was ‘stung* ing his etxupaign against the Sioux nnd
ing description by an eyewitness in the Indiana last week, aged 90 years, 9
three times, the symptoms much resem­
J o a n o f A re lte fo r e th o Ju d ge*.
w aiting room of thia dispensary inuy be mouths, 1 week and 8 days. Had she bling those of bee or hornet poison. Tho other hostile tribes in tho northwest.
Lome Deer and his outlaws had been
The questions addressed to Joan and
Jived eight months, two weeks and four dog was evidently ill great pain and making trouble in Dakota, and Colonel
her answers day by day have been trans­
“ The reception room held about 200 days longer she would have been 91. drowsy, bnt there were no tremors, con­
Miles raided their villaqe. He tells the mitted in the records of tho court. To
•I a time. Nobody was turned away. Our wife did not go ou to the interment. vulsions or staggering. It is worthy of rest
of tho story in hL personal recollec­
read them is to understand the brutal
Jrolly 60 per cent cf tho applicants were
Aunt Jane Poolo lias just completed note that n certain immunity seems ob­
ferocity with which she was tortured,
■well dressed, and 10 per cent of them a quilt containing 2,049 pieces. The de­ tainable, for the dog suffered less ou tho tions thus:
“ In the surpriso and excitement of until, turning on her accuser, she cried:
were finely dressed. Three women woro sign is of her own get up, and it is a second occasion nnd still less on tho
the wild onset of the charge a group of "You call yourself my judge. Be care­
fur coats that had not been handed dandy. Keep at it, Aunt Jane.
third. Two cases of men being wounded warriors was forced away from tho rest.
down from somebody else. There was
Mush and milk sociable in the Bap­ are reported, in both of which the ani­ Before making tho attack I hail ordered ful what you do, for I am indeed sent None who are engaged in any
an attractive display of tine millinery, tist church Monday night. Proceeds to
by the Lord, and you placo yourself in
mals were irritated, one hy being shot
tuid thu men, more than half of them, go toward a double seated baby carriage and handled, the other hy being handled our Sioux and Cheyenuo Indians to call great danger.”
pursuits can succeed without reading and
out to the Lame Deer Indians that if
bore no evidences of poverty. But all j for the pastor's twins, born threo weeks
To answers almost sublime succeeded
ouly. The symptoms were tho same ns
obtained freu treatment supposed to lie ; ago. The cans«; is a good one, and it has in the dog. No deaths are reported in they threw down their arms and sur­ answers filled with naive ingenuity.
studying this standard Magazine of Sciences
rendered we would spare their lives. As Questions were plied, traitorously con­
given to paupers—‘poor persona. "
our best wishes for its success.
human beings, but four iu dogs.’’
and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with
Such instances us the following carry ( Wo would liko to give advertising or
ceived, concerning the visions whioh
they apparently recognized tho purport had come to her and the celestial voices
with them their own moral:
job work in return for a ten gallon keg
of the demand and dropped their arms which she heard and which throughout
all modern cuts of latest inventions iu all
“ During tiie examination of a dis- of new sorghum molasses. Would also
jieusary patient, a roll of hills dropped be pleased to negotiato for a barrel of J o h n W esley*« I u G e o r g ia A n te d a te « R o b ­ ou the ground. In order to assure them her mission had counseled und guided
the branches of mechanism, and its fund of
of our go-d w ill I called out, “ How her. But ou this point sho was firmly
from litr pocket. The doctor picked it sauerkraut. We must eat to live.
e r t H alite«’ F if t y Year«.
how-kola” (meaning friend), and ex­ Rilent. It was as though it were a se­
tup and remarked, ‘Mudam, this is a
Grandpa Byler killed and dressed a
In rcconutiug Ibu ministrations of
knowledge is inseparably connected with in­
free dispensary, and as you are ablo to 240 pound hog all by himself last Tues­ John Wesley in Gcorgiu, where the fa- 1 tended my hand to tho chief, Lame Doer, cret which she was forbidden to betray.
pay a feu for medical udvice I must de­ day. Pretty good for a man 83 years. diods preacher sowed the first seeds of
She consented to tako an oath to speak
ventors and mechanics. Sold with T he
ci i no to treat you here.’ ‘W ell,’ replied A in’t laid on the sliclf yet, are you, Methotlisni in America, the Rev. W. J. | more I would have secured him and the nothing but tho truth; but, concerning
tire woman, ‘that money is for some­ granddad?—New York Sunday World.
W est at clubbing rates.
Scott, D. D., in The Ladies' Home | trembling with excitement, my adju­ her visions, she made a reservation,
thing else. You are paid hy the city
Journal, claims that Wesley established tant, George W. Baird, was doing the “ Yon could cut my head off before I
and must preaerilte for me.' On being
R e fle c tio n s o f a B a c h e lo r .
the first Sunday school iu the world at same with the head warrior, Iron Star. would speak,” sho pretested. At night,
jMsurud that thu doctor received no sal­
in the darkness of her dungeon, St.
A girl may be ns pretty ns a picture Snvnnuah. In connection with his otli
“ Unfortunately just at that time one
ary front any source, the patient became sud yet be hnng in a bad light.
er labors, wbicb were indeed prodigious, of our wliito scouts rodo up and joined Catherine und St. Margaret uppenred
indfgnaut and protested that she was
Women love babies so much because Wesley, soon after bis arrival iu Geor­ the group, of officers and soldiers with to her, und celestial voices comforted
entitled to attention equally with thu they dou’t seum to care a hang.
gia, in 1780, began to provide for tho me. He End more enthusiasm than dis­ her. fc-lie avowed that sho had seen
'la e y 'w h o had preceded her and from
Most, wromen don't know enough to Sunday school instruction of thu chil­ cretion and, I presume, desired to insure them “ with the eyes of her body • • •
whom she hud rented a house the week be egotists; most men know too much.
dren of tho parish. His devotion to chil­ my safety , as he drew up liic riflo uud and when they leave me,” r,he added,
before. ’'— l)r. George F. Hhrudy in
When n woimin doesn’t know any­ dren at times utmost amounted to in- covered the Indian with it. Lame Deer "I wish that tney would take me with
thing abnnt it, she tries to hide it l>y futnatiou. Children were likewise equal­ saw thk: and evidently thought tho them.” — “ The National Hero of
being very positive.
ly attached to him, as shown iu their young scout was going to shoot him. I France," by Maurice Boutet duMonvel,
Hi>w T h e y W m I i .
in Century.
When a girl begins to study elocu­ intercourse with him. Both ou week
The hardest worked washerwomen tion, she is never huppy till she learns days nnd ¡Sabbaths be guve no little at­ krow of no other motive for his subse­
quent act than the belief that he was to G ran t a n d H a n c o c k a t a N ig h t A larm .
iu the world are the Koreuns, They t(. roeito a dialect poem.
tention to educutional work. As a pre­ lie killed whether ho surrendered or not.
When Hancock’s headquarters were
have to wash about u dozen dresses for
A mau never accomplishes anything liminary labor on the Sabbath before the
As quick ns thought, with one des­ reached, the party remained with him
their hnsbunds, uud iuusmueh its every much in tho world until his friends be­ evening service he required them to
tuau wears pantaloons or drawers so gin to call him a crank.—New York convene in tho church, at which timo perate, powerful effort, he wrenched his for some time, awaiting the arrival of
hand from mine, although I tried to
<>aggy tlint they route up to his neck P ress.
be catechised tliem thoroughly and fur­ hold it, anil grasped liis rifle from tho the head cf Warren’s troops. Hancock’s
like those of u clown they have pluuty
This monthly magazine i« •me of
nished them with additional teaching ground, ran backward a few steps, rais­ wound received at Gottysbnrg had not
thoroughly healed, and he suffered such
to do. Tho wushing is tisuully douu in
H l. O tffm t.
from tho Bible itself.
cold wafer and oittn in running
“ I wish, ” said the artist who had
In the preyent Wesleyan Memorial
streams. The clothes utu pounded with ■ been so absorlxHl in bis work ns to neg­ chnrch iu Savuuuuh there is a Sunday his determined face, his set jaw, wild dle that he had applied for permission
to all subscribers a t rates within the
puddles until thuy shine like n shirt lect his eating, “ that you would send school room into which hundreds of eye and the open muzzle of liis rifle, I to ride iu a spring ambulance while on
front fresh from it Chinese luuudry.
out, and get a nice large head of cab­ children crowd for Sunday instruction. realized niy danger and instantly whirl­ the march and when his troops were not
ability of all to pay. I t is finely ¡Hus
ed my horse from him, and iu this quick in action. He was reclining njiou one
The Japanese rip their garments bage.”
The original school wus less iu number,
apart for every wnshiug, and they iron j “ Certainly, ” replied his wife. “ Have hut it was unquestionably tho first Sun­ movement the horse slightly settled back i f tho seats of the ambuluuee, convers­
trated and presents the names of fatuous
their clothes by spreading them on a you an inspiration for a new atill life?” day school iu the world. When taught npoulns huunchcs. At that moment the ing with General Grant, w ho had dis-
tv united and was sitting ou the ground
flat Isatrd and leaning this up uguinst , ' 'Not I merely want it for a pot boil­ by Wesley, it numbered between 60 uud
authors as coutributors.
T he W est
bullet whizzed past my breast, leaving
the house to dry. The sen tukes the ' er."— Washington Star.
76 scholars, but from all uccouuts there me unlinnncd, but unfortunately killing with his back against a tree, wliittling
wrinkles out of thu clothes, and sonio
a stick, when the sound of firing broke
aud the Cosmopolitan are sold at re­
were few if any Indian boys iu bis ear­ a brave soldier near my side.”
T h e A in a x o n ia n C ut.
tuf them havu quito a luster. The Jap-
forth directly in front. Hancock sprang
lier classes. A very high authority, Sir
Naturally the whole scattered band up, seized his sword, which was lying
ancaa woman dora her wushing out of
duced rates at this office.
First Amazon of Dahomey—T was Charles Reed, M. R , LL. D.. of Eng­
doors. Her washtuli is not more than completely liemim-d iu hy the rne ny, land, is clearly of the opinion that this of Indians wns instantly wiped out by a near him, buckled it around liis waist
close m d deadly fire from the soldicre. aud cried, “ My horse, niv horsed” The
six Inches high mid is about us big I,nt I rut my wuy out
Sunday scliool was the first founded iu
aronud as thu average disbpan. hhe
Second Amazon of Dahomey—What! the world, and that it ante-dates by a The incident is typical of the whole scone was intensely dramatic and re­
gets the dirt out of the riot lies by rub­
First Amazon of Dahomey—That's half coutury the secular instruction of aeries of Indian campaigns in which called vividly to the bystanders the cry
bing them between her hauds. till» what I said. It took nerve, bnt I did it. Robert Raikes at Gloucester, Eugluud, General Miles figured in the last quarter of Richard III on the field of Bosworth.
sometimes uses Japanese soup, which I just didn't notice tbom any more than os well ns the first school iu Americu of a century. The desire to treat the Grant listeued a moment without chang­
ia foil of grease, und works away with if they weren't there at all.—Detroit upon Raikes* plan which was estab­ redskins ns fellow men, constantly ing his position or ceasing his whittling
tliwurred by the natural suspicious of and thou remarked: "They are not fight­
her bare feet. Tlia Chinese girls do Journal.
lished iu tho city of New York.
the savages themselves, is apparent all ing. The firing is all ou one side. It
tbeir washing iu much the same way.
Tb. 1-lwr. to P~l.
through the book.
The wushing in Egypt is usually douu
G r a n t’s I )ia V r .n t l l . t m
takes two sides to start a fight.” In a
by thu meu. The Egyptian wushermau
few minutes the firing died away, anil
After his return from abroad Grunt
stands naked ou the banks of the Nil«
it was found that the enemy was not
bod a little Jupanesu servant, who took
and slaps tho wet clothes, with u noisu
charge of him as though thu general A n I n t e r e s t in g P h ilo lo g ic a l F a r t F r o m advancing. The incident fairly illus­
like the shot of a pistol, on thu smooth
trates the contrast in the temperaments
were a bit of machinery uud he were tho
F rance.
•tones at the edyuof thu running wider,
eugiueer. Some of the newspaper men
The French author, MauricoCabs, re­ of these two distinguished soldiers. —
and such fellah women as wash potuid
noticed that iu tbo course of oue trip cently published iu La République General Horace Porter in Century.
the dirt ont of their clothes in the same
-«M e
“We do not take possession of t t r ideas but are possessed by them.
Grant had ou six different huts, uud From rise nu essay atout tbe restaurants
Koine S c h o o lb o y Ib-lln ition s.
they laughingly asked him whut was and eating houses of Paris, relating
They master us and force ns into the arena,
In a recent examination some boys
Frenchwomen ponud the dirt out with
the significance of the change. Grunt many Interesting details. His story of
like eladiators, we must fight for them.''
paildles, often slamming tlin clothes up­
said: "Why, 1 do not know. 1 supposud how the term “ restaurant” was first
on stones, as tho Egyptians do.-— Ex­
I hsd on flic same hat ull thu time.” used is well worth repenting Fora long to give a sentence illnotrating the rneau- Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the
Investigation brought cut thu fact that time funs nnd eating houses in France ■ ing. Here are a few: Frantic is wild; I
the little Jap, through the suggestion of were only intended for the benefit of picked some frantic flowers. Athletic,
entire contents of this monthly magazine
T h e L n r r f y o f a C y rlo n e .
some of the ladies of the party or some traveling people, for tbo people took strong; the vinegar was too athletic to
The primary cause of the low baro-
of the committee, hud received ideas as their meals at home, and restaurants use. Tandem, one behind another; the
arc npon a plane and in keeping with its
metric pressure which ninrks the storm
to whnl kind of a hat the geuerul ought were unknown. The first enterprise of boys sit tandem at school. Aud then
«enter and establishes tlieeyeloue is ex
motto. The Arena’s gallery of eminent
to weur ut errtuia towns. If it was n the kind was founded in Paris iu 1765. some single words are funnily explained.
pansion of the air through excess of snit made for her Isiy)— Do yon want college towu, just before ho arrived the
Dnst is mnd with the wet squeezed out.
thinkers is a group of interesting men nnd
temperature. Thu heated air, rising in { the shoulders padded?
Fins are fishes’ wings. Stars are the
Little Boy— No, imunina; tell him to little Jap would tiptoe to thu general, opened in the Rue des Poulies an eating mcon’s eggs. Circumference is tho dis­
to cold upper regions, has a portion of
women, and their thoughts are worthy tho
tta va|sir condensed into clouds, and pad the pants.—New York Sunday carefully on the genernl's head outl trip
were served. A chronicler relates that tance around tho middle cf the outside.
now a new dynamic farter is added, for Journal.
ont, the general never losing a word cl meals were served there on small, round, —Educational Gazitto.
consideration of all people. The Arena is
each particle of vajior, in i ondeirsiug,
H is IC sill.n atloB .
any conversation. At the next stop, if marble tables, and everything was scru­
C ork T oys.
gives up its modicum of latent heat.
My partner (wpvrtwtl, you »'«,
it was explained to the little Jap that pulously clean.
»old with T uf . W est ,
Each pound of vapor thns IH hts t» s, ac­
Cnrions toys may be made of cork.
W .. hotnsly but wealthy Miss It.
it was s soldier town, off would come
(h er the entry to thin first eating One of these is tho well known little
She wrutu, , *llsve caught cold."
cording to Professor Tyndall's estimate,
the silk hat snd ou w< ut the general's house the proprietor had hung a sign,
ISxir old girl -ie-ttm < tdd.
enough brut to melt tyre pounds of cast
military hat. He made it a rule for thu upm which were the Latin words, "Vo- tumbler such as is generally constructed
Is that w hy I lo w hurt Wull— outl
iron, so tho amount given out whew
never to uppear ut two places nite Ail me onines qna* stomaeho lubora- of pith. Bnt cork, especially if it be
N ow . tho Pulls lielpod m .o u to f thu plight
, hollowed, w ill answer the purpose quite
large masses of cloud * forming must
With s girl w ho w as ‘-those for tho night.*' in thu same hat, and the joke of it wus tis, et ego restanraho vos” (Come unto
.enormously udd to thu conveetiou cur-
Soius coustu, 1 thought.
that Grant himself did not know any­ me all ye whose stomachs need attention, j as well. Make the puppet of three or
rsuls of the air, and hence to tho storm
Whogs dot w as a naught—
thing of the scheme.”— Philadelphia aud I will restore them). This is »par­ four corks, shape aud paint it as skill­
8,'tnu i-ousln or uiccu
fully as you ran, and glue to the feet, or
developing power of the forming cy­
ody on the well known Biblical quota­
tT h e y ’Vo n dosvn s p lo c y —
under them, little licuiispheres of lead.
clone. It is dcalited whsthir a storm
I roasrn tsd w ith th u u gh u la p n lltr .
A p p r r c iu llo n .
When thrown into any position, the fig­
could attain, much loss continue, thu
Y ou 'll r i .n s a wic Jnst here If I sw rnr—
" I hope you appreciate the fact, sir, an d sre heavy laden, and I w ill give yon ure, of course, rights itself, anil, like a
terrific force of that most drruded of
T hat girl had m ost glorious h.dr,
that iu murryiug my danghttryeu mar­
cat, always falls on its feet. It is quite
winds of temperate sones, the tornado,
A ud uyus o f U u s blue.
Imltia he said, "w ho»“ stomachs need at­
ry a lurgu hearted, generous girl.”
possible to make a cat of pith or of cork
And h -r toot bi n ah,—
without the aid of those groat mu-scs of
No sprit« o ’er attem pted to wear
” 1 do, Sir (With emotion), and I hope
condensing vupor which always aocoin.
aha inherits those qualities from her
paoy it in tho form of stormcloud«.—
Bnt baaaty w as nut In my liar.
AM vr th « OwrUra C arty.
father. "— Harlem Life.
T w a s gold that 1 w anted, la flap,
H. H. Williams, U D.. in Harper's
new establishment and gave it its name
After the gu< sts bidden to a garden
Aa l I autnd the hoar
M agas inp, _____________ _
As far as malt daro
Iu a borne for sundwieh men iu Lou- Boulanger amassed a large fortune, for party given by the queen have with
When hts partner Is poor—
dou there are said to be sevi rsl uni­ his enterprise proved eminently success | drawn, the police, with a staff of men. '
» « • a t W a s iW re a a -
Yrs, 1 eoted tbo boor
versity graduates and medical mm and fui, bnt he was soou imitated, some of 1 go carefully through the greuuds exam
With th at row tin ts d h w u ty of min«.
Mr». Van Dyke (as Van Dyke appears
Scotchman who ran through AuO.OOO his imitators beeoiuiug more famous ming the interior of the marquees aud
at 8 a. m. }-» Where have yen beeuf
A nd not till th is niom sut, from you.
thau he, like Bond, at whose place 120 J scrutinizingimAs and retreats fu scan-li
three year».
R a w I taaraod w h at w ould atahe a aatrt
Van Dyke— I—er—
years ago meals could he had for ISO of hwt jewels. Everything that is fonnd j
Mra Van Dyke— Now, tie careful I
T h st I .Urt -ed that eotlllou
‘ in the way of trinkets, sticks, lac- baud- !
Preserved fruits iu a stato fit to he francs (|3 0 ) per cover. ____
what von say, William. Don t think ,
With a girl w orth a m illion
.-erehwfs and k ve letters is forwart’ed
eateu have beeu takeu from tho ruins
And th ought >hat she badu't • tsvu.
yo a cau throw me off tho stent.—Bos­
An ordinary brick weighs about four | to the lord chambrrlaiu « office —Ph.'
cf Heiculauenui.
— Tom U ail Iu N ew Yorh Sunday Worth
to n tfn ’uld.
1 ed. lptiia Lrdgvr
And The
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a n d
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