Oome and «et us if in need oi ready PERSONAL8. in»de suit« ol cloth««, will have no more when there are «old—«imply $2 50 to $6 Ira Bray was a visitor in Florence _ y ü » L I » M » R YBR T r » I D A T MORNING— in your favor. Hurd 4 Davenport’«. Tuewlnv. Quite a number of parties on the Wm. Goodpasture arrived in Florence river have been making cider thia year. yesterday. —F lorancx , L as « C ounty , O rigon .— Some aa good as we ever tasted was Mr. Gibbs went to the valley again made by Albert Knowles. • RY - this week. A CHILD KILLED W.H. WEATHERSON Ä Eugene Ä the 8th Geo. M. Miller waa in Florence for a inat. between the short time. Editor and Proprietor. Boton Bloomer Girle and the Eugene Mrs. W. W. Neely of Seaton waa In club, the boys were the victors. town Monday. __T ibmb : $1 AO a year in advance.- The Oregon congressional delegation M. D. Johnson of Mound wa« on tide . made l- the .. . .. »«commenda- —--------— —— — — haa following water yesterday. Entered at the poet-office at Florence, j tiona : For post mailer at Corvallis, . ib . x ,, «au axky«j.n.1 ./111.«a I V« 11» Rev, J. A. Sims of Five Mile waa in Ijm e county, Oregon, «a second-class | B. W . Johnson; Indian agent ¡ t Siletz mail matter | reservation, T. J. Buford; collector of town last Tueaduy. Warren Nichols ol Meadow waa Florence thia week baying cuttle. customs at Astoria, John Fox. / A D V ia n « *0 watbb madb known oh AP­ P LIC A TIO N . luteal notlees » « “ •* P " lin e , ®*ch Insertion W E 8 T L IN G S . Tr» Bcb llla a 's Best tea and baking powder. A tine line of boya’ ready made cloth­ ing at A. O. Fun ke’p. The Roseburg Review udvises growers to sell their dried prunes if they have an opportunity to get a good price in cash ami predicts that the market for prunes will decline and weaken within the next thirty days. Register: F. L. Gibb, of Portland, a representative of the reorganised com­ pany comprising some of the member« Several parties from Lorane were in of tlie late C. B. Jeffries A Company, town the first of the week. arrived in Eugene last night and is A teachers' institute is to be held at offering to buy dried fruit. We under­ Lorane Oct. 22od and 23rd. stand he offers 3*4 cents in advance for Dr. Säubert’» new house at. Acme lias prunes for shipment. received the second coat of paint. A N TE D -TR U 8T W 0R T H Y AND Remember the entertainment Cathey*« ball the 23rd. Mr. and Mr». Nelson Cook of Hale spent a few day« in our town this week. George Chamlierllu arrived home a few days ago after tieiug absent all summer. in The center-board of the 8chooner Bella waa put in place Wednesday. Cash will buy clothing at Meyer A Kyle's this month at wholesale prices. Hood’s Pills are the favorite family cathartic and liver medicine. Price 25c. The San Francisco Examiner and the W est one year for $2.50 paid in ad­ vance. Just opened a new barrel of Blended Oiffee, something fine. Hurd A Daven­ port’s. Bring your job work to the W est office. Good work done at reasonable prices. Dr. J. C. Gray is in town to remain hut a few days. Call and have your teeth filled. Many ol the buildings around town bear evidence of a receut visit of a to­ bacco drummer. For the next thirty days we will sell you clothing at cost if you bring us the cash. Meyer A Kyle. Fine sport trolling these days. One man hooked four salmon in about half an hour the other day. J. R. Cleaves, jeweler, will be at Meyer A Kyle's store for a few days longer. He is prepared to do all kinds of work in bis line. Mrs. Kanoff w ill have a new stock of the latest styles of milliner's goods ar­ rive in a few days. Ladies are invited to call and examine them. The faculty of the university have Kited to ask the board of regents that a tablet lie placed in the school in mem­ ory of the late Prof. McClure. Mothers praise Hood's Sarsaparilla, because, by its great blood enriching qualities, it gives rosy checks and vigor oils appetites to pale and puny children. in J. A. Lecage's family intend to move into tow n next week for tlie winter. N o -T c -B a e fo r r i f t » C asts. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure make« weak men strong, blood pure. Me, SI. A ll druggists Mrs. O. R. Bean came down from Mapleton Monday to spend a few hours in Florence. Register: Mrs. W. T. Kayrer of E l­ mira left ttiia morning for Missouri to spend tlie winter. Mr. and Mrs. Davenport expect to leave about Nov. 10th to spend the active gentlemen or ladies to winter in California. Dr. McCornack of Eugene has been travel for responsible, established house in Oregon. Monthlv $65.00 ami expenses. visiting this week with tiie brother W. Position steady. Reference. Enclose R. McCornack on North Fork. self-addressed stamped envelope. The A Mr. Rice and Chas, and Dora Starr, Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago, of Tangent, Or., and Miss L. Neely of Coos Bay News: Capt. Hans Reed head of tide are visiting in Florence. has secured the contract for the build­ Frank Vader took a rest from Ida ing of a steamer for tlie Coquille-San labors as mailcarrier the first of the Francisco route. The new vessel will week. Wm Jorgensen made the trip to be built at Fort Bragg. She will be 136 Alsea for him. feet long, with a net tonnage of 200 tons W. R. McCornack aw l family, Dr. and is to djaw 10 feet when loaded. McCornack, W. H . Weatherson and She will have accommodations for 20 family and Mrs. Saubert visited at M r. passengers. Haring's last Sunday. W E d u c a te Y o u r n o w « !« W it h C aseareta. A Mr. Scott arrived from Independ­ ence a few day« ago and propose« to The Cottage Grove Leader has the take up a homestead on Fiddle creek. following in commendation of one of our Mrs. Scott, nee Miss Miles, wae formerly county officials: Commissioner Bailey a resident of that vicinity. was in the Grove Thursday on his way SCHOOL REPORT- up Coast Fork to look at some «mall bridges that are in need of repair. Mr. The following ia a true report cl Baily is doing some good work in the Summit school, district No. 127, Glena- matter of public highways in the county. da, Lane Co., Or., for the month begin­ Good roads are a necessity to a ; pros­ ning Sept. 6, and ending Sept. 30, 1897. perous community and Mr. Bailey is a No pupils enrolled 19 man who has learned that fact. Good No days taught 19)4 roads benefit the people hundreds of No “ attendance 291)4 dollars for every dollar expended in No “ absence 4 their permanent improvement. We Average daily attendance 14 don’t like M r. Bailey's court house Those not abeent nor tardy during tlie policy a little bit but be is all right on month Viola and Carlisle Colter, Dena road«. and Nellie Shreuder, Laura Johnson, Cnndy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. tOc. t&c. I t C. C. C. (all, druggists refund money. HOT TO HMD OUT. A B arata* Stare* r a lle aa R im W hile B e 1« K aania* Past It. F ill a bottle or common glass with i urine and let it stand twenty-four hour«; Last Sunday afternoon about ball past „ Rediineut ot settling indicates an un- two «Mock a singular accident happened healthy condition of the kidueye. When at Mercer Lake by which Rex, the little urine stains linen it is evidence of kid- aon of J. A. Levage waa instantly killed. ney trouble. Too frequent desire to M r. Levage had been burning some ' urinate or pain in the back, is also con- bruah piles and a stump about six feet wincing proof that the kidneys and iu bight and eighteen inches in diaine bladder are out of order. ter had been eet on fire. The stump WHAT TO DO. stood on a aide hili and there waa a road There ia comfort in the knowledge ao leading past it on tlie lower aide. When often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's it waa nearly burned down M r. Levage’e swamp-root, tlie great kidney remedy two little boye tan along the road peat fulfils every wish in relieving pain in tlie it, the elder being a few feet in advance. back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every Just aa the younger came opposite the part of the urinary passage. I t corrects stump, it fell, striking him on the head. inability to hold uriue and acaldiug pain The hack part of the skull and neck were in passing it, or bad effects following broken and the l»oy waa instantly killed. use of liquor, wine or beer, and over­ M r. Levage who waa two rods or to comes that unpleasant necessity of be­ distant, tiaatened to the child and pick­ ing compelled to get up many times ed him up but Hie little life was ended. during the night to urinate. Tlie mild The funeral services were held next and extraordinary effect of swamp-root day and the remains of the unfortunate ia soon realised. I t stands the highest child were interred in the Odd Fellows lor its wonderful cures of the most dis­ cemetery at Gleuada. Tlie boy would tressing cases. I f you need a medicine have been four yeare old November you should have the beat. Sold by 29th. The sorrowing family have the druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ sympathy of the community in their lar. Yon may have a sample bottle and affliction. pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention The W xbt and send your ad­ BURNED TO DEATH. dress to Dr. Kilm er A Co., Binghamton, A C h ild S w B sr s D e a th P r e r e t h e M a n s e s N. Y . The proprietor of thia paper a t E lm ir a . guarantees tlie genuineness of thia offer. Ella, the five-year-old daughter of M r. E. S. Miller, of Elraire, waa burned last Thursday, and died yesterday from the effects ot injuries received. The child was playing near some brush wt.ich was burning when in some manner her clothing waa ignited by the flames. Her clothing waa burned to her waist and one side of her hotly was ser­ iously burned before the flames could be extinguished. She also inhaled the smoke and flames. Dr. Canady waa called and did all be could to relieve the little sufferer, but her injuries were of too serious a natuie and she died yesterday. Mrs. M iller had her hands en badly burned while attempting to extinguish tlie flames on the child that she is un­ able to use them. CRANO ENTERTAINMENT. There will be a grand entertainment given in the Cathey hall, Saturday, Oct. 23rd, 1897, consisting of dialogues, reci­ tations, Tableaux, vocal and instrumen­ tal music, uinier the auspices of the Ladies Missionary Society. A pleasant evening assured all who attend. Admission Adults 25 cents •• Children 10 ’* FLORENCE SCHOOL REFORT. Siuslaw Company Organized, CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 If- No. of Shares 10,000, at $10 EACH, T H E S M IT H -H A V E S W E D D IN G . A very pleasant little company as­ sembled at the home of Alden Hayes, Tuesday evening October 12th, the occa­ sion being the marriage of M r. Leon 8mitb and Miss Grace Hayes. A little after eiglit o'clock the bride and groom entered the parlor and Rev. M r. Simms pronounced the words that made them husband and wife. After receiving the congratulations and good wishes of every body present tlie young couple with the assembled guests proceeded to the din­ ing room where wax a table loaded with such a variety of eatables that it would be difficult to describe them all. Hard­ ly were the company seated when the sound of music waa beard, and upon opening the door it waa found that the Florence cornet band bad assembled there to serenade M r, and Mrs. Smith When they had played a few tunes, the box or cigars usually furnished on such occasions was produced and distributed among the member» of the band. After spending tlie remainder of the evening in social converse the guests went to their homes, all wishing M r. and Mrs. Smith a long, prosperous and happy life. ____________ ___ E veryb od y’s O pportunity W h o De­ s ir e s to V isit th e N ew Eldorado. This is a Home Company. Every Citizen ofthe Siuslaw Valley S h o u ld ^ ^ ^ ^ - Own at Least one Share. Tw C a r e C e a a tlp a tlo a Verevev. T a k e C sscareU CaaUy C athartic, luo ®r tto. I f C. C. C. fa ll te eure, druggists rotund mousy. ITS A1IS ARB PDRBLi CO-OPERATIVE; Report of school in Dist. No. 97, for LARGE VEGETABLES. There is more catarrh in this section Viola Landis, and Elvia and Frankie the month begining Sept. 13tb and end- of the country than all other diseases Pepper. Oregon ia noted for producing large Those whose class standing waa 90and ind Oct. 8th, 1897. put together, and until the last few yeare 20 vegetables but it ia bard to find any No days taught wae supposed to tie incurable. For a over were Nellie Furnish, Delia Morris, 9% part that w ill beat tlie Siuslaw valley in great many years doctors pronounced it Graotly and George Colter, Dena No “ abeent 636 sice and quality of its products. A pump­ a local disease, and prescribed local Shreuder, Viola Landis and Elvia aud No “ present 37 kin was brought to town by George No pupils enrolled remedies, and by constantly failing to Frankie Pepper. Shultz from Ilia ranch on Maple creek 32 Average daily attendance L illian H abwood , teacher. cure with local treatment, pronounced Tbuee neither absent nor tardy and that weigha 77 pounds. it incurable. Science has proven ca­ A winter radish raised by Jared Scott T H E deportment over 90 are Ella and M ar­ MAPLETON NEWS. tarrh to be a constitutional disease, and aud Isa on North Fork measured 22 inches in gery Wilson, David, Eddie therefore require constitutional treat­ Kyle, Ruby and Helen Anderson, circumference and weighs 7)4 pounds. B y A R xadkk . Miss. Edna Knotts gave a party to her ment. H all’s Catarrh Cure, manufac­ Frank Ready. Claire Morris, Violet, tured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, young friends Wednesday evening, that Pansy, Edna and Stella Morris, Edith NOTICE FOR PUBUOATION. being her birthday. About twenty little Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on I know not what the troth may be; Yates, Carl M iller, Alice and Haael girls were preseut and all bad a good the market. I t in taken internally in I ’ll tell it aa 'twas told to me. Weatherson. Land O B ce a t Roasbur*. Oregon, doses from 10 drop» to a teaspoonful. Mrs. Hartley and son started for F.u- time. September I t , 1S17. Those averaging over 90 in their ex­ I t acts directly on the blood and mneoue gene last Monday. N otice Is hereby *lv « n th a t the follow ing The schooner Bella will sail for San amination D a v .d Kyle 92. surfaces of the system. They offer one named settler bas Sled notice e l « la In ten tiou A man from Eugene came in on b it Francisco about October 20th Cheap ClIABLOTTI V a NDINBUBO, to make final proof 1’. .ttpport of bis claim , end hundred dollars for any case it (ails to read ier. wheel last Monday. rates for freight. For further informa­ d said proof w ill be made before C. H . llo l cure. Send for circulars and testimoni­ tion inquire of Meyer A Kyle, Florence, den. U. 8. Commissioner e l Lake Precinct Harvesting it nearly done for thia INCREASED THE STOCK. als. Address, F. J. Chenev A Co., Pouatae Co., Ore. on October SO, 1817, vis: year in tlie Mapleton. Oregon. Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 76c. Fred 11. Kneoper on h. e. no. StlS for the sei4 ot the of A meeting of tlie stockholder« of Mrs. Bean received tlie sad newa The Spruce Point saw mill baa been sec. 7, tp. 1» «., r. I I we«t. H all’« Family Pill« »re the best. Co. in Alaska Gold Mining A Navigation son’s death last week. He lived put in condition for ojieration and the H e nemee the fo lio w ln * witnesses to provs The paper« at Cottage Grove and waa held Saturday at tlie office of C. H. hi« continuous rssldsacs upon end c u ltiva tio n work of sawing lumber for the Alaska Junction report but little interest mani­ California. Gold M ining A Navigation Co.’s boat fested in the meeting« held to hear Dr. Several wagons arrived at Mapleton Holden. After some diacuaaion of the of said land, vis: R. B. M ills, O. R. M ills and O. C. Compton ol will be commenced aa soon aa the logs Driver and Attorney Scarborough dis last week and are going to take back quesliou it wa« voted to increase the Florence, Oreo dry apple«, Fresno, Cel., who has been visiting with having secured an option on the evap­ relatives and friends here the past orator plant in case they decide to do mootli, returned home last Wednesday. « 0 . A few broken hearts left behind but TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY- otherwise we're all right. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Quite a lot oi grain waa damaged by A ll druggists refund money if it fails to NCTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. Land O E ce et Roeebur*. Oregon, September 15, 18S7. Notice is hereby given th a t the follow ing- named settler hee filed notice of hts In ten tion to make final proof In support of his claim , and that said proof w ill be made before C, H . H o l­ den U. H. Commissioner a t Florence. Oregon, on N ovsm her2nd, 1«V7, vis: Joseph Dnnean on b. e. no. 1117 for the n * 4 seli. sec. M : * 4 n«!4. n w !i sw>4, eec. 34; tp 1» »., r. 1« west. H e names th e follow ing witnesses to provs his continuous residence upon and cultivatio n - the early ruins, but most of it was threshed. The crops in thia valley were good. W . P. Drtigg threshed one acre of barley which turned out 112*4 bnehela W. P. says lie will seed about 10 acres next year and try bia lock again. Contractor F. A. Brown lias completed b ii work on the new school liouee in our district. He made a call yesterday on H . H . Drngg clerk, for hit money, wliich amounted to $506 96. -The neat tiling now in order ia to get about $160 to seat tlie booee. The nonce» are already posted to vote a tax Oct ISth, 1897. We hope all parties interested care. 26c. YOUNG CATTLE BALES. I of, said land, vis: J. L. Tay lo r, H. L. Tay lo r, Julius Koepp and K irby a ll of H erm ann, Oregon. B. M. V ia v c » , Register. Guard: James L. and Joels 1» Porter, of Silver Lake, Lake county have a band of 628 head of valves and yearling cattle at Geo. W . Witaett'a place near Cottage Grove. Ttieee young cattle have been bought and gathered during tlie laat two months in Imne end Donglae counties. The calves will average $8,60 per head and the yearlings a «mall advance over that price. Theownere w ill »tart to drive tlie cattle to tlieir range, on the will be at the meeting. other side of tlie mountains next Mon­ day. It will lake about fourteen day« blood dlgeat^n pure, jo u r appo- IC ^ ite ^ ffo your o d , your dlfjeaCon . per*—" to make the drive. Silver Lake it almut 150 mile« from Eugene by tb« military by taking Hood’s Baraaimrilia, aimrille- which wl wagon road, W Z L U baa power to keep you Person* Desiring to Subscribe for Stock Can do so by -^ ^ ^ __L esvln g Their Names Alaska Cold Mining &, Navigation Co. FLORENCE, : : : • : OREGON. NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION- Lend O « c e , et Roseburg, Oregon. Heptember 1 7 ,1M7. Notice le hereby given th a t the follow lng- nnmed settler bas filed notice ol his Inteollon to m ake final proof In support of his claim , end th a t said proof w ill be made before C. H . H o l­ den U. 8. Oommlesloner, e t Flore»»«-, Oregon on October Sfi. W87. vis: Oenvge W. Masterson on h. e no. 7 2 « for the w}< ne'4 »«<> * 4 » » H , see. iNBY CATHARTIC CURtCOnSTIWTlON M , tp. lfia, r, 12 West. H e names the follow ing witnesses to provs M s continuous residence upon end cultivatio n of veld land, vis: Fred Wells and W illia m Welle of M apleton, Of»., Oeorge O. Knowles snd John Waddle of Florence. Oregon. R. M. Vs »ten, R<*lster. ABS01Ä pie mW SwWlsSfV«.. fid. « R y U N U RRMRRT «W-. O DRUGGISTS