The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, October 15, 1897, Image 2

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», f . Chrenicte.
-—.•l'R i.l« h S B EVERY ËRtfiaY
L.UCE C ot'X Tr,
O bkook
' - BY - - <
I Professor Bernard Mow«, ia hi« inter-
; citing address on ••The Economic Situ-
W ash ., D. O. Oct. «, 1897.
jotiou in Japan" delivered st the an.
the diplomatic corps, un­
i tunic mooting of Ute various orgaaiza-
I. der special instructions from their
i lion« of miuielera in this city on Mon»
keeping s dose watch
day morn tug, devoted considerable So',en’,«le“ ’«.
attention to an alleged lack of commer ,w I upon the relations between the United
The following weather table for three
mouths is calculated from rales said to
have Is-eu found correct in nearly every
instance. Paste it in your hat and see
if it tits Oregon as well as other places ;
October 2 to 9 rainy if wind is 8 or SW.
“ 10 “ J? changeable.
“ 18 “ 24 very rainy.
“ 23 “ 31 changeable.
Nov. 1 “ 8 wind and rain.
“ 9 “ 10 fair.
“ 17 “ 23 rain.
“ 24 “ 29 fair.
“ 30 “ Dec. 7 fair if wind in NE.
Dec. 8 “ 15 rainy if wind is S or SW.
1« “ 22 “ “ •• “ 8 “ SW.
23 “ 20 frequent showers.
30 “ Jan. 6, ’98 frequent showers.
Rashness and haste make all things
The men ot the past had convictions
while we moderns have only opinions.
He most lives who thinks most, fctls
cial morality among the people who Sute* and K«*in ’»»t*«'»'»« Cuba and
the noblest, acts the best; and he whose J
Editor ami Proprietor,
formed the subject of his discussion. , one of them consented to express his
heart heats the quickest lives tlie !
views, provided his name was not used,
The learned professor tells us:
Some of the uinro far-soeing of the | lie said : “ I don’t think that either the
The love of reading enables a man to
Japanese recognize the moral weakness, j American people or their press, with all
exchange the wearisome hours of life,
Mr. H. E. Oosch Tell What is Necessary ami appreciate to a certain extent the
which come to every one, for hours o f ,
to Prevent it.
check it places on their commercial are being made in this Cuban business.
prosperity. They write about it and The general impression is that this
Literatare happens to he the only
Recently tlie Earl Fruit Co. addressed 1 their articles are published io their country >s working to bring alxrnt tlie
E d n r a to Y o u r B o w e ls W ith Ca,, c a re ts.
a letter to If. K. Dosch, state liorticultu- , pa|>ers ami magazines. They even lec- independence of Cuba, «¡th a view to Cumly C athartic, cure constipation forever. occupation in which wages are not given
10c. 26c. It C. C. C. fa ll, druggists refund inoucy.
in proportion to the goodness of the
rnl commissiouor, regarding tho rotting ! ture about it in their colleges. The its ultimate annexation. In my opinion
work done.
xif Italian prunes this year, They stated Higher Commercial School has a distinct: a,,d in the opinion of many of my fellow
If you would convince a man tliat tie
that many reports hud come to them professorship known as tho chair of diplomats, that is entirely wrong. I
wrong, do right. But do not care
that Italian prunes rotted in transit, commercial morality. But the ambition have reuson to believe tliat the propo­
F ish in g Gazette.
him. Men believe what
arriving at the other end of the lino in of tlie jieople to do a smart thing regard­ sition made by the United States to
The Maryland Game and Fish Pro­
them see.
had condition, Mr. Poach replied to less of consequences stand in the way of S|>ain, which I believe to have the mor­
tective Association is of the opinion that
( their letter as follows:
early reform.
al, if not the materiel support of Great
A large library is apt to distract
a very important measure for the pro­
“ In reply, allow me to say that the
When this alleged ilefieioncy first he- Britain, does not go further than bring-
tection and ;>rogagation of food Ashes is rather than instruct the learner; it is
cause of these prunes rotting, even after gun to attract attention it was sits-! *nl4 peace to Cuba, in order that the
to prohibit dry landing of seines. The much better to be confined to a few
, they are ripe, is a fungous disease, |>ected that the charges against the j commerce of this country and England
practice at present is to haul the seines authors than to wander at random over Those Goods W ill Run Out at Rates so Low That it Will Mak,
inonilia fructigcijc, mid there is no good Japanese were inspired by men who had witli the island may be restored to its
to the shore, and sort out the large fish many.
reason for its existence. It Is simply the an interest in making the outaide world former size. In other words, it is a
Quick Work of Their Distribution.
Love has a way of cheating itself
for market, leaving thousands of “small
result of carelessness and neglect, and lielievo that the Oriental was a tricky question of dollars and cents anJ not of
fry” to die in the sand. If the associa­ consciously, like n child who plays at
tho prunegrower has no ono to lilamo fellow' who could not be depended upon favoritism or sentiment. I believe fur­
tion can have its way. all seines will be solitary hide and seek; it is pleased
hut. himself. This disease made its first to do honest work or to deal fairly. But ther, that the new Spanish cabinet will
landed on boats, or else hy some con­ with assurance tliat it all the while dis­
jippearancc some six years ago, confin­ Professor Moses tells us that the Jap­ he favorably inclined to this proposition,
trivance in the water, so that the email believes.
ing its ravages to tlie tender Hungarian anese practically confess their moral but that doesn’t mean that it will he,
fry will have to be dumped overboard,
How will you find good? It is not a
Of Ready made Clothing, th a t Means that Mr
weakness by lecturing against it in or can he carried out. There are two to live and be used when they grow up.
thing of choice, it is a river that flows
When this disease, as well as the shot- their colleges and writing about it in obstacles—serious ones. First the Cu­
Cash can F it Himself out at
from the foot of the Invisible Throne,
hale fungus and curl-leaf, made its ap­ their papers and magazines.
bans have lost no opportunity of pro­
Don't Tobsrro Sett and Hnoke lo a r U fc Away.
and flows by the path of obedience.
M a n u fa c tu re .^ ^
Cost of Manufacture.
pearance in my prune orchard, we at­
T o q u it tobacco e a sily und forever, be inog
Evidently tho professor thinks these claiming to the world that they will
netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, tak e No-To-
tacked all three at once witii liino and admissions definitely settle the matter, listen to no offer that does not grant B ar. the wonder-worker, th at m akes weak men
Have some Special offerings In
hluo vitrol, and are musters of the situ­ and that we may safely conclude that them absolute independence, and lastly, strong. All druggists, 60c or II. Cure guaran­ repentance its expiation. The former
— HAD»« Shoes and Hats
B ooklet and sumpla free. Address
ation, none of tlie three being visible the Japanese are morally so delinquent the strength of public opinion in this Sterlin g R em edy C o , C hicago or N ew York. appertains to a tormented conscience;
the latter to a soul changed for the
now. Tlie time for the first spraying is that they can never hope to compete country in favor of independence for
¿dose at hand, or as soon as most of tho commercially with the people of the Ouha. If Spain offers Cuba peace and
G R E E N L E A F IT E M S .
There is one word which may serve as
leaves have fallen. With a solution of western world, who, by implication, home rule with a government something
B y a W est C obkespondent .
a rule of practice for all of one’s life,
10 pounds of lime, six poundu of sul have a monopoly of the honest and fair like England gives her colonies, and the
that word is reciprocity. What you do
jihate copper and 40 gallons of water, dealing. We are afraid, however, that Cubans refuse it, wliat will this country
Oct. 9th, 1897.
properly dissolved and mixed, tlie trees the Japanese, if so disposed, might do? A majority of your people appear
Seth Simmons ia hauling lumber for not wish done to yourself, do not do to FLORENCE STORE AND SEATON BRANCH
•hould be covered from the ground to easily turn the tables on their western to he with the Cubans, but I am satis­ n new house. He says he got tired of others.
their top-most branches', again with rivals by citing admissions which would fied tliat your government is not, and living out of doors.
Selected thoughts depend for their
Potato rot is reported. Mr. AlmaBi flavor upon the terseness of their ex­ ■ ■an
half strength Bordeaux mixture, just convey the impression that the mer your government ia right. I consider
ns tho buds are swelling, and again with chants and manufacturers of England its native population unfitted for lost sixty bushels.
pression, for thoughts are grains of
Fred Pepiot says there’s nothing like
mod Hied Bordeaux mixture when the Gortnany and other countries are
self government, and equally unfit­
sugar, or salt, that must be melted in a
goats. He is making money of them.
prunes havo attained tlm sizo of linzel- race of scoundrels, bent upon gain, and ted to become a part of the United
drop ot water.
The Deadwood and Lake creek base­
pnta. If, however, the disease should absolutely disregardful of such things States, even if your government wished
A little grain of romance is no ill in­
ball teams played a second game today
make its uppeurance—which I very as honesty and fair play.
to annex the island, which 1 do not be­ on Martin Olsen’s grounds, near Dead­ gredient to preserve and exalt the digni­
much doubt, if tho previous sprayings
Who that is familiar with the writ lieve. From a diplomatic point of view, wood. The Deadwood team had won ty of human nature, without which it is
have been done properly— wlien tlm fruit ¡ngs of Spencer, Ruskin, Carlyle and
it is an interesting problem, hut I con­ the former game. The game today was: apt to degenerate into everything that
Deadwood, 20; Lake creek, 13: and
is about to mature, they should ho host of other Englishmen, does not fess that I see no solution in sight.”
Deadwood made Lake creek a present of is sordid, vicious aud low.
sprayed with one pound of copper know that they are filled with scoldings
The other side of the Cuban question their (Deadwood) last inning.
A man ought to carry himself in the
■ulphate and 10 gallons of water. It against and lamentations over modern might have been heard at a public meet­
world as an orange tree would if it
will nlso be found that if tho spraying commercial degeneracy? In his discus­ ing held in a Washington church, Sun­
T o C u re C o n s tip a tio n F o r e v e r .
could walk up and down in the garden,
is done thoroughly tlie first year, lees sions of ethics, Spencer makes “ no day afternoon, which was the first of a
T ake Caacareta Candv Cathartic. 10c or 25«.
If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. swinging perfume from every little cen­
•praying will answer in uftcr yoars.
hones” about asserting that competi­ series to lie held in Washington nnd
ser it holds up to the air.
J. 1..1 . ..1 1) - 4.
tion has brought about a state of affairs elsewhere during the fall and winter,
T ur aimiijtbctb of 1’ittshurg, Pa.,
Lincoln Co. Leader; A new run of
Love is frightened at the intervals of
which all good men must regret; Itus under the management of the Woman'«
fish lias come into Yaquina bay and insensibility and callousness that en­
huvo good sense. They aro specifying
kin, viewing the matter from the stand National Cuban League. Among the river this fall. They are the Norway
wrwxlen joists ami solid wood floors in
croach by little and little on the domin­
point of the esthete, declares that the speakers were a number of prominent mackerel or herring. The fish resemble
large buildings, instuad of ateel and iron
ion of grief, and it makes efforts to
struggle (or wealth has wiped out all men and women and several Washing­ the ordinary herring except that they
joists. Tlie reason for this is that wlien
recall the keenness of the first anguish.
nice distinctions concerning honesty ton preachers, and the text from which are larger. These in the river now are
SHIRTS 25cts. TO $1.50
n building catches on fire the metal
extremely fat, so fat that they ensily
Nothing more strikingly betrays the
while Carlyle sweepingly says: “ You they all spoke and demanded action on
• • • •
joiats expaud and push out tbs sides of
are lucky if you can find now any good the part of this government was “Free in large schools, and the water seems to credulity of mankind then medicine.
tho building, causiug tho wliolo atrae
paper—any work really done; search Cuba."
lie literally alive with fish where a Quackery is a thing universal and uni­
turc to fall. A solid wood floor, on the
school of them appear. Many people versally successful. In this case it be­
where you will, from highest phantasm
The star among President McKin­
othor hand, burns, to lie sure, hut keeps
fishing after them, using a common comes literally true that no imposition
apex to lowest enchanted basis,”
ley’s numerous political visitors since hoop dip net. They salt them down
ita pluce, aud unless the fire continues
is too great lor the credulity of man.
Not only do tho learned English phil­ his return to Washington was Senator
for winter use. If the run of these fish
for a long time is not apt to burn l.nyond
Monopolies are just as injurious to
osophers scold their degenerate coun­ Foraker, of Ohio. He was preceded hy continue in future years they will be a
repair. In a recent very hot fire in a
trymen, but Britons less given to burn tlie Btorv that he had left Ohio in a huff source oi much proAtto our fishermen. religion as to trade. With competion
building with solid wood floors, the
These fish both dried and salted are religions preserve their strength, but
¡ng the midnight oil ojicnly advocate
because of some disagreement with Sen­
floors were simply converted into char­
adulteration and diBhonest work. We ator Hanna and his Lieutenant, Col. considered a great delicacy in tiio east, they will never again flourish in their
coal for a depi h of an inch or moro,
readily retailing nt ten cents per pound.
ran furnish Professor Moses with ex­
original glory until religious freedom,
Dick, over the management of the cam­
while the Ureuiuu claim that under
or, in other words, free trade among the
tracts from English trade papers in paign, and did not intend to return.
«imitar circumstances a metal-joist
which dishonesty in trade is advocated This may or may not have been true,
ANTED-TRUSTWORTHY AND Gods, is introduced.
floor would surely have gone to the bot­
active gentlemen or ladies to
ss a proper weapon with whieh to repel hut after several conferences with Pres­
We are told, "Let not the sun go down
tom. This ought to be important news
the aggressions of dishonest rivals—the ident McKinley, Senator Foraker left travel for responsible, established house on your wrath.” This, of course, is
to the manufacturers of the PaciAc
in Oregon. Monthly $U5.00aiid expenses.
dislioneet rival generally being the Washington today for Ohio and said Position steady. Reference. Enclose best; but as it generally does, I would
Northwest. Owing to its great strength
other fellow.
he would at once resume his campaign self-addressed stamped envelope. The add, never act or write till it lias done
Douglus fir joiats can be had in smaller
The English do not hesitate to accuse work, which he had left only temporari­ Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago.
so. This rule has saved me from many
sizes than if made of other soft woods,
the Germans of all sorts of improper ly on account of pressing private busi­
an act of folly. It is wonderful what a
strength and lightness aro requisites
practices in trade; they assert that Eng­ ness. The politicians believe tliat there
different view we take of the same event
not to he sneezed at by architects aud
lish goods are counterfeited by menu-1 was foundation for the disagreeing
four and twenty hours after it lias
. builders.— 1‘acijlc
We have made arrangements by happened.
facturers in Ge.'many, who, by this story, and that President McKinley,
means, impose inferior articles on their who has a record as a peacemaker which we will furnish the Weekly
Ijfe is like a beautiful and winding
Oregonian with the W k » t tor one year
E vbkt day hr mgs fresh intettigeacs deluded customers. And the Germans among Ohio republican factions, in to any address for the sum of two dol­ lane, on either side bright flowers, and
from Europe discrediting the first now retort by showing that even “ Brum­ some way brought about a truce and lars, payable cash in advance.
beautiful butterflies, and tempting fruits
taken by the English press that tlx magem Joe” Chamberlain has been persuaded Senator Foraker to again en­
we scarcely pause to admire and to taste,
B o o m s I n F lo r id a .
at itudunf the Government of England guilty of imposing English wood screws ter the campaign. Anyway he is going
eager are we to hasten to an opening
A lady traveling on the Sonth Flori­
iu the matter of a silver reserve, to lie upon his credulous countrymen aud into the campaign again this week.
da railroad one night noon after tho yel­ which we imagine will lie more beauti­
low fever scare was heard to exclaim:
held by the leading tin auca al inatitu- fureigners by putting French labels on
No Czar or Emperor is more auto­ "Just look there! Tell me about not ful still. But by degrees as we advance,
tion of the kingdom, was not inspired l*‘el"
cratic than a political lioss, and all par­ having yellow fever in the piny woods I the trees grow bleak; the flowers ami
No doubt the Japanese manufactur­
by a desire to act eomplaisanUy toward
ties are afflicted with the lioss. A story Why, w c’vo been running through a butterflies fail, the fruits disappear, and
graveyard for an hour!" She had been
the United States. Nothing more is ers and merchants are not nil they
liearing on this assertion is now going looking out at the white painted comer we find we havo arrived—to reach a
heard of that surmise. AU tlw (tens we ought to he, but until Europeans and the rounds of the friends of Representa­ stakes of an embryo city gleaming in desert waste.
get now tends torluiw ttisA tlie creditor Americana find it feasible to remove
tive Amos Cummings, of New York. It the moonlight. There weie hundreds of
interest in England is awakauiug to the from their statute books an immense shows why the talk of nominating Mr. such towns in south Florida, In whioh
thousands of lots were sold in good faith
(set that tlie people ot that country are body of laws all aimed at commercial
Cummings ns the Tammnny candidate aud iu the houest belief that they would
¿ 0 / t l\i5 # #
not a unit on the subject of the mone­ immorality we had betier sing low.
for mayor of greater New York was so soon be the centers of wealth and p o p u ­
lation. Others were mapped out for the
tary standard, sod that vairy many of And alxjve all things let us not t< mis­
suddenly hushed, although it was gene­ express purpose of catching "suckers."
them arc cuuung Li realise that what led into supposing that the people cred­
This is the complaint of
rally admitted that he would have been Some hunters found a "city” in a cy­
aiay ho good for loom herd street may ited by the professor with being able to many thousand votes stronger than the press swamp «0 miles from a railroad thousands at this season.
and a day’« Journey from ary human They havo no appetite; food
pot I k ' ho g> od for the agriculturist o< do smart things, will not lie smart
man nominated, tiecause of his populu- atoxic. There it w as, laid out ami staked does not relish. They need the toning up of
the manufacturer ami his employes, In enough to discern that commercial hon- rity with old soldiers, letter carriers, off in streets and lota and squares and the stomach and digestive organs, which
public parks. They killed a bear in the
course of Hood’s Sarsaparilla w ill givo
abort tho English Government i, csty is tlu> best policy.
and organize,! labor generally. Hi«- Primitive Baptist rharch lot.—Lippin- a them.
I t also purifies and enriches the «
yieldiug to other pressure thau that ex-
nomination was prevented hy Mr. Rich^ eott’s.
blood, cures that distress after esting and
.erted hy this country. Whether it «ill
Internal misery only a dyspeptic can
ard Croksr, whose nod is aa potent as it
A t B IkMtkatore.
succumb is quite Another matter. Ia»m-
know, creates an appetite, overcomes that
ever was with Tammany, although lie
Customer—But this book bears a date j
tired feeling and bnilds np and sogtatns
A house and lot in Glsnada. The
hard «trust is vary strong aud has « on
claims to have given up the leadership,
Dealer in Rare Volumes—go much !
wany battles in tit» post. It may srin house ia ltì hy 24 toet and tuie story and on tlie gronnds that Cummings was too
the more valuable, sfr^-eo mnch the J ly sad effleiently relieves dyspeptlcsvmp-
Ibis, uulesa tie.' textile industries of
independent, and could not be trusted more valuable. It is proof of its an­ toms and cures nervous handsches, that It
England are *o hard hit by tits Dinglcy ou prsmises. For flirtile.' particulare to oliey orders when they clashed sritli tiquity. It was only after the invention seems to have almost “ s magic touch."
of printing, yon know, that the counter­
bill ss to compel tbs hunting upnf frtwh nquj.-s at Ibis offlue.
his own opinion. The particular re­ feiting of old volumes was possible.—
ynsrkcte. In that event tlierr will sure­
fusal to olwy orders that angered Mr. Boston Transcript
BvarvhoSy Sar» «a.
ly he trouble, as a loss of n conaiderahl»
was when Cummings refuaod to
part of the Amarican trade coacum-ntly a e rn j mialkwl tlua-oterv ot thè aga. eaa-
■ w e llin g .
fe il
the Pacific Railroad Funding
"W h e n Mrs. R aw to n lived In Paw
with the stump iu Orintal exports will am and tefr.-ahiat to the taala, a n gently
¿D oríband’
and iHiaillvtiy on kklusys. liver and bowels,
Iiavo the «fleet of driving home the lea- elKiialng Hi« entire »\sh-ni, dlo|wl colds, Rill in the house at the last session o( paw. she wouldn't wear a gowu uulesa
■on that silver depreciation is reapnnai- CSn litaulMoliv. lever, habitual eon«ll|talloa roagresa. And the declaration of Mr. it was mail,' in Chicago. ”
and blilouaoca. Plcaae buy and trv a bos
to the beet - I n fact thsfm« True Blood Further.
|>ln tor the latter trouble - f .
( ’Aeon» of U. C. C to-day ; Hl.
Mi cents. Held and Cummings that he believed the bill to (
*on't wear any gown made
guaranu-txl to cure by all druggists.
¿ if ,
be a job added to Mr, (.roker a enmity, pqtsjde q< Fpria. "—Chicago Record.
Hood’» Pill»
«ügestoo. n
We are Prepared to Meet
Demands for W inter
Goods, W ith a N ew
Line of Heavy Woolen Un-
derwear, M itts, Fad
Boottees, Oil Clothing, Ru^
ber Boots, Over Shoes Etc.
I Yainu for Your Moony at all
FDR D II E M , C10UIIÍ, S H If F i l l »
;;; All the Latest In
Dress Goods, Trim m ing Etc.
E ugene,
O re g o n
Dry Goods,
★ Groceries ★ and ★
Just Opened.
Goods as Represented.
4,4 l i /