m I ) » 8 > R R R s y B i y » » y . [T H E W EST I- YOUR HÖHE PAPER t k Í-T -r -r-î^ T F A D lk V V E U R U T Ì' IS E R S f A ! P ► SUPPORT IT J -i- ~ O P P O R TU N ITY - A_j VOL. VIII. NO 25. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Oct. 15, 1897 GENERAL directory STATE OFFIÇERS- SnJSLAWS ONLY PATER. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. * TRAVELERS’ GUIDE asy to Take asy to Operate E Q -A -R D IIT E r t. Oflmlal P r o m o tio n s Go H and In W ith K u orasu u . B ribe«. BLOOD WON. THE BOSS OF 8TAHH C H INESE SQ U EEZES. I la o d « t e n lova, c a r lire»« ImmurUL P a t on m ortality A a,l dow n from Eden's portal B rought thia sw oct w orld to b * A t tho aubllw o urohaueel Ho laughed w ith veliod eyaa, B or ho bora w lth lo h i. bosom Tba sued of paradlao. F a ir A n u * W na * D enoon's N iece, b u t Sh e E n jo y e d th e R ace. Ono of these men who came in from Prior to each promotion the official tho country and has climbed from Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small In hua to bo received iu audience by tbo S T A O E L IN E . S A IL 8 ... the bottom of the ladder to the top size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. A s one man emperor. But thin is a very costly af­ . .W illia m P . L o r d .1 likes to tell a story on his wife, whoso governor................ ......... H. R. Kincaid. ! fair, for no one’» preneuoe iu tho cap­ On the 1st, 10th and 20th of eaeli second beaniy is crowned by a mass of Secretary oí S 'a te . Ha hid It In hla bosom. ital oity is recognized until he ha» . ........... P h ilip M etelien ' silken hair as wbito os cotton. month. And thuru such warm th It found rreasnrer. ■ • , ‘ bribed tbs gatekeeper to register his leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ •‘We both lived on a farm then," ho I t brako In bud and bluaaom, jupt. Public Instruction. ..G, M. Irwin. I Single trip 83.00. Round trip 85.00 days and Fridays. name as having paused into the city And tba roao fe ll on tho «round. says, "Anna was nu orphan and brought . ,.W . II. Leeds. --------- • | Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Tliurs- and duly report his advent That Li Aa Ibo green lig h t on tho pralrta. State P rin te r........... np by a strict old uncle, wbo was a dea­ said : *' You never know you . ,C. M. Idlem an.1 days and Saturdays. As lb s rod Ugh* uu ‘ho sea. Hung Chang bad to pay an enormous attorney G e n e ra l. eon. She was pretty and bright, but so Through fragrant be Ito of sum m er have taken a pill till it is all It. 8. Bean Connects with Steamer and Scotts- gum in tip« and bribe.R—over £1,000,000 Camo th is sw eet w orld to be. prim and straitlaced that she would over.” 25c. C. I. Hood & Co., " .. F. A. Moore I ‘!w'x S.4®»® Line for Drain. Also with —on hi» last visit to Peking is u sanction nothing to which the deacon Supreme C ourt A nd tho grave archangel, seeing, C. E. Wolverton j ®tage Line for Coos Bay. Charge For Passenger and Freight Rates proprietors. Lowell, Mass. mutter of common knowledge, but the The ouly pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. himself objected, and no old Covenanter Spread hla m ighty vans for flight. reasonable. narration of two instances that have . .J. C. Fullerton -------- APPLY B ut a glow bung round him fleeing judge Second D is tric t ever drew the lines more olosely than he come directly nuder my notice may per­ Like the rose of an arctlo night. Mtomey'sccond District.Geo. M. Brown did. A nd andly m oving heavenward haps serve to make the English reader M eyer & Kyle, Florence, O r. “ Noxt to Anna my affections were By V enus and by Mara, realize even more vividly how inexora­ centered on a oolt that was good to look H e beard the Joyful planet« ble and how shameleasly open is the H all earth, the rose of stars. at and developed a wonderful speed and —O. E. Woodbury In Century. systematic corruption. gameuess that spoke of aristocratic de­ WALTON, V'NCENT COUNTY OFFICERS- The governor of Kiang-su province, I told tbis to no one bat Anna, V . H E M IN W A Y .) S T E A M E R “ C O O S ,’ HAS T H E UMBRELLA FAD. scent who was an intimate friend of Prince ( s u c c e s s o r s and it was with great difficulty that I Kung, thought to take advantage of hLs - W ill make’ - E- B a n g s ,___ Proprietor. induced her to rii’e one Sunday with me great influcuce by coming into the city C h iv a co M a s W h o C arries I t t o G r e a te r to a camp meeting behind a leal trotter. E x tr em e« T h a n Mo*€ P e o p le . withont bribing the gatekeeper. When .E. O. Potter. Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, R E G U L A R D A IL Y TR IP S "Going to the meeting I regulated Judge.................... ............ There ia • man on tho North Side he called upon his royal friend. Prince tho colt's pace to suit tho day and tho AND - B etw ee n ----- .. W. T. Bailey Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 a. who has the umbrella fad. It would Kung exclaimed: “ When did yon oomef occasion, and he was as sedato as the Commissioners j ......... . . J. T. Callison j A C om plete Line o f D rug I cannot possibly recognize your pres­ hardly be fair to tell his name, as it deacon himself. The ouly girl of the i in., arriving in Florence the day was lean,cl in confidence, and the fad ence, for I have not seen your namo in A. C. Jennings , neighborhood wbo pretended to rival Su n d ries and T o ile t A rticles . Clerk................................... A. J. Johnson follow ing at 10 a. m. tho chuug-wen-mcn report," and be might not bo regarded as a mero eccen­ Annu iu beauty was there with a young Sheriff................................. had to return and pay doable tho nsnal tricity by some people who havo suffer­ follow who pridid himeelf on having R eturning-stage leaves Flor­ •A. 8. Patterson ....... ......... . treasurer........................... bribe to the gatekeeper before Princo ed from it and they might bo tempted the fastest horses in the county. Toward . . . D. P. Burton ence on Mondays, Wednesdays Kung would reocive him. Even more to oomplain to the police. Again, every­ sundown she told Anna that we had bet­ Assessor...................• • • • • Corner 9th & W illam ette Sts. remarkable is tho case of Tso-Tchung- body who has lost an umbrella—aud ter start home early. They would re­ School S u p e rin te n d e n t. ........O. 8. Hunt and Fridays at 3 p. m., arriving means a majority of the people of . ..C. M. Collier Eugene, : : : Ore. Tong, ono of the greatest of onr gener­ that quire much less time aud would prob­ Surveyor........................... in Eugene the following day als, who, having suppressed the Moham­ Chicago—would look up his address in ably pass us on tho way. That made me . .. J. W. Harris Coroner............................. the directory and sweep down upon him a t 6 p. in. medan rebellion iu Turkestan, had ao Justice of P e a c e ............... . .F. B. Wilson the hope that his lost property mad and I thought I detected an nn- wouted fire in her eyes. Wo were jog­ TE R M S S T R IC T L Y CASH. quired for the Celestial empire territory with John F. Tanner about half as large as China itself. The might be in his collection. Constable ......................... Single fare . . . - $5.00 There are other men who have a ging homeward as decorously as we had emperor, who held him In high esteem, gone, talking solemnly as v c should, Round trip - - - - 89.00 wished to see him and sent a special weakness for taking umbrellas, but no when there was a rush past ns, a cloud summons calling him to an audience at man is known to havo carried it to ao of dust and a mocking laagh that bado Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s j CITY OFFICERS. great an extreme as this one. He has a Peking. ns ‘goodby. ’ My colt was prancing and * livery barn, Eugene, and at H urd j When on his coming to the city the collection numbering 400 uiubiellas of palling like a tugboat. I was bound to all kinds. A good many of them were chung-weu-men, or gatekeeper, de­ please my girl, grinding as it was. & Davenport’s office in Florence, j manded 80,000 tael, he refused to pay bought, Some of them were borrowed . ,F. B. Wilson •• ‘Let 'er go!’ come between her red.' President................ anything. But even ho was not officially xrom friends, with and without their j lips aud white set teeth just as a girl o f O. W . H u rd reported, and after he bad remained permission, aud others were acquired iu the period would say ‘Let ‘cr go, Gnl- W in. K yle several months in Pekin, waiting for an other ways which it would be hardly I higher. ’ Board of T ru stees M arion M orris audience, the emperor issued another polite to mention. The man is a good S leeping C ars ‘‘That was enough. Fences and tree« C. C. B ehnke edict, asking why he had nover come, citizen iu other respects, hut he is a vic­ flew the other way. Blood told, and tho .......J. 0. FLINT, Proprietor ........ tim of tho umbrella habit, aud when he Tso-Tehung-Tong responded by telling 1 oolt seemed on wings. When we were . Drew Severy Recorder.. F lo re n c e , O re g o n . tho whole story, adding that, having sees an umbrella he is compelled to nose and nose, Anna was so excited that D in in g C ars . . . J . A. Pond struggle very hard to resist tho tempta­ Ireasurer spent all his own and his family ’s mon­ she wanted to take the reins for fear I J . R . W eddle ey on tho support of soldiers daring the tion to make himself its owner. Usual­ couldn’t win the Sunday race. But the T o u ris t Marshal... ly ho yields to tho temptation, and the OUR AIM—To furnish the best war, he had no means with which to Sleeping C ars THE CHRONICLE ranks with WM greatesS gallant colt slict us through ahead. It pay such a bribe. He appealed to the coveted prize is transferred to his col­ wasn't long till Anna wore a little jew­ newspapers In the United statee. accommodations at reasonable 8T . PAUL lection. emperor graciously to relieve him of the THE CHRONICLE hae no equal on the Paelflo elry and toleratod cards to the extent of SECRET SOCIETIES. Tho umbrella collector does not muke plnyiug ‘old maid.’ "—St. Louis Bo- Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and news. imposition. In reply the emperor said: M IN N E A P O L IS prices. THE CHRONICLE'S Telegraphic Reports are any great display of his collection. The “ This [the feeing of the gatekeeper] i9 pnblic. ____________ the latest and most reliable, Its iamal News the D U LU T H a geuerul and ancient usage, and the umbrellas are piled up In a big closet in fullest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from the I F. & A. M . F lo re n c e L odge N o. 107. FA R G O ablest pens la the country. viceroy and generalissimo must submit his bedroom, and he very seldom visits WINDFALLS FOR GAMINS. THE CHRONICLE has always been, and always li Regular so in m n n le a tio n on second to it like another. ” And asTso-Tchuug- i t Now and then he looks over them GRAND FORKS TO will be, the friend and champion of the people as ,nd iourtli S a tu rd a y s in each m o n th . lA v to h G ift* B « ,to w « d o n a P a l» n t Toug really hud not the money, his and counts them with satisfaction. The against combinations, cliques, corporations, ur C R O O K 8T O N B r ig h t B o y s. oppressions of any hind. It will bo Independent friends raised a subscription, the dow­ Inst time he counted them there were S . L . R o b eb d s , W . M , In oroey thing neutral la uothlug. W IN N IP E G Quite recently tbe pretty wife of * ager emprois herself contributing half 898 in the closet Ho has added a few ,G. K notts , S e c re ta ry . PR IN CIPA L H O T E L ★ prosperous manufacturer was looking the required sum.—Fortnightly Roview. to his collection since that time. H E L E N A '"1,1 In every other way except this pas­ into a confectioner’s window whon a ONE BLOCK FROM D E P O T BUTTE sion for umbrellas, which amounts to a bvrefooted lad of about 10 coolly walk­ N e v e r D r in k o n t h e W a te r . ---- RATES $1.00 Per DAY---- I A. R. G en eral L y o n s P o s t, No. 58, "It is a curious fact, easily verified, mania, the man is perfectly sauo. Hi? ed np to her and plaoed his rugged arm h meets second a n d fo u rth S a tu rd a y s that domesticuted aquatic fowls do not friends regard him as a very clever through hers. M rs . L. L M ahsters , P ro p . "Kxoooso this liberty, mum,” he f each m onth a t 1 :30 p . m . drink whilo they nro swimming,” re­ man, and ho holds a responsible posi­ : : O r e g o n , TO E u fcen e, : J. I. B u t t e r f ie l d , Commander. marked M. A. Fultou of Arkansas. tion in a big wholesale house down said, with comical ceremony, ‘‘but I C H IC A C O “ Au old farmer frirtsd a t mine dowu town. But umbrellas are his weakness. ain't got n mother o’ my own, an I feels J . L . F u r n is h , Adjutant. W A S H IN G T O N iu Arkansas called my attention to this H e is a viettai of the umbrella habit lonely. Will ye kiss mef" For a moment the lady was too as­ P H IL A D E L P H IA a short timo ngo, aud I huvo since boen just as anoffasr man might bo a victim closely observing tho habits of ducks, of the opium habit or morphine habit, tonished to apeak, but tho sight of tho w . W. NEELY, Prop’r. N E W Y OR K 0 . U. W . P e r p e tu a L odge, N o. 131, geese aud swaus iu this regard to see if and his relatives are iu constant fear dirty face turned so audaciously np Tables furnished with all the B O S T O N A N D A L L h meets ev ery 1st a n d 3d S a tu rd ay s there was any variation from the rule that the habit may some day get him to hers drovo away her indignation. icli m onth. M e m b ers a n d v isitin g delicacies of the season. Mnch to tbe amusement of the passers- P O IN T S E A S T je rU S O U T H laid down by my friend. I havo thus into trouble.—Chicago Timcs-Herald. Wild rethren in good s ta n d in g a re co™ l‘‘?iy by she kissed the lad soundly, asked far failed to find the least exception. A P o in te d QnesM on. For inform ation, tim ecard», maps and tickets, ivited to a tte n d . I. G . K kotts , M. w . game, flsli and fruit in season. Best him where be lived and dismissed him "Two weeks ago I watched a flock of Tho great question whether tbe use with a few coppers. But that was not fa. K yle , R e co rd e r. accomodations for the traveling etc., cah on or write tame geese nearly ail day to see if one of them would not dip his heals down of forks is understood In Chicago hav­ the end of tbe little incident, far some R. M c M u r p h e y , public. Charges reasonable. in tho wuter while paddliug ulong its ing been happily settled in Paris, it weeks after the boy was hunted np by 0. 0. F. Heceta Lodge No. Ill,m eets General A(?ont. Boom« 2 and 4, Shelton Block, every Wednesday evening in bodge surface and tako u drink. Ono shrewd may bo asked in Horionsneaa whether tho lady’s hnabaud and presented with EUOENE, OREGON. all, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in _ — — old gander twice startled mo by swim­ forks are not too much used in Obioago £100—"payment for tho kiss taken iu A. O. CHARLTON, ming asboro and satisfying his thirst, and everywhere else. Not that anybody front of tbe confectioner's window,” ed standing nvv A ssistant General Passenger Agent. after reaching terra flrma, by guzzling wants to use tho knife for conveying the lady said. M akion M o r r is , Sec, A good uatured gentlemau wbo it 266 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. copiously and with manifest relish food to the month, but might not the H o r tla -n d O r . from the water along tho bank aud teaspoon as a part of tho dinner equip­ very stout, aud on that aeoount docs W. O. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. not care to atoop, once dropped his brier then swimming out to deep water ment be a little more prominent? People of breeding train their chil­ pipe in the middle of a busy street. again. Even the goslings went through CHURCH DIRECTORY E U G E N E , - - - OREGON dren to oat peas, for iustanoe. with a The pipe waa a great favorite of his. The Funk & W agnalls the same performance when they grew thirsty. I would say the geese did this faik, tabooing tho spoon for no appareut bnt he dared not run tbe risk of bending because they had no better scuse, but reason other than that its nee would down, and after gaxiug regretfully at SESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Hareni«. when I saw ducks and swaus go through simplify aud facilitate the oporatiou. his fallen treasure he decided to aban­ Oregon. Sabbath service: Sabbath- the same performance I enunot bring a On tbo same principle they ought to eat don tt. Before be conld do ao, however, ioo I, 10 o’clock a. in. Preaching 11 Of The T h e O h r o n le le B u ild in g . dock a. m. and 7 p. in. Saciainent f , sweeping accusation of idiocy against their peas with chopsticks, as a Obiua- 8 little street orab saw bia plight, and, ENGLISH LANGUAGE 5 Lord’s supper on 1st ’ tho already too much maligned goose mau oonld easily do. Ho with oertain running forward, picked up tho pipe iiuary, A p ril, J u l y a n d Octo?’^ - T w cntv-th rec without including in tho indictment all kinds of pie and pastry. Tbe relieh ia and restored it to him. erybody is w elcom e to *11 t h e service . COMPLETE The gentleman stared nt the boy other domesticated aquatic fowls. Prob­ marred by tbe loss of jalees too thin for M iles W est B y M a ll. P o e t a « . P a id . stor re q u ests C h r is tia n s to ni ably the foolish and useless hsbit is due tba fork to carry. Yet tbe man who without speaking for awhile, and then BBiselves known. . _ of Eugene. to the fact that wbeu young these nui- 1 values bis social reputation must not palled a handful of gold ont of bis I . G . K notts , P a sto r. pocket mals are taught to drink from troughs ask for a anoou. a u t h o r it a t iv e “ Take thia, kiddie, and bo oareful aud pans, aud they haven’t intelligence I The proper noe of the silver fork might be better understood if it were bow you spend it," be said. "Mind al­ enough to shako it off when they get | F.THODIST E P IS C O P A L C H U R C H regarded aa a modified shovel with lim ­ so that whatever yon do with it yon ure grown. I cannot account for it iu auy jai.fld fl V o c .b n i.r y Terms service. P r e a c h in g a t b l e n a itations imposed by its slits. For solids not to spend it on butler scotch, for other w ay.”—St. Louis Republio. 147 Editor» and Speelallst» I Acme tw o S u n d a y s of e a c h in o n t i. it is an excellent shovel. For liquids it that's tho stuff that made me fat. ” 533 Readers for Quotation» »bath-School e v e ry Sunday a is naturally a failure. Tbe oonutryman He then walked away, leaving tbe S u rety K ls y s lo r s . i. m. P ra y e r m e e tin g e v ery i J • who on bis first visit to a oity hotel aatouiabed urchin in possession of n 5000 lllu stretle«* The G reat?at W eekly in the Coutry. An improved system bus been adopt­ • evening a t th e c h u r c h , fcverylx* y asked the water far a spoon with no Coat e*er »960.000 ed in respect to the new elevators for slits in it was no legitímalo subject of windfall amounting to over £80.— Lon­ dially in v ite d . G. F. don Telegruph. A ppevdii ol 47,46* Entrle» the library of congress. They are built ridiculo. He was an impartial eritlo, Money Saved with a special view to safety, and in being without the prejudice of habit or A ltu « a th « r Tuw W lM . addition to u safety catch are provided By The engnged girl was thoroughly (lacludlnc pouts«..) to any p«rt of the Unltsd The fu ll number of word» so d terms 111 tradition.—Hotel Mail. with what is termed the air cushion— KUtes. < anada and Mellon. modern in her ideas, while the girl who ATTORNEYS different d ictionaries for the entire alphabet is P atron izing it. the latter not a real cushion. Inasmuch THK WEKKLY CHRONIC!»«, the brtffbtm Tfce S u p r em e C ou rt. was not engaged was given to old fash­ s> follows: RvoBMoUTH, 60,01)0; W osrggsTZB and moat coraplMa Weefciy Newspaper In tha as It is not soft, nor is it mado and pnt "Tho Judge« of tlie United States ioned romanticism. wofld. prints regnlarlr S4 oolnmna, or twelve in position, being formed ouly when (lie 106,000; W ebster (international), 125,000; CEK- patfua.of N«wa. Mtarature and General Infurmae A. C . W 0 0 D C 0 C K r Prop. T vry , («I x volum e*. com plete,) 225,0»; | tion;Bi»oaina#niflc«nt Agricultural Department elevator Is dropped to the bottom of tbe courts have, with rare exceptions, be«’n I “ Tell roe all about it," said the girl Qeo. Hale men of excellent legal ability and of who was not engaged. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. shaft, aud thus all wear and tear on the high character," writes cx-President j “ Ob, there Isn’t math to tell,” an­ STANDARD, over 300.000; cushion is avoided. Tbe principlo is Harrison iu The Ladles’ Koine Journal. swered the engaged girl. “ I suppose very simple. At the bottom of tho “The bar has sometimes complained- tbe method of procedure is about tbo D O Y O U W A N T T H E BUSINESS CARDS ..........Sample Tages F ree....... shaft is a well about 18 feet in depth, .g a n a , - O reg°n iu all cases." C H R O N IC L E the shies of which are so arranged as to that Judges were arbitrary and not al­ same ways na suave and respectful in their, “ 1 presume,” said the girl who waa IT- Room» 7 and * snd^pro- come at the top within the sixteenth of ini atten tion g iv e n to co llectio n s a • P ¡ not engaged dreamily, “ that bo looked un inch of the sido of tho elevator, this treatment of tbe members of the bar aa sonlfnlly iuto your eyes and asked yon business. flK ST RATIONAL |A N K ACENTS W A N TED . space gradually growing larger until they ought to he. Perliaps there has boen in particular eases ground tor such U yon loved him?” there is a distanen of sn inch and a half "Not n bit of it ,” returned the cu- but the cams have been between the elevator and tbo shaft complaint», OF EU G ENE. S H O W I N G fow. Manifestations of rudeness and gagod girl quickly. “ Howus altogether E. O PO TTER. When the elevator ia dropped from tho D. BRONSON & CO, 8. a e»KiM. M . c«n?s E. The United States, Dominion of roof, it pushes before it a quantity of pnMion sre inexcusable iu a judge. Ho too wise to ask uny such qnestioM aa T. C. MiMDSlCKS. P««»- ......... Attorney-at-Law. . that. He merely asked tne If I'd m any Pnclfk Coast Agent« air, and, dropping into tbe well, the must be deferential if be expects defer-, Cansda and N orthern Meziao S 8 0 .0 0 0 race. Ho should be patient aud eveu him.” —Chicago Post E U G E N I, OREGON. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, air is compreased aud. escaping very PAID up OA8H CAPITAL, S5O OOO O N O N E H 1D 1C , SURPLUS AND P » O f |T « ’ slowly, allows tboclevutor to settle easi­ tempered, for the case is »ure to go his j Ilia t h o l e . . 933 Market S t. A nn tb s - O f f ic e At th e Court H ouse. way iu his own court. And, oi tho oth-1 An Irishman in Frunce was chal­ ly. ________________ t r hand, the bar ehotild ulways give its a o c o u k t s s o l ic it e d no *1 BhocUlNg. powerful aid to snpport the influence of lenged by a Frcnchuinn to fight a duel, . OREGON 8« V«A»*\ the courts, for tho Judicial deportment to which be readily consented, and sug­ EUG ENE, O X T H K O T H K M H I D E . Recent advertisements in tbe daily E. E. BENEDICT, IxraRMNO*. gested shilluluhs. Band S3 and Get th« Map and papers are calculated to make dime wn- is the keystone of our government uud “ That won't do,” said the second. itiwanlta upon it threaten the whole semn freaks gasp with envy. Tbe W eekly Chronicle for One Year, T O R N a Y - A .T - LuA.'W. NOTARIES. "As the challenged parly you huvo the poetngn prepaid on Map and Vapor. "bearded lady" would be an ordinary structure of tho stately arch.” right to choose the arms, but chivalry mortal beside tbe cariosity quot'd here: demands thut you should decide upon a Florence. : : Oregon. A SR BBI H«‘* tMnrvn. "Lost, a dark green leather lady's pock­ M . H . d e Y O L 'N G , weapon with which Frenchmen are fa­ "I don't see how Jolly lives with that A. R. B U T T O L P H , etbook." Think of a dark green leather rnpyi'NN * r- eDw’1'’» m iliar.” BAN FKAWCtSOO. OAU rich wife of hla She’s a Tartar." _____ M A RK S, lady I In another advertisement we "Is that so?” returned the Irishman. O C SIO N fl, "It would bo n good deni harder to learn that "girls are wanted to sew ____ O O P V P IÛ H T 8 Be. “ The«, hegorra, we ll folght wid guil­ buttons on the second story of tbe Smith explain how lie eould live without her. ” lotines.’’—Loudon Tit Bits. & Jones bnilding," and while we are — Detroit Free Pre ss. asted - trustworthy and wondering what the second story is go It Is sui.1 by philologists that there What Is called elm dust Is really the I « « « ..• O regon. active gentlemen or ladies to ing to do with tbe buttons after Ibev aro 13 original European laiicnages— seeds of the tree, which ripaa before the travel lor responsible, established boose are "sewed on” we see that Brown A : the (»reek, Latin, Crimini, Slavonic, ’ “ s w trrÍF io M B MMS. inftregon. Monthly <66 00 and expenses. Co. want “ a saleslady In oorsets aud leaves nro ps.rfoctly formed. I Welsh, Biscayan, Irish. Albanian, T ut - i I FRANK B. WILSON. Position steady. Reference. Bnclose underflannel»,” and we are so shocked larisn. Illyrian, Jjyygiau, Chaueiu r ei ) Portland. Me., is 1,297 mil«« r rth- TilaHsEn « o f to Ob- r ' T M in f TP sell-sddresse.1 stanijied envelope. The that we never read any more ' ‘wants." east of Ht. Louis. Fiante, —Boston Gazette. MUNN A CO., Dominion Company, Dept, thiesgo. H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, F lo ren ce to Y a q u in a . EU G EN E-FLO R EN C E S T A G E L IN E . Hood’s Pills CORNER DRUC STORE. Florera and Head of Tide. ORTHERÑ Pacific, Ry«i MORRIS HOTEL, TIC COAST CHRONICLE MINNESOTA + HOTEL. Twn T H R O U G H T IC K E T S Hoad of Tide Hotel, 'H O TE L EUGENE. Elk Prairie Hotel. S ta n d a rd D ictio n a ry the : d a il y Only $ 6 . 7 0 a Year. ON EUGENE AND FLORENCE STACE R O U TE. The Weekly Chronicle $ “1 . 5 0 a Year A tto r n e y a t L aw , Reversible Map? Map of the World N otary F ab U c,S u rveyor W 5 NOTARY pu blic . - , OREGON BRI Brenflwns*