* --------— A Vain Search. * SEVERAL YEARS AMD THOUSAHOS OF BOLUIS EXPEMDED. * * t* * * •MÇ- $ w 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * M ONOTONOUS L IV E S , FOLLOWED BV THOSE W H O T E N O T H E LIGHTHOUSES. (Ju .llHeatlOBS nntl lle in iin e r a t lo n - lt> B“ - la lto n » W h ic h M u .t B e OlMervemd grew worse instead of ubiquitous bacillus. T his weakness often popularly known a slia g lo s B urlaam ; iu better. I tried li e med,esi baths toil In went to Medicine Lake, Washing on, shows itself by a tendency to become ill another a greup of jagged rotks w ill 1893 but was not benefited. I then tried some from slig h t causes, a sickliness not by have cue poiut cupped by a m onastery, proprietary medicine, but did not receive any any m eans to be confounded w ith merely us is seen iu St. Nicholas. The most - " o ie d a y ln the flail o f 1895 while a lack i f robustness or strength. One strik in g feature about these m onaster­ the paper I noticed sn n r tic k about Dr. W il­ organ or p a rt of the body, frequently ies is the m tth o d by w hich they are liam s’ Pink P ill, for Pale People, the mucous m em brane, is usually more reached, eith er by loose lad d trs banging not rive it much attention. That »A"nooa prone to become affected, and th e begin­ outside the perpendicular rocks or by while m oving some books I broke an ulcer And The ^ i t ' i ,.n'T hud bought Dr. Williams' Fink A lighthouse keeper is uppointcd by P ills for 1 ale People J-T the secretary c i the tre.isury ou the n o - be tl.ouaa.ds of dollars »b.ad aud U d / » « «minicudation of the lighthouse board, instead of years of Inallh and happiness mid nt fir. t receives only au acting ap- perfect man ton ure. To-day I feel Ilk' " ,r" ’rey d ^ f o T i , : f a'ln'entirel'y rid of my jiointineiit. A t theum l of three mouths, and my docte if be passes an exam ination by the n a ­ °‘d „ jA r ^ 7 ' WA,'LACB' val ofllei r w ho is the inspector of the d istric t, in receives a fu ll appointm ent; in .ad for if he docs not puss, lie is dropped from » ■ a - f i S ’f c i S t e . K T « » ® the service. A keeper must be able to S o ld W i t h w i z i x k - 'W '. : . . . . . . read and w rite, keep accounts, sail and pull a boat and bave enough m echanic­ , rue ' R obkk E. n r i x , J b -, al ab ility to m ake the necessary m inor X vtary Publui. repairs alKint the statio n and keep it in ^ ^ B U m ^ n k ’ p iiu for P a l. P e o £ order. T here is only 0110 grade of keep­ are sold by all dealers, or will be sent ixwt e r recognized by law, h u t the custom ot paid on receipt of price, SO cents a hox or the service lias divided the keepers into “ x boxes for »2.60 (they are ".ever sold in different grades, w ith different pay and bulk or by the 100), bv addressing Dr. duties and w ith promotion from one ning of the disease can often be traced being wound up by m eans of a w indlass grade to another. A m an may he ap ­ to an attack c f some slig h t ailm ent. in a net a t t h e end of a rope. pointed to the service and assigned to a From its b eautiful position, its size N ot only th e children of consum ptive p a rticu lar station, bu t be m ay b e moved p aren ts may show these characteristics, and the fair preservation of its build­ ANTED-TRUSTW ORTHY a n d a t any tim e if promoted or if the in te r­ but ulso those of parents generally en ­ ings the m onastery of Haglos B arlaam active gentlemen or ladies to ests of th e service dem and it. A t s ta ­ feebled, o r whoso ages ure w idely sepa­ is a very good specimen of these fifteenth travel for responsible, established house tions req u irin g hut one keept r a retired rated, or w ho are closely related by blood, cen tu ry m onasteries, but w hat makes in Oregon. M onthly (05 OOand expenses WATER POWER. seafaring m an, w ith a fam ily , is u su al­ o r o f a m other w ho has previously borne th is one of especial interest is that Position Bteady. Reference. Enclose ly selected, and in general m en of the a num ber in quick succession. Even the rope is said to bo the longest used Featuring class arc most w anted. A t sta- when heredity is sound th e sam e condi­ for tho puipose— 340 feet. The ladders A S im p le IJM le E n « ln c T h a i A n y S m art sell-addressed stam ped envelope. The ISoy C an M ake. Dominion Company, D ept. Y Chicago. lions w here there is a fog signal one of tio n is som etim es induced by coddling, to th is m onastery are uot so difficult Tho principle illu strated in tho ac­ the assistants is n m an w ho lias an en­ by im proper feeding, by attack s of acute i to clim b as some, b u t inaam aoh aa they companying cut m ig h t readily serve to . . - .1 distress. T.» n out every __ _ tim e you g ciwtw gineer's license and is som ething of a disease rip »Itcim them «anil aud or » by w a n . t and In : . p u ll Sh e C onsidered th e L ily. generate pow er w ith o u t the use of m a­ luuehiuist. i grow ing c h ild ren a bad eurriage of body oscillate frig h tfu lly it is pleusauter to A t s teachers’ convention in Detroit chinery. Wo give it, however, mw oly Keepers art. paid on an average about may act in ju rio u sly by co ntracting and risk the net. »800 a year, but the in d iv id u al sums d< form ing the chest. The stooped posi­ Tho m onastery of Haglos N ikolaos as an in terestin g and easily made exper­ s lady, «peaking about the influence of beautiful objects upon the character and paid vary from »100 to $1,000 a year, tion w hieh boys som etim es assume in appeared to he in a totally dilapidated im ent P o u r w ater into a good sized glass conduct of young pupils, told a pretty according to the im portance of the s ta ­ bicycle rid in g should he discouraged for condition aud en tirely deserted when tion and th e am ount of service ren d er­ th is reason.— W illiam L. B ussell, M. we visited Meteora, w hile the ladders, tam blcr u n til it is tw o-thirds fu ll and «tory received by her from an eyewit- ed. The p rincipal keeper at M inot’s D., in P o p u lar Science M onthly. w hich rise from a neighboring peak and ne88: V « » " I n to a school made up chiefly of Ledge lig h t, ju s t outside of Boston, re­ b ang from tlie bare rock, are im practica­ children from the slums the teacher one ceives $1,000 a year for bis services, ble. All these m onasteries ure under day carried a beautiful cal la lily. Of None who are engaged iu any of tlie mechanical and tbi.i fu rn ish es the only instance THE LONGFELLOW STATUE. tlie arch im an d rite, a man of com m and­ course the children gathered about the w here Iho pay of a keeper is specified A F ittin g M em o ria l c f th o r o o t a t P o r t­ ing presence and sain tly countenance. pursuits can succeed without reading and / / pure, w axy blossom in great d elig h t by law. The village of K astraki is jam m ed in la n d , I lls n ir t h p lo c e . “ One of them was a little girl, a w aif The keepers w ho live a t isolated studying this standard Magazine of «Sciences One of the licst instances of w h a t the between tbe ou ter rocks of th is curious cf the streets, w ho had no care bestowed lighthouses and on the offshore lig h t­ statu e of any g reat m an should be— at am phitheater, and in the s lit of this upon her, as w as evinced by the dirty, and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with ships lead a very m onotonous life, bro­ rocky w all at th e back of the villuge ragged condition she was always in. ken only by th e sig h t of passing vessels any rate, in tho respect of its situation, stands a most peculiar hourglass look­ its jierspective w ith regard to o th er m e­ all modern cuts of latest inventions in all Not only w as her clothing dreadfully and th e q u a rte rly v isit of the lighthouse m orials and th e local estim atio n in ing m onolith. The rocks on eith er side «oiled, but her face and hands seemed supply boat. w hich it is held— is the statu e of Long­ are perforated w ith strange holes, the branches of mechanism, and its fund o f totally unacquainted w ith soap and w a­ These keepers g et considérable leave, fellow nt P ortland, by Mr. F ran k lin w hich iu the fo urteenth century were ter. about tw o weeks in t i l -eu m onths, d u r­ inhabited by the monks of St. Anthony. knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ Simmons. I t is a dignified seated figure "A s th is little one drew near the ing w hich tim e they v isit th eir fam ilies O of the jioet iu bronze, occupying a con­ — Loudon Illu stra te d News. lovely flower, she suddenly turned aud on fu ll pay. A lighthouse on an o u tly ­ ventors and mechanics. Sold with T he spicuous site iu the best p art of the ran aw ay down stairs and out of the ing reef, for instance, is on the same GRANT AS A PEACEMAKER. town, in the m iddle of a square w hieh building. In a few m inutes she returned statu s as a lig h tsh ip , except th a t it ca n ­ W est at clubbing rates. is now know n as Longfellow square. S e tt le d W ith IoO n lte T a ct F eu d » W h ie h w ith her bands washed perfectly clean, not be blown aw ay anil th e keepers cau- and pushed her w ay up to the flower, A roue A m o n g Ilia Ortlccr». jiot leave It except w hen they are ro- j Tho statu e was raised a few years ago by a fund solicited through a w ide field w here she stood and adm ired it w'.th in liev td , as a storm- m ig h t coino up and A fter the capture of Vicksburg Logan b u t chiefly obtained, I believe, in P ort beautiful prevent th e ir return. land. The sculptor v u s chose,’, through i «hose a prom inent and b, a u tif resi- stand it upon a can ister to give it the tenre satisfaction. •‘It w ould seem .” co. tinued Miss Much is done liy the lighthouse hoard th at curious lœ a l sp irit w hieh has af | deuce for his l.,.adquarters,_aud Gener- I necessary elevation. Through the fiat Coffin, “ th a t when tho child saw the «0 fu rth e r th e com fort of all its e m ­ hl M cPberjou choso tho same, and a fected unfavorably m any of our archi cork on the surface of tho w ater is u lily in its w hite purity, she suddenly ployees, h u t most is done for those who qu arrel I hr ateued to involve divisions tectu ral ami o th er monum ents. He w u stout straw , w hich transversely supports realized th a t she was not (it to come euduro tlie solitary life a t tiie Isoluted and corps and gave tbe superior officers j avowedly selected because he w as a I one of th e same diam eter. To the la tter into its atm osphere, and th e little thing lig h ts anil on the lightships. L ibrariea ' g reat concern, accoruing to tbe C hica­ i are attached tw o other straw s of sm aller "M ain e m a n ," though ho had never fit d aw ay to m ake herself suitable for are fu rn ish ed the keepers and th eir go In ter Gceun. Both M< Pberson and seen th e poet. However, th e resu lt in diam eter, each of these having a b it of such com panionship Did not this have fam ilies. Each contains about 40 vol­ Logan carried the case to G eneral um es of w orks of history, seieneo and th is case st-cma to have been happy. Tho G ran t He heard the schemes of each, straw nbout an inch in length attached au elevating, refining etieet on the child? statu e has m uch beauty, and th e lik e­ poetry, w ith a fa ir supply of good nov­ and his staff officers looked w ith dismay to the end a t an obtuse angle, w ith the Let us g ath er all the beauty we can into ou tlets cu t on the s la n t to facilitate the the schoolroom. ’ — N iw Yoik Tribune els. T h is com plete lib rary is left u t a ness is said io be excellent. at his q u iet, bashful way of lisieuing. T h is statu e stands in the p oet’s n ative station fo r three m ouths, and is then A fter hearing both sides G eneral exit of the w ater. Som e P eo p le. tow n, ns is en tirely proper. It may ap­ AU tlie joints are hollow and are transferred to another station by an in ­ peal every day to the eyes of thousands G ru n t turned to Logan w ith a stuile made w ater tig h t w ith sealing wax. The I d o n ’t w onder that the carriages of spector on liis q u arterly visit. There are and said ho was sorry th a t the general nearly 1,000 of these lib raries in c ircu ­ of young people, born very m uch as he had placed his beurt on any heuilquur ends of tho trausverso straw aro lik e­ the rich and noble so inflamed tho pas­ w as born, w ho should see in it the sug­ wise closed w ith the wax, b u t the ends sions o f the peasantry th a t the result This monthly magazine is one of the very lation, each in its little portable case, ters in Vicksburg, because ho hud jn st w as th e F rench revelulii n and, liy th eir judicious interchange, the { gestion of possibility for them . P oetic­ 1 w ritten an order sending the w hole di­ of the depending straw s are left open. ally it m akes the stran g er fancy tho N ow, to 6tart th is unique homem ade best printed in th is country, and is sold I am not a peasant, and I hire a cab keepern of statio n s w here they are fu r­ genius or sp irit of the m an still lin g er­ vision ou ti special expedition to look npparatns in actio n , let tw o persons suck w henever I w ant one. but I must say a fter the retreatin g rebels. Logan glow nished see about 200 volum es a year. to all subscribers at rates within the ing am ong the scenes of his youth, aud , Keepers aro forbidden to engage in it symbolizes the satisfaction w hich ev- ' ered u n til G runt, tu rn in g to Mi Puerson, the open ends of the de]x*n